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Volume  LVII,  Nos.  1462-U87 

July  S-December  25,  1967 




Date  of  Issue 




'  of  Issue 



July     3,  1967 

1-  28 



2,  1967 



July    10,  1967 

29-  56 



9,  1967 



July   17,1967 

57-  84 



16,  1967 



July  24,  1967 




23,  1967 



July   31,  1967 




30,  1967 



Aug.    7,  1967 




6,  1967 



Aug.  14,  1967 




13,  1967 



Aug.  21,  1967 




20,  1967 



Aug.  28,  1967 




27,  1967 



Sept.    4,  1967 




4,  1967 



Sept.  11,  1967 







Sept.  18,  1967 




18,  1967 



Sept.  25,  1967 




25.  1967 



Publication  8360 
Released  April  1968 

For  sale  by  the  Siiperintendenl  of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402 
Price  30  cents  (single  copy).  Subscription  Price:  $10  per  year;  $5  additional  for  foreign  mailing. 


Volume  LVII,  Numbers  1462-1487,  July  3-December  25,  1967 



Abel,  I.  W.,  489 
Ackley,  Gardner,  46,  392n,  455 
Adams,  Henry  (quoted),  303 
Adams,  John  Quincy  (quoted),  605 
Advisory    Committee    on    Science    and 

Technology   (Goldschmidt),   305 
Afghanistan : 
Agricultural      commodities,      agree- 
ment with  U.S.  for  sales  of,  270 
Technical  cooperation  program  agree- 
ment, with  U.S.,  270 
Africa  (see  also  individual  countries): 
Chinese  technical  assistance  programs 

(Bundy),  199 
Contributions  to  U.S.:  Johnson,  571 ; 

Palmer,  656 
Economic   cooperation   and   develop- 
ment  and    U.S.    support   for    re- 
gional efforts:  Johnson,  32,   330, 
632;  W.  W.  Rostow,  67 
Organization     for     African     Unity: 

W.  W.  Rostow,  68;  Rusk,  88 
Peace  Corps  activities  (Palmer),  658 
Preferential  trade  arrangements  (Sol- 
omon), 185 
Southern,    racial    discrimination    in 

(Goldberg),  488 
U.S.  aid  policy  (Rusk),  212,  803 
Visit  of  Under  Secretary  Katzenbach 
(Johnson),  32 
African    Development    Bank:    W.    W. 

Rostow,  68;  Rusk,  210,  212 
Afro-Asian-Latin  American  Peoples  Sol- 
idarity    Organization:     495,     496; 
Rusk,  491 
Agency  for  International  Development 
(see  also  Foreign  aid  policy,  U.S.): 
Africa,  policies  for  aid  to  (Rusk),  212, 

Appropriations    request    fiscal    year 

1968  (Rusk),  208 
Iran     economic     aid,     termination: 

Johnson,  827;  Rusk,  825 
Latin  American  programs.  See  Alli- 
ance for  Progress 
Objectives  and  budget  (Katzenbach), 

Philippines  (Blair),  204 
Agency  for  the  Safety  of  Air  Naviga- 
tion in  Africa  and  Madagascar,  81 
Aggression  (see  also  China,  Communist; 
Communism;  and  Soviet  Union): 
OAS,  final  act  and  resolutions,  496 
Prevention  and  suppression:  Johnson, 
779,  851;  Katzenbach,  604,  818; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  425;  Rofere  and 
Schlesinger  (quoted),  603;  Rusk, 
88,252,  348,  564,  821,  857 

Aggression — Continued 
U.N.  Charter  principles  for  suppres- 
sion of  (Lodge),  469 
Viet-Nam.  See  Viet-Nam 
Agricultural  surpluses,  U.S.  use  in  over- 
seas   programs,    agreements    with 
Afghanistan,  270;  Brazil,  625,  698 
Congo     (Kinshasa),     190;     Ghana 
729;  Iceland,  26;  India,   117,  514 
Indonesia,    590,    846;    Israel,    309 
Liberia,  698;  Mexico,  770;  Pakistan 
154,  309;  Sudan,  26;  Tunisia,  770 
Viet-Nam,  310,  590,  729 
U.S.  policy:  Katzenbach,  531;  Solo- 
mon, 183 
A.griculture    (j«   aha  Agricultural    sur- 
pluses, Food  and  Agriculture  Orga- 
nization,   and  Food  for  Freedom): 
Agricultural     trade     exhibit,    Tokyo 

1968  (Freeman),   136 
.\sia  (Gaud),  582 
Asian   Development   Bank  Fund  for 

Agriculture  (Gaud),  580 
Europe:  Schaetzel,  713;  Trowbridge, 

Farm-income  problem:  Freeman,  132; 

Solomon,  183 
India:  Gaud,  583;  Rusk,  211,  802 
Iran:  Johnson,  360;  Rusk,  826 
Ivory  Coast  (Johnson),  330 
Kennedy  Round  concessions :  95,100; 
Freeman,     132;    Johnson,     884; 
Roth,  124,  577 
Micronesia,  land  management  (Salii), 

Modernization,     importance    of    (see 
also  Food  and  population  crisis): 
Fowler,   528;   Gaud,   582;   Gold- 
schmidt,    305;     Johnson,     762; 
Rusk,  254;  Sen  (quoted),  766 
Latin  America  (Oliver),  472,   756 
World  Food  Panel  report,  76 
Nepal,    709 

Screwworm  fly,  elimination  of,  U.S.- 
Mexico, 682 
Trade  problems:  Freeman,  642 ;  Nor- 
wood, 369;  Oliver,  756;  Solomon, 
181,  183 
Viet-Nam  (LUienthal),  865,  866 
Water.  See  Water  resources 
Ahidjo,  Ahmadou,  654 
AID.  See  Agency  for  International  De- 
Communist  China  representation  in 
U.N.,  draft  resolution:  Fountain, 
829,  830;  text,  833 
U.S.  trade  embargo  (E.  V.  Rostow), 


Intergovernmental  Maritime  Consult- 
ative   Organization,     convention 
(1965),  amendment  to  article  28, 
Soviet  supply  of  arms  to  (Rusk),  160 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  229 
Alianza  paral  el  Progreso.  See  Alliance  for 

Alliance   for    Progress    (see    also    Inter- 
American    Development    Bank): 
Accomplishments,    goals,    and    U.S. 
support:  717;  Diaz  Ordaz,  678; 
Johnson,  31,  499,  717  (quoted); 
Linowitz,  617;  Oliver,   105,  754, 
868;  Rusk,  90,  210,  254,  490 
Eliinination  of  U.S.  import  quotas  on 
extra-long-staple  cotton,  effect  of 
(E.  y.  Rostow),  238 
Multinational  infrastructure  projects: 
Oliver,  104,  755,  757,  873;  Rusk, 
211;  Solomon,  536 
Sixth  anniversary:  Johnson,  287;  Lin- 
owitz, 321 
Summit    meeting,    results   and   pros- 
pects: 681;    Johnson,     31,     498, 
499;  Linowitz,  618;  Oliver,   103, 
470,  755,  869;  E.  V.  Rostow,  238; 
W.   W.   Rostow,  67;   Rusk,  211, 
492,    493,    805;    Solomon,    534 
U.S.  Ambassador  Coerr,  request  by 

Ecuador  for  recall  of,  621 
U.S.  financial  support:  Oliver,  869; 
Rusk,  208 
Cutback   in   aid,  probable  adverse 
eff'ects:  Oliver,    471;    Rusk,    805 
American    Foreign    Policy:  Current    Docu- 
ments, 1964,  released,  550 
American   ideals:   Blair,  207;  Johnson, 
303,631,653;  E.  V.  Rostow,  609; 
Rusk,  251,  255,  348,  741 
Amistad  Dam,  681 
Amity  and   economic  relations,   treaty 

of:  Thailand,  438,  477,  662 
Andean   Common  Market  (Solomon), 

Anderson,  Eugenie,  365 
Anderson,  Robert  B.  (Oliver),  474 
Angola,    Congo    mercenaries,    use    as 

base  for  (Buffum),  807 
Ankrah,  Joseph  A.,  572 
Antiballistic  missiles.  See  under  Missiles 
Anton  Bruun,  RV,  U.S.  research  vessel,  23 
ANZUS  (Australia,  New  Zealand,  U.S.) 

treaty,  map,  460 
Apartheid  (Goldberg),  488 
Apple,  R.  W.,  Jr.,  416 



Arab-Israeli     conflict:    Johnson,     325; 

NAC,     14;    E.    V.    Rostow,    425; 

Rusk,  559 

Cease-fire,    importance    of:     11,     12; 

Goldberg,   3,  6,   9,    10,   50,   263, 

690,  691;  Johnson,  35,  37 
Khartoum  conference,  prospects  from 

(Rusk),  388 
NATO  interests  (Cleveland),  145 
U.N.  resolution,  text,  112 
U.S.     aid:     400;     Goldberg,     65 

Johnson,  64,  65 
U.S.  position:  U,  52;  Goldberg,  8; 

49,  108,  110,  111,  148,  218,  486 

834,    839;   Johnson,    33;    E.    V 

Rostow,  237;  Rusk,  88,  210,  388 

Soviet    draft    resolutions:    12n,    112n 

Goldberg,  5,  6,  51,  217,  842,  843 

te-xt,  10,  12 
Soviet   position:   Goldberg,   47,    109 

110,  263,  834,  836;  Johnson,  38 

Rusk,  159 
U.N.  resolutions,  U.S.  position:  Gold 

berg,  108,  148,  691;  Rusk,  149 
U.N.    role   and    U.S.    support:    361 

709;  Goldberg,  3,  6,   10,   13,  47 

49,  52,   110,   148,  216,  487,  690 

691,  834,  840;  Johnson,  33;  Rusk 
165,  387,  559,  561 

U.N.  special  representative,  need  for 

835«;  Goldberg,  835,  840,  842 
U.S.  draft  resolutions:  12«,  112n,  691. 
Goldberg,  4,  5,  7,  10,  13,  51,  834, 
836,  838;  texts,  4,  7,  12,  51 
Soviet  position  on  (Goldberg),  9,  10 
U.S.  involvement,  allegations  of,  and 
U.S.  replies:   112n;  Goldberg,  3, 
5,  9,   11,  48,  50,   150,  217,  262; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  237 
U.S.  position:  Goldberg,  3,  5,  9,  10, 
47,  48,   108,   148,  216,  486,  690, 
691,  834,  836,  841;  Johnson,  33, 
37,   39,  40;   E.   V.   Rostow,   237, 
425;  Rusk,  88,  160,  210,  387,  561 
U.S.  press  and  public  opinion  (Gold- 
berg), 8,  691 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41, 
Arab  states.   See  Arab-Israeli  conflict. 
Near    and    Middle    East,    and  indi- 
vidual countries 
Joint  U.S.-Argentine  Trade  and  Eco- 
nomic Committee,  2nd  meeting, 
joint  communique,  146 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   221,   245, 

378,  405,  728,  845,  846 
U.S.  consulate  at  Cordoba,  closure, 
Armaments  {see  also  Military  assistance. 
Missiles,  ani/ Nuclear  weapons): 
Arms  race: 

International  arms  traffic,  problem 
of:  Katzenbach,  532,  795;  Rusk, 
Latin  America,  question  of:  Katzen- 
bach, 797;  Linowitz,  619,  Oliver, 
473,  757,  871 
Middle  East:  52;  Goldberg,  7,  49, 
110,  148,  486,  834,  837,  843; 
Johnson,  33;  Katzenbach,  532, 
796;  McCloskey,  652;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  237;  Rusk,  88,  160,  210, 
215,  387,  561 

Armaments — Continued 
Arms  race — Continued 
U.S. -Soviet     nuclear     arms     race: 
Fisher,  543;  McNamara,  445 
Control  {see  also  Disarmament): 
Communist     China,     position     on 

(Fountain),  832 
Deep   ocean   floor,   need   for   arms 
control  measures  (Goldberg),724 
Cyprus,  importation  of  (Pedersen),  53 
East    Europe    and    Soviet    weapons, 
threat    to   Western   Europe:    14; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  607;  Rusk,  600 
Middle   East,    U.S.    arms   shipments 
policy :  McCloskey,  652 ;  Rusk,  387 
Nigeria,  Soviet  supply  to,  U.S.  posi- 
tion, 320 
Nuclear.  See  Nuclear  headings 
Outer  space  treaty,  provisions:  John- 
son, 567;  Rusk,  566 
Soviet  arms  budget  (Rusk),  558 
Viet-Nam  {see  also  Viet-Nam),  Soviet 
and  Communist  China  supply  of 
arms  (Rusk),  598 
Armed  forces: 
Arab-Israeli   conflict,    U.S.    position. 

See  Arab-Israeli  conflict. 
Congo  (Kinshasa),  foreign  mercenar- 
ies, U.N.  resolution  and  U.S.  sup- 
port (Buflum),  151,  152,  807 
Geneva  conventions  (1949)  re  treat- 
ment of  in  time  of  war: 
Congo    (Brazzaville),    81;    Kenya, 
698;  Kuwait,  514;  Zambia,  698 
Philippines,  settlement  of  claims  for 
pay  and  allowances  of  recognised 
Philippine   guerrillas,    not    previ- 
ously paid  in  full,  and  for  errone- 
ous deductions  of  advanced  salary 
from  the  backpay  of  eligible  Phil- 
ippine   veterans,    agreement    re, 
U.K.,   proposed   reduction   of  Asian 

forces:  Rusk,  160;  Taylor,  259 
U.S.,  tribute  to  (Johnson),  747 
Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 
Arnold,  Thurman  W.,  475 
ASA   (Association   of  Southeast   Asia): 

Bundy,  198;  Kaplan,  233 
ASE.\N  (Association  of  Southeast  Asian 

Nations):  Gaud,  579;  Rusk,  822 
ASECNA  (Agency  for  the  Safety  of  Au- 
Navigation  in  Africa  and  Madagas- 
car), 81 
Asgeirsson,  Asgeir,  201 
Ashmore,  Harry,  462 
Asia,  South  Asia,  and  Southeast  Asia 
{see  also  Asian  entries.  Association  of 
Southeast     Asia,     Southeast     Asia 
Treaty  Organization,  and  individual 
Communism,  danger  of:  64;  Bundy, 
278,  286;  Johnson,  325;  Katzen- 
bach, 604;  Marcos  (quoted),  520; 
Rusk,  253,  555,  560,  563,  597,  857 
Economic  and  social  development  {see 
also  names  oj  countries  and  Regional 
cooperation,    infra):    Gaud,    581; 
Johnson,    32    61;    Kaplan,    231; 
Rusk,  822 
Thailand,  role  of,  64 
U.S.  role:  Bundy,   196;  Rusk,  802 
Food  and  population  crisis.  See  Food 
and  popvuation  crisis 

Asia — Continued 

Japan,  role  of:  452,  454,  745;  Gaud, 

581;    Johnson,     32,     510,     742; 

Kaplan,  233 ;  Rusk,  452 ;  Sato,  744 

Philippines,  interests  and  role  (Blair), 

Regional   cooperation    and    develop- 
ment: 452,  578,  615,  792;  Bundy, 
198,   285;   Gaud,   579;  Johnson, 
453,    508,    612,    632,    743,    852; 
Kaplan,  233;  W.  W.  Rostow,  68; 
Rusk,  214,  347,  563,  736,  804,  822 
SEATO,  importance  to.  See  SEATO 
U.S.  commitments:  Blair,  203;  Bundy, 
276;   Johnson,   453,    852;    Rusk 
160,  458,  555,  563,  596,  599,  703, 
821,  823,  857 
Viet-Nam,   importance   to  security 
of:  Blair,  206;  Bundy,   195,  278, 
285;  Bunker,  781;  Clifi"ord,  257, 
258;  Johnson,  520,  614,  777,  779, 
851;  Kaplan,  231,  234;  Lee,  613; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  426,  608;  W.  W. 
Rostow,  68;  Rusk,  90,  252,  344, 
347,  740,  857 ;  Souvanna  Phouma, 
654;  Taylor,  259 
U.S.  relations  and  role:  Bundy,  195; 
Gaud,   580;  Johnson,   614,   615; 
Kaplan,  230;  Katzenbach,  819 
Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 

and  Taylor,  256 
World  peace,  importance  to  (Gaud), 

"Yellow    peril":    Katzenbach,    604; 
Rusk,  596 
Asian,    Southeast,    Ministerial    Confer- 
ence   for   Economic   Development: 
454;  Rusk,  452 
Asian,  Southeast,  Ministers  of  Educa- 
tion Secretariat:  Bundy,  198;  Gaud, 
580;  Johnson,  509 
Asian  and  Pacific  Council:  Bundy,  198; 
Gaud,  597;  Johnson,  509;  Kaplan, 
233;  Rusk,  822 
Asian  Development  Bank:  Bundy,  198; 
Kaplan,    233;     Katzenbach,    335; 
Rusk,  214,  559,  822 
Japan,  support  of:  454;  Johnson,  510, 
742 ;  W.  W.  Rostow,  68 ;  Rusk,  452 
Special  funds  for,  U.S.  support:  454, 
578;   Gaud,   580,   581;  Johnson, 
508;  Rusk,  210,  456,  458 
Asian  Labor  Ministe.s,  Conference  of: 

Bundy,  198;  Gaud,  579 
ASPAC.  See  Asian  and  Pacific  Council 
Association  of  Southeast  Asia:  Bimdy, 

198;  Kaplan,  233 
Association  of  Southeast  Asian  Nations: 

Gaud,  579;  Rusk,  822 
Astronauts,  envoys  of  mankind  (Dean), 

Atlantic   Alliance.   See   North   Atlantic 

Treaty  Organization 
Atlantic-Pacific  Interoceanic  Canal 
Study  Commission,  3rd  annual  re- 
port: 302;  Johnson,  302 
Atlantic    partnership:    Harriman,    18; 

Leddy,  762 
Atomic  energy,  peaceful  uses  of: 
Agreements  re   application    of   safe- 
guards. See  under  Atomic  Energy 
Agency,  International 
Civil  uses,  bilateral  agreements  with: 
Norway,  26;   South  Africa,  222, 



Atomic  energy — Continued 
Middle  East  programs,  U.S.  support 

(Goldberg),  218 
Nonproliferation    treaty,    draft,    pro- 
visions   for    peaceful    nuclear   ex- 
plosions: 319;  Foster,  316 
PLOWSHARE  nuclear  craterin^  ex- 
periments re  interoceanic  sea-level 
canal  feasibility  study  (Johnson) 
Safeguards.     See     Atomic    Energy 

Agency,  International 
U.S. -Japan  cooperation,  747 
Atomic  Energy  Agency,  International: 
lltli  general  conference,  U.S.  delega- 
tion, 476 
-Agreement  with  U.S.  and  Indonesia 

for  application  of,  81 
Agreements  re   application  of  safe- 
guards to  existing  bilateral  agree- 
ments: Japan,  809;  South  Africa, 
U.S.  nuclear  activities,  proposal  for 
application  of:  319;  Johnson,  863 
Statute  (1956)  as  amended:  Honduras, 
153;  Uganda,  378 
Attlee,   Lord,   death  of  (Johnson),  568 
Australia  (ice  also  Southeast  Asia  Treaty 
Asian  students  in  (Bundy),  199 
Observers     for     Viet-Nam     election 

(Lodge),  350 
Trade  preference  arrangements  with 
less    developed    counti-ies    (Solo- 
mon), 186 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   153,  589, 

625,  728 
LT.S.  exports,  probable  effect  of  U.S. 
preferential       trade      legislation : 
Fowler,  651;  Rusk,  635 
U.S.  military  alliance  (Rusk),  563 
Viet-Nam,    military    and    other    aid: 
Holt    (quoted),  520;  McNamara, 
169;  Rusk,  91,  92,  391,  599 
Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 
and  Taylor,  256 
Kennedy     Round     tariff    reductions, 

97,  100 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  405,  625, 
Automotive      products,      U.S. -Canada 
Automotive  Agreement,   1965:  45; 
Reynolds,  140 
Automotive  traffic.  See  Road  traffic 
Air  services  technical  talks  vdth  Soviet 

Union  completed,  820 
Air     transport,     Micronesia,     needs 

(Norwood),  370 
G-130  transport  aircraft,  U.S.  aid 
to  Congo  (Kinshasa) :  Buffum,  1 52 
U.S.  accidental  overflights  of  Com- 
munist      China:       Bundy,    355; 
Bunker,  421 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.: 
Air   navigation    equipment,    agree- 
ment with  Germany  re  lease  of,  8 1 0 
Air    navigation    services,   joint    fi- 
nancing services  in: 
Greenland  and  the  Faroe  Islands, 

current  actions:  India,  769 
Iceland,    current   actions:    India, 

Aviation — Continued 
Treaties — Continued 

Air  transport  agreements  with: 
Bolivia,  54;  Mexico,  589,  625; 
Panama,  54 

Aircraft,  international  recognition 
of  rights  in,  convention  (1948); 
Thailand,  697 

Aircraft,  offenses  and  certain  other 
acts  committed  on  board,  con- 
vention (1963):  Netherlands,  117 

Aircraft  operated  on  or  on  behalf  of 
the  U.S.,  agreement  with  ASE- 
CNA  re  services  and  facilities  for, 
Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 


Babbidge,    Homer    Daniels,    Jr.,    332 
Baggs,  William,  462 
Bahamas,   industrial   property   conven- 
tion (1883,  as  revised),  application 
to,  662 
Bahamas   Proving  Ground,   agreement 
with    U.K.,   re   withdrawal    of   the 
senior  member  of  the  British  Armed 
Forces  posted  there,  309 
Balagucr,  Joaquin,  620 
Balance  of  payments: 
Japan,  452,  746 

Latin  America   (Solomon),  537,  533 
U.K.  pound  devaluation,  cooperative 
adjustments    to    offset    effect    of: 
Fowler,  793;  OECD  communique, 
882;  E.  V.  Rostow,  879 
U.S.:  452,  746;  Freeman,  132;  John- 
son,   266,    852;    Reynolds,     137 
Foreign    aid    programs,    effect    on: 
Fowler,  528;  Johnson,  510;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  881;  Rusk,  209 
Foreign  travel,  effect  on:  828;  E.  V. 

Rostow,  879 
U.S.  exports,  effect  on:  Fowler,  650; 
Freeman,  642;  Katzenbach,  688; 
Udall,  638 
Viet-Nam,    effect    of:    45;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  879 
World  monetary  system,  adjustments 
(Fowler),  524,  526 
Ball,  George,  462,  661,  759  (quoted) 
Banda,  H.  Kamuzu,  43 
GAS  membership  (Oliver),  871 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,   190, 

270,  309,  404,  438,  550,  590,  846. 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Mann),  confirma- 
tion, 478 
Harnett,  Peter,  596 
Harnett,  Robert  W.,  586 
Bator,  Francis:  392n;  Fowler,  393 
Kennedy  Round  road-use  tax  reduc- 
tions: 98;  Roth,  127;  Trowbridge, 
Observers     for     Viet-Nam     elections 

(Lodge),  350 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   1 1 7,  378, 
478,  625,  769,  770 
Benjamin,  Robert  S.,  489 
Bennett,  Ivan  L.,  Jr.,  76,  874 
Berlin   (see  also  Germany):  Hrzezinski, 
21;    Cleveland,    142;    Katzenbach, 
335;  NAG,  14;  Rusk,  600 

Bernardes,  Carlos  A.  (Goldberg),  52 
Bhumibol  Adulyadej,  62,  63 
Big-power  responsibility:  Brzezinski,  22; 
Bundy,  285;  Bunker,  781;  Johnson, 
35,  38,  59,  325,  853;  Kaplan,  234; 
Katzenbach,    334,    534,    604,    818; 
Kiesinger,   329;   Lee,   613;   Oliver, 
474;  E.  V.  Rostow,  423,  428,  606, 
609;  Rusk,  251,  348,  564,  735,  807; 
Sato,  744 
BIRPI    (International   Bureaus  for  the 
Protection  of  Industrial  and   Intel- 
lectual Property),  Trowbridge,  505 
Bismarck,  Kail  Otto  (quoted),  328 
Black,  Eugene  (Johnson),  508 
Blair,  William  McCormick,  Jr.,  203 
Bogdan,  Corneliu,  202 
Boggs,  Neil,  352,  464 
Bolivar,  Sim6n  (quoted),  618 
Communism,    danger    of:    Johnson, 
683;    Kaplan,    230;    Katzenbach, 
533;  Rusk,  210,  490,  493 
OAS  final  act  and  resolutions,  texts, 
Guevara,    Ernesto  "Che",   report  of 

death  (Rusk),  561 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  54,  697 
Bolton,  Frances  (Palmer),  658 
Bonin    Islands,    question    of  return   to 

Japan:  745;  Rusk,  457,  459 
Botswana : 
World  Bank  and  International  Mone- 
tary Fund  membership  (Fowler), 
World    Meteorological    Organization 
convention,  1947,  accession,  624 
Bowers,  Raymond,  585 
Bowie,  Robert  R.,  16 
Bowles,  Chester  (quoted),  583 
Boyd,  Alan  S.,  455 
Braderman,  Eugene  M.,  78 
Brandeis,  Louis  D.  (quoted),  107 
Former    President    Castello    Branco, 

death  of  (Rusk),  159 
International  coffee  agreement  exten- 
sion, U.S. -Brazil  discussions:  799; 
Oliver,  756 
Nonproliferation   treaty,   reservations 

to  (Rusk),  388 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  81,  625,  698 
U.S.  aid:  Katzenbach,  531;  Rusk,  211 
Brezhnev,  Leonid  I.  (Cleveland),  143 
Brodie,  Henry,  725 
Broomfield,  Wilham  S.,  489,  844 
Brosio,  Manlio,  859,  860 
Brown,  Harold  (McNamara),  448 
Brown,  L.  Dean,  625 
Hrown,  Winthrop  G.  (quoted),  232 
Brzezinski,  Zbigniew,  19 
Buffum,  William  B.,  46,  151,  152,  489. 

Safety    of   life    at    sea,    international 
convention     (1960),     acceptance, 
U.N.  role  in  Viet-Nam  negotiations, 
position  on  (Goldberg),  670 
Bull,  Odd:  12n;  Goldberg,  4 
Bundy,  William  P.,  195,  260,  275,  352, 

Bunker,  Ellsworth:  416,  584,  748,  781; 
Johnson,  707;  Rusk,  557 




Communism,     danger    of:    Johnson, 
520;  Rusk,  164,  560,  563,  597,  822 
U.N.  Charter  amendments  to  article 
109,  ratification,  81 
Bushy,  Horace,  476 
Butler,  Samuel,  794 
Butterworth,  W.  Walton,  46 

Callahan,  James,  396,  793 
Communist  use  as  base  for  Viet-Nam 

infiltration  (Rusk),  89,  412 
Neutrality:  Goldberg,  668;  Rusk,  89, 
412,  558,  597 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  26,  514 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Ahidjo:  654; 
Palmer,  657 
Asian  Development  Bank,  support  for: 

Gaud,  580;  Johnson,  510 
Champlain  waterway,  IJC  feasibility 

study,  report,  107 
Joint  Canada-U.S.  Ministerial  Com- 
mittee on  Trade   and  Economic 
Aflairs,    11th   meeting,  communi- 
que, 44 
Kennedy  Round: 
Antidumping    legislation:    97,    99; 

Roth,  126;  Trowbridge,  131 
Tariff    reductions:     98,     99,     100; 
Johnson,  884;  Katzenbach,  688; 
Roth,  178;  Trowbridge,  128 
U.S.  replacement  of  interim  staging 
arrangements  by  Kennedy  Round 
staging,  proclamation,  800 
Oil  exports  to  U.S.  (Udall),  641 
Pembina  river  bjisin,  IJC  report,  874 
Trade    restrictions    on    U.S.    exports 

reduction,  860,  861 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   54,    153, 
190,  337,  378,  549,  589,  625,  698, 
728,  770,  885 
Canadian  Bank  Act,  45 
Cantinflas  (Johnson),  674 
Carrillo  Flores,  Antonio,  684 
Castello    Branco,    President,    death    of 

(Rusk),  159 
Castroism  {see  also  Cuba) :  Johnson,  498; 
Linowitz,  322,  616;  Oliver,  473,  757; 
Rusk,  210,  490,  805 
Center   for   the   Study   of  Democratic 

Institutions,  462 
Central  African  Republic,  U.S.  Ambas- 
sador (Lewis),  confirmation,  478 
Central    American    Common    Market: 
Linowitz,  618;  Oliver,  1 05, 47 1 ,  870; 
Rusk,  211;  Solomon,  534 
Central  American  States,  Organization 

of,  697 
Ceylon,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   54, 

404,  661 
Chad,  U.S.  Ambassador  (Vance),  con- 
firmation, 310 
Chamizal   settlement:   681,   684   (text), 
770;  Johnson,  673,  683;  Rusk,  684 
Chancellor,  John,  390 
Chandrasekhar,  S.  (Gaud),  583 
Inflation  control  (Solomon),  539 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  729,  846 
U.S.  aid  (Katzenbach),  531 

Chile — Continued 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Korry),  confirma- 
tion, 337 
China,  Communist  {see  also  Aggression 
and  Communism) : 
Asia,  throat  to:  744;  Fountain,  831; 
Katzenbach,    604,    796;    Marcos, 
520  (quoted);  Rusk,  164,  347,  563, 
564,  596,  821 
Containment    of:    Katzenbach,    819; 

Rusk,  598,  704 
Leadership     and     policy,     problems: 
Bundy,  356;  Bunker,  421;  Kaplan, 
230;  Rusk,  347,  389,  415,  563 
Military   bases,   use   by  North   Viet- 
Nam  planes,  question  of  (Rusk), 
389,  416 
Nuclear  potential  and  U.S.  strategy: 
Fisher,    543;    Katzenbach,    819; 
McNamara,  449;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
610;  Rusk,   164,  563 
U.N.  membership: 

Communist   conditions   for    (Foun- 
tain), 831 
U.N.  resolutions,  texts,  833 
U.S.  position:  Fountain,  829;  Rusk, 
389,  390 
U.S.    accidental   overflights:   Bundy, 

355;  Bunker,  421 
U.S.  involvement  as  a  result  of  Viet- 
Nam,  questions  of:  Bundy,  283, 
357;  Bunker,  420;  Kaplan,  234; 
Rusk,  92,  390,  415,  564 
U.S.  relations:  Johnson,  32;  Kaplan, 
234;     Katzenbach,    820;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  430;  Rusk,  390,  415,  739 
U.S.  trade  embargo  (E.  V.  Rostow), 

Viet-Nam : 
Military    aid:    Bundy,    3.56;    Gold- 
berg,   672;    Lodge,    467;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  426,  608;  Rusk,  598,  600 
Position  on:  Fountain,  832;  Rusk, 
164,  558 
"Yellow    peril":     Katzenbach,    604; 
Rusk,  596 
China,  Republic  of: 
Asian  students  in:  Bundy,  199;  Gaud, 

Economic  progress:  585;  Gaud,  581, 
582;    Kaplan,    232;   Katzenbach, 
531;  Rusk,  214,  822 
Population  control  (Gaud),  583 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  245,  309, 

U.N.    membership,    question    of   ex- 
pulsion from  (Fountain),  829,  830 
Draft  resolution,  text,  833 
U.S.    cotton    textile    agreement,    an- 
nouncement and  text,  694 
U.S.    mutual    defense    treaty,    map: 

460;  Rusk,  563 
U.S.  scientific  team,  report  of:  585; 
Johnson  (quoted),  585 
Christian,  George,  349,  864 
Churchill,  Sir  Winston   (quoted),   251, 

263,  530,  791 
Civil   emergency   planning,    agreement 
with  Canada  re  cooperation  on,  378 
Civil  rights  {see  also  Human  rights  and 
Racial  discrimination) : 
U.S.:  Goldberg,  488;  Linowitz,  322, 
618;   E.   V.   Rostow,  424;   Rusk, 
491,  856;  Waters,  765 
Women.  See  Women 

Civilian  persons  in  time  of  war,  Geneva 
convention       (1949)       re:       Congo 
(Brazzaville),  81;  Kenya,  698;  Ku- 
wait, 514;  Zambia,  698 
Lake   Ontario   international   arbitral 
tribunal,     immunities     as     inter- 
national  organization,   Executive 
order,  507 
Micronesia,     post     World     War     II 
damage    claims:    Anderson,    365; 
Norwood,  373 
Philippine    veterans    and    recognized 

guerrillas,  agreement  re,  117 
Pious     Fund    claim     (U.S.-Mexico), 
settlement,  261 
Clark,  Robert  E.,  411 
Cleveland,  Harlan,  16,  141 
aifford,  Qark  M.,  256 
Cocoa,    international    agreement,    im- 
portance: Oliver,  756;  Solomon,  182 
Coerr,  Wymberley  DeR.,  621 
Diversification    fund,    U.S.    support 

(Solomon),  182 
International        coffee        agreement 
(1962),  with  annexes: 
Current    actions:     Barbados,     117; 

Bolivia,  697;  Israel,  661 
Extension,  need  for:  Brazil-U.S.  dis- 
cussions,   799;    Mexico-U.S.  sup- 
port, 682;  Oliver,  756 
Collective    security     {see    also    Mutual 
defense) : 

Asia-U.S.:  Bundy,  278;  Johnson,  852; 

Rusk,   415,   458,   555,   563,   596, 

598,    703,    823,    857;    Souvanna 

Phouma,  654 

NATO.   See   North   Atlantic   Treaty 

Ryukyu    and    Bonin    Islands,    U.S. 

bases,  745 
U.N.    principles    and    U.S.    support 

(Rusk),  87,  252 
U.S.  collective  defense  arrangements 

(map),  460 
U.S.       commitments,       importance: 
Bundy,    285;   Johnson,    16,    779, 
853;    Katzenbach,    336;     E.    V. 
Rostow,  608;  Rusk,  91,  252,  704, 
U.S.  national  interests:  Katzenbach, 
334;  E.  V.  Rostow,  605;  Rusk,  597 
U.S.  nuclear  strategic  policy:  Gold- 
berg, 488;  McNamara,  443 
Collisions  at  sea,  international  regula- 
tions    (1960)     for     prevention    of: 
Czechoslovakia,  270 
Communism,  threat  of  (Katzenbach) 

Cotton  textiles,  arrangement  re  inter- 
national  trade,   protocol,   accept- 
ance, 625 
Inflation     control     (Solomon),     539 
Interoceanic  canal  study  commission, 
3rd  annual  report:  302;  Johnson, 
Colombo  Plan  (Bundy),  199 
Colonialism    {see    also    Self-determina- 
tion),   Viet-Nam,    French   colonial 
period,  review  (Bundy),  275 
Commerce,  Department  of,  70n 
Commodity  trade  problems:  Norwood, 
369;  Oliver,  756;  Solomon,  181 



Common  markets.  See  name  of  market 
Communications,    {see   also    Radio    and 
Asia,  role  of  Asian  Development  Bank 

in  development  (Gaud),  581 
Domestic  svstems,  importance  (John- 
son), 299 
Global  commercial  communications 
satellite  system: 
Interim     arrangements:     Kenya, 
589;  Panama,  624;  Tanzania,  26 
Special  arrangements:  East  Airi- 
can    External   Telecommunica- 
tions Co.,  Ltd.,  26, 589;  Panama, 
Importance    of    and    U.S.    policy 

(Johnson),  296 
Italv:  Johnson,  500;  Saragat,  501 
N.VrO:     Cleveland,     145;     E.    V. 

Rostow,  428 
U.S.  policy  task  force,  appointment: 
301n;  Johnson,  301 
Communications  Satellite   Corporation 

(Johnson),  297 
Communism  (see  also  Aggression ;  China, 
Communist;    and    Soviet    Union): 
Asia.  See  under  Asia 
Coexistence:     Goldberg,     483,     791; 

Rusk,  563,  564 
Cold  v/ar  (see  also  East-West  relations) : 

Katzenbach,  817 
Domino  theory :  Bundy,  281 ;  Johnson, 

851;  Rusk,  347,  560 
Economic  and  social  conditions,  effect 
on:  496;  Johnson,  851 ;  Linowitz, 
322;  Katzenbach,  530 
Increasing  fragmentation  of  militant 
ideological  movements :  Brzezinski, 
19;Leddy,  761 
Rejection       and       countermeasures; 
Humphrey,   789;   Linowitz,  617; 
Ohver,  473;  Rusk,  214,  490,  493, 
O.AS    final     act    and    resolutions, 
texts,  493 
U.S.    foreign   policy:    Brzezinski,   22; 
Katzenbach,  817;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
U.S.  role:  Blair,  207;  Johnson,  519, 
522;  Kaplan,  234;   Katzenbach, 
530;  Rusk,  344,  563,  704,  741,  806, 
Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 
Wars  of  national  liberation:   Bundy, 
283;   E.    V.   Rostow,   426,    608; 
Rusk,  92,  252,  601,  703 
World  goals:   Kaplan,  230;  Katzen- 
bach, 819;  Rusk,  491,  600 
Corapton,  Arthur  (quoted),  862 
COMSAT.  See  Global  communications 
satellite    system    under    Commuica- 
tions:  Satellites 
Conferences,     international      (^see     also 

subject),  calendar,  24,  435 
Confucius    (quoted),    614 
Congo,    Democratic    Republic    of   the 
(Kinshasa) : 
Agricultural  commodities  sales  agree- 
ment with  U.S.,  190 
Intervention  in,  U.N.,  resolutions  and 
U.S.  support  (Buffum,   151,   152, 

Congo,  Republic  of  (Brazzaville),   Ge- 
neva  convention     (1949)     re     pro- 
tection of  civilian   persons   in   time 
of  war,  current  actions,  81 
Congress,  U.S.: 
Africa,     interest     in    (Palmer),     658 
Documents  relating  to  foreign  policy, 
lists,  79,  107,  147,  215,  239,  364, 
511,  718,  807,  885 
Foreign  policy   responsibilities  (Kat- 
zenbach), 333 
Joint  resolutions,  Trust  Territory  of 
the  Pacific  Islands,  status  of,  text, 
Alliance  for  Progress,  U.S.  financial 
support:  Linowitz,    619;    Olivei', 
755;  Rusk,  805 
Foreign    aid,     1967,    cutback    in: 
Johnson,   753,   777;  Oliver,  471, 
758;    Rusk,    208 
Inter-American  Development  Bank, 
U.S.  financial  support  (Johnson), 
Micronesia,  budget  (Norwood),  366 
Military  aid  poHcies  (Oliver),   757 
Poland,     tariff     legislation     (Gro- 
nouski),  434 
Legislation,  proposed: 
American   Selling   Price   system   of 
customs  evaluation:  Johnson,  885; 
Roth,  173,  575;  Trowbridge,  131 
Asian  Development  Bank,   Special 
Fund:  454,     578;     Gaud,     531; 
Johnson,  503;  Rusk,  210,  458 
Atlantic-Pacific  Interoceanic  Canal 
Study     Commission,      additional 
funds    and    time    extension    re- 
quests: 302;  Johnson,  302 
Import  quotas  on  extra  long  staple 
cotton,     elimination    of    (E.     V. 
Rostow),    236 
Kennedy    Round    implementation : 
Johnson,  885;  Katzenbach,  688; 
Roth,  575 
Patent    reform    (Trowbridge),    504 
Tax    increase    (Johnson),    266 
Trade    Expansion    Act    negotiating 
authority,     restoration     of:   Kat- 
zenbach,   689;    Roth,    576,    649; 
Rusk,  636 
Trade    protectionist    bills,    adverse 
effect    on    Kennedy    Round    re- 
sults and  U.S.  trade:  Diaz  Ordaz, 
677,  681;  Freeman,  642;  Fowler, 
650;     Johnson     (quoted),      877; 
Katzenbach,  686;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
877;  Roth,  574,  648;  Rusk,  634; 
Trowbridge,  645 ;  Udall,  638 
Legislative  schedule,  determination  of 

(Rusk),  458 
Presidential  messages,  letters,  and  re- 
ports. See  under  Johnson,  Lyndon 
Public  hearings,  problems  of  (Rusk), 

Senate  advice  and  consent: 
International    grains    arrangement 

(Johnson),    716,    885 
OAS  Charter  amendments  (John- 
son), 78 
Senate    concurrent   resolution,    U.N. 
role  in  Viet-Nam  solution  (Gold- 
berg), 667 
Senate  confirmations,   46,   246,   310, 
337,  478,  489,  625,  729 

Congress,  U.S. — Continued 
Viet-Nam,  position  on:  Johnson,  780; 
Katzenbach,  603;  Rusk,  560,  563 
Conservation  and  development  of  nat- 
ural   resources,    U.S. -Japan    coop- 
eration: 454;    Rusk,     452 
Consular  relations: 
Argentina,    U.S.    Cordoba   consulate 

closed,  246 
France,  U..S.  consular  convention  rati- 
fication,  478,   514,  875,  885 
Mauritius,   U.S.  consulate  reopened, 

U.K.,  Edinburgh  and  Liverpool  ele- 
vated to  consulates  general,  310 
U.S.   Embassy  at  Saigon,  dedication 

(Bunker),  584 
Vienna     convention    (1963):     Cam- 
eroon, 26;  Panama  (and  optional 
protocol),  477 
Entry  into  force,  81 
Cooper,  John  Sherman,  562 
Copyright      convention,      international 
(1952),  extension  to  St.  Vincent,  661 
Corner,  Frank  H.,  13 
Corona,  Achille  (Rusk),  855 
Corwin,  Edward  S.  (quoted),  333 
Costa  Mendez,  Nicanor,  146 
Costa  Rica: 
Sea-level  canal  study  commission,  3rd 
annua]  report:  302 ;  Johnson,  302 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,   153, 
405,  697 
Costello,  William  A.,  478 
Cotton,  extra  long  staple  cotton  exports 
to  U.S.,  proposed  closure  of  (E.  V. 
Rostow),  236 
Cotton  textiles: 
Argentine  imports  to  U.S.,  146 
Bilateral     agreements     with:  China, 
625,  694;  Hong  Kong,  54;  India, 
378,      398;      Israel,      154,     243 
Jamaica,  590,  622;  Malta,  23,  81 
Mexico,  26;   Pakistan,   114,   154 
PhUippines,   511,   550;    Portugal 
548,     625;     Spain,     625,     726 
Turkey,   116,   117;  U.A.R.,  625 
Yugoslavia,  506,  625 
International      trade      arrangements 
(1962),  Poland,  770 
E.xtension  of:  95,  98;  Johnson,  884; 
Reynolds,       139;      Roth,       127; 
Solomon,   181;  Trowbridge,   130, 
Protocol,  current  actions:  Australia, 
Austria,  Belgium,  Canada,  China, 
Colombia,     Denmark,     Finland, 
France,  Germany,  Greece,  India, 
Israel,     Italy,    Jamaica,    Japan, 
Korea,      Luxembourg,      Mexico, 
Netherlands,  Norway,  624;  Paki- 
stan, 222;  Poland,  770;  Portugal, 
624,    729;    Spain,    Sweden,    624; 
Turkey,  222;  U.A.R.,  U.K.  (in- 
cluding Hong  Kong),  624 
Less  developed  countries,  trade  con- 
siderations (Solomon),  187 
Council  of  Europe  (Rusk),  856 
Counterfeiting,  international  convention 
(1929)  and  protocol  for  the  suppres- 
sion    of    counterfeiting     currency, 
Ceylon,  54 
Couve  de  Murville,  Maurice  (W.  W. 
Rostow),  65 



Crnobrnja,  Bogdan,  362 
Crockett,  Kennedy  M.,  246 
Cruz,  J.  V.  (quoted),  832 
CSDI  (Center  for  the  Study  of  Demo- 
cratic Institutions),  462 
Alliance  for  Progress,  U.S.  position  on 

participation  (Linowitz),  617 
Free-world    and    Communist    trade: 

OAS,  496;  Rusk,  491,  493 
GATT    provisional    accession    agree- 
ments, current  actions,  405 
International  Sugar  Agreement,  lack 

of  support  for  (Solomon),  182 
Subversion  and  insurgency:  Johnson, 
683;  Katzcnbach,  532,  797;  Lino- 
witz, 322,  617;  Oliver,  473;  Rusk, 
210,  252,  383,  490,493 
OAS  final  act  and  resolutions,  texts, 
U.S.  trade  embargo:  E.  V.  Rostow, 
236;  Rusk,  492 
Cuban    missile    crisis:    Brzezinski,    21; 

Katzenbach,  818 
Cultural  relations  and  programs  {set  also 
Educational  exchange  programs  and 
Foreign  students  in  the  U.S.): 
African  contributions  to  U.S.:  John- 
son, 571;  Palmer,  659 
Educational,   scientific,   and  cultural 
Importation    of,    UNESCO    agree- 
ment (1950),  and  protocol,  Kenya, 
International   circulation   of  visual 
and  auditory  materials,  agreement 
(1949)    for    facilitating,    Malawi, 
International  Education  and  Cultural 
Exchange  Program,  annual  report 
(Johnson),  303 
International   fairs   program.   Execu- 
tive order,  827 
Mexico-U.S.,  682 

Philippines,      cultural      development 

tiust  fund,   agreement  re   use   of 

Special   Fund  for   Education  for 

establishment  of,  337 

Romania,    1968  exchanges  program, 

agreement,  875 
U.S.  Advisory  Commission  on  Inter- 
national Educational  and  Cultural 
Affairs,  members  confirmed,  332 
Garnets,  TIR,  customs  convention  on 
the     international     transport     of 
goods  under,  Ireland,  270 
Road    vehicles,    private,    convention 
(1954)  on  the  temporary  importa- 
tion of,  Ireland,  438 
Touring,  customs  facilities,  convention 
(1954)  on:  Ireland,  438;  Uruguay, 
U.S. -Canada     duty-free     allowances, 
proposals,  45 
Cyprus  (NAG),  15 
Threat  of  war  lifted,  U.S.  and  U.N. 
roles:  Johnson,  859;  Vance,  860 
UNFIG\T,  6-month  extension,  53n 
U.S.  pledge  (Pedersen),  52 
Czechoslovakia,     treaties,     agreements, 
etc.,  270,  309,  405 


Daane,  J.  Dewey:  392n;  Fowler,  393 

Dagens  Nyheler,  transcript  of  Secretary 

Rusk  interview,  91 
Dahomey,  Peace  Corps  program,  agree- 
ment re  establishment  of,  154 
Davis,  Spencer,  385 
De  Oliveira,  J.  G.,  881 
De  Tocqueville  (quoted),  328 
Dean,  Sir  Patrick,  565 
Debrah,  Ebenezer  Moses,  578 
Defense  (see  also  Collective  security  and 
Mutual  defense): 
National  security,  oil  import  control 

program  (Udall),  639 
Nuclear  strategy  (McNamara),  443 
Defense,  Department  of: 
Defense   expenditures   review    (John- 
son), 267 
Military     assistance     appropriations, 
proposed    transfer    to    budget    of 
(Rusk),  208 
Deming,  Frederick  L.:  392n;  Fowler, 

Democracy  and  democratic  processes 
Humphrey,  791 ;  Johnson,  522,  572 
Linowitz,  618,  620;  Norwood,  374 
E.  V.  Rostow,  606 
Nepal  (King  Mahendra),  708 
Farm-income  support  practice  (Free- 
man), 134 
Treaties,   agreements,    etc.,   54,   221, 
589,  625,  809,  845,  845 
Desalination  (Rusk),  738 
Iran:     361;     Johnson,     360;     Shah 

Pahlavi,  360 
Middle  East:   Goldberg,  487;  John- 
son, 34 
U.S. -Mexico  cooperative  projects,  682 
d'Estaing,  Giscard  (quoted),  710 
Diaz  Ordaz,  Gustavo:  674,  675,  677; 

Johnson,  683 
Diori  Hamani,  541,  542 
Diplomatic  relations  and  recognition: 
Ecuador,  recall  of  U.S.  Ambassador 

requested,  621 
Retaliatory  trade  legislation,  proposed 

(E.  V.  Rostow),  236 
Southern  Yemen,  861 
Vienna  convention   (1961):   Nigeria, 
221 ;  Norway,  769 
Diplomatic  representatives  abroad.  See 

Foreign  Service 
Diplomatic  representatives  in  the  U.S., 
presentation   of  credentials:    Ecua- 
dor, 431 ;  Ghana,  578;  Greece,  507; 
Italy,  13;  Jamaica,  431;  Japan,  69; 
Jordan,    362;    Malawi,    507;    New 
Zealand,  1 3 ;  Poland,  43 1 ;  Romania, 
202;  Togo,  202;  Yugoslavia,  362 
Dirksen,  Everett  M.  (Johnson),  40 
DiSaUe,  Michael,  476 
Disarmament   {see  also  Armaments   and 
Nuclear    weapons),    U.S.    position; 
319,    744;    Foster,   317;    Goldberg, 
488;   Johnson,    295;    Leddy,    761; 
NAC,  14;  Rusk,  90,  738 
Disaster  relief,  Rio  Grande  floods:  680; 

Diaz  Ordaz,  674;  Johnson,  673 
Disputes,     compulsory     settlement     of, 
optional  protocol  on  Vienna  con- 
vention, Norway,  769 
Disputes,  pacific  settlement  of  {see   also 
Investment    disputes,    convention): 
171;  Dean,  566;  Rusk,  87 
Dobrynin,  Anatoliy,  565 

Dominican  Republic: 
Joint    Dominican    Republic-Puerto 
Rican  Economic  Commission,  an- 
nouncement, 620 
Political  stability  (Oliver),  871 
U.S.  role  (Rusk),  211 
Double   taxation,    income,    agreements 
and  conventions  for  the  avoidance 
of:  Canada,  698,  770;  France,  268, 
270;   Malawi,    337;   Trinidad   and 
Tobago,  698,  729 
Drugs,  narcotic: 
Single  convention  (1961),  on:  Malay- 
sia, 270;  Philippines,  661;   U.S., 
U.S.-Mexico  cooperation  in  control  of, 
Drury,  Charles  M.,  46 
Duncan     Reservoir,     agreement     with 
Canada   re  special  operating   pro- 
gram, 54 
Dzu,  Truong  Dinh,  416 


East-West  Center  for  Technical  Inter- 
change, Hawaii  (Norwood),  372 
East-West     relations:     Brzezinski,     23; 
Goldberg,   483;   Katzenbach,    817; 
NAC,     14;    E.    V.     Rostow,    610; 
Schaetzel,  711;  Waters,  767 
Detente:    14;    Cleveland,    142;    Kie- 
singer,    326,    327;    Leddy,    760; 
Rusk,  90,  600 
NATO    role:    E.    V.    Rostow,    427; 

Rusk,  600 
U.S.  efforts   to  improve:    454;    Gro- 
nouski,  434;  Harriman,  18;  John- 
son, 16,  32;  Rusk,  600,  856 
Viet-Nam,  effect  of  (Kaplan),  234 
East- West  Trade  Relations  Act  of  1966 

(Rusk),  600 
Eastwind,  U.S.  Coast  Guard  icebreaker, 

EGA  (Economic  Commission  for  Africa) : 
Goldschmidt,  304;  W.  W.  Rostow, 
ECAFE     (Economic    Commission    for 
Asia  and  the  Far  East):  Gaud,  579; 
Goldschmidt,  304 
EGLA     (Economic     Commission     for 
Latin  America):  Goldschmidt,  304 
Economic  and  Social  Council,  U.N.: 
Documents,  lists  of,  308,  404,  438,  694 
Educational,   scientific,   and  cultural 
materials,  importation  of,  agree- 
ment ( 1 950),  and  protocol,  Kenya, 
Food    aid    for   developing   countries, 
U.S.    support    for    resolution    on 
(Goldschmidt),  304 
Economic  and  social  development  {set 
also    Economic   and   technical   aid. 
Foreign  aid  programs.  Organization 
for  Economic  Cooperation  and  De- 
velopment,    and    name    of    cvuntry): 
Jolinson,  32,  330;  W.  W.  Rostow,  67 
Asia.  See  Asia 
Bonin  Islands,  459 

Communism,  as  a  countermeasure  to: 
496;  Johnson,  851;  Katzenbach, 
530;  Linowitz,  322,  618 
Education,    importance   to    (Bundy), 

Europe:  Brzezinski,  22;  Schaetzel,  710; 
Trowbridge,  72 



Economic    and    social    development — 
Hunger,  disease,  ignorance,  key  fac- 
tors:   Hiimpiirev,    792;   Johnson, 
59,  325,  570,  632,  655,  707,  753, 
851 ;  Linowitz,  617;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
424,  610;  Rusk,  209,  255 
Industrialized  countries,  role  of:  329, 
454;   Fowler,    527;  Johnson,    32, 
763;    E.    V.    Rostow,    429,    876; 
Rusk,    254,    389,    801;   Solomon. 
183,  185;  Waters,  767 
Internal   stability,   relation   to,    U.S. 
military  assistance  role:   Katzen- 
bach,  533,  795;  Oliver,  758,  871; 
Rusk,  215,  806;  Waters,  764 
Latin  America.  See  Alliance  for  Prog- 
Less    developed    countries.    See    Less 

developed  countries 
Micronesia:  Anderson,  365;  Johnson, 

363;  Norwood,  366;  Salii,  376 
Middle  East,  U.S.  position  and  sup- 
port: Goldberg,  9,  108,  148,  218; 
Rusk,  210 
Multilateral  coordination,   need  for: 
Johnson,  331,  763;  Katzenbach, 
Nepal:  709;  Johnson,  706,  707 
PhUippines  (Blair),  205 
Political  stability,  importance:  John- 
son, 632,  778,  851;  Katzenbach, 
334;  Rusk,  210,  214,  806;  Waters, 
Principles   for:   Johnson,   42;    Oliver 

472,872;  Rusk,  208 
Private  enterprise,  role  of:  Gaud,  581 ; 
Linowitz,  324;  Oliver,  104;  Rusk, 
Self-help:   745;  Fowler,   527;  Gaud, 
582 ;  Johnson,  499 ;  Linowitz,  618 ; 
Oliver,  470 
Singapore  (Johnson),  612,  614 
U.S.:  Brzezinski,  21;  Johnson,  267; 

E.  V.  Rostow,  878;  Rusk,  255 
U.S.  support:  Harriman,  18;  Johnson, 
16,  632;  Katzenbach,   335,  530; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  610;  Rusk,  801 
Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 
Economic   and   technical   aid    (see  also 
Agency  for  International  Develop- 
ment, Agricultural  surpluses.   Alli- 
ance  for   Progress,   Economic   and 
social  development.  Foreign  aid  pro- 
grams,    Inter-American     Develop- 
ment Bank,  International  Bank,  and 
Organization  for  Economic  Cooper- 
ation and  Development) : 
Organization    of    Central    American 
States,  agreement  with  U.S.  for, 
current   actions:   Costa  Rica,   El 
Salvador,  Guatemala,  Honduras, 
Nicaragua,  697 
Philippines,  U.S.  aid  increased  (Blair), 
Economic  Commission  for  Africa:  Gold- 

schmidt,  304;  W.  W.  Rostow,  68 
Economic  Commission  for  Asia  and  the 
Far  East:  Gaud,  579;  Goldschmidt, 
Economic  Commission  for  Europe  (E. 

V.  Rostow),  428 
Economic  Commission  for  Latin  Amer- 
ica (Goldschmidt),  304 

Economic  policy  and  relations,  U.S.: 
Domestic  policy: 
Farm  programs  geared  to  pressing 

foreign  needs  (Johnson),  763 
Farmers,    benefits  to,   of   Kennedy 
Round     concessions     (Freeman), 
133,  642 
Great   Society   program,    need   for 

(E.  V.  Rostow),  61 1 
Income  taxes,  proposed  10-percent 
surcharge:  Johnson,   266;   E.  V. 
Rostow,  878;  Trowbridge,  504 
State  of  the  budget  and  the  economy 
(Johnson),  266 
Foreign  policy: 
Agricultural  trade  policy  objectives: 
Freeman,    135,   642;   Roth,    179; 
Solomon,  183 
Kennedy  Round   [see  under  Tai-iffs 
and  trade,  general  agreement  on) 
U.S.  business,  effect  on:  Reynolds, 
137;  Rusk,  634;  Trowbridge,  127 
ECOSOC.    See    Economic    and    Social 

Council,  U.N. 
ECSC.   See  European   Coal  and   Steel 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  431 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  190,  337 
U.S.    Ambassador,    recall   requested, 
Eden,  Anthony,  276 
Edisto,  U.S.  Coast  Guard  icebreaker,  362 
Education,  303 

Education    {see   also    Cultural   relations 
and     programs;     Educational     ex- 
change    programs,     international; 
Foreign  students  in  the  U.S.): 
AID     technical     training     programs 

(Katzenbach),  532 
Asia:  Bundy,  197;  Gaud,  579,  580 
Benito  Juarez-Abraham  Lincoln  schol- 
arships, 681 
"Brain    drain":    585;    Bundy,     197; 
Oliver,  1 06 ;  Schaetzel,  712;  Trow- 
bridge, 71,  74 
Communications  satellites,  importance 

to  (Johnson),  296 
Importance  (Johnson),  303,  569 
Iran  (Johnson),  358 
Labor  adjustment  assistance  program, 
training  opportunities  (Reynolds), 
Latin  America  (Oliver),  105,  472,  757 
Micronesia:     Norwood,     371,     373; 

Salii,  377 
Nepal  (Johnson),  707 
OECD  study  (Trowbridge),  72 
Philippines,  Special  Fund  for  Educa- 
tion,  agreements  re  uses  of,  26, 
117.  337 
Science  cooperation  agreement  with 

Italy,  80 
Southeast  Asian  Ministers  of  Educa- 
tion Secretariat  (Bundy),   198 
Thailand,  64 

TV  and  other  new  media:  Johnson, 
570,  614;  Linowitz,  619;  Norwood 
370;  Oliver,  757 
U.S.  Advisory  Commission  on  Inter- 
national Educational  and  Cul- 
tural Affairs,  members  confirmed, 
U.S.  intellectuals,  foreign  policy  role 
(Gronouski),  432 

Education — Continued 
Women,    U.N.    Commission    on    the 
status   of,   report  of  20th  session 
(Tillett),  219 
Educational,    scientific,    and    cultural 
Agreement  (1949)  for  facilitating  in- 
ternational circulation  of  visual  and 
auditory  materials:   Malawi,  245 
Importation  of,  UNESCO  agreement 
(1950),  and  protocol:  Kenya,  697 
Educational,    Scientific,    and    Cultural 
Organization,  U.N. : 
Long-term  program  for  advancement 

of  women,  report  (Tillett),  219 
Oceanographv    development    (Gold- 
berg), 723 
Educational  exchange  programs,  inter- 
national (Rusk),  91 
Agreements  with:  Italy,  80;  Romania, 

875;  Turkey,  270 
International  Educational    and   Cul- 
tural Exchange  Program,  annual 
report  (Johnson),  303 
International  fairs  program.  Executive 

order,  827 
Volunteers  to  America,  235 
EEC  (Economic   Commission    for   Eu- 
rope), E.  V.  Rostow,  428 
Egypt.  See  United  Arab  Republic 
Eighteen-Nation    Disarmament     Com- 
mittee,    draft    treaty     on    nuclear 
nonproliferation    {see    also    Nuclear 
proliferation):     Foster,     291,     315; 
Johnson,  315;  text,  319 
Einstein,  Alfred  (Rusk),  559 
EI  Salvador,  treaties,  agreements,  etc., 

54,  697 
Embassies,    U.S.-Soviet    proposed    ex- 
change of  chancery  sites,  540 
Emerson,  Ralph  W.  (quoted),  303,  327, 

ENDC.   See  Eighteen-Nation  Disarma- 
ment Committee 
Energy   resources,   U.S.-Canada   trade 

in,  45 
ESRO     (European     Space     Research 

Organization),  Frutkin,  401 
AID  bilateral  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  54,  270,  478 
U.S.   Ambassador   (Hall),   confirma- 
tion, 478 
EURATOM,   (European   Atomic   En- 
ergy Community),  Rusk,  856 
Europe  {see  also  Atlantic  and  European 
headings,  East-West  relations.  North 
Atlantic  Treaty  Organization,  and 
individual  countries): 
Eastern : 
Increasing    independence:    Leddy, 

761;  Rusk,  252 
INTELSAT,   U.S.   hopes  for  East- 
ern     Europe      participation      in 
(Johnson),  300 
U.S.  economic  relations.  See  East- 
West  relations 
Unification:  NAC,  14;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
428;  Rusk,  856;  Schaetzel,  711, 
U.N.   European   Office,   U.S.   repre- 
sentative (Tubby),  625 
Western : 
Germany,  policy  of  (Kiesinger),  326 
Marshall     Plan:     Harriman,      17; 
Johnson,  16 



E  urope — Continued 
Western — Continued 
Middle  East  war  (E.  V.  Rostow), 

Nonagricultural  imports  from  U.S., 

restrictions  reduced,  860 

Technological      gap      with      U.S.: 

Brzczinski,  22;  NAC,   15;   E.  V. 

Rostow,  880;  Rusk,  858;  Schaetzel, 

712;  Trowbridge,  70 

Unification:   329;    Cleveleuid,    144; 

Harriman,     17;    E.    V.    Rostow, 

429;  W.  VV.  Rostow,  66;  Rusk,  857 

U.S.  commitments  [see  also  NATO") : 

Qeveland,  146;  Leddy,  761 
U.S.    import   quotas,    probable    ef- 
fect: Fowler,  651;  Rusk,  637 
U.S.   relations   and   interests:   503; 
Brzezinski,     21;     Harriman,     17; 
Johnson,    16,    328;    Leddy,    762; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  422,   879;   W.   W. 
Rostow,  67;  Rusk,  855;  Schaet- 
zel, 710 
U.S.  role  in  Viet-Nam,  position  on: 
Kaplan,  234;  Rusk,  857 
European  Atomic  Energy  Community 

(Rusk),  856 
European  Coal  and  Steel  Community: 
Harriman,  18;  Rusk,  856;  Solomon, 
Tariff  reductions,  96 
European  Common  Market.  See  Euro- 
pean   Economic    Community 
European        Economic       Community: 
Johnson,  632;  E.  V.  Rostow,  429; 
Rusk,  856;  Schaetzel,  710;  Solomon, 
Africa,    preferential    trade    arrange- 
ments (Solomon),  185 
Farm-income  support  practices  (Free- 
man), 134 
Kennedy    Round    negotiations:     96, 
97,  98,   100;  Johnson,  884;  Kat- 
zenbach,     688;     Reynolds,     137; 
Roth,  124,  125,  178;  Trowbridge, 
128,  130 
Membership   increases,  questions  of: 
Harriman,   18;  Katzenbach,  687; 
Rusk,  858;  Schaetzel,  715;  Solo- 
mon, 187 
Surpluses,  export  program  for  (Free- 
man), 643 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  245,  809, 

U.S.  balance  of  payments  imbalance, 
problem  of:  OECD,  832;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  879 
U.S.    protectionist    tariflFs,    probable 
effects  on  (Katzenbach),  687 
European      Free     Trade     Association 
(Rusk),  856 
Kennedy    Round    tariff    reductions: 
97,  '99;  Katzenbach,  688;  Reyn- 
olds,    137;     Roth,     576;     Trow- 
bridge, 128 
U.K.  relations  (Solomon),  538 
European  Payments  Union  (Harriman), 

European    Space    Research    Organiza- 
tion (Frutkin),  401 
Evans,  Rowland,  353 
Executive  orders: 
Interest  equalization  tax  rates  modi- 
fied (11368),  396 
International   fairs   program    {11380), 

Executive  orders — Continued 

International  Secretariat  for  Volun- 
teer Service,  designation  as  a 
public  international  organization 
(11363),  207 
Lake  Ontario  claims  tribunal,  im- 
munities as  international  organi- 
zation (11372),  507 
Expo  70,  454 

Export-Import  Bank  (Katzenbach),  531 

Exports   (see  also   Export-Import  Bank; 

Imports;  Tariffs  and  trade,  general 

agreement   on;    and  Trade): 

Asian  countries,  increases  in  (Gaud), 

Less  developed  countries: 
Importance  to:  OECD,  882;  Oliver, 
756;      Solomon,       181;      Woods 
(quoted),  678 
Promotion    services    and    technical 
assistance,  GATT-UNGTAD  pro- 
posed merger,  725 
U.S.:  Katzenbach,  687;  Roth,  179 
Agricultural:    Freeman,    132,    642; 

Rusk,  636 
,\rgentine-U.S.,  146 
Automobiles,  Kennedy  Round  elim- 
ination of  certain  road-use  taxes 
(Roth),  127 
Chemicals  (Roth),  176 
Nontariff  trade  restrictions,  reduc- 
tions in,  860 
Technological  progress,  relation  to 

(Trowbridge) ,   506 
Trade  restrictions  of  other  countries 
in  retaliation   for   proposed   LT.S. 
import     quotas,     discussions     of: 
Diaz   Ordaz,   678,    681;    Fowler, 
650;  Freeman,  642;  Katzenbach, 
686;  Roth,  574,  648;  Rusk,  635; 
Trowbridge,  645;  Udall,  638 
Extradition,     Malawi,     agreement     re 
continuance    of    force    of    existing 
U.S.-U.K.    agreement,    337 

Family  planning.  See  Population  growth 
Famine  1975  (Gaud),  582 
FAO.  S'e  Food  and  Agriculture  Organi- 
Far  East.  See  Asia  and  names  of  individual 

Faulkner,  William  (quoted),  631 
Federal    Communications    Commission 

(Johnson),  297 
Federalist,  The,  333 

Fedorenko,  Nikolai  T.,   (quoted),  670 
Feldman,  George  J.,  625 
Fermi,  Enrico  (Johnson),  502,  862 
Finland,     treaties,     agreements,     etc., 

153,  221,  625,  845,  846 
Fish  and  fisheries: 
Fish      protein      concentiate:      Gold- 

schmidt,  307;  Humphrey,  228 
Great     Lakes    Fishery     Commission, 
U.S.  commissioner  (Pautzke),  ap- 
pointment, 172 
International    Whaling    Commission, 
U.S.     commissioner     (McHugh), 
announcement,  586 
Mexico-U.S.   discussions   on    12-mile 

zone,  475 
Micronesia  (Norwood),  370 
Soviet-U.S.   fisheries  agreements,  re- 
view, 873 

Fish  and  fisheries — Continued 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.: 

Atlantic     tunas,     conservation     of, 
international   convention    (1966): 
Gabon,   885;  Japan,   514;   South 
Africa,  885 
Great    Lakes    fisheries    convention 
(1954)  with  Canada,  amendment, 
proclamation,  U.S.,  190 
High  seas  in  the  western  areas  of 
the  middle  Atlantic  Ocean,  agree- 
ment with  Soviet  L'nion  on  certain 
fishery  problems,  846 
Inter-American       Tropical      Tuna 
Commission,    convention,     1949: 
Canada,  549;  Ecuador,  337 
North  Adantic,  conduct  of  fishing 
operations  in,  convention   (1967) 
with  annexes:  U.S.,  885 
Northwest  Atlantic  Fisheries,  con- 
vention (1965),  international,  pro- 
tocols on  measures  of  control  and 
entry  into  force:  Soviet  Union,  661 
Traditional  fisliing  in  the  exclusive 
fishery    zones    contiguous    to    the 
territorial    seas,    agreement    with 
Mexico,  662,681,  685 
Viet-Nam  off-shore   fishery   develop- 
ment    project,     agreement    with 
FAO  re  fund-in-trust  grant,  222 
Fisher,  Adrian  S.,  489,  543 
Fisk,  James  B.,  585 
Flood  control: 
Rio  Grande  floods:  680;  Diaz  Ordaz, 

674;  Johnson,  673 
U.S. -Mexico     agreement     concluded 
(Johnson),  147 
Food     aid     convention     (1967):     716; 
Johnson,  716 
Ciu'rent     actions:     Argentina,     846; 
Australia,     728;     Belgium,     770; 
Canada,  728;  Denmark,  810,  846; 
EEC,  Finland,  France,  846;  Ger- 
many, 770;  Italy  (as  EEC  member 
State),  810;  Japan,  728;  Luxem- 
bourg, Netherlands,  770;  Norway, 
846;   Sweden,   810;   Switzerland, 
U.K.,  846;  U.S.,  728 
Food  and  Agriculture,   The  State  of,   1967, 

(cited),  766 
Food    and    Agriculture    Organization 
(Goldschmidt),  305 
Fishery    conservation   studies   (Gold- 
berg), 723 
Offshore  fishery  development  project 
for  Viet-Nam,  agreement  re  fund- 
in-trust  grant,  222 
Food  and  population  crisis:  Fowler,  528; 
Johnson,  762;  OECD,  882;  Rusk, 
90,  254,   737;  Sen   (quoted),   766; 
Waters,  764 
Asia  (Gaud),  582 
Famine     7975,      William     and     Paul 

Paddock  (Gaud),  582 
India:    Gaud,    583;    Johnson,    763; 

Kaplan,  235;  Rusk,  211,  802 
Latin  America  (Oliver),  472,  756 
Marine     resources,     food     potentijJ 

(Humphrey),  228 
U.N.  agencies,  role  in  (Goldschmidt), 

304,  307 
World     Food     Panel,     report:     76; 

Johnson,  78;  Katzenbach,  533 
World    Food    Problem,    The,    vol.    Ill, 
announcement  and  summary,  874 



Food  for  Freedom:  Katzenbach,  531; 

Rusk,  212;  Waters,  767 
Food  resources  {see  also  Agriculture): 
Edible  protein,  U.S.  support  for  in- 
creased development,  production, 
and  use  (Goldschmidt),  307 
Food  synthesis,  prospects,  77 
Force,  use  of.  See  Aggression 
Foreign  Ajfairs,  285 

Foreign    aid    programs,    U.S.    (see   also 
Agency  for  International  Develop- 
ment,   Alliance   for   Progress,    Eco- 
nomic and  technical  aid,  Food  for 
Freedom,       and       Peace       Corps): 
Houphouet-Boigny,  331 
Balance  of  payments  considerations: 
Fowler,  528;  Johnson,  510;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  881;  Rusk,  209 
Cutbacks,   impact   of:  Johnson,    753, 
777;  Oliver,  758;  Rusk,  389,  801 
Education,    U.S.    aid   for   (Jolmson), 

Food     aid     programs,     1966,    report 

(Johnson),  762 

Foreign  Advisory  Programs,  General 

Advisory  Committee,  appointment 

of  new  members,  294 

Foreign   policy   aspects   of:  Johnson, 

753,  778;  Katzenbach,  530,  795; 

Rusk,  253,  735,  801;  Waters,  767 

GATT  multilateral  food  aid  program: 

101 ;  Freeman,  133 
GNP,     percentage     of:  Katzenbach, 

531;  Oliver,  870 
Matching-funds  principle  (Johnson), 

Multilateral  aid,   coordination  with: 
Johnson,    508,    763;    Rusk,    209, 
212,  803;  Waters,  767 
Principles:   77;   Blair,    204;  Johnson, 
78,   763,   767;   Katzenbach,   531; 
Rusk,  90,  389,  821 
Regional  efforts,  support  for  (Rusk), 

209,  212,  803 

Self-help     principle:  Harriman,     17; 

Johnson,   510,   763;  Oliver,  499; 

Rusk,  209,  212,  254,  803;  Waters, 


Foreign  aid  programs  of  other  countries: 

Asian  development,  need  for  increased 

multilateral    aid    (Kaplan),    233 

European  (U.K.  and  France)  aid  to 

Africa  (Rusk),  212,  803 
Germany  (Kiesinger),  327 
Japan:   745;  Gaud,  581 
Thailand  (Gaud),  583 
Foreign   Assistance   Act   of   1967,   cut- 
backsin:  Johnson,  753,  777;  Oliver, 
471,  758;  Rusk,  389,  801 
Foreign  Assistance   Programs,   General 
Advisory  Committee,  new  members, 
Foreign    policy,    U.S.    {see    also    Com- 
munism,    Viet-Nam,     and     World 
Alliance  for  Progress  as  an  instrument 

of  (Linowitz),  617 
American  Foreign  Policy:   Current  Docu- 
ments, 1964,  released,  550 
Briefing  conferences,  regional:  Boston 
586;  Kansas,  397;  Reading,  586i 
St.  Louis,  476 
Congressional  documents  relating  to 
foreign  policy,  lists,  79,  107,  147, 
215,  239,  364,  511,  718,  807,  885 

Foreign  policy,  U.S. — Continued 

Consultations  on,  as  opposed  to  public 

hearings  (Rusk),  560 
Evolution  of  (Brzczinski),  19 
Foreign    aid    as    an    instrument    of: 
Johnson,   753,   778;   Katzenbach, 
530,   795;   Rusk,   253,   735,  801; 
Waters,  767 
1967       constructive      developments: 
Johnson,  32,  776,  852;  Rusk,  558, 
736,  856 
Principles,  objectives,  and  problems: 
Brzezinski,  22;  Johnson,  303,  852; 
Katzenbach,  794;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
606;  Rusk,  348,  736 
President,    primary    role:  Johnson, 
780;  Katzenbach,  333,  336;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  607;  Rusk,  348,  741 
President  and  Congress  compared: 
Johnson  (quoted),   336;  Katzen- 
bach, 333 
Security    of    U.S.,    central    purpose: 
Johnson,  851;  Katzenbach,  334; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  605;  Rusk,  251 
Tariff  policies,  U.S.  national  interest 
considerations:  Rusk,  634;  Udall, 
U.N.  Charter,  based  on:  Humphrey, 

790;  Rusk,  87 
U.S.  citizens,  role  in:  Gronouski,  432; 
Rusk,  824 
Foreign    Relations    of    the    United    States: 
Diplomatic    Papers,  1945,    Volume    I, 
General:  The  United  Nations,  released, 
Foreign  Service  {see  also  State  Depart- 
ment): Johnson,  780;  Ambassadors, 
confirmation,   246,   310,   337,   478, 
625,  729 
Foreign   students   in   the   U.S.   {see  also 
Cultural   relations,    Education,    and 
Educational     exchemge     programs, 
Africa  (Palmer),  657 
Asian  (Bundy),  197 
Fosdick,  Raymond  (quoted),  740 
Foster,  John  S.  (McNamara),  448 
Foster,  William  C,  291,  315 
Fountain,  L.  H.,  489,  829 
Fowler,  Henry   H.,   46,    132   (quoted), 

455,  523,  650,  793 
Consular  convention  with  U.S.,  rati- 
fication, 478,  514,  875,  885 
Germany,  relations  (Kiesinger),   326 
Income  tax  convention,  signature,  268 
Kennedy    Round    road-use    tax    re- 
ductions: 98;  Roth,   127;  Trow- 
bridge,   131 
NATO  withdrawal,   adjustments  to: 

Leddy,   760;   Rusk,  856 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   1 1 7,  222, 
270,    378,    478,    514,    625,    729, 
845,  846,  885 
Viet-Nam       colonial       era,     review 
(Bundy),  275 
Frederick,  Pauline,  466 
Freedom:  Blair,  207 ;  Johnson,  777 

Four  freedoms  (Rusk),  855 
Freedom   of  speech   and   press,    U.S.: 
Goldberg,   264,   691;  Johnson,   59, 
778;  Rusk,  855 
Arab-Israeli   conflict    (Goldberg),    8, 

Freeman,  Fulton,  475 

Freeman,  Orville  L.,  46,  132,  455,  642 

Fried,    Edward    R.,     146 

Frutkin,  Arnold  W.,  401 

Fulbright,  J.   William:  559;   Linowitz, 

Fulbright-Hays  Act,  235 

Conservation  of  Atlantic  tunas,  inter- 
national convention  (1966),   885 
President  Mba,   death  of,   U.S.   con- 
dolences (Johnson),  867 
Galbraith,  John  Kenneth,  280 
Treaties,  agreements,   etc,  477,  624, 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Brown),  confirma- 
tion, 625 
World  Bank  and  International  Mon- 
etary Fund  membership  (Fowler), 
Garcia,  Hector  P.,  489 
Gaston,   Valente,   Enrique,    146 
GATT.  See  Tariffs  and  trade,  general 

agreement  on 
Gaud,  William  S.,  455,  579 
General  Advisory  Committee  on  Foreign 
Assistance   Programs,    appointment 
of  new  members,  294 
General  and  the  President,  The,  cited,  603 
General  Assembly,  U.N.: 
Documents,   lists   of,    113,   242,   404, 

438,  694,  726 
Emergency  special  session : 
U.S.    delegation,    confirmation,    46 
U.S.  position   (Goldberg),    12,   47, 
Marine    resources    committee,    pro- 
posed   (Goldberg),    723 
Middle  East  crisis,  resolutions  on  and 
U.S.  position  {see  also  Emergency 
special   session,   supra;    and  Arab- 
Israeli    conflict):    Goldberg,     49, 
51,  108,  112,  148,  216,  486;  Rusk 
387,  559 
Aid  to  refugees,  1 12 
Jerusalem,  status  of,  113,  151 
Korean  unification,  845 
Communist  China,  Albanian  draft 

resolution,  833 
Important-question,  833 
Middle  East  situation,  218 
22nd  session: 
Agenda,  239,  545 
President  Manescu,  483n 
U.S.  delegation,  confirmation,   489 
Geneva    conference,    Laos.    See    Laos 

Geneva     conference,     Viet-Nam.     See 

under  Viet-Nam. 
Geneva  conventions  (1949)  re  treatment 
of  prisoners  of  war,  wounded  and 
sick,    armed    forces,    and    civilians 
in  time  of  war: 
Arab-Israeli  conflict,  application  to: 

11,   112;  Goldberg,  8 
Current  actions :  Congo  (Brazzaville), 
81;    Kenya,    698;    Kuwait,   514; 
Zambia,  698 



Genocide,    convention    (1951)    on    the 
prevention      and     punishment     of: 

Uruguay,  309 
Geodetic  survey,  agreement  with  Upper 

Volta,  478  ■ 
Germany  reunification:  Cleveland,  144; 
Kiesinger,    326,    328;    Leddy,    760; 
Rusk,  600;  Schaetzel,  711 
Importance     to     peace     of    Europe: 
329;    Johnson,    325;    NAG,    14; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  428 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of: 
East  Germany,  relations:    14;  Cleve- 
land, 144;  Rusk,  600 
NATO   forces,   proposed  reductions: 

Johnson,  327;  Rusk,  166 
Nuclear  nonproliferation  treaty,  prob- 
lem of  (Foster),  292,  294 
Treaties,    agreements,    etc.,    26,    153, 

337,  625,  769,  770,  810 
U.S.  copyright  time  limit  on  filings, 
extended    for    German    citizens, 
U.S.  pork  exports  restrictions  reduced, 

U.S.  visit  of  Chancellor  Kiesinger,  325 
AID  bilateral  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  578 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  729,  810 
U.S.   visit  of  General  Ankrah,  571 
Glassboro  meeting  of  President  Johnson 
and  Soviet  Chairman  Kosygin;  35, 
36,  37,  38;  Rusk,  159 
Goethe,  Johann  (quoted),  328 
Gold     standard,      U.S.:   Fowler,     523; 
Johnson,   793;   E.  V.  Rostow,  877 
Goldberg,  Arthur  J.: 
Addresses,  correspondence,  and  state- 
ABM  limited  deployment,  487 
Arab-Israeli  conflict: 
Jerusalem,  status  of,  149,  486 
U.N.  role  and  U.S.  support,  3,  5, 
10,  47,  49,   110,  216,  263,  690, 
691,  834,  836,  841,  842 
U.S.  position,  9,  49,  108,  112,  148, 

216,  486,  690,  691,  834 
U.S.  reply  to  allegations  of  U.S. 
involvement,  11,  48,  150,  217 
East-West  relations,  483 
Geneva  agreements,  485 
Korean  DMZ  violations,  692 
Nuclear  weapons  draft  treaty,  im- 
portance, 487 
Ocean   floor,   cooperative   explora- 
tion and  use,  723 
Racial  discrimination,  488 
Self-determination,  488 
Surveyor    V    lunar    landing,    trans- 
mittal of  report,  769 
U.N.  debate,  value  of,  262 
U.N.  General  Assembly,  convening 
of  emergency  special  session,  U.S. 
position,  12,  216 
UNRVVA,  U.S.  pledge,  65 
Bombing  pauses,  484,  669 
Peaceful  settlement,  U.S.  position 
and  U.N.  role,  48,  483,  667,  671 
World  peace,  216,  264,  483 
International     Platform     Association 

awEu'd,  262 
Outer  space  treaty,  role  in  negotia- 
tions (Johnson),  567 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J. — Continued 
U.N.  General  Assembly,  U.S.  repre- 
sentative, confirmation: 
Special  emergency  session,  46 
22nd  session,  489 
Goldschmidt,  Arthur  E.,  304 
Goralski,  Robert,  354 
Grains.    See    International    Grains    Ar- 
rangement, Rice,  and  Wheat 
Grant,  U.S.  (quoted),  42 
Great  Lakes  and  St.  Lawrence  Seaway, 
coordination    of    pilotage    services, 
agreement  with  Canada,  625 
Great  Lakes  fisheries  agreement  (1954), 

amendment:  U.S.,  190 
Great  Lakes  Fishery  Commission,  U.S. 
Commissioner   (Pautzke),    appoint- 
ment, 172 
Great    Society:   Johnson,    268;    E.   V. 

Rostow,  61 1 
Greece  {see  also  Cyprus): 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  507 
Estate-tax    protocol,    supplementary, 

entry  into  force,  809 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  625,  698, 

810,  845 
Turkey,  relations  (NAC),  14 
Greene,  J.  J.,  46 
Gronouski,  John  \.,  432 
Group  of  Ten:  454;  Fowler,  526;  Rusk, 
456       _ 
Ministerial    meeting,    Washington; 
392;  text  of  communique,  396 
U.S.  delegation,  392,  392n 
Communism,  threat  to  (Katzenbach), 

Political  stability  (Oliver),  871 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   153,  550, 
Guevara,  Ernesto  "Che"  (Rusk),  561 
Guinea,    agricultural    sales    agreement 

with  U.S.,  729 
Gulf  of  Aqaba  (Goldberg),  5,  6,  7,  49 
Gullion,  Edmund,  276 
Gut  Dam,  Lake  Ontario  claims  tribunal, 

Guy,  William,  349 

Guyana,  Peace  Corps  program,  agree- 
ment re  establishment,  54 


Haines  Road  winter  maintenance  agree- 
ment with  Canada,  46 
Haiti,  International  Wheat  Agreement 
(1962),    1967    protocol   for   further 
extension  of,  270 
Hall,  William  O.,  478 
Hammarskjold,  Dag  (quoted),  146,  265 
Harmel,  Pierre,  422 
Harriman,  W.  Averell,  16,  17 
Harris.  Patricia  Roberts,  16,  489 
Harsch,  Joseph  C,  411 
Hawk  missiles,  729 
Health  and  medical  research: 

Communications      satellites,      impor- 
tance to  (Johnson),  296 
Edible   protein,    production   and   use 
of,      importance      (Goldschmidt), 
Micronesia:  Norwood,  372;  Salii,  377 
Romania,    1968   exchange   program, 

agreement,  875 
U.S. -Japan      Cooperative      Medical 
Science  Committee,  3rd  meeting, 

Health  and  medical  research — Con. 
World  Health  Organization  constitu- 
tion (1946),  as  amended:  Lesotho, 
Amendment  to  article  7:  Barbados, 
270;  Cameroon,  514;  Costa  Rica, 
117;  Peru,  221;  Saudi  Arabia,  27 
Herter,    Christian    A.:   Johnson,    885; 

Roth,  124 
Hesburgh,  Theodore  M.,  294 
He.'5s,  Frederic  O.,  504 
Hickenlooper,  Bourke  B.,  349 
Hightower,  John,  458 
Hillenbrand,  Martin  J.,  478 
Hilsman,  Roger,  279,  559 
Hilton,  James  (quoted),  817 
Historical  summaries: 
U.S.  foreign  policy  (Katzenbach),  815 
Viet-Nam,   U.S.  policy  development 
(Bundy),  275 
Hollybush  [see  also  Glassboro  meeting), 

35,  38 
Holmes,  Justice  (quoted),  200 
Holt,  Harold  (quoted),  520 
Honduras,    treaties,    agreements,    etc., 

153,  697 
Hong  Kong: 
Communist  China,  threat  of  (Rusk), 

Family   planning   programs    (Gaud), 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  54,  221,  625 
Hornig,  Donald  F.:  585;  McNamara, 

Houphouet-Boigny,  Felix,  331 
Houssay,  Bernardo,  717 
Hubbard,  Charlotte  Moton,  586 
Hughes,  Richard:  349;  Johnson,  36 
Hull,  Cordell  (Rusk),  634 
Human  rights  {see  also  Civil  rights  and 
Great  Society): 
Human    Rights    Week    and   Human 
Rights   Year,    proclamation,   660 
OAS  resolution,  496 
Status  of  Women,  U.N.  Commission 
on,  report  of  20th  session  (Tillett), 
U.N.    principles    and    U.S.    support: 
112;  Johnson,  295;  Rusk,  87,  252 
Human    Rights    International    Confer- 
ence (Tillett),  221 
Humphrey,  Hubert  H.: 
Addresses  and  remarks: 
Oceanographic  research  and  devel- 
opment, international  cooperation 
for,  227 
World  order,  790 
Visit  to  Europe,  results  (Cleveland), 

Visit  to  Southeast  Asia,  789 
Humphrey,  Ralph,  343n 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  26,  81 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Hillenbrand),  con- 
firmation, 478 
Hussey,  William  B.,  698 
Hydrographic    Organization,    Interna- 
tional,    Convention      (1967)     with 
annexes:  U.S.,  477 

IAEA.    Set    Atomic    Energy    Agency, 

IBRD.     See     International     Bank     for 

Reconstruction  and  Development 



ICC.   See  International   Control  Com- 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,    26,    117, 

222,  405,  846 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Asgeirsson,  201 
IDA.    See    International    Development 

ILO    (International    Labor   Organiza- 
tion), 220 
IMCO.     See     Maritime     Consultative 

Organization,   International 
IMF.  See  Monetary  Fund,  International 
Imports  {see  also  Customs;  Exports;  Tar- 
iffs  and    trade,    general   agreement 
on;  and  Trade): 
Educational,      scientific,      and      cul- 
tural   materials,    importation    of, 
UNESCO  agreement  (1950),  and 
protocol:   Kenya,  697 
Road    vehicles,    private,    convention 
(1954)  on  the  temporary  impor- 
tation of:  Ireland,  438 
Argentine  exports,  U.S.  restrictions, 

Cotton,  foreign  policy  aspects  of  pro- 
posed elimination  of  import  quotas 
(E.  V.  Rostow),  236 
Dairy  and  meat  imports,  problem 
of,  and  U.S.  controls  (Freeman), 
135,  643 
Escape  clause  tariffs  on  typewriter 
ribbon    cloth    and    stainless    steel 
flatware,    termination    (Johnson), 
Import  quota  legislation,  proposed, 
probable  adverse  effects  of:  Diaz 
Ordaz,    678,    681;    Fowler,    650; 
Freeman,  642;  Katzenbach,  686; 
E.   V.   Rostow,   877;   Roth,   574, 
648;  Rusk,  635;  Trowbridge,  645; 
Udall,  638 
Oil  imports  (Udall),  641 
Textile  and  apparel  industries,  Tar- 
iff Commission  study  requested: 
Johnson,  529;  Trowbridge,  647 
Conventions  for  relief  of  double  taxa- 
tion. See  Double  taxation 
Income  and  property  tax  convention 

with  France,  268,  270 
Income  tax  administration,  agreement 
with  Viet-Nam,  54 
Agricultural    modernization:     Gaud, 

583;  Rusk,  211,802 
Communist  China,  question  of  guar- 
antees against:  Foster,  293;  Rusk, 
Cotton  textile  agreement  with   U.S. 

announcement  and  text,  398 
Food  and  population  problems:  Gaud, 
583;  Johnson,  763;  Kaplan,  235; 
Rusk,  211,802 
Sikkim  border  (Rusk),  563,  597 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,  378, 

514,  625,  662,  769,  770,  845 
U.S.     additional     wheat     shipments 

authorized  (Johnson),  430 
U.S.  aid:  Johnson,  763;  Katzenbach, 

531;  Rusk,  211,  802 
U.S.  military  assistance  policy  (Katz- 
enbach), 795 
U.S.   oceanographic  research   vessel, 
announcement  of  transfer  to,  23 

India  Aid  Consortium:  Johnson,  431; 

Rusk,  211,  802 
India-Pakistan  relations:  Goldberg,  264; 
Kaplan,    235;     Katzenbach,     796; 
Rusk,  212 
Communism,    rejection    of:    Bundy, 
287;  Johnson,  520;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
608;  Rusk,  560,  597,  822 
Economic     and     political     progress: 
Gaud,     582;     Humplu-ey,     791; 
Johnson,  32;  W.  \V.  Rostow,  68; 
Rusk,  214,804 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   81,   405, 

590,  846 
Visit   of  Vice   President   Humphrey, 
789,  790 

Joint  communique,  792 
World  Bank  role  in  economic  stabiliza- 
tion (Fowler),  523 
Industrial  property  (Trowbridge),   75, 
Convention  (1883,  as  revised)  for  the 
protection    of,     1958:     Bahamas, 
662;  Malta,  662;  Togo,  337 
U.S.  copyright  filings,  time  limit  ex- 
tended  for  German  citizens,    171 
Inflation:    Katzenbach,    688;    OECD, 
882;  E.  V.  Rostow,  879;  Solomon, 
Information  activities  and  programs: 
International  fairs  program.  Executive 

order,  827 
U.N.  specialized  agencies,  communi- 
cation with  developing  countries 
re    aid    in    food    and    population 
problems  (Goldschmidt),  304 
Institute  for  Technical  Interchange  at 
East-West    Center,    Hawaii    (Nor- 
wood), 372 
INTELSAT    (International    Telecom- 
munications Satellite  Consortium): 
402;  Johnson,  297 
Inter-American     Development     Bank: 
Linowitz,    321;    Oliver,    105,   471; 
Rusk,  211 
Agreement  (1959)  establishing,  with 
annexes,     acceptance:     Trinidad 
and  Tobago,  190 
U.S.  support:  Johnson,  499;  Oliver, 
755;  Rusk,  210,  805 
Interest  equalization  tax  rates  modified. 

Executive  order,  396 
International  Bank  for  Reconstruction 
and  Development:  476;  Harriman, 
18;    Johnson,     509;     Katzenbach, 
335;  Oliver,  105;  Solomon,  184 
Articles  of  agreement:  Gambia,  624 
Indonesia,  role  in :  Fowler,  523 ;  Gaud, 
International     Boundary     and     Water 
Commission,  U.S.-Mexico,  681,  684, 
International  Control  Commission:  E. 
V.  Rostow,  608;  Rusk,  93,  386,  412, 
558,  597 
International  cooperation:  Ahidjo,  655; 
Linowitz,  616;  Rusk,  87,  90,  738 
East  Asian-U.S.  (Bundy),  197 
Japan-U.S.,  746 
Law     of     treaties,     importance     to 

(Kearney),  721 
Nuclear     energy     development     for 
peaceful    purposes:    319;    Foster, 

International    cooperation — Continued 
Oceanographic  and   marine   resource 
development:    Goldberg,    723; 
Humphrey,  227 
Outer  space  treaty  provisions:  John- 
son, 567;  Rusk,  566 
Patent  systems  (Trowbridge),  506 
Satellite  and  space  research  programs: 

Frutkin,  401 ;  Johnson,  297 
Technological  development,  NAC  res- 
olution, text,  15 
Water  for  Peace,  245 
International  Development  Association, 
increase   in   and   U.S.   support:   45; 
Fowler,  527,  528;  Katzenbach,  335, 
531 ;  Rusk,  210;  Solomon,  536 
International    Education    Act    of    1966 

(Johnson),  303 
International  Educational  and  Cultural 
Affairs,  U.S.  Advisory  Commission, 
members  confirmed,  332 
International       Finance       Corporation 

(Fowler),  527 

International        grains        arrangement 

(1967):  146,  716;  John.son,  716,  884 

Current  actions:  Argentina,  845,  846; 

Australia,  728;  Belgium,  769,  770; 

Canada,  728;  Denmark,  809,  810, 

846;  EEC,  Finland,  France,  845, 

846;  Germany,  769,  770;  Greece, 

India,   Ireland,   Israel,  845;   Italy 

(as    EEC    member),    809,    810; 

Japan,  728;  Korea,  Lebanon,  845; 

Luxembourg,   770;   Mexico,  845; 

Netherlands,    770;    Norway,    845, 

846;     Pakistan,    Portugal,    Saudi 

Arabia,  South  Africa,  Spain,  845; 

Sweden,    810;    Switzerland,    845, 

846 ;  Tunisia,  728 ;  U.K.,  845,  846 ; 

U.S.,  728 

International  Indian  Ocean  Expedition, 

International  Joint  Commission,  U.S.- 
Canada, 107 
Pembina  river  basin  report,  874 
International  law: 
Ocean  floor,  development  (Goldberg), 

Rule  of  law:  Bundy,  200;  Dean,  565; 
Goldberg,     2G4;    Johnson,     295; 
Rusk,  252,  735 
Treaties,  ILC  draft  convention,  U.S. 

position  (Kearney),  719 
U.S.    advisory    panel    members,    an- 
nouncement, 661 
World  Law  Day,  1967,  proclamation, 
International  monetary  system,  45 
Convertibility  of  U.S.  dollars  into  gold 

(Fowler),  523 
Special      drawing      rights      facility: 
Fowler,  393,  523;  Johnson,  392; 
Rusk,  456 
U.K.  devaluation  of  pound  sterling, 
effect:  Fowler,  793;  Johnson,  793; 
OECD  communique,  882;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  877 
International     organizations     (see    also 
name  of  organization ) : 
Calendar  of  international  conferences, 

24,  435 
International  Secretariat  for  Volun- 
teer Service,  designation  as,  207 
Lake  Ontario  Claims  Tribunal,  desig- 
nation as,  507 



International  organizations — Con. 
U.S.  support:  Katzenbach,  335;  Rusk, 
90,  209,  805 
International  Red  Cross,  170 
International  Rice  Institute:  Gaud,  582; 

Lilienthal,  866 
International  Secretariat  for  Volunteer 

Service,  Executive  order,  207 
International  Telecommunications  Sat- 
ellite   Consortium:    402;    Johnson, 
International     waterways,     free     mari- 
time   passage,    U.S.    position:    51, 
362;  Goldberg,  5,  6,  7,  49,  108,  110, 
148,    486,    834,    839;  Johnson,   33; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  237;  Rusk,  83,  164, 
International  Year  on  Human  Rights 

(TiUctt),  221 
Investment  disputes,  international  cen- 
ter for  the  settlement  of  (Fowler), 
U.S.  panel  members  named,  475 
Investment  disputes  between  states  and 
nationals    of  other    states,    conven- 
tion  (1963)  on:   Ceylon,  404,  661; 
Finland,  221;   France,  Japan,  Nor- 
way, Togo,   378;   Switzerland,   549 
Investment  guaranties,   agreements   re: 
Gambia,  810;  Indonesia,  405;  Mal- 
awi, 309;  Rwanda,  54;  Swaziland, 
Investment   of  private  capital   abroad 
(Roth),  179 
Asia  (Gaud),  581 
Europe:  E.  V.  Rostow,  880;  Schaetzel, 

Indonesia  (Gaud),  582 
Iran  (Rusk),  826 
Japan,  453 

Korea  (Brown),  232  (quoted) 
Latin  America:  Oliver,  470;  Solomon, 

Less  developed  countries,  importance 
to:    Fowler,    525;  Johnson,    763; 
OECD,  882 
Mexico  (Diaz  Ordaz),  677 
Micronesia:  Norwood,  369;  Salii,  376 
Trinidad  and  Tobago,  agreement  with 

U.S.,  698,  729 
Viet-Nam  (Lilienthal),  865 
Desalination,  U.S.  study  team:  361; 
Johnson,  360;  Shah  Pahlavi,  360 
Economic  development:  Johnson,  358, 

359,  827;  Rusk,  825 
U.S.  visit  of  the  Shah  of  Iran,  358 
Iraq,  U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended, 

Ireland,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  221, 

270,  438,  550,  845,  846 
Isolationism:  Katzenbach,  815;  Oliver, 
471 ;  E.  V.  Rostow,  605,  608;  Rusk, 
704,  807 
Israel : 
Arab-Israeli  conflict.  See  Arab-Israeli 

Cotton  textile  agreement  with  U.S., 

announcement,  243 
Existence  of  State  of  (Rusk),  160 
Jerusalem,  extension  of  Israeli  juris- 
diction {see  also  Jerusalem,  status 
of),  60n 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   153,   154, 
270,  309,  625,  661,  652,  810,  845, 

Israel — Continued 

U.S.  economic  and  military  aid: 
Goldberg,  9;  McQoskey,  652; 
Rusk,  210 

U.S.  tiavel  restrictions  amended,  41 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,   13 

Kennedy  Round  road-use  tax  reduc- 
tions: 98;  Roth,  127;  Trowbridge, 

Restrictions  on  U.S.  poultry  exports 
reduced,  861 

San  Marco  satellite  program  (Frut- 
kin),  401 

Science  cooperation  agreement,  an- 
nouncement, 80 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  54,  153, 
625,  809,  810 

U.S.  relations  (Rusk),  855 

U.S.  visit  of  President  Saragat,  500 
Ivory  Coast,  U.S.  visit  of  President 
Houphouet-Boigny,  330 

Jacoby,  Neil  H.,  214 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  431 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  81,  590,  625 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Tobriner),  confir- 
mation, 729 

U.S.    cotton    textile    agreement,    an- 
nouncement and  text,  622 
James,  Hatcher  M.,  Jr.,  288n 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  69 

Asian  regional  development,  role  in: 
452,  454,  745;  Gaud,  580;  John- 
son, 32,  510,  742;  Kaplan,  233; 
Rusk,  452;  Sato,  744 

Asian  students  in:  Bundy,  199;  Gaud, 

Bonin,  Okinawa,  and  Ryukyu  Islands, 
question  of  return  to  Japan:  745; 
Rusk,  457 

Economic  progress:  Gaud,  581 ;  Kap- 
lan, 232;  katzenbach,  688;  Rusk, 

Former  Prime  Minister  Yoshida, 
death  of  (Johnson),  660 

Kennedy  Round  tariff  reductions :  97, 
93,  100;  Johnson,  884;  Katzen- 
bach, 688;  Roth,  178;  Trow- 
bridge, 128,  129 

Population  growth  control  (Gaud), 

Trade  (Bundy),  197 

U.S.  replacement  of  interim  staging 
arrangements  by  Kennedy  Round 
staging,  proclamation,  800 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  54,  153, 
309,  337,  378,  514,  549,  589,  625, 
662,  728,  729,  809 

U.S.  interest  equalization  tax  rate 
modification,  396 

U.S. -Japan  Cooperative  Medical  Sci- 
ence Committee,  3rd  meeting,  172 

U.S. -Japan  Joint  Economic  Commit- 
tee, 6th  meeting:  communique, 
452;  Johnson,  453;  Miki,  455; 
Rusk,  451,455 

U.S.  mutual  defense  treaty:  745;  map, 
460;  Rusk,  563 

U.S.  poultry  exports,  restrictions  on 
reduced,  861 

Japan- — Continued 

U.S. -Soviet-Japan  discussions  on  Pa- 
cific Ocean  problems,  Mansfield 
proposal  (Rusk),  455 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Sato,  742 
World  role  (Brzezinski),  23 
Jaworski,  Leon,  475 
Jay,  John  (quoted),  333 
Jeff'erson,  Thomas:  quoted,  336,  692; 

Johnson,  571 
Jenks,  Sir  Wilfred  (Rusk),  91 
Jerusalem,    status    of:    60n;    Goldberg, 
103,   110,   112,   149,  486;  Johnson, 
33,  60;  E.  V.  Rostow,  237;  Rusk, 
88,  149 
U.N.  resolution,  text,  113 
Johnson,  Lyndon  B.: 

Addresses,  remarks,  and  statements: 
Alliance  for  Progress,  31,  499 

Science  and  technology  multilat- 
eral program,  717 
Sixth  anniversary,  remarks,  287 
American  ideals,  303,  631,  653 
Arab-Israeli  conflict,  33,  35,  37,  40 

Jerusalem,  status  of,  33,  60 
Regional   cooperation,    453,    508, 

612,  632,  743,  852 
U.S.  role  and  relations,  453,  614, 
Atomic  energy,  25th  anniversary,  862 
Big-power   responsibilities,    35,    38, 

59,  325,  853 
Chamizal   settlement,   683 
China,     report     of     U.S.    scientific 

team,  585 
Collective   security,    importance    of 

U.S.  commitments,  16,  779,  851 
Communism,   519,   522,  851 

OAS  role,  498 
East- West  relations,  16,  32 
Economic  and  social  development, 
principles  for  and  importance  of, 
16,  32,  42,  59,  325,  330,  499,  570, 
631,  655,  707,  753,  763,  778,  851 
Education,  importance,  303,  569 
Food  and  population  crisis,  78,  762 
Foreign  assistance  act  of  1967,  cut- 
backs,  effects  of,    753,   777 
Foreign  policy: 

1967   accomplishments,   32,    776, 

Principles     and    objectives,     303, 

325,  753,  778,  851 
Responsibilities  for,  336  (quoted), 
Freedom  of  speech  and  press,  59,  778 
Hollybush,     meeting     with     Soviet 
Chairman   Kosygin,   35,   36,   37, 
38,  59 
India,  additional  wheat  shipments 

authorized,  430 
Inter-American  Development  Bank, 

U.S.  pledge,  499 
International     Grains     Agreement, 

signature,  716 
International  Monetary  Fund,  new 

reserve   facility,    392 
Italy-U.S.     relations,  500,  501 

Former  Prime  Minister  Yoshida, 

death  of,  660 
U.S.  relations,  453,  742,  743 
Joint    Dominican    Republic-Puerto 
Rican  economic  commission,  an- 
nouncement, 620 



Johnson,  Lyndon  B. — Continued 
Addresses,  remarks,  etc. — Continued 

Kennedy  Round,  32,  717,  852,  884 

Laos,  653,  752 

Lee    Kuan    Yew,    tribute   to,    614 

Lord  Attlee,  regret  at  death  of,  568 

Marine  resources  cooperative  de- 
velopment,    723    (quoted) 

Meetings  with  heads  of  state,  im- 
portance and  results  of,  31,  35, 
36,  38,  39,  59,  329 

Mexico-U.S.  flood  control  project 

agreement  concluded,   147 
U.S.  relations,  673,  675 

Middle  East  emergency  relief  pro- 
grams, U.S.  support,  64 

NATO,  327 

Nuclear  weapons  proliferation  draft 
treaty,  315,  863 

Outer  space  treaty,  provisions  and 
importance,    567 

Regional  cooperation,  34,  632,  655 

Self-determination,     59,     295,     519 

Soviet  Chairman  Kosygin,  meetings 
with,  35,  36,  37,  39 

Tciriff  Commission  study  on  eco- 
nomic condition  of  U.S.  textile 
and  apparel  industries,  request  for, 

Trade,  573,  633,  716,  717,  877 
(quoted),  883 

U.K.  devaluation  of  pound  sterling, 

Viet-Nam  (Jor  details,  see  Viet-Nam): 
Civilian  service  awards,  288 
Enterprise  proposal,  747,  775 
Political  progress,  289,  290,  421, 

521,  776,  779 
Situation  reports,  32,  775 
U.N.  role,  780 
U.S.  commitment,  59,  519,  614, 

776,  777,   779,   851 

U.S.  position,  37,  59,    209,  498, 

509,  519,  775 
U.S.    public    opinion,    519,    776, 

777,  778 

U.S.  willingness  to  negotiate  for 
peace,  32,  39,  521,  632,  775 
War  on  hunger,  762 
World  order,  631,  633,  655 
World  peace,   16,  31,  35,  38,  328, 
522,  571,  631,  747,  851 
Correspondence  and  messages: 
Gabon,   death   of  President   Mba, 

U.S.  condolences,  867 
Iran,  U.S.  economic  aid  terminated, 

Marshall  Plan,  20th  anniversary,  16 
Soviet  Union,  50th  anniversary,  705 
Viet-Nam  Chief  of  State,  congratu- 
lations, 421 
World  Food  Problem,  foreword,  78 
Leadership  (Oliver),  474 
Meetings   with   Heads   of  State   and 
officials    of,    remarks    and    joint 
communiques:     Cameroon,     654; 
Denmark,     40;     Germany,     325; 
Ghana,  571;  Iceland,  201;  Iran, 
358;  Italy,  40,  500;  Ivory  Coast, 
330;  Japan,  742;  Laos,  653,  752; 
Lesotho,  568;  Malawi,  42;  Malay- 
sia, 578;  Mexico,  673;  Nepal,  706; 
Niger,  541;  Rwanda,  290;  Singa- 
pore,   612;    Soviet    Union,     35; 
ThaUand,  61;  U.K.,  40 

Johnson,  Lyndon  B. — Continued 

Messages,     letters,     and     reports     to 
Congress : 
Asian     Development     Bank,     U.S. 

financial  support,  508 
Atlantic-Pacific  Interoceanic  Canal 
Study    Commission,    3rd    annual 
report,  transmittal,  302 
Communications  policy,  296 
Food    aid    programs,    1966,   report, 

transmittal,  762 
Internationa)  Educational  and  Cul- 
tural Exchange  Program,  Annual 
Report,  transmittal,  303 
Kennedy  Round   trade  agreement, 

transmittal,  883 
OAS    Charter    amendments,   ratifi- 
cation recommended,  78 
State  of  the  budget  and  the  econ- 
omy, 266 
Trade    agreements   progi-am,    11th 

annual  report,  transmittal,  717 
Trust     Territory     of     the     Pacific 
Islands,   commission  for  study  of 
status,  recommendation,  363 
News  conference,  transcript,  775 
Outer  space  tieaty,  negotiations  for: 

Johnson,  567;  Rusk,  565 
Policies  of:  Oliver,  474;  W.  W.  Ros- 
tow,  67;  Rusk,  736 
Support,  desirability  of  (Gronouski), 

Viet-Nam:  Bundy,  275;  Lodge,  464 
Responsibilities:  Johnson,  40;   Rusk, 
Johnson,  U.  Alexis,  455 
Joint    Canada-US.    Ministerial    Com- 
mittee   on    Trade    and    Economic 
Affairs,  1 1th  meeting,  communique, 
Joint  U.S. -Japan  Committee  on  Trade 

and  Economic  Aff'airs,  746 
Jonathan,  Leabua,  568 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  362 
Arab-Israeli  conflict.  See  Arab-Israeli 

U.S.  aid:  McCloskey,  652;  Rusk,  163, 

210,  400 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Symmes),  creden- 
tials, 625 
U.S.  travel  restrictions,  41n,  459 
Juarez,  Benito  (quoted),  321,  498,  680, 

Judicial  and  extrajudicial  documents  in 
civil  or  commercial  matters,  ser\'ice 
abroad,    convention    (1965);    U.S., 


Kalb,  Bernard,  416 

Kaplan,  Harold,  230 

Karlovy  Vary  Conference  (Cleveland), 

Kashmir.  See  India-Pakistan  relations 
Katzenbach,  Nicholas  deB.,  333,  462, 

530,  602,  686,  794,  815;  Johnson,  32 
Kavibanda,  Gregoire,  290 
Kearney,  Richard  D.,  719 
Kellogg,  Arthur  Remington,  586 
Kennan,  George  (quoted),  265 
Kennedy,  John  F.:  quoted,  254,  279; 

Bundy,  280 
Kennedy,  Robert  F.,  350 

AID  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  589,  662, 
Kiesinger,  Kurt  Georg,  326,  327,  328 
Killian,  James  R.,  Jr. :  717;  McNamara, 

448;  Oliver,  757 
Kim,  Eva  Soonhe,  288n 
King  Mahendra,  707,  708 
Kistiakowsky,  George  B.  (McNamara), 

Kleiman,  Robert,  465 
Knappstein,  Heinrich  (Johnson),  328 
Komer,     Robert:     Bunker,     750;     Mc- 
Namara, 169 
Military  demarcation  line  (Kaplan), 

Unification,  U.N.  resolution  and  U.S. 
support  (Broomfield),  844 
Korea,  North: 
DMZ  violations  (Goldberg),  692 
U.N.  Command  report,  text,  692 
U.S.  trade  embargo  (E.  V.  Rostow), 
Korea,  Republic  of: 
Economic  progress  and  role  of  U.S. 
aid:  Gaud,  581,  582;  Kaplan,  232; 
Katzenbach,  531;  Rusk,  214,  804, 
Population    growth   control    (Gaud), 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,  222, 

405,  589,  625,  845 
U.S.    mutual    defense   commitments: 
Brown,  232   (quoted);  map,  460; 
Rusk,  563 
Viet-Nam,    military   and   other   aid: 
Bunker,    782;    McNamara,     169; 
Park  (quoted),  520;  Rusk,  91,  92, 
391,  555;  Taylor,  259;  Westmore- 
land, 788 
Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 
and  Taylor,  256 
Korean  conflict:  Bundy,  277;  Kaplan, 

232;  E.  V.  Rostow,  607 
Korean  Institute  of  Science  and  Tech- 
nology (Bundy),  197 
Korry,  Edward  M.,  337 
Kosygin,     Aleksei     N.:  36,     37,     38; 
Goldberg,  47,  109,  110;  Rusk,  159, 
Krag,  Otto,  41 
Kristol,  Irving,  285 
Kuchel,  Thomas  H.,  147 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  477,  514, 

U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41 
Ky,  Nguyen  Cao:  260  (quoted),  789; 
Bundy,     260,     354;     Bunker,    421; 
Johnson,  290,  421;  Rusk,  556 

Labor : 

Adjustment  assistance,  Trade  Ex- 
pansion Act:  Johnson,  885;  Kat- 
zenbach, 689;  Reynolds,  139; 
Roth,  174,  179,  576;  Solomon, 
183,  537 

African-U.S.  relations,  role  of  or- 
ganized labor  (Palmer),  658 

Asian  Labor  Ministers,  Conference 
(Bundy),  198 

Kennedy  Round,  importance  to 
(Reynolds),  137 



Labor — Continued 
Labor   standards   below   U.S.   levels, 
legislation  (Dent  bill)  proposed  to 
restrict  imports    of  products   pro- 
duced under  (Roth),  574 
Micronesia,  employee  benefits  (Nor- 
wood), 375 
Labor  Organization,  International,  sta- 
tus of  women  report  (Tillctt),  220 
Lacouture,  Jean,  279 
Laise,  Carol  (Johnson),  707 
Lake  Champlain,  107 
Lake  Ontario  claims  tribunal,  507 
Lamb,  Charles,  35 

Landlocked  states,   transit   trade,  con- 
vention (1965):  Mali,  697;  Yugo- 
slavia, 26 
Communism,  threat  of:  654;  Johnson, 
520,   653;    Rusk,    164,   214,   347, 
560,  563,  597,  822 
Geneva  accords:  Bundy,  280;  Rusk, 
386,  387 
Communist   violations   (Rusk),   92, 
386,  601,740 
Nam  Ngum  Dam  (Bundy),  198 
Treaties,   agreements,  etc.,   729,   855 
U.S.  aid,  importance  (Rusk),  214,  804 
U.S.     military    assistance,    FY     1968 
appropriations  request  (Rusk),  208 
U.S.    visit    of    Crown    Prince    Vong 

Savang,  752 
U.S.  visit  of  Prince  Souvanna  Phouma 

Viet-Nam,    military    and    other    aid 
(Rusk),  561,  563 
Larsen,  Stanley,  346,  557 
LASO.  See  Latin  American  Solidarity 

Latin    America    {see    also    Alliance    for 
Progress,  Organization  of  American 
States,  and  indivudial  countries): 
Communism,  danger  of:  Katzenbach, 
797;  Linowitz,  322,  617;  Oliver, 
473,   757,  871;  Rusk,  252,  490, 
493,  805 
OAS  resolution   and   text  of  final 
act,  491 
Defense    expenditures:     Katzenbach, 
797;  Linowitz,  619;  Oliver,  473, 
Economic    and    social    development. 

See  Alliance  for  Progress 
Inter-American     Export     Promotion 

Center  (Oliver),  756 
Political  stability  (Oliver),  870 
Science  and   technology   multilateral 

program:  717;  Oliver,  757 
Economic  integration:   681;  John- 
son,    31,     632;     Linowitz,     518; 
Oliver,    104,    471,    755;    W.    W. 
Rostow,    67;     Rusk,    211,    559; 
Solomon,  184,  534 
U.S.  generalized  trade  preferences: 
Oliver,  756,  870;  Solomon,  196 
U.S.    protectionist    trade    legislation, 
probable    effects    of:    681 ;    Diaz 
Ordaz,  677;  Oliver,  758 
Latin     American     Common     Market. 
See  Latin  America:  Economic  inte- 
Latin   American   Free   Trade   Associa- 
tion:   Linowitz,   618;    Oliver,    105, 
471,  755,  870;  Solomon,  534 

Latin    American    Solidarity    Organiza- 
tion:    497:     Linowitz,     322,     617; 
Oliver,  473;  Rusk,  491 
Laurel  Langley  Trade  Agreement,  78, 

Law,    international.    Set    International 

Law  of  the  sea.  See  Safety  of  life  at  sea 
Le  Defi  Amirkain,  712 
Treaiies,   agreements,  etc.,    153,  845 
U.S.  aid  (Rusk),  210 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,   171 
Leddy,John  M.,  759 
Lee  Kuan   Yew:  quoted,  68,  287,  614; 

Johnson,  614 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  270,  477, 

478,  770 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Jonathan, 
Less  developed  countries: 
Agriculture,  importance  of  moderni- 
zation.  See  Agriculture 
Communications     satel.itcs,      impor- 
tance to  (Johnson),  298 
Communism,   threat  of  (Brzezinski), 

Economic    and    social    development: 
Germany,  aid  (Kiesinger),  327 
Importance    of:    45;    Fowler,    527; 
Goldschmidt,    304;  Johnson,    59; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  424;  Rusk,  208 
Industrialized  nations,  role  of:  329, 
454;    Fowler,    527;  Johnson,    32, 
763;    E.    V.    Rostow,    429,    876; 
Rusk,    254,    389,    801;    Solomon, 
183,   185;  Waters,  767 
U.S.  support:   Harriman,  18;  John- 
son,   16,    763;   Katzenbach,   530; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  610;  Rusk,  90,  209, 
254,  389,  801 
Food  and  population  crisis.  See  Food 

and  population  crisis 
International    patent    system,    impor- 
tance to  (Trowbridge),  506 
Ocean    resource    development,    U.S. 

cooperation   (Humphrey),   228 
Science   and   technology,   importance 

to  (NAC),   15 
Space   research,    value   to    (Frutkin), 

Kennedy    Round,    importance    to: 
45,  95,   101,  503;  Freeman,   134, 
135;  Johnson,   135  (quoted),  633, 
884;  Roth,  126,  577;  Solomon,  189 
Preferential      trade     arrangements: 
OECD,    882;    Oliver,    472,    756; 
Rusk,  856;  Solomon,  185 
Trade  problems:  45,  454,  497,  725; 
OECD,  882;  Roth,  178;  Solomon, 
180;  Woods  (quoted),  678 
Lewis,  Geoffrey  W.,  478 
Lewis,  Verne  B.,  476 
V  Express,  713 
AID  bilateral  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  221,  337, 
Treaties,   agreements,  etc.    153,   337, 

U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  229 
Lilienthal,  David,  360,  864 
Lincoln,  Abraham  (quoted),  9,  679,  743 

Lindsey,  Edward  M.  (Rusk),  87 

Linowitz,  Sol  M.,  321,  586,  616 

Lisagor,  Peter,  465 

Load  lines,  convention  (1966),  inter- 
national: Denmark,  221;  Israel, 
270;  Liberia,  221;  Netherlands 
(including  Surinam  and  Nether- 
lands .Antilles),  270;  Sweden,  661; 
U.K.,  270;  U.S.,  404 

Loc,  Nguyen  Van  (Bunker),  784 

Lodge,  Henry  Cabot:  349,  464;  John- 
son, 290 

London  Times,  cited,  393 

Lopez,  Fernando,  582 

Lord  Attlee,  death  of  (Johnson),  568 

Lost    Revolution,    The,    275 

Luce,  Charles  F.,  46 

Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,  625,   770 
U.S.    Ambassador    (Feldman),    cre- 
dentials, 625 


Macao,  729 

Macauley,  Thomas  B.,  580  (quoted) 
Macedo  Soares,  Edmundo,  799 
Malagasy  Republic: 
Foreign     Minister    Sylla,     death     of 

(Rusk),  159 
Treaties,    agreements,   etc.,   81,   337, 

Ambassador  to  U.S.  credentials,  507 ' 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  245,  309, 

U.S.  visit  of  President  Banda,  42 
Malaya.  See  Malaysia 
Malaysia  (see  also  Association  of  South- 
east Asia) : 
Economic     and     political     progress: 

Gaud,  581;  Kaplan,  232 
Narcotic     drugs,     single    convention 

(1961),  accession,  270 

Science    and    mathematics    regional 

education  center,  proposed  (Gaud), 


U.K.  proposed  withdrawal  from  area 

(Taylor),  259 
U.S.  visit  of  Minister  of  Finance  Tun, 


Viet-Nam,  support  for  U.S.  role,  520 

Visit   of  Vice   President   Humphrey, 


Maldive   Islands,   treaties,   agreements, 

etc.,  54,  404 
Mali,     transit     trade     of    land-locked 
states,  convention  (1965),  accession, 
Cotton  textile  agreement,  announce- 
ment, 23 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  81,  270,  662 
U.S.     Ambassador     (Smythe),     con- 
firmation, 625 
Manescu,  Corneliu,  483n 
Mann,  Fredric  R.,  478 
Mansfield,  Mike:  357;  Goldberg,  667; 

Rusk,  456,  739 
Mantilla  Ortega,  Carlos,  431 
Margolies,  Daniel  F.,  585 
Marine    resources    {see   also    Fish    and 
fisheries),  23 
Cooperative   exploration   and  use  of 
ocean  floor,  U.N.  role  in  develop- 
ment of  principles  for:  Goldberg, 
723;  Johnson  (quoted),  723 



.Marine  resources — Continued 
Fish      protein      concentrate:      Gold- 

schmidt,  307;  Humphrey,  228 
International    cooperation    for:    747; 
Humphrey,  227 
Marine  Sciences  Council  (Humphrey), 

Maritime    Consultative    Organization, 
Intergovernmental  (Goldberg),  723 
Convention  (1948):  Hong  Kong,  221; 

Maldive  Islands,  54 
Convention    (1965),    amendment    to 
Article  28:  Algeria,  Mexico,  885 
Maritime  matters  {see  also  Safety  of  life 
at  sea  and  Ships  and  shipping): 
Exploration  of  the  Sea,  International 
Council  for.  Convention   (1964); 
Belgium,  378 
Maritime  traffic,   international,   con- 
vention (1965)  on  facilitation  of, 
with  annexes:  Canada,  Germany, 
337;     Israel,     846;     Netherlands 
(including  Surinam  and  Nether- 
lands   Antilles),    624;    Romania, 
Singapore,  Sweden,  337 
Red  Sea,  maintenance  of  certain  lights 
in,  international  convention,  1962; 
Liberia,  337 
Marriage  and  family,  status  of  women, 
U.N.   Commission,   report  of  20th 
session  (TiUett),  219 
Marshall,  George  (quoted),  251,  534 
Marshall  Plan,  20th  anniversary:  Har- 

riman,  17;  Johnson,  16 
Martin,  Edwin  M.,  808 
Martin,  William  McChesney,  Jr.,  392« 
Martola,  Ilmarai  (Goldberg),  52 
Matsui,  Akira,  670 

Mauritius,  U.S.  consulate  reopened,  698 
Mba,   President   of  Gabon,   U.S.   con- 
dolences on  death  of  (Johnson),  857 
Mbekeani,  Nyemba  VVjiles,  507 
McCall,  Thomas,  349 
McCarthy,  Eugene  (Palmer),  659 
McCloskey,  Robert,  16,  652 
McConnell,  John  P.,  355 
McHugh,  J.  Laurence,  586 
McKernan,  Donald  L.,  172,  475,  685, 

McKinney,  Robert  M.,  476,  828 
McLuhan,  Marshall  (W.  W.  Rostow), 

McNamara,  Robert  S.:   167,  443,  544 
(quoted);  Lodge,  465;  Rusk,  208, 
Viet-Nam  DMZ  barrier  (Rusk),  385, 
Mekong  Valley   development:   Bundy, 
198;  Gaud,  580;  Johnson,  509,  510, 
752;  Kaplan,  233;  Lilienthal,  867; 
W.  W.  Rostow,  68;  Rusk,  214 
MentschikoflT,  Sola,  475 
Meteorological  research:  Frutkin,  402; 
Goldberg,    723;    Humphrey,    227; 
Rusk,  739 
North  Atlantic  ocean  weather  stations 
agreement  (1955),  with  annexes: 
India.  770 
Polar  cap  ionosphere,  NASA-CNRC 
cooperative  study,  agreement  with 
Canada,  337 
World    Meteorological    Organization 
convention  (1947):  Barbados,  438; 
Botswana,  624;  Panama,  438 

Air   transport  agreement,   announce- 
ment, 589 
Chamizal  settlement:  681,  684  (text), 
770;  Johnson,  673,  683;  Rusk,  684 
Economic  development:  Diaz  Ordaz, 

677;  Rusk,  211 
Fishery  zones  and  fishery  rights,  dis- 
cussions and  agreement,  475,  681, 
Flood   control   agreement   concluded 

(Johnson),  147 
Pious  Fund  claim,  settlement  of,  261 
Presidents'  action  program,  text,  681 
Treaties,    agreements,    etc.,    26,    625, 

662,  698,  728,  770,  845,  855 
U.S.     relations:  680;     Diaz     Ordaz, 
677;  Johnson,  673,  675;  Linowitz, 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Diaz  Ordaz,  673 
Michalowski,  Jerzy,  431 
Micronesia.  See  Trust  Territory  of  the 

Pacific  Islands 
Middlcton,  Drew,  68,  231,  287 
Mikhail  Frunze,  Soviet  vessel,  170 
Miki,  Takeo;  455;  Gaud,  580 
Military  aircraft.  See  under  Aviation 
Military  assistance  [see  also  ."Armaments), 
Soviet  arms  budget  increases  (Rusk), 
Militai-y  assistance,  U.S.: 
Appropriations     request     FY      1968 

(Rusk),  208,  214 
Europe,  effect  on  balance  of  payments 

(E.  V.  Rostow),  881 
India,     Pakistan,     U.S.     aid     policy 

(Katzenbach),  795 
Jordan,  review  of:  McCloskey,  652; 

Rusk,  163,  210 
Philippines,  U.S.  aid  increased  (Blair), 

Principles  for,  and  policy  objectives: 
Katzenbach,     530;     McCloskey, 
652;  Oliver,  757;  Rusk,  208,  215, 
387,  806 
Military  bases: 
Outer    space    treaty    prohibition    of: 

Johnson,  567;  Rusk,  566 
Philippines,    exploitation    of   natural 
resources    of   U.S.    bases,    agree- 
ment, 405 
Ryukyu  and  Bonin  Islands,  745 
U.S.  use  of  Thai  bases  (Rusk),  92 
Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 
Mills,  Wilbur  D.,  529,  647 
Miner,  Robert  G.,  729 
Missiles   (see  also   Armaments   and  Nu- 
clear weapons): 
Antiballistic  missiles: 
Agreement,    proposed :     Cleveland, 
143;  Goldberg,  487;  Johnson, 
32;  Rusk,  385 
Soviet  and  U.S.  deployment:  Fisher, 
543 ;  McNamara,  44  7 ;  Rusk  1 66 
U.S.,  Chinese-oriented:   Fisher,  543; 
Goldberg,  488 ;  McNamara,  449 
Hawk    and    Nike    Hercules    missiles 
system,  agreement  with  Japan  re- 
production of  in  Japan,  729 
Modesti,  Girolamo,  596 
Monetary  Fund,  International:  Katzen- 
bach,   335;    Rusk,    214;    Solomon, 
184,  539 
Articles  of  agreement:  Gambia,  477 
Ministerial      meeting,      Washington, 
communique,  369 

Monetary  Fund,  International — Con, 
Ministerial  meeting — Continued 

U.S.  delegation,  392,  392n 
Special    drawing    rights   facility,   im- 
portance and  U.S.  position:  329, 
392,  393,  454,  503;  Fowler,  394. 
523;  Johnson,  392;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
877;  Rusk,  558,  856 
22nd  annual  meeting,  Rio  de  Janeiro: 
Fowler,  523 ;  text  of  resolution,  529 
Mora,  Jose  A.,  494 
Moreno,  Mario  (Diaz  Ordaz),  675 
Morgenthau,  Hans  (quoted),  279 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  550,  770 
U.S.  aid  (Rusk),  210,  212 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41 
Morrison,  Alice  A.,  218n 
Morse,  Wayne,  667 
Moseman,  Albert  H.,  585 
Murphy,  George,  349 
Muskie,  Edmund  S.,  349 
Mutual  defense: 
Bilateral  agreements  with:  Japan,  54; 
Norway,  846 
Map,  460 
U.S.    commitments:    Johnson,    853; 
Rusk,  89,  704,  823 


NAC.  See  North  Atlantic  Council 
Nam  Ngum  Dam:  Bundy,  198;  Gaud, 

58!  ;  Johnson,  509 
Narcotics.  See  Drugs 
NASA.  See  National   Aeronautics  and 

Space  ."Administration 
Nasser,  Gamal  (Goldberg),  5,  6 
National   Aeronautics   and  Space  Ad- 
Cooperative        satellite        programs 

(Frutkin),  401 
Polar   cap   ionosphere   study,    agree- 
ment with  Canada  re  cooperation 
with  Canadian  National  Research 
Council,  337 
National  Science  Foundation,  23,  80 
Nationalism  (Brzezinski),  20,  22 
Asia  (Hilsman),  280 
Indonesia  (Bundy),  287 
Philippines,  dangers  of  economic  na- 
tionalism (Blair),  206 
Nationality,  acquisition  of,  Vienna  con- 
vention, optional  protocol  re:  Nor- 
way, 769 
NATO.    See    North    Atlantic    Treaty 

Near  and  Middle  East  {see  also  Arab- 
Israeli  conflict): 
Arms  shipments.  See  Armaments 
Economic     development:     Goldberg, 
148,  487;  Johnson,  359,  632;  W. 
W.  Rostow,  69;  Rusk,  210 
Elimination  of  U.S.  import  quotas  on 
extra-long-staple    cotton,    foreign 
policy   implications  (E.   V.   Ros- 
tow), 236 
Emergency     relief    programs,     U.S. 

pledge:  Johnson,  64;  Rusk,  210 
Military  assistance,  U.S.  position  {see 
also    Armaments):    Goldberg,    9; 
McCloskey,  652;  Rusk,  160,  210, 
387,  803 
Oil  exports  (Udall),  641 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41, 
171,  229,  459,  799 



Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  309,  810 
U.S.  visit  of  King  Mahendra,  706 
Restrictions  on  U.S.  poultry  exports 

reduced,  861 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,  270, 
478,  550,  624,  625,  770 
Neutrality  and  nonalinement: 
Cambodia:  Goldberg,  668;  Rusk,  89, 

412,  558,  597 
King  Mahendra,  709 
Laos  (Souvanna  Phouma),  654 
Malawi  (Banda),  43 
New  York  Times,  68,  231,  287,  603 
New  Zealand: 

Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,    13 
Observers     for     Viet-Nam    elections 

(Lodge),  350 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   26,    1 1 7, 

Viet-Nam,   military   and   other   aid: 
520;  McNamara,  169;  Rusk,  91, 
92,  391 
Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 
and  Taylor,  256 
Newly    independent    nations    (see    also 
name  of  country): 
Africa:  Johnson,  32;  W.  W.  Rostow, 

68;  Rusk,  212,  803 
Anticolonialism    (Kaplan),    231 
Asia  (Bundy),  278 

Economic   problems    and   U.S.    aid: 

Katzenbach,  530;  Rusk,  212,  801 

International     law,     importance     to 

(Bundy),  200 
U.N.,  importance  to  (Goldberg),  265 
Man  Dan,  672 
Sea-level  canal  feasibility  study,  com- 
mission, 3rd  aimual  report:  302; 
Johnson,  302 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  662,  697 
U.S.    Ambassador    (Crockett),    con- 
firmation, 246 
Nieuwenhuis,  Willebrond,  595 
International  telecommunications  con- 
vention    (1965),    with     annexes, 
ratification,  309 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Diori,  541 
AID  program  under  review  (Rusk), 

EEC  trade  agreement  (Solomon),  185 
Soviet   arms   supply,    U.S.    position, 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,  221, 
728,  730 
Nike  Hercules  missiles,  729 
Nonintervention,   U.S.  position:   Brze- 
zinski,  22;  Buff'um,  152;  Rusk,  821 
Norstad,  Lauris,  465 
North     Atlantic     Council,     ministerial 
meetings,   Washington  (1957):  text 
of    communique,     14;     U.S.     dele- 
gation, 16 
Resolution    on    international   techno- 
logical cooperation,  text,  15 
North    Atlantic   Treaty:    Leddy,    422; 

map,  460 
North    Atlantic    Treaty    Organization 
(Johnson),  32 
Armed  forces,  strength  and  deploy- 
ment:  Johnson,   327;   Kiesinger, 
327;  Rusk,  166 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization — 

Deterrent  role:  329,  503;  Cleveland, 
141;    Johnson,    325;    Kiesinger, 
326;  Leddy,  759;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
427;   Waters,   767 
Global  interests  (Cleveland),  145 
Italy,  support  of  (.Saragat),  502 
Nonproliferation    treaty,    position   on 

(Cleveland),  144 
Technological  cooperation,  NAC  res- 
olution, 15 
U.S.     commitments     and     support: 
Cleveland,     145;    Kaplan,     234; 
Katzenbach,    335,    532;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  427;  Rusk,  91,  598,  599, 
856,  857;  Schaetzel,  715 
U.S.     1968     appropriations     request 

(Rusk),  208 
Viet-Nam,  position  on  (Rusk),  599, 601 
Norway,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  26, 

81,  378,  625,  769,845,  846 
Norwood,  William  R.,  366 
NS   Savannah,    operation    by    a   private 
company,    bilateral    agreements    re 
U.S.   liability:   China,  245;  Yugo- 
slavia, 270 
NSF  (National  Science  Foundation),  23, 

Nuclear  blackmail:   744;   Fisher,   544; 
Foster,   293;   Goldberg,   487;   Mc- 
Namara, 449 
Nuclear  nonproliferation : 
Nonnuclear  states,  Foster,  316;  Rusk, 

Treaty,  draft:  319;  Foster,  315,  317; 
Goldberg,  487,  488 ;  Johnson,  315; 
Rusk,  559;  text,  319 
Safeguards,  U.S.  position  on :  Foster, 
292,  293,  317;  Johnson,  863 
Treaty,  need  for:  503,  744;  Cleveland, 
144;  Fisher,  291,  545;  Goldberg, 
488;     Johnson,     36,     291,     315; 
Kosygin,    38;    McNamara,    449; 
NAC,  14;  Rusk,  388 
Nuclear  test  ban: 
Comprehensive   treaty,   need   for 

(Foster),  293 
Outer  space  treaty,  provision  of,  567 
Treaty     (1963),    ratification:     Costa 
Rica,  153 
Nuclear  war,  dangers  of  and  U.S.  efforts 
to    prevent:    319;    Brzezinski,     19; 
Fisher,    544;    Johnson,    520,    863; 
Rusk,  87,  251,  253,  704,  737,  824. 
857,  859 
Nuclear  weapons: 
Communist  China,  threat  of  and  ques- 
tion of  guarantees  against:   Mc- 
Namara, 449;  Rusk,  164 
NATO.   See   North   Atlantic   Treaty 

Outer  space,  prohibition  of:  Johnson, 

567;  Rusk,  566 
Tests.  See  Nuclear  test  ban 
25th  anniversary  (Johnson),  863 
U.S.  capabilities  and  policv:  Brzezin- 
ski, 2 1 ;  McNamara,  443 
World  peace,  stabilizing  effect  (Brze- 
zinski), 20 
Nugent,  Patrick  L.,  (Johnson),  40,  41 


O'Brien,  John  R.,  337 
Oceanography.  See  Marine  resources 

O'Conor,  Herbert  R.,  Jr.,  489 
ODECA     (Organization     of     Central 

American  States),  697 
OECD.  See  Organization  for  Economic 

Cooperation  and  Development 
Oehlert,  Benjamin  H.,  Jr.,  245 
O'Hara,  Barratt  (Palmer),  659 
Ohin,  Alexandre,  202 
Arab-Egyptian     economic     sanctions 

(E.  V.  Rostow),  237 
Iran,  production  (Rusk),  825 
Micronesia,  production  and  develop- 
ment (Norwood),  370 
Prevention  of  pollution  of  the  sea  by, 
international    convention    (1954), 
with  annexes:  Japan,  549;  Leb- 
anon, 153 
U.S.     oil     import     control    program 
(Udall),  639 
Okinawa,  question  of  return  to  Japan 

(Rusk),  458 
Okun,  Arthur  M.  (Fowler),  393 
Old,  Bruce  S.,  585 
OUvcr,  Covey  T.,  102,  470,  698,  754, 

O'Neill,  Joseph  P.,  288n 
Organization  for  African  Unity:  W.  W. 

Rostow,  68;  Rusk,  88 
Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation 
and  Development:  861;  Harriman, 
17;  NAC,  15;  Oliver,  756;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  428;  Roth,  178;  Rusk,  856; 
Solomon,  181 ;  Trowbridge,  72 
Development    Assistance    Committee 

chairman  (Martin),  808 
Marshall     Plan,     20th     anniversary 

(Johnson),  16 
Ministerial    council    meeting,    Paris, 
1967:  E.  V.  Rostow,  876;  text  of 
communique,  881 
Temporary  tariff  advantages  for  less 
developed  countries:  OECD,  882; 
Rusk,  856 
Organization  of  American  States:  Lino- 
witz,  321,  616;  OUver,  871 ;  Rusk,  88 
Charter  (1948): 
Current  actions :  Barbados,  Trinidad 

and  Tobago,  846 
Protocol  of  amendment  (1967):  190; 
Argentina,  245 

U.S.  ratification  urged  (Johnson), 
Foreign  Ministers  meeting,  Washing- 
ton: Johnson,  498;  Katzenbach, 
533;  Linowitz,  617 
U.S.  representative  (Oliver)  on  Inter- 
American   Economic   and   Social 
Council,  designation,  698 
Venezuelan  complaint  against  Cuba: 
Oliver,  473;  Rusk,  383,  490,  493 
OAS  Final  Act,  text,  491 
OAS  resolutions,  495 
Organization     of     Central     American 
States,    agreement    with    U.S.    for 
economic  and  technical  assistance, 
current    actions:     Costa    Rica,    El 
Salvador,     Guatemala,    Honduras, 
Nicaragua,  597 
Ortana,  Egidio,  13 
Osorio-Tafall,  B.  F.,  52 
Outer  space  (Rusk),  253 
International     law,     application     to 

(Dean),  555 
Surveyor   V    lunar   landing,   report, 
transmittal  (Goldberg),  769 



Outer  Space — Continued 
Treaty   on   principles   of  exploration 
and  use  of  ( 1 967) :  Goldberg,  263 ; 
Johnson,  295;  Rusk,  558,  738 

Current  actions:  Australia,  Canada, 
Denmark,  589;  Finland,  153; 
France,  514;  Hungary,  Jamaica, 
81;  Japan,  Korea,  589;  Nepal, 
810;  Pakistan,  438;  Peru,  81; 
Sierra  Leone,  190;  Soviet  Union, 
Sweden,  589;  Trinidad  and  To- 
bago, 514;  U.A.R.,  624;  U.K., 
U.S.,  589 

Entry-into-force:  589,  747;  Dean, 
565;  Dobrvnin,  565;  Johnson, 
567;  Rusk,  566 

Johnson,  role  in  negotiation  of: 
Johnson,  567;  Rusk,  566 

Pacific  communitv,  U.S.-So\iet-Japan 
d!scu.':sions,  Mansfield  proposal 
(Rusk),  456 
Pacific  Islands  Trust  Territory,  fe Trust 
Territory  of  the  Pacific  Islands  and 
individual  islands 
Paddock,   Paul:   583  (quoted);   Gaud, 

Paddock,  WiUiara:  583  (quoted);  Gaud, 

Pahlavi,  Mohammad  Reza  Shah,  359, 

Cotton  textile  agreement,  announce- 
ment, 114 
Economic  progress:  Gaud,  581,  583; 

Rusk,  802 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   154.  222, 

309,  438,  845,  846 
U.S.    aid:    Katzenbach,    531;    Rusk, 

211,  802 
U.S.     .Embassador     (Oehlert),     con- 
firmation, 246 
U.S.  military  assistance  policy  (Katz- 
enbach), 795 
Pakistan  Aid  Consortium  (Rusk),  212, 

Palmer,  Joseph,  2d,  656 
Atlantic-Pacific     Interoceanic     Canal 
Studv    Commission,    3rd    annual 
report:  302;  Johnson,  302 
Canal  treaties,  agreement  on:  Oliver, 

474;  Rusk,  165;  texts,  65 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   54,   438, 
477,  624 
Political  progress  (Oliver),  871 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  405,  662 
Park,  Chung  Hee  (quoted),  520 
Patent  reform  (Trowbridge),  504 
Patrick  Cardinal  O'Boyle,  253 
Paulos,  Kirsten  C,  218n 
Pautzke,  Qarence  F.,  172 
Pazhwak,  Abdul  Rahman  (Goldberg), 

Peace  Corps: 
Africa:  Pahner,  658;  Rusk,  212 
Agreements    establishing:    Dahomey, 

154;  Guyana,  54;  Lesotho,  478 
"Exchange  peace  corps".  Volunteers 

to  America,  235 
Micronesia:     Norwood,     358,     369; 
SaUi,  376 
Pearson,  Drew,  262 

Peck,  William  (Norwood),  372 

Pedersen,  Richard  F.,  46,  52 

Pembina     river     basin     project,      IJC 

report,  874 
Pepin,  Jean-Luc,  46 
Perkins,  James  A.,  294;  Jolmson,  569 
Peru  (Solomon),  536,  540 
Elimination  of  U.S.  import  quotas  on 
extra-long-staple  cotton,  effect  of 
(E.  V.  Rostow),  237 
Treaties,    agreements,   etc.,    81,    221, 
309,  590,  723 
Peterson,  Rudolph  A.,  294 
Petroleum.  See  Oil 
Pham  Van  Dong  (quoted),  671 
Philippines     {see     also     Association     of 
Southeast  Asia): 
Agriculture  graduate  study   and   re- 
search institute,  proposed  (Gaud), 
.Esia,  role  in  (Blair),  205 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   26,    117, 

337,  405,  550,  625,  661 
U.S.     cotton     textile     arrangements, 

exchange  of  notes,  51 1 
U.S.    mutual    defense    treaty:    map, 

460;  Rusk,  563 
U.S.  Presidential  advisers  Clifford  and 
Taylor,    reason    for    not    visiting 
(Qifford),  259 
U.S.  relations  (Blair),  203 
U.S.  trade  agreement,  discussions,  78, 

Viet-Nam,  military  and  other  support: 
Blair,  206;  Marcos  (quoted),  520; 
McNamara,  169;  Rusk,  91,  391 
Pious  Fund  claim  (U.S.-Mexico),  settle- 
ment, 261 
Poland : 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  431 
Treaties,    agreements,    etc.,    54,    550, 

730,  846 
U.S.    policy,    attitude    of    Congress 
(Gronouski),  434 
Pollack,  Herman,  246,  476 
Pollution,  water  pollution,  problem  of 

(Humphrey),  227 
Pollution  of  the  sea  by  oil,  prevention 
of,  convention,  international  (1954), 
with  annexes:  Japan,  549;  Lebanon, 
Population  growth: 
Family    planning    programs:    Gaud, 
583;  Goldschmidt,  304;  Johnson, 
763;  Rusk,  212;  Tillett,  220 
Food  supply,  relation  to.  See  Food  and 

population  crisis 
India  (Paddock,  quoted),  583 
Latin  America  (Oliver),  472 
Less  developed  countries  (Rusk),  736 
Angola,  use  as  base  for  Congo  mer- 
cenaries (Buffum),  808 
Treaties,   agreements,  etc.,   190,  625, 
729,  845,  846 
Postal  matters: 
Parcel  post  agreement  with  Ethiopia, 

54,  270 
Postal  Union  of  the  Americas  and 
Spain,  convention,  money  order 
agreement,  parcel  post  agreement, 
and  final  protocols:  Argentina, 
Mexico,  Peru,  U.S.,  728 

Postal    Union,    Universal,    constitution 
with  final  protocols:  Hungaiy,  26; 
Kuwait,   477;   Laos,   885;   Lesotho, 
477;   Maldive   Islands,   404;   Sierra 
Leone,  477;  Tanzania,  885;  Togo, 
770;   U.A.R.,   Viet-Nam,   404 
President,  The:  Office  and  Powers,  333n 
Arab-Israeli  conflict,  U.N.  resolution 

on  treatment  of,  11,  112 
Geneva  conventions   (1949)   re  treat- 
ment of:  Congo  (Brazzaville),  81; 
Kenya,  698;  Kuwait,  514;  Zam- 
bia, 698 
U.S.    application    to   Viet-Nam   war 
prisoners,  170 
Proclamations  by  the  President: 
Human    Rights    Week    and    Human 

Rights  Year  (3814),  660 
National  UNICEF  Day   {3817),  718 
Trade  agreements,  interim,  with  Can- 
ada,  U.K.,  and  Japan,  termina- 
tion of  further  staging  of  certain 
concessions  {3818),  800 
United   Nations  Day,   (1967)    {3797), 

World  Law  Day,  1967  {3791),  171 
Propaganda  (Goldberg),  262 
Public  Law  480  (Johnson),  763 

Commerce  Department,    Technological 
Innovation:     Its     Environment     and 
Management,  70n 
Congressional  documents  relating  to 
foreign  policy,  lists,  79,  107,  147, 
215,  239,  364,  511,718,  807,  885 
International    exchange    of,    conven- 
tion (1958):  Finland,  U.S.  221 
Official  publications  and  government 
documents,  exchange  of  between 
states,    convention    (1958):    Fin- 
land, U.S.,  221 
State  Department: 
American  Foreign  Policy:  Current  Docu- 
ments, 1964,  released,  550 
Foreign  Relations  oj  the  United  States: 
Diplomatic  Papers,   1945,   Volume  I, 
General:    The    United   Nations,    re- 
leased, 729 
Lists  of  recent  releases,  81,  117,  154, 
222,  246,  310,  338,  364,  405,  590, 
626,  662,  730,  886 
Trust   Territory  of  the  Pacific  Islands, 
released,  366» 
United  Nations: 
Documents,  lists  of,  113,   153,  242, 

308,  404,  438,  694,  726 
Programme  jor   the  Liberalisation  and 
Expansion  of  Trade  in  Manufactures 
and  Semi-Mamtfactures  of  Interest  to 
Developing  Countries,  189n 
Question  of  the  Granting  and  Extension 
of  Preferences  in  Favour  of  Developing 
Countries,  188n 
World  Food  Problem,  The,  released,  76n; 
Johnson,  78 
Puerto  Rico,  Joint  Dominican  Repub- 
lic-Puerto   Rican    Economic    Com- 
mission, announcement,  620 


Quint,  Bert,  417 
Quintanilla,  Luis,  462 

Rabasa,  Oscar,  475,  685 



Rabb,  Maxwell,  476 
Racial    discrimination     (sec    also    Civil 
Africa:   Goldberg,   488;   Palmer,   659 
Convention,  international   (1965),  on 
the   elimination   of  all   forms   of: 
Argentina,  378;  Guatemala,  Mo- 
rocco, 550;  Nigeria,  728;  Panama, 
438;      Philippines,      550;      Sierra 
Leone,  378;  Trinidad  and  Tobago, 
117;  Venezuela,  662;  Yugoslavia, 
U.N.  role  in  solution  (Goldberg),  264 
Amateur    radio    stations,    agreement 
with  Austria  re  operation  of,  846 
Licensed    amateur    radio    operators, 
agreements  re  reciprocal  granting 
of   authorizations    to    operate    in 
either  country:   Chile,   846;  New 
Zealand,  117;  Norway,  81;  Vene- 
zuela, 550 
Loran-A    stations,     agreement    with 
Canada    re    loan     of    additional 
equipment,  885 
Partial   revision   of  radio   regulations 
(Geneva,  1959)  to  put  into  effect 
revised  frequency  allotment  plan 
for  aeronautical  mobile  (R)  serv- 
ice and  related  information:  Bel- 
gium, 478;  China,  309;  Iceland, 
222;     India,     662;    Japan,     309; 
Kenya,    662;    Netherlands,    478; 
New    Zealand,    309;    Singapore, 
222;     Tanzania,     Uganda,     662; 
U.K.,     309;     U.S.,     270,     404; 
Yugoslavia,  222 
Partial  revision  of  radio  regulations 
(Geneva,  1959)  with  annexes  and 
additional    protocol:   Korea,    222 
Standard    (AM)    radio   broadcasting 
stations,  agreement  with  El  Sal- 
vador re  pre-sunrise  operation,  54 
Rajaratnam,  S.J.  (quoted),  231 
Ramev,  James  T.,  476 
Rasminsky,  Louis,  46 
Reciprocal    assistance,    Inter-American 
treaty,   1947,  acceptance:  Trinidad 
and  Tobago,  54 
Red    Cross,    International:    170,    401; 

Johnson,  65 
Red  Sea,  maintenance  of  certain  lights 
in,  international  convention,   1962: 
Liberia,  337 
Refugees,     Arab-Israeli     conflict.     See 

Arab-Israeli  conflict 
Regional  cooperation  and  development: 
Brzezinski,    20;    Rajaratnam,    231 
(quoted);    Solomon,     184 
Asia.  See  under  Asia 
Europe  (Trowbridge),   75 
Inter-American  system  (see  also  Alli- 
ance for  Progress) :  Linowitz,  321 ; 
Solomon,  537 
Middle  East,   U.S.  proposals:  Gold- 
berg,   218;    Johnson,    34,    632; 
W.  VV.  Rostow,  69 
U.S.  support:  Johnson,  32,  632,  655; 
Katzenbach,  335;  VV.  VV.  Rostow, 
67;  Rusk,  91,  209,  212,  803 
Reporter,   68 
Research.  See  subject 
Reston,  James,  280 
Rey,  Jean:  Roth,  125;  Schaetzel,  715 
Reynolds,  James  J.,  137 

Rice,  research  in:  Gaud,  582;  Lilien- 

thal,  866 
Richardson,  Egerton  Rudolf,  431 
Rio  Treaty  (map),  460 
Ritchie,  A.  E.,  46 
Road  vehicles: 
Private,   customs   convention   on   the 
temporary    importation    of,     ac- 
cession: Ireland,  438 
Road-use  ta.\es,  Kennedy  Round  re- 
ductions: 98,     100;    Roth,     127. 
576;    Trowbridge,     131 
Robert  R.  Nathan  and  Associates,  study 

on  Micronesia  (Norwood),  368 
Roberts,  Edmund,  63 
Robinson,  H.  F.,  76,  874 
Robinson,   Thomas    E.    (Johnson),    36 
Rockefeller,  John  D.,  Ill  (Rusk),   737 
Rockefeller   Foundation:  Diaz    Ordaz, 
676;    Gaud,    582;    Lilienthal,    866 
Rockne,  Knute  (quoted),  752 
Rogers,  Will  (quoted),  675 
Rolz-Bennett,  Jose,  859,  860 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  202 
Exchanges  and  visits,  1968  program, 

agreement,  875 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  81,  337 
Romney,   George:  Lodge,   467;   Rusk, 

Roosevelt,   Eleanor,   151,  660 
Roosevelt,  Franklin  D.   (quoted),  522, 

Roosevelt,  Theodore  (quoted),  736 
Roshchin,   Alexei    (Foster),   293 
Rostow,   E.   v.,   236,   301n,   397,   422, 

476,  605.  876 
Rostow,  W.  W.,  66 
Roth,  William  M.:  95,  123,  173,  455. 

574,  648,   725;  Solomon,    189 
Rovere,  Richard,  603 
Ruge,  Gerd,  595 
Rusk,  Dean: 
Addresses,  remarks,  and  statements: 
Africa,   U.S.   aid   policy,   212,   803 
Alliance  for  Progress,  90,  210,  254, 

410    492    493    805 
American  ideals,'  251,  255,  348,  741 
Antiballistic  missiles,   166,  385 
Arab-Israeli  conflict: 
Jerusalem,  status  of,  88,  149 
Refugees,  U.S.  position,  388,  416 
Soviet  arms  shipments,  561 
U.N.  role,  165,  387,  559 
U.S.  position,  88,  159,  165,  210, 
387,  388,  561 
Arms  race,  economic  burden  of, 

Middle   East,  supply  to,  88,  160, 
210,  215,  561 

U.S.  policy  under  review,  387 
British  proposed  reduction  of  forces 

in,  160 
Communism,  threat  of,  253,  555, 

560,  563,  596,  597,  821,  857 
Regional   cooperation,   214,   347, 

452,  563,  736,  804,  822 
U.S.  aid  programs,  214 
U.S.  commitments,  160,  458,  555, 
563,  596,  599,  703,  821,  823,  857 
Asian  Development  Bank,  452,  456, 

Australia,  military  aid  to  Vict-Nam, 

Rusk,  Dean — Continued 
Addresses,  remarks,  etc. — Continued 

Bonin  Islands,  457,  459 

Brazil,  former  President  Castello 
Branco,  death  of,  159 

Chamizal  setdement,  684 

Collective  security,  252,  347,  598, 
704,  857 

Countermeasures,  214,  490,  493, 

U.S.  role  against,  344,  704,  741, 

806,  824 
Wodd  goals,  92,  252,  491,  600 

Communist  China: 
Containment,    question    of,    598, 

Internal  situation,  389,  415 
Threat  of,  164,  347,  563,  564,  596, 

U.N.  membership,  U.S.  position, 

389,  390 
U.S.  relations  and  efforts  to  im- 
prove, 390,  739 

Congress,  public  hearings,  advisa- 
bility of,  560 

Cuba,  subversion  and  intervention 
by,  490,  493 

Disarmament,  90,  215,  738 

East-West  relations,  90,  600 

Europe,  U.S.  interests  and  relations, 

Food  and  population  crisis,  254,  736 

Foreign  aid,  principles  for,  90,  209, 
253,  389,  735,  801 

Foreign  policy,  90,  251,  348,  736, 

Four  freedoms,  855 

Glassboro  talks,  159 

Guevara,  "Che",  561 

India,  U.S.  aid,  211,  802 

International  cooperation,  need  for, 

Iran,  U.S.  direct  economic  aid 
terminated,  825 

Japan-U.S.  joint  Economic  Com- 
mittee, 6th  meeting,  451,  455 

Jordan,  U.S.  economic  and  militziry 
aid  under  review,  163 

Kennedy  Round,  456,  457 

Laos  accords,  386,  387,  601 

German  and  U.K.  armed  forces, 

proposed  cutbacks  in,  166 
U.S.  commitments,  91,  598,  599, 

1967,  constructive  developments, 
558,  736,  856 

Nuclear  nonproliferation  treaty,  388 

Nuclear  war,  danger  of,  704,  737, 
824,  859 

Okinawa,  457 

Outer  space  treaty,  provisions  of 
ancf  importance,  565 

Pacific  Ocean  problems,  U.S.- 
Soviet-Japan discussions,  Mans- 
field proposal,  456 

Pakistan,  U.S.  aid,  212,  802 

Panama  Canal  treaties,  165 

President,  responsibilities  of,  348, 

Ryukyu  Islands,  458 

SEATO,  13th  anniversary,  391 

Secretary  McNamara,  416 



Rusk,  Dean — Continued 
Addresses,  remarks,  etc. — Continued 
Soviet  Union: 
U.S.  relations,  159,  252,  564,  600 
Viet-Nam,  position  on,  558,  596, 
Suez  Canal,  164 
Japan-U.S.,  451,457 
U.S.    protectionist   trade    legisla- 
tion, 634 
Turkey,  U.S.  aid,  212 
U.N.  Charter,  principles  and  U.S. 
support,  87,  252,  344,  564,  704, 
U.S.  economy,  255 
Viet-Nam  {for  details,  see  Viet-Nam) : 
AID  program,  goals,  213 
Armaments,  Communist  Chinese 

and  Soviet  supplies,  558,  598 
Bombing  pauses,  prospects  from: 

89,  161,  163,  253,  347,  384,  412, 
556,  560,  562,  595,  597,  599 

"Brainwashing",  question  of,  383, 

Communist   use   of  Chinese   air- 
bases,  389,  416 
Congress,   position   on,   560,   563 
DMZ   barrier,  question  of,   385, 

Geneva  conference,  prospects  for, 

"Intellectuals",  views  on,  559 
National    Liberation    Front,    91, 

93,  94,  386,  390,  558 
N.\TO  position,  601 
Negotiations   for   peaceful   settle- 

Chinese  Communist  and  Soviet 
inauence,  596,  597,  598,  601 

U.S.  willingness,  93,   161,   163, 
253,  346,  384,  411,  452,  458, 

555,  557,  560,  597,  599,  705, 

Viet-Nam  role,  384,  386,  411, 

556,  558 

Peace,  prospects  for,  162,  555, 

Political  developments,  94,  161, 
163,  166,345,385,412,557,822 

President-  and  Vice-President- 
elect,  difficulties   between,   385 

Situation  reports,  91,  161,  164, 
555,  557,  595,  600 

"Stalemate",  question  of,  161, 
346,  557 

Summit  conference,  prospects  for, 
165,  561 

UJJ.  role,  383,  559 

U.S.   bombing,   effect   of,   413 

U.S.    commitments,    importance, 

90,  91,  163,  253,  344,  347,  388, 

415,  555,  564,  596,  597,  599, 
601-602,  703,  740,  821,  823, 

U.S.  forces,   morale,  348,   704 
U.S.  national  interest,  555,  599, 

703,  821 
U.S.  position,  89,  252,  344,  412, 

416,  452,  601,  740,  821 

U.S.  public  opinion,  345,  387,  559, 

World  order,  U.S.  role,  735,  807 
World  peace,  importance,  87,  215, 

252,  564,  704,  739,  821,  824, 


Addresses,  remarks,  etc. — Continued 

"Yellow  peril",  596 
Foreign    policy    briefing    conference, 

speaker,  586 
Four  freedoms  award,  855n 
Meetings      with      Soviet       Minister 

Gromyko  (Johnson),  36,  37 
NAC  meeting,  chairman,  U.S.  delega- 
tion, 16 
News  conferences,  transcripts  of,  91, 

159,  383,  455,  555 
OAS   meeting  of  consultation,    U.S. 

delegate,  494 
Readers'  Digest  interview,  transcript, 

TV-radio  interviews,  transcripts,  411, 

Investment  guaranties  agreement  with 

U.S.,  54 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Kayibanda,  290 
Ryukyu  Islands: 
Advisory    Committee    to    the    High 
Commissioner,  establishment,  746 
Japanese  administration,  745 
Residual  sovereignty  of  Japan  (Rusk), 

Sachar,  Abram  L.,  332 
Safety  of  life  at  sea : 
Convention  (1960),  international,  on: 
Bulgaria,     770;     Czechoslovakia, 
309;  Nicaragua,  662;  U.K.,  550 
Amendments  to  chapter  II :  France, 
117;     Ghana,     810;     Iceland, 
117;     Israel,     810;     Malagasy, 
337;  Pakistan,  309;  Sweden,  438 
International     regulations     for     pre- 
venting collisions  at  sea: 
Czechoslovakia,  270 
St.  Lawrence  Seaway  and  Great  Lakes, 
coordination    of   pilotage    services, 
agreement   with   Canada,   625 
St.  Vincent,   universal   copyright  con- 
vention  (1952),  extension   to,  661 
Salii,  LawTence,  376 
San  Marco  satellite  program  (Frutkin), 

San  Marino,  supplementary  convention 
(1956)  on  the  abolition  of  slavery 
and  similar   practices,   ratification, 
Sanchez-Vilella,  Roberto,  620 
Sanders,  William,  494 
Sanz   de   SantamarSa,  Carlos  (Oliver), 

Saragat,  Guiseppe,  501,  502 
Satellites     (see    also     Communications: 
Satellites,   Meteorological  research, 
and  Outer  space): 
Geodetic  satellite  observation  station 
on  Isla  Socorro,  agreement  with 
Mexico,  698 
Navigational    aids    for    civilian    use 

(Humphrey),  228 
U.S.  cooperative  programs  (Frutkin), 
Sato,  Eisaku,  742,  743 
Saudi  Arabia: 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  26,  54,  153, 

U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41 
Savage,  Francis  S. :  288n ;  Johnson,  288 
Scalapino,  Robert  A.,  332 

Schaetzel,  J.  Robert,  710 
Schliesingcr,  Arthur,  599,  603 
Schoenbrun,  David,  411,  412 
Science  and  technology: 
Agricultural    research    and    develop- 
ment, 77 
China,  U.S.  study  team,  report,  585 
Cooperation  in,  U.S.  (Rusk),  91 
Cooperative  program,  agreement  with 

Italy,  54,  80 
Europe,   technological  gap:  Brzezin- 
ski,  22;  NAC,  15;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
880;  Rusk,  858;  Schaetzel,  712; 
Trowbridge,  70 
Korean  Institute  of  Science  and  Tech- 
nology (Bundy),  197 
Latin  American  multilateral  program, 

Marine  science  research  (Humphrey), 

Patent  reform,  importance  to  (Trow- 
bridge), 505 
Technological    Innovation:    Its    Environ- 
ment and  Management,  70n 
U.S.,  effects  of  (Brzezinski),  21 
Science     and     Technology,     Advisory 
Committee  on  (Goldschmidt),  305 
Scotton,  Frank  W.,  288n 
Sea-level  canal,  Atlantic-Pacific  Inter- 
oceanic  Canal  Study   Commission, 
3rd  annual  report;  302;  Johnson, 
Seaborg,  Glenn  T.,  476 
SEAMES.  See  Asian,  Southeast,  Ministers 

of  Education  Secretariat 
Security  Council,  U.N. : 
Congo  mercenaries,  use  of  Angola  as 

base  (Buffum),  807 
Documents,  lists  of,  1 13,  153,  404,  726 
Korean  DMZ  violations  (Goldberg), 
U.N.  Command  report,  text  692 
Middle     East,    role    in.    See    Arab- 
Israeli  conflict 
Peacekeeping  operations,  primary  re- 

sponsibiUty  (Goldberg),  13 
Resolutions : 
Arab-Israeli  conflict: 
Cease-fire,  call  for,  1 1 
Civilian  population,  treatment  of, 
Congo,  foreign  interference  in,  153 
Congo  mercenaries,   condemnation 

of  use  of  Angola  as  base,  808 
Cyprus  peacekeeping  force,  6-month 

extension,  53n 
Middle  East: 
Cease-fire,  692 

U.N.  special  representative,  843 
Veto,    Soviet    use    of:    Goldberg,    6; 

Lodge,  469 ;  Rusk,  559 
Role  in  (see  also  under  United  Na- 
tions): Goldberg,  667;  Rusk,  559 
U.S.  draft  resolutions,  texts  (Gold- 
berg), 669,  671 
Segonzac,  .Adalbert  de,  597 
Self-defense.  See  Defense 
Self-determination : 
Micronesia:  Johnson,  363;  Norwood, 

375;  SaUi,  378 
Middle  East  (Johnson),  33 
U.N.    principles    and    U.S.   support: 

Johnson,  295;  Rusk,  87,  252 
U.S.     position     and     support:      171; 
Goldberg,  488;  Johnson,  59,  519 



Self-determination — Continued 

Viet-Nam.  See  under  Viet-Nam 
Sen,  B.  R.  (quoted),  766 
Senegal,   international   telecommunica- 
tions convention   (1965),   with   an- 
nexes, ratification,  222 
Servan-Schreiber,  712 
Seydoux,  Roger  (quoted),  670 
Shaplen,  Robert,  275 
Sharaf,  Abdul  Hamid,  362 
Sharp,  Mitchell,  46 
Shepley,  Steven  C,  288n 
Sherer,  Albert  W.,  Jr.,  478 
Shimoda,  Takeso,  69 
Ships  and  shipping   (see  also  Maritime 
Consultative    Organization,     Inter- 
governmental) : 
Sea-level  canal  feasibility  study;  302; 

Johnson,  302 
Soviet     ships,     allegations     of     U.S. 
attacks  and  U.S.  replies,  44,  170 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.: 
Great    Lakes    and    St.    Lawrence 
Seaway   pilotage   services,    agree- 
ment  with   Canada  re  coordina- 
tion of,  625 
Maritime  traffic,  international,  con- 
vention (1965)  on  facilitation  of, 
with   annex:   Canada,   Germany, 
337;     Israel,     846;     Netherlands 
(including  Surinam  and  Nether- 
lands   Antilles),    624;    Romania, 
Singapore,  Sweden,  337 
NS   Savannah,   U.S.   liability  during 
operation    by    private    company, 
agreements     with:     China,     245; 
Yugoslavia,  270 
LT.S.    vessels,    loan    of,    agreements 

with:  Brazil,  81 ;  Japan,  309 
USS     Tellowstone,    agreement    with 
Malta  re  deployment  of,  270 
U.S.   Navy  Navigation  Satellite  Sys- 
tem, use  by  civilian  ships  (Hum- 
phrey), 228 
U.S.    oceanographic    research    vessel 

Anton  Bruun,  loan  to  India,  23 
U.S.   research  vessels  denied  passage 

through  Soviet  waters,  362 
U.S.  6th  Fleet,  allegations  of  involve- 
ment in   Middle  East  crisis,   and 
U.S.  replies  (Goldberg),  3 
USS  Liberty,  Israeli  attack  (Goldberg), 
Sierra  Leone: 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   190,  378, 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Miner),  confirma- 
tion, 729 
Singapore : 
English    language    center,    proposed 

(Gaud),  580 
Family   planning   programs    (Gaud), 

Political  progress  (Kaplan),  232 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  222,  337 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Lee,  612 
Viet-Nam,  support  for  U.S.  role  in, 
Sino-Soviet     relations:     Bundy,     280; 

Rusk,  252 
Sipila,  HelviL.,  218 
Sisco,  J.  J.,  46 

Slaves  and  slavery,  abolition  of  slavery, 
the  slave  trade,  and  institutions  and 
practices  similar  to  slavery,  supple- 
mentary   convention    (1956):    San 

Slaves  and  Slavery — Continued 

Marino,  438;  Spain,  885;  U.S.,  697, 
846,  885 
Small,  David  H.,  218™ 
Smith,  Robert  S.,  586 
Smyth,  Henry  DeWolf,  476 
Smythe,  Hugh  H.,  625 
SOLAS.  See  Safety  of  life  at  sea 
Solomon,  Anthony  M.:  46,    180,  534, 

586;  Fowler,  393 
Somali  Republic,  treaties,  agreements, 

etc.,  190,  405 
Sorensen,  Theodore  (quoted),  280 
South  Afirica,  Republic  of: 
Racial  problems,  U.N.  role  in  solution 

of  (Goldberg),  264 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  222,  270, 
309,  845,  885 
Southeast  .^sia  Treaty  Organization: 
Background  and  U.S.   commitments 
under:  Bundy,  276;  Jolinson,  852; 
Rusk,  344,  414,  415,  703 
Map,  460 

13th  anniversary  (Rusk),  391 
U.S.-Thai  support,  64 
Viet-Nam,  U.S.  commitments  under. 
See  Viet-Nam 
Southern  Yemen,  U.S.  diplomatic  rec- 
ognition, 861 
Souvanna  Phouma,  Prince,  653 
Souza  Costa  (quoted),  529 
Soviet  Union  (see  also  Aggression,  Com- 
munism, and  Sino-Soviet  relations): 
Air  services  technical  talks  with  U.S. 

completed,  820 
Antiballistic  missiles: 
Deployment:   Fisher,   543;   McNa- 

mara,  447;  Rusk,  166 
Discussions    with     U.S.,    proposed 
(Rusk),  385 
Arab-Israeli    conflict:    Goldberg,    5; 
Rusk,  159 
Draft  resolutions :  12;  Goldberg,  5,  6 
Soviet  arins  shipments,  problem  of: 
Katzenbach,   532,   796;   McClos- 
key,  652;  Rusk,  159,  561 
Arm.s  supply  to  Nigeria,  U.S.  position, 

Chancery  sites,  U.S.-Soviet  exchange 

of,  540 
50th  anniversary :  Johnson,  705;  Katz- 
enbach, 815 
Fisheries  agreements,  with  U.S.,  re- 
view, 873 
INTELSAT,   U.S.   hopes  for   Soviet 

participation  in  (Johnson),  300 
Nuclear  weapons  strength  and  policy 
compared     with     U.S.     (McNa- 
mara),  444 
Soviet  vessels,  U.S.  replies  to  allega- 
tions of  attacks  on,  44,  1 70 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  589,  662, 

Propaganda,  utilization  for:  Gold- 
berg, 6,  9,  263,  691 
Veto,  use  in:  Goldberg,  6;  Lodge, 
469;  Rusk,  559 
U.S. -Japan-Soviet  discussions  on  Pa- 
cific Ocean  problems,  Mansfield 
proposal  (Rusk),  456 
U.S.  relations  and  efforts  to  improve 
Goldberg,  265;  Johnson,  32,  36 
Kaplan,   234;   Katzenbach,  818 
Kosygin,   37,  38;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
430;  Rusk,  90,  159,  558,  564 

Soviet  Union — Continued 

U.S.     relations    and    eflorts    to    im- 
prove— Continued 
Arms   budget,    increase,    effect    on 

(Rusk),  558 
Glassboro    meeting,    eflfect    of.    See 

Glassboro  meeting 
Viet-Nam,  effect  of  (Rusk),  90 
U.S.  research  vessels  denied  passage 

through  Soviet  waters,  362 
Viet-Nam,   position  on   and  aid  to: 
Brzezinski,    20;    Goldberg,    668; 
Kosygin,  38;  Lodge,  469;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  426,  608;  Rusk,  558,  562, 
596,  598 
World  relations  and  goals:  Cleveland, 
143;  E.  V.   Rostow,  428;  Rusk, 
159,  252 
Space.  See  Outer  space  and  Satellites 
Cotton  textile  agreement  with  U.S., 

announcement,  726 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  222,  309, 
625,  845,  846,  885 
Spivak,  Lawrence,  352,  464 
Sputnik:  Dobrynin,  565;  Johnson,  567; 

Katzenbach,  818;   Rusk,   566 
Stainless  steel  flatware,  termination  of 
escape  clause  tariff  (Johnson),  573 
Stanton,  Frank,  294 
State    Department    (see    also    Foreign 
Service) : 
Appointments  and  designations,  246, 

337,  661,  698 
Bureau    of  East   Asian    and    Pacific 

Affairs  (Kaplan),  231 
Publications.  See  under  Publications 
Viet-Nam,  preoccupation  with,  ques- 
tion of  (Bundy),  356 
Work  of  (Rusk),  91 
Stevenson,  Adlai  (quoted),  151,  262 
Straits  of  Tiran  (see  also  International 
waterways):     Goldberg,     49,     50; 
Johnson,  33 
Agricultural  sales  agreement  with  U.S. 

AID  program,  suspended  (Rusk),  212 
Elimination  of  U.S.  import  quotas  on 
extra-long-staple    cotton,    foreign 
policy   aspects   (E.    V.    Rostow), 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  229 
Suez  Canal  (see  also  International  water- 
ways): Goldberg,  5;  Rusk,   164 
Suffridge,  James  (Johnson),  631 
Sugar,    international   sugar   agreement 
Nonoperation  (Solomon),  182 
Protocol    for    further    prolongation: 
Barbados,    Ireland,    Netherlands, 
Tunisia,  550 
Sukhoruchenko,  M.  N.,  873 
Sunday  Telegraph,  London,  231 
Surveyor  V  lunar  landing  (Goldberg), 

Swaziland,  investment  guaranties  agree- 
ment with  U.S.,  590 
Sweden : 
Kennedy  Round  tariff  reductions,  97, 

Swedish    newspaper    Dagens   Nyheter, 
transcript  of  Secretary  Rusk  inter- 
view, 91 
Treaties,   agreements,  etc.,  337,  438, 
589,  625,  661,  809,  810 



Kennedy  Round  tariff  reductions;  97, 

98;  Trowbridge,  131 
Treaties,   agreements,  etc.,   153,  405, 

549,  845,  846 
U.S.  poultry  exports,  restrictions  re- 
duced, 861 
Sylla,  Albert,  death  of  (Rusk),  159 
Symmes,  Harrison  M.,  625 
Syria : 
Arab-Israeli  conflict.  See  Arab-Israeli 

Soviet  supply  of  arms  to  (Rusk),  160 

Taiwan  {see  also  China,  Republic  of): 
Asian  students  in :  Bundy,  199;  Gaud, 

Economic  progress:  585;  Gaud,  581, 
582;  Kaplan,   232;   Katzenbach, 
531;   Rusk,   214,   822 
AID  bilateral  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Treaties,    agreements,   etc.,    26,   662, 
729,  885 
Tape,   Gerald   F.,   476 
Tariff  policy,  U.S.  (see  also  Economic 
policy    and    relations:    Tariffs    and 
trade,   general   agreement   on;   and 
American    Selling     Price,     modifica- 
tions: 95,  97,  98;  Johnson,  884; 
Roth,  124,  173,  175,  575;  Trow- 
bridge,   131 
Escape-clause    provisions,    value    of: 
Rusk,     637;     Trowbridge,     649 
Import  quota  bills,  probable  adverse 
effect  on  U.S.  trade  and  Kennedy 
Round     prospects:   Fowler,     650 
Freeman,  642 ;  Katzenbach,  686 
Oliver,     758;    Roth,    574,    648 
Rusk,     634;     Trowbridge,     645 
Udall,  638 
Japan,   interests  in   (Miki),   457 
Kennedy    Round.    See    Tariffs    and 

bade,  general  agreement  on 
Most-favored-nation  basis  (Solomon), 

Presidential   authority   for   protective 

action  (Roth),    173,   576 
Tariff  Commission  study  of  impact  of 
imports    on    textile    and    apparel 
industries     requested:     Johnson, 
529;  Roth,  577 
Trade  barriers,  elimination  of  (John- 
son), 573 
Tariffs  and  trade,  general  agreement  on : 
Agreements,  exchanges  of  notes,  and 
protocols : 
Accessions  to,  current  actions  on: 
Protocol:      Austria,      Portugal, 

Spain,  Turkey,  846 
Provisional,    3rd  proces-verbal : 
Austria,  Czechoslovakia,  405 

Protocol:  Austria,  Iceland, Paki- 
stan, Spain,  Turkey,  846 
Provisional,  proces-verbal: 
Cuba,  405 
Ireland,    protocol:    Austria,    Ire- 
land,   Spain,    Turkey,    846 

Tariffs    and  trade,   general    agreement 
on — Continued 
Agreements,  exchanges  of  notes,  and 
protocols — Continued 
Accessions  to,  current  actions  on — 
Korea,    protocol:    Austria,    U.K  , 

Poland,    protocol:    Austria,    846; 
Poland,    550;    Portugal,    Spain, 
Turkey,  846 
Spain,    protocol:     Pakistan,    846 
Switzerland,  protocol:  Cuba,  In- 
donesia,   405;    Pakistan,    846 
Tunisia,   provisional,   3rd   proces- 
verbal:  Cuba,  405 
U.A.R.   provisional,   2nd  proces- 
verbal:  Czechoslovakia,  405 
Yugoslavia,  protocol:  Cuba,  405; 
Pakistan,  846 
French   text,   protocol   of  rectifica- 
tion to:  Barbados,  590 
Part  IV  on  trade  and  development, 
introduction  of,  and  amendment 
of  annex   I,    protocol   amending: 
Argentina,  846 
Schedule     XX,     renegotiation     of, 
bilateral    agreements   with:    Can- 
ada, Japan,  U.K.,  337 
Contracting  parties,  24th  session,  725 
Kennedy  Round:  147,  861;  Rusk,  558 
Histoi-y  (Roth),  123 
Importance   and   results:   45,   454, 
725;  Freeman,  132;  Harriman,  18; 
Johnson,  32,  633,  716,  717,  852, 
883;  Katzenbach,  688;  Miki,  457; 
OECD,   882;   Reynolds,    135;   E. 
V.  Rostow,  876;  Roth,  123,  173, 
577;   Rusk,   451,   456,   457,   637, 
856;  Solomon,   189;  Trowbridge, 
Signature,  announcement,  95 
U.S.   protectionist   trade   bills,   ad- 
verse    effect     of:     Fowler,     650 
Freeman,     642;     Johnson,     633 
Roth,     574,     648;     Rusk,     634 
Trowbridge,  645;  UdaU,  638 
U.S.  replacement  of  interim  staging 
in  agreements  with  Canada,  U.K. 
and  Japan,  proclamation,  800 
U.S.  tariff  reductions:  96;  Freeman, 
133;  Trowbridge,  130 
U.S.  proposed  elimination  of  import 
duties  on  extra-long-staple  cotton, 
effect  of  (E.  V.  Rostow),  238 
Double     taxation,     conventions     for 
avoidance  of.  See  Double  taxation 
Estate-tax  protocol  with  Greece,  sup- 
plementary, 698,  809,  810 
Income  and  property  tax  convention 

with  France,  268,  270 
Income    tax    administration,    agree- 
ment with  Viet-Nam,  54 
Interest  equalization  tax  rates  modi- 
fied. Executive  order,  396 
Latin    America,    development    of  ef- 
fective systems  (Oliver),  104 
Personal  and  corporate  income  taxes, 
proposed     10-percent    surcharge: 
Johnson,  266;  E.  V.  Rostow,  879: 
Trowbridge,  504 
Taylor,  Geoffrey  (quoted),  794 
Taylor,  Maxwell  D.,  256 

Technical  assistance: 
Afiica : 

Chinese  programs  (Bundy),  199 
U.S.  programs  (Rusk),  213 
Less  developed  countries,  need  for,  78 
Technical  cooperation: 
Bilateral  agreements  with:  Afghanis- 
tan, 270;  Somalia,  190,  405 
Eastern  Asia  (Bundy),  198 
Technology.  See  Science  and  technology 
Telecommunications   {See  also   Radio) 
Convention      (1965),      international, 
with    annexes:    Argentina,    221 
Bcirbados,    404;     Ethiopia,    476 
France,  222;  Iceland,  221;  Japan 
662;   Laos,   729;   Malagasy,  662 
Nepal    309;    New    Zealand    (in- 
cluding Cook,  Niue,  and  Tokelau 
Islands),  26;  Niger,  309;  Pakistan, 
222;     Paraguay,     662;     Senegal, 
Spain    (including   Spanish   prov- 
inces in  Africa),  222;  Tanzania, 
729;  Togo,  478;  U.S.,  54 
TV  system  establishment,  agreement 
with  Saudi  Arabia,  54 
Thailand  {see  also  Association  of  South- 
east Asia) : 
Airbases,  use  by  U.S.  (Rusk),  92 
Amity  and  economic  relations  treaty, 

Senate  approval,  477 
Asian    institute    of   technologv,    pro- 
posed (Gaud),  580 
Asian  students  in  (Bundy),  199 
Communism,  threat  of:  Johnson,  520; 
Rusk,  92,  164,  347,  560,  597,  822; 
Taylor,  258 
LT.S.aid  asacountermeasure:Bundy, 
285;  Rusk,  214,804 
Economic  progress:  Gaud,  581,  583; 

Kaplan,  232 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  438,  662, 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Unger),  confirma- 
tion, 310 
U.S.    military    assistance,    FY    1968 
appropriations     request     (Rusk), 
U.S.  relations:  Bhumibol  Adulyadej, 

63;  Johnson,  61 
U.S.  visit  of  King  Bhumibol  Adulyadej 

and  Queen  Sirikit,  61 
Viet-Nam,    military   and    other   aid: 
64,  520,  792;  Johnson,  61;  Rusk, 
Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 
and  Taylor,  256 
Thanat  Khoman  (quoted),  477 
Thieu,  Nguyen  Van:  414  (quoted),  789; 
Bundy,    260;    Bunker,    416,     418; 
Johnson,  290,  421;  Rusk,  556 
Thompson,  Llewellyn  E.  (Johnson),  36 
Thoreau,  Henry  David  (quoted),  680 
Thuc,  Vu  Quoc,  864 
TiUett,  Gladys  A.,  218 
To  Move  A  Nation,  219n 
Tobago.  See  Trinidad  and  Tobago 
Tobriner,  Walter  N.,  729 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  credentials,  202 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  337,   378 

478,  730 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Sherer),  confirma- 
tion, 478 
Tonkin  Gulf  incident  (Goldberg),  668 



Touring  and  tourism: 
Canada,  45 

Customs     facilities     for,     convention 
(1954):    Ireland,   438;    Uruguay, 
East  Europe  (Rusk),  6(X) 
Italy  (Johnson),  500 
Japan,  454 

Mexico  (Diaz  Ordaz),  677 
Micronesia  (Salii),  377 
Trade   (see  also  Agricultural  surpluses; 
Economic  policy;  Exports;  Imports; 
and  Tariff  policy,  U.S.): 
Antidumping  regulations:  95,  97,  99; 
Freeman,      135;     Johnson,     884; 
Roth,  124,  575;  Trowbridge,  131, 
Cotton  textiles.  See  Cotton  textiles 
European    Economic    Community 

(Schaetzel),  713 
Expansion,    need    for:    746;    Fowler, 
524;  Johnson,  633,  883;  Roth,  577 
Joint  Canada-U.S.  Ministerial  Com- 
mittee on  Trade  and   Economic 
-MTairs,    11th  meeting,  communi- 
que, 44 
Landlocked  states,  convention  (1965) 
on     transit     trade:     Mali,     697; 
Yugoslavia,  26 
Latin  America.  See  Latin  America  and 
Latin  American  Free  Trade  Asso- 
Less    developed    countries.    See    Less 

developed  countries 
Micronesia  (Salii),  376 
NontarifT  trade  barriers:  860;  Roth, 

179,  577 
Oil,  importance  of,  and  import-export 

patterns  (Udall),  640 
Technological    progress,    relation 

(Troubridge),  506 
Trade  and  Development,  U.N.  Con- 
ference,   2nd:    45,    454;    OECD, 
882;   Oliver,   756;  Solomon,    188 
Agricultural   trade  exhibit,  Tokyo, 

1968   (Freeman),   136 
.•\rgentine-U.S.,   joint    Trade    and 
Economic  Committee,  2nd  meet- 
ing, joint  communique,   146 
Canada-U.S.  joint  ministerial  com- 
mitttee   on    trade   and    economic 
affairs,    11th  meeting,  communi- 
que, 44 
East  Asian  countries  (Bundy),  197 
Eastern   Europe,   trade  policy,   454 
Elimination    of   import    quotas    for 
extra-long-staple    cotton,    foreign 
policy  aspects  (E.  V.  Rostow),  236 
Japan-U.S.  Joint  Economic  Com- 
mittee, 746 
6th    meeting:    452;    Miki,    455; 
Rusk,  451,  457 
Kennedy   Round.   See  under  Tariffs 
and  trade,  general  agreement  on 
Mexico:  681,  682;  Diaz  Ordaz, 
Philippines    trade    agreement,    dis- 
cussions, 78 
Policy  (Johnson),  883 
Comprehensive     study     request: 
Freeman,    135;   Johnson,    573; 
Roth,     127,     173,     178,     577; 
Solomon,  189 
Preferential   imports:    Oliver,   472; 
Solomon,  186 

Trade — Continued 
U.S. — -Continued 
Protectionist    trade    bills,    probable 
adverse    effect    on:    Diaz    Ordaz 
678,  631;  Fowler,  650:  Freeman 
642;     Johnson,      877      (quoted) 
Katzenbach,  686;  Roth,  574,  648 
Rusk,     634;     Trowbridge,     645 
Udall,  638 
Trade    agreements    program,    11th 
annual      report,      transmittal      to 
Congress  (Johnson),  717 
Trinidad  and  Tobago,  trade  agi'ee- 
ment,  698,  729 
Trade  Expansion  Act  of  1962: 
Adjustment  assistance  program:  John- 
son,     885;      Katzenbach,      689; 
Reynolds,    139;   Roth,    174,    179, 
576;  Solomon,  183,  537 
Continuation,  need  for:  Katzenbach, 
689;  Roth,  173,  576,  649;  Rusk, 
.Asia,   Asian   Development   Bank  role 

in  development  (Gaud),  581 
Micronesia,  needs  (Norwood),  371 
U.S. -Japan  study,  proposed,  453 
Viet-Nam  (McNamara),  168 
Travel  (see  also  Touring  and  tourism): 
Cuba,  to,  O.-^S  resolution,  496 
East  Asia-U.S.,  increases  in  (Bundy), 

Middle  East  travel  restrictions  amend- 
ed, 41,  171,  229,  459,  799 
Special  travel  task  force,  appointment, 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc. : 
Current  actions,  26,  54,  80,  117,  153, 
190,  221,  245,  270,  309,  337,  378, 
404,  438,  477,  514,  549,  589,  624, 
661,  697,  728,  769,  809,  845,  885 
U.N.    draft    convention    on    law    of 
treaties,  U.S.  position  (Kearney), 
Trimble,  James  W.,  476 
Trinidad  and  Tobago: 
OAS  membership  (Oliver),  871 
Treaties,   agieements,   etc.,   54,    117, 

190,  514,  698,  729,  846 
U.S.   Ambassador   (Costello),   confir- 
mation, 478 
Trowbridge,  Alexander  B.,  46,  70,  70n, 

127,  455,  504,  645 
Truman  policies  (E.  V.  Rostow),  607 
Trust  Territory  of  the   Pacific  Islands: 
Economic,  social,  and  political  devel- 
opment: Anderson,  365;  Johnson, 
363;  Norwood,  366;  Salii,  376 
U.S.  Commission  on  status  of:  363; 
Johnson,  363 
Congress   of  Micronesia:   Johnson, 
363;  Norwood,  375;  Salii,  377 
Trusteeship  Council,  U.N.,  documents, 

list  of,  309 
Tubby,  Roger  W.,  625 
Tun  Tan  Sieiv  Sin,  578 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,    190,  405, 

550,  728,  770 
U.S.  aid  (Rusk),  210,  212 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  41 
Turkestan,  Soviet  ship,  44 
Turkey  (see  also  Cyprus) : 
Cotton  textile  agreement,  armounce- 
ment,  1 1 6 

Turkey — Continued 
Economic  development  and  U.S.  aid 
program:  Katzenbach,  532;  Rusk, 
211,  212,  803 
Greece,  relations  (NAC),  14 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,   117,  222, 
270,  846 
Typewriter  ribbon  cloth,  termination  of 
escape  clause  tariff  (Johnson),  573 
Typhoon    damage,    Micronesia    (Nor- 
wood), 367 


U  Thant,  Viet-Nam  negotiations,  pro- 
posals for  (Rusk),  162 
U.A.R.  See  United  Arab  Republic 
Udall,  Stewart  L.,  455,  638 
AID  bilateral  programs  (Rusk),  212 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  378,  652 
UNCTAD.   See   United   Nations   Con- 
ference on  Trade  and  Development 
UNEF     (United     Nations     Emergency 

Force):  Goldberg,  6,  50,  110 
UNESCO  (Educational,  Scientific,  and 
Cultural     Organization,     U.N.): 
Goldberg,  723;Tillett,  219 
UNFICYP.  See  United  Nations  Force 

in  Cyprus 
Unger,  Leonard,  310 
UNICEF.  See  United  Nations  ChUdren's 

United  Arab  Republic: 
Arab-Israeli  conflict.  See  Arab-Israeli 


Elimination  of  U.S.  import  quotas  on 

extra-long-staple    cotton,    foreign 

policy  aspects  (E.  V.  Rostow),  236 

Soviet  supply  of  arms  to   (Rusk),   160 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  404,  405, 

624,  625 
U.S.  travel  restrictions  amended,  799 
United  Kingdom: 
Asian  forces,  proposed  reduction  in: 

Rusk,  160;  Taylor,  259 
Edinburgh  and  Liverpool  posts  ele- 
vated to  consulates  general,  310 
European      Economic      Community, 
membership,  questions  of:  Harri- 
man,  18;  Katzenbach,  688;  Rusk, 
858;  Schaetzel,  715;  Solomon,  187 
Farm-income  support  system   (Free- 
man), 134 
Kennedy  Round  tariff  reductions:  97, 
98,  99,  100;  Johnson,  884;  Roth, 
178,  576;  Trowbridge,  128,  130 
NATO  forces,   commitment   (Rusk), 

Pound  sterling  devaluation:  Fowler, 
793;  Johnson,  793;  OECD  com- 
munique, 882;  E.  V.  Rostow,  876; 
Rusk,  856 
Trade,  U.S.  replacement  of  interim 
staging  arrangements  by  Kennedy 
Round  staging,  proclamation,  800 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  270,  309, 
337,  405,  550,  589,  625,  845,  846 
United  Nations: 
Charter.  See  United  Nations  Charter 
Communist    Chinese    conditions    for 

membership  (Fountain),  831 
Cyprus  threat  of  war  lifted,  U.N.  role: 

Johnson,  859;  Vance,  860 
Documents,   lists   of,    113,    153,   242, 
308,  404,  438,  694,  726 



United  Nations — Continued 
European  Office  of,  U.S.  representa- 
tive  (Tubby),  confirmation,  625 
Foreign    Relations  of   the    United  States: 
Dif>lomatic  Pafiers,   1945,   Volume  /, 
General:     The    United   Mations,    re- 
leased   729 
Forum,  as':  Goldberg,  151,  262;  E.  V. 

Rostow,  606 
International    education    year,    pro- 
posed (Johnson),  571 
International    Human    Rights    Year, 

1968,  660 
Korean    unification,   resolution,    and 

U.S.  support  (Broomfield),  844 
Marine  resources  development,   role 

in   (Goldberg),  723 
Membership : 
Communist    China,    U.S.   position: 

Fountain,  829;  Rusk,  389,  390 
Important-question  resolution,  U.S. 

position  (Fountain),  829 
Responsibilities      and      significance 
(Goldberg),  4,  265,  483 
Middle    East    emergency   relief  pro- 
grams, U.S.  support  (Johnson),  65 
Peacekeeping     operations      (see     also 
Arab-Israeli  conflict.  General  As- 
sembly,   and    Security    Council): 
303,    615,    744;    Goldberg,    216; 
Rusk,  383,  559;  Saragat,  502 
Importance     and      U.S.     support: 
Goldberg,  265;  Johnson,  34,  295 
Specialized  agencies,  work  of  (Gold- 
berg), 263 
Viet-Nam,  role  in.  See  Viet-Nam 
United  Nations  Charter: 
Article  109,  amendment;  Burma,  81; 
Denmark,  54;  France,  729;  Ku- 
wait,   770;   Libya,   405;   Nigeria, 
117;  Paraguay,  405;  Philippines, 
625;  Poland,  54;   U.S.,  54 
Obligations,  binding  nature  of:  Gold- 
berg, 667;  E.  V.  Rostow,  426,  607 
Principles   and   U.S.  support:   Gold- 
berg, 216,  264;  Humphrey,  790; 
Lodge,  468;  Rusk,  87,  252,  344, 
560,  564,  704,  737,  824 
Viet-Nam,   application   of  principles 
to  (Goldberg),  667 
United  Nations  Children's  Fund:   113; 
Rusk,  805 
National    UNICEF   Day,   proclama- 
tion, 713 
United    Nations     Committee    on     the 
Peaceful     Uses     of    Outer     Space 
(Humphrey),  229 
United  Nations   Conference  on  Trade 
and    Development,    2nd:    45,   454; 
OEGD,  882;  Oliver,  756;  Solomon, 
United  Nations  Day,   1967,  proclama- 
tion, 295 
United  Nations  Development  Program, 
U.S.  financial  support  (Rusk),  805 
LTnited  Nations  Economic  Commission 
for  Asia  and  the  Far  East  (Bundy), 
United  Nations  Emergency  Force,  Mid- 
dle    East,     effect     of    withdrawal 
(Goldberg),  6,  50,   110 
United    Nations   Force   in    Cyprus 
(N.\C),  15 
Extension  of,  and  U.S.  pledge:  53n; 
Pederson,  52 

United     Nations     Relief    and     Works 
Agency  for  Palestine  Refugees,  1 1 3 
U.S.   financial   support:    400;    Gold- 
berg, 9,  65,   111;  Rusk,  210 

United  Nations  Truce  Supervision 
Organization  (Goldberg),  1 10 

United  States  citizens  and  nationals: 
Claims.  See  Qaims 
Foreign   policy,   role   of  intellectuals 

(Gronouski),  432 
Israel,  private  support  for  (Goldberg), 

U.S.    public    image,    role    in:    Hum- 
phrey,  791;  Oliver,  753 

United  States  Information  Agency,  827 

United  States-Japan  Joint  Economic 
Committee,  6th  meeting:  commu- 
nique, 452;  Johnson,  453;  Miki, 
455;  Rusk,  451,  455 

United  States-Mexico  Commission  for 
Border  Development  and  Friend- 
ship, 682 

Universal  copyTight  convention,  St. 
Vincent,  661 

Universal  Postal  Union,  constitution 
with  final  protocols:  Hungary,  26; 
Kuwait,  477;  Laos,  885;  Lesotho, 
477;  Maldive  Islands,  404;  Sierra 
Leone,  477;  Tanzania,  885;  Togo, 
770;  U.A.R.,  Viet-Nam,  404 

UNRWA.  See  United  Nations  Relief 
and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine 

UNTSO  (United  Nations  Truce  Super- 
vision Organization),  1 10 

Upp>er  Volta,  geodetic  survey  agreement 
with  U.S.,  478 

Urban  development:  453;  Johnson,  453 

Uruguay,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  309, 

USS  Irwin,  81 

USS  Lewis  Hancock,  8 1 

USS  Liberty,  Israeli  attack  on  (Gold- 
berg), 8 

USS  Tellowstone,  agreement  with  Malta 
re  deployment  of,  270 

Van  Deerlin,  Lionel,  1 47 
Vance,  Cyrus,  859,  860 
Vance,  Sheldon  B.,  310 
Vandenberg,  Arthur  (Oliver),  102 
Vatican  City  State,  wheat  trade  con- 
vention, 770 
Communism,  danger  of  Cuban  threat : 
Johnson,  683;  Kaplan,  230;  Kat- 
zenbach,  533;  Oliver,  473;  Rusk, 
210,  383,  490,  493 
OAS    Final    Act    and    resolutions, 
tests,  493 
Economic  progress  (Rusk),  211 
OU  exports  to  U.S.  (Udall),  641 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  405,  550, 
Viet-Nam,  North: 
Haiphong      harbor:      Lodge,      468; 

Taylor,  259 
Soviet  vesseb,  allegations  of  U.S. 
attacks  on,  and  U.S.  replies,  44, 
U.S.  position:  Bundy,  284;  Goldberg, 
484,  485;  Katzenbach,  602;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  607;  Rusk,  89,  92,  253, 
415,  823 

Viet-Nam,  North — Continued 
U.S.  trade  embargo  (E.  V.  Rostow), 
Viet-Nam,  Republic  of: 
Amnesty  program.  See  Chieu  Hoi 
Background:  Bundy,  275;  Westmore- 
land, 785 
Bombing,  U.S.  See  U.S.  air  actions 
Bombing  pauses: 

Communist     activity    during    U.S. 
ceasefires:   Bundy,   355;  Johnson, 
521;  Lodge,  464;  Rusk,  162,  335, 
412,  557,  562,  595 
Communist    position:    462;    Gold- 
berg, 484;  Johnson,   521;   Rusk, 
411,  556,  557,  560,  562,  595,  600 
1965-1967  (Goldberg),  669,  671 
Prospects  from:  Clifford,  258;  Gold- 
berg,    484;     Lodge,     464,     468; 
Rusk,  89,  161,  163,  384,  411,  413, 
556,  562,  595,  597,  593 
Reciprocal,    U.S.   willingness:   671; 
Bunker,     751;     Goldberg,     484; 
Johnson,  521 ;  Rusk,  90,  162,  347, 
385,  412,  560,  562,  595,  599 
Viet-Nam  government  negotiations, 
prospects     and     U.S.     position: 
Bundy,    353,    354;    Bunker,   416, 
417;  Rusk,  411,  556 
"Brainwashing",  question  of:  Lodge, 

467;  Rusk,  383,  414 
Chieu    Hoi    program:    Bunker,    782; 
Lodge,  466;  Rusk,  93,  386,  557; 
Westmoreland,  785 
Civilian  service  awards  (Johnson),  288 
Coalition  government,  Vietnamese  re- 
jection of  (Bundy),  354 
Communism,  rejection  of:  Lilienthal, 

866;  Rusk,  557,  823 
Communist    aggression    and    subver- 
Casualties:    Bundy,   353;  Johnson, 
289,  521;  Lodge,  466;  Rusk,  164, 
346,  414 
Chinese  air  bases,  question  of  use  of 

(Rusk),  389,  416 
Civil  war,  distinguished  from:  Katz- 
enbach, 602;  Rusk,  89,  252,  345, 
Communist  China: 
Military  aid:  Bundy,  356;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  426,  603;  Rusk,  598, 
Position  on:  Bundy,  283;  Gold- 
berg,   672;    Marcos    (quoted), 
520;  Rusk,  164,  558 
Communist    defections.    See    Chieu 

Hoi  program 
Communist     forces,     problems     of 
maintenance     and     recruitment: 
Bunker,    751,    782;    Lodge,    468; 
Westmoreland,  786 
Communist  position:  462;  Katzen- 
bach,  602;    Lodge,   465;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  426;  Rusk,  163,  556 
Communist  responsibility  for  situa- 
tion: Blair,  203;  Bundy,  279,  290, 
356;  Johnson,  519,  632;  Katzen- 
bach,  602,   818;   E.   V.   Rostow, 
425,  607;  Rusk,  89,  91,  161,  252, 
344,  412,  556,  558,  559,  601-602, 
Deescalation,  mutual,  U.S.  willing- 
ness: Johnson,  32;  Rusk,  92,  253, 
346,  412,  740 



V'iet-Nam,  Republic  of — Continued 
Communist    aggression    and   subver- 
sion— Continued 
Danger    of:    Bundy,    283,    357; 
Bunker,      420;     Johnson,      37; 
Kaplan,  234;  Katzenbach,  603; 
Rusk,  92,  390,  415,  555,  564,  823 
One-sided  concept  of  (Rusk),  89, 
93,  253,  346 
Guerrilla    warfare:    Bunker,    419; 
Johnson,   289;   Lodge,  465,   466, 
468 ;  Rusk,  345 ;  Westmoreland,  785 
International    law    aspects    (E.    V. 

Rostow),  607 
Prisoners,  U.S.  position,  170 
Propaganda,  failure  of  (Lodge),  465 
Refugees  (Rusk),  213 
Test  case  for:  Bundy,  283;  Johnson, 
632;    Katzenbach,    819;    E.    V. 
Rostow,  426,  607;  Rusk,  90,  387, 
703,  823 
Communist  reliance  on  U.S.  dissent: 
Johnson,   522;   Katzenbach,   602; 
Rusk,   555,   556,   600,    705,   824; 
Westmoreland,  785 
Demilitarized    zone:    671;    Goldberg, 
485;  Rusk,  412,  558 
Barrier,  proposed  (Rusk),  385,  414 
Extension  of.  Communist  rejection 
(Rusk),  89,  597 
Economic  and  social  development: 
Industrialization    (Lilienthal),   866, 

Off-shore      fisheries      development 

project,  222 
Prospects:    Johnson,    519;    McNa- 

mara,  167;  Rusk,  93 
Social  and  land  reforms,  obligations 
of  new  government:  Bunker,  783; 
Rusk,  413 
U.S.  aid:  Bundy,  277,  284;  Bunker, 
781,  784;  Rusk,  213,  804 
Communist    participation:  Gold- 
berg, 485;  Johnson,  33;  Rusk, 
601,  823 
Vietnamese  role:  Bunker,  584,  783; 
Lilienthal,  864;  Rusk,  413 
Geneva   conference:  361,    671,    709; 
Bundy,  276,  280;  Goldberg,  383 
(quoted),  484,  485,  671 ;  Rusk,  93, 
383,  413,  558,  559,  598 
Inflation:  Bunker,  784;  Lodge,  466; 
McNamara,  167;  Rusk,  161,  213; 
Taylor,  258 
Japan,  position  of,  745 
Korea,    compared    to:    Katzenbach, 

603;  Westmoreland,  788 
Military  and  other  aid  from  foreign 
countries:  64,  520,  792;  Bundy, 
285;  Bunker,  782;  Johnson,  61, 
520,  632;  NcNamara,  169;  Park 
(quoted),  520;  Rusk,  91,  92,  391, 
555,  561,  599,  822;  Taylor,  258, 
259;  Westmoreland,  788 
National  Liberation  Front:  Bunker, 
782 ;  Department,  854 ;  Fedorenko 
(quoted),  670;  Goldberg,  672; 
Rusk,  91,  93,  94,  386,  390,  558; 
Westmoreland,  786 
National  reconciliation  (pacification) 
program:  854;  Bundy,  284,  353; 
Bunker,  418,  419,  748,  750,  783; 
McNamara,  169;  Rusk,  386, 
557;  Taylor,  257 

Viet-Nam,  Republic  of — Continued 
Negotiations  for  peaceful  settlement: 

Ashmore-Baggs  contacts  (Depart- 
ment), 462 

Channels:  462;  Goldberg,  484; 
Johnson,  775;  Rusk,   162 

Communist  China  and  Soviet 
Union,  influence  on:  E.  V.  Ros- 
tow, 608;  Rusk,  596,  597,  598, 

Communist  rejection:  462;  Bundy, 
284,  357;  Bunker,  784;  Goldberg, 
671;  Johnson,  521,  632,  775; 
Rusk,  89,  94,  163,  253,  346,  383, 
384,  391,  411,  556,  558,  705,  740, 

Enterprise  proposal  (Johnson),  747, 

Geneva  conference.  See  Geneva 

International  conference,  U.S.  sup- 
port for,  671 

National  Liberation  Front  par- 
ticipation: 854;  Bundy,  353, 
417;  Department,  854;  Rusk,  93, 
94,  390,  558 

Norstad  proposal  (Lodge),  465 

Peace  efforts  of  other  countries : 
Goldberg,  669;  Lee,  615;  Rusk, 

Prior  to  U.S.  presidential  elections, 
question  of  (Bunker),  419 

U  Thant  proposals  (Rusk),  162 

U.S.  willingness:  745,  854;  Bundy, 
284;  Bunker,  417,  418,  781,  784; 
Goldberg,  48,  484;  Gronouski, 
432;  Johnson,  32,  39,  521; 
Lodge,  464;  Rusk,  89,  162,  163, 
346,  384,  555,  556,  595,  600,  705, 

Vict  Cong  participation,  LT.S.  posi- 
tion:  854;  Johnson,  775 

Vietnamese  role:  854;  Bundy,  352, 
353;    Bunker,    416;    Rusk,    384, 

411,  412,  556,  558 
Wilson-Kosygin      talks,      London: 

463 ;  Rusk,  562 

Without    conditions,    U.S.    willing- 
ness: Katzenbach,  602;  Rusk,  9(5, 
93,   162,  253,  346,  384,  557,  705 
Peace : 

Geneva  accords  as  a  basis  for: 
361,  671,  709;  Goldberg,  484; 
Rusk,  93,  383 

Prospects  for:  Bunker,  416,  781; 
Clifford,  258;  Johnson,  32;  Rusk, 
93,  162,  164,  411,  412,  458,  556, 
558,  599,  601,  823 

U.S.  goal:  Bundy,  357;  Bunker,  584, 
784;  Goldberg,  483;  Johnson,  37, 
39,  632,  775,  777,  851;  Lodge, 
465;  Rusk,  384,  452,  555,  560, 
562,  564,  740,  823 

Vietnamese  position:  Goldberg, 
485 ;  Lilienthal,  866 
Political  development:  Bundy,  284, 
354;  Bunker,  417,  748,  781; 
Goldberg,  485;  Johnson,  289,  521, 
776,  779;  Lodge,  350,  466,  467; 
McNamara,    167;  Rusk,  94,   161, 

412,  557,  705;  Taylor,  257 
Communist     participation:      Gold- 
berg, 485;  Rusk,  386,  601 

Corruption,  prevention  of  (Bunker), 

Viet-Nam,  Republic  of — Continued 
Political  development— Continued 
Military  leadership  (Bundy),  260 
President-  and  Vice-President-elect, 
relations,    question    of:    Bunker, 
421;  Rusk,  385 
Presidential  elections: 
Campaign,    problems    and    inci- 
dents:  Bundy,   260,   352,   354; 
Bunker,     749;    Johnson,     290; 
Lodge,  350 
Communist  interference:  Bunker, 
749 ;  Johnson,  52 1 ;  Rusk,  345, 
414,   557,    740;   Westmoreland, 
Conduct     of,      and     percent     of 
Vietnamese  voters:  391 ;  Bunker, 
417,   420,    749,    783;  Johnson, 
421,     776;     Rusk,     557,     822; 
Westmoreland,  786 
Inauguration   ceremonies   (Hum- 
phrey), 789 
Prospects  from:  Bundy,  353,  357; 
Bunker,  416,  417,  419,  420,  751, 
783;  Johnson,  421,  521 ;  Katzen- 
bach, 603;  Lodge,  465;  Rusk, 
94,  163,  166,  385 
U.S.  observers:  349,  671 ;  Johnson, 
421 ;  Lodge,  349;  Rusk,  345 
Port     and     harbor     facilities     (Mc- 
Namara), 167 
Reunification:  671;  Bundy,  277,  279; 

Goldberg,  485 
Security  {see  also  National  reconcili- 
ation): Bundy,  353;  Johnson,  521, 
776;  Lodge,  466;  Rusk,  557 
Following    U.S.    withdrawal,   ques- 
tions of:  Bundy,  355 ;  Rusk,  93 
Self-determination:  361,  854;  Bundy, 
195;  Bunker,  781;  Chfford,  257; 
Goldberg,  485;  Humphrey,  789; 
Johnson,  33,  59,  498,  519,   779; 
Rusk,  90,  94,  345,  452,  703,  823 
Soviet   position   and   aid:   Brzezinski, 
20;  Goldberg,  668;  Kosygin,  38; 
Lodge,  469;  E.  V.  Rostow,  426, 
608;  Rusk,  558,  562,  596,  598 
Summit    conference,     prospects    for: 
Bunker,  750;  Clifford,  258;  Rusk, 
165,  561 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,    54,    310, 

404,  590,  729 
U.N.  action: 
Communist    rejection:    671;    Gold- 
berg, 669;  Rusk,  383,413 
Soviet  position  (Goldberg),  668 
NLF  participation,  854 
U.S.   support:   Bundy,   357;   Gold- 
berg, 483,  667;  Johnson,  521,  780; 
Lodge,    468,    (U.N.    role),    469; 
Rusk,  383,  559 
U.N.  inability  to  act:  Goldberg,  264, 

670;  Rusk,  559 
U.S.  air  actions: 
Military     targets     only :  44,      171; 

Lodge,  468;  Rusk,  414 
Results     {see     also     U.S.     military 
actions):  Bundy,  355;  Lodge,  464, 
465;  McNamara,  168;  Rusk,  413 
U.S.  commitment:  745;  Bunker,  420, 
584,  784;   Goldberg,  484;  John- 
son, 33,  59,  508,  519,  614,  776; 
Lodge,  465;  Rusk,  163,  388,  555, 
596,   600,   823 
Asia,  importance  to.  See  under  Asia 



Viet-Nam,  Republic  of — Continued 
U.S.  commitment — Continued 

Congressional  support:  E.  V.  Ros- 
tow,  605 ;  Rusk,  555, 560, 563,  599, 

"Credibility  gap"  (Rusk),  414,  555, 
740,  824 

Importance  of  dependability: 
Bunker,  781;  Johnson,  519,  777, 
779;  Katzenbach,  603;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  426;  Rusk,  90,  91,  253, 
599,  703,  704,  740,  821,  857 

SEATO:  Bundy,   277,   285;  John- 
son, 779;  Katzenbach,  603;  E.  V. 
Rostow,  426,  607;  Rusk,  414,  555, 
563,    703,    821 
U.S.  Embassy,  dedication  (Bunker), 

U.S.  information,  sources  and  supply 

of  (Bunker),  781 
U.S.  military  forces: 

Leadership  (Johnson),  776 

Manpower  levels  and  deployment: 
Bundy,  353;  Johnson,  267,  522, 
775;  McNamara,  169;  Rusk, 
344,  821;  Taylor,  258,  West- 
moreland, 786 

Morale  and  public  support: 
Bunker,  585;  Johnson,  267,  522; 
Rusk,  348,  704 

Withdrawal,  conditions  for:  Bundy, 
356;    Rusk,    89,    92,    345,    563, 
597,  823 
U.S.  military  operations: 

Consultations  and  reviews:  Bunker, 
749,  750;  Clifford,  256;  E.  V. 
Rostow,    427;    Rusk,    414,    561 

Costs:  Johnson,  266;  Trowbridge, 

Logistics  (MACONOMY):  West- 
moreland,  787 

Phases  of,  survey  (Westmoreland), 

Responsibility  for  decisions :  Bunker, 
750;  Rusk,  414,  741 

Results:  Bundy,  355;  Bunker,  748, 
781;  Clifford,  257;  Johnson,  521, 
776;  Lodge,  465;  McNamara, 
168;  Rusk,  92,  346,  413,  821 

Stalemate,  question  of:  Bimker, 
418,  783;  McNamara,  168;  Rusk, 
161,  346,  557 

Strategy:  Bundy,  284,  355;  Clif- 
ford, 257;  Lodge,  466;  Mc- 
Namara, 168;  Taylor,  257,  259 
U.S.  national  interests:  Bundy,  278, 
285;  Johnson,  519,  779,  851; 
Lodge,  469;  E.  V.  Rostow,  607; 
Rusk,  555,  563,  599,  703,  821 
U.S.  objectives:  Blair,  206;  Brzezinski, 
22;  Bundy,  283;  Bunker,  584,  781 ; 
Goldberg,  483;  Humphrey,  789, 
790;  Johnson,  290,  498,  519, 
779;  Kaplan,  234;  Katzenbach, 
602;  Lodge,  469;  Rusk,  92,  345, 
416,  452,  555,  601,  823;  Taylor, 

Allies,  support  for:  ClifTord,  256; 
Johnson,  522;  Taylor,  257 

Congressional     support:     Johnson, 
519,  790;  Katzenbach,  603;  Rusk, 
91,  560,  563 
U.S.    officials,    preoccupation    with, 

question  of  (Bundy),  356 
U.S.  politics,  bipartisan  issue  under: 
Lodge,  467;  Rusk,  415 

Viet-Nam,  Republic  of — Continued 

U.S.  presidential  elections,  effect  on 
Communist  position :  Johnson, 
777;  Lodge,  468 

U.S.  public  opinion:  Bunker,  750; 
Gronouski,  432;  Johnson,  519, 
776,  777,  778;  Lodge,  464; 
E.  V.  Rostow,  605,  607;  Rusk, 
345,  387,  555,  559,  600 

U.S.-Vietnamese  relations:  Lilienthal, 
867;  Rusk,  557-558;  Westmore- 
land, 787 

Vietnamese  Army:  Bundy,  284,  353; 
Bunker,  750,  782;  Johnson,  777; 
Katzenbach,  603;  Lodge,  466, 
468;  Rusk,  346;  Westmoreland, 

Vietnamese  character  and  goals:  John- 
son, 521 ;  Lilienthal,  865,  866 

Visit  of  presidential  advisers  Clifford 
jmd  Taylor,  256 

Visit  of  Vice-President  Humphrey,  789 

World  opinion:  745;  Johnson,  520; 
Rusk,  347,  705 

World  peace,  importance  to:  Gold- 
berg,   671;   Johnson,    520,    852; 
Rusk,  564 
Viklund,  Daniel,  91 

Romania,  agreement  re  issuance  of 
visas  to  diplomatic  and  non- 
diplomatic  personnel,  81 

U.S.    travel    restrictions    to    Middle 
East  amended,  41 
Volunteer  Service,  International  Secre- 
tariat for.  Executive  order,  207 
Volunteers  to  America:   235;  Palmer, 


War  on  Hunger  (set  also  Food  and  pop- 
ulation crisis):  Johnson,  762;  Rusk, 
209,  254,  801;  Waters,  765 
War  on  Poverty:  Linowitz,  323,  618; 

Rusk,  857;  Trowbridge,  504 
Warsaw  Pact:  Cleveland,  143;  Leddy, 

Washington,  George  (quoted),  333 
Watanabe,  Takeshi  (Rusk),  458 
Water  resources: 
Management   of,   need  for   coopera- 
tion (Rusk),  738 
U.S.-Mexico  cooperation  in  develop- 
ment of  water  resources,  682 
Viet-Nam  (Lilienthal),  865 
Water     for     Peace     Office,     interim 
director  (Woodward),  245 
Waters,  Herbert  J.,  764 
West  Point  (Johnson),  780 
Western  European  Union  (Rusk),  856 
Western  Samoa,   International  Wheat 
Agreement,   1967   protocol  for  the 
extension  of,  ratification,  270 
Westmoreland,  William  C:  785;  Bunk- 
er,   750,    751;    Lodge,    466;    Mc- 
Namara, 168 
International      convention      (1946), 
amendments     to     schedule,     en- 
trance into  force,  590 
Whaling  Commission,  International, 
U.S.     commissioner,     announce- 
ment, 586 
Research,  Mexico:  Diaz  Ordaz,  675; 
Gaud,    582;   Johnson,    674,    683 

Wheat — Continued 
Treaties,    agreements,    etc. : 
EEC,    agreement   re   suspension  of 
agreements     concerning     quality 
wheat  and  other  grains,  245 
International  Grains  Agreement:  45, 
95;  Freeman,  133;  Johnson,  716; 
Roth,  124 
International     Wheat     Agreement 
Protocol  for  further  extension  of: 
Germany  (including  Berlin),  26 
1967  protocol  for   further  exten- 
sion   of:    Australia,    153;    Bar- 
bados,   190,  309;  Belgium   (for 
Belgium-Luxembourg  Eco- 
nomic   Union),    117;    Canada, 
153;   Ecuador,    190;   Germany, 
Guatemala,     153;    Haiti,    270; 
Israel,   153,  662;   Italy,  Japan, 
153;   Korea,    117;   Libya,    153, 
337;  Mexico,  26;  Nigeria,  770; 
Peru,  590;  Portugal,  190;  Spain, 
309;   Tunisia,    190;   Venezuela, 
405;  Western  Samoa,  270 
Wheat    trade    convention    (1967): 
Johnson,  716 
Current  actions:  Argentina,  845; 
Australia,    728;    Belgium,    769; 
Canada,    728;    Denmark,    809, 
845;     EEC,     Finland,     France, 
845;    Germany,     769;    Greece, 
India,     Ireland,     Israel,     845, 
Italy  (as  EEC  member  State), 
809;  Japan,   728;  Korea,   Leb- 
anon,  845;   Luxembourg,   770; 
Mexico,  845;  Netherlands,  770; 
Norway,      Pakistan,     Portugal, 
Saudi    Arabia,    South    Africa, 
Spain,  845;  Sweden,  809;  Switz- 
erland, 845;  Tunisia,  728;  U.K., 
845;  U.S.,  728 
U.S.   additional  shipments   to   India 

authorized  (Johnson),  430 
U.S.     stocks,     decrease     in     (Gold- 
schmidt),  305 
White,  William  Allen  (E.  V.  Rostow), 

Whitman,  Walt  (quoted),  571 
WHO.  See  World  Health  Organization 
Wiesner,  Jerome  B.  (McNamara),  448 
WUlis,  David  K.,  353 
Winters,  Robert,  46 
Wirtz,  W.  Willard,  455 
WMO.  See  World  Meteorological  Or- 
Political    rights,    convention    (1953): 

Chile,  729;  Costa  Rica,  405 
Status  of  women: 
Iran  (Shah  Pahlavi),  361 
U.N.     commission,     20th     session, 
report  (TUlett),  218 
Woods,  George  D.  (quoted),  678 
Woodward,  Robert  R.,  245 
World    Bank.   See    International    Bank 
of  Reconstruction   and  Develop- 
World  Food  Problem,  The:  76n,  307n,  874n; 
Johnson,    78;    Katzenbach,    533 
World    Food   Program   (Goldschmidt), 

World  grains  arrangement.  See  Inter- 
national grains  arrangement 




WASHINGTON.  D.C.     20402 



World  Health  Organization: 
Constitution,      1946,     as     amended: 

Lesotho,  270 

Amendment  to  article  7:  Barbados, 

270;  Cameroon,  514;  Costa  Rica, 

117;  Peru,  221;  Saudi  Arabia,  26 

World  Law  Day,   1967,  proclsimation, 

World     Meteorological     Organization : 
Goldberg,  723;  Rusk,  739 
Convention    (1947):    Barbados,   438; 
Botswana,     624;     Panama,     438 
World  order:  615,  709;  Brzezinski,  19; 
Bundy,  285;  Johnson,  631,  633, 
655;  Linowitz,  616;  E.  V.  Rostow, 
609;  W.  W.  Rostow,  66;   Rusk, 
Interdependence    of  modern    world: 
Hammarskjold      (quoted),      265; 
Johnson,  325;  Katzenbach,  334; 
E.  V.   Rostow,  423,  605;  Rusk, 
252,  452,  735,  807 
U.S.     influence:     Brzezinski,     21; 
Humphrey,    790;  Johnson,    303; 
Kaplan,  234;  Rusk,  735 
World  peace:  745;  Goldberg,  483;  E. 
V.  Rostow,  425;  Rusk,  87,  91,  704, 
735;  Sato,  744 
Arab-Israeli  conflict,  threat  to:  Gold- 
berg, 4,   13,   108,  216;  Johnson, 
33;  E.  V.  Rostow,  237 

World  peace — Continued 

Economic  considerations:  Humphrey, 
792;  Katzenbach,  334;  Linowitz, 
323;  Rusk,  254,  737;  Waters,  765 

Inter-American  system,  importance  to 
(Linowitz),  321 

Law  of  treaties,  importance  to  (Kear- 
ney), 721 

NATO,  importance  to,  329 

U.N.  Charter  principles  and  U.S. 
support:  Goldberg,  216,  264; 
Rusk,  252,  560,  564,  737,  824 

U.S.  commitments,  importance  to: 
Johnson,  519;  Kaplan,  234;  Katz- 
enbach, 604;  E.  V.  Rostow,  608; 
Rusk,  255,  347,  703,  704,  857 

U.S.-Soviet-Japan  discussions,  Mans- 
field proposal  (Rusk),  456 

U.S.-Soviet  responsibilities:  Johnson, 
35,  38,  59;  Katzenbach,  819;  E. 
V.  Rostow,  428;  Rusk,  160 

U.S.  support:  Johnson,  16,  31,  328, 
522,  571,  747,  851,  853;  Katzen- 
bach, 820;  E.  V.  Rostow,  237, 
605;  Rusk,  215,  452,  564,  739,  821 

Viet-Nam,  importance  of  U.S.  com- 
mitments (Johnson),  520 

World  Law  Day,  1967,  proclamation, 
World  War  II,  lessons  of  (Rusk),  251, 
253,  343,  704,  737,  824,  857 

World  Weather  Watch  (Rusk),  739 
Worsthorne,  Peregrine  (quoted),  231 
Wyndham  White,  Eric  (Roth),  125 

Xauthopoulos-Palamas,  Christian,  507 

Yemen,     U.S.     travel     restrictions 

amended,  459 
Yemen,     Southern,     U.S.     diplomatic 

recognition,  861 
Yingling,  Raymond  T.,  475 
York,  Herbert  F.  (McNamara),  448 
Yoshida,  Shigeru  (Johnson),  660 
Young,  Stephen  M.  (Johnson),  42 
Yugoslavia : 
Ambassador  to  U.S.,  362 
Treaties,   agreements,   etc.,   26,   222, 

270,  405,  589,  625,  846 
U.S.    cotton   textile    agreement,    an- 
nouncement, 586 

Zambia,  Geneva  convention  (1949)  re 
protection  of  civilian  persons  in 
time  of  war,  adherence,  698 

a  U.S.  GOVERNMENT  PRINTING  OFFICE ;  1968      O — 289-936 







Vol.  LVII,  No.  U62 

July  S,  1967 


Statements  hy  Ambassador  Goldberg  and  Texts  of  Resolutions      3 


by  Ambassador  at  Large  W.  Averell  Harrhnan      17 


by  Zbigniew  Brzezinshi      19 

For  index  see  inside  hack  cover 



Vol.  LVII,  No.  1462  Publication  8255 
July  3,  1967 

For  sale  by  tbe  Superintendent  of  Documents 

U.S.  Government  Printing  Office 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


52  issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $15.00 
Single  copy  30  cents 

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Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
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appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  is  indexed  in 
the  Readers'  Guide  to  Periodical  Literature. 

The  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  weekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
with  information  on  developments  in 
the  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  tlie  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service, 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy,  issued 
by  the  White  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  officers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department,  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  which  the  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  party 
and  treaties  of  general  international 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative material  in  the  field  of  inter- 
national relations  are  listed  currently , 

U.N.  Security  Council  Continues  Debate  on  Near  East;  Soviet 
Proposal  Condemning  Israel  Rejected 

Following  are  statements  made  on  June  10, 
IS,  and  14.  in  the  U.N.  Security  Council  hy  U.S. 
Representative  Arthur  J.  Goldberg'^  and  the 
text  of  a  letter  he  sent  to  the  Secretary-General 
on  June  9,  together  with  texts  of  resolutions 
adopted  hy  the  Council  on  June  12  and  H,  a 
revised  U.8.  draft  resolution  subnvitted  on 
June  14  which  remain^s  before  the  Council,  and  a 
revised  Soviet  draft  resolution  submitted  on 
June  13  which  failed  to  obtain  the  required  votes 
for  adoption. 


U.S./U.N.  press  release  98 

Mr.  President,  it  has  been  the  consistent  view 
of  my  Government  from  the  very  beginning  of 
this  conflict  that  this  Security  Council  should 
have  a  single  goal :  to  quench  the  flames  of  war 
in  the  Near  East  and  to  begin  to  move  toward 
peace  in  the  area.  And  throughout  our  delib- 
eration of  this  subject,  we  have  attempted  by  all 
the  means  at  our  disposal  to  expedite  the  action 
of  this  Council  and  the  action  of  the  United  Na- 
tions in  this  direction.  This  is  our  task.  This  is 
what  we  should  be  devoting  ourselves  to  with 
all  of  the  resources  at  our  command. 

Instead  of  that,  Mr.  President,  much  of  the 
time  of  this  Council  is  devoted  to  diatribes 
against  my  country  about  alleged  involvement 
in  this  conflict.  I  have  stated  many  times,  and 
I  again  wish  to  state,  that  the  United  States  is 
in  no  way  involved  in  this  conflict  but  on  the 
contrary  has  used  its  influence  here  and  diplo- 
matically in  the  interests  of  first  avoiding  the 
conflict  and  then  bringing  it  to  an  end. 

'  For  statements  made  by  Ambassador  Goldberg  In 
the  Security  Council  on  June  6,  8,  and  9,  see  BtrLLETiN 
of  June  26, 1967,  p.  934. 

We  have  done  more  than  make  statements  to 
the  Council  in  this  regard.  We  have  offered  to 
have  unpartial  observers  of  the  United  Nations 
make  a  determination  with  respect  to  the  charges 
that  have  been  made.  I  have  not  heard  from 
those  who  make  the  charges  any  willingness  on 
their  part  to  subscribe  to  this  point  of  view.  And 
yet,  what  better  proof  can  there  be  of  lack  of 
involvement  than  a  willingness  to  have  charges 
of  this  type,  which  are  false  and  which  are  mali- 
cious, put  to  the  test  of  impartial  observation? 

In  fact,  I  pointed  out  what  was  quite  clear — 
that,  with  respect  to  the  canard  that  the  6th 
Fleet  was  involved  in  this  exercise,  there  was 
another  country  with  naval  craft  in  the  vicinity 
which  could  enlighten  the  Council  about  this 
situation.  It  is  perfectly  obvious  what  I  was 
referring  to  in  that  connection. 

Here  again  tonight  we  have  another  illustra- 
tion of  this,  and  all  I  can  say  again,  and  I  wiU 
continue  to  say  it,  is  that  there  is  no  involve- 
ment on  the  part  of  the  United  States,  that  we 
are  quite  willing  to  have  the  charges  that  were 
made  investigated  impartially,  and  that  it  does 
not  serve  the  cause  of  peace  to  repeat  these  base- 
less charges. 

Now,  Mr.  President,  we  were  the  ones  who 
proposed  last  night  that  we  should  receive  re- 
ports and  we  welcome  very  much  the  reports 
that  we  are  receiving.  We  very  much  appreciate 
the  straightforward  way  in  which  our  distin- 
guished Secretary-General  has  rendered  these 
reports,  in  which  he  has  pointed  out  the  facts 
and  pointed  out  their  limitations  and  has  urged 
for  further  facts  so  this  Council  can  act 

We  do,  however,  have  some  facts  before  us, 
and  we  have  indicated  throughout  a  willingness 
to  act  upon  such  facts  and  to  act  in  an  even- 
handed  and  impartial  way.  Indeed,  we  have 
tried  to  make  it  very  clear  that  it  is  the  obliga- 

JULT    3,    1967 

tion  of  both  Israel  and  Syria  to  strictly  comply 
with  the  cease-fire  order.  This  is  the  first  fact. 
It  is  not  the  final  task  of  this  Council,  but  it  is 
the  essential  first  task. 

We  have  a  very  grave  situation  in  the  Middle 
East.  To  rebuild  the  fabric  of  peace  in  the  area 
is  going  to  be  very  difficult.  We  all  know  that. 
To  quench  the  flames  of  war  is  very  difiicult.  We 
ought  first  of  all  to  have  a  stopping  of  all  mili- 
tary activity,  an  end  to  the  conflict.  This  is  the 
first  and  primary  task  and  not  the  last  task. 
We  will  have  to  go  on  to  other  matters  which 
were  mentioned  in  the  resolution  ^  we  tabled 
before  the  Security  Council. 

Now,  it  does  not  help  to  have  invective  in  this 
situation.  Invective  does  not  take  the  place  of 
progress.  And  I  should  like  to  make  it  very 
clear  that  it  has  not  been  my  practice  at  any 
time  in  the  United  Nations  to  impugn  the  ve- 
racity or  integrity  of  any  representative  of  the 
U.N.  representing  his  country.  But  when 
charges  are  made  against  the  United  States 
that  have  no  foundation,  it  is  the  plain  obliga- 
tion of  the  representative  of  the  United  States 
to  rebut  those  charges  and  to  place  before  the 
Council  the  facts — or  the  means  of  verifying 
the  facts. 

There  is  another  thing  which  I  mentioned 
earlier  which  I  think  is  very  clear,  and  that  is 
that  I  respect  the  right  of  every  member  of  this 
Council  to  represent  his  coimtry.  I  do  not  im- 
ply that  any  member  of  tlie  Council  in  appear- 
ing here  represents  anybody  else  other  than  his 
country.  Wlien  remarks  are  made  that  tlie  rep- 
resentative of  the  United  States  speaks  for 
some  country  other  than  his  own,  it  is  that  type 
of  remark  to  which  I  take  strong  exception — 
and  I  think  justifiably  so.  Such  a  remark  is 
not  one  which  should  be  countenanced  by  an 
international  organization.  We  speak  for  our 
countries.  We  state  their  policies,  and  we  at- 
tempt to  the  best  of  our  abilities  to  present  the 
point  of  view  of  our  countries  to  this  Coimcil. 
That  is  the  responsibility  of  every  member,  and 
I  respect  any  member  wlio  does  that  with  all 
the  energy  and  vigor  at  his  command. 

Now,  that  is  all  I  meant  when  I  made  the 
statement  that  I  made  this  morning.  I  will  not 
accept  from  anybody  a  concept  that  in  speak- 

'  U.N.  doc.  S/7952/Rev.  2 ;  for  backgrounfl,  see  Bul- 
letin of  June  26,  1967,  pp.  941  and  943 ;  for  text  of  a 
third  revision,  see  p.  12. 

ing  here  I  speak  from  any  other  basis  than  the 
interests  of  the  United  States  of  America, 
whom  I  proudly  represent  before  this  Council, 
and  any  indication  to  the  contrary  I  will  not 
t-olerate;  nor  do  I  think  any  diplomatic  body 
should  tolerate  it,  because  it  is  inconsistent  with 
the  attitude  that  we  owe  each  other  as  col- 
leagues at  the  United  Nations. 

Now,  we  are  dealing  with  the  cease-fire  order 
immediately.  That  is  the  problem  we  have  at 
hand.  That  is  why  we  have  been  called  into 
session  twice  today.  And  our  concern  must  be 
that  that  cease-fire  must  be  recognized.  Both 
Syria  and  Israel  have  given  General  Bull  [Lt. 
Gen.  Odd  Bull,  Chief  of  Staff  of  the  United 
Nations  Truce  Supervision  Organization] 
solemn  assurances  that  they  accept  the  cease- 
fire and  will  fully  implement  it. 

It  is  a  source  of  encouragement  to  me  that, 
from  the  Secretary-General's  reports,  inci- 
dents of  violation — except  those  that  occurred 
possibly  within  a  few  minutes  after  this  agree- 
ment was  made  witli  General  Bull — are  not 
being  repeated.  I  sincerely  hope  that  this  is  so, 
and  I  await  more  detailed  reports  of  the  Secre- 
tary-General so  that  we  can  determine  that 
hopefully  now  at  least — and  it  should  have 
been  earlier — ^the  cease-fire  is  in  effect. 

Now,  this  morning  I  was  prepared  to  table  a 
resolution,  even  on  the  basis  of  the  fragmen- 
tary   information    we    had,    condemning    any 
violation  of  the  cease-fire  by  any  source.  It  is 
interesting  to  me  that  while  we  are  accused  of 
being  involved — which  we  are  not — those  who 
make  that  accusation  never  make  reference  to 
their  condemnation  of  a  violation  of  the  cease- 
fire if  it  comes  from  any  source  other  than  those 
whose  cause  they  advocate.  We  are  advocating 
the  cause  of  peace  in  this  Security  Council,  and  I 
we  are  advocating  the  cause  of  respect  for  the 
cease-fire  orders  of  this  Council.  And  my  Gov-  J 
ernment  takes  the  position  that  the  cease-fire  I 
orders  must  be  complied  with — I  repeat,  must  f 
be  complied  with.  To  that  end,  Mr.  President,  ' 
I  table  the  following  resolution : ' 

The  Security  Council, 

Having  heard  the  reports  of  the  Secretary-General 
on  the  current  situation, 

Gravely  concerned  at  reports  and  complaints  it  has  ' 
received  of  air  attaclts,  shelling,  ground  activities  and  i 
other  violations  of  the  cease-fire  between  Israel  and  ' 

'  U.N.  doc.  S/7971. 


1.  Condemns  any  and  all  violations  of  tbe  cease-fire ; 

2.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  order  a  full  in- 
Testigation  of  all  reports  of  violations  and  to  report  to 
the  Security  Council  as  soon  as  possible; 

3.  Demands  that  the  parties  scrupulously  respect  its 
cease-fire  appeals  contained  in  resolutions  233,  234  and 

4.  Calls  on  the  Governments  concerned  to  issue  cate- 
goric instructions  to  all  military  forces  to  cease  all 
firing  and  military  activities  as  required  by  these 


U.S./D-N.  press  release  102,  Corr.  1 

The  United  States  has  introduced  a  draft 
resolution  (S/7952)  which  we  believe  holds  the 
hope  of  the  lasting  peace  in  the  Near  East.  The 
Union  of  Soviet  Socialist  Republics  has  sub- 
mitted a  revised  draft  resolution  (S/7951) 
which  its  distinguished  representative  has 
talked  about  today. 

I  propose,  in  the  interests  of  furthering  the 
debate  and  consideration  by  the  Council  today, 
to  discuss  both  resolutions — not  in  the  spirit  of 
invective  which  regrettably  has  characterized 
our  debates  of  the  past  several  days  but  on  the 
merits,  because  of  the  grave  seriousness  of  the 
problem  and  because  of  the  necessity  for  this 
Council  to  arrive  at  a  sober  and  considered 
judgment  of  what  its  responsibilities  are  in  the 

Throughout  the  19  years  since  the  admission 
of  Israel  to  the  United  Nations,  the  United 
States  has  supported  many  attempts  to  resolve 
the  underlying  causes  of  tension  and  instability 
between  the  Arab  states  and  Israel.  We  have 
sought  to  assure  acceptance  of  the  political  in- 
dependence and  territorial  integrity  of  all  states 
in  the  area — Arab  states  and  Israel  alike — all 
members  entitled  to  the  protection  of  the  char- 
ter. And  we  have  also  sought  for  an  end  to  acts 
of  force  of  whatever  kind,  acts  which  also  are 
hostile  to  the  spirit  and  intent  of  the  charter. 

We  have  sought  an  equitable  and  humani- 
tarian solution  of  the  problem  of  the  Palestin- 
ian refugees;  we  have  supported  plans  for  the 
development  of  the  resources  of  the  Jordan 
Eiver  in  a  way  which  will  help  all  states  and 
do  harm  to  none.  We  have  pressed  for  recogni- 
tion of  the  rights  of  all  nations,  including 
Israel,  to  free  and  innocent  passage  of  the  Suez 

Canal  and  the  Gulf  of  Aqaba.  And,  above  all, 
we  have  sought  the  conversion  of  the  armistice 
of  1949  into  a  permanent  peace,  as  contemplated 
in  the  General  Armistice  Agreements  them- 

And  we  have  not  changed  our  views  or  poli- 
cies about  the  entire  situation  because  of  the  un- 
fortunate events  which  have  occurred  recently. 
Virtually  all  our  efforts,  as  we  know,  have  not 
succeeded.  The  Near  East  has  lived  for  19  years 
in  a  state  of  tension  which  now,  for  the  third 
time,  has  erupted  into  war.  The  evenhanded  ef- 
forts of  the  United  States  to  prevent  and  end 
the  present  violence  and  the  past  violence  are 
spread  on  the  record  of  the  United  Nations  and 
of  international  diplomacy  for  all  to  read. 

The  depth  of  our  commitment  was  made  man- 
ifest in  1956  at  the  time  of  the  Suez  crisis.  And 
more  recently  it  was  made  evident  again  in  the 
evenhanded  approach  of  the  United  States  to- 
ward border  incidents  in  1966.  We  supported 
a  call  in  the  Security  Council,  also  supported 
by  the  great  majority  of  the  members,  on  the 
Syrian  Government  to  restrain  terrorist  raids 
laimched  from  its  territory.^  Then  in  November 
1966  we  joined  in  the  unanimous  censure  of 
Israel  for  its  retaliatory  raid  against  Es-Samu 
in  Jordan.^  I  need  scarcely  recall  to  this  Coun- 
cil that  it  was  the  Soviet  veto  which  prevented 
the  milder  action  of  the  Council  directed  against 
Syria  from  being  adopted. 

It  may  also  be  instructive  to  recall  one  as- 
pect of  the  course  of  events  in  the  past  month 
leading  directly  to  the  outbreak  of  the  fighting, 
an  aspect  which  has  not  been  fully  or  adequately 
discussed  in  the  Council  but  which  I  am  im- 
pelled to  do  by  virtue  of  some  of  the  remarks 
by  the  distinguished  representative  of  the  So- 
viet Union  today. 

In  early  May  of  this  year  reports  were  cir- 
culated in  Syria  and  the  United  Arab  Republic 
of  a  supposed  Israeli  buildup  on  the  borders  of 
Syria,  allegedly  backed  by  the  United  States 
and  aimed  at  the  overthrow  of  the  Syrian 

President  Nasser  recently  revealed  one  source 
from  which  his  Government  heard  this  inflam- 
matory rumor;  namely,  Moscow.  Yet,  Secre- 
tary-General U  Thant  on  May  19 '  stated  that 

*  For  texts,  see  Bulletin  of  June  26,  1967,  p.  947. 

'  For  background,  see  ibid.,  Dec.  26,  1966,  p.  969. 

'  Ibid.,  p.  974. 

'  U.N.  doc.  S/7896  and  Corr.  1. 

JULY    3,   1967 

United  Nations  observers  had  found  no  evidence 
to  support  the  charges  of  an  alleged  Israeli  mili- 
tary buildup  in  the  area.  And  indeed,  he  could 
not  have  reported  any  complicity  on  the  part  of 
the  United  States,  for  such  complicity  was  non- 

And  let  me  remind  this  Council  that  wliile 
these  inflammatory  charges,  inspired  by  Mos- 
cow, were  inciting  the  situation  in  the  Near 
East,  the  Soviet  representative's  only  answer  to 
my  country's  call  for  urgent  action  by  this 
Council  was  a  complaint  that  we  were  "drama- 
tizing" the  situation.  He  should  know  better 
than  anybody  what  "dramatizing"  means. 

This  totally  false  accusation  of  a  U.S.-Israeli 
plot  helped  substantially  to  inflame  the  crisis 
in  which  Israel  and  Egypt  confronted  each 
other  for  the  first  time  in  10  years  across  bor- 
ders no  longer  patrolled  by  the  United  Nations. 

On  May  17,  as  the  world  well  remembers, 
President  Nasser,  citing  the  supposed  danger 
of  an  Israeli  invasion  of  Syria,  requested  the 
withdrawal  of  the  United  Nations  Emergency 
Force.  And  when  UNEF  vacated  Sharm  el- 
Sheik,  the  United  Arab  Republic  immediately 
reimposed  its  blockade  of  the  Gulf  of  Aqaba, 
after  10  years  of  free  and  peaceful  navigation. 
Now,  these  are  the  facts,  Mr.  President.  The 
whole  world  community  knows  this.  We  in 
the  Council,  above  all  others,  are  fully  conver- 
sant with  them. 

Throughout  this  entire  period,  the  United 
States  of  America  in  the  Security  Council,  as 
its  reports  disclose,  and  in  all  its  diplomatic 
activity  urged  the  utmost  restraint  on  all  par- 
ties. We  exerted  every  effort  to  prevent  an  out- 
break of  hostilities  and  to  assure  that  vital 
international  maritime  rights  in  the  Gulf  of 
Aqaba  would  be  respected. 

Unfortunately,  our  urgent  efforts  to  convene 
the  Security  Council  and  to  get  the  Security 
Council  to  act  before  an  outbreak  of  hostilities 
were  stalled  by  other  powei-s  who  chose  to  ridi- 
cule the  seriousness  of  the  situation,  who  failed 
to  support  our  urgent  efforts  to  find  a  peaceful 
solution.  And  as  a  result,  largely  through  Soviet 
obstruction,  the  Security  Council — ^between  its 
first  meeting  on  May  24  and  the  outbreak  of 
fighting  on  June  5 — was  unable  to  pass  a  single 
resolution  or  take  any  effective  action  to  j^revent 
an  outbreak. 

And  throughout  this  time,  the  whole  area  re- 
mained a  tmderbox ;  armies  were  mobilized  and 

poised  for  war,  and  inexorably  war  came.  And 
from  the  outset  of  the  fighting,  the  United 
States  immediately  sought  a  cease-fire,  and  sup- 
ported efforts  made  by  our  distinguished  Presi- 
dent and  others  in  the  same  direction.  The 
record  of  the  meetings  of  the  Security  Council 
shows  clearly  who  obstructed  the  cease-fire — the 
first  indispensable  step  to  bringing  the  conflict 
to  an  end — and  why  it  took  2  days  to  adopt  a 
simple  cease-fire  resolution,  wliich  should  have 
been  adopted  immediately  and  without  debate. 

The  record  also  shows  that,  regardless  of  the, 
sponsor,  the  United  States  speedily  supported 
the  second  cease-fire  resolution,  which  was  pro- 
posed by  the  Soviet  Union.  After  that,  however, 
again  precious  time  was  wasted  in  protracted 
debate  and  in  negotiations  before  a  tliird  cease- 
fire resolution  applying  to  the  situation  in  Syria  i 
could  be  adopted.  This  was  true  even  though 
here  also  the  United  States  was  ready  to  acti 
inmiediatfily  and  had  in  fact  sought  to  antici- 
pate the  situation  the  previous  day  by  support- 
ing a  resolution  condemning  violations  of  thei 
cease-fire  and,  indeed,  proposing  to  sponsor  such  i 
a  resolution. 

Now,  fortimately — and  belatedly — a  cease-fira 
is  in  effect.  But  we  cannot  rest  there.  The  cease-i 
fire,  as  we  have  repeatedly  said,  is  no  more  than 
the  first  essential  step  in  this  Council's  duty. 
Our  charter  responsibility  is  the  maintenance 
of  international  peace  and  security.  The  guns 
are  mercifully  silent  in  the  Near  East  today.  Bui 
that  region  is  still  a  long,  long  way  from  the 
true  peace  or  from  true  security. 

The  question  now  facing  the  Security  Coun- 
cil, therefore,  is  simply  this :  Wliat  is  the  next 
step  we  must  take  toward  peace  and  security 
for  the  nations  of  the  Near  East  ?  Wliere  do  we 
go  from  here  ?  Not  where  do  we  further  debate, 
or  exchange  recriminations  or  invective — but 
where  do  we  go  from  here?  | 

There  are  two  answers  to  this  question  pro-  I 
posed  before  the  Council.  That  is,  that  of  the  ' 
Soviet  Union  in  its  resolution  and  that  of  the  | 
United  States. 

Before  stating  the  case  for  my  Government's 
proposal,  I  would  like  to  comment  briefly  on 
that  of  the  Soviet  Union.  The  Soviet's  proposal  j 
could  be  stated  in  simple  terms  as  follows :  Con-  I 
demn  Israel  for  its  aggression ;  Israel,  with- 
draw your  troops  and  let  everything  go  back  to  / 
exactly  where  it  was  before  the  fighting  began  j 
on  Jime  5.  In  other  words,  the  film  is  to  be  rim  j 



backward  through  the  camera  to  that  point  in 
the  early  morning  on  June  5  when  hostilities 
had  not  yet  broken  out. 

But  what  would  the  situation  be? 

Once  again,  opposing  forces  are  to  stand  m 
direct  confrontation  poised  for  combat.  Once 
again,  there  is  to  be  no  international  machinery 
to  keep  them  apart.  Once  again,  Aqaba  is  to  be 
blockaded  for  the  free  and  innocent  passage  of 
all  maritime  nations.  And  once  again,  nothing 
is  to  be  done  to  resolve  the  deep-lying  griev- 
ances on  both  sides  that  have  fed  the  fires  of 
conflict  in  the  Near  East  for  20  years.  And 
significantly,  once  again,  there  is  no  bar  to  an 
arms  race  in  the  area  which  has  so  substantially 
contributed  to  tension  in  that  region. 

If  there  was  ever  a  prescription  for  renewed 
hostilities,  the  Soviet  resolution  is  that  prescrip- 
tion. I  do  hope  that  the  U.S.S.R.  does  not  con- 
template with  equanimity  the  prospect  of  a 
fourth  round  in  the  Arab-Israel  struggle.  This 
is  precisely  what  this  Council  should  concert  its 
eiforts  to  avoid. 

Let  us  recall  that  the  General  Armistice 
Agreements  of  1949  state  in  article  XII  that 
their  purpose  is,  and  I  quote :  ".  .  .  to  facilitate 
the  transition  from  the  present  truce  to  penna- 
nent  peace" — I  repeat,  "permanent  peace" — "in 

We  all  know  that  there  has  been  no  transition 
and  there  is  no  permanent  peace  in  that  area  at 
all.  On  the  contrary,  there  is  war.  A  bandage 
was  applied  to  the  wound  18  years  ago,  but  the 
wound  has  never  been  allowed  to  heal.  It  is  still 
an  open  and  festering  wound  today.  All  of  the 
18  years  of  the  armistice  regime  have  witnessed 
virtually  no  progress  on  any  of  the  basic  issues 
from  which  the  conflict  arose.  As  long  as  these 
issues  are  unresolved,  they  will  continue  to  en- 
venom the  political  life  of  the  Near  East. 

The  Soviet  proposal  does  not  encompass  a 
genuine  approach  to  their  solution;  it  cannot 
lead  toward  peace.  Mr.  President,  it  is  rather  a 
big  step  backward  toward  another  war. 

What  the  Near  East  needs  today  are  new  steps 
toward  real  peace,  not  just  a  cease-fire,  which 
is  what  we  have  today ;  not  just  a  fragile  and 
perilous  armistice,  which  is  what  we  have  had 
for  18  years;  not  just  withdrawal,  which  is  nec- 
essary but  insufficient. 

Real  peace  must  be  our  aim.  And  in  that  con- 
viction my  delegation  submitted  last  Thurs- 
day— even  before  the  cease-fire  became  fully 

effective — a  draft  resolution  [S/7952/Rev.  2] 
from  which  I  shall  now  read  the  most  important 
provision : 

The  Security  Council,  .  .  . 

Calls  for  discussions  promptly  thereafter  (that  is, 
after  the  cease-fire)  among  the  parties  concerned,  using 
such  third  party  or  United  Nations  assistance  as  they 
may  wish,  looliing  toward  the  establishment  of  viable 
arrangements  encompassing  the  withdrawal  and  dis- 
engagement of  armed  personnel,  the  renunciation  of 
force  regardless  of  its  nature,  the  maintenance  of  vital 
international  rights  and  the  establishment  of  a  stable 
and  durable  peace  in  the  Middle  East. 

Our  objective  in  making  this  proposal  is  to 
encourage  a  decision  by  the  warring  parties  to 
live  together  in  peace  and  to  secure  interna- 
tional assistance  to  this  end.  It  is  necessary  to 
begin  to  move — not  some  day  but  now, 
promptly,  while  the  memory  of  these  tragic 
events  is  still  vivid  in  our  minds — toward  a  full 
settlement  of  all  outstanding  questions.  And  I 
again  repeat  "all  outstanding  questions"  be- 
tween the  parties,  such  as  the  resolutions  the 
United  Nations  has  contemplated  for  nearly 
20  years. 

There  are  legitimate  grievances  on  all  sides  of 
this  bitter  conflict,  and  a  full  settlement  should 
deal  equitably  with  all  legitimate  grievances  and 
all  outstanding  questions,  from  whichever  side 
they  are  raised.  In  short,  Mr.  President,  a  new 
foundation  for  peace  must  be  built  in  the  Middle 

Doubtless,  agreements  between  the  parties  on 
these  profoundly  contentious  matters  will  take 
a  long  time,  but  the  United  Nations,  speaking 
through  this  Council,  has  an  urgent  obligation 
to  facilitate  them  and  to  rebuild  an  atmosphere 
in  which  fruitful  discussions  will  be  possible. 
That  is  the  purpose  of  the  resolution  we  have 

Mr.  President,  the  Security  Council  is  now 
faced  with  a  clear-cut  issue :  We  can  either  at- 
tack the  causes  of  the  disease  which  has 
plagued  the  Near  East  with  war  three  times  in 
a  generation  or  we  can  go  back  to  the  treatment 
of  symptoms,  which  has  proved  such  a  dismal 
failure  in  the  past.  And,  in  this,  we  should 
adopt  a  simple  pragmatic  rule  from  what  the 
medical  advisers  of  all  of  us  tell  us,  "You  can't 
cure  cancer  with  a  band-aid." 

Now,  Mr.  President,  in  this  grave  situation, 
fraught  with  so  many  differences  of  opinions 
and  attitudes,  the  tendency  is  to  say  that  it  de- 
fies solution.  But  we  cannot  accept  this  type  of 

JtJLT    3,    1967 

counsel.  Let  us  rather  say  that  no  one  can  say 
that  sohitions  are  impossible.  The  sad  fact  is 
that  for  many  years  they  have  not  been  really 
fearlessly  tried.  And  now,  at  the  end  of  this 
tragic  week  of  war,  let  us  remember  the  death 
and  suffering  of  all  the  parties  of  war,  and  let 
us  open  the  way  for  solutions  that  will  be  suf- 
ficiently enduring  and  sufficiently  just  to  be  an 
acceptable  monument  to  their  sacrifice  and  to 
the  pledge  that  is  contained  in  the  Charter  of 
the  United  Nations. 

Now,  Mr.  President,  in  dealing  with  this  sub- 
ject, since  we  are  here  in  New  York,  we  are 
constantly  reminded  by  various  spokesmen,  in- 
cluding my  good  friend  the  distinguished 
representative  of  Jordan,  Ambassador  [Mu- 
hammad H.]  El-Farra,  of  American  public 
opinion.  And,  again,  I  should  like  to  make 
something  very  explicitly  clear.  I  do  not  apolo- 
gize in  any  sense  for  the  expression  by  any 
American  group  of  their  point  of  ^aew  about 
this  problem,  whether  it  is  the  Action  Commit- 
tee on  American- Arab  Kelations  headed  by  Dr. 
[M.  T.]  Mehdi,  who  met  with  me,  or  by  the 
head  of  any  Zionist  organization. 

Our  Constitution- — and  we  are  very  proud  of 
it — permits  free  expression  of  opinion  by  our 
citizens.  The  other  day  we  witnessed  a  vivid 
demonstration  of  the  character  of  the  American 
Constitution.  The  Arab-American  Society  had 
its  demonstration,  peaceful  demonstration,  in 
front  of  the  White  House,  and  so  did  various 
Zionist  and  Jewish  groups.  Both  were  per- 
mitted, both  took  place  peaceably  under  our 
Constitution;  and  both  are  permissible  under 
our  system  of  government.  We  are  proud  of  this. 
We  do  not  in  any  way  apologize  for  this,  and 
we  do  not  in  any  way  apologize  for  what  any 
person  says  in  our  country  about  any  matter 
of  public  opinion. 

I  should  say,  for  Ambassador  El-Farra's  in- 
formation, that  very  often  public  opinion  ex- 
pressed in  America  is  not  public  opinion  which 
is  exactly  complimentary  of  our  Government; 
and  yet  whether  it  is  complimentary  or  not,  it  is 
the  entire  basis  of  our  society  that  our  citizens 
should  have  a  right  to  express  themselves  freely 
on  all  issues.  "The  right  of  comment,  the  right 
of  dissent,"  our  Supreme  Court  said,  "is  a  right 
of  American  citizens  both  in  times  of  peace  and 
in  times  of  war,  and  is  our  most  precious 

I  should  also  like  to  say  again  in  this  Council 
that  I  do  not  think  it  appropriate — and  I  shall 

say  it  again  and  again — or  that  it  serves  the 
causes  of  debate  to  refer  to  comments  made  by 
various  citizens  or  individuals  or  public  officials. 
It  is  legitimate,  I  have  said,  and  I  repeat,  to 
comment  upon  the  foreign  policy  of  our  Gov- 
ernment, the  declarations  made  by  the  Presi- 
dent, the  Secretary  of  State,  myself,  and  others 
who  have  responsibility  for  enunciating  the  for- 
eign policy  of  our  Government. 

When  other  officials  in  the  American  Govern- 
ment, in  the  legislative  branch — and  I  will  be 
very  precise,  Senator  [Robert  F.]  Kennedy, 
Governor  [Nelson]  Rockefeller,  or  anybody 
else — express  themselves,  they  are  also  exercis- 
ing their  rights  as  public  officials  and  American 
citizens.  And  I  don't  think  the  time  of  the  Coim- 
cil  ought  to  be  spent  in  debating  the  views  of 
our  officials  or  entering  into  our  domestic  affairs. 
What  is  more  relevant,  if  I  may  say  so,  with  due 
respect  to  them,  is  the  decision  that  is  stated  in 
this  Council  on  behalf  of  the  American 

Now,  reference  has  been  made  to  the  attack  on 
our  ship  Liberty.  I  stated  in  this  Council,  in  the 
strongest  terms,  the  protest  of  our  Government 
against  that  attack,  and  we  have  renewed  that 
protest  in  the  strongest  terms  to  the  Israeli  au- 
thorities. We  regard  that  attack  to  be  an  un- 
justified attack.  And  I  have  welcomed  expres- 
sions made  by  some,  but  not  by  all,  of  the 
members  of  the  Council  expressing  regret  about 
the  lives  we  have  lost  in  this  conflict,  just  as  I 
have  expressed  regret  about  the  lives  of  all  other 
personnel  lost  in  this  conflict,  including  the  lives 
of  the  combatants  themselves.  Because,  surely, 
we  must  express  regret  about  all  bloodshed  and 
loss  of  life  in  this  conflict. 

And  now  I  should  like  also  to  address  myself 
to  some  other  comments  that  have  been  made. 

We  do  have,  in  the  aftermath  of  the  fighting, 
an  urgent  responsibility  to  see  that  the  Council 
takes  all  action  within  its  jiower  to  protect  those 
already  victimized  by  this  war.  There  are  solemn 
obligations  which  we  must  recall  concerning  the 
treatment  of  victims  of  war  under  the  1949 
Geneva  convention;  in  particular,  the  obliga- 
tions concerned  with  civilian  populations,  as  the 
distinguished  representative  of  Argentina,  Dr. 
[Jose  Maria]  Ruda,  pointed  out  on  June  11. 
These  are  particularly  relevant  in  light  of  the 
reports  we  have  heard  of  the  movement  from 
their  homes  of  civilian  populations,  many  of 
them  refugees  from  earlier  conflicts. 

I  have  already  expressed  in  this  Council  my 


Government's  concern  for  the  welfare  and 
safety  of  the  populations  of  the  west  bank  of  the 
Jordan.  Our  concern  includes  all  who  might  find 
themselves  in  areas  of  the  Near  East  disrupted 
by  this  conflict  and,  particularly,  those  who  now 
find  themselves  in  areas  under  Israeli  control. 

The  United  Nations,  through  its  resolutions 
establishing  the  United  Nations  Relief  and 
Works  Agency,  assumed  particular  responsi- 
bility for  the  refugees  of  the  1947-48  fighting. 
We  supported  this  resolution  and  the  subsequent 
resolutions  renewing  its  mandate.  We  have  been 
the  principal  contributor  to  the  work  of 
UNRWA  and,  therefore,  have  a  legitimate  con- 
cern that  the  refugees  of  the  1947—48  conflict  be 
treated  with  the  humanitarian  concern  to  which 
they  are  entitled.  And  we  also  have  the  equal 
concern  that  other  civilians  displaced  during  the 
recent  conflict  from  their  homes,  and  particu- 
larly those  on  the  west  bank  of  the  Jordan,  will 
be  allowed  and  encouraged  to  return  to  their 
homes  and  that  all  civilians  will  be  provided 
with  adequate  assurance  of  their  safety  in  the 
same  locations  in  which  they  resided  before  hos- 
tilities began.  We  urge  all  concerned,  and  par- 
ticularly the  Government  of  Israel,  to  exert 
every  possible  effort  to  this  end. 

Mr.  President,  we  have  taken  the  first  step 
in  the  cease-fire,  and,  commendably,  the  cease- 
fire is  holding.  We  have  many  tasks  to  perform 
in  bringing  about  a  just  and  equitable  solution, 
which  the  Secretary-General  has  so  strongly 
stressed  to  us  in  his  report,  so  needed  in  this 
troubled  area  of  the  world.  Let  us  pursue  these 
tasks  in  a  spirit  of  perhaps  the  greatest  Ajner- 
ican  President,  Abraham  Lincoln :  "With  mal- 
ice toward  none,  with  charity  for  all."  And  let 
us  bind  up  the  wounds  of  this  conflict  and  bring 
peace,  the  most  precious  gift  of  all,  to  all  the 
people  in  the  area. 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  103 

I  shall  try  to  be  very  brief.  The  representa- 
tive of  the  United  Arab  Republic,  our  esteemed 
friend  and  colleague  Ambassador  El  Kony,  this 
evening  repeated  unwarranted  allegations  that 
the  United  States  supported  and  encouraged  the 
recent  hostilities  in  the  Middle  East  and  was 
guilty  of  collusion.  That  is  simply  not  true.  No 
member  of  this  Council  has  made  greater  efforts 
than  the  United  States,  both  in  the  Coimcil  and 

outside  the  Council,  to  prevent  this  conflict.  The 
United  States  simply  has  not  intervened  in  any 
way  in  this  conflict.  That,  perhaps,  is  also  my 
reply  to  what  our  friend  and  colleague  Ambas- 
sador El-Farra  has  said.  I  had  not  assumed  that 
any  intervention  of  any  sort  by  the  United 
States  would  have  been  regarded  as  appropriate 
or  proper  in  the  circumstances  of  the  present 

As  for  the  remarks  of  the  representative  of 
Syria,  Ambassador  [George  J.]  Tomeh,  who  has 
asserted  the  idea  that  the  Israeli  military  estab- 
lishment has  been  sustained  by  United  States 
military  and  economic  aid,  the  fact  is  that 
United  States  military  aid  to  the  Arab  states  in 
the  last  20  years  has  been  more  than  10  times 
the  amount  of  United  States  military  aid  to 
Israel.  I  repeat,  more  than  10  times  the  amount. 
As  for  economic  aid  afforded  by  the  United 
States  Government,  the  amount  given  to  Arab 
states  in  the  past  20  years  has  been  almost  three 
times  that  given  to  Israel ;  and  this  aid  has  been 
made  available  as  part  of  our  desire  to  main- 
tain friendly  and  cooperative  relations  with  all 
countries  in  the  area. 

It  is  true  that  many  United  States  citizens 
have  made  generous  gifts  to  Israel.  That  is  their 
right  as  individuals.  And  it  is  also  true,  if  we 
want  to  keep  the  record  completely  straight, 
that  the  Arab  states  have  received  substantial 
aid,  both  economic  and  military,  from  the  Soviet 
Union,  which  Israel  has  not.  This  is  also  a  joart 
of  the  record  of  the  past  20  years. 

But  really,  all  of  these  things  have  no  bearing 
immediately  on  the  basic  point :  that  tlie  United 
States  Goverimient,  as  a  matter  of  public  pol- 
icy, has  helped  both  the  Arab  states  and  Israel 
over  the  past  20  years  and  that  the  amount 
accorded  to  the  Arab  states  has  been  substan- 
tially greater  than  that  accorded  to  Israel. 

It  is  our  desire — and  I  said  this  earlier  in  the 
debate — to  have  the  economic  conditions  of  the 
whole  area  improved  and  to  play  a  constructive 
role  in  the  improvement  of  those  economic  con- 
ditions in  the  entire  area. 

With  respect  to  the  statements  made  by  our 
colleague  Ambassador  Fedorenko  [Nikolai  T. 
Fedorenko,  of  the  Soviet  Union],  he  has  given 
a  most  distorted  interpretation  to  our  draft 
resolution.  If  I  heard  him  correctly,  he  said  that 
unless  the  territorial  demands  of  Israel  on  the 
United  Arab  Republic,  Syria,  and  Jordan  are 
met,  there  will  be  an  explosive  situation  and 
war — that  this  is  the  effect  of  our  draft  resolu- 

JtTLT    3,    1967 

tion.  This  is,  to  say  the  least,  a  gross  and  flagrant 
distortion  of  our  draft  resolution  and  the  state- 
ment I  made  to  the  Council,  which  speaks  for 
itself,  and  our  desire  to  bring  about  the  condi- 
tions that  can  create  the  basis  for  a  just,  equi- 
table, and  peaceful  solution  to  the  conflict. 


D.S./U.N.  press  release  104 

Mr.  President,  I  shall  be  very  glad  to  respond 
to  your  request.  There  are,  in  fact,  three  United 
States  proposals  before  the  Council. 

One  is  in  document  S/7916/Eev.  1,*  to  which 
you,  Mr.  President,  have  referred,  which  was  our 
initial  proposal  designed  to  prevent  the  out- 
break of  hostilities  by  endorsing  the  appeal  of 
the  Secretary-General.  A  number  of  members 
at  that  time  were  unwilling  to  support  the  Sec- 
retary-General's appeal  and  the  subsequent  out- 
break of  hostilities  has  put  this  resolution  out 
of  date.  "We  vtdll  not  press  it  to  the  vote. 

The  second  is  in  document  S/7971.  We  intro- 
duced it  last  Saturday  to  demand  scrupulous  re- 
spect for  the  cease-fire  and  to  call  for  categoric 
instructions  to  military  commanders.  It  was  de- 
nounced by  the  Soviet  Union  for  reasons  I 
foimd  inexplicable  at  the  time — and  still  find 
inexplicable.  A  resolution  with  identical  ob- 
jectives was  adopted  the  next  day  "  at  the  recom- 
mendation of  you,  Mr.  President.  The  United 
States  will  therefore  not  press  this  resolution 
(S/7971)  to  the  vote,  either. 

The  third  United  States  resolution  is  our 
substantive  proposal  contained  in  document 
S/7952/Kev.  2.  We  have  just  submitted  a  tliird 
revision  to  this  draft,  which  has  just  been  cir- 
culated and  has  just  been  referred  to  by  our 
distinguished  colleague  Ambassador  Ignatieff 
[George  Ignatieff,  of  Canada] . 

This  United  States  proposal,  whose  purpose 
I  explained  in  detail  yesterday,  is  still  before 
the  Security  Council.  My  delegation  will  not 
ask  for  a  vote  on  this  resolution  today,  because 
several  delegations  have  indicated  to  us  that 
they  desire  more  time  for  all  members  to  con- 
sider carefully  enough  all  of  tlie  complicated 
ingredients  which  must  go  into  a  truly  mean- 

■  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  .Tune  26,  1967,  p.  948. 
'U.N.  doc.  S/RES/236  (1967)  ;  for  text,  see  p.  11. 

ingful  next  step  toward  peace  in  the  Middle 
East.  And  some  members  have  indicated  that 
they  will  wish  to  suggest  certain  changes  in  our 
text.  The  distinguislied  representative  of  Ethi- 
opia [Lij  Endalkachew  Makonnen]  has  made  a 
particularly  eloquent  plea  earlier  today  that  we 
not  press  this  resolution  to  a  vote. 

Mr.  President,  I  want  the  Council  to  know 
that  although  we  have  proposed  a  resolution 
which  expresses  our  sincere  convictions  in  the 
matter,  we  are  open  minded  and  will  be  glad 
to  consider  constructive  suggestions  for  im-  ■ 
provement  in  the  United  States  text.  Indeed, 
many  constructive  contributions  liave  been  made 
in  the  course  of  our  debate  as  to  how  best  we 
may  deal  with  this  subject,  and  we  have  been 
carefully  weighing  and  considering  these  pro- 
posals which  have  been  made. 

Our  objective  is  what  we  have  achieved  so 
far,  and  that  is  not  to  force  votes  but  to  achieve 
unanimity  on  the  best  course  of  action  that  the 
Council  can  follow  to  bring  about  peace  in  the 
Middle  East,  just  as  we  have  been  able  to  achieve 
unanimity  under  difficult  conditions  on  the 
cease-fire  resolutions  we  have  adopted. 

We  must  remember  that  a  cease-fire  is  in 
effect,  and  admittedly  the  process  of  consulta- 
tion, conciliation,  and  accommodation  of  view- 
points as  to  the  next  important  steps  takes  time, 
and  we  are  ready  to  agree  that  the  appropriate 
time  should  be  granted  for  this  purpose. 

We  recognize  the  urgency  of  the  matter,  and 
I  think  we  have  demonstrated  for  3  weeks  our 
willingness  to  deal  urgently  with  this  situation. 
But  we  think  it  perfectly  apparent  to  all  con- 
cerned that  the  Council  has  far  from  exhausted 
its  possibility  of  contributing  to  the  construction 
of  a  stable  peace  in  the  Middle  East.  The  fact 
is  that  we  are  not  at  the  end  of  our  work.  We 
are  only  at  the  beginning. 

Now,  despite  this,  we  are  not  going  to  stand 
in  the  way  of  a  request  by  a  permanent  mem- 
ber of  the  Security  Council  for  consideration 
of  a  resolution  that  a  permanent  member  puts 
before  the  Security  Council.  This  is  quite  con- 
sistent with  the  views  that  the  United  States 
delegation  has  always  taken — that  if  a  member, 
permanent  or  nonpermanent,  desires  an  urgent 
meeting,  an  urgent  meeting  should  take  place; 
if  a  member,  permanent  or  nonpermanent,  de- 
sires to  put  to  a  vote  a  proposition,  that  is  its 
privilege.  We  are  prepared  to  vote  on  the  resolu- 
tion put  to  us  by  the  distinguished  representa- 
tive of  the  Soviet  Union  [S/7951/Rev.  2]. 





U.S./U.N.  press  release  90  dated  June  9 

June  9,  1967 

Dear  Mk.  Secretary  General  :  My  Govern- 
ment wishes  to  make  it  umnistakably  clear  to  all 
members  of  the  United  Nations  that  the  United 
States  has  not  engaged  in  any  form  of  military 
operations  on  behalf  of  the  Government  of 
Israel  during  the  present  crisis  in  the  Middle 
East.  On  Jmie  6,  1967  I  stated  in  the  Security 
Coimcil : " 

"During  the  past  twenty-four  hours,  fantastic  allega- 
tions have  been  made  about  United  States  aircraft  be- 
ing involved  in  the  hostilities  in  the  Near  East.  These 
allegations  are  totally  v^ithout  foundation  in  fact.  They 
are  made  up  out  of  w^hole  cloth. 

"I  take  this  opportunity  in  the  Security  Coimcil  on 
the  complete  authority  of  the  United  States  Govern- 
ment to  deny  them  categorically  without  any  ifs,  ands 
or  huts.  Indeed,  yesterday  morning  June  5,  within 
hours  after  first  hearing  such  charges  my  Government 
denied  them  in  a  formal  statement  issued  by  the  De- 
partment of  Defense  which  I  now  quote  : 

'There  have  been  reports  that  U.S.  aircraft  from 
aircraft  carriers  assigned  to  the  Sixth  Fleet  have  flown 
to  Israeli  airfields.  Other  reports  have  stated  that  Sixth 
Fleet  aircraft  have  participated  in  air  activities  else- 
where in  the  area  of  conflict.  All  such  reports  are 
erroneous.  All  Sixth  Fleet  aircraft  are  and  have  been 
several  hundred  miles  from  the  area  of  conflict.' " 

To  establish  the  good  faith  of  my  Govern- 
ment, I  stated : 

"In  these  circumstances,  my  Government  considers  it 
necessary  to  take  prompt  steps  to  prevent  the  further 
spread  of  these  dangerous  falsehoods.  With  this  in 
mind,  I  am  authorized  to  announce  in  this  Council  and 
propose  two  concrete  measures  : 

"The  United  States  is  prepared,  first,  to  cooperate  in 
an  immediate  impartial  investigation  of  these  charges 
by  the  United  Nations,  and  to  offer  all  facilities  to  the 
United  Nations  in  this  investigation.  And  second,  as  a 
part  of,  or  in  addition  to  such  an  investigation,  the 
United  States  is  prepared  to  invite  United  Nations 
personnel  aboard  our  aircraft  carriers  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean today,  tomorrow,  or  at  the  convenience  of  the 
United  Nations  to  serve  as  impartial  observers  of  the 
activities  of  our  planes  in  the  area  and  to  verify  the 
past  activities  of  our  planes  from  our  official  records 
and  from  the  log  that  each  ship  carries.  These  ob- 
servers in  addition  will  be  free  to  interview  air  crews 
on  these  carriers  without  inhibition  so  as  to  determine 
their  activities  during  the  days  in  question.  Their 
presence  as  observers  on  these  carriers  will  be  wel- 
comed throughout  the  period  of  this  crisis  and  so  long 

as    these    ships    are    in   the   Eastern   waters    of   the 

I  should  like  to  request  that  you  circulate  this 
letter  to  all  members  of  the  United  Nations  as  a 
Security  Council  docmnent. 

With  the  highest  consideration. 
Kespectfully  yours, 

Abthur  J.  Goldberg 


Resolution  of  June   12^^ 

The  Security  Council, 

Taking  note  of  the  oral  reports  of  the  Secretary- 
General  on  the  situation  between  Israel  and  Syria,  made 
at  the  1354th,  1355th,  1356th  and  1357th  meetings  and 
the  supplemental  information  supplied  in  documents 
S/7930  and  Add.  1^, 

1.  Condemns  any  and  all  violations  of  the  cease-fire ; 

2.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  continue  his 
investigations  and  to  report  to  the  Council  as  soon  as 
possible ; 

3.  Affirms  that  its  demand  for  a  cease-fire  and  dis- 
continuance of  all  military  activities  includes  a  pro- 
hibition of  any  forward  military  movements  subse- 
quent to  the  cease-fire ; 

4.  Calls  for  the  prompt  return  to  the  cease-fire  posi- 
tions of  any  troops  which  may  have  moved  forward 
subsequent  to  1630  GMT  on  10  June  1967 ; 

5.  Calls  for  full  co-operation  with  the  Chief  of  Staff 
of  the  United  Nations  Truce  Supervision  Organization 
in  Palestine  and  the  observers  in  implementing  the 
cease-fire,  including  freedom  of  movement  and  adequate 
communications  facilities. 

Resolution  of  June   14^ 

The  Security  Council, 

Considering  the  urgent  need  to  spare  the  civil  popu- 
lations and  the  prisoners  of  war  in  the  area  of  conflict 
in  the  Middle  East  from  additional  sufferings, 

Considering  that  essential  and  inalienable  human 
rights  should  be  respected  even  during  the  vicissitudes 
of  war. 

Considering  that  all  the  obligations  of  the  Geneva 
Convention  relative  to  the  Treatment  of  Prisoners  of 
War  of  12  August  1949  should  be  complied  with  by  the 
parties  Involved  in  the  conflict, 

1.  Calls  upon  the  Government  of  Israel  to  ensure  the 
safety,  welfare  and  security  of  the  inhabitants  of  the 
areas  where  military  operations  have  taken  place  and 
to  facilitate  the  return  of  those  inhabitants  who  have 
fled  the  areas  since  the  outbreak  of  hostilities ; 

2.  Recommends  to  the  Governments  concerned  the 

"  S/RES/236  (1967)  ;  adopted  unanimously  on  June 


"  Bulletin  of  June  26,  1967,  p.  934. 

"S/RES/237  (1967)  ;  adopted  unanimously  on  June 


JULY   3,   1967 

B65-73S— 67- 


scrupulous  resi)eet  of  the  humanitarian  principles  gov- 
erning the  treatment  of  prisoners  of  war  and  the  pro- 
tection of  civilian  persons  in  time  of  war,  contained  in 
the  Geneva  Conventions  of  12  August  1949 ; 

3.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  follow  the  ef- 
fective implementation  of  this  resolution  and  to  report 
to  the  Security  Council. 


The  Security  Council, 

Recalling  its  resoluUons  233,  234,  235  and  236,  and 
the  understanding  formulated  by  the  President  of  the 
Council  at  its  1353rd  meeting," 

Noting  that  Israel,  Jordan,  Syria  and  the  United 
Arab  Republic  have  accepted  and  implemented  the 
Council's  demand  for  a  cease-fire,  and  that  military 
operations  and  any  forward  military  movements  have 
been  discontinued. 

Desirous  of  taking  steps  toward  the  achievement  of 
a  stable  peace  in  the  Near  East, 

1.  Insists  on  the  continued  scrupulous  implementa- 
tion by  all  the  parties  concerned  of  the  Council's 
repeated  demands  for  a  cease-fire  and  cessation  of  all 
military  activity  as  a  first  urgent  step  toward  the 
establishment  of  a  stable  peace  in  the  Middle  East ; 

2.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  continue  to 
report  to  the  Council  on  compliance  with  the  cease- 

3.  Calls  for  discussions  promptly  among  the  parties 
concerned,  using  such  third  party  or  United  Nations 
assistance  as  they  may  wish,  looking  toward  the 
establishment  of  viable  arrangements  encompassing 
the  withdrawal  and  disengagement  of  armed  person- 
nel, the  renunciation  of  force  regardless  of  its  nature, 
the  maintenance  of  vital  international  rights  and  the 
establishment  of  a  stable  and  durable  peace  in  the 
Middle  East ; 

4.  Also  requests  the  Secretary-General  to  provide 
such  assistance  as  may  be  required  in  facilitating  the 
discussions  called  for  in  paragraph  3. 

tion  of  the  United  Nations  Charter  and  generally  recog- 
nized principles  of  international  law  ; 

2.  Demands  that  Israel  should  immediately  and  un- 
conditionally remove  all  its  troops  from  the  territory 
of  those  States  and  withdraw  them  behind  the  armi- 
stice lines  and  should  respect  the  status  of  the  demili- 
tarized zones,  as  prescribed  in  the  General  Armistice 

U.S.  Does  Not  Concur  in  Request 
for  U.N.  General  Assembly  Session 


Following  is  the  text  of  a  letter  from  Arthur 
J.  Goldberg,  U.S.  Representative  to  the  United 
Nations,  to  U.N.  Secretary-General  U  Thant. 

U.S./tJ.N.  press  release  108  dated  June  15 

June  15, 1967 

Deae  Mr.  Secretary  General:  I  have  the 
honor  to  refer  to  your  telegram  of  June  14, 1967 
which  inquires  whether  the  United  States  Gov- 
ernment concurs  in  the  request,  set  forth  in 
Document  A/6717,  for  the  convening  of  an 
Emergency  Special  Session  of  the  General 

Your  telegram  refers  to  Kule  9b  of  the  Rules 
of  Procedure  of  the  Assembly  as  setting  forth 
the  responsibilities  of  the  Secretary  General  in 
dealing  with  a  request  by  a  Member  for  an 
Emergency  Special  Session.  This  Eule  and  Rule 
8b,  which  provides  for  the  convening  of  an 
Emergency  Special  Session  within  24  hours  of 
the  receipt  by  the  Secretary  General  of  a  request 


The  Security  Council, 

Noting  that  Israel,  in  defiance  of  the  Security  Coun- 
cil's resolutions  on  the  cessation  of  military  activities 
and  a  cease-fire  (S/RES/233  of  6  June  1967, 
S/RES/234  of  7  June  1967  and  S/RES/235  of  9  June 
1967),  has  seized  additional  territory  of  the  United 
Arab  Republic,  Jordan  and  Syria, 

Noting  that  although  military  activities  have  now 
ceased,  Israel  is  still  occupying  the  territory  of  those 
countries,  thus  failing  to  halt  its  aggression  and  defy- 
ing the  United  Nations  and  all  peace-loving  States, 

Considering  unacceptable  and  unlawful  Israel's  ter- 
ritorial claims  on  Arab  States, 

1.  Vigorously  condemns  Israel's  aggressive  activities 
and  continued  occupation  of  part  of  the  territory  of 
the  United  Arab  Republic,  Syria  and  Jordan,  regard- 
ing this  as  an  act  of  aggression  and  the  grossest  viola- 

"  U.N.  doc.  S/7952/Eev.  3.  The  U.S.  draft  resolution 
still  remains  before  the  CounciL 

"  At  the  conclusion  of  the  meeting  on  June  9,  the 
President  of  the  Security  Council  (Hans  R.  Tabor,  of 
Denmark)  stated:  ".  .  .  it  appears  that  we  all  agree 
that  we  should  request  the  parties  concerned  to  extend 
all  possible  cooperation  to  United  Nations  Observers  in 
the  discharge  of  their  responsibilities,  that  we  should 
request  the  Government  of  Israel  to  restore  the  use  of 
Government  House  to  General  Odd  Bull,  and  should 
ask  the  parties  to  reestablish  freedom  of  movement." 

"  U.N.  doc.  S/7951/Rev.  2.  On  June  14  at  the  request 
of  the  representative  of  Nigeria,  the  U.S.S.R.  draft 
resolution  was  voted  upon  by  parts :  4  votes  were  cast 
in  favor  of  operative  paragraph  1  and  none  against, 
with  11  abstentious  (U.S.)  ;  6  votes  were  cast  in  favor 
of  operative  paragraph  2  and  none  against,  with  9 
abstentious  (U.S.).  Accordingly,  the  draft  resolution 
was  not  adopted,  having  failed  to  obtain  the  required 



for  such  a  session  from  a  majority  of  the  mem- 
bers of  the  United  Nations,  refer  to  General 
Assembly  Kesolution  377 A  (V)  entitled  "Unit- 
ing for  Peaco".^  The  Uniting  for  Peace  resolu- 
tion and  Rules  8b  and  9b  of  the  General  Assem- 
bly's Rules  of  Procedure  constitute  the  only 
source  of  authority  and  the  basis  for  the  holding 
of  an  Emergency  Special  Session. 

General  Assembly  Resolution  377A  (V)  pro- 
vides that  an  Emergency  Special  Session  may 
be  called  "If  the  Security  Council,  because  of 
lack  of  unanimity  of  the  Permanent  Members, 
fails  to  exercise  its  primary  responsibility  for 
the  maintenance  of  international  peace  and  se- 
curity in  any  case  where  there  appears  to  be  a 
threat  to  the  peace,  breach  of  the  peace,  or  act  of 

As  you  know,  the  Security  Council  is  seized 
of  the  question  of  the  Middle  East  situation.^ 
The  Council  has  already  adopted  four  resolu- 
tions calling  for  a  cease-fire  by  the  parties  to  the 
recent  hostilities  in  the  area,  and  a  fifth  resolu- 
tion of  a  humanitarian  character  dealing  with 
the  aftermath  of  the  hostilities.  All  jBve  of  these 
resolutions  were  adopted  unanimously.  A  sixth 
resolution  was  voted  on  at  the  Council  meeting 
on  June  14  and  failed  of  adoption  because  it  did 
not  receive  sufficient  votes.  Several  other  resolu- 
tions are  pending  before  the  Council  as  well  as 
other  suggestions  to  deal  with  this  complex 

With  respect  to  the  draft  resolution  proposed 
by  the  United  States  in  Document  S/7952  Rev. 
3, 1  indicated  on  June  14  that  the  United  States 
would  be  prepared  to  consider  constructive  sug- 
gestions and  revisions.  With  respect  to  the  draft 
resolution  submitted  by  Canada,  its  distin- 
guished representative  indicated  that  revisions 
were  being  considered. 

The  present  situation  is  therefore  that  mem- 
bers of  the  Security  Council  are  still  engaged 
in  consultation  looking  toward  further  action 
by  the  Council  on  this  matter. 

The  processes  of  consultation,  negotiation  and 
search  for  measures  to  harmonize  the  actions  of 
nations  enjoined  by  the  Charter  therefore  have 
not   been   exhausted.   For   these   reasons,   the 

"  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Nov.  20,  1950,  p.  823. 
"  See  p.  3. 

United  States  Government  does  not  believe  that 
a  situation  has  arisen  in  which  the  Security 
Council,  in  the  words  of  the  General  Assembly 
Resolution  377 A  (V),  "fails  to  exercise  its  pri- 
mary responsibility  for  the  maintenance  of 
international  peace  and  security."  Accordingly, 
the  United  States  is  not  able  to  concur  in  the 
request  for  the  holding  of  an  Emergency  Special 
Session  at  this  time. 

If,  nevertheless,  a  majority  of  the  Members 
decides  to  convene  such  an  Assembly,  the  United 
States  hopes  that  any  discussion  will  have  a 
helpful  influence  in  encouraging  and  enabling 
all  states  concerned  to  deal  effectively  with  the 
underlying  causes  of  tension  and  conflict  in  the 
Middle  East.  The  establishment  of  a  firm  and 
just  peace  would  be  a  boon  to  all  peoples  of  the 
area  and  would  have  a  most  favorable  effect  on 
general  peace  and  security  througliout  the 
world.  There  is  imperative  need  not  for  invec- 
tive and  inflammatory  statements,  but  for  con- 
structive proposals  and  deliberative  diplomacy. 

I  request  that  this  letter  be  circulated  as  a 
document  of  the  Security  Council  and  of  the 
General  Assembly. 

Accept,  Excellency,  the  renewed  assurances 
of  my  highest  consideration. 
Sincerely  yours, 

Arthur  J.  Goldbeeg 

Letters  of  Credence 


The  newly  appointed  Ambassador  of  Italy, 
Egidio  Ortona,  presented  his  credentials  to 
President  Jolinson  on  June  14.  For  texts  of  the 
Ambassador's  remarks  and  the  President's 
reply,  see  Department  of  State  press  release 
dated  Jime  14. 

New  Zealand 

The  newly  appointed  Ambassador  of  New 
Zealand,  Frank  H.  Corner,  presented  his  creden- 
tials to  President  Johnson  on  June  14.  For  texts 
of  the  Ambassador's  remarks  and  the  Presi- 
dent's reply,  see  Department  of  State  press  re- 
lease dated  June  14. 


North  Atlantic  Council  Meets  at  Luxembourg 

The  North  Atlantic  Council  held  its  spring 
ministerial  meeting  at  Luxenibourg  June  13- 
llf..  Follmoing  is  the  text  of  a  communique  is- 
sued at  the  close  of  the  meeting  on  June  H,  to- 
gether with  a  list  of  the  members  of  the  U.S. 


Press  release  143  dated  June  15 

The  spring  ilinisterial  Meeting  of  the  NATO 
Council  was  held  in  Luxembourg  on  13th  and 
14th  June,  1967. 

Reviewing  the  international  situation  in  the 
light  of  recent  developments,  Ministers  took 
note  of  the  high  degree  of  instability  and  uncer- 
tainty still  existing  in  the  world.  The  Council 
once  again  aiRrmed  that  the  cohesion  of  its  mem- 
bers remains  essential  for  their  own  security  and 
for  the  maintenance  of  peace. 

In  accordance  with  their  practice  of  consult- 
ing together.  Ministers  held  an  exchange  of 
views  on  the  Middle  East  situation  following 
the  hostilities  which  have  once  again  occurred 
in  this  region.  They  noted  with  satisfaction  that 
a  cease-fire  had  now  taken  place  and  stressed  the 
urgency  of  humanitarian  efforts  to  alle^date  the 
sufferings  caused  by  the  war.  Member  govern- 
ments expressed  their  determination  to  support 
all  efforts  to  establish  a  lasting  peace  in  this  area 
and  resolve  the  outstanding  problems  in  a  spirit 
of  equity  and  in  accordance  with  the  legitimate 
interests  of  all  concerned. 

The  Council  discussed  the  questions  of  East- 
West  relations.  With  a  view  to  improving  rela- 
tions and  lowering  tensions  in  Europe,  govern- 
ments have  continued  in  every  way  jiossible 
their  declared  policy  of  seeking  to  develop  con- 
tacts and  mutually  advantageous  exchanges 
with  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe.  These  ef- 
forts have  not  always  met  with  success.  The 
Council,  therefore,  recorded  its  view  that  the  de- 

tente should  be  extended  for  the  benefit  of  all 
members  of  the  Alliance.  Ministers  agreed  to 
continue  close  consultation  on  the  ways  in  which 
the  policies  of  member  countries  can  contribute 
to  improved  East-West  relations  in  a  framework 
of  peace,  security  and  stability.  The  special 
group  on  future  tasks  of  the  Alliance  was  asked 
to  make  a  thorough  study  of  these  and  related 

Ministers  again  emphasized  that  the  peaceful 
settlement  of  the  German  question  on  the  basis 
of  the  free  expression  of  political  will  by  the 
German  people  was  an  essential  factor  for  a  just 
and  lasting  i^eaceful  order  in  Europe.  Ministers 
were  informed  by  their  German  colleague  of  the 
state  of  relations  between  the  two  parts  of  Ger- 
many. They  welcomed  the  efforts  by  the  Federal 
Government  to  increase  human,  economic  and 
cultural  contacts  between  both  parts  of  Ger- 
many, and  were  agreed  that  this  internal  Ger- 
man process  was  to  be  considered  an  important 
contribution  to  the  search  for  a  detente  in  Eu- 
rope. On  Berlin,  Ministers  agreed  that  the  ques- 
tion of  ensuring  the  viability  of  that  city  re- 
quires special  attention.  They  confirmed  the 
declaration  of  the  Council  of  16th  December, 

Ministers  expressed  their  concern  to  see  prog- 
ress made  in  the  field  of  disarmament  and  arms 
control,  including  steps  directed  towards  pre- 
venting the  proliferation  of  nuclear  weapons. 
If  conditions  permit,  a  balanced  reduction  of 
forces  by  the  East  and  West  could  be  a  signifi- 
cant step  toward  security  in  Europe.  A  contri- 
bution on  the  part  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  the 
Eastern  European  countries  towards  a  reduc- 
tion of  forces  would  be  welcomed  as  a  gesture 
of  peaceful  intent. 

Regarding  Greek-Turkish  relations.  Minis- 
ters noted  the  Secretary  General's  report  on  his 
"Watching  Brief"  and  invited  him  to  continue 

"  For   text,   see  Bulletin   of  Jan.  9,   1967,  p.  52. 



his  activities  in  this  sphere.  They  expressed  the 
hope  that  Greece  and  Turkey  would  resume 
their  discussions  on  the  Cyprus  question  and  on 
Greek-Turkish  relations  and  that  these  would 
rapidly  produce  positive  results.  They  re- 
affirmed the  importance  which  they  attach  to 
preserving  peace  and  improving  the  situation 
on  the  Island,  as  well  as  to  the  continued  pres- 
ence of  the  United  Nations  Force  in  Cyprus 
while  an  agreed  solution  is  being  sought. 

Ministers  took  note  of  an  interim  report  of 
the  Permanent  Council  on  the  studies  being 
undertaken  on  the  future  tasks  of  the  Alliance 
pursuant  to  the  Ministerial  Kesolution  ^  of  22nd 
December,  1966.  They  noted  with  satisfaction 
that  the  keen  interest  displayed  in  this  study 
was  further  evidence  of  the  vitality  with  which 
the  Alliance  is  determined  to  face  its  tasks  in  the 
years  ahead.  Ministers  look  forward  to  receiving 
the  substantive  results  of  this  study. 

Ministers  examined  the  report  which,  at  their 
request,  the  Permanent  Representatives  have 
prepared  on  the  ways  and  means  of  implement- 
ing the  proposals  of  the  Italian  Government  for 
reducing  disparities  in  the  technological  devel- 
opment of  different  countries.  They  adopted  the 
attached  resolution  recommending  the  intensi- 
fication both  of  member  countries'  own  efforts 
and  of  international  cooperation  at  the  Euro- 
pean and  Atlantic  levels  and  in  a  wider  frame- 
work. The  Permanent  Representatives  have 
been  invited  to  keep  under  review  the  specific 
role  which  the  Alliance  can  play  in  the  field  of 
teclmology  and  to  report  their  findings  to  the 
next  Ministerial  Meeting. 

The  next  Ministerial  Meeting  of  the  Council 
will  be  held  in  Brussels  in  December  1967. 

Resolution  on  Intebnational  Technological 

Ministers,  having  considered  the  report  submitted 
to  them  by  the  Council  in  permanent  session  on  the 
procedure  which  might  be  followed  for  further  exami- 
nation and  implementation  of  the  Italian  proposals  for 
closer  international  co-operation  in  technology : 

(1)  Noted  that:  (a)  The  discrepancies  in  the  rate 
of  technological  progress  vary  considerably  between 
the  different  countries  and  also  between  one  sector  and 
another;  they  are  apparent  not  only  between  North 
America  and  Europe,  but  also  within  Europe,  and,  on 
a  world  scale  between  the  more  Industrialized  countries 
and  those  which  are  still  developing ; 

(b)  While  some  disparities  are  inevitable  in  dynamic 
societies,  in  order  to  avoid  that  they  become  a  source 


of  tension,  every  effort  should  be  made  in  scientific, 
technical  and  industrial  areas  simultaneously  on  both 
national  and  international  levels  and  special  consider- 
ation should  be  given  to  the  problems  of  the  less 
developed  countries  of  the  Alliance ; 

(c)  On  the  international  level,  some  tasks  are  par- 
ticularly suitable  for  co-operation  between  a  small 
number  of  countries  while  others  may  necessitate  wider 
co-operation,  either  on  a  European  scale,  an  Atlantic 
scale  or  in  a  wider  framework. 

(2)  Recommended  as  far  as  efforts  on  a  national 
level  were  concerned  that  the  governments  of  member 
countries  should: 

(a)  Ensure  that  sufficient  resources  be  devoted  to 
education,  to  scientific  and  technical  training,  and  to 
research  and  development; 

(b)  Seek  to  determine  and  put  into  practice  in  a 
co-ordinated  manner  the  various  courses  of  action 
liable  to  contribute  to  the  success  of  a  long-term  tech- 
nological policy  which  would  define  both  the  areas 
suitable  for  national  realization,  and  the  role  which 
the  country  concerned  could  play  in  international  co- 
operation, it  being  understood  that  the  less  developed 
members  of  the  Alliance  will  be  helped  to  the  extent 
possible  in  the  fulfilment  of  this  recommendation. 

(3)  As  far  as  co-operation  at  the  European  level 
was  concerned : 

(a)  Agreed  that  closer  co-operation  between  the 
European  countries  was  an  essential  way  of  reducing 
the  disparities  in  technology  between  Europe  and  North 
America  ; 

(b)  Noted  that  various  existing  organizations  were 
already  pursuing  studies  and  implementing  certain 
forms  of  co-operation  between  their  member  countries ; 

(c)  Recognized  that  research  and  development  po- 
tential, and  homogeneity  and  size  of  market  are  essen- 
tial factors  relevant  to  technical  progress; 

(d)  Noted  that  interested  governments  would  benefit 
from  considering  together  all  possible  ways  and  means 
of  facilitating  technological  co-operation  between  them. 

(4)  As  far  as  general  co-operation  at  the  Atlantic 
level  or  in  a  wider  framework  was  concerned : 

(a)  Recognized  that  the  studies  and  consultations 
undertaken  in  the  OECD  constituted  a  most  useful 
starting  point  and  should  be  continued  and  intensified 
without  prejudice  to  the  possibility  of  setting  up  new 
procedures  if  they  should  prove  necessary ; 

(b)  Noted  that  member  governments  should  be 
ready  to  examine  in  a  constructive  spirit,  new  pro- 
posals which  may  be  put  forward  with  a  view  to  arriv- 
ing at  measures  for  mutual  collaboration  including, 
where  appropriate,  specific  agreements,  in  particular 
between  countries  which  are  in  advance  in  certain 
fields  of  technology  and  other  countries; 

(c)  Recommended  that,  in  the  light  of  studies  un- 
derway in  OECD,  further  exchanges  of  views,  and 
negotiations  as  appropriate,  should  be  undertaken  to 
examine : 

(i)  Schemes  for  reducing  obstacles  which  hinder 
technological  exchange ; 

(ii)  Acceptable   ways    for    facilitating   access   for 


firms  to  patents  and  technological  data,  Including 
those  owned  by  governments ; 

(ill)  Whether  international  co-operation  on  govern- 
ment research  and  development  contracts  can  be 
expanded ; 

(iv)  These  and  other  ways  for  reducing  the  phe- 
nomenon of  the  "Brain-Drain". 

(5)  As  far  as  the  role  of  the  Alliance  itself  was 
concerned : 

(a)  Noted  with  satisfaction  that  the  various  scien- 
tific and  technological  activities  already  undertaken 
by  NATO  had  contributed,  in  the  spirit  of  Article  II  of 
the  North  Atlantic  Treaty,  to  the  speeding-up  of  the 
spread  of  scientific  and  technical  progress  in  member 
countries,  while  reinforcing  the  cohesion  and  military 
power  of  the  Alliance ; 

(b)  Invited  the  Council  in  permanent  session  to  pur- 
sue its  studies,  and  to  report  at  the  next  Ministerial 
Meeting  in  December  on  the  role  which  the  Alliance 
could  play  in  the  field  of  technology,  Including  pos- 
sibly the  application  of  defense  technology  to  civil 
needs,  to  encourage  co-operation  between  its  members, 
and  to  contribute  towards  narrowing  the  technological 
disparities  which  may  exist  between  them. 


Press  release  140  dated  June  10 


Dean  Rusk  (chairman) ,  Secretary  of  State 

United  States  Representative  on  the  North  Atlantic 

Harlan  Cleveland 

Robert  R.  Bowie,  Counselor,  Department  of  State 

C.  Arthur  Borg,  Special  Assistant  to  the  Secretary  of 

Philip  J.  Farley,  Deputy  United  States  Representative 
on  the  North  Atlantic  Council 

Patricia  R.  Harris,  American  Ambassador  to  Luxem- 

Ernest  K.  Lindley,  Special  Assistant  to  the  Secretary  of 

Eugene  V.  McAuliffe,  Director,  Office  of  NATO  and 
Atlantic  Political-Military  Affairs 

Robert  J.  McCloskey,  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  of 
State  for  Public  Affairs 

Jacob  M.  Myerson,  Office  of  NATO  and  Atlantic  Politi- 
cal-Military Affairs 

George  S.  Springsteen,  Jr.  (coordinator).  Deputy  As- 
sistant Secretary  of  State  for  European  Affairs 

George  S.  Vest  (deputy  coordinator) ,  Deputy  Director, 
Office  of  NATO  and  Atlantic  Political-Military 

Brig.  Gen.  John  G.  Wheelock,  III,  USA,  Director,  Eu- 
ropean Region,  Office  of  the  Assistant  Secretary  of 
Defense  for  International  Security  Affairs 

Secretary  o/  Delegation 

William  G.  Jones,  Director,  Office  of  International  Con- 
ferences, Department  of  State 

The  Peaceful  Revolution 
of  the  20th  Century 

Following  is  a  message  from  President  John- 
son to  the  Organization  for  Economic  Coopera- 
tion and  DevelopTnent  on  the  20th  anniversary 
of  the  Marshall  Plan,  which  was  read  iy  Am- 
bassador at  Large  W.  Averell  Harriman  at  a 
commemoratvve  dinner  at  Paris  on  Jv/ne  5. 

Twenty  years  ago  a  great  American  Secretary 
of  State,  George  Marshall,  stated  the  peaceful 
revolution  of  the  20th  century.  His  proposal 
that  the  United  States  join  with  Europe  in  the 
enormous  task  of  rebuilding  that  war-ravaged 
continent  marked  the  beginning  of  a  bold  new 
experiment  in  international  cooperation.  "Our 
policy,"  he  said,  "is  directed  not  against  any 
coimtry  or  doctrine  but  against  poverty,  hunger, 
desperation,  and  chaos."  ^ 

Working  together,  Europe  and  America  de- 
feated these  ancient  enemies  and  laid  the  foun- 
dation for  an  era  of  prosperity  and  growth 
unmatched  in  history.  Success  was  not  inevi- 
table. It  took  energy,  imagination,  and  courage 
on  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic. 

These  qualities  still  abound,  both  in  Europe 
and  America.  Our  task  now  is  to  mobilize  them 
in  the  battle  against  the  "poverty,  hunger,  des- 
peration, and  chaos"  that  still  afflict  most  of 
mankind.  Today's  challenge  is  more  stubborn, 
more  complex,  and  fully  as  urgent  as  that  of 

We  must  continue  to  improve  the  interna- 
tional economic  and  financial  arrangements 
which  have  served  us  so  well  and  are  so  impor- 
tant to  our  continued  prosperity. 

We  must  maintain  the  vitality  of  the  institu- 
tions we  have  created  for  the  maintenance  of 
peace  and  security  throughout  the  world  and  the 
commitments  in  which  they  are  rooted. 

We  must  continue  to  work  to  bridge  the  gap 
that  still  divides  East  from  West. 

We  must  join  hands  to  promote  the  growth,  in 
peace  and  freedom,  of  the  developing  countries. 
It  is  here  that  the  challenge  is  most  urgent  and 
the  penalties  of  failure  most  painful. 

Together  we  built  a  new  Europe  from  the 
ruins  of  war.  Let  us  now  resolve  to  work  to- 
gether for  a  world  at  peace,  free  of  poverty, 
hunger,  and  disease. 

'  BinxETiN  of  June  15, 1947,  p.  1159. 



The  Marshall  Plan:  From  the  Reconstruction  to  the  Construction  of  Europe 

hy  Ainbassador  at  Large  W.  Averell  Harriman  ^ 

I  wish  to  express  my  gratitude  to  '■'■Opinion  en 
S4  heures"  for  having  brought  us  together  and 
for  inviting  me  to  join  this  most  interesting  dis- 
cussion of  the  Marshall  Plan  and  your  theme, 
"From  the  Reconstruction  to  the  Construction 
of  Europe."  Then,  too,  it  is  always  a  delight  for 
me  to  have  an  excuse  to  come  to  Paris. 

It  is  hard  for  me  to  draw  a  line  dividing  re- 
construction and  construction.  From  the  very 
inception  of  the  Marshall  Plan,  those  of  us  who 
were  involved  in  carrying  it  out — Europeans 
and  Americans  alike — thought  in  terms  of  con- 
struction as  well  as  reconstruction,  not  simply 
recovery  but  the  building  of  a  foundation  on 
which  Europe  would  grow  and  prosper. 

There  was  a  distinct  change  in  our  emotions 
as  the  program  was  conceived  and  got  under 
way.  At  the  time  of  General  Marshall's  speech,^ 
there  was  the  gravest  concern  over  the  plight 
of  Europe,  due  to  the  destruction  and  disloca- 
tions of  the  war  and  aggravated  by  the  dis- 
astrous crop  failures  and  the  desperately  cold 
winter  of  1947.  These  conditions  inspired  Gen- 
eral Marshall's  words  to  describe  our  policy  as 
"against  himger,  poverty,  desperation,  and 
chaos."  His  proposal  and  the  quick  response  of 
the  Western  European  governments,  followed 
by  prompt  action  by  the  American  Congress, 
brought  a  feeling  of  hope  by  the  spring  of  1948. 
Hope  was  converted  increasingly  into  confi- 
dence with  the  extraordinary  progress  made 
through  the  combined  efforts  of  those  partici- 
pating in  this  great  cooperative  enterprise. 
Now,  after  20  years,  with  Europe  more 
dynamic  and  prosperous  than  ever  before  in  its 

'Address  made  at  a  luncheon  sponsored  by  "L' opi- 
nion en  24  heurea"  at  Paris  on  June  6  (press  release 

'  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  June  15,  1947,  p.  1159. 

history,  we  miglit  say  there  is  a  sense  of  fulfill- 
ment. But  we  camiot  afford  complacency,  as 
there  is  more  to  be  done. 

For  my  part,  I  feel  that  the  spirit  of  the 
Marshall  Plan  is  still  very  much  alive.  Many 
of  the  goals  of  today  were  conceived  and  prog- 
ress toward  them  gained  momentum  during  the 
early  years  of  the  plan.  May  I  recall  a  few  of 
them  to  you  ? 

First  of  all,  the  basic  concepts,  not  only  of 
self-help  but,  equally  emphasized,  of  mutual 
aid,  led  rapidly  to  a  call  for  the  integration  of 
Europe.  The  initiative  came  from  both  sides 
of  the  Atlantic.  The  Congress  strengthened  the 
language  in  the  enabling  legislation  in  the  sec- 
ond year  (1949)  by  including  in  the  preamble 
this  statement :  "It  is  declared  to  be  the  policy 
of  the  people  of  the  United  States  to  encourage 
the  unification  of  Europe."  This  policy  guided 
the  American  actions  throughout. 

In  Europe,  initiatives  of  fundamental  impor- 
tance were  taken  by  the  OEEC  [Organization 
for  European  Economic  Cooperation].  At  our 
request,  the  organization  undertook  the  respon- 
sibility of  dividing  the  available  American  aid 
among  the  participants.  This  led  to  the  system 
of  annual  country  reviews,  in  which  for  the  fii'st 
time  in  history  the  policies  and  programs  of 
each  participating  goverimient  were  analyzed 
and  criticized  by  their  peers  because  all  recog- 
nized the  effects  of  national  policies  on  com- 
mon objectives.  Revolutionary  programs  for 
increased  productivity  and  capital  mvestment 
for  an  expanding  economy  were  accepted  as 
essential  goals.  Procedures  for  concerted  action 
continue  today  in  the  successor  organization— 
the  OECD  [Organization  for  Economic  Coop- 
eration and  Development] . 

A  drive  to  break  down  trade  barriers,  partic- 
ularly quantitative  restrictions,  was  imple- 
mented through  the  intra-European  payments 

JUIiT    3,    1967 


system  and  later  given  impetus  by  the  European 
Payments  Union. 

These  actions  made  possible  the  development 
of  the  Coal  and  Steel  Community  and  other 
bodies,  followed  in  1957  by  the  Treaty  of  Rome 
and  the  European  Economic  Conmiunity,  which 
added  new  dimensions  to  the  structure  of  Euro- 
pean integration.  Now  Great  Britain  as  well  as 
Deimiark,  Ireland,  and  possibly  other  countries 
are  taking  steps  toward  membership. 

American  support  for  European  unity  has 
been  consistently  recorded  from  the  begimiing 
of  tlie  Marshall  Plan  to  this  day.  President 
Jolinson  last  October  reaffirmed  our  position, 
saying:  "We  look  forward  to  the  expansion  and 
further  strengthening  of  the  European  com- 
mimity."  ^ 

The  view  that  we  Americans  have  of  the  need 
for  unity  in  Western  Europe  is  not  based  on 
abstractions.  It  is  based  on  our  experience  that 
our  own  achievements  could  not  have  been  re- 
alized except  on  a  continent  of  freedom  of  move- 
ment of  people,  trade,  and  ideas.  We  see  Western 
European  unity  as  an  indispensable  step  in  the 
attaimnent  of  the  overriding  objectives  that 
Europeans  and  Americans  share  together. 

Speaking  of  a  unified  Europe,  President  Ken- 
nedy once  said :  * 

The  United  States  looks  on  tliis  vast  new  enterprise 
with  hope  and  admiration.  .  .  .  We  see  in  such  a 
Europe  a  partner  ...  in  all  the  great  and  burdensome 
tasks  of  building  and  defending  a  community  of  free 

President  Johnson  last  October  spoke  of  a 
imified  Europe  as  "an  equal  partner  in  helping 
to  build  a  peaceful  and  just  world  order." 

I  feel  that  it  is  important  for  Europeans  to 
understand  that  the  United  States  has  consist- 
ently applauded  European  initiatives  for  inte- 
gration. We  firmly  believe  that  it  strengthens 
the  Atlantic  partnership. 

Of  the  other  tasks  ahead,  I  would  underline 
the  responsibilities  we  share  toward  the  develop- 
ing areas  of  the  world — those  nations  whose 
people  are  aspiring  to  be  freed  from  man's 
ancient  enemies,  ignorance  and  poverty. 

"  Ihid..  Oct.  24, 19G6,  p.  622. 
*  Ihid.,  July  23, 1962,  p.  131. 

These  tasks  also  found  their  origin  in  the  co- 
ojoerative  work  begun  during  the  Marshall  Plan, 
The  OECD  and  its  subcommittees  are  making 
progress  m  coordinating  assistance,  but  much 
more  needs  to  be  done.  The  World  Bank  esti- 
mates that  the  developing  nations  badly  need 
and  can  effectively  absorb  twice  the  amount  of 
capital  that  is  now  being  made  available.  This 
gap  must  be  filled.  Our  own  continuing  prosper- 
ity and  security  are  closely  linked  with  the 
achievement  of  the  aspirations  of  the  peoples  of 
the  developing  areas. 

The  agreement  achieved  in  the  Kennedy 
Round  is  a  milestone  in  encoui'aging  world  trade 
particularly  for  the  industrialized  nations.  Our 
endeavors  now  should  be  directed  toward  in- 
creasing the  trade  of  the  developing  nations. 

Furthermore,  let  us  not  forget  General  Mar- 
shall's offer  was  to  the  whole  of  Europe,  in- 
cluding Eastern  Europe  and  the  Soviet  Union. 
It  was  Molotov  who  walked  out  of  the  Paris 
meeting  of  ministers  called  to  consider  the  pro- 
posal, forcmg  Czechoslovakia  and  Poland  to 
withdraw  as  well.  It  was  Stalin  who  organized 
the  Cominform  and  declared  war  on  the  Mar- 
shall Plan,  branding  it  an  American  device  "to 
subjugate  Europe." 

Today,  the  people  of  Eastern  Europe  see  a 
prosperous  Western  Europe,  strong  and  inde- 
pendent, with  a  high  degree  of  integration.  The 
unnatural  division  continues  to  partition  Eu- 
rope. As  President  Johnson  has  pointed  out, 
"We  must  turn  to  one  of  the  great  unfinished 
tasks  of  our  generation :  making  Europe  whole." 
Progress  toward  this  goal,  along  the  lines  he 
outlined,  certainly  will  add  to  the  prosperity 
and  security  of  both  Eastern  and  Western 
Europe  and,  in  fact,  of  the  world  as  a  whole. 

And  so,  in  closing,  let  me  suggest  that  we  are 
not  gathered  here  to  commemorate  the  Marshall 
Plan  as  a  thing  of  the  past  but  to  celebrate  its 
conception.  Its  concepts  are  as  alive  today  and 
as  valuable  today  as  ever.  There  is  much  ahead 
to  be  done  to  continue  the  construction  of  Eu- 
rope. At  the  same  time,  our  overriding  task  lies 
in  using  our  combined  material  and  spiritual 
resources  to  seize  the  opportunities  and  respon- 
sibilities to  help  build  a  world  of  expanding 
opportunity  for  all. 



^'■What  is  really  changing  in  international  politics?"  In  his 
remarks  before  the  Department  of  State''s  national  foreign  pol- 
icy conference  for  editors  and  broadcasters  on  May  22,  Mr. 
Brzezinski,  a  member  of  the  Departments  Policy  Planning 
Council,  analyzed  five  major  changes  in  international  politics 
and  their  implications  for  U.S.  foreign  policy.  His  remarks  were 
made  on  a  ''''background''''  basis,  and  he  has  edited  them  for 
publication  in  the  Bulletin. 

The  Implications  of  Change  for  United  States  Foreign  Policy 

by  Zbigniew  Brzezinski 

International  politics  is  dominated  by  crises. 
The  result  is  that  we  often  mistake  these  crises 
for  the  reality  of  international  politics.  Gomg 
from  crisis  to  crisis,  we  simply  lose  sight  of  the 
more  basic  and  often  more  important  changes 
that  imperceptibly  reshape  the  world  in  which 
we  live. 

It  is  useful,  therefore,  sometimes  to  pause 
and  ask  in  a  detached  way :  Wliat  is  the  nature 
of  our  era?  What  is  really  changing  in  inter- 
national politics?  By  posing  these  questions  we 
become  better  equipped  to  discuss  the  implica- 
tions of  historical  trends  for  U.S.  foreign 
policy.  Definition  of  a  broad  framework  of  that 
kind  in  turn  enables  us  to  see  in  sharper  relief 
our  true  interests  and  goals  in  specific  regions 
of  the  world,  such  as  Europe  or  Asia.  Accord- 
ingly, in  these  remarks  I  would  like  to  first  turn 
to  the  problem  of  change  in  international 
politics  and  then  discuss  the  implications  of 
these  changes  for  the  U.S.  posture  in  world 

As  I  look  at  international  politics,  I  see  five 
major  changes  taking  place,  together  funda- 
mentally altering  the  nature  of  international 
relations  in  our  day.  The  changes  are  not  ob- 
vious, because  they  are  slow ;  but  their  cumula- 
tive impact  is  most  important. 

Waning  of  Ideological  Conflicts 

1.  The  first  involves  the  loaning  of  ideological 
conflicts  among  the  more  developed  nations  of 
the  world. 

Since  the  time  of  the  French  Revolution, 

conflicts  between  states  have  been  profoundly 
emotionalized  by  mass  struggles  induced  by  a 
mixture  of  ideology  and  nationalism.  "Where 
that  mixture  was  particularly  intense,  as  in  the 
case  of  nazism,  the  conflicts  which  resulted  were 
particularly  bloody  and  destructive.  By  and 
large,  during  the  last  150  years  or  so  relations 
among  the  more  advanced  states,  particularly 
in  Europe,  have  been  poisoned  by  the  emotional- 
izing impact  of  absolute  doctrinal  answers 
concerning  most  of  the  basic  issues  of  humanity. 

Tliis  condition  is  waning  due  to  a  variety  of 

First  of  all,  nuclear  weapons  have  necessi- 
tated greater  and  greater  restraint  in  relations 
among  states.  The  realization  of  the  enormous 
destructiveness  of  nuclear  conflict  has  had  a 
most  sobering  effect  on  statesmen.  Hitherto  one 
could  calculate  the  cost  and  the  potential  ad- 
vantages of  war ;  today,  this  simply  is  no  longer 
possible,  and  thus  even  the  most  bitter  ideologi- 
cal hatreds  have  to  be  restrained  by  common 


Secondly,  just  as  important,  we  are  realizing 
more  fully  that  social  change  is  such  an  enor- 
mously complex  and  interrelated  process,  with 
so  many  variables,  that  it  cannot  be  reduced  to 
a  few  simple  ideological  formidas,  as  was  the 
case  in  the  early  stages  of  industrialization. 
Ideological  attitudes  are  thus  giving  way  to  a 
problem-solving,  engineering  approach  to  social 

Thirdly,  communism,  the  principal,  and  until 
recently  the  most  militant,  revolutionary  ideol- 

JULT    3,    1967 


ogy  of  our  day,  is  dead — communism  is  dead  as 
an  ideology  in  the  sense  that  it  is  no  longer 
capable  of  mobilizing  unified  global  support. 
On  the  contrary,  it  is  increasingly  fragmented 
by  conflicts  among  constituent  vmits  and  par- 
ties. This  has  contributed  to  ideological  disil- 
lusionment among  its  members.  Commimist 
states.  Communist  movements,  and  Commimist 
subversion  are  still  very  important  on  the  in- 
ternational scene,  but  Commmiist  ideology  as  a 
vital  force  is  no  longer  with  us. 

Kevolutionary  movements  in  different  parts 
of  the  world  instead  relate  themselves  more 
specifically  to  local  radical  traditions  and  try  to 
exploit  local  opportunities.  Thus,  the  common 
doctrine  and  its  alleged  universal  validity  are 
being  diluted  by  specific  adaptations.  The  proc- 
ess is  destroying  the  universal  appeal  and  glo- 
bal effectiveness  of  ideology. 

All  of  that,  cumulatively,  prompts  the  waning 
of  the  ideological  age  in  relations,  particularly 
among  the  developed  nations.  The  role  of  ideol- 
ogy is  still  quite  important  in  relations  among 
the  less  developed  states,  where  problems  are 
simpler,  where  issues  can  be  translated  into 
black-and-white  propositions,  and  where  abso- 
lute doctrinal  categories  still  appear  superfi- 
cially relevant. 

Shift  in   Focus  of  Violence 

2.  Closely  connected  with  the  loaning  ideolog- 
ical conflicts  ainong  the  more  developed  nations 
of  the  world  is  the  decline  of  violence  among 
these  states.  During  approximately  the  last  150 
years,  the  international  scene  has  been  domi- 
nated by  conflicts  fought  principally  among  the 
more  advanced  and  largely  European  nations  of 
the  world.  The  focus  of  violence  today  is  shift- 
ing to  the  third  world.  Increasingly,  conflicts 
are  either  between  some  of  the  developed  nations 
and  the  less  developed  nations ;  or  increasingly, 
instability  in  the  imderdeveloped  world  is  itself 
the  source  of  global  tensions.  It  is  thus  a  basic 
reversal  of  the  dominant  pattern  of  the  recent 

The  new  restraint  on  violence  displayed  by 
the  more  advanced  states  in  relations  among  one 
another  is  also  largely  due  to  the  nuclear  age. 
It  should  be  acknowledged  that  without  the 
presence  of  nuclear  weapons  a  major  war  prob- 
ably would  have  erupted  in  the  course  of  the 
last  20  years.  Given  the  range  of  conflicts,  the 

frequent  tensions,  and  the  occasional  clashes 
between  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union, 
in  almost  any  other  era  in  history  a  war  between 
them  probably  would  have  ensued.  The  pres- 
ence of  nuclear  weapons  has  introduced  an  over- 
riding factor  of  restraint  into  relations  among 
the  more  advanced  states  and  has  helped  to 
preserve  world  peace. 

This  restraint  is  still  largely  absent  insofar 
as  relations  among  the  less  developed  states  are 
concerned.  Moreover,  the  ideological  passions 
and  the  nationalist  tensions  have  not  yet  run 
their  full  course ;  and  consequently  the  propen- 
sity toward  total  reactions,  total  commitment, 
and  total  violence  is  still  quite  high. 

Without  discussing  the  pros  and  cons  of  the 
Vietnamese  war,  it  offers  a  good  example  of  the 
generalization  made  above.  It  reflects  the  shift 
of  focus  in  global  affairs  from  conflicts  between 
the  developed  states  to  a  conflict  that  involves 
a  wealthy  and  higlily  advanced  country  in  an 
effort  to  create  regional  stability.  The  unwill- 
ingness of  the  Soviet  Union  to  become  totally 
involved  in  the  conflict  stems  from  the  greater 
realization  of  its  own  interest  in  preserving 
peace  in  the  nuclear  age  and  also  from  the  grad- 
ual waning  of  its  ideology,  which  weakens  its 
sense  of  total  identification  with  every  revo- 
lutionary movement  in  the  world. 

Trend  Toward  Postnationalism 

3.  The  third  generalization  is  the  proposition 
that  we  are  witnessing  the  end  of  the  supremacy 
of  the  nation-state  on  the  international  scene. 
This  process  is  far  from  consummated,  but 
nonetheless  the  trend  seems  to  me  to  be  irre- 
versible. It  is  not  only  a  matter  of  security 
interdependence  among  allied  states.  It  is  also 
a  matter  of  psychological  change.  People 
through  history  have  expanded  their  sense  of 
identification.  At  first,  men  identified  them- 
selves with  their  families,  then  with  their  vil- 
lages, then  with  their  towns,  then  with  their 
regions  and  provinces,  then  with  their  nations. 
Now  increasingly  people  are  beginning  to 
identify  with  their  continents  and  regions. 
This  change  has  been  induced  by  the  necessities 
of  economic  development  and  of  the  technologi- 
cal revolution,  by  changes  in  the  means  of 
conmiunication — all  of  which  cause  people  to 
identify  themselves  more  and  more  with  wider, 
more  global  human  interests. 



Global  Power  of  the  United  States 

4.  The  fourth  rnajor  change  which  has  tahen 
place  in  our  times  is  the  emergence  of  the  United 
States  as  the  preponderant  world  poioer.  The 
conventional  view  is  that  since  1945  we  have 
seen  three  basic  stages  of  international  develop- 
ment: First  of  all,  U.S.  nuclear  monopoly; 
secondly,  bipolarity,  based  on  two  homogeneous 
alliances  rigidly  confronting  each  other;  and 
now  increasingly  polycentrism,  with  many 
states  playing  tlie  international  game. 

I  submit  that  this  is  a  wrong  perspective; 
in  fact,  the  sequence  has  been  the  opposite.  The 
first  postwar  era — 1945-50 — was  essentially  a 
polycentric  era.  The  United  States  was  largely 
disarmed.  It  had  a  nuclear  monopoly,  to  be  sure, 
but  its  nuclear  power  was  essentially  apocalyp- 
tic; it  was  not  applicable— it  was  only  usable 
in  circumstances  which  everyone  wished  to 
avoid — hence  it  was  not  politically  relevant. 
The  United  States  was  disarmed,  it  was  only 
beginning  to  be  involved  in  Europe,  hardly  in- 
volved in  Asia — and  there  were  still  two  major 
empires  on  the  scene,  the  French  and  the  Brit- 
ish. The  Russians  were  asserting  their  regional 
control  over  Central  Europe,  but  they  were  not 
yet  involved  in  Asia.  Asia  itself  was  in  turmoil. 
This  truly  was  the  polycentric  era. 

It  gave  way  to  the  era  of  bipolarity,  of  di- 
chotomic confrontation,  if  you  will,  between 
two  alliances — one  led  by  the  Soviet  Union,  one 
led  by  the  United  States.  The  Soviet  Union 
during  this  time  acquired  nuclear  capacity,  and 
under  Khrushchev  it  misjudged  its  nuclear 
power  and  attempted  to  pursue  between  1958 
and  1962  a  policy  designed  to  assert  Soviet 
global  su)5remacy.  These  years  were  dominated 
by  the  Soviet  effort  to  throw  the  West  out  of 
Berlin,  to  put  missiles  in  Cuba  and  to  force  a 
showdown.  However,  Khrushchev  discovered  in 
1962  that  the  Soviet  Union  still  had  only  apoca- 
lyptic power.  Its  nuclear  power  was  not  relevant 
when  faced  with  U.S.  power,  which  by  then  had 
become  much  more  complex  and  much  more 
usable  in  a  far  greater  diversity  of  situations. 

Thus  in  the  last  few  years  the  United  States 
successfully  stared  Khrushchev  down  in  Cuba, 
it  protected  its  interests  in  the  Dominican  Re- 
public and  in  the  Congo— and  today  it  is  doing 
it  in  Viet-Nam.  Yet  the  Soviet  Union  did  not 
dare  to  react  even  in  the  area  of  its  regional 
domination:  Berlin.  Today,  the  Soviet  Union 
is  in  effect  a  regional  power,  concentrating  pri- 

marily on  Europe  and  on  the  growing  danger 
from  China.  Our  power  during  this  ensuing 
period  has  become  applicable  power,  with  a 
long-range  delivery  system,  with  the  means  of 
asserting  itself  on  the  basis  of  a  global  reach. 
Moreover,  recent  years — and  this  is  much 
more  important — have  witnessed  continued  eco- 
nomic growth  in  this  country;  they  have  seen 
the  expansion  and  appearance  on  the  world 
scene  of  U.S.  technological  know-how.  Increas- 
ingly, the  U.S.  way  of  life,  our  styles,  our  pat- 
terns of  living,  are  setting  the  example.  Today, 
if  there  is  a  creative  society  in  the  world,  it  is 
the  United  States — in  the  sense  that  everyone, 
very  frequently  without  knowing  it,  is  imitating 
it.  However,  paradoxically  because  the  United 
States  is  the  only  global  power,  it  finds  it  in- 
creasingly difiicult  to  concentrate  its  resources 
or  its  policy  on  any  specific  region  of  the  world. 
This  often  creates  sharp  dilemmas  and  difficul- 
ties, difficulties  with  which  we  will  have  to  live 
because  our  involvement  is  also  a  major  factor 
of  stability  in  the  world. 

The   Growing   Fragmentation   of  the  World 

5.  The  fifth  major  change  involves  the  grow- 
ing fragmentation  of  the  loorld,  not  only 
between  the  developed  states  and  the  under- 
developed— lohich  is,  of  course,  miich  talked 
about — hut  the  increasing  fragmentation  of  the 
developed  loorld.  I  have  particularly  in  mind 
the  growing  difference  between  the  United 
States  and  the  rest  of  the  advanced  world.  The 
United  States  is  becoming  a  new  society,  a  soci- 
ety no  longer  shaped  by  the  impact  of  the 
industrial  process  on  social,  economic,  and  polit- 
ical life.  That  impact  still  shapes  European 
life ;  if  you  look  at  the  changes  in  the  nature  of 
the  European  political  elite,  if  you  look  at  prob- 
lems of  employment  or  unemployment  or  wel- 
fare, if  you  look  at  efforts  to  create  greater 
access  to  education  in  Europe — all  of  these  are 
manifestations  of  the  imjjact  of  the  industrial 
process  on  a  formerly  rural  and  traditional 

The  United  States  is  no  longer  in  this  kind 
of  historical  era.  Increasingly,  our  social  di- 
lemmas are  of  leisure,  well-being,  automation, 
psychic  well-being,  alienation  of  the  youth 
(usually  from  well-to-do  middle-class  families). 
All  of  that  is  connected  with  a  standard  of  liv- 
ing which  has  become  relatively  stable  and  lugh, 
connected  with  a  society  which  is  well-to-do  but 

JULT    3,    1967 


in  many  respects  has  new  dilemmas  of  purpose 
and  meaning.  We  are  becoming,  in  effect,  a  post- 
industrial  society,  in  which  computers  and  com- 
munications are  shaping  more  and  more  our 
way  of  life.  Our  education  and  our  image  of 
the  world  are  shaped  more  by  television  and 
less  and  less  by  sequential,  logical  media  such 
as  books  and  newspapers.  If  the  Europeans  are 
today  experiencing  the  automobile  revolution — 
which  extends  physical  mobility — Americans 
are  undergoing  an  electronic  revolution,  which 
extends  our  senses  and  nervous  systems. 

All  of  this  induces  new  perspectives  and  new 
attitudes  and  sharpens  the  difference  between 
us  and  the  rest  of  the  developed  world.  It  also 
creates  underlying  tension,  in  addition  to  the 
ob^aous  problems  of  foreign  policy,  such  as  the 
Kennedy  Eound,  the  problem  of  NATO,  the 
problem  of  East- West  relations,  and  so  forth. 

U.S.  Foreign   Policy  in  a  Time  of  Change 

If  there  is  any  merit  in  this  highly  general- 
ized analysis  of  the  nature  of  change  in  our 
time,  what  are  its  implications  for  U.S.  foreign 
policy  ? 

First  of  all,  we  should  not  become  ideological 
latecomers.  We  have  traditionally  been  the  prag- 
matic society,  free  of  ideological  shackles.  It 
would  be  unfortunate  if  now  we  succumbed  to 
internal  and  external  ideologization,  either  be- 
cause of  belated  anti-Communist  rigidity  at  a 
time  when  the  Commimist  world  is  becoming 
fragmented  or  because  of  radical  reactions  to 
internal  dilemmas,  the  new  dilemmas  of  our 
society  that  I  spoke  about.  It  would  be  unfor- 
tunate if  these  new  dilemmas,  inherent  in  the 
United  States'  becoming  a  new  type  of  society, 
were  responded  to  on  the  basis  of  essentially  ir- 
relevant, outmoded,  19th-century  ideological 
formulations.  Yes,  this  is  the  great  danger,  par- 
ticularly with  the  New  Left,  which  is  looking 
for  ideological  guidance  and  only  too  often 
turns  to  outmoded  anarchistic,  Trotskyite,  or 
nihilistic  doctrines,  doctrines  completely  irrele- 
vant to  the  new  dilemmas  of  our  society. 

Secondly,  in  our  foreign  policy  we  ought  to 
avoid  the  prescriptions  of  the  extreme  right  or 
the  extreme  left.  The  right  only  too  often  says, 
erroneously,  that  to  protect  a  better  America 
we  ought  to  stay  out  of  the  world.  The  New  Left 
says  that  to  build  a  better  America  we  have  to 
stay  out  of  the  world.  Both  are  wrong,  because 
today  our  global  involvement  and  our  prepon- 

derance of  power  is  such  that  our  disinvolve- 
ment  would  create  international  chaos  of  enor- 
mous proportions.  Our  involvement  is  an  his- 
torical fact — there  is  no  way  of  ending  it.  One 
can  debate  about  the  forms  it  ought  to  take, 
about  its  scope  and  the  way  it  is  applied,  but 
one  cannot  any  longer  debate  in  absolutist  terms 
should  we  or  should  we  not  be  involved. 

Thirdly,  we  should  not  imderestimate,  be- 
cause of  our  own  historical  formation,  the  role 
of  revolutionary  nationalism  in  the  world. 
While  we  have  to  pursue  the  task  of  building  a 
world  of  cooperative  communities,  we  have  to 
realize  that  revolutionary  nationalism  is  a  stage 
of  development  which  in  many  cases  cannot  be 
avoided.  We  should  therefore  be  very  careful 
not  to  get  overinvolved  in  conflicts,  with  the  re- 
sult that  we  are  pitched  against  revolutionary 
nationalisms,  making  us  appear  as  impediments 
to  social  change. 

This  raises  the  extremely  complicated  issue  of 
intervention.  Under  what  conditions  should  we 
or  should  we  not  intervene  ?  It  is  extraordinarily 
difficult  to  define  clear-cut  criteria;  but  as  a 
broad  generalization,  it  might  be  said  that  in- 
tervention is  justified  whenever  its  absence  will 
create  regional  instability  of  expanding  propor- 
tions. It  has  to  be  judged  largely  on  its  inter- 
national merits  and  not  in  terms  of  specific 
domestic  consequences  within  individual  states. 
It  is  that  distinction  which  justifies  interven- 
tion— it  is  that  distinction  which  warrants  our 
involvement  today  in  the  effort  to  create  re- 
gional stability  in  Southeast  Asia. 

Fourthly,  in  seeking  ties  with  the  developed 
nations  of  the  world,  particularly  with  Western 
Europe,  we  have  to  emphasize  in  addition  to 
specific  political  and  security  arrangements,  in- 
creasingly efforts  addressed  to  the  fundamental 
social  dilemmas  which  are  inherent  in  the 
widening  gap  between  the  United  States  and 
Western  Europe.  We  ought  to  try  to  share  and 
distribute  our  new  knowledge  and  teclmological 
skills,  because  this  is  the  unique  asset  of  the 
postindustrial  society.  At  the  same  time  we 
should  try  to  make  the  industrial  societies  more 
aware  of  the  novel  character  of  our  problems. 
By  learning  from  us  they  can  perhaps  avoid 
some  of  our  difficulties.  We  have  to  forge  new 
social  bonds,  especially  between  our  yoimger 
generation  and  the  younger  Europeans — and 
urgently  so,  for  we  are  at  a  time  in  histoiy  when 
the  two  continents  find  themselves  in  different 
historical  eras. 



Finally,  to  apply  these  remarks  cumulatively 
and  briefly  to  Europe :  Since  the  ideological  age 
is  waning,  since  the  developed  world  is  increas- 
ingly becoming  the  zone  of  tranquillity,  since 
the  United  States  is  playing  a  predominant  role 
in  the  world,  and  since  we  are  in  a  new  historical 
era  which  gives  us  special  assets,  it  is  our  task 
to  develop  a  broader  approach  for  Europe,  the 
purpose  of  which,  as  the  President  said  on  Octo- 
ber 7th,^  is  to  end  gradually  through  reconcilia- 
tion the  cold  war,  a  remnant  of  the  civil  war 
that  has  divided  the  most  advanced  parts  of  the 
world  for  the  last  150  years. 

Thus  we  need  to  adapt  the  Atlantic  concept 
to  the  post-cold-war  era.  We  should  strive  in- 
creasingly to  shape  a  community  of  the  de- 
veloped nations  which  will  contain  four  basic 
components:  The  United  States;  a  more  homo- 
geneous and  integrated  Western  Europe  in  close 
ties  with  the  United  States  but  also  in  increas- 
ingly close  linkage  with  Eastern  Europe;  an 
Eastern  Europe  which  will  gradually  begin  to 
stand  on  its  own  feet  and  engage  in  subregional 
integration  more  independently  of  the  Soviet 
Union  while  in  turn  retaining  its  ties  with  the 
Soviet  Union;  a  Soviet  Union  which  would 
also  be  drawn  into  constructive  relationships 
with  Western  Europe  and  the  United  States. 

Only  by  developing  such  a  community  of  the 
developed  nations,  of  which  Japan  should  natu- 
rallj'  be  a  member,  can  we  try  to  assure  a  meas- 
ure of  order  to  a  world  which  otherwise  will  be 
increasingly  dominated  by  chaos. 

If  we  look  20  years  ahead,  we  can  see  clearly 
a  challenge  to  the  survival  of  organized  society 
in  several  parts  of  the  world.  "When  we  look  20 
years  ahead  in  the  developed  parts  of  the  world 
and  particularly  in  the  United  States,  where  the 
scientific,  tecluiological,  medical,  and  chemical 
revolutions  are  progressing  most  rapidly,  we 
can  increasingly  see  a  challenge  to  the  individ- 
ual as  a  mysterious,  autonomous  human  being. 

We  cannot  effectively  respond  to  these  twin 
challenges  if  we  are  at  the  same  time  pre- 
occupied with  ideological  and  doctrinal  con- 
flicts which  no  longer  have  much  relevance  to 
the  fundamental  concerns  of  our  day.  Given 
the  traditional  American  quest  for  human  free- 
dom and  today's  U.S.  global  power,  we  have  the 
opportunity  and  the  responsibility  to  take  the 
lead  in  responding  to  these  twin  challenges. 

U.S.  Offers  Indian  Government 
Oceanographic  Research  Vessel 

Presa  release  138  dated  June  8 

The  Department  of  State  and  the  National 
Science  Foundation  on  June  8  announced  that 
the  President  has  approved  a  proposal  to  trans- 
fer the  RV  Anton  Bruiin,  an  oceanographic 
research  vessel  owned  and  operated  by  the  Na- 
tional Science  Foundation,  to  the  Government 
of  India.  The  arrival  of  Indian  representatives 
to  survey  the  ship  and  conduct  technical  discus- 
sions with  NSF  relating  to  the  proposed  trans- 
fer is  expected  in  the  near  future.  The  transfer 
itself  would  take  place  later  this  year. 

The  Bnmn,  formerly  the  Presidential  yacht 
Williamsburg,  was  built  in  1930  and  has  in  re- 
cent years  been  operated  as  a  biological  oceano- 
graphic research  ship.  During  1963-1964  she 
participated  in  the  International  Indian  Ocean 
Expedition,  in  which  13  nations  including  the 
United  States  and  India  cooperated  in  the  first 
comprehensive  study  of  the  Indian  Ocean.  The 
Anton  Bruun  will  be  used  by  the  Indian  Gov- 
ernment for  scientific  research  in  oceanography. 

The  Bruun  carries  the  name  of  Dr.  Anton 
Bruun,  a  Danish  oceanographer  who,  until  his 
death  in  1961,  was  one  of  the  world's  most  dis- 
tinguished marine  biologists  and  proponents  of 
international  cooperation  in  science.  Dr.  Bioiun 
was  the  first  chaii-man  of  the  Intergovernmental 
Oceanographic  Commission,  which  sponsored 
the  International  Indian  Ocean  Expedition. 

United  States  and  Malta  Conclude 
Cotton  Textile  Agreement 

The  Department  of  State  announced  on 
June  15  (press  release  142)  that  notes  had  been 
exchanged  at  Valletta,  Malta,  on  June  14  be- 
tween the  Government  of  Malta  and  the  Amer- 
ican Embassy,  on  behalf  of  the  Government  of 
the  United  States,  which  provide  for  controls 
over  the  exports  of  cotton  textiles  from  Malta  to 
the  United  States. 

As  reflected  in  the  notes,^  the  comprehensive 
understanding  shall  remain  in  force  for  a  period 

'  For  President  Johnson's  address  at  New  York,  N.Y., 
on  Oct.  7,  1966.  see  Buixetin  of  Oct.  24,  1966,  p.  622. 

^  For  text  of  the  U.S.  note,  see  Department  of  State 
press  release  142  dated  June  15. 


of  4  years,  retroactively  from  January  1,  1967, 
through  December  31,  1970. 

The  understanding  establishes  an  overall 
limit  for  the  first  agreement  year  of  12.7  million 
square  yards  equivalent.  Within  this  aggregate 
limit,  three  group  limits  are  provided :  the  first 
covers  all  yarn  categories,  at  9  million  square 
yards  equivalent;  the  second  covers  fabrics, 
made-up  goods,  and  miscellaneous,  at  200  thou- 

sand square  yards  equivalent;  and  the  third 
covers  all  apparel  categories,  at  3.5  million 
square  yards  equivalent.  Specific  ceilings  are 
provided  within  the  apparel  group  ceiling  for 
three  categories. 

Provisions  on  growth,  swing,  carryover,  con- 
sultation, spacing,  system  of  categories  and  con- 
version factors,  and  administrative  arrange- 
ments are  also  included. 


Calendar  of  International  Conferences  ^ 

Scheduled  July  Through   September 

ECE  Group  of  Rapporteurs  on  World  Trade  in  Steel 

IMCO  Subcommittee  on  Bulk  Cargoes 

FAO  Study  Group  on  Rice:  11th  Session 

IBE  Council:  32d  Session 

UNCTAD  Group  on  Preferences:  2d  Session 

ICAO  Panel  of  Experts  To  Consider  Limits  of  Liability  for  Passengers 

Under  the  Warsaw  Convention  and  the  Hague  Protocol. 

UNCTAD  Committee  on  Manufactures:  2d  Session 

Fifth  International  Film  Festival 

ECE  Group  of  Rapporteurs  on  Legal  Status  of  Gas  Pipelines 

OECD  Group  on  Export  Credits  and  Credit  Guarantees 

OECD  Energy  Committee 

UNESCO/IBE    International    Conference    on    Public    Education:  30th 


OECD  Tourism  Committee 

lATC     Technical     Committee    on    Research    and     Organization:     5th 


ECE  Working  Party  on  Transport  of  Perishable  Foodstuffs 

IMCO  Subcommittee  on  Safety  of  Navigation 

CENTO  Ministerial  Council:  15th  Session 

OECD  Economic  Policy  Committee:  Working  Party  4 

Geneva July  3-5 

London July  3-7 

Rome July  3-7 

Geneva July  4-5 

Geneva July  4-14 

Montreal July  4-17 

Geneva July  4-21 

Moscow July  5-20 

Geneva July  6-7 

Paris July  6-7 

Paris July  6-7 

Geneva July  6-15 

Paris July  7  (1  day) 

Mexico July  10-13 

Geneva July  10-14 

London July  10-14 

London July  11-12 

Paris July  11-12 

'  This  schedule,  which  was  prepared  in  the  Office  of  International  Conferences  on  June  15,  1967,  lists  inter- 
national conferences  in  which  the  U.S.  Government  expects  to  participate  officially  in  the  period  July-September 
1967.  The  list  does  not  include  numerous  nongovernmental  conferences  and  meetings.  Persons  interested  in  these 
are  referred  to  the  World  List  of  Future  International  Meetings,  compiled  by  the  Library  of  Congress  and  available 
from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402. 

Following  is  a  key  to  the  abbreviations:  BIRPI,  International  Bureaus  for  the  Protection  of  Industrial  and 
Intellectual  Property;  CENTO,  Central  Treaty  Organization;  ECAFE,  Economic  Commission  for  Asia  and  the 
Far  East;  ECE,  Economic  Commission  for  Europe;  ECOSOC,  Economic  and  Social  Council;  FAO,  Food  and 
Agriculture  Organization;  IAEA,  International  Atomic  Energy  Agency;  lATC,  Inter-American  Travel  Congresses; 
IBE,  International  Bureau  of  Education;  ICAO,  International  Civil  Aviation  Organization;  ILO,  International 
Labor  Organization;  IMCO,  Intergovernmental  Maritime  Consultative  Organization;  ITU,  International  Tele- 
communication Union;  OECD,  Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and  Development;  PAIGH,  Pan  American 
Institute  of  Geography  and  History;  U.N.,  United  Nations;  UNCTAD,  United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and 
Development;  UNESCO,  United  Nations  Educational,  Scientific  and  Cultural  Organization;  WHO,  World  Health 
Organization;  WMO,  World  Meteorological  Organization. 



International  Seed  Testing  Association:  Executive  Committee Cambridge,  July  11-20 


WMO  Worldwide  Conference  on  Meteorological  Training Leningrad     ....  July  11-22 

Economic  and  Social  Council:  43d  Session Geneva July  11-Aug.  4 

OECD  Economic  Policy  Committee:  Working  Party  3 Paris July  17-18 

OECD  Special  Committee  for  Iron  and  Steel Paris July  17-19 

U.N.  Committee  of  24  on  the  Granting  of  Independence  to  Colonial  New  York    ....  July  17-Aug.  25 

Countries  and  Peoples. 

International  Wheat  Council London July  18-21 

lATC    Technical    Committee   on    Removal    of  Travel    Barriers:    5th  Managua July  18-21 


OECD  Development  Assistance  Committee:   High-Level  Meeting  .    .    .  Paris July  19-20 

lATC  Technical  Committee  on  Travel  Plant:    5th  Meeting Quito July  24-27 

lATC     Teclmical     Committee     on    Tourist     Travel     Promotion:     5th  Lima July  31-Aug.  3 


ECE  Group  of  Rapporteurs  on  the  Construction  of  Vehicles Geneva July  31-Aug.  4 

FAO  Technical  Conference  on  Fisheries  of  West  African  Countries.    .    .  Dakar July  31-Aug.  4 

FAO  Fertilizer  Industry  Advisory  Panel:  13th  Session Rome July 

ECOSOC  Regional  on  Political  and  Civic  Education  for  Women.  Helsinki Aug.  1-14 

Inter-American  Statistical  Institute:  5th  General  Assembly Caracas Aug.  7-18 

UNCTAD  Trade  and  Development  Board:  5th  Session Geneva Aug.  15-Sept.  8 

ECAFE  Seminar  on  Financial  Aspects  of  Trade  Expansion Bangkok Aug.  21-28 

ECOSOC  Subcommission  on  Prevention  of  Discrimination  and  Protec-  New  York     ....  Aug.  21-Sept.  1 

tion  of  Minorities. 

International  Coffee  Council London Aug.  21-Sept.  8 

ECE  Working  Party  on  Road  Traffic  Safety Geneva Aug.  28-Sept.  1 

United  Nations  Scientific  Advisory  Committee  on  the  Effects  of  Atomic  Geneva Aug.  28-Sept.  8 


UNESCO     Intergovernmental     Oceanographic     Commission:  Working  Paris August 

Group  on  Marine  Pollution. 

21st  Edinburgh  International  Film  Festival Edinburgh    ....  August 

ECAFE  Asian  Industrial  Development  Council:  3d  Session Bangkok Sept.  1-8 

PAIGH  Directing  Council:  10th  Meeting Washington  ....  Sept.  1-10 

ECAFE  Subcommittee  on  Metals  and  Engineering:  11th  Session    .    .    .  Sydney Sept.  4-9 

U.N.  Conference  on  the  Standardization  of  Geographical  Names.    .    .    .  Geneva Sept.  4-22 

ICAO  Legal  Subcommittee Paris Sept.  5-26 

ILO  Joint  Maritime  Commission:  20th  Session Geneva Sept.  10-20 

FAO  Animal  Production  and  Health:  6th  Inter-American  Meeting     .    .  Gainesville,  Fla   .    .  Sept.  10-20 

IMCO  Subcommittee  on  Oil  Pollution London Sept.  11-15 

ILO  Tripartite  Technical  Meeting  on  the  Wood  Working  Industries  .    .  Geneva Sept.  11-22 

ECAFE  Conference  of  Asian  Statisticians:  8th  Session Bangkok Sept.  11-22 

3d  ICAO  South  American/South  Atlantic  Regional  Meeting Buenos  Aires    .    .    .  Sept.  12-Oct.  6 

ECE  Group  of  Rapporteiu-s  on  Intercontinental  Transport  by  Containers  Geneva Sept.  18-20 

UNESCO     Intergovernmental     Oceanographic     Commission:  Working  The  Hague  ....  Sept.  18-20 

Group  on  an  International  Aspect  for  the  Implementation  of  the  U.N. 

Resolution  on  Resources  of  the  Sea. 

IMCO  Subcommittee  on  Fire  Protection London Sept.  18-22 

ECE  Codex  Alimentarius  Group  of  E.xperts  on  Standardization  of  Quick-  Rome Sept.  18-23 

Frozen  Foods. 

ECAFE  Working  Party  on  Shipping  and  Ocean  Freight  Rates    ....  Bangkok Sept.  18-25 

ITU  World  Administrative  Maritime  Mobile  Conference Geneva Sept.  18-Nov.  4 

U.N.  General  Assembly:  22d  Session New  York     ....  Sept.  19-Dec.  15 

FAO  Expert  Panel  on  Animal  Breeding  and  Climatology Gainesville,  Fla   .    .  Sept.  21-26 

ECE  Committee  on  Coal Geneva Sept.  25-27 

ECE  Working  Party  on  Transport  of  Perishable  Foodstuffs Geneva Sept.  25-29 

FAO  Near  East  Forestry  Commission:  5th  Session Amman Sept.  25-30 

International  Rubber  Study  Group:  19th  Assembly Sao  Paulo     ....  Sept.  25-30 

ILO   Technical   Experts  on  Organization  and  Planning  of  Vocational  Geneva Sept.  25-Oct.  6 


ILO  Meeting  of  Experts  on  Minimum  Wage  Fixing Geneva Sept.  25-Oct.  6 

ECAFE  Conference  of  Asian  Economic  Planners:  3d  Session Bangkok Sept.  26-Oct.  3 

IAEA  General  Conference:  11th  Session Vienna Sept.  26-Oct.  6 

OECD  Maritime  Transport  Committee Paris Sept.  27  (1  day) 

International  Criminal  Police  Organization  (INTERPOL):  36th  General  Kyoto Sept.  27-0 ct.  4 


ECAFE  Seminar  on  the  Development  of  Building  Materials Bangkok Sept.  28-Oct.  4 

U.N.  Conference  on  Exploration  and  Peaceful  Uses  of  Outer  Space    .    .  Vienna September 

WHO  Regional  Committee  for  the  Western  Pacific:  18th  Meeting  .    .    .  Taipei September 

BIRPI  Working  Group  on  International  Cooperation Geneva September 

IAEA  Board  of  Governors Vienna September 

BIRPI  Paris  Union:  Executive  Committee Geneva September 

JULY    3,    1967  25 


Current  Actions 


Consular  Relations 

Vienna    convention   on   consular    relations.    Done   at 
Vienna  April  24, 1963.* 
Ratification  deposited:  Cameroon,  May  22,  1967. 


Amendment  to  article  7  of  the  Constitution  of  the  World 
Health  Organization  of  July  22,  1946,  as  amended 
(TIAS  1808,  4643).  Adopted  at  Geneva  May  20,  1965." 
Acceptance  deposited:  Saudi  Arabia,  May  26,  1967. 

Postal  Matters 

Constitution  of  the  Universal  Postal  TJnion  with  final 
protocol,  general  regulations  with  final  protocol,  and 
convention  with  final  protocol  and  regulations  of  ex- 
ecution. Done  at  Vienna  July  10,  1964.  Entered  into 
force  January  1, 1966.  TIAS  5881. 
Ratification  deposited:  Hungary,  May  2,  1967. 

Satellite  Communications  System 

Agreement  establishing  interim   arrangements   for  a 

global  commercial  communications  satellite  system. 

Done  at  Washington  August  20,  1964.  Entered  into 

force  20,  1964.  TIAS  5646. 

Accession  deposited:  Tanzania,  June  16,  1967. 
Special  agreement.   Done   at  Washington  August  20, 

1964.  Entered  into  force  August  20,  1964.  TIAS  5646. 

Signature:  East  African   External  Telecommunica- 
tions Company  Limited,  June  16,  1967. 


International  telecommunication  convention  with  an- 
nexes. Done  at  Montreux  November  12, 1965.  Entered 
into  force  January  1, 1967.* 

Ratification  deposited:  New  Zealand,  including  Cook 
Lslands,  Niue  and  Tokelau  Islands,  April  13,  1967. 

'  Not  in  force  for  the  United  States. 
'  Not  in  force. 

Trade,  Transit 

Convention  on  transit  trade  of  landlocked  states.  Done 
at  New  York  July  8, 1965.* 

Ratification  deposited:  Yugoslavia,  May  10,  1967. 
Entry  into  force:  June  9,  1967. 


1967  protocol  for  the  further  extension  of  the  Interna- 
tional Wheat  Agreement,  1962  (TIAS  5115).  Open 
for  signature  at  Washington  May  15  through  June  1, 
1967,  inclusive." 

Notification  of  undertaking  to  seek  ratification  de- 
posited: Mexico,  June  13, 1967. 

Protocol  for  the  further  extension  of  the  International 
Wheat  Agreement,  1962  (TIAS  5115).  Open  for  sig- 
nature at  Washington  April  4  through  29,  1966. 
Entered  into  force  July  16,  1966,  for  part  I  and  parts 
III  to  VII ;  August  1,  1966,  for  part  II.  TIAS  6057. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Federal  Republic  of  Germany 
(including  Berlin) ,  June  1, 1967. 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  commodities  under 
title  I  of  the  Agricultural  Trade  Development  and 
Assistance  Act  of  1954,  as  amended  (68  Stat.  454,  as 
amended;  7  U.S.O.  1691-1736D),  with  annex.  Signed 
at  Reykjavik  June  5, 1967.  Entered  into  force  June  5, 


Agreement  concerning  trade  in  cotton  textiles.  Effected 
by  exchange  of  notes  at  Washington  June  2,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  June  2,  1967. 


Agreement   for   cooperation   concerning  civil   uses  of 
atomic  energy.  Signed  at  Washington  May  4, 1967. 
Entered  into  force:  June  8,  1967. 


Agreement  concerning  the  use  of  the  Special  Fund  for 
Education  for  the  School  Building  Construction  Proj- 
ect, 1967-1968.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at 
Manila  May  18,  1967.  Entered  into  force  May  18, 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  commodities  under 
title  I  of  the  Agricultural  Trade  Development  and 
Assistance  Act  of  1954,  as  amended  (68  Stat.  454,  as 
amended;  7  U.S.C.  1691-1 736D),  with  annex.  Signed 
at  Khartoum  June  3,  1967.  Entered  into  force  June  3, 



INDEX     July  3,  1967      Vol.  LVII,  No.  U62 

Communism.  The  Implications  of  Change  for 
United  States  Foreign  Policy  (Brzezinski)     .        19 

Diplomacy.  The  Implications  of  Change  for 
United  States  Foreign  Policy  (Brzezinski)     .        19 

Economic  Affairs 

The  Marshall  Plan:  From  the  Reconstruction 
to  the  Construction  of  Europe   (Harriman)   .        17 

United  States  and  Malta  Conclude  Cotton  Tex- 
tile Agreement 23 


The  Implications  of  Change  for  United  States 

Foreign   Policy    (Brzezinski) 19 

The  Marshall  Plan :  From  the  Reconstruction  to 

the  Construction  of  Europe  (Harriman)  .  .  17 
North  Atlantic  Council  Meets  at  Luxembourg 

(communique) 14 

The  Peaceful  Revolution  of  the  20th  Century 

(Johnson) 16 

Foreign  Aid.  The  Peaceful  Revolution  of  the 
20th  Century   (Johnson) 16 

India.  U.S.  Offers  Indian  Government  Oceano- 
graphic  Research  Vessel 23 

International   Organizations   and   Conferences. 

Calendar  of  International  Conferences    ...        24 

Italy.  Letters  of  Credence   (Ortona)     ....        13 

Malta.  United  States  and  Malta  Conclude  Cotton 
Textile   Agreement 23 

Near  East.  U.N.  Security  Council  Continues  De- 
bate on  Near  East ;  Soviet  Proposal  Condemn- 
ing Israel  Rejected  (Goldberg,  texts  of 
resolutions) 3 

New  Zealand.  Letters  of  Credence  (Corner)   .    .        13 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization.  North  At- 
lantic Council  Meets  at  Luxembourg  (com- 
munique)               14 

Presidential  Documents.  The  Peaceful  Revolu- 
tion of  the  20th  Century 16 


North  Atlantic  Council  Meets  at  Luxembourg 

(communique) 14 

U.S.  Offers  Indian  Government  Oceanographic 
Research  Vessel 23 

Treaty  Information 

Current  Actions 26 

United  States  and  Malta  Conclude  Cotton  Tex- 
tile Agreement 23 


The  Implications  of  Change  for  United  States 

Foreign   Policy    (Brzezinski) 19 

U.N.  Security  Council  Continues  Debate  on  Near 
East ;  Soviet  Proposal  Condemning  Israel 
Rejected  (Goldberg,  texts  of  resolutions)    .    .  3 

United  Nations 

U.N.  Security  Council  Continues  Debate  on  Near 
East ;  Soviet  Proposal  Condemning  Israel 
Rejected  (Goldberg,  texts  of  resolutions)   .    .  3 

U.S.  Does  Not  Concur  in  Request  for  U.N.  Gen- 
eral Assembly  Session  (Goldberg)     ....        12 

Name  Index 

Brzezinski,  Zbigniew 19 

Corner,    Frank   H 13 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J 3, 12 

Harriman,  W.  Averell 17 

Johnson,  President 16 

Ortona,    Egidio 13 

Check  List  of  Department  of  State 
Press  Releases:  June  1 2-1 8 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the  Office 
of  News,  Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

Releases  issued  prior  to  June  12  which  appear 
in  this  issue  of  the  Bulletin  are  Nos.  135  of  June 
6,  138  of  June  8,  and  140  of  June  10. 



142      6/15 




Corry  sworn  in  as  Ambassador  to 
Ceylon  and  the  Maldive  Islands 
(biographic  details). 

U.S.-Malta  cotton  textile  agree- 
ment (rewrite). 

NATO  communique. 

National  foreign  policy  confer- 
ence for  educators,  Washington, 
June  19-20. 

■  Not  printed. 


Superintendent  of  Docume 
u.s.  government  printing  of 
washington.  d.c. 

ssvw  NOi9oa 

oQE   X09 

Ayvyan  onond 

iN3WiyVd30   30N310S   IV OOS 
•0      030-9GQ 











JUL  21 1957 


July  10, 1967 


Address  hy  President  Johiison     31 


Statements  hy  Ambttssador  Arthur  J.  Goldherg    Ji.7 


Statements  After  the  Meetings  at  Glassiwo,  N.J.     35 


Excerpt  From  an  Address  hy  President  Johnson     38 

For  index  see  inside  hack  cover 




Vol.  LVII,  No.  1463  Publication  8256 
July  10,  1967 

For  sale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents 

U.S.  Government  Printing  Office 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


62  issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $15.00 
Single  copy  30  cents 

Use  of  funds  for  printing  of  this  publication 
approved  by  the  Director  of  the  Bureau  of 
the  Budget  (January  11,  1966). 

Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
copyrighted  and  items  contained  herein  may  be 
reprinted.  Citation  of  the  DEPARTMENT  OF 
STATE  BULLETIN  as  the  source  wiU  be 
appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  is  Indexed  in 
the  Readers'  Quide  to  Periodical  Literature. 

The  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  vceekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
with  information  on  developments  in 
tlie  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  the  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service, 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy ,  issued 
by  the  White  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  offieers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department.  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  tvhich  tlie  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  party 
and  treaties  of  general  international 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative material  in  the  field  of  inter' 
national  relations  are  listed  currently. 

Five  principles  for  peace  in  the  Middle  East  were  outlined  hy 
President  Johnson  in  his  address  before  the  Department  of 
State  foreign  policy  conference  for  educators  on  June  19.  These 
principles  are:  recognized  rights  of  national  life,  progress  in 
solving  the  refugee  problem,  freedom  of  innocent  maritime 
passage,  limitation  of  the  arms  race,  and  respect  for  political 
independence  and  territorial  integrity.  '■'■Taken  together,"  the 
President  said,  '■'■they  point  the  way  from  uncertain  armistice 
to  durable  peace?'' 

Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East 

Address  by  President  Johnson 

White  House  press  release  dated  June  19 

Secretary  Rusk,  ladies  and  gentlemen :  I  wel- 
come the  chance  to  share  with  you  this  morning 
a  few  reflections  of  American  foreign  policy,  as 
I  have  shared  my  thoughts  in  recent  weeks  with 
representatives  of  labor  and  business  and  with 
other  leaders  of  our  society. 

During  the  past  weekend  at  Camp  David, 
where  I  met  and  talked  with  America's  good 
friend,  Prime  Minister  [Harold  E.]  Holt  of 
Australia,  I  thought  of  the  General  Assembly 
debate  on  the  Middle  East  that  opens  today  in 
New  York.i 

But  I  thought  also  of  the  events  of  the  past 
year  in  other  continents  in  the  world.  I  thought 
of  the  future,  both  in  the  Middle  East  and  in 
other  areas  of  American  interest  in  the  world 
and  in  places  that  concern  all  of  us. 

So  this  morning  I  want  to  give  you  my  esti- 
mate of  the  prospects  for  peace  and  the  hopes 
for  progress  in  these  various  regions  of  the 

I  shall  speak  first  of  our  own  hemisphere,  then 
of  Europe,  the  Soviet  Union,  Africa,  and  Asia, 
and  lastly  of  the  two  areas  that  concern  us  most 
at  this  hour — Viet-Nam  and  the  Middle  East. 

Let  me  begin  with  the  Americas. 

Last  April  I  met  with  my  fellow  American 
Presidents  in  Pimta  del  Este.''  It  was  an  en- 

'  See  p.  47. 

"For  background,  see  BuiiETiN  of  May  8,  1967,  p. 

couraging  experience  for  me,  as  I  believe  it  was 
for  the  other  leaders  of  Latin  America.  For  they 
made,  there  at  Punta  del  Este,  the  historic  deci- 
sion to  move  toward  the  economic  integration 
of  Latin  America. 

In  my  judgment,  their  decision  is  as  im- 
portant as  any  that  they  have  taken  since  they 
became  independent  more  than  a  century  and  a 
half  ago. 

The  men  I  met  with  know  that  the  needs  of 
their  220  million  people  require  them  to  mod- 
ernize their  economies  and  expand  their  trade. 
I  promised  that  I  would  ask  our  people  to  co- 
operate in  those  efforts  and  in  giving  new  force 
to  our  great  conmion  enterprise  which  we  take 
great  pride  in — the  Alliance  for  Progress. 

One  meeting  of  chiefs  of  state,  of  course,  can- 
not transform  a  continent.  But  where  leaders 
are  willing  to  face  their  problems  candidly  and 
where  they  are  ready  to  join  in  meeting  them 
responsibly,  there  can  be  only  hope  for  the 

The  nations  of  the  developed  world — and  I 
am  speaking  now  principally  of  the  Atlantic 
alliance  and  Japan — have  in  this  past  year,  I 
think,  made  good  progress  in  meeting  their  com- 
mon problems  and  their  common  responsibili- 

I  have  met  with  a  number  of  statesmen — 
Prime  Minister  Lester  Pearson  in  Canada  just 
a  few  days  ago,'  and  the  leaders  of  Europe  in 

•  Ihid.,  June  19, 1967,  p.  908. 

JULY    10,    1967 


Bonn  shortly  before  that.*  We  discussed  many 
of  the  issues  that  we  face  together. 

We  are  consulting  to  good  effect  on  how  to 
limit  the  spread  of  nuclear  weapons. 

We  have  completed  the  Kennedy  Kound  of 
tariff  negotiations '  in  a  healthy  spirit  of  part- 
nership, and  we  are  examining  together  the  vital 
question  of  monetary  reform. 

We  have  reorganized  the  integrated  NATO 
defense,  with  its  new  headquarters  in  Belgium. 

We  have  reached  agreement  on  the  crucial 
question  of  maintaining  Allied  military 
strength  in  Germany. 

Finally,  we  have  worked  together — although 
not  yet  with  sufficient  resources — to  help  the 
less  developed  countries  deal  with  their  prob- 
lems of  hunger  and  overpopulation. 

We  have  not  by  any  means  settled  all  the 
issues  that  face  us,  either  among  ourselves  or 
with  other  nations.  But  there  is  less  cause  to 
lament  what  has  not  been  done  than  to  take 
heart  from  what  has  been  done. 

Relations  With  Eastern  Europe 

You  know  of  my  personal  interest  in  improv- 
ing relations  between  the  Western  World  and 
the  nations  of  Eastern  Europe.  I  believe  the 
patient  course  we  are  pursuing  toward  those 
nations  is  vital  to  the  security  of  our  nation. 

Through  cultural  exchanges  and  civil  air 
agreements;  through  consular  and  outer  space 
treaties ;  through  what  we  hope  will  soon  become 
a  treaty  for  the  nonproliferation  of  nuclear 
weapons,  and  also,  if  they  will  join  us,  an  agree- 
ment on  antiballistic  missiles — we  have  tried  to 
enlarge,  and  have  made  great  progress  in  enlarg- 
ing, the  arena  of  common  action  with  the  Soviet 

Our  purpose  is  to  narrow  our  differences 
where  they  can  be  narrowed  and  thus  to  help 
secure  peace  in  the  world  for  the  future  genera- 
tions. It  will  be  a  long,  slow  task,  we  realize. 
There  will  be  setbacks  and  discouragements. 
But  it  is,  we  think,  the  only  rational  policy  for 
them  and  for  us. 

In  Africa,  as  in  Asia,  we  have  encouraged  the 
nations  of  the  region  in  their  efforts  to  join  in 
cooperative  attacks  on  the  problems  that  each 
of  them  faces:  economic  stagnation,  poverty, 
hunger,  disease,  and  ignorance.  Under  Secretary 
Nicholas  Katzenbach  just  reported  to  me  last 

'  IMd.,  May  15, 1967,  p.  751. 

"  For  background,  see  ibid.,  June  12,  1967,  p.  879. 

week  on  liis  recent  extended  trip  throughout 
Africa.  He  described  to  me  the  many  problems 
and  the  many  opportunities  that  exist  in  that 

Africa  is  moving  rapidly  from  the  colonial 
past  toward  freedom  and  dignity.  She  is  in  the 
long  and  difficidt  travail  of  building  nations. 
Her  pioud  people  are  determined  to  make  a  new 
Africa,  according  to  their  own  lights. 

They  are  now  creating  institutions  for  politi- 
cal and  economic  cooperation.  They  have  set 
great  tasks  for  themselves — whose  accomplish- 
ments will  require  years  of  struggle  and 

We  very  much  want  that  struggle  to  succeed, 
and  we  want  to  be  responsive  to  the  efforts  that 
they  are  making  on  their  own  behalf. 

I  can  give  personal  testimony  to  the  new 
spirit  that  is  abroad  in  Africa  from  Under  Sec- 
retary Katzenbach's  report — and  in  Asia  from 
my  own  travels  and  experience  there. 

In  Asia  my  experience  demonstrated  to  me  a 
new  spirit  of  confidence  in  that  area  of  the 
world.  Everywhere  I  traveled  last  autumn,  from 
the  conference  in  Manila  to  other  countries  of 
the  region,  I  found  the  conviction  that  Asians 
can  work  with  Asians  to  create  better  conditions 
of  life  in  every  country.  Fear  has  now  given  way 
to  hope  in  millions  of  hearts. 

Asia's  immense  human  problems  remain,  of 
course.  Not  all  countries  have  moved  ahead  as 
rapidly  as  Thailand,  Korea,  and  the  Republic  of 
China.  But  most  of  them  are  now  on  a  promising 
track,  and  Japan  is  taking  a  welcome  role  in 
helping  her  fellow  Asians  toward  much  more 
rapid  development. 

A  free  Indonesia — the  world's  fifth  largest 
nation,  a  land  of  more  than  100  million  people — 
is  now  struggling  to  rebuild,  to  reconstruct  and 
reform  its  national  life.  This  will  require  the 
understanding  and  the  support  of  the  entire  in- 
ternational community. 

We  maintain  our  dialog  with  the  authorities 
in  Peking,  in  preparation  for  the  day  when  they 
will  be  ready  to  live  at  peace  with  the  rest  of  the 

The  Situation  in  Viet-Nam 

I  regret  that  this  morning  I  cannot  report  any 
major  progress  toward  peace  in  Viet-Nam. 

I  can  promise  you  that  we  have  tried  every 
possible  way  to  bring  about  either  discussions 
between  the  opposing  sides  or  a  practical  de- 
escalation  of  the  violence  itself. 


Thus  far  there  has  been  no  serious  response 
from  the  other  side. 

We  are  ready— and  we  have  long  been  ready — 
to  engage  in  a  mutual  deescalation  of  the  fight- 
ing. But  we  cannot  stop  only  half  the  war,  nor 
can  we  abandon  our  commitment  to  the  people 
of  South  Viet-Nam  as  long  as  the  enemy  attacks 
and  fights  on.  And  so  long  as  North  Viet-Nam 
attempts  to  seize  South  Viet-Nam  by  force,  we 
must,  and  we  will,  block  its  efforts  so  that  the 
people  of  South  Viet-Nam  can  determine  their 
own  future  in  peace. 

We  would  very  much  like  to  see  the  day 
come — and  come  soon — when  we  can  cooperate 
with  all  the  nations  of  the  region,  including 
North  Viet-Nam,  in  healing  the  wounds  of  a 
war  that  has  continued,  we  think,  for  far  too 
long.  When  the  aggression  ends,  then  that  day 
will  follow. 

Crisis  in  the  Middle  East 

Now,  finally,  let  me  turn  to  the  Middle  East — 
and  to  the  tumultuous  events  of  the  past  months. 
Those  events  have  proved  the  wisdom  of  five 
great  principles  of  peace  in  the  region. 

The  first  and  greatest  principle  is  that  every 
nation  in  the  area  has  a  fundamental  right  to 
live  and  to  have  this  right  respected  by  its 

For  the  people  of  the  Middle  East  the  path 
to  hope  does  not  lie  in  threats  to  end  the  life 
of  any  nation.  Such  threats  have  become  a  bur- 
den to  the  peace,  not  only  of  that  region  but  a 
burden  to  the  peace  of  the  entire  world. 

In  the  same  way,  no  nation  would  be  true  to 
the  United  Nations  Charter  or  to  its  own  true 
interests  if  it  should  permit  military  success  to 
blind  it  to  the  fact  that  its  neighbors  have  rights 
and  its  neighbors  have  interests  of  their  own. 
Each  nation,  therefore,  must  accept  the  right 
of  others  to  live. 

This  last  month,  I  think,  shows  us  another 
basic  requirement  for  settlement.  It  is  a  human 
requirement:  justice  for  the  refugees. 

A  new  conflict  has  brought  new  homelessness. 
The  nations  of  the  Middle  East  must  at  last  ad- 
dress themselves  to  the  plight  of  those  who  have 
been  displaced  by  wars.  In  the  past,  both  sides 
have  resisted  the  best  efforts  of  outside  media- 
tors to  restore  the  victims  of  conflict  to  their 
homes  or  to  find  them  other  proper  places  to 
live  and  work.  There  will  be  no  peace  for  any 
party  in  the  Middle  East  unless  this  problem  is 
attacked  with  new  energy  by  all  and,  certainly, 

primarily  by  those  who  are  immediately  con- 

A  third  lesson  from  this  last  month  is  that 
maritime  rights  must  be  respected.  Our  nation 
has  long  been  committed  to  free  maritime  pas- 
sage through  international  waterways ;  and  we, 
along  with  other  nations,  were  taking  the  neces- 
sary steps  to  implement  this  principle  when 
hostilities  exploded.  If  a  single  act  of  folly  was 
more  responsible  for  this  explosion  than  any 
other,  I  think  it  was  the  arbitrary  and  danger- 
ous announced  decision  that  the  Strait  of  Tiran 
would  be  closed.  The  right  of  innocent  maritime 
passage  must  be  preserved  for  all  nations. 

Fourth,  this  last  conflict  has  demonstrated 
the  danger  of  the  Middle  Eastern  arms  race  of 
the  last  12  years.  Here  the  responsibility  must 
rest  not  only  on  those  in  the  area  but  upon  the 
larger  states  outside  the  area.  We  believe  that 
scarce  resources  could  be  used  much  better  for 
teclmical  and  economic  development.  We  have 
always  opposed  this  arms  race,  and  our  own 
military  shipments  to  the  area  have  conse- 
quently been  severely  limited. 

Now  the  waste  and  futility  of  the  arms  race 
must  be  apparent  to  all  the  peoples  of  the  world. 
And  now  there  is  another  moment  of  choice. 
The  United  States  of  America,  for  its  part,  will 
use  every  resource  of  diplomacy  and  every 
coimsel  of  reason  and  prudence  to  try  to  find  a 
better  course. 

As  a  beginning,  I  should  like  to  propose  that 
the  United  Nations  immediately  call  upon  all  of 
its  members  to  report  all  shipments  of  all  mili- 
tary arms  into  this  area  and  to  keep  those  ship- 
ments on  file  for  all  the  peoples  of  the  world  to 

Fifth,  the  crisis  underlines  the  importance  of 
respect  for  political  independence  and  terri- 
torial integrity  of  all  the  states  of  the  area.  We 
reaffirmed  that  principle  at  the  height  of  this 
crisis.  We  reaffirm  it  again  today  on  behalf  of 
all.  This  principle  can  be  effective  in  the  Middle 
East  only  on  the  basis  of  peace  between  the 
parties.  The  nations  of  the  region  have  had  only 
fragile  and  violated  truce  lines  for  20  years. 
What  they  now  need  are  recognized  boundaries 
and  other  arrangements  that  will  give  them 
security  against  terror,  destruction,  and  war. 
Further,  there  just  must  be  adequate  recogni- 
tion of  the  special  interest  of  three  great 
religions  in  the  holy  places  of  Jerusalem. 

These  five  principles  are  not  new,  but  we  do 
think  they  are  fundamental.  Taken  together, 
they  point  the  way  from  uncertain  armistice  to 

JXTLT    10,    1967 


durable  peace.  We  believe  there  must  be  prog- 
ress toward  all  of  them  if  there  is  to  be  progress 
toward  any. 

Seftlement  Depends  on  Nations  of  the  Area 

There  are  some  who  have  urged,  as  a  smgle, 
simple  solution,  an  immediate  return  to  the  sit- 
uation as  it  was  on  June  4.  As  our  distinguished 
and  able  Ambassador,  Mr.  Arthur  Goldberg,  has 
already  said,  this  is  not  a  prescription  for  peace 
but  for  renewed  hostilities.^ 

Certainly,  troops  must  be  withdrawn;  but 
there  must  also  be  recognized  rights  of  national 
life,  progress  in  solving  the  refugee  problem, 
freedom  of  innocent  maritime  passage,  limita- 
tion of  the  arms  race,  and  respect  for  political 
independence  and  territorial  integrity. 

But  who  will  make  this  peace  where  all  others 
have  failed  for  20  years  or  more  ? 

Clearly  the  parties  to  the  conflict  must  be 
the  parties  to  the  peace.  Sooner  or  later,  it  is 
they  who  must  make  a  settlement  in  the  area. 
It  is  hard  to  see  how  it  is  possible  for  nations  to 
live  together  in  peace  if  they  cannot  learn  to 
reason  together. 

But  we  must  still  ask.  Who  can  help  them? 
Some  say  it  should  be  the  United  Nations ;  some 
call  for  the  use  of  other  parties.  We  have  been 
first  in  our  support  of  effective  peacekeeping  in 
the  United  Nations,  and  we  also  recognize  the 
great  values  to  come  from  mediation. 

We  are  ready  this  morning  to  see  any  method 
tried,  and  we  believe  that  none  should  be  ex- 
cluded altogether.  Perhaps  all  of  them  will  be 
useful  and  all  will  be  needed. 

I  issue  an  appeal  to  all  to  adopt  no  rigid  view 
on  these  matters.  I  offer  assurance  to  all  that 
this  Government  of  ours,  the  Government  of 
the  United  States,  will  do  its  part  for  peace  in 
every  forum,  at  every  level,  at  every  hour. 

Yet  there  is  no  escape  from  this  fact:  The 
main  responsibility  for  the  peace  of  the  region 
depends  upon  its  own  peoples  and  its  own  lead- 
ers of  that  region.  What  will  be  truly  decisive  in 
the  Middle  East  will  be  what  is  said  and  what 
is  done  by  those  who  live  in  the  Middle  East. 

They  can  seek  another  arms  race — if  they 
have  not  profited  from  the  experience  of  this 
one — if  they  want  to.  But  they  will  seek  it  at  a 
terrible  cost  to  their  own  people — and  to  their 

*  For  a  statement  made  by  Ambassador  Goldberg 
In  the  U.N.  Secnrity  Council  on  June  13,  see  ibid.,  July  3, 
1967,  p.  5. 

very  long  neglected  human  needs.  They  can  live 
on  a  diet  of  hate,  though  only  at  the  cost  of 
hatred  in  return.  Or  they  can  move  toward  peace 
with  one  another. 

The  world  this  morning  is  watching,  watch- 
ing for  the  peace  of  the  world,  because  that  is 
really  what  is  at  stake.  It  will  look  for  patience 
and  justice,  it  will  look  for  humility  and  moral 
courage.  It  will  look  for  signs  of  movement 
from  prejudice  and  the  emotional  chaos  of  con- 
flict to  the  gradual,  slow  shaping  steps  that  lead 
to  learning  to  live  together  and  learning  to  help 
mold  and  shape  peace  in  the  area  and  in  the 

The  Middle  East  is  rich  in  history,  rich  in  its 
people  and  in  its  resources.  It  has  no  need  to  live 
in  permanent  civil  war.  It  has  the  power  to 
build  its  own  life  as  one  of  the  prosperous  re- 
gions of  the  world  in  which  we  live. 

U.S.  Will  Help  in  Works  of  Peace 

If  the  nations  of  the  Middle  East  will  turn 
toward  the  works  of  peace,  they  can  count  with 
confidence  upon  the  friendship  and  the  help  of 
all  the  people  of  the  United  States  of  America. 

In  a  climate  of  peace  we  here  will  do  our  full 
share  to  help  with  a  solution  for  the  refugees. 
We  here  will  do  our  full  share  in  support  of 
regional  cooperation.  We  here  will  do  our 
share — and  do  more — to  see  that  the  peaceful 
promise  of  nuclear  energy  is  applied  to  the  criti- 
cal problem  of  desalting  water  and  helping  to 
make  the  deserts  bloom. 

Our  country  is  committed — and  we  here  re- 
iterate that  commitment  today — to  a  peace  that 
is  based  on  five  principles. 

— first,  the  recognized  right  of  national  life ; 

— second,  justice  for  the  refugees; 

— third,  innocent  maritime  passage ; 

— fourth,  limits  on  the  wasteful  and  destruc- 
tive arms  race;  and 

— fifth,  political  independence  and  territorial 
integrity  for  all. 

This  is  not  a  time  for  malice,  but  for  magna- 
nimity; not  for  propaganda,  but  for  patience; 
not  for  vituperation,  but  for  vision. 

On  the  basis  of  peace  we  offer  our  help  to  the 
people  of  the  Middle  East.  That  land,  known  to 
every  one  of  us  since  childhood  as  the  birthplace 
of  great  religions  and  learning,  can  flourish 
once  again  in  our  time.  We  here  in  the  United 
States  shall  do  all  in  our  power  to  help  make 
it  so. 



President  Johnson   and   Premier  Kosygin   Discuss 
International  Problems 

President  Johnson  and  Aleksei  N.  Kosygin, 
Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  of  the  So- 
viet Union,  conferred  at  Glasshoro,  N.J.,  on 
June  23  and  again  on  Jtine  25.  The  two  meetings 
were  held  at  '"''Hollyhush^''  the  residence  of  the 
president  of  Glassboro  State  College.  Premier 
Kosygin  traveled  to  Glassboro  from,  New  York 
City,  where  he  ivas  heading  the  Soviet  delega- 
tion to  the  fifth  emergency  special  session  of  the 
U.N.  General  Assembly. 

Following  are  texts  of  a  toast  made  hy  Presi- 
dent Johnson  at  a  luncheon  for  Premier  Kosy- 
gin at  ^'■Hollyiusli'''  on  June  23,  statements  made 
iy  the  Pi^esident  and  the  Premier  on  June  23 
and  June  25  at  the  conclusion  of  each  of  their 
meetings,  and  a  hrief  report  to  the  Nation  made 
hy  President  Johnson  upon  his  return  to  the 
White  House  from  Glassboro  on  June  25,  to- 
gether with  a  statement  made  hy  Premier  Kosy- 
gin regarding  his  meeting  with  President  John- 
son which  was  delivered  as  part  of  his  opening 
remarks  at  a  neios  conference  he  held  at  United 
Nations  Headguarters  on  the  evening  of  Ju/ne  25. 


White  House  press  release  (Glassboro,  N.J.)  dated  June  23 

Mr.  Chairman,  distinguished  guests,  Mr.  For- 
eign Minister  [Soviet  Foreign  Minister  Andrei 
A.  Gromylco],  Mr.  Ambassador  [Soviet  Ambas- 
sador Anatoliy  F.  Dobrynin] :  We  are  de- 
lighted that  you  have  had  a  chance  to  even 
briefly  visit  our  country,  and  we  are  especially 
pleased  that  you  have  come  here  today  for  a 
meeting  with  us. 

We  both  have  special  responsibilities  for  the 
security  of  our  families,  and  over  and  beyond  all 
our  families  is  the  security  of  the  entire  human 
family  inhabiting  this  earth.  We  must  never 
forget  that  there  are  many  peoples  in  this  world, 
many  different  nations,  each  with  its  own  his- 
tory and  ambitions.  There  is  a  special  place, 
however,  in  tliis  world  and  a  special  responsibil- 
ity placed  upon  our  two  countries  because  of  our 
strength  and  our  resources. 

This  demands  that  the  relations  between  our 
two  countries  be  as  reasonable  and  as  construc- 
tive as  we  know  how  to  make  them.  It  is  also  our 
obligation  that  we  make  it  possible  for  other 
countries  to  live  in  peace  with  each  other  if  this 
can  be  done.  And  that  is  why  today  we  have 
here  discussed  with  you  some  questions  affecting 
the  peace  of  the  entire  human  family  of  3  bil- 
lion people. 

I  want  to  inform  Secretary  Rusk,  Minister 
Gromyko,  and  Secretary  [of  Defense  Robert 
S.]  McNamara  and  the  other  distinguished 
guests  present  here  that  you  and  I  have  dis- 
cussed various  aspects  and  possibilities  for 
strengthening  peace  in  the  world,  such  as  the 
nonproliferation  agreement,  and  certain  ques- 
tions arising  out  of  the  Middle  East  situation. 

We  also  agreed  that  both  of  us,  as  well  as  our 
two  nations,  made  some  small  contribution  to 
bringing  about  a  cease-fire  in  the  Middle  East. 
We  only  regret  that  this  contribution  between  us 
had  not  made  it  possible  to  prevent  the  out- 
break of  hostilities — although  we  tried. 

I  want  to  emphasize  that  the  results  of  today's 
meeting  will  be  judged  by  what  we  can  achieve 
in  the  future  in  order  to  achieve  peace. 

I  quoted  to  the  Chairman  the  story  about  the 
author,  Charles  Lamb,  who  threw  down  in  dis- 
gust a  book  he  had  been  reading.  To  his  sister's 
question  of  whether  he  knew  the  author,  he  said, 
"No,  because  if  I  did,  I  would  like  him." 

And  by  the  same  spirit,  Mr.  Chairman,  I  hope 
that  today's  meeting  has  contributed  to  getting 
us  to  know  each  other  better,  and  therefore  to 
like  each  other  better,  just  as  our  Ambassadors 
in  Moscow  and  Washington  have  become  more 
acquainted  and  liked  by  the  people  they  deal 
with.  And  so,  Mr.  Chairman,  I  should  like  to 
thank  you  for  coming  here.  We  thank  you  for 
coming.  We  want  very  much  to  resolve  some  of 
these  questions. 

We  would  like  to  have  the  opportunity  to  sit 
down  further  and  discuss  some  aspects  of  the 
antiballistic  missile  system,  nonproliferation, 
perhaps  some  questions  arising  out  of  the  Mid- 
dle East  situation,  and  at  least  explore  the  situ- 


ation  in  Southeast  Asia,  as  well  as  questions  of 
mutual  interest  in  Europe  and  the  Western 

And  now  I  would  like  to  ask  each  of  you  to 
stand  and  raise  your  glass  to  the  health  of  the 
Chairman,  the  Soviet  Union,  and  to  peace  in 
the  world. 


White  House  press  release  (Glassboro,  N.J.)  dated  June  23 

President  Johnson 

The  Chairman  and  I  have  met  since  we  ar- 
rived here  a  little  after  11 :00  today. 

Our  meeting  gave  us  an  opj^ortunity  to  get 
acquainted  with  each  other.  We  have  exchanged 
views  on  a  number  of  international  questions. 
Among  these  problems  were  the  Middle  East, 
Viet- Nam,  and  the  question  of  nonproliferation 
of  nuclear  weapons. 

We  agreed  that  it  is  now  very  important  to 
reach  international  agreement  on  a  nonpro- 
liferation treaty. 

We  also  exchanged  views  on  the  questions  of 
direct  bilateral  relations  between  the  Soviet 
Union  and  the  United  States  of  America. 

Finally,  we  agreed  that  discussions  on  these 
questions  should  be  continued  in  New  York  be- 
tween Secretary  Kusk  and  Mr.  Gromyko  during 
next  week. 

This  meeting  today  was  a  very  good  and  very 
useful  meeting.  We  are  in  the  debt  of  the  great 
Governor  of  New  Jersey  for  his  hospitality. 

We  are  in^dting  ourselves  to  return  here  again 
at  1 :30  on  Sunday  afternoon.  We  will  continue 
our  discussions  here  then.  Those  of  you  who 
have  Sunday  afternoon  off,  we  will  be  glad  to 
have  you  come,  too. 

Premier  Kosygin  ^ 

Esteemed  ladies  and  gentlemen :  I  wish  first 
of  all  to  thank  the  President  for  arranging  this 
meeting,  and  all  the  more  so  that  he  has  ar- 
ranged a  meeting  in  so  pleasant  and  beautiful 
a  locality  and  town. 

I  also  want  to  thank  the  hosts,  the  masters 
of  the  house  who  have  given  us  these  facilities, 
have  given  us  a  roof  over  our  heads  under  which 
we  could  meet. 

I  suppose  you  can  get  the  impression  from 

'  Premier  Kosygin  spoke  in  Russian. 

what  the  President  has  said  that  we  have 
amassed  such  a  great  number  of  questions  that 
we  weren't  able  to  go  through  them  all  today, 
which  is  why  we  have  decided  to  meet  again  this 

As  regards  the  statement  which  the  President 
just  made  to  you,  I  have  nothing  whatsoever  to 
add.  I  think  it  was  very  correctly  drawn  up. 

I  hope  you  won't  be  offended  with  us  if  we 
have  kept  you  here  for  all  this  time  and  have 
not  told  you  very  much.  Please  excuse  us. 


White  House  press  release  (Glassboro,  N.J.)  dated  June  25 

President  Johnson 

The  Chairman  and  I  met  again  today  and 
talked  somewhat  more  than  4  hours,  beginning 
at  lunch  and  working  through  until  just  now. 

We  have  gone  more  deeply  than  before  into  a 
great  number  of  the  many  questions  before  our 
two  countries  in  the  world.  We  have  also 
agreed  to  keep  in  good  communication  in  the 
future,  through  Secretary  Rusk  and  Foreign 
Mmister  Gromyko,  through  our  very  able  Am- 
bassadors Mr.  Dobrynin  and  Mr.  Thompson 
[American  Ambassador  to  the  U.S.S.E.  Llewel- 
lyn E.  Thompson],  and  also  directly.  We  have 
made  further  progress  in  an  effort  to  improve 
our  understanding  of  each  other's  thinking  on  a 
number  of  questions.  I  believe  more  strongly 
than  ever  that  these  have  been  very  good  and  I 
very  useful  talks.  The  Chairman  and  I  join  in  ■ 
extending  our  thanks  to  Governor  [of  New 
Jersey  Richard  J.]  and  Mrs.  Hughes,  to  Presi- 
dent [of  Glassboro  State  College  Thomas  E.] 
and  Mrs.  Robinson,  and  to  the  good  people  of 
Glassboro  for  the  contribution  that  they  have 
made  in  making  these  good  meetings  possible. 
Now  I  should  like  to  ask  the  Chairman  to  say  a 
word  or  two. 

Premier  Kosygin 

Esteemed  ladies  and  gentlemen :  I  would  like 
first  of  all  to  thank  all  the  citizens  of  Glassboro 
and  the  Governor  and  the  president  of  the  col- 
lege for  having  created  a  very  good  atmosphere 
for  the  talks  that  we  were  able  to  have  here  with 
your  President. 

I  think  altogether  we  have  spent  and  worked 
here  for  about  8  or  9  hours,  and  we  have  come  to 
become  accustomed  to  this  place.  We  like  the 



town  and  we  think  the  people  of  Glassboro  are 
very  good  people.  We  have  come  to  like  them. 
We  have  been  very  favorably  impressed  by  the 
time  we  have  spent  here. 

As  during  the  first  meeting  which  took  place 
on  June  23,  the  exchange  of  views  between  the 
President  and  myself  touched  upon  several  in- 
ternational issues.  Also  in  the  course  of  these 
conversations  we  had  a  general  review  of  the 
state  of  bilateral  Soviet- American  relations.  On 
the  whole,  these  meetings  provided  the  Govern- 
ments of  the  Soviet  Union  and  the  United 
States  with  an  opportunity  to  compare  their 
positions  on  the  questions  under  discussion,  and 
this  both  sides  believe  is  useful. 

And  once  again,  on  my  own  behalf  and  on 
behalf  of  all  those  who  have  come  here  with  me, 
I  wish  to  extend  my  profound  gratitude  to  you 
all.  Goodby. 

Premier  Kosygin 

I  want  to  thank  you  all  very  sincerely  for  this 
very  warm  welcome.  May  I  salute  friendship 
between  the  Soviet  and  American  peoples,  and 
to  all  of  you  I  want  to  wish  every  success  and 
happiness  and  express  the  hope  that  we  shall  go 
forward  together  for  peace. 

President  Johnson 

You  good  people  of  Glassboro  have  done  your 
part  in  helping  us  make  this  a  significant  and  a 
historic  meeting. 

We  think  that  this  meeting  has  been  useful, 
and  we  think  it  will  be  helpful  in  achieving 
what  we  all  want  more  than  anything  else  in 
the  world — peace  for  all  humankind. 

Thank  you  very  much. 


White  House  press  release  dated  June  25 

On  my  return  tonight  to  the  White  House 
after  2  days  of  talks  at  Hollybush,  I  want  to 
make  this  brief  report  to  the  American  people. 

We  continued  our  discussions  today  in  the 
same  spirit  in  which  we  began  them  on  Friday — 
a  spirit  of  direct  face-to-face  exchanges  between 
leaders  with  very  heavy  responsibilities. 

We  wanted  to  meet  again  because  the  issues 

before  us  are  so  large  and  so  difBcult  that  one 
meeting  together  was  not  nearly  enough.  The 
two  meetings  have  been  better  than  one,  and  at 
least  we  learned — I  know  I  did — from  each  hour 
of  our  talks. 

You  will  not  be  surprised  to  know  that  these 
two  meetings  have  not  solved  all  of  our  prob- 
lems. On  some,  we  have  made  progress — great 
progress  in  reducing  misunderstanding,  I  think, 
and  in  reaffirming  our  common  commitment  to 
seek  agreement. 

I  think  we  made  that  kind  of  progress,  for 
example,  on  the  question  of  arms  limitation.  We 
have  agreed  this  afternoon  that  Secretary  of 
State  Rusk  and  Mr.  Gromyko  will  pursue  this 
subject  further  in  New  York  in  the  days  ahead. 

I  must  report  that  no  agreement  is  readily  in 
sight  on  the  Middle  Eastern  crisis  and  that  our 
well-known  differences  over  Viet-Nam  con- 
tinue. Yet  even  on  these  issues,  I  was  very  glad 
to  hear  the  Chairman's  views  face  to  face  and  to 
have  a  chance  to  tell  him  directly  and  in  detail 
just  what  our  purposes  and  our  policies  are — 
and  are  not — in  these  particular  areas. 

The  Chairman,  I  believe,  made  a  similar 
effort  with  me. 

Wlien  nations  have  deeply  different  positions, 
as  we  do  on  these  issues,  they  do  not  come  to 
agreement  merely  by  improving  their  under- 
standing of  each  other's  views.  But  such  im- 
provement helps.  Sometimes  in  such  discussions 
you  can  find  elements — beginnings — hopeful 
fractions — of  common  ground,  even  within  a 
general  disagreement. 

It  was  so  in  the  Middle  East  2  weeks 
ago  when  we  agreed  on  the  need  for  a  prompt 
cease-fire.  And  it  is  so  today  in  respect  to  such 
simple  propositions  as  that  every  state  has  a 
right  to  live,  that  there  should  be  an  end  to  the 
war  in  the  Middle  East,  and  that  in  the  right 
circumstances  there  should  be  withdrawal  of 
troops.  This  is  a  long  way  from  agreement,  but 
it  is  a  long  way  also  from  total  difference. 

On  Viet-Nam,  the  area  of  agreement  is 
smaller.  It  is  defined  by  the  fact  that  the  dan- 
gers and  the  difficulties  of  any  one  area  must 
never  be  allowed  to  become  a  cause  of  wider  con- 
flict. Yet  even  in  Viet-Nam,  I  was  able  to  make  it 
very  clear,  with  no  third  party  between  us,  that 
we  will  match  and  we  will  outmatch  every  step 
to  peace  that  others  may  be  ready  to  take. 

As  I  warned  on  Friday  - — and  as  I  just  must 

'  See  p.  38. 

JULY    10,    1967 


■warn  again  on  this  Sunday  afternoon — meet- 
ings like  these  do  not  themselves  make  peace  in 
the  world.  We  must  all  remember  that  there  have 
been  many  meetings  before  and  they  have  not 
ended  all  of  our  troubles  or  all  of  our  dangers. 

But  I  can  also  report  on  this  Simday  after- 
noon another  thing  that  I  said  on  last  Friday : 
That  it  does  help  a  lot  to  sit  down  and  look  at  a 
man  right  in  the  eye  and  try  to  reason  with  him, 
particularly  if  he  is  trying  to  reason  with  you. 

We  may  have  differences  and  difficulties 
ahead,  but  I  think  they  will  be  lessened,  and  not 
increased,  by  our  new  knowledge  of  each  other. 

Chairman  Kosygin  and  I  have  agreed  that 
the  leaders  of  our  two  countries  will  keep  in 
touch  in  the  future,  through  our  able  secre- 
taries and  ambassadors,  and  also  keep  in  touch 

I  said  on  Friday  that  the  world  is  very  small 
and  very  dangerous.  Tonight  I  believe  that  it  is 
fair  to  say  that  these  days  at  HoUybush  have 
made  it  a  little  smaller  still — but  also  a  little  less 


TTnofflclal  translation 

On  June  25  a  second  meeting  between  the 
Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  of  the 
U.S.S.E.,  Mr.  Kosygin,  and  President  Jolmson 
of  the  United  States,  was  held  in  the  town  of 
Glassboro,  not  far  from  New  York.  At  the  sec- 
ond meeting,  as  at  the  first,  which  took  place  on 
June  23,  the  exchange  of  views  touched  upon 
several  international  problems. 

In  connection  with  the  situation  in  the  Middle 
East,  the  two  sides  set  forth  their  respective 
positions.  It  was  stated  on  the  Soviet  side  that 
the  main  thing  now  is  to  achieve  the  prompt 
withdrawal  behind  the  armistice  lines  of  the 
forces  of  Israel,  which  has  committed  aggression 
against  the  Arab  states.  Tliis  question  is  of 
signal  importance  for  the  restoration  of  peace 
in  the  Middle  East,  and  it  is  in  the  center  of  the 
attention  of  the  emergency  special  session  of  the 
General  Assembly  of  the  United  Nations,  and 
it  must  be  positively  resolved  without  delay. 

The  exchange  of  views  on  the  Viet-Nam 
problem  once  again  revealed  profound  dif- 
ferences in  the  positions  of  the  Soviet  Union 

and  the  Unit«d  States.  It  was  emphasized  on 
the  Soviet  side  that  settlement  of  the  Viet-Nam 
problem  is  possible  only  on  the  condition  of  an 
end  to  the  bombing  of  the  territory  of  the  Demo- 
cratic Republic  of  Viet-Nam  and  the  with- 
drawal of  American  forces  from  South 

Both  sides  reaffirmed  that  they  believe  it  im- 
portant to  promptly  achieve  understanding  on 
the  conclusion  of  an  international  treaty  on  the 
nonprolif  eration  of  nuclear  weapons. 

In  the  course  of  the  talks,  a  general  review 
was  made  of  the  state  of  bilateral  Soviet  and 
American  relations.  On  the  whole,  the  meetings 
offered  the  Governments  of  the  Soviet  Union 
and  the  United  States  an  opportunity  to  com- 
pare their  positions  on  the  matters  discussed,  an 
opportimity  both  sides  believe  to  have  been 

The  Spirit  of  Hollybush 

FoUotoing  is  an  excerpt  from  remarks  made 
hy  President  Johnson  at  a  Presidenfs  Club 
Dinner  at  Los  Angeles,  Oalif.,  on  June  23  in 
xohich  lie  discusses  his  meeting  at  Glassboro, 
N.J.,  that  morning  with  Aleksei  N.  Kosygin, 
Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  of  the 
Soviet  Union.^ 

White  House  press  release  dated  June  23 

This  morning  I  found  myself  in  a  house  that 
had  been  visited  before  by  Presidents — Theo- 
dore Roosevelt  and  William  Howard  Taft.  So 
it  was  in  no  partisan  party  spirit  that  we  went 
to  Hollybush,  We  went  to  serve  what  we  be- 
lieved to  be  a  great  national  purpose,  the  pur- 
pose of  peace  for  human  beings. 

I  said  to  the  Chairman  that  we  have  200  mil- 
lion people.  ...  I  said  that  we  not  only  had 
a  responsibility  to  our  200  million  and  their 
more  than  200  million — the  400  million  to- 
gether^— but  we  had  a  responsibility  to  3  billion 
people  in  the  world  because  of  our  strength  and 
obligations  as  great  powers ;  that  responsibility 
was  peace  and  trying  not  only  to  secure  it  for 
ourselves  but  to  secure  it  for  all  human  beings. 

The  world's  peace  now  hangs  heavily  tonight 
upon  the  wisdom,  judgment,  and  understanding 

'  See  p.  35. 


of  these  two  very  great  states — the  United  States 
of  America  and  tlie  Soviet  Union. 

Tliere  are  deep  and  very  serious  differences 
in  our  two  societies,  but  one  tiling  we  do  liave 
in  common,  as  Chairman  Kosygin  himself  said 
when  he  addressed  the  United  Nations,  is  a 
grave  responsibility  for  world  peace  in  a  nu- 
clear age.  Every  crisis  in  the  last  20  years  has 
necessarily  invoked  that  common  responsibility, 
and  repeatedly  we  have  seen  the  dangerous  con- 
sequences of  incomplete  understanding. 

We  have  also  repeatedly  seen  that  when  others 
are  irresponsible  in  word  or  in  deed,  a  very  s^De- 
cial  burden  for  care  seems  to  always  fall  upon 
America.  So  I  was  glad  to  meet  with  Chairman 
Kosygin  this  morning.  We  talked  throughout 
the  day  quietly  and  straightforwardly. 

I  am  glad  to  say  to  you  that  I  found  he  came 
to  our  meeting  in  the  same  spirit.  He  had  some 
seniority  on  me.  He  had  been  a  grandfather  for 
over  18  years,  and  I  had  been  a  gi-andfather  for 
only  18  hours,  but  he  and  I  agreed  that  we  both 
very  nmch  wanted  a  world  of  peace  for  our 

We  talked  about  the  problems  of  the  Middle 
East  in  detail.  We  shall  continue  to  talk  about 
them.  We  talked  about  the  problems  of  South- 
eastern Asia.  We  talked  about  the  arms  race 
and  about  the  need  for  new  agreements  there. 
We  talked  about  the  need  for  common  action  on 
constructive  initiatives  for  peace.  We  reached 
no  new  agreements — almost,  but  not  quite.  New 
agreements  are  not  always  reached  in  a  single 
conversation.  So  we  are  going  to  eat  lunch 
and  spend  Smiday  together  again  at  Hollybush. 

I  don't  want  to  overstate  the  case.  I  don't 
want  to  get  your  hopes  too  high.  I  do  think, 
though,  that  we  understand  each  other  better. 
I  do  think  that  I  was  able  to  make  it  vei-y  clear 
indeed  that  the  strength  and  the  determination 
of  our  coimtiy  and  the  Government  are  fully 
matched  by  our  persistent  eagerness  to  talk  and 
to  work,  to  fight  for  peace  and  friendship  with 
all  who  will  work  and  talk  with  us. 

But  all  of  you  must  remember  that  one  meet- 
ing does  not  make  a  peace.  I  don't  think  there 
is  anyone  in  the  world  who  ever  wanted  peace 
more  than  the  leaders  in  the  world  of  countries 
who  are  not  at  peace.  You  must  all  remember 
that  there  have  been  many  meetings  before  and 
they  have  not  ended  our  troubles  nor  have  they 
ended  our  danger.  There  is  not  a  nation  in  the 
world  we  would  trade  places  with  tonight. 

These  meetings  just  have  not  ended  our  trou- 
bles and  our  dangers,  and  I  cannot  promise  you 
that  that  will  not  happen  again.  The  world  re- 
mains a  very  small  and  very  dangerous  one.  All 
nations,  even  the  greatest  of  them,  have  hard 
and  painful  choices  ahead  of  them.  What  I  can 
tell  you  tonight — and  I  have  no  doubt  about  it 
at  all — is  that  it  does  help  a  lot  to  sit  down  and 
look  at  a  man  in  the  eye  all  day  long  and  try  to 
reason  with  him,  particularly  if  he  is  trymg  to 
reason  with  you.  That  is  why  we  went  to  Holly- 
bush  this  morning,  and  reasoning  together  there 
today  was  the  "spirit  of  Hollybush." 

I  think  you  know  me  well  enough  to  recognize 
that  that  is  my  way  of  doing  things — "Come 
now,"  as  Isaiah  said,  "and  let  us  reason  to- 
gether." What  I  think  is  even  more  important — 
that  is  the  way  I  think  we  must  finally  achieve 

Those  who  do  not  smell  the  powder  or  hear 
the  blast  of  cannon,  who  enjoy  the  luxury  and 
freedom  of  free  speech  and  the  right  to  exercise 
it  most  freely,  at  times  really  do  not  understand 
the  burdens  that  our  marines  are  carrying  there 
tonight,  who  are  dying  for  their  country,  or  the 
burdens  that  their  commanders  are  carrying, 
who  wish  they  were  all  home  asleep  in  bed  or 
even  carrying  a  placard  of  some  kind. 

But  they  can't  be  and  still  retain  our  national 
honor.  They  can't  be  and  still  preserve  our  free- 
dom. They  can't  be  and  still  protect  our  system. 
Wlien  they  can  be — with  honor — they  will  be — 
at  the  earliest  possible  moment. 

Sometimes  I  think  of  my  friends  who  don't 
understand  all  of  the  cables  I  read  from  all  of 
the  122  countries.  They  don't  hear  all  the  voices 
of  despair  and  of  all  the  chaotic  conditions  that 
come  to  us  through  the  day.  Sometimes  I  think 
of  that  Biblical  injunction,  when  I  see  them  ad- 
vising their  fellow  citizens  to  negotiate  and  say- 
ing we  want  peace  and  all  those  things. 

I  try  to  look  with  understanding  and  charity 
upon  them,  and  in  the  words  of  that  Biblical 
admonition,  God  forgive  them,  for  they  know 
not  really  what  they  do. 

I  can  just  say  this  to  you :  There  is  no  human 
being  in  this  world  who  wants  to  avoid  war 
more  than  I  do.  There  is  no  human  being  in  this 
world  who  wants  peace  in  Viet-Nam  or  in  the 
Middle  East  more  than  I  do. 

When  they  tell  me  to  negotiate,  I  say,  "Amen." 
I  have  been  ready  to  negotiate  and  sit  down 
at  a  conference  table  every  hour  of  every  day 

JTTLY    10,    1967 
267-786 — 67- 


that  I  have  been  President  of  this  country,  but 
I  just  cannot  negotiate  with  myself. 

And  these  protestors  haven't  been  able  to  de- 
liver Ho  Chi  Minh  anyplace  yet. 

I  was  not  elected  your  President  to  liquidate 
our  agreements  in  Southeast  Asia.  I  was  not 
elected  your  President  to  run  out  on  our  com- 
mitments in  the  Middle  East.  If  that  is  what  you 
want,  you  will  have  to  get  another  President. 

But  I  am  going — as  I  have  said  so  many 
times — any  time,  any  place,  anywhere,  if  in  my 
judgment  it  can  possibly,  conceivably,  serve  the 
cause  of  peace.  That  is  why  I  went  to  that  little 
farmhouse  way  up  on  the  New  Jersey  Pike  to- 
day to  spend  the  day,  and  that  is  why  I  am 
going  to  get  over  to  see  my  grandson  by  day- 
light in  the  morning. 

European  Leaders  Meet 
With  President  Johnson 

On  June  22  President  Johnson  held  separate 
meetings  at  the  White  House  with  Prime  Min- 
ister Jens  Otto  Krag  of  Denmark,  with  Prime 
Minister  Aide  Moro  and  Foreign  Minister 
Amintore  Fanfani  of  Italy,  and  with  Foreign 
Secretary  George  Brown  of  Great  Britain.  Fol- 
lowing is  an  exchange  of  toasts  between  the 
President  and  Prime  Minister  Krag  at  a  White 
House  luncheon  on  that  day  honoring  the  Euro- 
pean leaders. 

White  House  press  release  dated  June  22 


Senator  [Mike]  Mansfield  has  asked  me  to 
request  the  Senators  to  leave  in  time  to  be  at  the 
Senate  Chamber  at  3  o'clock.  So  in  order  to 
avoid  any  misunderstanding,  I  don't  want  to 
create  the  impression  that  the  reason  that  Sena- 
tor [Everett  M.]  Dirksen  leaves  my  table  rather 
abruptly  is  because  he  doesn't  like  what  I  am 
saying  or  he  doesn't  like  what  I  feed  him.  But 
I  am  going  to  depend  on  Senator  Dirksen,  as 
the  coleader  of  the  Senate,  at  the  appropriate 
time  to  give  the  signal.  I  am  sure,  as  you  usually 
do,  all  of  you  will  follow  him.  We  are  very 
grateful,  though,  that  the  Members  of  the  Sen- 
ate would  join  us  on  such  short  notice.  I  did  not 
know  until  yesterday  that  we  could  have  this 
group  here  together  today.  It  has  been  hur- 
riedly arranged. 

I  apologize  for  not  giving  you  more  time, 
but  I  know  you  can  understand  the  problems 
of  a  grandfather. 

But  the  pace  of  change  in  our  time  is  almost 
too  swift  for  men  to  comprehend  or  to  really 
adjust  to  it.  Two  days  ago,  I  was  a  parent — only 
a  parent.  Yesterday,  my  role  changed  drasti- 
cally— I  became  a  grandfather.  I  did  not  seek 
that  high  office,  but  now  that  I  have  been  chosen, 
the  path  of  duty  is  clear — and  I  shall  serve. 

And  at  this  moment  of  great  and  critical 
change,  I  am  blessed  with  the  presence  of  good 
friends  and  strong  partners  in  this  house.  My 
own  happiness  is  the  greater  because  you  have 
come  here  today  to  share  your  strength  and 
your  friendship  with  us. 

I  recognize  that  other  events,  Mr.  Prime  Min- 
isters, Mr.  Foreign  Ministers,  have  brought  you 
here — events  that  threaten  the  peace  and  chal- 
lenge the  intelligence  and  forbearance  of  all 

This  is  not  the  first  time  we  have  faced  a  cri- 
sis together,  and  it  will  not  be  the  last.  We  have 
weathered  past  storms  because  we  have  con- 
sulted and  because  we  have  acted  together,  and 
we  shall  weather  this  storm  for  this  very  same 

Each  of  us  must  play  his  part  in  helping  to 
build  a  permanent  peace  in  the  Middle  East.  I 
said  on  Monday  that  the  main  responsibility  for 
the  peace  of  the  region  depends  upon  its  people 
and  its  own  leaders.^ 

What  will  be  truly  decisive  in  the  Middle  East 
will  be  what  is  said  and  what  is  done  by  those 
who  live  in  the  Middle  East.  There  may  well  be 
helpful  roles  for  others — the  United  Nations  or 
outside  mediators — but  I  said  that  we  are  ready 
to  see  any  method  tried.  We  believe  none  should 
be  excluded  altogether. 

I  have  appealed  to  all  to  adopt  no  rigid  view. 
For  our  own  part,  we  have  promised  that  the 
Government  of  the  United  States  would  do  its 
part  for  peace  in  every  forum  at  every  level  at 
every  hour.  I  know  that  you  share  our  eager- 
ness to  help  find  the  path  to  peace  in  the  Middle 
East.  We  value  this  chance  to  hear  your  views 
on  how  it  may  be  found. 

Our  responsibilities  are  very  great  and  so,  of 
course,  are  our  opportunities.  We  think  and  we 
work  and  we  act  not  only  for  the  millions  whom 

'  See  p.  31. 



we  serve  at  this  moment  but  for  their  children 
and  those  who  will  come  after  them. 

I  can  tell  all  of  you  that  I  am  more  acutely 
aware  of  this  now  than  ever  before,  now  that  I 
have  achieved  grand  fatherhood.  I  would  like  to 
help  make  a  world  for  young  Patrick  Nugent 
and  his  contemporaries  in  every  land  that  will 
be  safer,  more  prosperous,  more  hopeful,  and 
certainly  more  peaceful  by  far  than  the  world 
that  I  have  inhabited. 

So  working  together  and  reasoning  together 
and  planning  together — being  patient  and  un- 
derstanding together — I  believe  that  we  can 
achieve  such  a  world. 

So  just  as  I  am  grateful  to  you  statesmen  who 
have  come  from  across  the  waters,  I  am  grateful 
to  the  leaders  in  the  field  of  foreign  affairs  and 
relations  in  our  Congress,  in  our  courts,  in  our 
press,  and  others  who  have  come  here  today  to 
help  me  honor  these  leading  spokesmen  of  great 

So  now  I  should  like  to  ask  you  to  join  me  in 
toasting  the  King  of  Denmark,  the  Queen  of 
England,  and  the  President  of  Italy.  The  King, 
the  Queen,  the  President. 


Mr.  President,  allow  me,  first  of  all,  to  express 
my  gratitude,  sir,  for  giving  this  luncheon 

All  our  guests  around  these  tables  know  how 
hospitable  you  are.  Once  again,  we  enjoy  the 
honor  and  pleasure  of  being  with  you  in  the 
White  House.  It  has  been  a  period  of  some  very 
hectic  weeks  in  international  politics  for  all  of 
us,  but  inevitably  the  burdens  fall  most  heavily 
on  the  shoulders  of  the  great  powers. 

We  all  marvel  at  the  way  in  which  you  carry 
your  great  responsibilities,  Mr.  President. 

I  should  like  to  say  that  it  is  a  great  comfort 
for  all  of  us  to  know  that  the  United  States,  un- 
der your  leadership,  is  steering  a  course  of  mod- 
eration and  reconciliation  in  the  present  situa- 
tion in  the  Middle  East. 

No  doubt  the  coming  months  will  present  us 
with  a  multitude  of  international  problems.  It 
is  our  hope  that  the  climate  of  good  will  and 
common  sense  will  prevail  eventually. 

I  can  assure  you,  Mr.  President,  that  the  three 
European  Governments  represented  here  will 
do  whatever  is  in  our  power  to  bring  this  about. 

We  all  know  that  yesterday  was  a  very  im- 
portant and  happy  day  in  your  life  and  for 
Mrs.  Johnson,  because  your  daughter  Luci  gave 
birth  to  your  first  grandson.  I  am  sure  he  will 
have  the  same  high  qualities  as  his  grandfather. 

On  behalf  of  the  three  European  nations  be- 
ing guests  here,  I  would  like  to  propose,  ladies 
and  gentlemen,  that  we  all  toast  the  President 
of  the  United  States. 

U.S.  Amends  Travel  Restrictions 
Resulting   From   Near   East  Conflict 

Press  release  148  dated  June  21 

The  Department  of  State  announced  on  June 
21  that  U.S.  passports  are  now  valid,  without 
special  endorsement,  for  travel  of  U.S.  citizens 
to  the  following  countries :  Israel,  Kuwait,  Mo- 
rocco, Saudi  Arabia,  and  Tunisia.^ 

The  Department  also  announced  that  because 
of  conditions  resulting  from  the  recent  hos- 
tilities in  the  Near  East  it  was  continuing  in 
effect  for  the  present  a  restriction  upon  travel 
to  the  remaining  countries  listed  in  the  Depart- 
ment's announcement  of  June  5.^  U.S.  citizens 
desiring  to  go  to  the  following  countries  are, 
therefore,  until  further  notice  still  required  to 
obtain  passports  specifically  endorsed  by  the 
Department  of  State  for  such  travel :  Algeria, 
Iraq,  Jordan,  Lebanon,  Libya,  the  Sudan,  the 
Syrian  Arab  Eepublic,  the  United  Arab  Ee- 
public,  and  Yemen.  However,  in  accordance  with 
existing  regulations,  validations  for  travel  to 
these  countries  will  be  granted,  as  the  situation 
permits,  to  persons  whose  travel  may  be  re- 
garded as  being  in  the  interest  of  the  United 
States.  These  restrictions  will  be  lifted  as  soon 
as  conditions  warrant. 

^  The  Department  spokesman  announced  later  on 
June  21  that  the  action  of  lifting  travel  restrictions 
applies  precisely  to  the  same  geographical  areas  on 
which  these  restrictions  were  originally  imposed :  U.S. 
citizens  wishing  to  travel  to  the  west  bank  of  the  Jor- 
dan River  must  secure  specially  validated  passports 
to  do  so;  U.S.  citizens  wishing  to  travel  to  the  holy 
places  in  Bethlehem  and  Jerusalem,  however,  need  not 
make  special  application  for  validation  and  are  given 
permission  to  do  so. 

*  BXJ1.LETIN  of  June  26,  1967,  p.  952.  For  texts  of  Pub- 
lic Notices  269  and  270  of  June  22,  1967,  see  32  Fed. 
Reg.  9175. 

JTJLY    10,    1967 


President  of  Malawi  Visits  the  United  States 

H.  Kamuzu  Banda,  President  of  the  Republic 
of  Malawi^  made  a  private  visit  to  the  United 
States  June  S-11.  He  met  with  President  John- 
son and  other  officials  at  Washington  June  8-10. 
Following  is  an  exchange  of  toasts  between 
President  Johnson  and  President  Banda  at  a 
luncheon  at  the  White  House  on  June  8. 

White  House  press  release  dated  June  8 


We  are  honored  today  to  visit  once  again  with 
the  distinguished  President  of  the  Kepublic  of 

We  hope  that  for  President  Banda — as  for 
us — this  visit  is  like  a  homecoming.  Dt.  Banda 
was  educated  in  the  United  States  of  America. 
He  has  spent  a  great  deal  of  time  here  in  our 
country.  We  are  delightfully  encouraged  that 
he  keeps  returning  despite  the  fact  that  he 
knows  us  reasonably  well. 

Since  Dr.  Banda's  arrival,  he  and  I  have 
been  engaged  in  a  very  fruitful  discussion  of  the 
problems  of  Africa  and  the  problems  of  the 
world.  The  doctor  has  provided  me  with  his 
insights  on  a  very  wide  range  of  concerns.  I 
must  say  to  my  colleagues  here  today  and  citi- 
zens of  my  country  that  I  am  very  pleased  to 
find  such  broad  agreement  between  us  on  the 
international  questions  of  the  day. 

But  while  Malawi's  attention  is  rightly  fo- 
cused on  the  future,  on  the  problems  of  inter- 
national development,  President  Banda  leads 
a  new  nation — a  nation  which  is  worlring  very 
hard  to  offer  its  people,  the  citizens  of  its  land, 
a  better  future  tomorrow. 

Gibbon  called  independence  "the  first  of 
earthly  blessings."  Malawi's  independence  is 
well  established.  But  President  Banda  and  his 
countrymen  realize,  recognize,  and  know  that 
nationhood  is  much  more. 

They  know,  as  we  learned  a  long  time  ago, 
that  ringing  speeches  count  very  little  unless 

they  are  accompanied  by  economic  advance. 
They  know  that  development  is  just  another 
word  for  work,  for  planning,  and  for  long,  hard 

They  know  that  the  future  of  Malawi  is 
largely  a  product  of  a  people's  faith  in  them- 
selves. The  real  test  is  the  amount  of  effort  that 
they  put  behind  that  faith. 

Americans,  Mr.  President,  as  you  know,  im- 
derstand  these  truths.  We,  too,  are  a  very  young 
nation.  We,  too,  faced  an  uphill  economic  fight 
in  the  early  years  of  our  independence. 

I  am  reminded  of  an  observation  of  one  of 
my  predecessors  in  the  Presidency,  President 
Grant.  The  Pilgrims,  he  said,  found  they  had 
to  make  a  living  in  a  climate  "where  there  were 
nine  months  of  winter  and  three  months  of  cold 

Of  course,  I  realize  that  this  does  not  pre- 
cisely describe  your  problem. 

But  our  challenge,  Mr.  President,  in  many 
ways  is  very  similar  to  the  challenge  that  you 
face.  It  is  this  experience  which  has  taught  us  a 
lesson  that  you  know  well.  That  lesson  is  that 
the  ingredients  of  economic  growth  are  not  just 
physical  resources,  not  just  a  good  climate,  not 
just  fertile  soil. 

The  critical  elements  are  people — human  be- 
ings— their  dreams,  their  application,  their  ded- 
ication, their  persistence. 

I  know  that  the  people  of  Malawi — and  their 
distinguished  President — have  these  qualities 
in  abundance.  How  do  I  know  it?  We  broke 
ground  for  a  pulpmill  in  the  last  hour  and  we 
built  300  miles  of  highways  already. 

So  my  good  friends  from  throughout  the  Na- 
tion, particularly  from  the  State  of  Indiana 
where  the  distinguished  President  went  to 
school,  the  State  of  Ohio — represented  here  by 
Senator  [Stephen  M.]  Young  today — where  the 
distinguished  President  took  his  education,  I 
ask  all  of  you  to  rise  and  join  me  in  a  toast  to 
our  most  honored  guest.  Dr.  H.  Kamuzu  Banda 
of  the  Republic  of  Malawi. 




I  am  tricked !  "VVlien  I  came  here,  as  a  matter 
of  fact,  I  did  not  know  that  the  lunclieon  was 
going  to  be  like  this.  I  was  told  in  Zomba  by  the 
American  Ambassador  that  the  President 
wanted  to  have  just  a  quiet  lunch  with  me,  you 

So  when  I  came  here  this  morning,  all  I  ex- 
pected was  that  it  would  be  just  probably  the 
three  of  us — the  President  himself  and  the  Sec- 
retary of  State,  somewhere,  not  in  a  gathering 
of  this  kind. 

However,  I  would  like  to  thank  you  very 
much,  Mr.  President,  for  your  kindness  in  ar- 
ranging a  fimction  of  this  kind  to  give  me  an 
opportimity  to  meet  you  and  your  colleagues 
and  those  that  work  with  you. 

As  you  have  rightly  said,  when  I  come  here  I 
feel  the  homecoming  spirit,  because  I  was  edu- 
cated in  this  country. 

I  had  my  high  school  in  this  country  at  Wil- 
berforce  Academy  just  outside  of  Xenia — about 
9  or  10  miles  from  Xenia.  Then  from  there  I 
went  to  the  University  of  Indiana  in  Blooming- 
ton,  Indiana;  from  there  to  the  University  of 
Chicago,  where  I  got  my  first  degree ;  and  then 
Meharry  Medical  College  in  Nashville,  Tennes- 
see, after  which  I  went  to  Edinburgh. 

So,  you  see,  I  feel  at  home  here.  That  is  prob- 
ably why  I  behave  as  I  do,  I  speak  as  I  do,  I  act 
as  I  do — many,  many  times  when  others  don't 
exactly  see  my  point. 

You  see,  I  came  here  at  the  most  impression- 
able age.  If  I  went  back  home  after  I  was  a 
doctor,  gave  up  my  medical  practice  in  London 
and  began  to  fight  for  my  people's  political 
freedom,  it  was  because  you,  your  country, 
taught  me. 

"I  know  not  what  course  others  may  take ;  as 
for  me,  give  me  liberty  or  give  me  death."  That 
saying,  which  my  high  school  teacher  taught 
me,  rang  in  my  mind  when  I  went  back  home. 

Anyway,  I  don't  come  here  to  talk  politics. 
But  what  I  would  like  you  to  know  is  that  what 
you  have  said  is  exactly  what  I  am  telling  my 
people.  From  the  very  day  I  went  back  home, 
I  told  my  people :  "Independence  does  not  mean 
money  and  wealth  will  rain  on  our  heads  like 
manna  from  heaven.  No.  It  means  hard  work." 

It  so  happens  that  we  have  no  gold  or  copper 
or  diamonds  or  oil  there.  So  I  say  to  my  people, 
"Here  we  have  no  mines,  no  factories.  Our  mines 
and  factories  is  the  ground — the  soil.  From  the 

soil  every  penny  we  have  in  this  country  comes, 
in  the  form  of  maize,  groimdnuts,  tobacco,  cot- 
ton, and  other  products  of  the  soil." 

My  people  know  my  policy.  Hard  work.  And 
I  am  happy  to  tell  you,  Mr.  President,  that  my 
people  listened  to  me. 

I  said  to  my  people,  "We  have  won  our  in- 
dependence now,  but  we  have  to  build  this  coun- 
try. And  to  build  this  country  we  have  to  have 
money.  If  I  am  to  be  listened  to  by  the  President 
of  the  United  States,  by  the  Prime  Minister  of 
the  United  Kingdom,  by  the  President  of  the 
Eepublics  of  France  or  Germany,  you,  my  peo- 
ple, must  work  hard  so  that  when  I  go  to  Wash- 
ington, to  London,  go  to  Paris,  go  to  Bonn,  I 
will  say  to  them,  'Look,  ]Mr.  President,  my  peo- 
ple have  cleared  the  road.  All  the  bush  are 
cleared,  all  the  trees.  But  there  is  the  river,  the 
Shire  Eiver.  They  cannot  bridge  it  with  their 
f  emiir — with  their  legbone.  It  requires  steel  and 
steel  requires  money.'  If  I  tell  my  friends  in  the 
West  that  you,  my  people,  are  working  hard  but 
there  are  things  we  cannot  do  with  our  hands,  we 
need  money,  they  will  listen  to  me." 

As  a  result,  these  boys,  women,  everywhere 
work  very,  very  hard.  I  come  here  now  to  say 
I  want  a  road.  My  people  have  cleared  the  grass 
and  the  trees.  We  need  good  bridges.  Therefore, 
the  kind  of  road  that  my  people  can  build  can- 
not do  it.  You  have  to  persuade  your  banks,  or 
your  international  development  association  and 
other  organizations  like  that,  to  help  us.  That 
is  why  I  am  asking  for  that. 

At  the  same  time,  we  have  trees.  We  are  plant- 
ing trees.  We  can't  turn  them  into  anything 
else  unless  you  help  us.  That  is  why  I  am  asking 
you  to  ask  "Mr.  Chase  Manhattan"  and  other 

You  have  mentioned  that  since  I  have  been 
here  this  morning  we  have  broken  ground  on 
a  number  of  points.  I  am  not  going  to  go  into 
detail  about  that,  but  I  would  like  you  to  know, 
Mr.  President,  that  whatever  it  may  cost  me, 
I  always  do  what  I  think  is  the  right  thing 
according  to  my  own  conscience. 

In  1960-61  I  was  asked  to  lecture  at  Yale. 
I  told  the  students  there— when  they  asked  me 
what  was  going  to  be  Malawi's  foreign  policy 
when  we  became  independent — that  Malawi's 
policy  when  we  became  independent  would  be 
this :  "Discretional  alinement  and  nonalinement. 
No  automatic  alinement,  because,"  I  said,  "no 
nation  or  a  group  of  nations  is  always  right 
and  no  nation  or  a  group  of  nations  is  always 

wrong.  Therefore,  Malawi's  policy,  foreign  pol- 
icy, will  be  to  associate  with  any  power  that  is, 
on  a  particular  given  international  problem,  ac- 
cording to  my  view,  in  the  right." 

And  it  so  happens  that  most  of  the  time,  ac- 
cording to  my  understanding  anyway,  the  West 
is  right. 

Therefore,  Mr.  President,  Mr.  Vice  President, 
Mr.  Secretary  of  State,  if  you  read  in  the  papers 
or  hear  that  I  am  unpopular,  or  the  unpopular 
man  number  one  in  Africa,  you  will  understand 
now  why. 


The  President  and  I  had  just  concluded  our 
conversation  before  lunch,  but  in  the  light  of 
what  he  said  about  his  people  listening  to  him, 
I  am  pleased  to  observe  that  he  has  a  formula 
that  I  would  like  to  inquire  more  definitely  into. 

So  as  you  go  your  own  way,  I  will  be  talking 
with  President  Banda. 

U.S.  Informs  U.S.S.R.  of  New  Facts 
on  Air  Actions  at  Cam   Pha 

Following  is  the  text  of  a  U.S.  note  which  iva^s 
delivered  to  the  Soviet  Embassy  at  Washington 
on  June  20. 

Press  release  147  dated  June  20 

Juste  20, 1967. 

The  Government  of  the  United  States  of 
America  refers  to  its  note  dated  June  3,  1967,' 
to  the  Government  of  the  Union  of  Soviet  So- 
cialist Republics  concerning  the  incident  in- 
volving the  Soviet  ship  "Turkestan"  off  Cam 
Pha  on  June  2. 

Further  information  concerning  this  incident 
was  received  on  June  18  from  the  United  States 
Commander-in-Chief  Pacific  Air  Force.  This 
information  was  conveyed  orally  to  the  Soviet 
Embassy  in  Washington  shortly  after  its 
receipt.  The  new  facts  indicate  that  in  addition 
to  the  two  flights  of  United  States  F-105  air- 
craft which  conducted  strikes  against  military 
targets  in  the  vicinity  of  Cam  Pha  on  June  2,  as 
described  in  the  United  States  note  of  June  3, 
a  third  flight  of  F-105  aircraft  passed  through 

^  BuiiETiN  of  June  26,  1967,  p.  953. 

the  area  of  Cam  Pha  at  the  general  time  of  the 
incident.  It  now  appears  that  aircraft  from  this 
third  flight  directed  20  mm  cannon  suppressive 
fire  against  a  North  Vietnamese  anti-aircraft 
site  at  Cam  Pha  and  that  some  of  this  fire  may 
have  struck  the  "Turkestan." 

As  indicated  in  the  United  States  note  of 
Jime  3,  the  United  States  regrets  the  damage 
to  the  "Turkestan"  that  any  such  action  may 
have  caused,  particularly  the  death  of  one  mem- 
ber of  the  crew  and  injuries  to  others.  Through- 
out the  course  of  the  tragic  struggle  in  Vietnam, 
United  States  military  pilots  have  operated  un- 
der strict  instructions  to  avoid  engagement  with 
any  vessels  which  are  not  identified  as  hostile. 
The  Soviet  Government  may  be  assured  that 
United  States  authorities  will  make  every  effort 
to  insure  that  such  incidents  do  not  occur. 

U.S.-Canada  Economic  Committee 
Concludes   Eleventh   Meeting 

Text  of  Communique,  June  22 

The  Eleventh  Meeting  of  the  Joint  Canada- 
United  States  Ministerial  Committee  on  Trade 
and  Economic  Affairs  was  held  in  Montreal 
June  20-22. 

The  Committee  exchanged  views  on  current 
economic  developments.  They  reviewed  the  suc- 
cess achieved  in  both  countries  in  moderating 
excessive  demand  pressures  during  the  past  year 
and  noted  that  a  more  djTiamic  pace  of  expan- 
sion of  real  output  was  expected  in  coming 
months.  Recovery  of  the  residential  construc- 
tion industry,  an  end  to  the  inventory  correc- 
tion, modest  expansion  of  private  investment 
expenditures,  higher  Federal,  State  and  local 
government  purchases,  and  renewed  vigor  in 
consumer  spending  were  cited  as  the  major  an- 
ticipated sources  of  strength  in  the  U.S.  outlook 
for  the  coming  year.  Similar  forces  were  also 
expected  to  lead  to  stronger  growth  in  Canada. 
The  Committee  emphasized  the  need  for  flex- 
ible and  responsive  fiscal  policy  in  both  coun- 
tries during  the  coming  months.  They  recog- 
nized the  need  for  dealing  with  the  problem  of 
achieving  greater  stability  in  costs  and  prices, 
especially  as  the  two  economies  resume  rates  of 
advance  more  in  line  with  their  potentials. 

In  a  world  of  growing  trade  and  develop- 
ment assistance  Committee  members  affirmed 



the  intention  of  their  Governments  to  press  for 
general  agreement  at  the  1967  annual  meeting  of 
the  Governors  of  the  International  Monetary 
Fund  on  the  structure  and  major  provisions  of 
a  contingency  plan  for  the  creation  of  a  new  in- 
ternational reserve  asset.  They  stressed  the  need 
for  an  asset  which  monetary  authorities  could 
include  in  their  reserves. 

The  Committee  also  reviewed  the  balance  of 
payments  prospects  of  the  two  countries.  United 
States  members  reiterated  the  continued  deter- 
mination of  the  United  States  to  make  as  much 
progress  toward  equilibrium  in  its  world-wide 
balance  of  payments  as  the  costs  of  Vietnam  per- 
mit. The  Committee  discussed  capital  move- 
ments between  the  two  countries  and  took  note 
of  the  benefits  to  both  countries  of  existing  ar- 
rangements relating  to  access  by  Canadian  bor- 
rowers to  the  United  States  capital  market. 

The  Committee  welcomed  the  successful  con- 
clusion of  the  Kennedy  Round  of  trade  negoti- 
ations which  will  provide  an  important  stimu- 
lus to  world  trade  as  well  as  to  trade  between  the 
United  States  and  Canada.  They  discussed 
prospects  for  future  trade  liberalization,  noted 
that  both  countries  are  conducting  studies 
on  this  matter  and  agreed  to  continue  close 

The  Committee  devoted  special  attention  to 
the  trade  problems  of  the  developing  countries, 
recognizing  the  importance  of  positive  and  con- 
structive measures  in  support  of  efforts  by  the 
developing  countries  to  accelerate  their  own 
economic  development.  This  will  be  the  main 
theme  of  the  second  United  Nations  Conference 
on  Trade  and  Development  early  next  year. 

The  Committee  was  concerned  about  the  fail- 
ure of  development  aid  to  expand  in  line  with 
the  growing  requirements  of  the  developing 
countries.  In  this  context  early  and  substantial- 
ly enlarged  replenishment  of  International  De- 
velopment Association  resources  must  have  a 
high  priority.  The  Committee  welcomed  the  new 
multilateral  food  aid  programme  agreed  upon 
in  the  Kennedy  Round  which  will  help  expand 
food  aid  and  will  result  in  a  more  equitable  shar- 
ing of  the  cost.  The  amount  and  character  of 
food  assistance  must  be  improved  as  well  as  the 
degree  of  self-help  by  the  recipient  nations. 

The  Committee  recognized  the  importance  of 
close  and  effective  cooperation  between  the  two 
countries  in  respect  of  wheat  marketing  poli- 
cies, including  wheat  flour,  particularly  in  the 
context  of  the  new  Cereals  Agreement  con- 
cluded in  the  Kennedy  Round.  They  agreed  to 

strengthen  consultative  arrangements  concern- 
ing wheat  marketing  and  food  aid. 

United  States  members  reiterated  their  con- 
cern over  those  aspects  of  the  Canadian  Bank 
Act  which  in  their  view  have  the  effect  of  dis- 
criminating retroactively  against  a  bank  in  Can- 
ada owned  in  the  United  States.  Canadian  Min- 
isters took  a  different  view  of  the  effect  of  the 
Bank  Act,  and  stressed  the  importance  of  effec- 
tive Canadian  ownership  of  major  financial  in- 
stitutions. They  reiterated  Canada's  intention 
to  encourage  increased  participation  by  Ca- 
nadians in  the  ownership  and  control  of  Cana- 
dian industry  while  continuing  to  maintain  a 
hospitable  climate  for  foreign  investment. 

Canadian  members  also  drew  attention  to  the 
problem  arising  from  the  effect  which  certain 
United  States  laws  and  regulations  may  have 
upon  Canadian  companies,  especially  as  regards 
securities  regulation  and  foreign  assets  control 
but  noted  that  good  progress  had  been  made  in 
dealing  with  particular  aspects  of  the  problem. 
The  Committee  agreed  on  the  desirability  of  an 
exchange  of  information  in  the  securities  field 
that  would  benefit  investors  in  both  countries. 

The  Committee  examined  results  achieved 
under  the  Automotive  Agreement  of  1965.^  De- 
spite fluctuations  in  demand  and  the  continuing 
process  of  adjustment  the  industry  is  making 
progress  in  rationalization  and  efficiency,  and 
trade  in  automotive  products  between  the  two 
countries  has  expanded  substantially  to  the 
benefit  of  both  producers  and  consumers.  They 
noted  that  a  comprehensive  review  of  the  Agree- 
ment was  to  begin  later  this  year. 

The  Committee  discussed  energy  relations 
between  the  two  countries.  They  recognized  the 
common  interest  in  the  orderly  expansion  of 
trade  in  energy  resources  and  discussed  the 
kinds  of  facilities  which  might  be  needed  to 
serve  efficiently  the  development  of  this  trade. 
The  Committee  noted  the  recent  decision  of  the 
Federal  Power  Commission  which,  in  approv- 
ing the  transmission  of  natural  gas  to  Eastern 
Canadian  and  border  state  customers,  referred 
to  the  community  of  interest  in  this  project  and 
to  its  security  advantages. 

The  Committee  discussed  a  number  of  bilat- 
eral questions  of  current  interest  to  the  two 
countries.  United  States  members  urged  that 
Canadian  tourists  returning  to  Canada  from  the 
United  States  be  given  duty-free  allowances 
equivalent  to  those  given  Canadian  tourists  re- 

'  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Aug.  2, 1965,  p.  193. 

JULY   10,    196T 


turning  from  overseas  areas.  They  also  re- 
quested that  Canada  accord  official  recognition 
to  Bourbon  whisky  as  a  distinctive  product  of 
the  United  States. 

Canadian  Ministers  referred  to  the  desirabil- 
ity of  expanding  the  area  of  free  trade  in  agri- 
cultural machinery,  tractors  and  equipmentand 
it  was  agreed  that  this  matter  should  be  ex- 
amined jointly  with  a  view  to  working  out 
mutually  satisfactoi-y  arrangements.  They  also 
urged  the  elimination  of  the  manufacturing 
clause  in  United  States  copyright  legislation 
and  the  relaxation  of  restrictions  on  United 
States  imports  of  aged  Canadian  cheddar 
cheese.  Canadian  members  drew  attention  to  the 
problem  created  from  time  to  time  because  of 
the  cross-border  movement  of  relatively  small 
quantities  of  agricultural  products  at  depressed 
prices  usually  at  or  near  the  end  of  the  market- 
ing season.  The  Committee  agreed  that  con- 
tinued efforts  would  be  made  to  work  out  ac- 
ceptable solutions  to  these  jiroblems.  Other 
topics  discussed  included  trade  in  lead  and  zinc, 
and  the  Saint  John  River  development. 

The  Committee  expressed  pleasure  that  agree- 
ment had  been  reached  regarding  winter  main- 
tenance for  the  Haines  Cutoff  portion  of  the 
Alaska  Highway  and  discussed  possible  im- 
provements in  the  Alaska  Highway  system. 

The  Committee  took  note  of  the  studies  at 
present  being  undertaken  by  the  International 
Joint  Commission  which,  at  the  request  of  the 
two  Governments,  is  investigating  a  number  of 
questions  of  economic  and  general  public  in- 
terest relating  to  boundary  waters  and  pollution 
of  air  and  water. 

Meetmgs  of  the  Joint  Ministerial  Committee 
have  in  the  past  been  held  alternately  in  Ottawa 
and  "Washington.  On  the  occasion  of  the  Cen- 
tennial of  Canada's  Confederation,  this  meeting 
was  held  in  Montreal  which  provided  an  ojipor- 
tunity  for  members  of  the  Committee  to  visit 
EXPO  '67. 

The  United  States  Secretary  of  State,  the 

Honorable  Dean  Rusk  and  the  Canadian  Secre- 
tary of  State  for  External  Affairs,  the  Honour- 
able Paul  IMartin  were  unable  to  participate  in 
the  meeting  as  planned  because  of  the  Emer- 
gency Session  of  the  United  Nations  General 

The  United  States  was  represented  by  Secre- 
tary of  the  Treasury,  the  Honorable  Henry  H. 
Fowler  (Chairman  of  the  Delegation)  ;  United 
States  Ambassador  to  Canada,  the  Honorable 
W.  Walton  Butterworth ;  Secretary  of  Agricul- 
ture, the  Honorable  Orville  L.  Freeman ;  Secre- 
tary of  Commerce,  the  Honorable  Alexander  B. 
Trowbridge;  Under  Secretary  of  the  Interior, 
the  Honorable  Charles  F.  Luce;  Chairman  of 
the  President's  Council  of  Economic  Advisers, 
the  Honorable  Gardner  Ackley ;  Assistant  Sec- 
retary of  State  for  Economic  Affairs,  the  Hon- 
orable Anthony  M.  Solomon. 

The  Canadian  Delegation  was  headed  by  the 
Honourable  Robert  Winters,  Minister  of  Trade 
and  Commerce,  and  included  the  Honourable 
Mitchell  Sharp,  Minister  of  Finance ;  the  Hon- 
ourable Charles  M.  Drury,  Minister  of  In- 
dustry; the  Honourable  Jean-Luc  Pepin,  Min- 
ister of  Energy,  Mines  and  Resources;  the 
Honourable  J.  J.  Greene,  Minister  of  Agricul- 
ture; Mr.  Louis  Rasminsky,  Governor  of  the 
Bank  of  Canada;  and  Mr.  A.  E.  Ritchie,  Ca- 
nadian Ambassador  to  the  United  States. 

U.S.  Delegation  to  Emergency  Session 
of  U.N.  General  Assembly  Confirmed 

The  Senate  on  June  19  confirmed  the  nomina- 
tions of  the  following  to  be  representatives  to 
the  fifth  emergency  special  session  of  the  Gen- 
eral Assembly  of  the  United  Nations: 

Arthur  J.  Goldberg 
Joseph  John  Siseo 
WiUiam  B.  Buffum 
Richard  F.  Pedersen 




U.N.  General  Assembly  Holds  Fifth  Emergency  Session;  United  States 
Offers  Proposals  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East 

Following  are  statements  made  hy  U.S.  Rep- 
resentative Arthur  J.  Goldberg  in  the  fifth 
emergency  special  session  of  the  U.N.  General 
Assembly,  which  convened  at  Neio  York  on 
June  17. 


U.S.  delegation  press  release  109.  Corr.  1 

Mr.  President,  distinguished  delegates,  the 
United  States  has  already  stated  in  its  letter  of 
June  15  ^  to  the  Secretary-General  reservations 
as  to  the  propriety,  in  light  of  the  "Uniting  for 
Peace"  resolution  ^  of  the  General  Assembly,  of 
convening  an  emergency  special  session  under 
the  prevailmg  circumstances.  A  majority  of  the 
members  have  nonetheless  indicated  their  con- 
sent that  such  a  session  should  be  convened.  In 
view  of  this  fact,  the  United  States,  without 
further  belaboring  the  points  and  without  yield- 
ing the  principle,  will  do  all  within  its  power 
to  the  end  that  this  session  may  yield  construc- 
tive results. 

Yesterday  the  distinguished  Chairman  of  the 
Council  of  Ministers  of  the  Soviet  Union,  Mr. 
[Aleksei  N.]  Kosygin — whom  we  welcome  in 
this  Assembly  today,  along  with  other  distin- 
guished leaders  of  government — according  to 
the  French  press  said :  "I  am  going  to  New  York 
with  the  sole  aim  of  finding  a  peaceful  solution." 
If  that  is  indeed  his  sole  aim,  and  it  is  shared 
by  others,  he  will  find  the  United  States  pre- 
pared, as  I  explicitly  stated  in  the  Security 
Council,  to  consider  all  proposals  with  an  open 
mind  and  a  fervent  desire  for  peace  in  this 
troubled  area  and  for  a  just  and  equitable  solu- 

*  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  July  3,  1967,  p.  12. 

*  For  text,  see  iUd.,  Nov.  20,  1950,  p.  823. 

tion  to  the  grave  problems  which  confront  us. 

Mr.  President,  on  behalf  of  my  Government, 
I  wish  to  make  it  clear  that  the  United  States 
is  participating  in  this  session  on  the  explicit 
understanding  that  everything,  every  problem 
and  every  proposal,  that  was  before  the  Secu- 
rity Council  in  its  proceedings  on  the  crisis  in 
the  Near  East  is  now  before  the  General  Assem- 
bly. The  only  legitimate  conceivable  purpose 
for  this  session  is  to  search  for  reasonable,  just, 
and  peaceful  solutions  to  the  situation  in  the 
Near  East.  The  United  States  will  devote  its 
own  participation  solely  to  that  purpose. 

It  is  worth  noting  in  this  connection  that 
the  Soviet  Union,  which  based  its  request  for 
this  session  on  the  theory  that  the  Security 
Council  was  unable  to  deal  with  any  of  the  pro- 
posals before  it,  went  to  the  extreme  of  trying 
to  prove  its  theory  true  by  threatening  in  ad- 
vance to  veto  draft  resolutions  of  the  Council 
which  were  not  yet  even  in  final  form  and  thus 
could  not  even  be  evaluated.  The  plain  import 
of  this  assertion  was  that  all  questions  before 
the  Council  were  to  be  transferred  to  this 

To  the  end  of  seeking  a  reasonable,  just,  and 
peaceful  solution  to  the  situation  in  the  Near 
East,  I,  on  behalf  of  my  Government,  appeal  to 
all  delegations  to  spare  the  General  Assembly 
from  the  hot  words,  destractive  propaganda 
diatribes,  and  disrespect  for  facts  which  unfor- 
tunately characterized  so  many  of  the  recent 
sessions  of  the  Security  Council. 

Peace  is  at  stake  in  the  Middle  East.  So,  as 
our  distinguished  President  of  the  General  As- 
sembly, His  Excellency  Ambassador  [Abdul 
Eahman]  Pazhwak,  has  just  reminded  us,  is  the 
good  name  and  reputation  of  the  United  Nations 
itself,  sorely  put  to  question  during  the  past  sev- 
eral days.  My  delegation  and  I  earnestly  hope 
all  members  who  jointly  share  with  us  the  power 

JTJLT    10,    1967 


and  responsibility  for  peace  under  the  charter 
will  seek  to  use  this  session  only  for  the  pursuit 
of  what  the  Secretary-General  in  his  recent  re- 
port has  called  reasonable,  peaceful,  and  just 
solutions  for  the  problems  of  the  Near  East. 
This  is  the  proper  business — the  only  proper 
business — of  the  present  session  of  the  General 


U.S.  delegation  press  release  110 

Mr.  President,  distinguished  delegates,  today 
we  have  listened  with  great  interest  and  close 
attention  to  the  statements  made  by  the  dis- 
tinguished Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Min- 
isters of  the  Soviet  Union.  Mr.  Kosygin,  and 
the  Foreign  Minister  of  Israel,  Mr.  [Abba] 

I  do  not  wish  to  take  the  time  of  this  Assem- 
bly today  for  a  detailed  answer  to  the  remarks 
made  by  Mr.  Kosygin  about  my  country.  The 
basic  position  of  the  United  States  has  been 
stated  this  morning  by  the  President  of  our 
country,"  and  I  am  content  to  leave  it  to  all  here 
to  compare  the  temper  and  content  of  what 
these  two  leaders  have  said. 

Tomorrow  I  shall  elaborate  our  position  in 
detail,  but  today,  briefly,  I  shall  respond  to 
statements  of  the  Chairman  that  cannot  be  rec- 
onciled with  the  facts  and  must  be  dealt  with 
immediately.  I  shall  do  so  both  today  and  to- 
morrow in  the  spirit  of  President  Johnson's 
statement  of  this  morning :  that  our  purpose  is 
to  narrow  our  differences  with  the  Soviet  Union 
where  they  can  be  narrowed  and  to  try  to  en- 
large the  arena  of  common  action  with  the 
Soviet  Union,  all  in  the  interests  of  helping 
secure  peace  in  the  world  for  ourselves  and  our 

I  deeply  regret,  however,  that  the  leader  of 
a  great  nation  should  repeat  the  entirely  false 
charge  that  my  Government  incited,  encour- 
aged, and  prompted  Israel  to  conflict.  Nothing 
could  be  further  from  the  truth.  Every  resource 
of  the  United  States,  inside  and  outside  the 
United  Nations,  was  devoted  to  an  effort  to 
prevent  the  recent  war.  Mr.  Kosygin,  perhaps 
better  than  any  world  statesman,  should  know 
what  these  efforts  have  been,  and  he  must  also 
know  of  our  efforts  to  stop  the  fighting  as  soon 
as  it  started. 

It  is  particularly  incomprehensible  that  he 
should  allege  that  we  sought  to  gain  time  in  the 
Security  Council  to  permit  Israel  to  consoli- 
date its  military  operations;  it  is  just  the  con- 
trary, as  the  records  of  the  Security  Council 
show.*  As  soon  as  the  war  broke  out,  we  joined 
with  others  in  the  Security  Council  in  seeking 
an  immediate  end  to  the  military  conflict.  It 
was  not  the  United  States  but  others  that  de- 
layed action  for  more  than  36  hours  on  that 
simple  demand. 

The  charge  that  United  States  participation 
in  international  efforts  to  assure  freedom  of 
innocent  passage  through  the  Gulf  of  Aqaba 
was  an  encouragement  of  Israeli  aggression  is 
a  particularly  topsy-turvy  version  of  history. 
Since  closing  the  Gulf  clearly  increased  tension 
and  ran  the  risk  of  starting  the  conflict,  our 
efforts  to  de-fuse  the  situation  were  obviously 
designed  to  forestall  war.  not  to  promote  it. 

More  generally,  the  description  of  the  origins 
of  the  conflict,  the  denigration  of  U.S.  efforts 
to  avert  it,  the  misstatement  about  the  efforts 
of  the  Security  Council  to  prevent  it  and  then 
stop  it,  were  plainly  partisan  presentations. 

Let  me  say  only  that  I  must  categorically 
reject  the  unfounded  and  unworthy  insinuation 
that  the  United  States  had  any  part  whatever 
in  the  recent  conflict  in  the  Middle  East,  except 
to  try  to  stop  it  by  every  means  at  every  stage. 
And  tomorrow  I  shall  set  the  record  straight 
in  all  respects  to  corroborate  this  statement. 

As  for  Viet-Nam,  I  have  only  a  very  simple 
statement  to  make.  I  would  innate  the  distin- 
guished Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Ministers 
to  cooperate  with  the  Security  Council  of  the 
United  Nations  or  with  the  Geneva  machinery 
to  bring  peace  to  Viet-Nam.  The  United  States 
is  ready  to  join  with  him  in  such  an  effort — 
and  to  join  with  him  today.  But  I  do  not  believe 
that  our  debate  is  furthered  by  discussing  in 
this  Special  Assembly  irrelevant  subjects — 
Viet-Nam,  Cuba,  the  Dominican  Republic,  and 
Germany.  Tomorrow  I  shall  deal  with  the  real 
question  on  our  agenda,  which  is  the  need  for 
a  just  and  stable  peace  in  the  IVIiddle  East,  so 
ardently  desired  by  all  people  of  the  world. 

'  See  p.  31. 

*  For  statements  made  b.v  Ambassador  Goldberg  dur- 
ing the  Security  Council  debates  on  the  Near  East 
crisis,  see  Bulletin  of  June  12,  1967,  p.  871 ;  June  19, 
1967,  p.  920 ;  June  26,  1967,  p.  934 ;  and  July  3,  1967, 
p.  3. 




U.S.  delegation  press  release  112 

The  General  Assembly  has  been  convened 
under  the  resolution  known  as  "Uniting  for 
Peace."  The  choice  before  the  Assembly  is  clear : 
We  can  unite  for  peace,  or  we  can  divide  in 

The  text  of  the  "Uniting  for  Peace"  resolution 
includes  a  direct  quotation  from  the  United 
Nations  Charter,  setting  forth  the  fundamental 
purposes  of  the  United  Nations :  first,  "To  main- 
tain international  peace  and  security" ;  and  sec- 
ond, "to  develop  friendly  relations  among 
nations."  These  purposes  must  guide  our  pro- 
ceedings here.  The  United  States  of  America 
pledges  its  devoted  efforts  to  this  end.  Yester- 
day President  Johnson  spoke  for  the  American 
people  when  he  said :  "I  offer  assurance  to  all 
that  this  Government  of  ours,  the  Government 
of  the  United  States,  will  do  its  part  for  peace 
in  every  forum,  at  every  level,  at  every  hour." 

As  the  troubles  of  the  Middle  East  are  great, 
so  also  must  our  purposes  be  great.  It  is  not 
enough  to  de-fuse  the  bomb  of  hostility;  we 
must  remove  the  explosive  itself.  Our  ultimate 
aim  must  be  nothing  less  than  a  stable  and  du- 
rable peace  in  the  Middle  East. 

Our  task  is  far  from  easy.  We  may  all  "unite 
for  peace"  in  the  abstract ;  but  our  real  task  is, 
for  the  sake  of  peace,  to  unite  upon  a  course  of 
action.  This  course  must  be  rooted  both  in 
fidelity  to  the  princiijles  and  purposes  of  the 
charter  and  in  a  clear  grasp  of  the  historical 
events  which  have  led  to  the  present  situation. 

There  have  been  more  meetings  of  the  Secu- 
rity Council  on  the  recurrent  crises  in  the  Middle 
East  than  on  any  other  issue  in  the  history  of 
the  United  Nations.  The  record  of  two  decades 
reveals  clearly  that  trouble  and  ci-isis  have  been 
constant  because  of  the  failure  of  the  parties 
concerned  to  come  to  grips  with  the  underlying 
causes  of  tension  in  the  area  and  to  seek  per- 
manent solutions. 

Five   Essentials  of  Peace 

Yesterday  the  President  of  the  United  States 
stated  what  are,  in  the  view  of  my  Grovernment, 
five  essentials  of  peace  in  the  area. 

First,  and  greatest  among  them,  is  that  every 
nation  in  the  area  has  a  fundamental  right  to 
live  and  to  have  that  right  respected  by  all,  in- 
cluding its  immediate  neighbors. 

The  second  essential  for  peace  is  the  simple 
human  requirement  that  there  be  justice  for  the 
refugees — that  the  nations  of  the  area  must  at 
last  address  themselves,  with  new  energy  and 
new  determination  to  succeed,  to  the  plight  of 
those  who  have  been  rendered  homeless  or  dis- 
placed by  the  wars  and  conflicts  of  the  past,  both 
distant  and  recent. 

The  third  requirement  for  peace,  as  clearly 
demonstrated  by  events  of  the  past  weeks,  is 
that  there  be  respect  for  international  maritime 
rights — the  right  of  innocent  maritime  passage 
for  all  nations. 

Fourth,  peace  in  the  Middle  East  requires 
steps  to  avert  the  dangers  inherent  in  a  renewed 
arms  race,  such  as  has  occurred  during  the  past 
12  years.  The  responsibility  for  such  steps  rests 
not  only  on  those  in  the  area  but  also  upon  the 
larger  states  outside  the  area. 

Fifth  and  finally,  peace  in  the  Middle  East 
requires  respect  for  the  political  independence 
and  territorial  integrity  of  all  the  states  of  the 
area.  It  is  a  principle  which  can  be  effective  only 
on  the  basis  of  peace  between  the  parties — only 
if  the  fragile  and  violated  truce  lines  of  20  years 
are  replaced  by  recognized  boundaries  and  other 
arrangements  that  will  provide  the  nations  of 
the  area  security  against  terror,  destruction, 
war,  and  violence  of  all  kinds. 

These  principles,  if  implemented,  offer  a  solid 
basis  for  a  durable  peace  in  the  future.  If  they 
had  been  accepted  and  adhered  to  in  the  past, 
there  could  have  been  peace.  But  they  were  not 
adhered  to.  Instead,  the  world  has  witnessed 
tlxree  tragic  wars.  And  today  the  Assembly  is 
faced  with  the  aftermath  of  the  latest  of  these 

Tensions   Rise;  Efforts  To  Avert  Clash  Fail 

The  essential  facts  are  clear.  In  the  spring  of 
this  year  the  tension  of  many  years  became  even 
greater ;  acts  of  violence  became  more  frequent ; 
threats  and  declarations  became  more  ominous 
and  bellicose.  Then  on  May  17,  President  Nasser 
demanded  the  withdrawal  of  the  United  Na- 
tions Emergency  Force  and  immediately  moved 
large  U.A.R.  forces  into  the  Gaza  Strip,  the 
Sinai  Peninsula,  and  Sharm  el-Sheikh.  Within 
a  few  days  thereafter,  the  U.A.R.  declared  a 
blockade  of  the  Gulf  of  Aqaba  and  the  Strait 
of  Tiran,  which  had  been  open  to  free  and  in- 
nocent passage  by  the  ships  of  all  nations  under 
accepted  principles  of  international  law. 

JITLT    10,    1967 

The  major  insulator,  the  United  Nations 
Emergency  Force,  by  -which  the  United  Nations 
had  for  so  many  years  protected  the  Middle 
East  against  full-scale  war,  was  stripped  away. 
Hostile  forces  stood  in  direct  confrontation 
within  plain  sight  of  each  other.  Threats  of  war 
filled  the  air.  Peace  hung  suspended  by  a  thread. 

At  this  point  the  Secretary-General  made  a 
journey  to  Cairo  in  the  interest  of  maintaining 
peace.  He  reported  to  the  Security  Council  on 
May  26  "  that  he  had  "called  to  the  attention  of 
the  Government  of  the  United  Arab  Kepublic 
the  dangerous  consequences  which  could  ensue 
from  restricting  innocent  passage  of  ships  in  the 
Strait  of  Tiran,"  and  that  he  had  expressed  his 
"hope  that  no  precipitate  action  would  be 
taken."  In  the  same  report  the  Secretary-Gen- 
eral made  his  plea  to  all  the  parties  for  a 
"breathing  spell"  which  would  allow  tension  to 
subside  from  its  explosive  level.  He  urged  all 
concerned  "to  exercise  special  restraint,  to 
forego  belligerence  and  to  avoid  all  other  actions 
wliich  could  increase  tension,  to  allow  the  Coun- 
cil to  deal  with  the  underlying  causes  of  the 
present  crisis  and  to  seek  solutions." 

In  the  spirit  of  this  wise  plea,  my  Govern- 
ment and  some  others  made  strenuous  efforts 
both  inside  and  outside  the  United  Nations  to 
find  ways  to  avert  a  clash.  In  the  Security  Coun- 
cil on  May  31,  the  United  States  delegation  pro- 
posed a  resolution'  to  provide  the  "breathing 
spell"  which  the  Secretary-General  had  so 
urgently  requested.  It  is  a  matter  of  profound 
regret  that  this  proposal,  aimed  at  preventing 
bloodshed  and  suffering,  was  not  agreed  to  by 

Security  Council  Obtains  a  Cease-Fire 

Early  on  Jime  5  the  thread  of  peace  was 
broken.  From  that  moment,  the  first  and  most 
urgent  necessity  was  to  stop  the  fighting  be- 
fore its  dimensions  were  enlarged. 

Within  hours  of  the  outbreak  of  fighting — 
even  before  we  had  confirmation  of  any  major 
movement  of  troops  across  truce  lines — my  Gov- 
ernment joined  with  some  others  in  the  Security 
Council  in  seelring  to  obtain,  without  debate,  a 
call  for  an  immediate  cease-fire.  If  a  cease-fire 
and  a  standstill  had  actually  occurred  at  that 
point,  the  problems  we  now  face  would  be  far 

•  U.N.  doc.  S/7906. 

•  For  background,  see  BuxLETrN   of  June  19,  1967, 
p.  927. 

less  formidable.  But  again,  others  resisted  this 
effort,  and  it  was  not  imtil  36  hours  later — on 
the  evening  of  June  6,  after  prolonged  discus- 
sion— that  the  Security  Council  finally  reached 
a  unanimous  decision  on  a  simple  cease-fire.^ 

And  when,  in  the  following  days,  we  sought 
to  secure  a  cease-fire  on  the  Syrian  front,  we  en- 
countered the  same  kind  of  obstruction.  Here, 
too,  the  United  States  was  prepared,  without  de- 
bate and  without  delay,  to  bring  the  hostilities 
to  a  halt.  But  others  did  not  see  the  matter  the 
same  way.  For  hours  they  engaged  in  imseemly 
bickering  which,  to  say  the  least,  did  no  credit 
to  this  organization. 

Charges  of  U.S.  Intervention  Rejected 

Now,  Mr.  President,  a  good  deal  of  this  time 
was  consumed  in  the  elaboration  of  totally  false 
accusations  against  my  country.  The  United 
States  was  accused  of  having  plotted,  incited, 
encouraged,  and  prompted  Israel  to  conflict; 
and  it  was  even  charged  that  our  armed  forces 
had  intervened  in  the  hostilities  on  the  side  of 

Thiring  the  debates  in  the  Security  Council, 
and  once  again  yesterday  in  the  General  Assem- 
bly, it  was  my  duty  to  reject  categorically  all 
these  charges,  in  whichever  of  their  many  and 
changing  forms  they  appeared.  Today  I  re- 
affirm, on  the  full  authority  of  the  United 
States  Government,  that  no  United  States  sol- 
dier, sailor,  airman,  ship,  airplane,  or  military 
instrument  of  any  kind — including  radar  jam- 
ming— pertaining  to  the  armed  forces  or  to  any 
agency  of  the  United  States  intervened  in  this 
conflict.  Furthermore,  whatever  they  may  say, 
all  the  governments  concerned  are  well  aware  of 
the  true  facts.  We  had  nothing  whatever  to  do 
with  the  fighting  except  to  try  to  prevent  it  and, 
once  it  occurred,  to  use  every  effort  at  our  com- 
mand to  bring  it  to  a  speedy  end. 

Wlien  these  false  and  inflammatory  charges 
were  first  made,  I  offered  on  behalf  of  the 
United  States  our  full  cooperation  with  any 
United  Nations  or  other  impartial  investiga- 
tion of  them — including  the  proposal  to  open 
the  logs  of  our  aircraft  carriers  in  the  6th  Fleet 
to  United  Nations  investigators.'  This  offer  of 
ours  has  not  been  answered  or  even  referred  to 
by  the  accusers. 

'  For  background  and  text  of  Security  Council  Reso- 
lution 233,  see  md.,  June  26,  1967,  p.  934. 

*  For  a  statement  by  Ambassador  Goldberg  on  June  7, 
see  Hid. 



It  is  perfectly  clear  why  these  charges  have 
been  spread.  They  were  spread  in  an  attempt 
to  find  a  scapegoat  for  what  occurred — and 
perhaps  for  an  even  more  sinister  purpose:  to 
engage  the  great  powers  with  each  other.  The 
United  States  will  not  lend  itself  to  such 

Despite  all  this  diversionary  propaganda,  the 
Security  Council  was  able  to  achieve  a  cease- 
fire ;  and  the  cease-fire  is  holding.  Aiid  now  the 
problem  of  peace  in  the  Middle  East  has  come 
before  the  General  Assembly. 

Analysis  of  Soviet  Proposal 

Yesterday  the  Soviet  Union  introduced  a 
resolution,"  essentially  the  same  as  that  which 
it  also  proposed  in  the  Security  Council,  and 
which  tlie  overwhelming  majority  of  the  Council 
refused  to  accept.^" 

Under  this  Soviet  proposal,  Israel  alone  is 
to  be  condemned  as  an  aggressor ;  though  surely, 
in  the  light  of  all  the  events,  both  recent  and 
long  past,  that  led  up  to  the  fighting,  it  would 
be  neither  equitable  nor  constructive  for  this 
organization  to  issue  a  one-sided  condemnation. 

Tlaen,  second — and  this  is  the  heart  of  their 
proposal — ^the  Soviet  Union  asks  this  Assembly 
to  recommend,  in  effect,  as  follows:  "Israel, 
withdraw  your  troops,  and  let  everything  go 
back  to  exactly  where  it  was  before  the  fighting 
began  on  June  5."  In  other  words,  the  fihn  is 
to  be  rim  backward  through  the  projector  to 
that  point  in  the  early  morning  of  June  5  when 
hostilities  had  not  yet  broken  out. 

But  what  would  the  situation  then  be  ? 

Once  again,  opposing  forces  would  stand  in 
direct  confrontation,  poised  for  combat.  Once 
again,  no  international  machinery  would  be 
present  to  keep  them  apart.  Once  again,  in- 
nocent maritime  passage  would  be  denied.  Once 
again,  there  would  be  no  bar  to  belligerent  acts 
and  acts  of  force.  Once  again,  there  would  be 
no  acceptance  of  Israel  by  her  neighbors  as  a 
sovereign  state,  no  action  to  solve  the  tragic 
refugee  problem,  no  effective  security  against 
terrorism  and  violence. 

Once  again,  in  short,  notliing  would  be  done 
to  resolve  the  deep-lying  grievances  on  both 
sides  that  have  fed  the  fires  of  war  in  the 
Middle  East  for  20  years.  And  once  again,  there 
would  be  no  bar  to  an  arms  race  in  the  area. 

Surely,  no  one  in  this  hall  can  contemplate 
with  equanimity  the  prospect  of  a  fourth  round 
in  the  Arab-Israel  struggle.  Yet  if  ever  there 
was  a  prescription  for  renewed  hostilities,  the 
Soviet  resolution  is  that  prescription.  Surely,  it 
is  not  an  acceptable  approach  for  the  United 

U.S.  Offers  Plan  for  Permanent  Peace 

Wliat  approach,  then,  ought  to  be  taken?  It 
may  be  well  to  recall  that  the  General  Armistice 
Agreements  of  1949  state  in  article  XII  that 
their  purpose  is,  and  I  quote,  ".  .  .  to  facili- 
tate the  transition  from  the  present  truce  to 
permanent  peace."  I  repeat,  '■^permanent  feaceP 

We  all  know  that  there  has  been  no  transition 
and  there  is  no  permanent  peace  in  that  area. 
All  of  the  18  years  of  the  armistice  regime  have 
witnessed  virtually  no  progress  on  any  of  the 
basic  issues  from  which  the  conflict  arose.  As 
long  as  these  issues  are  unresolved,  they  wiU 
continue  to  poison  the  political  life  of  the 
Middle  East. 

Wliat  the  Middle  East  needs  today  are  new 
steps  toward  real  peace;  not  just  a  cease-fire, 
which  is  what  we  have  today;  not  just  a  fragile 
and  perilous  armistice,  which  is  what  we  have 
had  for  18  years;  not  just  withdrawal,  which 
is  necessary  but  insufficient. 

Real  peace  must  be  our  aim.  In  that  convic- 
tion I  now  propose,  on  behalf  of  the  United 
States,  a  resolution  ^^  which  I  now  read : 

The  General  AssemMy, 

Bearing  in  mind  the  achievement  of  a  cease-fire  in 
the  Middle  East,  as  called  for  by  the  Security  Council 
in  its  Resolutions  233,  234,  235  and  236  (1967)," 

Having  regard  to  the  purpose  of  the  United  Nations 
to  be  a  center  for  harmonizing  the  actions  of  nations, 

1.  Endorses  the  cease-fire  achieved  pursuant  to  the 
resolutions  of  the  Security  Council  and  calls  for  its 
scrupulous  respect  by  the  parties  concerned ; 

2.  Decides  that  its  objective  must  be  a  stable  and 
durable  peace  In  the  Middle  East ; 

3.  Considers  that  this  objective  should  be  achieved 
through  negotiated  arrangements  with  appropriate 
third-party  assistance  based  on : 

a.  Mutual  recognition  of  the  political  independence 
and  territorial  integrity  of  all  countries  in  the  area, 
encompassing  recognized  boundaries  and  other  arrange- 
ments, including  disengagement  and  withdrawal  of 
forces,  that  vriU  give  them  security  against  terror, 
destruction  and  war; 

b.  Freedom  of  innocent  maritime  passage; 

•  U.N.  doc.  A/L.  519. 

"For  text  of  the  Soviet  draft  resolution  (S/7951/ 
Rev.  1) ,  see  Bulletin  of  July  3,  1967,  p.  12. 

"  U.N.  doc.  A/L.  520. 

"For  texts,  see  Bulletin  of  July  26,  1967,  p.  947, 
and  July  3,  1967,  p.  11. 

JULY   10,    1967 


c.  Just  and  equitable  solution  of  the  refugee  prob- 

d.  Registration  and  limitation  of  arms  shipments 
into  the  area ; 

e.  Recognition  of  the  right  of  all  sovereign  nations 
to  exist  in  peace  and  security  ; 

4.  Requests  the  Security  Council  to  keep  the  situa- 
tion under  careful  review. 

This  resolution  embodies  the  five  principles 
■which  President  Johnson  yesterday  identified 
as  fundamental  to  durable  peace,  and  which  I 
listed  at  the  outset. 

Our  objective  in  offering  this  resolution  is  to 
encourage  a  decision  by  the  warring  parties  to 
live  together  in  peace  and  to  secure  international 
assistance  to  this  end.  It  is  necessary  to  begin 
to  move — not  some  day,  but  now,  promptly, 
while  the  memory  of  these  tragic  events  is  still 
vivid  in  our  minds — toward  a  settlement  of  the 
outstanding  issues;  and  truly,  "there  must  be 
progress  toward  all  of  them  if  there  is  to  be 
progress  toward  any."  ^^ 

The  Issue  Facing  the  United  Nations 

There  are  legitimate  gi-ievances  on  all  sides 
of  this  bitter  conflict,  and  a  full  settlement 
should  deal  equitably  with  legitimate  griev- 
ances and  outstanding  questions,  from  which- 
ever side  they  are  raised.  In  short,  Mr.  Presi- 
dent, a  new  foundation  for  peace  must  be  built 
in  the  Middle  East. 

Agreements  between  the  parties  on  these  pro- 
foundly contentious  matters  will  not  come  easy. 
But  the  United  Nations  has  an  urgent  obliga- 
tion to  facilitate  them  and  to  help  rebuild  an 
atmosphere  in  which  fruitful  discussions  will 
be  possible.  That  is  the  purpose  of  the  resolu- 
tion we  have  submitted. 

Mr.  President,  the  United  Nations  is  now 
faced  with  a  clear-cut  issue:  We  can  either 
attack  the  causes  of  the  disease  which  has 
plagued  the  Middle  East  with  war  three  times 
in  a  generation  or  we  can  go  back  to  the  treat- 
ment of  symptoms,  which  has  proved  such  a 
dismal  failure  in  the  past. 

In  any  grave  situation,  fraught  with  so  many 
differences  of  opinions  and  attitudes,  the  tend- 
ency is  to  say  that  it  defies  solution.  But  we 
cannot  accept  this  counsel.  Let  no  one  say  that 
solutions  are  impossible. 

The  proposal  we  offer  this  morning  is  in- 
spired not  by  the  despairing  doctrines  of  per- 
petual enmity  but  by  the  hopeful  doctrine  from 

which  we  in  the  United  Nations  have  always 
drawn  our  major  inspiration :  the  doctrine  en- 
shrined in  our  charter,  pledging  all  nations  and 
peoples,  all  cultures  and  religions,  "to  practice 
tolerance  and  live  together  in  peace  with  one 
another  as  good  neighbors." 

Sometimes  that  doctrine  is  called  Utopian  or 
unrealistic.  But  the  greatest  unrealism  is  that 
which  relies  on  hatred  and  enmity.  The  great- 
est realism  is  the  doctrine  of  peace  and  concili- 
ation and  mutual  forbearance.  From  that  true 
realism,  let  this  organization  find  the  strength 
to  make  a  new  beginning  toward  peace  in  the 
Middle  East.  To  this  cause  the  United  States 
pledges  its  most  dedicated  efforts. 

U.N.  Peace  Force  in  Cyprus 
Again  Extended  for  6  Months 

Statement  hy  Richard  F.  Pedersen  ^ 

Mr.  President,  we  are  all  indebted  to  the  Sec- 
retary-General for  the  clear,  complete,  and  per- 
ceptive report  ^  he  has  put  before  the  Council. 
He  has  described  in  forthright  language  the 
problems  which  confront  us  all  and  his  distin- 
guished representative  on  the  island.  It  is  evi- 
dent that  ]Mr.  [B.  F.]  Osorio-Tafall  has  under- 
taken his  latest  assignment  with  energy  and 
imagination.  And  we  have  no  doubt  that  he, 
General  [Umarai  Armas  Eino]  Martola,  and 
the  officers  and  men  of  the  United  Nations 
Force  m  Cyprus  will  continue  to  serve  the  cause 
of  peace  with  courage,  patience,  skill,  and  the 
determination  to  fulfill  their  mandate  im- 

We  would  also  like  to  note  our  appreciation 
for  the  services  rendered  by  the  distinguished 
Brazilian  diplomat,  Ambassador  [Carlos  A.] 
Bemardes,  as  the  previous  representative  of  the 
Secretary-General.  Ambassador  Bernardes,  who 
formerly  was  a  colleague  of  ours  on  the  Security 
Coimcil,  has  shown  a  dedication  to  the  high 
aims  of  the  United  Nations  and  a  true  devotion 
to  the  best  interests  of  all  the  people  of  Cyprus 
in  carrying  out  the  heavy  responsibilities  given 

'  See  p.  31. 

'  Made  in  the  Security  Council  on  June  19  (U.S./U.N. 
press  release  111).  Mr.  Pedersen  is  Deputy  U.S.  Repre- 
sentative in  the  Security  Council. 

"  U.N.  doc.  S/7969. 



him  by  the  Secretary-General  with  respect  to 
the  difficult  situation  there. 

The  mandate  of  the  United  Nations  Force  in 
Cyprus  is  being  extended  for  the  11th  time. 
Given  present  conditions,  we  believe  that  tliis 
was  the  only  realistic  and  prudent  course  of  ac- 
tion ;  and  accordingly,  we  voted  for  the  resolu- 
tion.' However,  as  the  Secretary-General  has 
noted,  all  parties  must  bear  in  mind  the  in- 
escapable fact  that  UNFICYP  cannot  remain 
in  Cyprus  mdefinitely.  The  lack  of  progress  on 
fimdamental  issues  requires  those  concerned 
to  seek  new  areas  of  accommodation  even  more 
urgently  than  before.  All  parties  should  extend 
full  cooperation  in  accordance  with  this  new 
resolution  to  the  Secretary- General,  his  special 
representative,  and  UNFICYP,  so  that  prog- 
ress may  be  made  toward  settling  the  long- 
standing problems  on  the  island. 

The  essence  of  UNFICYP's  mandate  is  to 
prevent  a  recurrence  of  fighting  in  Cyprus  and 
to  restore  and  maintain  law  and  order.  And  it  is 
evident  that  this  mandate  cannot  be  fulfilled  if 
the  parties  concerned  do  not  give  full  coopera- 

The  United  States  shares  the  Secretary-Gen- 
eral's concern  regarding  restrictions  imposed  on 
UNFICYP  in  the  discharge  of  its  normal 
duties.  We  deplore  any  use  or  threat  of  force 
against  UNFICYP  by  anyone,  and  we  hope  that 
UNFICYP  will  receive  cooperation  in  the  im- 
plementation of  its  authorized  activities.  The 
Force  must,  in  the  first  instance,  have  freedom 
of  movement,  and  we  note  that  the  Secretary- 
General  has  reminded  all  parties  that  such  free- 
dom is  explicitly  provided  for  in  written  agree- 
ment. Neither  can  any  sort  of  harassment  of 
United  Nations  personnel  or  of  UNFICYP  be 

The  United  States  also  continues  to  believe, 
as  Ambassador  Goldberg  stated  before  the 
Council  last  December,*  that  the  importation  of 
arms  can  only  be  a  source  of  insecurity.  The 
United  States  fully  concurs  in  the  Secretary- 
General's  view  that  any  influx  of  arms  and  mili- 

'In  a  resolution  (S/RES/238  (1967))  adopted 
unanimously  on  June  19,  the  Security  Council  extended 
"the  stationing  in  Cyprus  of  the  United  Nations  Peace- 
keeping Force  .  .  .  for  a  further  period  of  six  months 
ending  26  December  1967,  in  the  expectation  that  suf- 
ficient progress  towards  a  solution  by  then  will  make 
possible  a  withdrawal  or  substantial  reduction  of  the 

*  BirLMjnN  of  Jan.  30, 1967,  p.  179. 

tary  equipment  is  a  cause  for  concern  to 
UNFICYP  in  the  execution  of  its  mandate.  In 
this  connection,  the  United  States  is  gratified  by 
paragraph  27  of  the  Secretary-General's  report 
concerning  the  results  of  inspections  made  of 
certain  arms  by  the  Commander  of  the  United 
Nations  Force,  and  we  welcome  the  assurances 
in  this  respect  given  by  the  Government  of 

The  allegations  of  the  distinguished  repre- 
sentative of  the  Soviet  Union  of  a  hostile  NATO 
design  against  Cyprus  are,  of  course,  a  fantasy. 
A  more  positive  contribution  to  our  debate 
would  have  been  to  express  tangible  support 
for  the  United  Nations  Force  on  the  island. 

We  will  not  comment  on  the  digression  made 
in  the  understandable  need  to  defend  the  recent 
recourse  to  the  "Uniting  for  Peace"  resolution. 
Our  own  views  on  the  relative  responsibilities  of 
the  General  Assembly  and  of  the  Security  Coun- 
cil are  well  known  and  unchanged.' 

Despite  our  disappointment  at  the  lack  of 
progress  toward  solving  the  fundamental  issues 
and  the  many  problems  which  have  beset  the 
United  Nations  in  its  efforts  to  maintain  peace 
and  promote  a  settlement,  the  United  States 
continues  fully  to  support  UNFICYP.  As  evi- 
dence of  this  statement,  I  wish  to  announce  on 
behalf  of  the  United  States  a  pledge  of  up  to  $4 
million  toward  the  cost  of  maintaining 
UNFICYP  for  the  next  6  months.  This  pledge, 
as  has  been  true  of  our  previous  pledges,  will 
depend  upon  the  amounts  contributed  by  other 
governments  toward  the  cost  of  the  operation. 
The  United  States  pledges  toward  the  cost  of 
UNFICYP,  including  the  amount  I  have  just 
announced,  now  total  over  $32  million. 

Mr.  President,  the  United  States  hopes  that 
the  knowledge  that  UNFICYP  will  continue 
for  another  6  months  will  encourage  those  most 
directly  concerned  to  renew  and  intensify  their 
efforts  to  reach  a  just  and  lasting  solution.  This 
extension  should  be  regarded  as  an  opportunity 
for  progress,  not  as  a  reason  for  inaction.  We 
hope  that  when  the  Security  Council  next  meets 
on  this  matter  we  shall  have  evidence  that  the 
time  provided  by  this  extension  has  been  well 
used.  A  wise  man  has  said  that  time  cools,  time 
clarifies,  and  no  mood  can  be  maintained  for- 
ever. Let  us  hope  that  these  words  will  be 
justified  by  the  course  of  events  during  the  next 
6  months. 

'  For  background,  see  ibid.,  July  3,  1967,  p.  12. 

OXTLT    10,    1967 



Current  Actions 



International  convention  and  protocol  for  the  suppres- 
sion  of   counterfeiting  currency.   Done  at   Geneva 
April  20,  1929.' 
Accession  deposited:  Ceylon,  June  2,  1967. 

Maritime  Matters 

Convention  on  the  Intergovernmental  Maritime  Con- 
sultative Organization.  Signed  at  Geneva  March  6, 
1948.  Entered  into  force  March  17,  1958.  TIAS  4044. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Maldive  Islands,  May  31, 1967. 

Reciprocal  Assistance 

Inter-American  treaty  of  reciprocal  assistance.  Done 
at  Rio  de  Janeiro  September  2,  1947.  Entered  into 
force  December  3,  1948.  TIAS  1838. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  June  12, 


International  telecommunication  convention  with  an- 
nexes.  Done  at  Montreux  November  12,  1965.  En- 
tered into  force  January  1, 1967. 
Ratification  deposited:  United  States  and  Territories 

of  the  United  States,  May  29,  1067. 
Entered  into  force  as  to  the  United  States:  May  29, 

Proclaimed  ip  the  President:  June  20,  1967. 

United   Nations 

Amendment  to  article  109  of  the  Charter  of  the  United 
Nations.  Adopted  by  the  General  Assembly  at  United 
Nations  Headquarters,  New  York,  December  20, 

Ratifications  deposited:  Denmark,  May  31,  1967; 
Poland,  May  22,  1967;  United  States,  May  31, 



Agreement  amending  the  air  transport  agreement  of 
September  29,  1948  (TIAS  5507).  Effected  by  ex- 
change of  notes  at  La  Paz  May  4  and  17,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  May  17, 1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  a  special  operating  program  for 
the  Duncan  Reservoir,  constructed  under  the  Co- 
lumbia River  Treaty.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes 

'  Not  In  force  for  the  United  States. 
'  Not  in  force. 

at  Ottawa  May  8  and  18,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
May  18,  1967. 
Agreement  relating  to  pre-sunrise  operation  of  certain 
standard  (AM)  radio  broadcasting  stations.  Effected 
by  exchange  of  notes  at  Ottawa  March  31  and 
June  12,  1967.  Entered  into  force  June  12,  1967. 

El  Salvador 

Agreement  relating  to  the  granting  of  authorizations  to 
permit  licensed  amateur  radio  operators  of  either 
country  to  operate  their  stations  in  the  other 
country.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  San 
Salvador  May  24  and  June  5,  1967.  Entered  into 
force  Jime  5, 1967. 


Parcel  post  agreement,  with  regulations  of  execution. 
Signed  at  Addis  Ababa  and  Washington  June  3 
and  15,  1967.  Enters  into  force  on  a  date  to  be 
mutually  agreed  upon  by  the  respective  competent 
authorities  of  the  two  countries. 


Agreement  relating  to  the  establishment  of  a  Peace 
Corps  program  in  Guyana.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Georgetown  May  31  and  June  7,  1967.  En- 
tered into  force  June  7, 19i67. 

Hong  Kong 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  August  26,  1966, 
relattng  to  trade  in  cotton  textiles  (TIAS  6088). 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Hong  Kong  May 
31,  1967.  Entered  into  force  May  31,  1967. 


Agreement  for  a  cooperative  program  in  science.  Signed 
at  Washington  June  19,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
June  19, 1967. 


Arrangement  providing  for  Japan's  contribution  for 
United  States  administrative  and  related  expenses 
for  Japanese  fiscal  year  19G7  pursuant  to  the  mutual 
defense  assistance  agreement  of  March  8,  1954 
(TIAS  2957).  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at 
Tokyo  June  2,  1967.  Entered  into  force  June  2,  1967. 


Agreement  amending  the  air  transport  agreement  of 
March  31,  1949,  as  amended  (TIAS  1932  and  2551). 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Panama  Jvme  5, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  June  5, 1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  investment  guaranties.  Effected 
by  exchange  of  notes  at  Kigali  July  6  and  August 
9, 1965. 
Entered  into  force:  April  27,  1967. 

Saudi  Arabia 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  December  9, 
1963,  and  January  6,  1964,  as  amended  (TIAS  5659, 
6071),  relating  to  the  establishment  of  a  television 
system  in  Saudi  Arabia.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Jidda  May  23  and  27,  1967.  Entered  into 
force  May  27, 1967. 


Agreement  regarding  income  tax  administration.  Ef- 
fected by  exchange  of  notes  at  Saigon  March  31  and 
May  3,  1967.  Entered  into  force  May  3,  1967. 



INDEX     July  10,  1967     Vol.  LVII,  No.  H63 

Africa.  Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East 
(Johnson) 31 

Asia.  Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East 

(Johnson) 31 

Canada.  U.S.-Canada  Ek;onomic  Committee  Con- 
cludes Eleventh  Meeting  (communique)     .    .        44 

Congress.  U.S.  Delegation  to  Emergency  Session 
of  U.N.  General  Assembly  Confirmed    ...        46 

Cyprus.  U.N.  Peace  Force  in  Cyprus  Again  Ex- 
tended for  6  Months  (Pedersen) 52 

Denmark.  European  Leaders  Meet  With  Presi- 
dent Johnson   (Johnson,  Krag) 40 

Economic  Affairs.  U.S.-Canada  Economic  Com- 
mittee Concludes  Eleventh  Meeting  (com- 
munique)               44 

Europe.  Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East 

(Johnson) 31 

Italy.  European  Leaders  Meet  With  President 
Johnson  (Johnson,  Krag) 40 

Malavn.  President  of  Malawi  Visits  the  United 
States  (Banda,  Johnson) 42 

Near  East 

European  Leaders  Meet  With  President  Johnson 

(Johnson,  Krag) 40 

President  Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  Discuss 
International  Problems  (Johnson,  Kosygin)     .        35 

Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East  (John- 
son)               31 

The  Spirit  of  Hollybush  (Johnson) 38 

U.N.  General  Assembly  Holds  Fifth  Emergency 
Session;  United  States  Offers  Proposals  for 
Peace  in  the  Middle  East  (Goldberg)     ...        47 

U.S.  Amends  Travel  Restrictions  Resulting  From 
Near  East  Conflict 41 

Passports.  U.S.  Amends  Travel  Restrictions  Re- 
sulting From  Near  East  Conflict 41 

Presidential  Documents 

European  Leaders  Meet  With  President  John- 
son            40 

President  Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  Discuss 

International  Problems 35 

President  of  Malawi  Visits  the  United  States  .  42 
Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  Bast  ...  31 
The  Spirit  of  Hollybush 38 

Treaty  Information.  Current  Actions    ....        54 


President  Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  Discuss 
International  Problems  (Johnson,  Kosygin)    .        35 

The  Spirit  of  Hollybush  (Johnson) 38 

U.N.  General  Assembly  Holds  Fifth  Emergency 
Session ;  United  States  Offers  Proposals  for 
Peace  in  the  Middle  East  (Goldberg)     ...        47 

U.S.  Informs  U.S.S.R.  of  New  Facts  on  Air  Ac- 
tions at  Cam  Pha  (text  of  U.S.  note)     ...        44 

United  Kingdom.  European  Leaders  Meet  With 

President  Johnson  (Johnson,  Krag)    ....        40 

United  Nations 

President  Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  Discuss 

International  Problems  (Johnson,  Kosygin)     .        35 
U.N.  General  Assembly  Holds  Fifth  Emergency 

Session;  United  States  Offers  Proposals  for 

Peace  in  the  Middle  East  (Goldberg)     ...        47 
U.N.  Peace  Force  in  Cyprus  Again  Extended  for 

6  Months   (Pedersen) 52 

U.S.  Delegation  to  Emergency  Session  of  U.N. 

General  Assembly  Confirmed 46 


President  Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  Discuss 

International  Problems  (Johnson,  Kosygin)     .        35 

Principles  for  Peace  in  the  Middle  East  (John- 
son)               31 

The  Spirit  of  Hollybush  (Johnson) 38 

U.S.  Informs  U.S.S.R.  of  New  Facts  on  Air  Ac- 
tions at  Cam  Pha  (text  of  U.S.  note)     ...        44 

Name  Index 

Banda,  H.  Kamuzu 42 

Buffum,  William  B 46 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J 46, 47 

Johnson,    President 31,35,38,40,42 

Kosygin,  Aleksei  N 35 

Krag,  Jens  Otto 40 

Pedersen,  Richard  F 46,52 

Sisco,  Joseph  John 46 

Check  List  of  Department  of  State 


Releases:  June  19-25 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the  Office 

of    News,    Department    of    State,    Washington, 

D.C.  20520. 






U.S.-Italian  science  cooperation 



Meeting    of    the    Joint    United 
States-Canadian  Committee  on 
Trade  and  Economic  Affairs. 



U.S.  note  to  U.S.S.R.  concerning 
incident  at  Cam  Pha. 



Revision  of  travel  restrictions  re- 
sulting from  Near  East  hostili- 



Amendment  to  program  for  visit 
of   King   Bhumibol  Adulyadej 
of  Thailand. 


*Not  printe 

tHeld  for  a 

later  issue  of  the  BtiLLETiN. 


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Vol.  LVII,  No.  1464 

Jvly  17,  1967 


Excerpts  From  an  Address  hy  President  Johnson    59 


hy  W.  W.  Rostow,  Special  Assistant  to  the  President    66 


T)y  Secretaiy  of  Commerce  Alexander  B.  Troxobndge    70 

For  index  see  inside  hack  cover 



Vol.  LVII,  No.  1464  Publication  8263 
July  17,  1967 

For  sale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents 

tr.S.  Government  Printing  OflBce 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


62  issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $16.00 

Single  copy  30  cents 

Use  of  funds  for  printing  of  this  publication 

approved  by  the  Director  of  the  Bureau  of 

the  Budget  (January  11,  1966). 

Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
copyrighted  and  Items  contained  herein  may  be 
reprinted.  Citation  of  the  DEPARTMENT  OF 
STATE  BULLETIN  as  the  source  wlU  be 
appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  is  indexed  In 
the  Readers'  Qulde  to  Periodical  Literature. 

Th^  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  weekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
icith  information  on  developments  in 
the  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  the  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy,  issued 
by  the  JFhite  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  officers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department.  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  which  the  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  party 
and  treaties  of  general  international 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative nuiterial  in  the  field  of  inter- 
national relations  are  listed  currently. 

The  Right  of  All  Peoples  to  Self -Determination 

Eemarks  hy  President  Johnson  {Excerpt) ' 

I  want  to  conclude  now  by  just  quietly  say- 
ing a  word  to  you  about  this  larger  world  that 
we  all  live  m.  I  think  it  is  on  your  mind  and  in 
your  heart — as  it  is  on  mine  and  in  mine. 

We  are  in  South  Viet-Nam  today  because  we 
want  to  allow  a  little  nation  self-determination. 
We  want  them  to  be  able  to  go  and  vote  for  the 
kind  of  leaders  they  want  and  select  the  type  of 
government  they  want.  We  want  them  to  be  free 
of  terror  and  aggression  in  doing  that — as  we 
want  it  for  ourselves. 

We  made  a  contract.  We  had  an  agreement. 
We  entered  into  a  treaty  that  was  confirmed  by 
our  Senate,  82  to  1,  saying  that  in  the  face  of 
common  danger  we  would  come  and  help. 

We  came.  We  are  helping.  We  are  doing  our 
best.  I  solicit  the  cooperation  of  each  of  you  to 
the  extent  that  you  can  give  it. 

We  Americans  are  deeply  concerned  about 
the  recognition  of  the  right  of  self-determina- 
tion. That  is  what  each  of  you  demands  for 
yourself.  So  let  us  help  your  fellow  man  in  other 
parts  of  the  world  enjoy  it,  too. 

Self-determination  is  really  the  right  to  live. 
That  is  what  we  ask  for  all  of  the  nations  of  the 
Middle  East — not  just  for  some  of  them. 

We  believe  that  for  the  peoples  of  the  122  na- 
tions of  the  world— speaking  now  of  the  under- 
developed nations  of  the  world  specifically — 
real  self-determination  only  comes  when  hun- 
ger and  disease  and  ignorance  and  poverty  are 
overcome.  We  believe  that  the  peoples  of  all  of 
these  nations  are  entitled  to  that  self-determi- 
nation. They  won't  have  it  until  we  can  conquer 
those  ancient  enemies:  illiteracy,  ignorance, 
disease,  and  poverty. 

Just  as  it  is  here  in  our  home,  we  believe  in 
the  first  amendment,  in  free  speech  and  in  a 
fi-ee  press.  We  believe  in  the  Bill  of  Rights. 
We  believe  what  matters  abroad  is  also  freedom 

'  Made  before  the  National  Convention  of  the  Junior 
Chamber  of  Commerce  at  Baltimore,  Md.,  on  June  27 
(White  House  press  release) . 

from  fear  and  freedom  from  want — the  free- 
dom to  make  choices  and  not  just  to  submit  to 
a  brutal  destiny. 

Two  days  ago,  not  very  far  from  here,  I  met 
with  Chairman  Kosygin  of  the  Soviet  Union.^ 
The  nations  we  spoke  for  are  two  of  the  most 
powerful  nations  in  all  of  the  world.  In  the 
family  of  nations,  two  of  the  strongest  have  two 
of  the  greatest  responsibilities. 

For  my  part,  and  for  your  nation,  that  re- 
sponsibility involves  helping  other  nations  to 
choose  their  own  future  as  they  see  it. 

We  seek  as  well  maximiun  understanding  be- 
tween these  two  great  powers.  For  10  hours  we 
looked  at  each  other  with  only  the  interpreters 
present  in  a  very  small  room. 

Though  our  differences  are  many,  and  though 
they  rim  very  deep,  we  knew  that  in  the  world's 
interest  it  was  important  that  we  imderstand,  if 
we  could,  the  motivations  as  well  as  the  com- 
mitments of  each  other.  We  religiously,  dedi- 
catedly,  and  determinedly  worked  at  that  as- 
signment for  those  2  days. 

That  is  why  we  met  in  the  house  called  Holly- 
bush.  To  bring  about  better  understandings  and 
to  discuss  respective  goals  and  commitments  we 
came  there. 

When  we  left  I  believe  we  had  achieved  that. 
We  agreed  we  would  continue  to  maintain  con- 
tact through  diplomatic  channels,  through 
other  means  of  communication,  and  direct 

In  Saigon,  in  the  Sinai,  at  Hollybush  in  New 
Jersey,  in  the  slums  of  our  cities,  in  the  prairies 
of  our  land,  in  the  hollows  of  Appalacliia,  in 
scores  of  underdeveloped  countries  all  around 
the  world  where  men  struggle  to  make  their 
own  future  and  to  secure  their  little  families, 
that  is  what  we  are  about. 

If  the  young  leadership  of  our  country  sup- 
ports us  over  the  long  hard  pull  that  lies  ahead, 

"For  background,  see  Bulletin  of  July  10,  1967, 
p.  35. 


if  you  can  endure  the  tensions,  if  you  can  under- 
stand that  the  air  is  going  to  be  rough  and 
the  road  is  going  to  be  bumpy,  you  can,  in  the 
words  of  your  own  creed,  "Help  us  unlock 
earth's  great  treasure — human  personality." 
Then  the  cussers  and  the  doubters  will  be  rele- 
gated to  the  rear;  the  doers  and  the  builders 
will  take  up  the  front  lines. 

Now  you  are  going  to  return  to  your  homes. 
You  have  engaged  in  looking  at  yourselves  and 
at  your  country.  I  have  been  able  to  discuss  it 
for  only  a  vei-y  brief  time. 

I  am  going  back  to  attend  a  1  o'clock  meet- 
ing with  Secretary  Rusk  and  Secretary  Mc- 
Namara  and  others  who  are  giving  everything 
they  have  to  your  country.  We  are  not  only 
going  to  talk  and  plan  and  work  and  pray  to 
develop  ways  and  means  of  keeping  your  coun- 
try and  your  families  secure,  but  we  are  going 
to  do  our  dead  level  best  to  bring  peace  to  every 
human  being  in  the  world. 

Our  problems  are  many.  Our  solutions  are 
few.  I  am  not  as  concerned  about  the  individual 
differences  which  we  have  with  other  nations, 
because  with  few  exceptions  I  think  those  can 
be  reconciled;  but  I  am  concerned  that  every 
boy  and  girl,  that  every  man  and  woman  who 
enjoys  citizenship  and  freedom  and  prosperity 
and  the  blessings  of  this  land  know  what  they 
have  and  are  determined  to  build  upon  it,  to 
improve  it — and  by  all  means  to  keep  it. 

United  States  Reiterates  Policy 
on  Status  of  Jerusalem 


White  House  press  release  dated  June  28 

The  President  said  on  June  19  that  in  our 
view  "there  .  .  .  must  be  adequate  recognition 
of  the  special  interest  of  three  great  religions 
in  the  holy  places  of  Jerusalem."  ^  On  this  prin- 
ciple he  assumes  that  before  any  unilateral  ac- 
tion is  taken  on  the  status  of  Jerusalem  there 

will  be  a^jpropriate  consultation  with  religious 
leaders  and  others  who  are  deeply  concerned. 
Jerusalem  is  holy  to  Christians,  to  Jews,  and  to 
Moslems.  It  is  one  of  the  great  continuing  trag- 
edies of  history  that  a  city  which  is  so  much 
the  center  of  man's  highest  values  has  also  been, 
over  and  over,  a  center  of  conflict.  Eepeatedly 
the  passionate  beliefs  of  one  element  have  led 
to  exclusion  or  unfairness  for  others.  It  has 
been  so,  unf ortimately,  in  the  last  20  years.  Men 
of  all  religions  will  agree  that  we  must  now  do 
better.  The  world  must  find  an  answer  that  is 
fair  and  recognized  to  be  fair.  That  could  not 
be  achieved  by  hasty  unilateral  action,  and  the 
President  is  confident  that  the  wisdom  and 
good  judgment  of  those  now  in  control  of  Je- 
rusalem will  prevent  any  such  action. 


The  hasty  administrative  action  taken  today ' 
cannot  be  regarded  as  determining  the  future  of 
the  holy  places  or  the  status  of  Jerusalem  in  re- 
lation to  them. 

The  United  States  has  never  recognized  such 
unilateral  actions  by  any  of  the  states  in  the 
area  as  governing  the  international  status  of 

The  policy  of  the  United  States  will  be  gov- 
erned by  the  President's  statement  of  June  19 
and  the  Wliite  House  statement  this  morning. 

The  views  of  the  United  States  have  been 
made  clear  repeatedly  to  representatives  of  all 
govermnents  concerned. 

'  Btjixetin  of  July  10, 1967,  p.  31. 

'  Read  to  news  correspondents  by  the  Department 

'  On  June  27,  the  Israeli  Parliament  approved  three 
bills  authorizing  extension  of  Israel's  laws,  jurisdic- 
tion, and  public  administration  over  the  Old  City  of 
Jerusalem  and  other  territory  of  the  former  mandate 
of  Palestine  which  has  been  under  the  control  of  Jor- 
dan since  the  General  Armistice  Agreement  of  1949.  On 
June  28,  the  Government  of  Israel  took  administrative 
action  under  the  new  legislation  to  extend  its  munic- 
ipal services  and  controls  over  the  entire  city  of 




United  States  and  Thailand  Pledge  To  Continue 
Close  Cooperation  To  Promote  Peace 

Their  Majesties  King  Bhumibol  Adulyadej 
ancl  Queen  Sirikit  of  Thailand  visited  the 
United  States  and  Canada  June  6-29,  conclud- 
ing with  a  3-day  oificial  visit  to  Washington 
June  27-29.  Following  are  texts  of  an  exchange 
of  greetings  between  President  Johnson  and  the 
King  at  an  amval  ceremony  on  the  South  Lawn 
of  the  White  Hou^e  on  June  27,  their  exchange 
of  toasts  at  a  dinner  at  the  White  Rouse  that 
evening,  and  a  joint  statement  released  on 
June  29. 


White  House  press  release  dated  June  27 

President  Johnson 

Your  Majesties:  On  behalf  of  the  people  of 
the  United  States,  I  welcome  you  once  again 
to  my  country. 

All  of  us  who  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting 
you  when  you  were  here  in  1960  remember  that 
visit  with  a  very  special  warmth  and  with  great 

Since  that  time,  Mrs.  Jolmson  and  I  both 
have  had  the  privilege  of  visiting  Your  Majes- 
ties in  Thailand.  We  will  never  forget  your 
hospitality  nor  the  friendship  of  the  Thai  peo- 
ple themselves  and  the  warmth  with  which  they 
welcomed  us  to  your  country  when  we  were 
there  last  fall  during  our  trip  to  Asia. 

That  our  heads  of  state  and  government  have 
met  often  in  recent  years  I  think  is  a  symbol  of 
the  changing  times  and  the  changing  relation- 
ships. Until  very  recently,  the  United  States 
and  Thailand  were  thought  of  as  the  most  dis- 
tant of  lands.  They  were  widely  separated  by 
both  geography  and  interests.  Today,  we  look 
at  it  from  an  entirely  different  viewpoint.  We 
see  ourselves  as  your  neighbors.  We  are  only 
hours  apart.  We  are  neighbors  who  share  the 
problems  and  the  opportunities  of  a  great  com- 
mon Pacific  frontier. 

We  welcome  Your  Majesties  as  the  beloved 
leaders  of  a  gallant  nation  which  has  not  only 
the  desire  to  be  free — because  all  nations  have 
that — ^but  the  wisdom  and  the  courage  to  do 
what  is  necessary  to  be  free. 

There  was  a  time  not  long  ago  when  some  of 
our  friends  in  Asia  were  deeply  concerned  about 
their  future.  They  wondered  whether  they  were 
destined  to  be  dominated  by  an  aggressive  alien 

They  wondered  whether  they  would  have  to 
face  that  power  alone,  imaided  by  friends  who 
wished  them  well  but  whose  wishes  could  not  be 
translated  into  reality. 

Those  days  are  gone.  Throughout  Asia  there 
is  a  new  spirit.  It  is  a  spirit  of  faith  in  the  fu- 
ture. It  has  brought  in  its  wake  confidence,  con- 
fidence that  the  future  of  Asia  is  not  something 
that  is  preordained  but  is  something  that  can 
be  built  and  shaped  to  Asian  desires  by  Asian 

I  am  glad  to  say  that  the  people  of  your  na- 
tion of  Thailand  have  led  the  way.  Thailand 
never  gave  in  to  despairs.  Thailand  never  as- 
sumed that  its  independence  could  not  be 

Your  people  knew  that  men  are  not  the  vic- 
tims of  history  but  are  the  makers  of  history. 

You  were  among  the  first  to  send  your  sons  to 
fight  for  liberty  in  Korea.  Without  hesitation, 
you  took  your  stand  as  a  charter  member  of  the 
SEATO  alliance. 

Now,  today,  you  are  making  an  invaluable 
contribution  to  the  struggle  of  freedom  in  Viet- 

I  have  no  doubt  about  the  outcome  of  those 
efforts  in  which  we  have  joined  as  Pacific  part- 
ners. Wlien  the  free  men  of  Asia's  future  write 
the  history  of  the  present,  the  gallantry  and  the 
courage  of  the  Thai  nation  will  be  a  luminous 

Your  Majesties,  Mrs.  Johnson  and  I  are  so 
delighted  that  we  could  welcome  you  once  again. 
We  look  forward  to  very  useful  and  fruitful 

JXTLT   17,   1967 


discussions  with  you  and  a  happy  evening  in  the 
Wliite  House  together  tonight. 
Thank  you. 

His   Majesty  the  King 

Mr.  President,  I  am  veiy  thankful  for  your 
kind  words  of  welcome.  This  welcome  is  really 
a  warm  welcome. 

We  come  on  this  visit  to  the  United  States  on 
a  people-to- people  visit.  That  means  we  have 
had  the  opportunity  to  meet  people  of  different 
walks  of  life  and  that  we  have  had  the  occasion 
to  know  a  little  more  about  your  country's  as- 
pirations and  also  that  we  may  present  our 
views  and  bring  our  ideas  to  you  directly. 

This  visit  is  drawing  to  its  end.  It  is  a  very 
suitable  conclusion  that  we  should  come  here  to 
Washington  to  meet  the  President  and  Mrs. 
Johnson.  We  meet  you  both  not  only  as  head 
of  state  but  as  old  friends.  That  is  part  of  our 
people-to-people  visit. 

We  hope  the  result  of  this  kind  of  visit,  which 
is  not  only  a  visit  of  protocol  and  red  carpets,  but 
it  is  a  meeting  of  people  who  have  the  same  ideas 
and  ideals — so  that  we  can  cooperate  better  and 
we  can  bring  better  understanding  between  the 
people  of  your  great  nation  and  the  people  of 
Thailand,  so  that  we  may  work  in  cordiality 
toward  world  everlasting  peace. 

In  coming  here,  we  bring  the  greetings  and 
the  wishes  of  our  people  to  the  people  of  this 
great  country.  We  want  to  share  with  you  all 
the  hopes  for  future  progress  of  the  world  and 
future  peace  of  the  world. 

Thank:  you. 


White  House  press  release  dated  June  27 

President  Johnson 

Your  Majesties,  distinguished  guests,  ladies 
and  gentlemen :  I'm  sure  that  you  have  read  the 
story  of  His  Majesty's  remarkable  address  at 
Williams  College.  A  speech  had  been  prepared 
for  his  approval  and  for  his  use  upon  that  oc- 
casion. But  evidently  he  foimd  it  not  to  his 
liking.  So  he  spoke  extemporaneously — and  the 
judges,  I  am  told,  would  have  given  him  the 
annual  speaking  prize  if  visitors  had  been 

When  His  Majesty  finished,  someone  asked 
if  he  had  been  able  to  see  his  wife's  face  and 

to  read  her  reaction  to  his  address.  His  Majesty 
is  said  to  have  replied :  "Confidentially,  I  wasn't 
looking  at  my  wife.  I  was  watching  my  Minister 
of  Foreign  Affairs." 

Secretary  Katzenbach  [Nicholas  deB.  Katz- 
enbach.  Under  Secretaiy  of  State]  I  am  care- 
fully observmg  your  reactions. 

We  feel  a  very  special  bond  of  kinship  with 
Your  Majesty  because  you  were  born  among  us. 

I  have  heard  that  during  your  early  years 
you  used  to  go  from  Cambridge  to  an  island  off 
the  Massachusetts  coast  known  as  Martha's 

Some  members  of  my  Cabinet,  some  members 
of  my  staff,  have  been  known  to  disappear  into 
the  fogs  of  the  Vineyard  for  long  stretches  of 
time.  Some  of  them  even  claim  that  the  fog  ob- 
scures not  only  land  and  sea  but  the  sound  of 
the  Wliite  House  telephone. 

We  are  delighted  that  you  were  able  to  find 
your  way  back  from  that  isolated  and  mysteri- 
ous place. 

We  are  delighted,  as  well,  that  we  have  this 
opportunity  to  repay,  in  some  small  measure, 
the  warm  hospitality  bestowed  on  us  in  Bang- 
kok last  October. 

The  world  is  a  good  deal  smaller  than  it  was 
when  our  United  States  President  Jackson  sent 
our  first  diplomatic  mission  across  the  seas  to 
Siam,  as  it  was  then  called,  in  1833. 

But  the  nearness  of  two  countries  is  not  meas- 
ured by  the  flight  time  of  jet  planes.  It  is  meas- 
ured more  by  imderstanding  and  by  shared  pur- 
poses. And  though  we  have  different  customs, 
different  histories,  and  different  religions,  what 
we  share.  Your  Majesty,  far  surpasses  our  dif- 

Part  of  our  conunon  heritage  is  a  passionate 
belief  in  man's  right  to  decide  his  own  destiny, 
a  love  of  freedom  and  independence,  and  a  de- 
termination to  secure  their  blessings. 

Wlaen  I  learned  on  my  first  trip  to  your  coun- 
try that  "Thailand"  in  your  language  means 
"Land  of  the  Free,"  I  thought  of  those  words 
in  our  national  anthem :  "the  land  of  the  free 
and  the  home  of  the  brave." 

The  people  of  the  United  States  and  the  peo- 
ple of  Thailand  have  always  understood  that 
those  who  would  remain  free  must  first  be  brave. 

In  the  past.  Your  Majesty,  brave  Thai  and 
brave  Americans  have  stood  shoulder  to  shoul- 
der in  the  cause  of  freedom.  Today,  we  face  to- 
gether another  test  of  man's  will  and  determina- 
tion to  be  free.  We  shall  meet  that  test  with 
courage  and  determination  imtil  the  tide  of 



aggression  recedes  and  our  people  can  live  in 
peace  once  more. 

Your  Majesty's  people  have  been  brave  in 
time  of  war.  You  have  helj^ed  men  forge  a  shield 
against  the  disciples  of  violence. 

You  have  also  been  equal  to  the  demanding 
tasks  of  peace.  You  have  asserted  your  leader- 
ship in  the  works  of  peaceful  construction  that 
always  must  be  carried  on  behind  that  shield. 

I  am  confident,  Your  Majesty,  that  from  our 
mutual  commitment  will  someday  flow  peace 
and  order  and  development  in  prosperity  for 
the  people  of  a  free  Asia. 

Tonight  we  are  called  upon  to  make  addi- 
tional sacrifices.  In  the  days  ahead,  we  are  go- 
ing to  have  requests  made  of  vis  that  are  going 
to  be  difficult  to  honor.  But  we  approach  these 
requests  with  confidence,  knowing  that  our  al- 
lies will  face  them  with  courage  and  with  fair- 

And  those  who  love  peace  will  be  eternally 
in  your  debt.  Your  Majesty,  for  the  contribu- 
tion that  you  and  your  country  have  made. 

Ladies  and  gentlemen,  I  ask  you  to  rise  and 
toast  Their  Majesties  the  King  and  Queen  of 

His  Majesty  the   King 

Mr.  President,  ladies  and  gentlemen:  This 
time  the  machine  came  to  me.  You  spoke  about 
looking  at  my  Foreign  Minister.  Today  I  won't 
look  at  him.  I  will  look  at  my  text. 

You  mentioned  my  trip  to  Martha's  Vineyard 
and  wondered  how  I  came  back.  I  had  nothing 
to  do  with  the  coming  back,  because  I  was  too 
small.  It  was  because  my  parents  were  very 
good  and  went  home,  and  they  took  me  home, 

But  apart  from  this,  there  are  other  things 
that  are  to  be  said. 

First,  I  must  thank  you  for  the  kind  invita- 
tion to  visit  this  great  city  of  Washington  and 
for  the  warm  welcome  and  hospitality  which 
we  have  received  during  this  our  second  visit  to 
the  United  States. 

Wlien  we  came  here  on  our  first  visit,  we 
came  to  make  friends  with  the  people  whom 
we  had  admired  for  their  freedom,  fairness, 
and  generosity.  We  were  received  with  the  great 
warmth  and  cordiality  that  only  Americans  can 

Your  visit  to  my  country  in  October  last,  Mr. 
President,  is  still  a  happy  memory  with  us; 
and  we  are  most  gratified  to  be  with  you  tonight, 

because  we  know  that  we  are  once  again  among 

We  are  happy  to  see  Mrs.  Johnson  with  us 
tonight.  Your  presence  here  is  a  good  surprise. 
Although  ourselves  we  are  still  quite  far  re- 
moved from  having  the  honor  and  the  dignity 
of  being  grandparents,  not  to  mention  the  ir- 
responsible enjoyment  that  accompanies  such 
a  privilege,  we  do  imderstand  and  appreciate 
the  thrill  and  anxiety  of  a  new  grandmother — 
and  grandfather,  also. 

It  is  a  source  of  gratification  for  me  to  hear 
the  kind  words  that  you  have  spoken  and  your 
reiteration  of  the  friendship  that  the  United 
States  Government  and  people  extend  to  my 
country  and  my  people. 

Allow  me  to  say  again  that  we  on  our  part 
sincerely  and  wholeheartedly  reciprocate  the 
very  same  sentiments — the  firm  belief  that  on 
your  part  you  earnestly  and  sincerely  desire 
peace  and  a  better  way  of  life  for  the  people  of 
all  nations. 

The  happy  association  between  the  United 
States  and  Thailand  is  to  us  a  matter  of  historic 

You  already  mentioned  the  mission  of  Mr. 
Edmimd  Roberts,  who  was  received  by  my 
august  ancestor  Kmg  Rama  the  Third. 

In  spite  of  his  pet  aversion  to  receiving  for- 
eign envoys  from  abroad  that  was  due  to  our 
past  unfortimate  experiences,  my  ancestor  was 
somehow  won  over  by  the  American  honesty  of 
purpose  and  decided  to  extend  a  very  warm 
welcome  to  the  emissary  of  your  early  predeces- 
sor President  Jackson. 

Mr.  Edmund  Roberts  arrived  in  Bangkok  in 
February  of  1833.  Within  a  period  of  less  than 
a  month  and  in  spite  of  linguistic  disadvan- 
tages— every  sentence  spoken  by  either  side  had 
to  imdergo  four  successive  translations,  from 
English  to  Portuguese,  and  from  Portuguese 
to  Chinese,  from  Chinese  to  Thai,  and  vice 
versa — in  spite  of  all  these  difficulties,  a  treaty 
of  friendship  and  commerce  was  agreed  upon 
and  signed  on  the  20th  of  March  1833. 

This  agreement  constituted  the  first  treaty 
ever  signed  by  the  United  States  with  any 
country  in  Asia.  Thus  my  country  came  to  be 
the  first  country  in  Asia  to  recognize  and  to  ex- 
tend the  hand  of  friendship  to  the  newly  inde- 
pendent United  States  of  America. 

War,  the  punctuation  of  human  history, 
brought  a  new  sentence  in  American-Thai  re- 
lationships. President  Woodrow  Wilson,  who 
genuinely  understood  our  difficulties  and  dis- 

JTILT    17,    1967 


advantages  in  our  relations  with  foreign 
countries,  agreed  at  Versailles  after  World 
War  I  to  revise  the  U.S.-Thai  treaty  of  friend- 
ship by  abrogating  all  obnoxious  clauses  con- 
taining the  one-sided  ijnposition  of  extraterri- 
toriality and  fiscal  restrictions  as  contained  in 
earlier  treaties  which  had  no  terminating 

Other  gi'eat  nations,  at  that  time,  later  fol- 
lowed the  American  example  of  justice  and 
broadmindedness.  Thailand  thus  gained  an  im- 
proved standing. 

World  War  II  brought  about  another  sen- 
tence in  the  history  of  American-Thai  friend- 
ship. The  United  States  has  shown  real  concern 
over  the  security  and  development  of  Thai- 
land— and  gave  not  only  good  advice  but  also 
several  forms  of  aid  and  assistance  of  material 
nature,  both  in  the  military  and  in  the  economic 

This  last  sentence  is  not  completed  yet.  We 
can  only  hope  that  it  may  end  happily  for  the 
sake  of  beginning  another  one. 

We  can  only  say  that  at  present  we  are  proud 
in  the  knowledge  that  it  is  being  written  with 
our  mutual  good  will  and  cooperation. 

Ladies  and  gentlemen,  may  I  invite  you  all 
now  to  rise  and  join  me  in  a  toast  to  the  happi- 
ness of  President  Johnson  and  Mrs.  Johnson 
and  to  the  prosperity  and  progress  of  the  people 
of  the  United  States. 

gional  economic  and  political  cooperation  in  South- 
east Asia. 

In  their  review  of  the  situation  in  Southeast  Asia, 
the  President  reaffirmed  that  the  United  States  regards 
the  preservation  of  the  independence  and  integrity  of 
Thailand  as  vital  to  the  national  interest  of  the  United 
States  and  to  world  peace.  His  Majesty  and  the  Presi- 
dent agreed  that  the  Southeast  Asia  Treaty  Organiza- 
tion is  the  foundation  of  collective  security  in  the  area 
and  that  both  nations  are  determined  to  strengthen  the 
role  of  the  organization  in  protecting  the  area  against 
aggression  and  subversion. 

The  President  stated  his  admiration  and  apprecia- 
tion for  the  generous  and  courageous  assistance  of 
Thailand  to  the  common  effort  to  protect  the  Republic 
of  Vietnam  and  the  entire  Southeast  Asia  region 
against  Communist  aggression  and  for  the  resolute 
measures  of  the  Royal  Thai  Government  against  the 
subversion  directed  against  Thailand  itself. 

His  Majesty  stated  the  appreciation  of  the  Thai 
people  for  the  efforts  of  the  U.S.  and  expressed  the 
determination  of  Thailand  not  only  to  maintain  its 
historic  independence  but  to  continue  to  contribute 
to  the  maintenance  of  the  freedom  and  independence 
of  others  threatened  by  Communist  aggression. 

His  Majesty  and  the  President  reaffirmed  the  his- 
torical bonds  of  friendship  between  the  United  States 
and  Thailand  and,  confident  that  this  is  the  heartfelt 
desire  of  the  people  of  the  two  countries,  pledged  to 
continue  close  and  cordial  collaboration,  directly  and 
through  international  organizations,  to  promote  mutual 
security  and  world  peace. 

U.S.  To  Join  in  Emergency  Relief 
Programs  for  the  Middle  East 


White  House  press  release  (San  Antonio,  Tex.)  dated  June  29 

Their  Majesties  the  King  and  Queen  of  Thailand 
have  concluded  a  three-day  official  visit  to  Washington 
at  the  invitation  of  President  Johnson.  His  Majesty 
discussed  with  the  President  at  the  White  House 
affairs  of  mutual  concern  to  Thailand  and  the  United 

The  President  welcomed  His  Majesty  again  to  the 
United  States  and  .stated  the  deep  appreciation  of  Mrs. 
Johnson  and  himself  for  the  gracious  hospitality  ex- 
tended to  them  by  Their  Majesties  during  the  Presi- 
dent's visit  to  Thailand  in  October  1966. 

The  President  expres.sed  admiration  for  the  rapid 
economic  development  and  improvement  in  education 
and  social  services  that  have  taken  place  in  Thailand 
under  His  Majesty's  leadership.  The  President  voiced 
deep  respect  for  His  Majesty's  concern  that  the  benefits 
of  this  progress  extend  to  every  part  of  the  Kingdom. 

His  Majesty  and  the  President  recalled  the  warm 
traditional  friendship  of  the  United  States  and  Thai- 
land which  is  solidly  based  on  common  ideals  and  desire 
for  lasting  peace  and  a  world  order  based  on  justice 
and  respect  for  the  independence  and  sovereignty  of 
individual  nations.  The  President  noted  his  admiration 
for  the  constructive  role  of  Thailand  in  furthering  re- 

Following  is  a  statement  ty  President  John- 
son released  hy  the  White  House  on  June  ^, 
together  with  the  text  of  a  letter  dated  June  29 
from  Arthur  J.  Goldberg,  U.S.  Representative 
to  the  United  Nations,  to  U.N.  Secretary- 
General  U  Thant. 


White  nouse  press  release  dated  June  27  * 

The  recent  hostilities  in  the  Middle  East  took 
their  inevitable  toll  in  human  suffering.  Wliile 
we  are  urgently  searching  for  a  lasting  settle- 
ment of  the  Middle  East  problem,  we  must  bear 
in  mind  that  the  first  humanitarian  task  and  the 
first  task  of  reconstruction  is  to  bind  up  the 
wounds  of  conflict — to  begin  to  find  homes  for 
the  homeless,  food  for  the  hungry,  and  medical 
care  for  the  sick  and  wounded. 

The  American  people  have  always  responded 
generously  to  human  suffering  anywhere  in  the 



world.  In  tliis  humanitarian  tradition,  the 
United  States  will  join  with  other  nations  in  a 
special  effort  to  provide  emergency  assistance 
in  the  Middle  East  now.  I  have  directed  the  es- 
tablishment of  a  reserve  of  $5  million  from  con- 
tingency funds,  to  meet  urgent  relief  needs  in 
the  period  immediately  ahead.  We  will  allocate 
these  funds  through  a  number  of  channels  in 
whatever  ways  best  help  the  war  victims  and 
encourage  contributions  from  others,  including 
the  countries  within  the  area. 

As  a  first  step,  I  have  directed  that  our  Gov- 
ernment ^participate  in  the  appropriate  United 
Nations  emergency  programs  of  food  and 
medical  relief.  In  addition,  we  are  offering 
$100,000  to  the  American  Bed  Cross  for  imme- 
diate use  by  the  International  Red  Cross  to  as- 
sist all  victims  of  the  conflict. 

The  Secretary  of  State  will  keep  emergency 
needs  under  constant  review  and  will  cooperate 
fully  with  the  intergovernmental  and  private 
organizations  now  at  work. 

I  must  emphasize  that  this  is  an  emergency 
relief  program.  Even  while  we  are  joining  in 
this  effort  to  meet  urgent  needs,  we  must  look 
toward  a  permanent  and  equitable  solution  for 
those  who  have  been  displaced  by  this  and  previ- 
ous wars.  It  will  not  be  enough  simply  to  fall 
back  on  the  relief  arrangements  of  the  past. 
There  will  be  no  peace  for  any  party  in  the  Mid- 
dle East  unless  this  problem  is  attacked  with 
new  energy  by  all  and,  certainly,  primarily  by 
those  who  are  inmiediately  concerned. 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  115 

June  29,  1967. 
Dear  Mr.  Secretary  General:  I  have  the 
honor  to  call  to  your  attention  the  June  27  state- 
ment of  President  Johnson  on  emergency  as- 
sistance for  war  victims  in  the  Middle  East.  The 
text  of  the  statement  is  as  follows : 

[Text  of  President  Johnson's  statement.] 

You  will  note  that  the  President  has  stated 
that  funds  will  be  allocated  through  a  number 
of  channels,  in  whatever  ways  best  help  the  war 
victims  and  encourage  contributions  from 
others,  including  the  countries  within  the  area. 

The  United  States  has  been  the  major  con- 
tributor to  UNRWA  [United  Nations  Relief 
and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine  Refugees] 

since  its  establishment  seventeen  years  ago.  I 
am  pleased  to  inform  you  now  that,  in  accord- 
ance with  the  President's  announcement  that  a 
reserve  of  $5,000,000  has  been  established  to 
meet  urgent  relief  needs  in  the  Middle  East,  the 
Government  of  the  United  States  is  making 
available  a  special  contribution  of  $2,000,000  to 
UNRWA  to  help  meet  these  urgent  needs  in 
the  period  immediately  ahead.  We  are  under- 
taking immediate  consultations  with  the  Com- 
missioner-General of  UNRWA  with  a  view  to 
ascertaining  how  best  and  in  what  form  this 
contribution  could  be  made  so  as  to  be  of  maxi- 
mum utility  in  meeting  these  urgent  relief  needs 
in  the  area. 

I  would  appreciate  it  if  this  letter  could  be 
distributed  as  a  Document  of  the  current  Emer- 
gency Session  of  the  General  Assembly. 

Arthur  J.  Goldberg 

U.S.  and  Panama  Reach  Agreement 
on  Texts  of  New  Canal  Treaties 

White  House  Announcement 

WhUe  House  press  release  dated  June  26 

President  Johnson  announced  on  June  26, 
jointly  with  President  Marco  A.  Robles  of 
Panama,  that  the  negotiating  teams  of  the 
United  States  and  of  Panama  had  reached 
agreement  on  the  form  and  content  of  new  trea- 
ties relating  to  the  present  canal  and  a  j^ossible 
new  sea-level  canal  in  the  future.  The  proposed 
texts  of  the  treaties  are  being  submitted  to  their 
respective  Governments  by  the  negotiators  with 
their  recommendations  and  conclusions. 

Wlien  approved  by  the  two  Presidents,  ar- 
rangements will  be  made  for  signature.  The 
treaties  will  then  be  presented  to  each  country's 
legislative  body  for  consideration  in  accordance 
with  their  respective  constitutional  processes. 

Three  separate  but  closely  related  treaties 
have  been  negotiated:  (1)  Treaty  Between  the 
Republic  of  Panama  and  the  United  States  of 
America  Concerning  the  Panama  Canal,  (2) 
Treaty  Between  the  Republic  of  Panama  and 
the  United  States  of  America  Concerning  a  Sea 
Level  Canal  Connecting  the  Atlantic  and  Pa- 
cific Oceans,  and  (3)  Treaty  on  the  Defense  of 
the  Panama  Canal  and  of  its  Neutrality. 

OXTLT    17,    1967 


".  .  .  we  are  now  actively  supporting  the  building  of  regional 
institutions  and  regional  cooperation  in  Latin  A7nerica,  Asia, 
and  Africa  as  well  as  in  EuropeP  Mr.  Rostow,  who  is  Special 
Assistant  to  the  President,  discussed  the  ''''spreading  regional 
impulse''^  in  his  commenceinent  address  at  Middlebwy  College, 
Middlebury,  Vt.,  on  June  12. 

Regionalism  and  World  Order 

by  W.  W.  Rostow 

It  may  have  occurred  to  those  of  you  receiv- 
ing degi-ees  on  this  12th  day  of  June  1967  that 
there  were  better  times  to  graduate  and  possibly 
even  better  worlds  into  which  to  go.  Under  the 
circumstances,  you  might  expect  me — a  working 
bureaucrat  from  Washington — to  shout  across 
the  generational  gap,  pointing  out  that  things 
are  not  as  bad  as  they  seem  and  ending  with  the 
approved  commencement  doctrine,  that  great 
challenges  await  you  in  the  world  outside 

But  I  am  by  profession  a  teacher  and  an  his- 
torian. That  means  I  would  not  deny  the  gen- 
erational gap.  I  welcome  it  and  recognize  it, 
and  even  treasure  it,  as  the  enormous  force  for 
vitality  and  good  it  is  in  human  affairs.  It  is 
essentially  by  judging  skeptically  what  the  last 
generation  takes  for  granted — selecting  what 
seems  viable — rejecting  what  is  irrelevant — that 
the  human  race  makes  such  progress  as  it  does 

Far  from  denying  the  generational  gap,  I  am 
here  to  use  it,  in  a  way,  as  my  theme.  Far  from 
denying  the  cliche  that  challenges  await  you, 
I  shall  try  to  offer  a  kind  of  roadmap  to  one 
particular  major  challenge. 

For  I  am  50  years  old — my  generation  met  its 
most  formative  challenge  just  before  you  were 
born  and  while  you  were  staggering  through  the 
rigors  of  early  childhood. 

Your  average  age,  I  am  told,  is  211/0.  You 
belong,  therefore,  to  a  second  and  quite  different 
postwar  generation,  whose  tasks  and  challenges 
are  only  now  beginning  to  emerge. 

I  should  like  to  discuss  this  morning  what  I 
believe  is  one  of  those  tasks,  but  only  you  will  in 

fact  decide.  That  task  is  the  building  of  effective 
regionalism  as  a  component  of  world  order. 

The  concept  of  regionalism  began  for  me  in 
1945  when  I  was  a  junior  officer  in  the  State  De- 
partment, where  I  was  put  to  work  on  German- 
Austrian  economic  affairs  when  I  was  not  yet 
out  of  uniform.  That  work  initially  involved 
such  issues  as  reparations ;  the  provision  of  food 
and  shelter  and  clothing  to  peoples  of  war-dev- 
astated nations;  and  the  revival  of  the  German 
coal  industry,  on  which  the  recovery  of  Western 
Europe  then  heavily  depended. 

In  the  midst  of  these  urgent  postwar  house- 
keeping problems,  a  distinguished  young 
French  diplomat — named  [Maurice]  Couve  de 
Murville — came  to  Washington  m  November 
1945,  after  visits  to  Moscow  and  London.  He 
argued  that,  because  of  its  importance  for  all  of 
Europe,  the  Rulir  should  be  detached  from  Ger- 
many and  separately  administered.  I  had  the 
privilege  of  sitting  in  on  his  exposition  of  what 
was  then  French  policy.  His  challenging  pro- 
posal stirred  my  mind  because  the  question  he 
posed  was  real,  but  as  an  historian  I  instinc- 
tively felt  the  proposed  answer  would  not  be 

I  concluded  by  deciding  that  the  right  answer 
was  to  bring  about  the  economic  revival  of 
Europe  on  the  basis  of  economic  unity,  which 
would  make  even  a  fully  revived  German  econ- 
omy part  of  a  larger  whole  and  which  would 
provide  to  the  small  Austrian  economy,  about 
which  I  was  also  concerned,  a  market  environ- 
ment large  enough  for  it  to  find  a  prosperous 
and  orderly  place. 

And  so,  like  all  bureaucrats  when  seized  with 



an  idea,  I  wrote  a  memorandum.  That  bureau- 
cratic effort  has,  perliaps,  a  very  small  i)lac6  in 
the  stream  of  American  thought  of  that  time, 
and  happily  many  other  bureaucrats  in  many 
other  places  were  doing  the  same.  But,  in  fact, 
the  concept  of  Western  European  unity  which 
gradually  emerged  in  the  succeeding  months 
and  years  was  the  product  of  deep  roots,  power- 
ful forces,  and  many  men — mainly  Europeans : 

— The  Second  World  War  had  demonstrated 
to  many  Europeans  the  almost  suicidal  danger 
of  Europe's  continuing  with  its  traditional 
rivalries ; 

— The  postwar  power  of  the  Soviet  Union  and 
the  United  States  made  many  Western  Euro- 
peans look  toward  imity  as  a  way  of  acquiring 
a  dignity  which  was  no  longer  possible  on  the 
basis  of  traditional  European  statehood; 

— The  inevitable  interconnections  between  the 
United  States  and  Western  Europe  were  seen  as 
better  conducted  between  a  united  Western 
Europe  and  the  United  States  than  on  the  basis 
of  inherently  unequal  bilateral  relations. 

Quite  aside  from  the  economic  and  technolog- 
ical advantages  of  a  big  European  market, 
many  Europeans  perceived  that,  if  Western 
Europe  was  to  maintain  a  stature  and  responsi- 
bility appropriate  to  its  tradition  and  capacity, 
unity  was  the  right  road.  To  the  credit  of  our 
country,  we  decided  to  throw  our  full  weight 
behind  this  movement  and  look  to  a  great  if 
not  always  compliant  partner  rather  than  to 
the  superficially  greater  influence  we  might 
have  wielded  in  Western  Europe  on  a  divide- 
and-nile  basis. 

The  first  major  articulation  of  our  support 
for  Western  European  economic  miity  was  in 
Secretary  of  State  George  Marshall's  speech  at 
a  graduation  ceremony  in  another  New  England 
college  20  years  and  1  week  ago  today. 

Since  that  time  the  movement  toward  West- 
ern European  unity  has  by  no  means  been 
smooth  or  easy.  The  process  is  evidently  in- 
complete. Nevertheless,  it  moves  forward ;  and  I 
believe  it  will  continue  to  move  forward  as  the 
logic  of  European  interest  and  the  character  of 
the  world  environment  in  which  Europe  must 
live  press  in  this  direction. 

In  the  last  few  years  we  have  seen  essentially 
this  same  logic  beginnijig  to  take  hold  in  the  de- 
veloping parts  of  the  world.  If  I  were  address- 
ing you  in  1961,  for  example,  I  might  have 
talked  about  our  support  for  Western  European 

unity  and  the  Atlantic  partnership  and  then 
referred  to  the  conmion  responsibilities  of  the 
Atlantic  community  for  the  nations  and  peoples 
of  Asia,  the  Middle  East,  Africa,  and  Latin 
America.  And  at  that  time,  representatives  of 
those  nations  and  regions  tended  to  think  in 
terms  of  the  common  interests  of  developing 
nations.  But  quietly,  slowly,  almost  imper- 
ceptibly, there  has  been  a  change. 

It  is,  I  believe,  one  of  the  most  important,  if 
minoticed,  transitions  in  policy  under  President 
Jolmson — and  transitions  of  thought  in  the 
world  community — that  we  are  now  actively 
supporting  the  building  of  regional  institutions 
and  regional  cooperation  in  Latin  America, 
Asia,  and  Africa  as  well  as  in  Europe.  And  we 
are  doing  this  because,  despite  the  continuing 
power  of  nationalism,  men  and  governments  in 
those  regions  are  becoming  seized  with  the  same 
kind  of  thoughts  that  gripped  Western  Europe 
in  the  late  1940's  and  early  1950's. 

Economic   Unity  in   Latin   America  and  Africa 

For  example,  between  the  Punta  del  Este  con- 
ference of  1961  and  the  meeting  of  Presidents  in 
Punta  del  Este  in  1967,  the  gi-eatest  change — 
aside  from  an  increase  in  confidence  in  Latin 
America's  destiny  under  fi'eedom — was  the  rise 
in  emphasis  on  the  movement  toward  Latin 
American  economic  integration. 

I  have  had  in  recent  years  the  privilege  of 
working  with  Latin  Americans  as  closely  as  I 
was  permitted  to  work  with  Western  Europeans 
in  the  immediate  postwar  years.  I  have  found 
emerging  in  Latin  America  underlying  forces 
and  thoughts  quite  similar  to  those  which  moved 
Europeans  a  generation  earlier.  Latin  Ameri- 
cans understand  the  technical  advantages  of 
economic  integration ;  they  understand  that  they 
can  solve  more  problems  for  themselves  and  ac- 
quire a  position  of  greater  strength  and  dignity 
on  the  world  scene  through  economic  integra- 
tion ;  and  they  understand  that  they  will  be  able 
to  work  as  a  strong  partner  to  the  United  States 
only  if  they  move  in  this  direction. 

As  in  Western  Europe,  the  economic  integra- 
tion movement  in  Latin  America  is  drawing  to 
it  some  of  the  best  and  proudest  minds  and 
spirits  in  that  continent. 

In  Africa,  of  course,  the  movement  toward 
economic  unity  and  cooperation  is  much  less 
well  developed.  The  nations  of  the  region  are  at 
an  earlier  stage  of  economic  and  social  growth. 

JUI^T    17,    1967 



Indeed,  in  some  cases  the  nations  bom  out  of 
colonialism  have  not  been  able  to  maintain  their 
initial  unity  against  the  pull  of  tribal  and  re- 
gional differences.  Nevertheless,  in  counter- 
point, there  are  the  first  begmnings  of  regional 
spirit  and  organization:  the  Organization  for 
African  Unity ;  the  Economic  Commission  for 
Africa ;  and  the  African  Development  Bank. 

In  the  first  speech  wholly  devoted  to  Africa 
ever  given  by  an  American  President,  President 
Johnson  on  ]\Iay  26,  1966,  threw  our  weight  be- 
hind African  regionalism.^ 

We  have  been  particularly  heartened  by  the  impetus 
toward  regional  cooperation  in  Africa. 

The  world  has  now  reached  a  stage  where  some  of 
the  most  effective  means  of  economic  growth  can  best 
be  achieved  in  large  units  commanding  large  resources 
and  large  markets.  Most  nation-states  are  too  small, 
when  acting  alone,  to  assure  the  welfare  of  all  of  their 
people.  .  .  . 

Above  all,  we  wish  to  respond  in  ways  that  will  be 
guided  by  the  vision  of  Africa  herself,  so  that  the  prin- 
ciples we  share — the  principles  which  underlie  the  OAU 
Charter — come  to  life  in  conformity  with  the  culture 
and  aspirations  of  the  African  peoples. 

One  simply  cannot  build  first-rate  universities 
and  tecluiical  schools  or  bring  in  modem  tele- 
communications on  the  basis  of  states  as  small 
as  many  of  the  African  coimtries.  There  is, 
therefore,  wisdom  in  trying  even  now  to  de- 
velop regional  and  subregional  ajjproaches  to 
African  problems.  But,  as  in  "Western  Europe 
and  Latin  America,  the  path  will  be  long,  un- 
even, and  frustrating. 

Surge  of  Cooperative  Effort  in  Asia 

The  most  dramatic  emergence  of  a  new 
regional  spirit  and  policy  is,  of  course,  in  Asia. 

In  a  speech  at  Jolins  Hopkins  University  on 
April  7,  1965,  President  Johnson  said:  ".  .  . 
there  must  be  a  much  more  massive  effort  to  im- 
prove the  life  of  man"  in  Asia ;  and  he  went  on 
to  observe  that  the  "first  step  is  for  the  countries 
of  Southeast  Asia  to  associate  themselves  in  a 
greatly  expanded  cooperative  effort  for 
development."  ^ 

In  the  26  months  since  the  President  spoke, 
we  have  seen  in  Asia  a  quite  remarkable  trans- 
formation of  attitudes  and  action. 

While  the  war  in  Viet-Nam  goes  on,  with  all 
its  suffering,  the  peoples  of  Asia  have  begim  to 
define  for  themselves  a  new  future.  That  future 

'  Bulletin  of  June  13,  1966,  p.  914. 
'  lUd.,  Apr.  26, 1965,  p.  606. 

hinges  on  a  conviction  that  we  are  serious  about 
seeing  it  through  in  Viet-Nam.  Prime  Minister 
Lee  Kuan  Yew  of  Singapore  has,  on  a  number 
of  occasions,  spoken  in  the  vein  in  which  he  was 
recently  quoted  in  the  Reporter  magazine.  He 
asked  of  Americans:  "Are  your  people  really 
serious  in  Vietnam?  If  you  are,  we  are  with 
you."  They  are  with  us  because  they  know  that 
the  failure  of  aggression  from  Hanoi  against 
South  Viet-Nam  and  Laos  is  essential  to  the  se- 
curity of  the  region  and  only  the  American 
commitment — along  with  others — can  establish 
this  foundation  for  the  future  of  Asia. 

But  they  are  looking  not  to  us  but  primarily 
to  themselves  to  define  their  future  and  to  build 
it.  In  the  words  of  this  same  Asian  statesman, 
we  are  "buying  tune"  for  them  in  Viet-Nam — 
time  for  them  to  do  a  job  only  they  can  do. 

Literally  for  the  first  tune  in  history — thou- 
sands of  years  of  history — the  governments  and 
peoples  of  Asia  are  coming  together  in  a  spirit 
of  cooperation  to  begin  to  map  the  future  of  the 

The  list  of  Asian  meetings  that  have  occurred 
in  the  past  2  yeare  is  too  long  to  repeat  here.  But 
they  have  met  in  various  groupings  among 
themselves — without  us — to  consider  regional 
programs  in  the  fields  of  education,  agriculture, 
banking,  and  transportation.  In  addition,  the 
Mekong  Committee,  working  on  the  very  edge 
of  the  battlefields,  is  carrying  forward  with  a 
new  vitality ;  and  the  Asian  Development  Bank 
is  in  operation  in  Manila,  led  by  a  distinguished 

In  the  proportions  of  its  initial  capital  stock, 
that  Bank  foreshadows  the  kind  of  cooperation 
that  may  be  possible  in  the  future:  We  have 
put  in  20  percent ;  the  Japanese,  20  percent ;  the 
other  Asian  nations,  40  percent ;  and  the  balance 
comes  from  many  sources  outside  the  region. 

This  surge  of  cooperative  effort  in  the  new 
Asia  takes  place  against  the  background  of  re- 
markable momentum  in  South  Korea,  Taiwan, 
Thailand,  Malaysia,  as  well  as  in  Japan;  while 
Indonesia  moves  at  last  to  find  its  feet  after 
years  of  stagnation  or  worse. 

On  April  30,  the  Sunday  New  York  Times 
ran  a  story  from  Bangkok  by  Drew  Middleton 
discussing  the  mood  of  the  new  Asia  and  the 
reasons  for  Asian  support  for  our  Viet-Nam 
policy.  It  contained  this  observation  by  an  Asian 
Foreign  Minister,  which  I  have  heard,  in  dif- 
ferent forms,  from  Seoul  to  Kuala  Lumpur, 
from  Tokyo  to  Bangkok: 



For  youth,  anticolonialism  is  part  of  history  and 
Communism  has  split  and  lost  its  appeal  in  the  process. 
Perhaps  regionalism  with  its  promise  of  stability  and 
economic  progress  will  be  youth's  big  concept  for  the 

Divisions  in  the  Middle  East 

The  one  region  in  the  non-Communist  world 
where  regional  institutions  and  spirit  have  not 
yet  begim  to  emerge  is,  of  course,  the  Middle 
East.  During  the  whole  postwar  period,  that 
region  has  been  bedeviled  by  multiple  splits  and 
quarrels :  not  only  between  the  Arab  states  and 
Israel  but  also  by  divisions  among  the  Arab 
states  and  between  certain  Arab  and  other 
Moslem  states. 

No  one  from  outside  a  region  can  create  a 
spirit  of  determination  to  face  and  solve  prob- 
lems by  regional  cooperation.  No  one  outside  a 
region  can  build  regional  institutions.  But  we 
would  hope  that  out  of  the  frustrations  and 
tragedies  of  postwar  Middle  Eastern  history  we 
might  see  emerge  a  new  desire  to  achieve  dig- 
nity and  stability  and  progress  for  all  through 
regional  cooperation. 

I  am  sure  we  and  others  outside  the  region 
will  be  prepared  to  be  helpful  if  the  peoples 
and  governments  of  that  area  themselves  decide 
that  this  is  the  right  road  and  if  they  begin  to 
move — in  their  own  ways — along  the  path  al- 
ready taken  by  Western  Europe,  Latin  Amer- 
ica, and  Asia. 

As  we  look  from  the  past  to  the  future,  this 
spreading  regional  impulse  has  a  particular 
meaning  for  our  country,  its  policy,  and  its 
future  position  on  the  world  scene ;  for,  despite 
Professor  [Marshall]  McLuhan's  skepticism, 
policy  in  Washington  is  not  made  in  a  rearview 
mirror.  Speaking  at  Lancaster,  Ohio,  on  Sep- 
tember 5,  1966,  President  Johnson  said :  ^ 

Our  purpose  in  promoting  a  world  of  regional  part- 
nerships is  not  without  self-interest.  For  as  they  grow 
in  strength  inside  a  strong  United  Nations,  we  can 
look  forward  to  a  decline  in  the  burden  that  America 
has  had  to  bear  In  this  generation. 

We  are  finding,  then,  in  regionalism,  a  new 
relationship  to  the  world  community  somewhere 
between  the  overwhelming  responsibility  we 
assumed  in  the  early  postwar  years — as  we 

"  Ibid.,  Sept.  26, 1966,  p.  453. 

moved  in  to  fill  vacumns  of  power  and  to  deal 
with  war  devastation — and  a  return  to  isolation- 
ism. From  the  beginning  our  objective  was  not 
to  build  an  empire  of  satellites  but  to  strengthen 
nations  and  regions  so  that  they  could  become 

And  in  this  we  are  being  true  to  ourselves, 
our  tradition,  and  our  practical  experience  as  a 

Eegionalism  is  built  into  the  Federal  Consti- 
tution of  this  continental  democracy.  It  is  one 
way  we  have  learned  to  share  power  and  re- 
sponsibility. We  have,  therefore,  found  it  easy 
and  natural  to  work  with  those  in  other  parts 
of  the  world  who  committed  themselves  to 
building  regional  order  and  assimiing  regional 

To  fulfill  this  vision  of  regional  partnerships 
will  take  time  and  patience.  Above  all,  it  will 
take  dogged,  stubborn  pride  and  effort  by  the 
peoples  of  the  various  regions  of  the  world. 
Moreover,  many  problems  can  only  be  solved 
on  a  global,  rather  than  a  regional,  basis. 

But,  in  the  great  inherently  federal  task  we 
all  assumed  in  1945  with  the  acceptance  of  the 
United  Nations  Charter,  we  have  learned  that 
regionalism  has  a  large  and  hopeful  place. 

The  record  of  regional  architecture  in  the 
first  postwar  generation  is  on  the  whole  good 
and  promising;  but  it  is  evidently  incomplete. 

As  you  take  stock  of  the  tasks  ahead — in  your 
coming  time  of  responsibility — I  am  reasonably 
confident  that  the  development  of  regionalism 
will  engage  your  generation  as  much  or  more 
than  it  has  mine.  I  trust  and  believe  this  is  one 
part  of  my  generation's  effort  you  will  not 
reject  and  set  aside — but  pick  up  and  do  better. 

Letters  of  Credence 


The  newly  appointed  Ambassador  of  Japan, 
Takeso  Shimoda,  presented  his  credentials  to 
President  Jolmson  on  June  28.  For  texts  of  the 
Ambassador's  remarks  and  the  President's 
reply,  see  Department  of  State  press  release 
dated  June  28. 

JULY    17,    1967 

The  Atlantic  Industrial  Community    Looks  to  the   Future 

hy  Alexander  B.  Trowbridge  ^ 

I  am  very  happy  to  be  here.  Paris  is  as  en- 
chanting as  ever,  and  I  would  be  grateful  to  you 
for  no  other  reason  but  that  your  generous  invi- 
tation to  join  you  here  today  has  given  me  the 
opportunity  to  visit  again  this  queen  of  cities. 

But  I  am  also  grateful  for  another,  far  more 
substantial,  reason.  This  occasion  also  gives  me 
the  opportunity  to  contribute,  I  hope,  a  meas- 
ure of  understanding  to  a  subject  of  great  im- 
portance to  both  Europe  and  the  United  States. 
Unfortunately,  it  is  a  subject  that  for  too  long 
has  been  distorted  by  the  catch  phrase  that  has 
become  its  label.  I  refer  to  the  so-called  "tech- 
nological gap." 

It  is  indeed  a  catchy  phrase  and  has  the 
proper  ring  of  crisis  that  such  phrases  must 
have  if  they  are  to  pass  into  popular  usage.  But 
like  all  such  phrases,  it  catches  only  the  more 
visible  aspects  of  the  problem  it  is  intended  to 
describe  and  obscures  its  true  dimensions. 

To  a  nonspecialist,  for  example,  it  would  have 
to  be  explained  that  the  gap  is,  on  the  surface, 
the  industrial  disparity  that  exists  between 
Europe  and  the  United  States  and  not  the  vast 
technological  gulf  of  centuries  that  measures 
the  economic  distance  between  industrialized 
countries  and  those  in  the  early  stages  of  devel- 
opment. The  technological  gap — or  perhaps 
"technological  lag"  is  a  more  precise  term — is 
a  much  less  formidable  problem,  and  one  that 
we  can  do  something  about. 

The  first  step  should  be  to  describe  the  prob- 
lem in  realistic  terms  in  order  to  establish  a  per- 
spective on  which  all  involved  can  agree. 

In  one  very  real  and  basic  sense,  every  indus- 
trialized nation,  the  United  States  included, 

seems  to  suffer  from  technological  lag  within 
its  own  industrial  complex.  By  this  I  mean  the 
undue  and  unnecessary  time  lost  in  bringing  the 
processes  of  invention  and  innovation  to  produc- 
tive fulfillment.  And  whether  tliis  delay  is  re- 
flected in  comparisons  with  the  progress  of 
other  nations  is  actually  incidental  to  the  en- 
demic problem  of  the  lag  itself. 

We  have  been  much  concerned  with  techno- 
logical lag  within  the  United  States,  and  just 
last  January  the  Department  of  Commerce  is- 
sued a  report  by  a  high-level  advisory  commit- 
tee which  reviewed  the  problem  in  depth.^  I 
would  like  to  read  to  you  one  of  the  key  recom- 
mendations of  this  report,  which  I  think  may 
shed  some  much-needed  light  on  the  subject 
of  technological  lag,  whether  internal  or 

It  has  to  do  with  what  the  report  calls  "the 
abundance  of  ignorance  about  the  processes  of 
invention,  innovation  and  entrepreneurship." 

.  .  .  there  is  too  little  appreciation  and  understand- 
ing (the  report  states),  of  the  process  of  technological 
change  in  too  many  crucial  sectors : 

— Throughout  much  of  the  Federal  Government. 

— In  some  Industries. 

— In  many  banks. 

— In  many  universities. 

— In  many  cities  and  regions. 

More  important,  therefore,  than  any  specific  recom- 
mendation concerning  antitrust,  taxation,  the  regula- 
tion of  industry,  or  venture  capital,  is  one  central 
proposal : 

The  major  effort  should  be  placed  on  getting  more 
managers,  executives,  and  other  key  individuals — both 
in  and  out  of  government — to  learn,  feel,  understand 
and  appreciate  how  technological  innovation  is 
spawned,  nurtured,  financed,  and  managed  into  new 

'  Address  made  at  Paris  on  June  2  before  the  Amer- 
ican Chamber  of  Commerce  in  France.  Mr.  Trowbridge 
was  then  Acting  Secretary  of  Commerce ;  he  was  sworn 
in  as  Secretary  of  Commerce  on  June  14. 

'  Technological  Innovation:  Its  Environment  and 
Management.  Copies  of  the  83-page  report  are  for  sale 
by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S.  Government 
Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402  ($1.25). 



technological  businesses  that  grow,  provide  Jobs,  and 
satisfy  people. 

I  wholly  subscribe  to  this  evaluation  of  the 
situation  in  the  United  States,  and  I  think  we 
should  keep  it  firmly  in  mind  as  we  analyze  the 
specific  set  of  disparities  we  are  discussing  here 

The  "Definition  Gap" 

The  European  view  of  the  gap,  as  expressed  at 
the  political  level,  where  much  of  the  discussion 
has  taken  place,  frequently  gives  the  impression 
that  there  is  an  across-the-board  gap.  This  view 
asserts  that  the  gap  is  caused  essentially  by  the 
large  expenditures  for  research  and  develop- 
ment in  the  United  States,  especially  those 
financed  by  the  govermnent  for  space  explora- 
tion, military  purposes,  aviation,  and  other  ad- 
vanced techiiologies,  with  attendant  spin-off 
benefits  for  the  economy  in  general.  This,  some- 
how, constitutes  what  is  considered  an  unfair 
advantage,  and  as  a  result  the  United  States 
should  take  steps  to  remedy  the  situation. 

The  points  of  the  argument,  as  stated  by  one 
high-level  European  official,  nm  something  like 
this :  Between  1920  and  1940,  Europe  had  an  in- 
comparable potential  in  scientists,  scholars,  and 
research  workers.  This  was  largely  destroyed  by 
totalitarian  regimes  and  war.  The  rest  was 
drained  away  by  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviet  Union  after  the  war.  Since  the  war,  the 
United  States  has  spent  increasingly  large 
amounts  on  research  and  development  and  in 
1965  spent  two  or  three  times  more,  in  real  re- 
sources, than  did  Western  Europe.  Again, 
United  States  Government  assistance  to  in- 
dustry in  connection  with  military  and  space 
programs  is  much  higher  than  in  Europe.  And 
the  United  States  enjoys  a  favorable  techno- 
logical balance  of  payments  with  Europe,  which 
indicates  its  dominance.  Another  factor  is  the 
"brain  drain,"  the  siphoning  of  educated  Euro- 
peans to  work  for  much  higher  salaries  in 

The  effect  of  this  teclmological  deficit,  the 
argument  continues,  is  to  create  grave  disadvan- 
tages for  both  parties  in  the  Atlantic  commu- 
nity. For  Europe  the  disadvantages  are  eco- 
nomic. For  the  United  States  they  are  political. 
The  European  official  whom  I  have  been  para- 
phrasing cites  the  risk — and  I  am  quoting  di- 
rectly now — "the  risk  of  a  scientific  colonization 
of  the  old  continent  by  the  new" — which  would 

threaten  the   viability   of   the  Atlantic  com- 

On  the  opposite  end  of  the  argument,  the  en- 
tire notion  of  the  technological  gap  is  dismissed 
as  a  strategic  competitive  device  in  many  quar- 
ters of  American  business  where  keen  competi- 
tion from  European  products  preempts  con- 
sideration of  what  is  regarded  as  historical  and 
inevitable  disparities  among  nations. 

Basic  science  can  and  does  flow  freely  across 
national  boundaries — this  latter  position  as- 
serts— but  teclmology,  wliich  is  the  inventive 
application  of  this  basic  knowledge  for  practi- 
cal purposes,  may  or  may  not  be  shared;  it  is 
usually  private  property  and  its  disposition  de- 
pends on  the  wishes  of  those  who  own  it.  Fur- 
thermore, this  argument  continues,  different 
countries  historically  apply  technology  in  dif- 
ferent ways.  A  landlocked  country,  for  example, 
will  use  it  differently  than  a  maritime  nation. 
Therefore,  there  will  always  be  technological 
disparities  or  gaps  between  nations.  Only  identi- 
cal nations  would  have  identical  technology. 

In  effect,  tliis  argument  states  that  what  mat- 
ters most  is  how  the  teclmology  is  applied,  the 
extent  to  which  it  is  utilized,  and  not  the  relative 
presence  or  absence  of  the  technology  itself. 

Obviously,  on  opposite  sides  of  the  Atlantic, 
the  definition  gap  is  immeasurably  greater  than 
the  technological  gap  we  are  seeking  to  define 
and  describe. 

One  thing  is  clear,  however.  To  reject  the 
problem  out  of  hand  is  as  unrealistic  as  to  limit 
our  investigation  of  it  to  the  purely  techno- 
logical aspects. 

These  two  approaches  can  result  only  in  ex- 
treme, and  equally  absurd,  solutions.  One  is  to 
do  nothing  and  accept  the  results  as  the  inex- 
orable verdict  of  history,  as  though  history  were 
a  supernatural  force  unaffected  by  the  actions 
of  men.  The  other  extreme  is  to  insist  that  the 
United  States  is  somehow  obligated  to  engage  in 
a  giveaway  program  of  technology.  Otherwise, 
it  is  argued,  there  will  be  a  relative  decline  in 
Europe's  power,  economically,  militarily  and 
politically,  that  will  result  in  a  weak  grouping 
of  states  relative  to  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviet  Union. 

Happily,  these  are  not  really  the  alternatives. 
In  the  first  place,  the  United  States  could  not 
give  away  its  teclmology  if  it  wanted  to,  because, 
as  I  have  indicated,  most  of  the  technology  is 
the  private  property  of  individuals  or  business 
establishments.  And  in  the  second  place,  even  if 


this  were  not  the  case,  the  gift  of  American  tech- 
nology would  not  relieve  the  problem,  because 
the  basic  factors  involved  go  much  deeper  than 

Let  us  examine  not  only  the  disparities  in  the 
current  levels  of  productivity  between  the 
United  States  and  Euroi^e,  which  are  cited  as 
evidence  of  the  technological  gap,  but  also  the 
essentially  nontechnological  factors  that  so 
radically  affect  the  utilization  of  the  teclmology 
that  could  reduce  these  disparities. 

Using  comparative  GNP  dollar  values  per 
civilian  employee  in  1964  as  a  basis  for  com- 
parison, it  appears  that  the  productivity  levels 
of  most  of  the  countries  of  northwestern  Eu- 
rope were  a  little  over  half  that  of  the  United 
States,  with  Italy's  a  little  over  one-third.  To 
achieve  parity  with  the  United  States,  the  pro- 
ductivity of  these  countries  would  have  to  in- 
crease, on  the  average,  about  80  percent,  while 
Italy's  would  have  to  triple.  Japan's  produc- 
tivity, incidentally,  is  slightly  more  than  one- 
fourth  that  of  the  United  States  and  would 
have  to  quadruple. 

Some  Causes  of  the  Disparities 

To  sum  up  adequately  the  underlying 
causes — and  that  is  plural — causes  of  these 
disparities  requires  a  vehicle  far  more  expan- 
sive than  a  single  speech,  let  alone  a  smgle 
phrase.  But  I  will  try  to  touch  briefly  on  what 
I  consider  to  be  principal  factors. 

One  appears  to  be  differences  in  the  use  of 
fixed  business  capital  stock  per  worker.  Pre- 
liminary estimates  indicate  that  Western  Euro- 
pean countries,  relative  to  the  United  States, 
use  less  capital  per  pei-son  employed  by  about; 
the  same  proportion  as  the  lag  in  output  per 
person  employed.  In  other  words,  there  is  more 
intense  utilization  of  capital  stock  in  the 
United  States  than  in  Europe.  On  the  average, 
plants  and  equipment  in  the  United  States  are 
utilized  longer  hours  per  year.  Another  big 
difference  lies  in  the  smaller  use  of  mechaniza- 
tion in  materials  handling  and  other  "indirect" 
operations  in  industry,  mming,  and  fanning  in 
Europe  than  in  the  United  States,  even  tliough 
Europe  has  the  technology  for  mechanizing 
these  operations.  The  explanation  probably  lies 
in  the  lower  relative  prices  of  labor  versus  capi- 
tal in  Europe.  In  short,  there  appears  to  be  a 
lack  of  economic  incentive  to  substitute  capital 
for  labor  in  Europe  compared  to  the  United 

Another  disparity  factor  is  the  greater  per- 
centage of  the  European  work  force  employed 
in  agriculture.  In  1962,  the  Unit«d  States  had 
8.2  percent  of  its  working  population  in  agri- 
culture while  France  had  19.8  percent;  and 
Italy,  27.4  percent.  And  the  productivity  of 
European  agriculture  lagged  further  behind  the 
United  States  than  did  their  economies  as  a 
whole.  Our  high  agricultural  productivity  is 
largely  due  to  efforts  that  began  more  than  100 
years  ago,  during  the  presidency  of  Abraham 
Lincoln,  to  apply  science  and  teclmology  to 
agriculture.  I  should  add  that  virtually  none  of 
this  science  and  technology  is  or  has  been  exclu- 
sive to  the  United  States. 

A  third  factor  is  the  economics  of  scale.  In 
the  United  States,  business  enterprises  are 
much  larger  than  the  family-owned  firms  of 
Europe,  and  the  gains  from  specialization  are 
greater,  more  efficient  capital-intensive  tech- 
nologies are  used,  and  there  is  fuller  utilization 
of  overhead. 

A  fourth,  and  much  overlooked,  factor  is  edu- 
cation. I  am  not  referring  to  the  quality  of 
European  universities,  which  is,  of  course,  ex- 
ceptional, but  rather  to  the  relatively  narrow 
educational  base  in  most  European  countries.  An 
OECD  [Organization  for  Economic  Coopera- 
tion and  Development]  study  showed  that  the 
United  States  in  1957-58  had  a  much  higher 
enrollment  ratio  than  Europe:  66.2  percent  in 
the  15-19  age  group  were  enrolled  in  the  United 
States  compared  to  only  30.8  percent  in  France 
and  less  than  20  percent  in  West  Germany, 
Italy,  and  the  U.K.  At  the  higher  20-24  year 
level,  the  United  States  had  12  percent  enrolled, 
whereas  West  Germany  led  France,  Italy,  and 
Britain  with  only  4.6  percent.  Significantly,  at 
the  university  level,  the  United  States  had  four 
to  five  times  as  many  science  and  engineering 
graduates  per  million  of  population,  except  for 
France,  where  the  U.S.  advantage  was  still  two 
to  one. 

Technological   Lag  Not  Uniform 

Natural  resources  endowment  is  certainly  an- 
other factor,  but  because  it  is  so  obvious  and  in- 
alterable a  one,  I  would  rather  pass  over  it  to 
the  factor  that  has  received  the  most  notice,  or 
perhaps  I  should  say  "notoriety."  That  is  the 
apparent  European  lag  in  new  teclmology. 

On  analysis,  this  lag  is  neither  as  dramatic 
nor  as  uniform  as  might  be  expected.  There  are 
many  sectors  in  which  European  technology  is 



predominant.  Europe  appears  to  lag  only  mod- 
erately in  seven  significant  areas.  These  are: 
nuclear  reactors,  pipeline  freight  transporta- 
tion, automatic  railroad  yard  classification  and 
car  scheduling,  and  in  the  manufacture  of  large- 
capacity  generator  equipment,  numerically  con- 
trolled machine  tools,  jet  aircraft,  and  semicon- 
ductors. The  lag  is  admittedly  greater  in  a  few 
other  areas  such  as  computer  manufacture  and 
solid-state  microcii'cuitry. 

There  are  various  reasons  for  the  lag  in  know- 
how  and  the  use  of  know-how  in  these  fields.  It 
takes  some  innovations  a  long  time  to  spread. 
For  example,  the  oxygen  steel  process  and  ex- 
tra-high-voltage transmission  of  electric  energy 
were  a  long  time  in  reaching  the  United  States, 
just  as  the  taconite  process  and  solid-state  cir- 
cuitry have  taken  time  to  come  into  use  in 

The  lack  of  a  large  home  market  in  European 
countries  to  support  the  application  of  tech- 
nology is  also  a  factor  in  some  areas,  such  as 
jets,  which  originated  in  the  United  Kingdom 
and  Germany.  In  other  cases,  economic  incen- 
tives are  lacking;  the  laborsaving  advantages 
of  numerically  controlled  machine  tools  have 
much  less  attraction  to  the  labor-intensive  in- 
dustries of  Western  Europe  than  in  the  United 

As  for  the  spin-oflF  advantages  from  space  and 
defense  programs  in  the  United  States,  I  can 
only  say  that  this  is  an  awfully  high  priced 
way  to  get  new  industrial  technology. 

The  importance  of  another  much-cited  fac- 
tor is  also  open  to  question.  This  is  the  smaller 
European  investment  in  research  and  develop- 
ment. If  you  discount  U.S.  expenditures  for 
military  and  space  purposes,  the  United  States 
is  seen  to  spend  1.5  percent  of  its  GNP  on  re- 
search and  development.  This  compares  with 
1.4  percent  for  Britain,  1.2  percent  for  France, 
1.1  percent  for  Germany,  and  1.5  percent  for 

Of  course,  the  difference  in  absolute  terms  is 
enormous.  But  if  realism  is  allowed  sway  over 
wishful  thinking  and  resentment  and  each  coun- 
try fits  its  scientific  effort  to  its  scientific  re- 
sources, it  becomes  readily  apparent  that  there 
is  plenty  of  room  in  the  vast  field  of  science  and 
technology  for  nations  of  all  sizes,  however  lim- 
ited. Not  every  effort  has  to  fall  into  the  cate- 
gory of  "big  science  and  big  teclinology."  This 
is  wasteful,  although  even  here,  smaller  nations 
can  participate  by  combining  their  efforts  inter- 

The  wise  allocation  of  resources  has  always 
been  a  cardmal  rule  of  international  economics. 
Participation  in  science  and  technology  is  ex- 
pensive at  best,  and  all  countries  have  to  budget 
their  resources  with  care,  even  the  largest. 

Management  Policies  and  Practices 

A  much  more  important  factor  in  technologi- 
cal progress,  indeed  a  crucial  factor,  is  the  man- 
agement of  teclinology,  the  industrial  response 
to  technology. 

Let  me  quote  for  you  the  statement  of  a  dis- 
tinguished European  speaker  at  a  symposium 
on  teclinology  and  world  trade  which  we  held 
last  November  at  the  Department  of  Ck)mmerce. 
"I  believe,"  he  said  "that  the  fundamental  rea- 
son for  the  (technological)  gap  is  more  a  ques- 
tion of  mentality  and  attitude.  .  .  .  Science  and 
technology  have  been  present  in  Europe  many 
years.  What  we'd  like  is  the  attitude  necessary 
for  the  creation  of  more  big  industries  with 
leaders  who  know  how  to  make  use  of  science 
and  teclinology." 

It  is  primarily  a  question  of  the  organiza- 
tional environment,  another  European  stated — 
of  management,  and  of  the  training  of  execu- 
tives to  accept  and  adapt  what  already  exists. 

These  two  views  suggest,  as  do  others  ex- 
pressed at  the  symposium,  that  European  in- 
dustry must  review  its  management  policies  and 
practices  in  order  to  improve  its  vital  industrial 
response  in  the  processes  of  innovation. 

This  is  heavily  underscored  by  a  look  at  the 
origins  of  some  of  the  major  advances  in  tech- 
nology since  World  War  II— such  things  as 
"wonder"  drugs,  synthetic  detergents  and  fibers, 
plastics,  electronics  and  communications,  data 
processing,  steelmaking,  and  so  on.  Of  a  hun- 
dred or  more  major  advances,  Western  Europe 
accoimted  for  49  percent,  the  United  States  for 
31  percent. 

It  would  seem  that  the  reasons  for  any  indus- 
trial lag  in  these  fields  must  be  something  other 
than  a  lack  of  teclmological  know-how. 

Moreover,  it  bears  notmg  that  the  overall 
economic  growth  of  Western  Europe,  despite 
disparities  in  productivity,  has  been  greater  than 
that  of  the  United  States  in  recent  years — with 
the  exception  of  the  United  Kingdom.  This 
rapid  rate  of  development  has  put  Europe  in  an 
excellent  position  to  compete  with  the  United 
States  in  the  export  of  teclinologically  intensive 
commodities  such  as  chemicals,  nonelectric  ma- 
chinery,   electric    machinery,    and    transport 

JITLT    17,    19C7 


equipment.  In  fact,  in  total  export  of  manufac- 
tures, the  U.S.  sliare  of  the  world  market 
dropped  from  18.1  percent  in  19G0  to  16.G  per- 
cent in  1964.  And  it  dropped  in  each  major 
category.  Western  Europe  during  this  same 
period  maintained  a  sizable  54.3  percent  share. 

Problem   of  the  "Brain   Drain" 

Paralleling  the  problem  of  the  technological 
gap  has  been  the  so-called  "brain  drain."  There 
has  been  almost  as  much  concern  expressed  over 
the  loss  of  talented  people  to  the  United  States 
as  over  the  differences  in  our  teclmological 

In  a  very  real  sense,  there  is  nothing  new 
about  the  emigration  of  skilled  people  from 
Europe  to  the  United  States,  and  indeed  from 
every  part  of  the  world.  It  has  been  going  on 
since  the  earliest  days  of  our  settlement,  when 
trained  artisans  of  every  kind — shipwrights, 
ironworkers,  glassblowers,  some  of  the  world's 
best  farmers,  and  many  others — arrived  in 
search  of  freedom,  greater  opportunity,  greater 
challenge.  And  essentially,  some  of  these  are 
the  factors  that  still  attract  skilled  people  to 
the  United  States  or,  for  that  matter,  to  any 
otlier  country. 

The  question  today  is,  Wliat  is  the  magnitude 
of  this  movement,  and  what  is  the  impact  on 
the  countries  from  which  they  come?  Would 
the  talents  of  the  migrants  be  fully  utilized  if 
they  stayed  home  ?  Are  tliey  lured  to  the  United 
States  in  the  beginning  as  students  under  gov- 
ernment programs  and  then  remain  to  enter  the 
work  force  ?  Wliat  can  be  done  about  the  prob- 
lem as  a  whole? 

As  to  the  number,  30,039  skilled  persons  of 
all  types  migrated  to  the  United  States  in  fiscal 
year  1966.  More  than  70  percent  of  these  came 
from  the  developed  countries  and  the  remainder 
from  the  less  developed  nations.  As  a  percent- 
age of  total  immigrants,  the  number  of  skilled 
personnel  was  very  small — only  about  15 

As  for  the  number  of  students  who  come  to 
the  United  States  for  training  and  remain,  the 
Interagency  Council  on  International  Educa- 
tion and  Cultural  Affairs  found  that  they  are 
an  exceedingly  small  part  of  the  problem. 
Among  those  who  come  under  exchange  pro- 
grams supported  and  financed  by  the  United 
States  Government,  less  than  1  percent  even- 
tually become  permanent  residents.  Among 
those  who  pay  their  own  way,  only  8.3  percent 

remained  as  permanent  residents  during  the 
past  5  years. 

Most  of  our  skilled  immigrants  are  trained 
adults  recruited  by  American  industries,  re- 
search organizations,  hospitals,  and  universities. 

What  can  be  done  about  the  problem? 

Is  there  a  free  nation  that  would  restrict  the 
right  of  its  citizens  to  migrate  in  search  of 
greater  opportunities? 

Should  the  United  States  specifically  restrict 
by  law  the  immigration  of  people  with  skills 
and  talents?  Already  our  immigration  laws 
contain  provisions  that  encourage  students  and 
visitors  to  return  home.  For  example,  for  cer- 
tain categories,  the  visitor  must  leave  the 
United  States  after  a  specified  date  and  is  not 
eligible  to  apply  for  inunigration  for  2  years 
thereafter.  But  for  us  to  bar  talented  people 
would  be  a  form  of  discrimination,  and  we  only 
recently  revised  our  immigration  law  to  elimi- 
nate disci'imination.  Besides,  if  we  did  bar 
them,  would  this  insure  that  they  would  remain 
in  their  home  countries? 

The  problem  presents  many  of  the  same 
tangled  aspects  that  we  fiind  in  the  technologi- 
cal gap. 

The  solutions  seem  to  lie  largely  in  tlie  home 
countries.  In  the  case  of  the  "brain  drain,"  in- 
centives must  be  pro^-ided  that  encourage  edu- 
cated people  to  remain  at  home  and  students  to 
return  home.  To  interfere  with  the  free  move- 
ment of  such  people  by  legislation  would  be 
contrary  to  the  principles  that  are  the  founda- 
tion of  a  free  society. 

Technology  Alone  Is  Not  the  Key 

In  the  case  of  the  technological  gap,  the  basic 
problem  goes  much  deeper  than  technology.  It 
involves  all  the  factors  that  affect  productivity, 
of  which  technology  is  only  one. 

The  fact  that  teclmology  alone  is  not  the  key 
solution  is  illustrated  by  conditions  within  the 
United  States  itself. 

There  are  wide  disparities,  for  instance,  in 
the  ability  of  our  various  States  to  attract  the 
latest  teclmology.  Some  States  have  a  lower 
level  of  education  and  fewer  scientists  and  engi- 
neers as  a  percentage  of  population.  They  also 
lose  many  of  their  most  promising  scientific 
and  engineering  graduates  to  other  States  offer- 
ing increased  opportunities.  There  is  a  serious 
"brain  drain,"  for  example,  from  the  Midwest 
to  both  coasts. 

Even  some  of  our  largest  cities  have  prob- 



lems  attracting  new  industries  employing  the 
most  advanced  teclinologj'.  The  cause  would 
appear  to  involve  not  a  lack  of  scientists,  but 
other  factors.  A  study  by  our  Commerce  De- 
partment Teclmical  Advisory  Board  indicates 
that  universities  in  these  cities  fail  to  play  a 
leading  role  in  bringing  in  such  firms  and  banks 
in  the  area  are  not  inclined  toward  financing 
small,  science-based  companies. 

Solutions  to  Technological   Disparities 

What,  then,  are  the  solutions  to  the  techno- 
logical disparities  between  Europe  and  the 
United  States? 

The  things  which  can  be  done  that  lie  deep 
in  the  social  and  economic  systems  of  Europe, 
only  Europeans  can  do. 

Only  Europeans  can  create  an  educational 
system  that  raises  the  level  of  competence 
among  the  general  population  and  that  also 
offers  the  best  training  in  science  and  tech- 
nology to  the  more  capable  students.  Only 
European  industry  can  create  an  aggressive 
managerial  structure  that  encourages  the  inno- 
vation which  leads  to  the  use  of  more  advanced 
technology  and  finally  to  increased  productiv- 
ity. Only  Europeans  can  create  the  tax  and 
monetary  incentives  which  foster  the  more 
rapid  use  of  advanced  technology  by  industry. 

The  increasing  economic  integration  of  Eu- 
rope and  the  mass  markets  it  creates  also  are 
important  factors  in  the  spread  of  advanced 
technology.  For  this  permits  industry  to  effect 
the  economies  of  scale  that  makes  its  use 

There  also  are  a  number  of  areas  where  the 
United  States  can  collaborate  to  improve  the 
transfer  of  technology  across  international 

To  the  extent  that  teclmology  lies  in  the 
public  domain,  its  transfer  can  be  facilitated  by 
improving  its  dissemination  among  govern- 
ments, including  organizational  arrangements, 
and  by  industry-to-industry  transfer.  Wliere 
technology  is  subject  to  patents,  closer  inter- 
national cooperation  on  patent  practices  can 
vastly  improve  its  transfer.  The  time  is  pro- 
pitious because  of  work  already  underway 
internationally  in  the  patents  field  and  because 
of  reconunendations  recently  made  in  the 
United  States  by  the  President's  Commission 
on  the  Patent  System.  Efforts  can  also  be  made 
to  minimize  or  eliminate  any  other  restrictions 
hampering  the  flow  of  teclmological  informa- 

tion across  international  boimdaries. 

Another  field  which  is  beginning  to  receive 
renewed  attention  is  industrial  standardiza- 
tion. Efforts  at  both  the  national  and  interna- 
tional levels  can  contribute  a  great  deal  to  the 
flow  of  technology. 

Improved  utilization  of  scientific  and  tech- 
nological information  can  be  enhanced  by 
positive  action  to  establish  conferences,  utiliza- 
tion centers,  training  programs,  personnel  and 
materials  exchanges,  and  consultative  services. 
The  Office  of  State  Teclmical  Services  in  the 
United  States  Department  of  Commerce  has 
had  impressive  success  in  its  first  year  and  a 
half  in  such  a  program  of  teclmical  services. 

There  is  no  reason  why  industry-to-industry 
contacts  should  not  yield  results  of  great  bene- 
fit for  all  participants.  There  was  much  of  this 
in  the  first  years  after  World  War  II,  and  with 
important  gains  for  all  concerned. 

The  United  States  already  has  a  policy  of 
sharing  peaceful  know-how  and  cooperating  in 
peaceful  international  endeavors  in  those  areas 
where  the  United  States  has  an  important  posi- 
tion. A  few  examples  are:  Antarctic  studies, 
atomic  energy,  meteorology,  telecommunica- 
tions, space  exploration,  oceanography,  and 
such  long-term  programs  as  the  International 
Geophysical  Year  and  the  International  Co- 
operation Year.  This  kind  of  cooperation  will 
be  continued  and  expanded  as  needed.  President 
Johnson  himself  made  clear  last  fall  our  inten- 
tion to  cooperate  in  this  field  when  he  stated : 
"We  are  exploring  how  best  to  develop  science 
and  teclmology  as  a  common  resource."  ^ 

I  believe  there  should  be  contmuing  cross 
fertilization  in  industrial  technology  and  I 
offer  an  invitation  to  French  industrialists  to 
come  to  the  United  States  with  their  know-how 
and  invest  in  our  economy.  We  have  recently 
welcomed  a  new  plant  in  our  Pacific  Northwest, 
built  by  a  French- American  joint  venture  in- 
volving Pechiney,  and  I  am  told  it  is  technically 
without  equal  in  its  ability  to  produce  alummum 
at  low  cost.  French  engineering  and  design 
have  made  this  plant  highly  productive  at  low 
operating  cost  and  have  developed  a  highly 
significant  air  pollution  control  system  at  the 
same  time.  We  in  the  United  States  welcome  this 
technological  advance  made  possible  by  French 
industry,  and  we  favor  the  freedom  of  invest- 
ment which  allows  such  transfers  to  take  place. 

'  For  President  Jolmson's  address  at  New  York,  N.T., 
on  Oct.  7,  1966,  see  Buixetin  of  Oct.  24,  1966,  p.  622. 


Progress  comes  by  reducing,  not  creating,  bar- 
riers to  such  flows  of  technology  and  investment. 
There  is  evei-y  reason  to  believe  that  Europe, 
with  its  traditional  ingenuity  and  ability,  will 
take  the  kind  of  action  needed  to  overcome  its 
present  difficulties.  And  there  is  no  question  but 
that  the  United  States  will  in  the  future,  as  in 
the  past,  cooperate  willingly  and  effectively  in 
this  effort  which  will  mean  so  much  to  the 
United  States  as  well  as  to  Europe.  After  all, 
who  makes  better  friends,  allies,  trading  part- 
ners— countries  with  stagnating  or  under- 
developed economies,  or  those  with  a  high  level 
of  economic  activity  and  purchasing  power? 
The  question  needs  no  answer. 

White  House  Panel  Completes 
Study  of  World  Food   Problem 


White  House  press  release  dated  June  17 

Kesults  of  a  comprehensive  study  of  the  world 
food  problem  by  the  World  Food  Panel  of  the 
President's  Science  Advisory  Committee  were 
made  public  on  June  17.  The  first  volume  of 
a  three-part  Committee  report  was  released  by 
the  Wliite  House.^ 

The  report  of  the  year-long  study  concludes 
that  the  scale,  severity,  and  duration  of  the 
world  food  problem  are  so  great  that  a  massive, 
long-range,  innovative  effort  will  be  required 
to  master  it. 

The  report  stresses  the  "reality  of  the  food 
shortage  that  will  occur  during  the  next  20 
years"  unless  agricultural  production  in  the  de- 
veloping countries  can  be  mcreased  through  the 
use  of  fertilizer,  new  plant  varieties,  pesticides, 
and  farm  machinery,  and  adaptive  research  to 
develop  and  to  apply  new  cropping  systems  for 

1  The  World  Food  Prohlcm,  a.  Report  of  the  Presi- 
dent's Science  Advisoi-y  Committee.  Two  volumes  of  the 
Report  of  the  Panel  on  the  World  Food  Supply  have 
been  released  and  are  for  sale  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C.  20402 :  vol.  I,  summary  of  the  world 
food  problem  and  recommendations  for  policy  and  ac- 
tion, 123  pp.,  60  cents;  vol.  II,  snbpanel  reports,  772 
pp.,  $2.75. 

each  country's  climate  and  soil.  In  addition,  if 
"subsistence  f armmg"  is  to  be  transfonned  into 
"commercial  agriculture,"  improved  transpor- 
tation, marketing,  farm  credit,  storage,  and  dis- 
tribution systems  will  be  needed  on  a  huge  scale. 
The  problem  of  increasing  food  production,  the 
Panel  concludes,  is  actually  the  overall  problem 
of  economic  development  and  cannot  be  consid- 
ered in  isolation  from  other  problems  of  the 
new  nations  of  the  world. 

In  the  foreword  to  volume  I  of  the  report, 
President  Jolmson  states : 

The  World  Food  Problem  is  one  of  the  foremost  chal- 
lenges of  mankind  today.  The  dimension  of  the  chal- 
lenge will  define  the  dimension  of  our  response  and 
the  means  for  that  response.  We  must  join  with  others 
in  a  massive  effort  to  help  the  less  fortunate  of  the 
earth  to  help  themselves. 

The  complete  report  will  be  published  in 
three  volumes.  The  fijial  volume,  comprised 
mainly  of  technical  reports,  is  expected  to  be 
issued  in  July. 

The  study  was  carried  out  by  more  than  100 
experts  and  consultants  drawn  from  the  Fed- 
eral Government,  universities,  foimdations,  and 

The  study  chairman  was  Ivan  L.  Bennett,  Jr., 
Deputy  Director  of  the  Office  of  Science  and 
Technology,  Executive  Office  of  the  President; 
H.  F.  Eobinson,  administrative  dean  for  re- 
search of  the  University  of  North  Carolina, 
Raleigh,  served  as  executive  director.^ 

Summary  of  the   Report 

The  report  concludes  that  the  solution  to  the 
world  food  problem  during  the  next  20  years  is 
biologically,  teclmologically,  and  economically 
possible.  It  makes  clear  however,  that  it  will  re- 
quire the  institution  of  major  programs  to  ac- 
complish the  job. 

A  maximum  effort  will  be  required  from  all  nations, 
developing  and  developed  alike,  if  the  pangs  of  hun- 
ger are  to  be  alleviated  .  .  .  and  if  the  growing  threat 
of  outright  mass  starvation  is  to  be  turned  aside. 

Food  and  population:  While  overall  world 
food  requirements  will  rise  by  about  50  per- 
cent, the  requirements  in  the  developing  nations 
are  expected  to  double  by  1985.  The  report  rec- 
ommends that  voluntary  programs  of  family 
plamiing  be  supported  and  expanded  in  the  de- 
veloping countries  to  assure  a  long-range  ad- 

'  For  a  list  of  members  of  the  panel,  see  White  House 
press  release  dated  June  17. 



justment  of  food  needs  in  conjunction  with  pop- 
ulation control. 

Food  shortage  and  rapid  population  growth  are  sep- 
arate, but  interrelated  problems.  The  solutions,  like- 
wise, are  separate,  but  related.  The  choice  is  not  to 
solve  one  or  the  other;  to  solve  both  is  an  absolute 
necessity. . . . 

The  twin  problems  of  food  and  population  balance 
have  one  feature  in  common  that  adds  immeasurably 
to  the  difficulties  of  achieving  control.  Their  eventual 
solution  is  crucially  dependent  upon  success  in  con- 
vincing millions  of  citizens  in  developing  nations  to 
take  individual  action.  .  .  .  The  provision  of  these  per- 
sonal incentives  Is  a  task  that  encompasses  a  vast  array 
of  social,  economic,  and  political  considerations  which 
differ  between  countries  and  within  countries.  Indeed, 
the  very  fabric  of  traditional  societies  must  be  re- 
woven  if  the  situation  is  to  change  permanently. 

Food  synthesis :  The  report  warns  against  the 
false  hope  that  some  "panacea"  will  appear  as 
an  easy  answer  to  worldwide  food  shortages  and 
decries  the  publicity  accorded  to  synthesis  of 
food  from  petroleum,  food  from  algae,  and 
similar  processes  as  raising  false  hopes  and  un- 
doubtedly lessening  public  concern  about  the 
seriousness  of  the  food  supply  in  the  develop- 
ing nations.  Strong  support  for  research  and 
development  on  food  synthesis  is  recommended, 
but  it  is  pointed  out  that  it  will  be  several  years 
before  any  decision  about  the  usefulness  of  new 
processes  will  be  possible  because  of  teclmical 
problems  as  well  as  questions  of  cost  and  con- 
sumer acceptability. 

Agricultural  development :  Stressing  agricul- 
ture within  the  needy  countries  as  the  main 
source  of  food  during  the  next  20  years,  the  re- 
port states : 

Agricultural  development  has  never  been  a  particu- 
larly appealing  or  inspiring  national  goal ;  it  is  politi- 
cally unglamorous,  unrecognized,  and  unrewarding.  It 
does  not  raise  visions  of  the  20th  century,  the  age  of 
technological  revolution,  in  the  minds  of  people. 

Until  agricultural  development  is  accorded  its  right- 
ful place  by  both  donors  and  recipients  of  foreign  aid, 
the  imbalance  between  the  world's  food  supply  and  its 
population  will  continue  to  outpace  our  efforts  to  meet 
the  increasing  need. 

Capital  investment  and  economiG  health:  The 
report  details  the  huge  investments  of  capital 
that  will  be  needed  for  irrigation,  fertilizer, 
new  seed  varieties,  pesticides,  and  agricultural 
machinery  if  the  "subsistence"  farming  in  the 
developing  countries  is  to  be  transformed  into 
modem  commercial  fanning,  emphasizing  addi- 
tional needs  for  improved  farm  credit,  market- 
ing, storage,  and  distribution  systems,  and 
improved  transportation.  Commercial  food  pro- 
duction for  the  market  is  dependent  upon  total 
economic  development.  There  must  be  a  balance 

between  modernization  of  the  agricultural  sec- 
tor and  the  industrial  sector  of  any  economy  if 
either  is  to  flourish  and  to  achieve  sustained 

Economic  assistance:  The  report  emphasized 
heavily  the  need  for  long-term  support  of  over- 
all economic  assistance  in  the  hungry  countries : 

The  eventual  alleviation  of  world  hunger  will  require 
many  years.  It  is  dependent  on  far-reaching  social  re- 
forms and  long-range  programs  of  hard  work  which 
offer  no  promises  of  quick  and  dramatic  results  of  the 
type  so  helpful  in  maintaining  enthusiasm  for  a  con- 
certed, difficult  undertaking.  The  results  cannot  be 
seen  as  a  dedication  of  new  buildings,  as  a  successful 
launching  into  space,  or  as  other  spectacular,  "news- 
worthy" events  to  punctuate  the  year  in  and  year  out 
toil.  .  .  . 

.  .  .  long-term  commitment  of  substantial  resources 
is  an  absolute  necessity.  The  fallacious  notion  that  for- 
eign aid's  tnain  business  is  to  put  itself  out  of  business 
should  be  dropped  for  the  remainder  of  this  century. 
All  programs  based  upon  this  thesis  have  succeeded 
only  in  proving  otherwise.  When  one  program  of  assist- 
ance has  terminated,  others  have  had  to  take  over. 

Research  and  development:  Pleading  for 
abandonment  of  the  "know-how,  show-how" 
idea  of  "practical  help"  for  agriculture  in  the 
developing  countries,  the  Panel  states  emphati- 
cally that  agricultural  technologies  are  not  di- 
rectly transferable  to  different  soils  and  cli- 
mates, and  the  report  underlines  the  need  for 
adai^tive  research  in  devising  agricultural  sys- 
tems for  each  region  of  the  world: 

A  blueprint  for  a  bicycle  or  a  steel  mill  can  be 
shipped  overseas  and  utilized  without  alteration  but 
the  blueprints  and  architecture  for  a  food  crop  must  be 
developed  overseas.  There,  as  in  the  United  States, 
new  plant  varieties,  each  better  than  the  last,  must  be 
produced  frequently  to  increase  plant  resistance  to  in- 
sects and  disease. 

There  is  an  urgent  need  to  carry  out  this  adaptive 
research,  to  establish  strong  indigenous  institutions, 
and  develop  the  manpower  that  will  enable  the  poor, 
food-deficit  nations  to  carry  out  the  self-sustaining, 
continuing  programs  of  research  and  development  that 
are  essential  to  modem  food  production. 

Manpower:  The  Panel's  analysis  of  the  food 
problem  points  out  that  it  is  not  nutritional 
need  alone  but  effective  economic  demand  which 
stimulates  increased  food  production.  Aggregate 
calculations  indicate  that  the  annual  capital  in- 
vestment that  will  be  required  to  increase  food 
demand  to  the  levels  required  to  meet  needs  is 
approximately  4  percent  of  the  GNP  of  tlie  de- 
veloping countries,  amounting  to  about  $12  bil- 
lion for  1965-66.  Despite  these  enormous  re- 
quirements for  capital  investment,  the  report 
warns  that  the  greatest  problem  to  be  faced  is 
the  shortage  of  trained  manpower  and  urges  a 

JTJLY    17,    1967 


renewed  emphasis  upon  teclinical  assistance  to 
the  developing  countries : 

The  scarcest  and  most  needed  resource  in,  the  devel- 
oping countries  is  the  scientific,  technical,  and  manage- 
rial skill  needed  for  systematic,  orderly  decision-making 
and  implementation.  Through  technical  assistance 
programs,  the  United  States  should  emjAasize  guid- 
ance, education,  and  the  development  of  indigenous 
capabilities — for  the  long  term — because  the  task  in 
the  developing  nations  has  only  just  begun  and  will 
continue  for  many  decades  to  come. 


In  all  of  recorded  history,  none  have  sur- 
passed the  American  people  in  "willingness  to 
share  their  abiuidance  with  others.  We  have 
given  unstintingly  of  our  material  wealth  and 
our  precious  human  resources  to  benefit  the  less 
fortmiate  of  this  earth.  We  have  sought  to  re- 
store those  whom  war  has  shattered.  We  have 
sought  to  provide  assistance  to  the  newly  inde- 
pendent members  of  the  family  of  nations  who 
are  making  the  effort  to  break  the  shackles  of 
tradition  and  achieve  a  better  life  for  their 

But  as  success  in  programs  to  eradicate  dis- 
ease and  to  improve  health  have  given  more  and 
more  millions  the  opportunity  to  live  out  their 
natural  span  of  life,  the  problem  of  hunger  has 
lingered  on  and  the  shadow  of  starvation  and 
impending  famine  has  grown  ever  darker. 

Hunger's  unceasing  anguish  drains  hope, 
crushes  aspirations,  and  obstructs  the  genera- 
tion of  programs  of  self-help.  The  threat  of 
starvation  sets  man  against  man  and  citizen 
against  government,  leading  to  civil  strife  and 
political  unrest. 

Our  programs  to  help  these  new  countries  to 
increase  food  production  have  brought  about 
striking  improvement  in  a  few  instances.  But  in 
the  total  balance,  food  has  not  kept  pace  with 
population  and  the  developing  world  continues 
to  lose  ground  in  this  race. 

The  World  Food  Problem  is  one  of  the  fore- 
most challenges  of  mankind  today.  The  dimen- 
sion of  the  challenge  will  define  the  dimension 
of  our  response  and  the  means  for  that  response. 
We  must  join  with  others  in  a  massive  effort  to 
help  the  less  fortunate  of  the  earth  to  help  them- 
selves. I  am  making  this  report  public  because 
of  its  significance  for  the  American  people  and 
people  all  over  the  world. 

U.S.  and  Philippines  To  Discuss 
New   Trade   Agreement 

White  House  press  release  dated  June  20 

President  Jolmson  on  June  20  announced  the  I 
composition  of  the  U.S.  team  to  conduct  inter-  ■ 
governmental  discussions  with  representatives 
of  the  Govenunent  of  the  Republic  of  the 
Philippines  on  the  concepts  underlying  a  new 
instrument  to  replace  the  Laurel-Langley  Trade 
Agreement  ^  after  its  scheduled  expiration  in 

The  members  of  the  U.S.  team  are  Deputy 
Assistant  Secretax-y  for  Economic  Affairs  Eu- 
gene M.  Braderman,  Department  of  State 
(chairman) ;  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  for 
Trade  Policy  Robert  L.  McNeill,  Department 
of  Commerce ;  Assistant  Legal  Adviser  George 
H.  Aldrich,  Department  of  State;  and  Philip- 
pines Country  Director  Richard  M.  Service  and 
Philippines  Economic  Desk  Officer  Dawson  S. 
Wilson,  Bureau  of  East  Asian  and  Pacific 
Affairs,  Department  of  State. 

The  undertaking  of  early  discussions  was 
agreed  upon  by  President  Jolmson  and  Presi- 
dent Marcos  in  paragraph  12  of  the  joint  com- 
munique^ issued  in  Washington  following 
talks  September  14  and  15,  1966. 

President   Recommends   Ratification 
of  OAS  Charter  Amendments 

Message  to  tlie  Senate  ^ 

To  the  Senate  of  the  United  States: 

I  request  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Senate 
to  ratification  of  the  protocol  of  amendment  to 
the  Charter  of  the  Organization  of  American 
States — the  "Protocol  of  Buenos  Aires" — signed 
at  the  Third  Special  Inter-American  Confer- 
ence at  Buenos  Aires  on  February  27, 1967.* 

The  signing  of  the  protocol  of  Buenos  Aires 
was  a  major  development  for  the  inter- Ameri- 
can system.  The  amendments  to  be  effected  in 

^  Treaties  and  Other  International  Acts  Series  3348 ; 
for  background  and  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Sept.  19, 
195.5,  p.  463. 

"  For  text,  see  iUd.,  Oct.  10,  1966,  p.  531. 

»  Congressional  Record,  June  12,  1967,  p.  S8076. 

*  Exec.  L.  90th  Cong.,  1st  sess. ;  for  background,  see 
Bulletin  of  Mar.  20,  1967,  p.  472. 



the  Charter  of  the  Organization  of  American 
States  by  the  protocol  of  amendment,  the  first 
such  amendments  since  the  adoption  of  the 
charter  in  1948,  will  go  far  toward  the  neces- 
sary modernization  of  the  structure  of  the 
Organization  and  the  strengthening  of  its  ca- 
pacity to  act  effectively  in  the  interest  of 
hemispheric  cooperation  and  solidarity.  The 
amendments  gi-ant  certain  fuller  responsibili- 
ties to  some  of  the  organs  of  the  Organization, 
for  instance,  in  the  field  of  peaceful  settlement. 
They  establish  new  and  specific  objectives  and 
standards  for  the  promotion  of  economic,  social, 
and  cultural  development. 

Following  in  general  the  guidelines  prepared 
at  the  Second  Special  Inter- American  Confer- 
ence at  Eio  de  Janeiro  in  November  1965,  and 
the  draft  amendments  prepared  by  the  OAS 
Special  Committee  which  met  in  Panama  in 
March  1966  and  by  the  Inter- American  Eco- 
nomic and  Social  Council  which  met  in 
Washington  in  June  1966,  the  Buenos  Aires 
Conference  adopted  the  amendments  which  are 
embodied  in  the  protocol  of  amendment. 

Among  the  more  significant  changes  in  the 
amendments  relating  to  the  structure  of  the  Or- 
ganization and  to  the  responsibilities  of  its  or- 
gans are  those  concerning  (1)  the  provision  in 
the  charter  of  procedures  for  the  Organization 
to  authorize  the  admission  of  new  members; 
(2)  the  replacement  of  the  Inter- American  Con- 
ference which  meets  every  5  years  by  a  General 
Assembly  which  meets  annually  and  which  as- 
sumes certain  functions  now  performed  by  the 
OASCoimcil;  (3)  the  redesignation  of  the  OAS 
Coimcil  as  the  Permanent  Council,  and  the 
granting  of  additional  responsibilities  to  the 
Inter-American  Economic  and  Social  Council 
and  Inter-American  Council  for  Education,  Sci- 
ence, and  Culture — formerly  the  Inter-Amer- 
ican Cultural  Council — which  become  organs 
directly  responsible  to  the  General  Assembly  as 
is  the  Permanent  Council ;  (4)  the  elimination 
of  the  Inter- American  Council  of  Jurists  and 
the  upgrading  of  the  Inter- American  Juridical 
Committee;  (5)  the  assignment  to  the  Perma- 
nent Council  of  specific  additional  authority 
in  the  field  of  peaceful  settlement;  (6)  the  in- 
corporation of  the  Inter- American  Commission 
on  Human  Rights  into  the  OAS  Charter  as  an 
organ  with  fimctions  to  be  later  determined  by 
an  inter- American  convention  on  human  rights ; 
and  (7)  the  election  of  the  OAS  Secretary  Gen- 
eral and  Assistant  Secretary  General  by  the 

General  Assembly  for  5-year  terms,  rather  than 
by  the  OAS  Council  for  10-year  terms  as  pres- 
ently provided. 

The  expanded  economic  standards  under- 
scoi-e  the  importance  of  self-help  eilorts  and 
reiterate  the  present  charter  undertaking  of 
members  to  cooperate  with  one  another  in  the 
economic  field  "as  far  as  their  resources  permit 
and  laws  may  provide."  The  amendments  pro- 
vide that  States  should  make  individual  and 
united  efforts  to  bring  about  improved  condi- 
tions of  trade  in  basic  commodities  and  a  reduc- 
tion of  trade  barriers  by  importing  countries. 
Several  articles  deal  with  efforts  to  accelerate 
Latin  American  economic  integration. 

The  social  and  the  educational,  scientific,  and 
cultural  standards  elaborate  on  the  principles 
in  the  present  charter  in  these  areas. 

The  various  amendments  are  dealt  with  in  de- 
tail in  the  enclosed  report  by  the  Secretary  of 
State  and  summary  of  amendments. 

I  believe  it  to  be  in  the  national  interest  of 
the  United  States  to  ratify  the  proposed  amend- 
ments. I  therefore  urge  that  the  Senate  consent 
to  ratification  by  the  United  States  of  these 
amendments  to  the  Charter  of  the  Organiza- 
tion of  American  States. 

Lyndon  B.  Johnson 

The  White  House,  June  12, 1967. 

Congressional  Documents 
Relating  to  Foreign  Policy 

90th  Congress,  1st  Session 

Government,  Science,  and  International  Policy.  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  eighth  meeting  of  the  Panel  on  Sci- 
ence and  Technology  of  the  House  Ckimmittee  on  Sci- 
ence and  Astronautics ;  January  24-26,  1967 ;  220  pp. 
Compilation  of  papers  prepared  for  the  eighth  meet- 
ing of  the  panel ;  April  1967 ;  81  pp.  [Committee 

United  States  Armament  and  Disarmament  Problems. 
Hearings  before  the  Subcommittee  on  Disarmament 
of  the  Senate  Committee  on  Foreign  Relations,  Feb- 
ruary 3-March  .3,  1967.  186  pp. 

The  Foreign  Policy  Aspects  of  the  Kennedy  Round. 
Hearings  before  the  Subcommittee  on  Foreign  Eco- 
nomic Policy  of  the  House  Committee  on  Foreign 
Affairs.  Part  II.  February  15-April  5,  1967.  204  pp. 

U.S.  Informational  Media  Guaranty  Program.  Hearings 
before  the  Senate  Committee  on  Foreign  Relations  on 
S.  1030.    March  21  and  April  25, 1967. 122  pp. 

Policy  Planning  for  Technology  Transfer.  Report  of  the 
Subcommittee  on  Science  and  Technology  to  the 
Senate  Select  Committee  on  Small  Business.  S.  Doc. 
15.  April  6, 1967. 192  pp. 

JTJLT    17,    1967 



United  States  and  Italy  Sign 
Science  Cooperation  Agreement 

Press  release  145  dated  June  19 

All  Agreement  for  a  Cooperative  Program  in 
Science  between  the  United  States  and  Italy 
was  concluded  on  June  19  at  a  ceremony  at  the 
Department  of  State.  Eugene  Rostow,  Under 
Secretary  of  State  for  Political  Ailairs,  and 
Donald  Hornig,  Special  Assistant  to  the  Presi- 
dent for  Science  and  Teclmology,  signed  the 
agreement  on  behalf  of  the  Government  of  the 
United  States.  Ambassador  Egidio  Ortoiia; 
Leopoklo  Rubinacci,  Mmister  for  Coordination 
of  Science  and  Technology ;  and  Vincenzo  Ca- 
glioti,  President  of  the  National  Research  Comi- 
cil  (Consiglio  Nazionale  delle  Ricerche)  signed 
on  behalf  of  the  Government  of  the  Republic 
of  Italy. 

The  agreement  provides  that  the  two  coim- 
tries  will  midertake  a  broad-range  program  of 
scientific  cooperation  for  peaceful  purposes. 
Each  country  will  provide  financial  support  to 
its  respective  portion  of  the  program. 

The  aim  of  the  program  is  to  strengthen 
cooperation  between  the  scientists  of  the  two 
countries  and  to  provide  additional  opportuni- 
ties for  them  to  exchange  ideas,  skills,  and  tech- 
niques, to  attack  problems  of  particular  mutual 
interest,  to  work  together  in  unique  environ- 
ments, and  to  utilize  special  facilities. 

Activities  under  this  program  will  involve 
participation  by  scientists  of  both  countries 
and  may  include  exchange  of  scientists,  pursuit 
of  joint  research  projects,  and  seminars  to  ex- 
change information.  Scientific  information 
derived  from  these  activities  shall  be  made 
freely  available  to  the  world  scientific  commu- 
nity through  customary  channels. 

Tlie  agreement  makes  provision  for  the  par- 
ticipation of  scientists  of  other  countries  m  the 
jomt  projects  and  encourages  extension  of  the 
cooperation  to  a  multilateral  basis. 

The  agreement  provides  for  the  designation 
by  each  Government  of  an  "executive  agency" 
with  responsibility  for  coordinating  the  imple- 
mentation of  its  side  of  the  program.  The  Na- 

tional Science  Foimdation  (NSF)  in  the  United 
States  and  the  Consiglio  Nazionale  delle 
Ricerche  (CNR)  in  Italy  will  serve  as  the 
respective  executive  agencies. 

The  cooperative  program  is  being  initiated 
with  three  jarojects  which  have  been  approved 
by  the  NSF  and  the  CNR : 

1.  Establishment  of  an  international  grad- 
uate school  of  molecular  biology  through  coop- 
eration between  the  University  of  California 
and  the  International  Laboratory  of  Genetics 
and  Biophysics  (ILGB)  at  Naples,  Italy.  The 
ILGB  is  governed  and  supported  by  the  CNR. 
Under  an  NSF  grant  to  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia, the  university  will  furnish  some  teach- 
ing staff  and  laboratory  equipment.  The 
classroom  and  laboratory  facilities  and  ad- 
ditional staff  will  be  provided  through  the 
ILGB,  which  is  a  large,  well-equipped,  and 
experienced  research  institution.  The  school  will 
accept  students  from  all  countries  and  will 
award  the  Ph.  D.  degree  on  the  basis  of  a  cur- 
riculum designed  on  the  American  system  but 
employing  some  experimental  variations.  The 
school  can  serve  as  a  prototype  for  international 
graduate  schools  in  other  fields. 

2.  A  scientific  exchange  progi-am  between  the 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  and  the 
University  of  Palermo.  Laboratories  at  both 
institutions  have  conducted  significant  research 
in  molecular  developmental  biology.  The  ex- 
change is  expected  to  result  in  the  coordination 
of  effort  and  the  establishment  of  a  core  of  sim- 
ilar teclmical  and  theoretical  competence  in 
laboratories  at  the  two  institutions.  Program 
emphasis  will  be  on  support  of  the  research  and 
training  of  professional  scientists,  graduate  stu- 
dents, and  technical  personnel  between  the  two 
institutions.  NSF  has  awarded  a  grant  to  the 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  to  sup- 
port the  U.S.  portion  of  this  program,  and  the 
CNR  is  funding  the  University  of  Palermo 

3.  Extension  of  collaboration  between  scien- 
tists at  the  Department  of  Zoology,  Washington 
University,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  the  Center  for 
Neurobiology  of  the  Istituto  Superiore  di 
Sanita  and  the  Institute  of  Experimental  Medi- 
cine of  the  CNR  in  Rome.  The  work  involves 
study  of  a  nerve  growth  factor  which  induces 
increased  growth  of  specific  nerve  cells  of  birds  : 
and  mammals  as  well  as  of  embryonic  sensory 
cells.  This  activity  is  also  being  supported  by 
NSF  and  CNR. 



Current  Actions 


Atomic  Energy 

Agreement  between  the  International  Atomic  Energy 
Agency,  United  States  and  Indonesia  for  the  appli- 
cation of  safeguards.  Signed  at  Vienna  June  19, 1967. 
Enters  into  force  on  the  date  on  which  the  Agency 
shall  have  received  from  the  two  Governments  writ- 
ten notification  that  they  have  complied  with  all 
statutory  and  constitutional  requirements  for  its 
entry  into  force. 

Consular  Relations 

Vienna    convention    on    consular    relations.    Done    at 
Vienna  April  23, 1963. 
Entered  into  force:  March  19, 1967.' 


Treaty  on  principles  governing  the  activities  of  states 
in  the  exploration  and  use  of  outer  space,  including 
the  moon  and  other  celestial  bodies.  Opened  for  sig- 
nature at  Washington,  London,  and  Moscow  Jan- 
uary 27, 1967." 

Ratification  deposited:  Hungary,  June  26, 1967. 
Signatures:  Jamaica,  June  29,  1967 ;  Peru,  June  30, 

United  Nations 

Amendment  to  article  109  of  the  Charter  of  the  United 
Nations.  Adopted  by  the  General  Assembly  at  United 
Nations   Headquarters,    New    York,    December   20, 
Ratification  deposited:  Burma,  June  8, 1967. 


Geneva  convention  relative  to  treatment  of  prisoners 

of  war; 
Geneva  convention  for  amelioration   of  condition  of 

wounded  and  sick  in  armed  forces  in  the  field ; 
Geneva  convention  for  amelioration  of  condition  of 
wounded,  sick  and  shipwrecked  members  of  armed 
forces  at  sea ; 
Geneva  convention  relative  to  protection  of  civilian  per- 
sons in  time  of  war. 

Dated  at  Geneva  August  12,  1949.  Entered  into  force 

October  21, 1950 ;  for  the  United  States  February  2, 

1956.  TIAS  3364,  3362,  3363,  and  3365,  respectively. 

Notification  that  it  considers  itself  iound:  Congo 

(Brazzaville),  January  30,  1967. 


Agency  for  the  Safety  of  Air  Navigation 
in  Africa  and  Madagascar  (ASECNA) 

Agreement  relating  to  services  and  facilities  for  air- 
craft operated  by  or  on  behalf  of  the  United  States 
Government,  with  exchange  of  letters.  Signed  at 
Paris  June  22, 1967.  Entered  Into  force  June  22, 1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  the  loan  of  an  additional  vessel 
(U.S.S.  Lewis  Bancock)  to  BrazU.  Effected  by  ex- 
change of  notes  at  Washington  June  15  and  28,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  June  28,  1967. 

Agreement  relating  to  the  loan  of  an  additional  vessel 
(U.S.S.  Irtvin)  to  Brazil.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Washington  June  23  and  28,  1907.  Entered 
into  force  June  28,  1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  trade  in  cotton  textiles.  Effected 
by  exchange  of  notes  at  Valletta  June  14,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  June  14,  1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  the  reciprocal  granting  of  au- 
thorizations to  permit  licensed  amateur  radio  oper- 
ators of  either  country  to  operate  their  stations  in  the 
other  country.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Oslo 
May  27  and  June  1,  1967.  Entered  into  force  June  1, 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  April  20, 
May  14  and  26,  1962  (TIAS  .5063),  relating  to  the 
issuance  of  visas  to  diplomatic  and  nondiplomatic 
personnel.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Bucha- 
rest May  31  and  June  17,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
June  19,  1967. 


Recent  Releases 

For  sale  hy  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S. 
Oovemment  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.G.  20^02. 
Address  requests  direct  to  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents.  A  25-percent  discount  is  made  on  orders 
for  100  or  more  copies  of  any  one  publication  mailed 
to  the  same  address.  Remittances,  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  must  accompany  orders. 

Trade  in  Cotton  Textiles.  Agreement  with  Pakistan. 
Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Rawalpindi  Novem- 
ber 21,  1966.  Entered  into  force  November  21,  1966. 
Effective  July  1,  1966.  TIAS  6153.  15  pp.  10<f. 

Education — Commission  for  Educational  Exchange 
and  Financing  of  Exchange  Programs.  Agreement  with 
Brazil.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Rio  de  Janeiro 
October  5  and  19,  1966.  Entered  into  force  October  19, 
1966.  TIAS  6163. 11  pp.  10(>. 

Treaties — Continued  Application  to  Botswana  of  Cer- 
tain Treaties  Concluded  Between  the  United  States 
and  the  United  Kingdom.  Agreement  with  Botswana. 
Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Gaberones  September  30, 
1966.  Entered  into  force  September  30, 1966.  TIAS  6165. 
3  pp.  5(t. 

Agricultural  Commodities — Sales  Under  Title  IV. 
Agreement  with  the  Democratic  Republic  of  the 
Congo — Signed  at  Kinshasa  October  3,  1966.  Entered 
into  force  October  3,  1966.  Witt  exchange  of  notes. 
TIAS  6166.  11  pp.  10^. 

*  Not  in  force  for  the  United  States. 

•  Not  in  force. 

JTJLT    17,    1967 


Desalination.  Agreement  with  the  Union  of  Soviet 
Socialist  Republics,  extending  the  agreement  of  No- 
vember 18,  1964.  Exchange  of  notes — Dated  at  Moscovir 
November  18  and  December  3,  1966.  Entered  into  force 
December  3,  1966.  TIAS  6174.  2  pp.  5(t. 

Education — Financing  of  Exchange  Programs.  Agree- 
ment with  Italy,  amending  the  agreement  of  Decem- 
ber 18,  1948,  as  amended.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed 
at  Rome  October  5,  1966.  Entered  into  force  October  5, 
1966.  TIAS  6179.  5  pp.  54. 

Military  Bases  in  the  Philippines — Relinquishment  of 
Certain  Land  Areas  in  Camp  John  Hay.  Agreement 
with  the  Philiijpines.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at 
Manila  December  13,  1966.  Entered  into  force  Decem- 
ber 13,  1966.  TIAS  6180.  3  pp.,  map.  30(5. 

General  Agreement  on  Tarififs  and  Trade.  Protocol  for 
the  accession  of  Yugoslavia  to  the  agreement  of  Oc- 
tober 30,  1947.  Done  at  Geneva  July  20,  1966.  Entered 
into  force  August  25,  1966.  TIAS  6185.  28  pp.  15«(. 

Exchange  of  Official  Publications.  Agreement  with 
Jamaica.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Kingston  De- 
cember 20,  1966.  Entered  into  force  December  20,  1966. 
TIAS  6187.  3  pp.  5(f. 

Agricultural    Commodities — Sales    Under    Title    IV. 

Agreement  with  Iraq — Signed  at  Baghdad  Decem- 
ber 19,  1966.  Entered  into  force  December  19,  1966. 
With  exchange  of  notes.  TIAS  6188.  14  pp.  10(J. 

Trade — Exports  of  Cotton  Velveteen  Fabrics  From 
Italy  to  the  United  States.  Agreement  with  Italy.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Signed  at  Washington  October  19, 
1966.  Entered  into  force  October  19,  1966.  Effective 
January  1,  1966.  TIAS  6191.  3  pp.  50. 

Availability  of  Certain  Indian  Ocean  Islands  for  De- 
fense Purposes.  Agreement  with  the  United  Kingdom 
of  Great  IJritain  and  Northern  Ireland.  Exchange  of 
notes — Signed  at  London  December  30,  1966.  Entered 
into  force  December  30,  1966.  TIAS  6196.  15  pp.  100. 

Tracking  Stations — Facility  on  the  Island  of  Mahe 
(Seychelles).  Agreement  with  the  United  Kingdom  of 
Great  Britain  and  Northern  Ireland.  Exchange  of 
notes — Signed  at  London  December  30,  1966.  Entered 
into  force  Decemt>er  30,  1966.  With  agreed  minute. 
TIAS  6197.  30  pp.  150. 

Settlement  of  United  States  Claim  for  Postwar  Eco- 
nomic Assistance.  Agreement  with  the  Federal  Re- 
public of  Germany.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at 
Bonn  and  Bonn/Bad  Godesberg  December  29,  1966. 
Entered  into  force  December  29,  1966.  With  related 
notes — Dated  at  Bonn  and  Bonn/Bad  Godesberg  Jan- 
uary 4  and  20,  1967.  TIAS  6204.  5  pp.  50. 

Peace  Corps.  Agreement  with  Dominica.  Exchange  of 
notes — Signed  at  Bridgetovra  December  16,  1966,  and 
at  Dominica  January  11,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
January  11,  1967.  TIAS  6206.  3  pp.  50. 

Peace  Corps.  Agreement  with  St.  Christopher  Nevis 
and  Anguilla.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Bridge- 
town and  St.  Kitts  December  19,  1966,  and  January  10, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  January  10,  1967.  TIAS  6209. 
3  pp.  50. 

Radio  Broadcasting  in  the  Standard  Broadcast  Band. 

Protocol  with  Mexico,  amending  the  agreement  of 
January  29,  1957— Signed  at  Mexico  April  13,  1966. 
Entered  into  force  January  12,  1967.  TIAS  6210.  4  pp. 

Peace  Corps.  Agreement  vnth  St.  Vincent.  Exchange 
of  notes — Signed  at  Bridgetown  December  16, 1966.  and 
at  St.  Vincent  January  IS,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
January  18,  1967.  TIAS  6211.  3  pp.  50. 

Customs  Administration.  Agreement  with  the  Philip- 
pines— Signed  at  Washington  January  4,  1967.  Entered 
into  force  January  4,  1967.  TIAS  6212.  9  pp.  100. 

Defense — Disposition    of    Equipment    and    Materiel. 

Agreement  with  Brazil.  Exchange  of  note.s — Signed 
at  Rio  de  Janeiro  January  27,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
January  27,  1967.  TIAS  6213.  5  pp.  50. 




INDEX     J'uJ'y  17,  1967     Vol.  LVII,  No.  llfiU 

Africa.  Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Ros- 
tow) 66 

American  Principles.  The  Right  of  All  Peoples 
to  Self -Determination  (Johnson) 59 

Asia.  Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Rostow)     .        66 


Congressional  Documents  Relating  to  Foreign 

Policy 79 

President    Recommends    Ratification    of    OAS 

Charter  Amendments  (message  to  Senate)     .        78 

Developing  Countries 

Regionalism  and  World  Order   (Rostow)     .    .        66 
White  House  Panel  Completes  Study  of  World 
Food  Problem 76 

Ek;onomic  A£Fairs 

The  Atlantic  Industrial  Community  Looks  to 

the    Future    (Trowbridge) 70 

Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Rostow)     ...        66 
U.S.  and  Panama  Reach  Agreement  on  Texts  of 

New    CanaJ    Treaties 65 


The  Atlantic  Industrial  Community  Looks  to 

the   Future    (Trowbridge) 70 

Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Rostow)     ...        66 

Foreign  Aid.  White  House  Panel  Completes 
Study  of  World  Food  Problem 76 

Italy.  United  States  and  Italy  Sign  Science  Co- 
operation Agreement 80 

Japan.  Letters  of  Credence  (Shimoda)     ...        69 

Latin  America 

President    Recommends    Ratification    of    OAS 

Charter  Amendments  (message  to  Senate)     .        78 
Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Rostow)     ...        66 

Near  East 

Regionalism  and  World  Order  (Rostow)    ...        66 

United  States  Reiterates  Policy  on  Status  of 

Jerusalem 60 

U.S.  To  Join  in  Emergency  ReUef  Programs  for 

the  Middle  East  (Johnson,  Goldberg)     ...        64 

Panama.  U.S.  and  Panama  Reach  Agreement  on 
Texts  of  New  Canal  Treaties 65 

Philippines.  U.S.  and  Philippines  To  Discuss 
New    Trade    Agreement 78 

Presidential  Documents 

President    Recommends    Ratification    of    OAS 

Charter   Amendments 78 

The  Right  of  All  Peoples   to   Self-Determina- 

tion 59 

United  States  and  Thailand  Pledge  To  Continue 

Close  Cooperation  To  Promote  Peace    ...        61 
U.S.  To  Join  in  Emergency  Relief  Programs  for 

the  Middle  East 64 

White  House  Panel  Completes  Study  of  World 

Food  Problem 76 

Publications.  Recent  Releases 81 


The  Atlantic  Industrial  Community  Looks  to  the 
Future  (Trowbridge) 70 

United  States  and  Italy  Sign  Science  Coopera- 
tion   Agreement 80 

Thailand.  United  States  and  Thailand  Pledge 
To  Continue  Close  Cooperation  To  Promote 
Peace  (Bhumibol  Adulyadej,  Johnson,  joint 
statement) 61 

Trade.  U.S.  and  Philippines  To  Discuss  New 
Trade  Agreement 78 

Treaty  Information 

Current  Actions 81 

United  States  and  Italy  Sign  Science  Coopera- 
tion Agreement 80 

U.S.  and  Panama  Reach  Agreement  on  Texts  of 
New    Canal    Treaties 65 

U.S.  and  Philippines  To  Discuss  New  Trade 
Agreement 78 

U.S.S.R.  The  Right  of  All  Peoples  to  Self-De- 
termination    (Johnson) 59 

United  Nations.  U.S.  To  Join  in  Emergency 
Relief  Programs  for  the  Middle  East  (John- 
son,  Goldberg)       64 

Viet-Nam.  The  Right  of  All  Peoples  to  Self- 
Determination    (Johnson) 59 

Name  Index 

Bhumibol    Adulyadej 61 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J 64 

Johnson,    President 59,61,64,76,78 

Rostow,    W.    W 66 

Shimoda,   Takeso 69 

Trowbridge,  Alexander  B 70 

Check   List  of   Department  of   State 
Press  Releases:  June  26-July  2 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the  Ofllce 
of  News,  Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

Release  issued  prior  to  June  26  which  appeal's 
in  this  issue  of  the  Bulletin  is  No.  145  of 
June  19. 

No.        Date  Subject 

*150  6/30  Oliver  sworn  in  as  Assistant  Secre- 
tary for  Inter-American  Affairs 
and  U.S.  Coordinator  for  the 
Alliance  for  Progress  (biographic 

tl52  7/1  Rusk:  replies  to  questions  sub- 
mitted by  Daniel  Viklund,  Dagens 
Nyheter,  Stockholm. 

*Not  printed. 

tHeld  for  a  later  issue  of  the  Bulletin. 

Superintendent  of  Documents 
U.S.  government  printing  office 










Vol.  LVJI,  No.  1465 

July  U,  1967 




Address  by  Secretary  Rusk     87 


hy  Assistant  Secretary  Oliver     102 


Statements  hy  Ambassador  Goldberg  and  Tests  of  Resolutions    108 

Svmvmary  of  Agreements     95 

For  index  see  inside  hack  cover 



Vol.  LVII,  No.  1465  Publication  8265 
July  24,  1967 

For  sale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents 

U.S.  Oovemment  Printing  OfBce 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


62  issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $15.00 
Single  copy  30  cents 

Use  of  funds  for  printing  of  this  publication 
approved  by  the  Director  of  the  Bureau  of 
the  Budget  (January  11,  1966). 

Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
copyrighted  and  items  contained  herein  may  be 
reprinted.  Citation  of  the  DEPARTMENT  OF 
STATE  BULLETIN  as  the  source  will  be 
appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  Is  indexed  In 
the  Readers'  Ouide  to  Periodical  Literature. 

The  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  weekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
with  information  on  developments  in 
the  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  the  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy,  issued 
by  the  White  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  officers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department.  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  which  the  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  party 
and  treaties  of  general  interruitional 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative material  in  the  field  of  inter- 
natioruil  relations  are  listed  currently. 

The  Road  to  a  Lasting  Peace 

Address  by  Secretary  Rusk  ' 

It's  a  high  privilege  to  meet  with  this  great 
international  organization,  especially  as  you 
celebrate  your  golden  anniversary  year.  Few 
of  your  members  in  1917  could  have  predicted 
that  in  60  years  you  would  have  more  than 
829,000  members  in  moi'e  than  21,350  clubs  in 
137  countries  or  geographic  areas.  Your  re- 
markable growth  is  proof  of  the  value  of  the 
purposes  and  programs  of  Lionism.  ^Ind  your 
large  membership  in  other  lands  on  six  conti- 
nents is  compelling  evidence  that  free  men 
everywhere — free  men  of  all  races  and  re- 
ligions— share  the  same  basic  aspirations  and 
ideals.  I  am  glad  to  have  this  chance  to  con- 
gratulate Lions  International  on  its  splendid 
achievements  in  so  many  important  fields  in 
the  past  and  on  its  plans  and  prospects  for 
the  future. 

As  Secrtary  of  State,  I  am  of  course  espe- 
cially interested  in  the  contributions  of  Lions 
International  to  better  international  under- 
standing. It  is  i^articularly  gratifying  and 
encouraging  to  know  that  you  have  put  at  the 
center  of  your  future  endeavors  the  search  for 
peace.  I  have  read  the  excellent  article  by  Presi- 
dent [Edward  M.]  Lindsey  in  the  January  is- 
sue of  the  Lion  on  "A  Generation  of  Peace." 
And  only  a  few  days  ago  I  read,  as  a  judge  in 
your  peace  essay  contest,  some  very  moving  es- 
says on  peace. 

The  search  for  peace  is,  I  believe,  the  most 
momentous  challenge  before  the  human  race. 
It  must  succeed.  The  nations  and  peoples  of  the 
world  must  establish  a  lasting  peace — not  just 
because  war  is  barbarous  and  horrible  but  be- 
cause frail  man  now  possesses  weapons  capable 
of  demolishing  most  of  civilization  in  a  few 
hours.  The  organization  of  an  enduring  peace 
is  the  great  imperative  of  our  time. 

^  Made  before  the  golden  anniversary  convention  of 
Lions  International  at  Chicago,  111.,  on  July  6  (press 
release  154). 

A  lasting  peace  cannot  be  achieved  merely  by 
wishing  for  it  or  by  talking  about  it  or  by  pass- 
ing resolutions.  It  has  to  be  organized  and  built, 
and  there  must  be  effective  means  of  enforcing 

Wliat  are  the  essential  ingredients  of  lasting 
world  peace?  I  know  of  no  better  answer  than 
the  United  Nations  Charter — particularly  the 
preamble  and  article  1.  Those  paragraphs  rep- 
resented what  the  authors  of  the  charter  be- 
lieved to  be  the  lessons  of  history,  especially  the 
lessons  taught  by  the  events  which  led  to  the 
Second  World  War.  They  were  written  while 
the  fires  of  that  most  destructive  of  wars  still 
raged,  when  men  were  tliinking  hard  and  pray- 
erfully about  the  millions  of  dead  and  how  "to 
save  succeeding  generations  from  the  scourge  of 
war,  which  twice  in  our  lifetime  has  brought 
untold  sorrow  to  mankind." 

Article  1  of  the  charter  speaks : 

— Of  effective  collective  measures  to  prevent 
and  to  remove  threats  to  the  peace  and  to  sup- 
press acts  of  aggression  and  other  breaches  of 
the  peace ; 

— Of  the  peaceful  adjustment  or  settlement 
of  disputes  or  situations  which  might  lead  to  a 
breach  of  the  peace ; 

— Of  developing  friendly  relations  among 
nations  based  on  respect  for  the  principle  of 
equal  rights  and  self-determination  of  peoples; 

— Of  international  cooperation  in  solving  in- 
ternational problems  of  economic,  social,  cul- 
tural, or  humanitarian  character ; 

— And  of  promoting  respect  for  human  rights 
and  fundamental  freedoms  for  all,  without  dis- 
tinction as  to  race,  sex,  language,  or  religion. 

Those  are  the  basic  purposes  of  the  United 
Nations  as  set  forth  in  article  1.  They  are  also 
an  accurate  smmnary  of  the  abiding  goals  of 
the  foreign  policy  of  the  United  States.  That 
identity  of  purposes  should  not  surprise  any- 

JULY    24,    19G7 
269-166 — 67 


body,  for  we  joined  with  others  to  share  the 
lead  in  organizing  the  United  Nations  and  in 
drafting  the  charter.  Leaders  of  both  our  major 
parties  joined  in  this  enterprise,  and  our  com- 
mitment to  the  charter  was  approved  by  the 
United  States  Senate  with  only  two  dissenting 

After  the  charter  was  adopted  at  San  Fran- 
cisco came  the  fission  bomb — followed  in  a  few 
years  by  thermonuclear  warheads  and  long- 
range  missiles.  These  transformed  the  "scourge 
of  war"  into  the  possibility  of  destroying  civi- 
lization. We  shall  not  have  an  opportunity  to 
learn  the  lessons  from  a  third  world  war — there 
will  not  be  enough  left.  We  must  apply  the 
lessons  we  have  already  learned  to  prevent  a 
catastrophe  for  the  human  race. 

The  First  Requirement  for  Building  Peace 

If  a  lasting  peace  is  to  be  achieved,  the  fii'st 
requirement  is  collective  action  to  prevent  or 
remove  threats  to  the  peace  and  to  suppress  acts 
of  aggression  or  other  breaches  of  tlie  peace. 
The  charter  put  that  first  for  the  clearest  of 
reasons:  Unless  this  requirement  is  met,  all 
other  efforts  to  build  peace  will  come  tumbling 

Unhappily,  some  members  of  the  United  Na- 
tions have  been  unwilling  to  discharge  this  pri- 
mary responsibility.  That  possibility  was  fore- 
seen when  the  charter  was  drafted.  Article  51 
specifically  affirms  the  inherent  right  of  individ- 
ual or  collective  self-defense  against  armed 

The  charter  also  provides  for  regional  ar- 
rangements or  agencies  to  deal  with  matters  re- 
lating to  the  maintenance  of  international  peace 
and  security.  And  it  makes  plain  that  resort  to 
the  United  Nations  is  not  intended  to  supplant 
other  means  of  settling  disputes. 

The  founding  fathers  of  the  United  Nations 
understood  that  inflammatory  debate  can  make 
a  settlement  more  difficult.  So,  they  specified  in 
article  33  that  parties  to  a  dispute  "shall,  first  of 
all,  seek  a  solution  by  negotiation,  enquiry,  me- 
diation, conciliation,  arbitration,  judicial  settle- 
ment, resort  to  regional  agencies  or  arrange- 
ments, or  other  peaceful  means  of  their  own 

Although  the  United  Nations  has  been  able 
to  deal  effectively  with  many  situations  and  has 
assisted  in  dealing  with  still  more,  some  of  the 
burden  of  preventing  or  repelling  aggression 
and  of  settling  disputes  since  the  Second  World 

War  has  been  borne  outside  the  United  Nations. 
The  Organization  of  American  States  has 
dealt  with  problems  in  the  Western  Hem- 
isphere. The  young  Organization  for  African 
Unity  has  been  helpful  in  situations  arising  in 
the  great  continent  of  Africa.  Certain  disputes 
have  been  referred  to  the  World  Court.  Others 
have  been  settled  by  quiet  diplomacy — in  some 
cases  by  direct  negotiations,  in  others  with  help 
of  mediation. 

Basis  for  Settlement  in  the  Middle  East 

Regi'ettably,  some  disputes  have  remained 
unsettled.  Recently  one  of  them  once  again 
flared  into  war.  We  can  impose  no  blueprint 
for  peace  in  the  INIiddle  East;  the  primary  re- 
sponsibility rests  upon  those  who  live  there  and 
upon  their  governments.  But  President  Johnson 
has  set  forth  the  principles  which  we  think  any 
settlement  must  encompass :  ^ 

First,  recognition  that  every  nation  in  the 
area  has  a  fundamental  right  to  live.  This 
means  an  end  to  belligerency  and  terrorism. 

Second,  justice  for  the  Arab  refugees. 

Third,  free  navigation  through  international 

Fourth,  an  end  to  the  Middle  East  arms  race. 
This  requires  the  cooperation  of  larger  states 
outside  the  area. 

Fifth,  respect  for  the  political  independence 
and  territorial  integrity  of  all  the  states  of  the 
area.  This  requires  recognized  boundaries  and 
other  arrangements  to  provide  security  against 
terrorist  raids  and  war. 

Further,  as  President  Johnson  has  empha- 
sized, we  believe  there  should  be  adequate  rec- 
ognition that  three  great  religions  have  a  deep  j 
interest  in  the  holy  places  of  Jerusalem. 

Some  have  urged  an  immediate  return  to  the  1 
situation  as  it  was  on  June  4.  But  that,  as  my 
distinguished  colleague.  Ambassador  Goldberg  i 
[U.S.   Representative  to  the  United  Nations  f 
Arthur  J.  Goldberg],  has  said,  is  a  prescription 
not  for  peace  but  for  renewed  hostilities.^  We 
believe    that    the    goal    must    be    a    lasting 

'  For  an  address  by  President  Johnson  at  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  on  June  19,  see  Bulletin  of  July  10,  1967, 
p.  31. 

'  For  a  statement  made  by  Ambassador  Goldberg 
in  the  U.N.  Security  Council  on  June  13,  see  ibid.,  July 
3,  1967,  p.  5. 



As  President  Jolmson  has  said : 

If  the  nations  of  the  Middle  East  will  turn  toward 
the  worlv  of  peace,  they  can  count  with  confidence  upon 
the  friendship  and  the  help  of  all  the  people  of  the 
United  States  of  America. 

In  a  climate  of  peace,  we  .  .  .  will  do  our  full  share 
to  help  with  a  solution  for  the  refugees  .  .  .  our  full 
share  in  support  of  regional  cooperation  .  .  .  (and)  to 
see  that  the  peaceful  promise  of  nuclear  energy  is  ap- 
plied to  the  critical  problem  of  desalting  water  and 
helping  to  make  the  deserts  bloom. 

The  main  burden  of  deterring  or  repelling 
major  aggression  has  been  borne  by  the  armed 
forces  and  defensive  alliances  of  the  free  world. 
Since  the  Second  World  War,  the  armed  forces 
of  the  United  States  alone  have  incurred  more 
than  240,000  casualties  in  the  defense  of 

In  addition  to  our  general  commitments  un- 
der the  United  Nations,  we  are  pledged  specifi- 
cally to  the  defense  of  more  than  40  nations.  We 
are  presently  honoring  such  a  pledge  in  South 

Misconceptions  About  the  Viet-Nam  Conflict 

To  clear  away  all  the  underbrush  of  miscon- 
ception about  the  struggle  in  Viet-Nam  would 
take  more  time  than  you  or  I  have  this  morning. 
But  I  shall  discuss  briefly  a  few  main  points. 

The  conflict  there  has  often  been  called  a 
civil  war.  There  is  a  genuine  South  Vietnamese 
element  among  the  Viet  Cong.  But  that  is  not 
why  American  combat  forces  are  in  South  Viet- 
Nam.  They  are  there  because  of  what  North 
Viet-Nam  has  been  putting  into  the  South: 
cadre,  arms,  men,  and,  since  late  1964,  major 
organized  units  of  the  Regular  Army  of  North 
Viet-Nam.  It  has  continued  to  infiltrate  regi- 
ments and  divisions  as  well  as  replacements  for 
the  Viet  Cong  main  forces. 

If  the  Federal  Republic  of  Germany  were  to 
send  20  to  25  regiments  into  East  Germany, 
you  may  be  sure  that  the  Soviet  Union  would 
not  call  it  a  civil  war — just  a  family  affair 
among  Germans. 

I  can  assure  you  that  if  the  North  Koreans 
were  to  send  20  or  25  regiments  into  South 
Korea,  we  would  not  look  upon  that  as  just  a 
family  affair  among  Koreans,  no  more  than  we 
did  before. 

If  there  had  been  no  aggression  by  North 
Viet-Nam,  there  would  have  been  no  American 
combat  forces  in  South  Viet-Nam.  And  if  every- 
one who  has  come  down  from  the  North  were 
to  go  home,  our  armed  forces  would  come  home. 

It  is  sometimes  asserted  that  we  are  asking  for 
"unconditional  surrender."'  We  are  not  asking 
North  Viet-Nam  to  surrender  an  acre  of  ground 
or  a  man,  or  to  modify  their  regime  or  to  change 
their  relations  with  the  Communist  world.  All 
we  are  asking  them  to  do  is  to  stop  sending  their 
men  and  arms  into  Laos  and  South  Viet-Nam 
for  the  purpose  of  seizing  those  countries  by 
force.  To  call  that  "unconditional  surrender" 
is  a  serious  abuse  of  language. 

Then,  there  is  that  word  "escalation" — which 
seems  to  be  reserved  for  the  United  States  and 
our  allies. 

For  nearly  a  year,  the  other  side  has  been 
mining  the  port  of  Saigon  and  the  channel  lead- 
ing into  it.  That,  apparently,  is  not  escalation. 
But  if  we  were  to  take  those  same  mines  back 
home — to  Haiphong — I  imagine  we  would  be 
widely  charged  with  escalating  the  war. 

North  Vietnamese  and  Viet  Cong  forces  are 
using  Cambodian  territory  for  infiltration  into 
South  Viet-Nam  and  as  a  base  and  sanctuary. 
So  far  as  I  am  aware,  few  have  called  that  es- 
calation or  widening  the  war.  But  if  we  were  to 
send  troops  into  Cambodia  to  go  after  those  base 
areas,  I  imagine  that  we  would  be  accused  of 

North  Viet-Nam  has  had  three  or  four  divi- 
sions of  its  Regular  Army  in  or  near  the  demili- 
tarized zone.  It  harshly  rejected  our  proposals  * 
that  the  zone  be  genuinely  dimilitarized  and  be 
extended  10  miles  on  both  sides  to  create  a 
buffer  area.  In  the  last  few  days.  North  Viet- 
Nam  has  again  attacked  in  force  across  the 
DMZ.  So  far  as  I  am  aware,  few  have  called 
that  escalation. 

Upside-Down   Comments  on   Peace  Moves 

There  have  been  a  good  many  upside-down 
comments  on  peace  moves  also.  We  have  tried 
unremittingly  to  bring  the  other  side  to  the  ne- 
gotiating table.  We  have  made  many  proposals 
ourselves  and  have  supported  the  initiatives  of 
many  other  governments  and  individuals. 
Hanoi  has  said  "No"  to  all  of  them. 

Periodically,  we  have  been  urged  to  stop 
bombing  the  is'orth,  on  the  ground  that  that 
would  make  peace  talks  possible.  Well,  we  have 
tried  that  several  times,  once  for  as  long  as  37 
days.  In  fact,  Hanoi  chose  to  regard  a  pause 
in  the  bombings  as  an  ultimatum. 

*For  a  Department  statement  of  Apr.  19,  see  iJ)id., 
May  15, 1967,  p.  750. 

JULY    24,    19G7 


We  think  reciprocity  is  essential.  Suppose 
that  we  were  to  say  that  we  would  negotiate 
only  if  the  Communists  stopped  all  the  violence 
in  South  Viet-Nam,  while  we  continued  to  bomb 
North  Viet-Nam.  Everybody  would  say  we 
were  crazy.  But  when  North  Viet-Nam  makes 
the  same  proposition  the  other  way  around, 
some  people  seem  to  think  it  is  reasonable. 

We  stand  ready  to  talk  with  the  other  side 
without  conditions  or  about  conditions.  We  are 
ready  to  discuss  the  terms  of  a  settlement  and 
then  work  out  the  steps  for  reaching  it.  We  are 
willing  to  discuss  any  piece  of  the  problem,  such 
as  the  territorial  integrity  of  Cambodia  or  de- 
militarizing the  so-called  demilitarized  zone. 
Or  we  are  ready  to  take  reciprocal  steps  to  de- 
escalate  the  conflict. 

But  we  shall  stay  in  Viet-Nam  until  the  right 
of  the  South  Vietnamese  people  to  work  out 
their  own  future  under  a  government  of  their 
own  free  choice  has  been  secured.  More  is  at 
stake  than  self-determination  for  the  South 
Vietnamese,  important  as  that  is.  Even  more  is 
at  stake  than  the  security  of  other  nations  in 
Southeast  Asia,  impoi-tant  as  that  is.  The 
greater  question  is  whether  aggression  is  to  be 
allowed  to  succeed,  thus  opening  the  way  for 
further  aggi'ession.  And  tied  to  that  is  the  in- 
tegrity of  the  commitments  of  the  United 
States.  Our  commitments  in  the  Pacific  are 
just  as  binding  as  our  commitments  in  the  At- 
lantic. If  those  who  wish  to  pursue  world  revo- 
lution by  force  should  come  to  believe  that  the 
United  States  will  not  do  what  it  has  promised, 
the  prospects  of  peace  would  rapidly  vanish. 

Improving  Relations  With  Eastern  Europe 

It  is  sometimes  said  that  the  war  in  Viet- 
Nam  stands  in  the  way  of  a  detente  between  the 
Soviet  Union  and  the  West. 

President  Joluison  is  deeply  intent  on  trying 
to  improve  our  relations  with  the  Soviet 
Union  and  the  smaller  nations  of  Eastern 
Europe.  The  fact  is  that  the  war  in  Viet-Nam 
has  not  prevented  the  Soviet  Union  and  the 
United  States  from  concluding  a  civil  air  agree- 
ment and  a  consular  agreement  and  from  sign- 
ing the  treaty  on  peaceful  uses  of  space.  It  has 
not  prevented  consideration  of  a  nonprolifera- 
tion  treaty.  It  did  not  prevent  useful  direct 
communication  between  the  heads  of  the  two 
Governments  during  the  recent  fighting  in  the 
Middle  East.  And  it  did  not  prevent  President 
Johnson  and  Premier  Kosygin  from  engaging 

in  long  and  frank  exchanges  of  views  at 

We  will  continue  to  do  our  full  share  to  try 
to  improve  relations  with  the  Soviet  Union  and 
other  Communist  nations.  We  will  continue  to 
do  our  full  share  to  try  to  settle  or  narrow  the 
differences  which  separate  us  and  especially  to 
achieve  agreements  or  arrangements  which 
would  reduce  the  danger  of  another  world  war. 
We  are  eager  to  make  headway  in  controlling 
and  reducing  armaments. 

We  hope  for  genuine  peaceful  coexistence,  a 
genuine  detente.  But  if  today  the  West  is  at  the 
beginning  of  a  detente  with  the  Soviet  Union, 
we  did  not  get  there  by  forgetting  the  require- 
ments for  maintaining  the  peace  in  many  a 
crisis  since  1945. 

If  we  and  certain  of  our  adversaries  are  grow- 
ing in  prudence  this  may  be  related  to  the 
knowledge  that  resort  to  force  is  a  very  risky 
business  for  all. 

International  Cooperation  for  Peace 

The  foreign  policy  of  the  United  States  is 
concerned  not  only  with  the  adversaries  of  free- 
dom but  even  more  with  its  friends  and 

We  seek  ever-closer  partnerships  with  other 
economically  advanced  countries  of  the  free 
world.  And  we  are  grateful  that  these  include 
three  nations  which  were  our  enemies  in  the 
Second  World  War — now  three  thriving  democ- 
racies which  add  immensely  to  the  strength  of 
the  free  world  and  which  we  are  proud  to  have 
as  close  friends  and  allies. 

In  the  Western  Hemisphere  we  are  fully  com- 
mitted to  the  great  cooperative  enterprise  in 
economic  development  and  social  progress:  the 
Alliance  for  Progress. 

We  have  provided  large  resources  to  assist 
developing  countries  in  other  parts  of  the  world 
to  increase  their  production  and  living  stand- 
ards. Here  I  would  emphasize  our  deep  concern 
about  the  war  on  hunger.  President  Johnson 
has  alerted  the  world  to  the  fact  that  only 
comprehensive  all-out  efforts  to  deal  with  the 
food-population  problem  can  avert  extensive 
starvation  a  decade  hence. 

We  have  worked  to  strengthen  and  expand 
useful  international  institutions.  And  we  have 
welcomed  such  activities  by  others.  In  the  past 

"  For  background,  see  iUa.,  July  10, 1967,  p.  37. 


2  years  we  have  been  especially  pleased  to  see 
the  steps  toward  regional  cooperation  taken  by 
the  free  nations  of  East  Asia  and  the  Western 

The  major  part  of  our  work  at  the  Depart- 
ment of  State  is  quiet  and  little  noticed — con- 
cerned with  the  daily  business  of  man  wliich  re- 
quires some  form  of  international  cooperation. 
We  take  part  in  more  than  600  international 
conferences  a  year  with  other  governments.  We 
belong  to  many  international  institutions.  We 
have  approximately  4,500  treaties  and  other 
international  agreements.  Gradually  there  is 
developing  what  Sir  Wilfred  Jenks  of  the  In- 
ternational Labor  Organization  has  called  the 
"common  law  of  mankind." 

We  have  fostered  cooperative  international 
undertakings  in  science,  education,  and  tech- 
nology. We  strongly  favor  more  people-to- 
people  contacts.  Here  I  would  applaud  again 
the  major  contribution  made  by  Lions  Interna- 
tional. All  of  these  activities  help  to  build 

The  road  to  a  lasting  world  peace  is  filled  with 
obstacles  and  surrounded  by  frightful  dangers. 
But  we — all  of  us — must  do  our  best.  As  Presi- 
dent Johnson  has  said,  the  search  for  peace  is 
"the  assignment  of  the  century."'  ®  We  must  not 
fail.  For  on  the  organization  of  a  lasting  peace 
depends  the  survival  of  all  that  free  men,  and 
most  men  everywhere,  cherish  or  aspire  to  for 
themselves  and  their  posterity. 

Secretary  Rusk  Replies  to  Questions 
on  Viet-Nam  for  Swedish  Newspaper 

Following  are  replies  hy  Secretary  Rusk  to 
questions  submitted  hy  Daniel  Viklund  of 
Dagens  Nyheter,  StocJcTiolm. 

Press  release  152  dated  July  1 

1.  Which  were  the  decisive  reasons  for  the 
original  U.S.  decision  to  intervene  militarily  in 
Viet-Nam,  and  do  you  think  that  those  reasons 
have  in  any  way  been  affected  hy  later  develop- 
ments, in  terms  of  direct  American  interests, 
locally  in  Southeast  Asia  or  internationally? 

Secretary  Rush:  The  simplest  way  to  an- 
swer this  question  is  to  remind  you  that  we 
had  a  promise  to  keep.  Since  the  Geneva  con- 

ference of  1954  and  the  SEATO  agreement  of 
the  same  year,  three  American  Presidents  have 
pledged  that  the  United  States  will  help  South 
Viet-Nam  defend  itself  against  Communist  ag- 
gression. AVe  have  undertaken  similar  pledges 
for  the  mutual  defense  of  the  NATO  area.  We 
believe  that  it  is  important  to  the  prospects  for 
peace  that  it  be  fully  understood  that,  on  such 
matters,  we  mean  what  we  say. 

We  had  hoped  that  the  defense  of  South 
Viet-Nam  would  not  require  the  participation 
of  United  States  military  forces  in  combat  op- 
erations. For  more  than  6  years  the  South 
Vietnamese  managed  to  withstand  an  unrelent- 
ing and  extremely  efficient  political  and  mili- 
tary aggression.  By  the  spring  of  1965,  how- 
ever, the  armed  agents  of  Hanoi  in  the  South 
were  being  massively  supplemented  by  reg- 
ularly constituted  units  of  the  North  Viet- 
namese army  in  virtually  open  armed  attack 
against  South  Viet-Nam.  At  that  point,  only 
the  military  support  of  South  Viet-Nam's 
friends  could  save  it  from  conquest.  That  is 
why  our  troops,  along  with  45,000  Koreans  and 
thousands  of  Australians,  New  Zealanders, 
Filipinos,  and  Thais,  are  in  South  Viet-Nam. 

As  for  our  interests  in  Southeast  Asia,  we 
have  declared  them  on  many  occasions.  As  late 
as  August  1964  our  Congress,  with  only  two 
dissenting  votes  in  the  entire  Congress,  declared 
that  "The  United  States  regards  as  vital  to  its 
national  interest  and  to  world  peace  the  mainte- 
nance of  international  peace  and  security  in 
southeast  Asia."  "  We  do  not  see  how  a  durable 
peace  can  be  achieved  unless  all  nations,  large 
and  small,  have  a  chance  to  live  in  safety  and 
in  peace.  This  applies  quite  specifically  to  those 
countries  with  whom  we  have  undertaken 
mutual  defense  alliances. 

2.  What  is  your  opinion  of  the  vieio,  fre- 
quently voiced  in  Europe,  that  both  North  Viet- 
Na7n  and  NLF  [National  Liberation  Front"] 
(Viet  Cong)  hold  independent  positions  on  the 
issues  of  the  war,  not  necessarily  always  the 

A.  It  is  curious,  if  true,  that  this  view  should 
gain  currency  in  Europe,  with  its  sopliistica- 
tion  and  experience  regarding  Communist 
fronts.  Neither  the  history  of  the  origin  of  the 
NLF  nor  intelligence  based  on  Communist 
statements,  NLF  documents,  and  prisoner  in- 

•  lUd.,  Oct  19, 1964,  p.  555. 

^  For    text   of   a   joint   congressional   resolution   of 
Aug.  7,  1964,  see  Bulletin  of  Aug.  24,  1964,  p.  268. 

JULY    24,    1967 


terrogations  sui>ports  this  view.  A  concerted  ef- 
fort has  of  course  been  made,  particularly 
abroad,  by  Hanoi  to  create  the  illusion  that  the 
NLF  is  an  independent  organization,  but  this 
does  not  convince  many  South  Vietnamese — 
nor  many  knowledgeable  foreign  observers,  for 
that  matter.  If  you  examine  with  care  Hanoi's 
programs  and  those  issued  by  the  NLF,  you 
will  agi-ee,  I  am  sure,  that  there  is  no  substan- 
tial difference  in  what  they  are  proposing  to 
do  to  South  Viet-Nam.  Tactics  on  occasion  de- 
mand differences  in  emphasis,  particularly  for 
foreign  consumption.  But  Hanoi's  control  of 
the  NLF  has  been  amply  demonstrated  over  the 
years.  Were  this  not  so,  the  NLF  has  had  many 
chances  to  demonstrate  it  and  has  not  done  so. 

Military  Situation   in  Viet-Nam 

3.  What  is  your  assessment  of  the  military 
situation  in  Viet-Nam  as  of  today,  and  do  you 
think  that  there  is  any  possibility  of  any  U.S. 
troop  toithdrawals  within  the  next  6  months f 

A.  You  will  recall  the  address  of  General 
Westmoreland  to  the  Congress  on  April  28,-  in 
which  he  compared  the  situation  today  with 
what  it  was  some  time  ago.  Although  no  one 
foresees  any  United  States  troop  withdrawals 
within  the  next  6  months,  the  United  States 
is  confident  that  the  efforts  by  South  Viet-Nam 
and  its  allies  will  continue  to  bring  improve- 
ment, although  there  may  be  ups  and  downs. 
The  important  point  to  bear  in  mmd  is  that 
the  military  and  nonmilitary  developments  are 
inextricably  intertwined  in  South  Viet-Nam, 
even  more  than  elsewhere,  so  that  the  most 
significant  indicators  of  military  success  may  be 
found  not  in  battle  reports  and  casualty  statis- 
tics but  in  the  evidence  that  the  country  is 
moving  forward,  creating  political  institutions, 
holding  village  and  hamlet  elections,  improv- 
ing communications  and  stabilizing  the  econ- 
omy. You  are  aware  of  the  many  proposals 
which  we  and  others  have  made  for  a  deescala- 
tion  of  the  violence  in  Viet-Nam.  We  have  of- 
fered to  put  on  the  table  a  schedule  of  with- 
drawal of  United  States  forces  if  North  Viet- 
Nam  would  do  the  same. 

4.  //  the  Viet-Nam  war  should  continue  for 
a  long  time,  hoio  seriously  do  you  judge  the 
risk  that  it  might  lead  to  a  direct  confrontation 
between  the  U.S.  and  Russia  or  China? 

A.  It  is  prudent  always  to  keep  such  pos- 

sibilities in  mind.  Our  objective  in  Viet-Nam 
remains  limited  to  forestalling  the  aggression 
from  the  North,  and  our  military  response  re- 
mains a  measured  one  calculated  to  reach  this 
goal.  We  have  repeatedly  made  it  clear  that 
our  ends  do  not  include  the  destruction  of  the 
North  Vietnamese  Government  or  the  occupa- 
tion of  the  country.  In  any  event,  while  the 
common  defense  requires  in  some  instances  the 
taking  of  risks,  we  believe  that  there  is  a  far 
greater  risk  in  shirking  responsibility  and  al- 
lowing aggression  to  go  unchallenged. 

5.  Do  you  think  that  the  American  air  bases 
in  Thailand  ivill  increase  or  reduce  the  risk  that 
that  country  might  be  drawn  in  and  that  the 
war  will  spread  f 

A.  Let  me  make  it  clear,  first  of  all,  that  there 
are  no  American  bases  in  Thailand.  The  Royal 
Thai  Government,  recognizing  the  common 
danger,  allows  us  to  use  jointly  with  its  forces 
certain  of  its  defense  facilities.  That  Tliailand 
itself  is  on  the  Communist  timetable  for  the 
new  kind  of  warfare  the  Communists  dub 
"wars  of  national  liberation"  is  sufficiently  doc- 
umented. Peking  has  said  this,  publicly  and 
often.  But  the  Thais  are  not  waiting  passively 
for  the  blow  to  fall.  They  are  actively  cooperat- 
ing today  in  the  defense  of  Southeast  Asia. 
In  addition  to  making  their  facilities  avail- 
able to  us  in  Thailand,  they  have  sent  air  and 
naval  training  units  to  South  Viet-Nam,  and 
they  are  presently  training  and  equipping  an 
augmented  battalion  of  ground  troops  to  join 
the  Koreans,  Australians,  New  Zealanders,  and 
Americans  who  are  fighting  side  by  side  with 
the  South  Vietnamese  troops  to  defend  the 

Agreements  on  Laos  Ignored  by  Hanoi 

6.  In  retrospect,  do  you  think  that  there  was, 
at  any  time,  a  reasonable  chance  to  end  the 
fighting  on  conditions  acceptable  to  all  parties 
involved,  and,  if  so,  why  was  an  agreetnent 

A.  We  thought  such  an  opportunity  had 
come  with  the  accords  on  Laos  in  1962.  At  that 
conference  we  accepted  the  nominee  of  the  Com- 
munist side  as  the  Prime  Minister  for  Laos, 
as  well  as  a  coalition  government  worked  out 

'  For  text,  see  ibid..  May  15, 1967,  p.  738. 



among  the  so-called  "Three  Factions."  Presi- 
dent Kennedy  was  bitterly  disappointed  with 
the  results  of  those  accords.  Hanoi  refused  (a) 
to  withdraw  its  forces  from  Laos,  (b)  to  cease 
using  Laos  as  an  infiltration  route  into  South 
Viet-Nam,  (c)  to  permit  the  coalition  govern- 
ment to  exercise  authority  in  the  Communist- 
held  areas  of  Laos,  and  (d)  to  permit  the  In- 
ternational Control  Commission  to  exercise  its 
functions  in  those  same  areas.  All  of  these  were 
specificallj^  required  by  the  accords  themselves. 
Performance  and  good  faith  of  the  agreements 
of  1962  would  have  represented  a  giant  step 
toward  peace  throughout  Southeast  Asia.  Since 
then  we  have  not  seen  any  indication  that 
Hanoi  is  prepared  to  stop  its  effort  to  seize 
South  Viet-Nam  by  force.  Were  they  to  do  so, 
peace  could  come  very  fast. 

7.  Which  are  the  main  reasons  for  the  Amer- 
ican refusal  to  recognize  NLF  {Viet  Cong)  as 
an  independent  representative  for  a  part  of  the 
pojmlation  of  South  Viet-Nam? 

A.  The  WLF  does  not  say  that  it  represents 
a  part  of  the  people  of  South  Viet-Nam  but 
rather  that  it  is  the  sole  legitimate  representa- 
tive of  aU  these  people.  The  Catholics,  Bud- 
dhists, Cao  Dai,  Hoa  Hao,  Montagnards,  ethnic 
Cambodians,  all  making  up  an  overwhelming 
majority  of  the  people  of  South  Viet-Nam, 
reject  this  pretension  of  the  NLF.  Obviously, 
we  cannot  "recognize"  the  NLF  on  their  terms. 
Nevertheless,  as  President  Johnson  has  said,^ 
"The  Viet  Cong  would  have  no  difficulty  in 
being  represented  and  having  their  views  pre- 
sented if  Hanoi  for  a  moment  decides  she  wants 
to  cease  aggression." 

8.  What  measures  loould  you  consider  neces- 
sary to  protect  the  civilian  population  of  South 
Viet-Nam,  following  the  toithdrawal  of  Amer- 
ican troops  within  6  montlis  of  a  peaceful  solu- 
tion, as  visualized  iy  the  President? 

A.  It  is  too  early  to  discuss  this  in  any  mean- 
ingful detail.  Perhaps  a  final  settlement  would 
include  some  type  of  continuing  international 
assistance.  We  believe,  however,  that  once 
North  Viet-Nam  withdraws  its  leadership,  its 
troops,  and  its  supplies,  the  Republic  of  Viet- 
Nam  will  be  able  to  make  further  progress  in 
assuring  economic  and  social  betterment  for 
the  South  Vietnamese  people  and  to  handle  any 

insurgency  situation  which  might  persist  or 
arise  subsequently.  As  you  know,  the  South 
Vietnamese  have  offered  full  amnesty  and  rec- 
onciliation to  the  South  Vietnamese  who  are 
now  assisting  Hanoi. 

U.S.   Ready   To   Negotiate 

9.  Is  your  willingness  to  negotiate  with 
North  Viet-Nam  unchanged  in  spite  of  the  es- 
calation of  tlie  hombing  of  the  North,  and  wJiat 
would  you  say  are  now  the  minhnum  Ameri- 
ican  conditions  for  negotiations? 

A.  I  find  it  very  curious  that  the  word  "es- 
calation" seems  to  be  reserved  for  actions  taken 
by  the  United  States  and  its  allies  and  is  not 
applied  to  actions  taken  by  North  Viet-Nam. 
For  example,  for  almost  a  year  North  Vietnam- 
ese mines  have  been  placed  in  the  Saigon  River 
approaches  to  Saigon  harbor.  Viet  Cong  and 
North  Vietnamese  forces  today  are  using  Cam- 
bodian territory.  Has  the  Dagens  Nyheter 
called  either  of  these  "escalation"  ?  I  would  sug- 
gest that  if  we  picked  up  North  Vietnamese 
mines  in  the  Saigon  River  and  simply  took 
them  home  to  their  point  of  origin,  namely 
Haiphong,  that  there  would  be  a  great  outcry 
about  "escalation." 

As  for  our  conditions  for  negotiations,  we 
have  none.  We  have  stated  many  times  that 
we  are  ready  to  negotiate  at  once  without  con- 
ditions. Since  the  other  side  has  imposed  con- 
ditions, such  as  stopping  the  bombing,  we  have 
said  we  will  negotiate  about  the  conditions 
themselves.  As  for  the  shape  of  a  final  settle- 
ment, our  views  have  been  set  forth  many  times 
in  such  summaries  as  our  Fourteen  Points  *  and 
our  reminder  of  the  28  proposals  made  by  our- 
selves and  others  which  Hanoi  has  rejected.^ 
Fundamentally,  we  believe  that  the  Geneva 
agreements  of  1954  and  1962  are  an  adequate 
basis  for  peace  in  Southeast  Asia.  But  no  one 
has  been  able  to  produce  anyone  from  the  other 
side  with  whom  to  talk — either  without  condi- 
tions or  about  conditions. 

10.  How  do  you  assess  the  possihilities  to  win 
the  population  of  South  Viet-Nam  for  a  gov- 
ernment friendly  to  the  United  States,  and 
which  elements  of  the  pacification  and  de- 
mocratization program  appear  to  you  most  es- 
sential in  that  context? 

'  At  a  news  conference  on  July  28,  1965. 

•  Bulletin  of  Feb.  20, 1967,  p.  284. 
=  IhUl.,  May  22. 1967,  p.  770. 

JULY    24,    igGI 


A.  It  is  not  a  question  of  winning  the  South 
Vietnamese  people's  support  for  a  government 
friendly  to  the  United  States  but  of  relieving 
them  of  the  burden  of  North  Vietnamese  ag- 
gression and  subversive  insurgency.  Security  is 
the  element  basic  to  pacification,  and  with  se- 
curity the  broad  progi'am  of  revolutionary  de- 
velopment can  accelerate  its  forward  move- 
ment. The  remarkable  progress  being  made  in 
the  direction  of  a  constitutional  government 
augurs  well  for  tiie  future  if  security  can  be 
maintained.  Our  basic  interest  is  that  the  South 
Vietnamese  people  have  a  chance  to  decide  for 
themselves  what  kind  of  government  they  want 
and  what  their  international  orientation  should 

11.  If  free  elections.,  including  some  form  of 
de  facto  NLF  participation,  were  held  in  South 
Viet-Nam  now,  how  big  a  part  of  the  voters  do 
you  thinJc  would  back  the  present  government 
and  NLF,  respectively? 

A.  If  Hanoi  were  to  abandon  its  attempt  to 
take  over  South  Viet-Nam,  it  is  conceivable 
that  those  indigenous  elements  who  have  co- 
operated with  the  Front  would  wish  to  parti- 
cipate in  politics  in  some  way.  Their  right  to 
do  so  would  appear  to  be  present  in  the  Doan 
Ket  or  national  reconciliation  program.  How 
many  votes  they  might  get  would  depend  on 

many  factors,  such  as  whether  these  per- 
sons integi-ated  with  other  political  groupings, 
what  support  these  groupings  might  have  in 
various  areas  of  the  country,  and  so  on.  How- 
ever, a  recent  poll  undertaken  independently  in 
South  Viet-Nam  by  CBS  News  shows  clearly 
that  the  South  Vietnamese  people  do  not  want 
communism  and/or  a  government  dominated  by 
the  NLF. 

12.  Do  you  think  that  Sioeden  could  contrib- 
ute in  any  way  to  establish  contacts  leading  to 
a  peaceful  solution  of  the  Yiet-Nam  conflict? 

A.  We  have  frequently  stated  that  we  wel- 
come the  efforts  of  any  country  which  would 
advance  the  course  of  peace.  But  I  would  be 
less  than  frank  if  I  did  not  add  two  points: 
We  see  no  sign  that  Hanoi  is  willing  to  move  to 
an  honorable  settlement,  and  we  do  not  believe 
that  the  prospects  for  such  a  settlement  are 
enhanced  by  proposals  which  ask  us  to  stop  half 
the  war  while  the  other  side  continues  unabated 
its  half  of  the  war.  Suppose  that  the  United 
States  were  to  say  that  we  would  negotiate  only 
if  the  other  side  stopped  all  of  the  violence  in 
South  Viet-Nam  while  we  continued  to  bomb 
the  North.  Everyone  would  say  that  we  were 
crazy.  Wlien  the  other  side  makes  exactly  the 
same  proposal  in  reverse,  why  do  many  people 
say  that  their  proposal  is  reasonable  and  ought 
to  be  accepted  ? 



Kennedy  Round  Agreements  Signed  at  Geneva 

The  Office  of  the  Special  Representative  for 
Trade  Negotiations  announced  at  Washington 
on  June  29  that,  by  direction  of  the  President, 
W.  Michael  Blumenthal,  Deputy  Special  Rep- 
resentative for  Trade  Negotiations,  would  sign 
the  multilateral  agreements  negotiated  in  the 
Sixth  Round  of  Trade  Negotiations  at  Geneva 
June  30. 

The  signing  ceremony  concluded  the  most 
comprehensive  assault  on  barriers  to  interna- 
tional trade  that  has  ever  taken  place.  The  nego- 
tiations, known  as  the  Kennedy  Round  in  rec- 
ognition of  the  late  President's  leadership  in 
inaugurating  the  effort,  formally  opened  in 
May  1964. 

The  important  elements  of  the  Kennedy 
Romid  package  are : 

Tariff  cuts  of  50  percent  on  a  very  broad 
range  of  industrial  goods  and  cuts  in  the  30  to 
50  percent  range  on  many  more. 

Agricultural  concessions  to  which  the  United 
States  attaches  great  value  because  they  create 
new  trading  opportunities  for  our  farmers  and 
because  they  support  our  contention  that  inter- 
national negotiation  on  trade  m  farm  products 
can  accomplish  something. 

A  world  grains  arrangement  guaranteeing 
higher  minimum  trading  prices  and  establish- 
ing a  program  under  wliich  other  nations  will 
share  with  us  in  the  vital  but  burdensome  task 
of  supplying  food  aid  to  the  undernourished 
people  in  the  less  developed  countries. 

Nontariff  barrier  (NTB)  liberalization  in- 
cluding a  very  significant  accord  on  antidump- 
ing procedures  as  well  as  European  NTB  modi- 
fications in  the  American  Selling  Price  (ASP) 

Useful,  if  limited,  progress  on  the  complex 
and  sensitive  problems  in  the  steel,  aluminum, 
pulp  and  paper,  and  textile  sectors,  including 
a  3-year  extension  of  the  Long-Term  Cotton 
Textile  Arrangement  (LTA).^ 

An  agreement  on  the  treatment  of  chemical 
products  that  deals  with  the  American  Selling 

Price  issue  in  a  manner  that  provides  major 
chemical  traders  with  mutually  advantageous 
concessions  in  the  main  Kennedy  Round  agree- 
ment and  a  separate  and  balanced  package  that 
makes  additional  concessions  available  to  the 
United  States  if  it  abandons  the  American  Sell- 
ing Price  system. 

Significant  assistance  to  the  less  developed 
coxmtries  through  permitting  their  participa- 
tion in  the  negotiations  without  requiring  recip- 
rocal contributions  from  them,  through  special 
concessions  on  products  of  particular  interest 
to  them,  and  through  the  food  aid  provisions  of 
the  grains  arrangement. 

U.S.  participation  was  made  possible  through 
authority  granted  the  President  by  the  Congress 
through  the  Trade  Expansion  Act  of  1962.^  The 
late  Christian  A.  Herter  directed  U.S.  partici- 
pation as  the  Special  Representative  for  Trade 
Negotiations  until  his  death  in  late  1966.  He 
was  succeeded  by  William  M.  Roth,  who  con- 
tinues to  serve  as  Special  Representative. 

The  agreements  signed  June  30  comprise : 

1.  A  Final  Act,  which  authenticates  the  texts 
of  the  agreements  described  in  paragraphs  2-5 
below  and  which  expresses  the  intention  of  all 
the  signatories  to  take  appropriate  steps,  sub- 
ject to  their  constitutional  procedures,  to  put 
these  agreements  into  effect. 

2.  The  Geneva  (1967)  Protocol  to  the  Gen- 
eral Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade,  which 
embodies  most  of  the  tariff  and  other  conces- 
sions exchanged  in  the  negotiations. 

3.  An  agreement  relating  primarily  to  chemi- 
cals, which  provides  for  the  elimmation  of  the 
American  Selling  Price  system. 

4.  A  memorandimi  of  agreement  on  basic  ele- 
ments for  a  world  grains  arrangement. 

*  Treaties  and  Other  International  Acts  Series  5240 ; 
for  background  and  text  of  the  Long-Term  Cotton  Tex- 
tile Arrangement,  see  BtTLUETiN  of  Mar.  12,  1962,  p.  430. 

'  For  a  summary  of  the  act,  see  iWd.,  Oct.  29,  1962, 
p.  6o5. 


5.  An  agreement  on  implementation  of  article 
VI  of  the  GATT,  in  the  form  of  a  code  of  anti- 
dumping practices. 

The  negotiations  were  concluded  in  all  essen- 
tial respects  in  INIay  at  a  series  of  high-level 
meetings  in  Geneva.  Since  that  time,  the  nego- 
tiators liave  been  putting  the  details  of  their 
concessions  and  understandings  into  the  final 
conference  documents. 

It  is  estimated  that  the  agreements  will  apply 
to  about  $40  billion  of  world  trade.  In  industry, 
the  United  States  and  the  other  countries  have 
agreed  on  cuts  averaging  about  35  percent.  In 
agriculture,  the  average  cut  is  less,  but  the 
United  States  has  obtained  important  conces- 
sions covering  a  substantial  volume  of  trade. 

Full  details  of  the  specific  tariff  reductions 
granted  and  obtained  will  be  published  in  a 
final  report  on  the  negotiations  to  be  issued  by 
the  Office  of  the  Special  Representative  for 
Trade  Negotiations  in  mid-July.  This  final  re- 
port will  give  information  on  all  changes  in 
U.S.  import  duties  and  on  the  concessions  of 
principal  interest  to  the  United  States  made  by 
other  participants  in  the  negotiations.  The 
schedules  of  concessions  annexed  to  the  agree- 
ment will  contain  more  than  4,000  pages. 

U.S.  tariff  reductions  will  not  enter  into 
force  until  proclaimed  by  the  President.  It  is 
expected  that  their  effective  date  will  be  Jan- 
uary 1,  1968.  In  accordance  with  the  require- 
ments of  the  Trade  Expansion  Act,  most  U.S. 
duty  reductions  will  be  made  in  five  equal 
annual  stages  starting  January  1. 

In  overall  trade  terms,  covering  both  indus- 
trial and  agricultural  products,  the  tariff  cuts 
made  by  the  United  States  are  in  balance  with 
those  of  the  other  industrialized  countries.  In 
terms  of  1966  trade  the  United  States  is  giving 
tariff  cuts  on  about  $71/2  billion  to  $8  billion  of 
industrial  and  agricultural  imports  and  is  ob- 
taining tariff'  concessions  on  about  the  same 
amount  of  U.S.  exports. 

The  Trade  Expansion  Act  of  1962  gave  the 
President  authority  to  make  the  tariff  conces- 
sions to  which  the  Kennedy  Round  agreement 
will  commit  the  United  States. 

None  of  the  multilateral  agreements  nego- 
tiated in  the  Kennedy  Round  will  require  con- 
gressional action  except  the  agreement  provid- 
ing  for  the  elimination  of  the  ASP  system  with 
^  respect  to  chemicals.  The  world  grains  arrange- 
ment envisaged  by  the  memorandum  of  agree- 
ment on  grains  will  require  consent  of  two- 
thirds  of  the  Senate. 

Industrial  Negotiations 

Import  duties  are  being  cut  in  half  on  a  broad 
range  of  industrial  products  in  international 
trade.  Cuts  in  the  35  to  50  percent  range  are  be- 
ing made  on  many  more  products.  Categories  of 
products  on  which  the  principal  negotiating 
countries,  including  the  United  States,  have 
made  cuts  that  in  the  aggregate  average  over 
35  percent  include:  machinery,  both  electrical 
and  nonelectrical ;  photographic  equipment  and 
supplies;  automobile  and  other  transport  equip- 
ment; optical,  scientific,  and  professional  in- 
struments and  equipments;  paper  and  paper 
products;  books  and  other  printed  material; 
fabricated  metal  products;  and  lumber  and 
wood  products,  including  furniture. 

Steel  Sector 

Negotiations  on  steel  were  conducted  against 
a  backgroiuid  of  tariff  rates  where  U.S.  duties 
are  generally  lower  than  those  of  other  par- 
ticipants. These  negotiations,  held  bilaterally 
and  multilaterally,  resulted  in  closer  harmoni- 
zation of  tariffs  among  the  major  steel  pro- 
ducing countries.  Virtually  all  the  peaks  in 
these  countries'  tariffs  were  eliminated,  so  that 
almost  all  rates  will  be  no  higher  than  15  per- 
cent and  most  will  be  well  below  10  percent. 

Except  for  U.S.  rates,  most  steel  tariffs  have 
not  heretofore  been  boimd.  In  the  final  nego- 
tiating package,  however,  almost  all  rates  of 
other  countries  were  bound  and  many  were 

The  international  harmonization  of  steel 
tariffs  should  also  reduce  the  tendency  for  ex- 
ports to  be  deflected  to  the  U.S.  market  in  in- 
stances where  U.S.  tariffs  were  much  lower 
than  those  of  other  countries.  Although  the 
United  States  is  primarily  an  importer  rather 
than  an  exporter  of  steelmill  products,  lower 
tariffs  abroad  will  also  provide  opportunities 
for  U.S.  exporters. 

The  European  Coal  and  Steel  Community 
(ECSC)  adoj^ted  a  miified  tariff  and  agi-eed  to 
reduce  rates  to  an  arithmetic  average  of  5.7 
percent.  The  European  Economic  Community 
(EEC)  agreed  to  reduce  rates  within  its  juris- 
diction correspondingly  so  that  a  tariff  relation- 
ship would  be  maintained  between  more  highly 
fabricated  EEC  steel  items  and  primary  and 
less  fabricated  ECSC  items.  The  ECSC/EEC 
concessions  are  a  23  percent  reduction  from 
existing  rates  (a  10  percent  reduction  from  the 
pre-February  1964  rates  on  1964  imports  from 
the  United  States) . 



The  United  Kingdom  is  reducing  most  of  its 
rates  by  20  percent.  Japan  is  reducing  its  rates 
by  50  percent  except  for  a  few  alloy  steel  items. 
Sweden  is  binding  its  rates  at  existing  low 
levels.  Austria  is  harmonizing  its  tariffs  with 
the  ECSC/EEC  at  a  somewhat  higher  level. 

Tlie  U.S.  reductions  average  7  percent  on 
1964  imports.  It  is  generally  harmonizing  its 
tarilfs  with  the  ECSC/EEC  where  they  have 
been  above  those  rates.  U.S.  rates  higher  than 
ECSC/EEC  rates  are  to  be  reduced  to  ECSC/ 
EEC  levels,  but  no  cuts  are  to  be  made  where 
rates  are  now  below  ECSC/EEC  concession 
levels.  U.S.  concessions  take  account  of  differ- 
ences between  the  United  States  f.o.b.  and 
ECSC/EEC  c.i.f.  customs  valuation  systems  so 
that,  nominally,  U.S.  rates  would  be  somewhat 
higher  than  ECSC/EEC  rates.  Also,  the  differ- 
ential in  the  U.S.  tariff  between  ordinary  and 
alloy  steel  is  being  reduced  by  50  percent  but  is 
not  being  eliminated  as  complete  harmonization 
would  have  required. 

Aluminmn  Sector 

The  Community  offer  consisted  of  a  binding 
of  a  130,000-ton  annual  quota  at  5  percent.  The 
EEC  had  previously  bound  in  the  GATT  a  9 
percent  rate  of  duty  on  ingot  aluminum.  Some 
imports  were  allowed  entry  amiually  under  a 
tariff  quota  at  5  percent,  but  neither  the  amount 
of  the  quota  nor  the  lower  rate  had  been  bound. 
The  United  States  is  making  a  20  percent  cut 
on  ingot  aluminum,  of  benefit  primarily  to 
Canada  and  Norway. 

On  unwrought  aluminum  (further  advanced 
than  ingot),  tariff  cuts  by  the  United  States 
averaged  less  than  30  percent.  The  EEC  aver- 
age cut  was  about  one-third,  while  the  tariff 
cuts  by  the  U.K.  and  Canada  were  larger  than 
those  of  the  EEC.  Other  EFTA  [European 
Free  Trade  Association]  countries  and  Japan 
also  made  substantial  cuts  in  the  alimiinum  sec- 
tor. Of  special  interest  to  U.S.  aluminiun  ex- 
porters will  be  the  adoption  by  Canada  of  an 
injury  requirement  in  its  antidumping  legisla- 
tion to  conform  to  the  new  antidumping 

Chemical  Sector 

The  chemical  sector  negotiations  were  cen- 
tered on  the  American  Selling  Price  issue. 
European  countries  maintained  from  the  start 
that  any  more  than  token  reductions  in  their 
chemical  tariffs  were  conditional  on  U.S.  elimi- 
nation of  the  ASP  valuation  system.  Since  elim- 

ination of  ASP  would  require  congressional 
action,  U.S.  negotiators  insisted  that  chemical 
concessions  be  implemented  in  two  packages: 
first,  a  balanced  settlement  in  the  Kennedy 
Round ;  second,  reciprocal  concessions  by  other 
countries  in  return  for  abolition  of  ASP. 

The  pattern  and  volume  of  chemical  trade  is 
such  that  the  outcome  of  negotiations  in  this 
sector  inevitably  played  a  major  role  in  the 
outcome  of  the  entire  Kennedy  Round.  U.S. 
dutiable  chemical  imports  fi-om  countries  with  a 
major  stake  in  world  chemical  trade  (EEC, 
United  Kingdom,  Japan,  Switzerland)  were 
$325  million  in  1964;  these  countries'  dutiable 
chemical  imports  fi'om  the  United  States 
totaled  nearly  $900  million. 

In  the  end,  all  major  Kennedy  Round  partici- 
pants made  concessions  in  the  chemical  sector. 
Many  concessions  have  been  agreed  on  uncon- 
ditionally, while  certain  other  concessions  are 
conditional  on  United  States  elimination  of  the 
American  Selling  Price  valuation  system. 

The  concessions  on  chemicals  are,  therefore, 
in  two  parts :  first,  the  Kennedy  Round  chemical 
package,  and  second,  the  ASP  package. 

The  Kennedy  Round  Chemical  Package :  Un- 
conditional obligations  undertaken  in  the  Ken- 
nedy Roimcl  are  as  follows: 

1.  The  United  States  agreed  to  duty  reduc- 
tions on  products  accounting  for  nearly  all  (95 
percent)  of  U.S.  dutiable  chemical  imports. 
Tariffs  will  be  reduced  50  percent  on  most  items 
with  rates  above  8  percent ;  20  percent  on  items 
8  percent  and  below.  These  commitments  will 
result  in  a  weighted  average  duty  reduction  of 
43  percent  in  United  States  chemical  tariffs  on 
$325  million  of  dutiable  imports  from  the  EEC, 
U.K.,  Japan,  and  Switzerland.  The  combined 
tariff'  reduction  made  by  these  four  participants 
averages  26  percent  on  nearly  $900  million  of 
U.S.  chemical  exports,  and  the  United  States 
retains  the  ASP  method  of  valuation  for  ben- 
zenoid  chemicals. 

2.  The  European  Economic  Community 
agreed  to  duty  reductions  on  tariff  items  ac- 
counting for  98  percent  of  its  dutiable  chemical 
imports  from  the  United  States.  Most  duties 
will  be  reduced  by  20  percent.  Certain  items, 
however,  will  be  subject  to  reductions  of  30  per- 
cent and  35  percent,  while  some  others  will  be 
reduced  less  than  20  percent.  These  commit- 
ments  will  result  in  a  weighted  average  reduc-*' 
tion  of  20  percent  in  EEC  tariffs  on  $460  mil- 
lion of  1964  chemical  imports  from  the  United 

JULY    24,    1967 


3.  The  United  Kingdom  agreed  to  duty  re- 
ductions on  virtually  all  chemical  imports  from 
the  United  States  except  certain  plastics.  Most 
British  plastics  duties  are  curi-ently  10  percent, 
a  level  considerably  lower  than  other  major 
trading  countries.  The  United  Kingdom  has 
agreed  to  reduce  tariffs  at  rates  of  25  percent 
and  above  by  30  percent,  and  rates  below  25 
percent  by  20  percent.  These  commitments  will 
result  in  a  weighted  average  reduction  of  24 
percent  in  United  Kingdom  imports  of  more 
than  $100  million  of  chemicals  from  the  United 

4.  Japan  agreed  to  tariff  reductions  which  on 
a  weighted  a.verage  basis  amount  to  44  percent 
on  dutiable  chemical  imports  from  the  United 
States.  These  imports  were  over  $200  million 
in  1964. 

5.  Switzerland  agreed  to  tariff  reductions 
which  on  a  weighted  average  basis  amoimt  to 
49  percent  on  $45  million  of  chemical  imports 
from  the  United  States. 

6.  Other  participants,  notably  Canada  and 
the  Scandinavian  countries,  agreed  to  reduc- 
tions in  their  chemical  tariffs  as  part  of  their 
Kennedy  Roimd  concessions. 

The  ASP  Package:  The  following  conces- 
sions are  contingent  on  U.S.  elimination  of 
the  ASP  valuation  system : 

1.  The  United  States  would  eliminate  ASP 
and  replace  rates  currently  based  on  ASP  with 
rates  that  have  been  proposed  by  the  Tariff 
Connnission  to  be  applied  on  the  valuation  as 
normally  calculated  for  other  U.S.  imports  and 
yielding  the  same  revenue  as  the  pi'evious  rates. 
These  "converted"  rates  would  be  reduced  by 
stages,  generally  by  50  percent  or  to  an  ad 
valorem  equivalent  of  20  percent,  whichever  is 
lower.  The  principal  exceptions  to  this  formula 
are  dyes  and  sulfa  drugs,  duties  on  which  would 
be  reduced  to  30  percent  and  25  percent,  respec- 
tively. In  addition,  the  United  States  would 
reduce  the  8  percent  and  below  rates  subject  to 
the  20  percent  cut  in  the  Kennedy  Round  pack- 
age by  a  further  30  percent  and  further  reduce 
by  more  than  50  percent  a  few  other  items  to  the 
20  percent  level.  These  reductions  would  pro- 
vide a  combined  weighted  average  cut  on  U.S. 
chemical  tariffs  in  the  Kennedy  Round  and 
ASP  packages  of  about  48  percent  on  $325 
million  of  imports. 

2.  The  European  Economic  Community 
■would  reduce  its  chemical  tariffs  by  an  addi- 

tional amoimt  so  as  to  achieve  a  combined  Ken- 
nedy Round-ASP  package  reduction  of  46 
percent  on  $460  million  of  chemical  imports 
from  the  United  States.  Virtually  all  EEC 
chemical  tariffs  would  be  at  rates  of  121/2  per- 
cent or  below.  Belgium,  France,  and  Italy  would 
also  modify  road-use  taxes  so  as  to  eliminate 
discrimination  against  American-made  auto- 

3.  The  United  Kingdom  would  reduce  most 
of  its  chemical  tariffs  according  to  the  following 
formula:  Items  at  present  dutiable  at  25  per- 
cent and  above  would  be  reduced  to  a  level  of 
121/2  percent,  for  a  62  percent  combined  Ken- 
nedy Round  and  ASP  package  reduction.  Tariff 
items  with  duties  of  less  than  25  percent  would 
generally  be  reduced  by  the  amoimt  necessary 
to  achieve  a  combined  reduction  of  50  percent 
in  the  two  packages.  U.K.  plastics  tariffs  which 
would  be  above  the  reduced  EEC  rate  on  the 
same  item  would  be  cut  to  that  level  and  bound. 
The  combined  weighted  average  reduction  in 
the  level  of  British  chemical  tariffs  on  U.S. 
trade  would  be  approximately  47  percent  on 
$170  million  of  imports  from  the  United  States. 
After  these  reductions  virtually  all  British 
chemical  tariffs  would  be  at  rates  of  12i/^  percent 
or  below.  The  United  Kingdom  would  also  re- 
duce by  25  percent  its  margin  of  preference  on 
imports  of  tobacco. 

4.  Switzerland  would  eliminate  limitations 
on  imports  of  canned  fruit  preserved  with  com 

Textile  Sector 

Most  importing  countries  reduced  tariffs  on 
cotton,  manmade,  and  wool  textiles  less  than 
their  average  reduction  in  other  industrial  prod- 
ucts as  a  whole.  The  United  States  agreed  to 
tariff  reductions  which,  on  a  weighted  trade 
basis,  averaged  approximately  14  percent  for 
the  three  fibers.  Cotton  textiles  were  reduced 
21  percent;  manmade  textiles,  15  percent;  and 
wool  textiles,  2  percent. 

Negotiations  on  cotton  textiles  involved  three 
elements :  the  extension  of  the  Long-Term  Cot- 
ton Textile  Arrangement,  more  liberal  access 
to  import  markets  protected  by  the  LTA,  and 
tariff  reductions.  The  principal  concessions  by 
exporting  countries  of  interest  to  importing 
countries  was  the  extension  of  the  LTA  in  its 
present  form  until  September  30,  1970.  In  re- 
turn, importing  countries  agreed  to  enlarged 



quotas  under  LTA  provisions  and  to  tariff 

Within  the  context  of  the  LTA,  the  United 
States  negotiated  bilateral  agi-eements  with  its 
main  supplying  countries.  Tliese  agreements 
typically  provided  for  a  5  percent  annual  in- 
crease in  LTA  quotas,  a  one-time  bonus  for 
LTA  extension,  and  certain  other  administra- 
tive improvements. 

The  United  States  agreed  to  cotton  textile 
tariff  reductions  that  amounted  to  a  weighted 
average  reduction  of  21  percent.  Keductions  on 
apparel  items  averaged  17  percent;  fabrics 
tariffs  were  reduced  24  percent;  and  yarn,  28 

The  EEC  reduced  cotton  textile  tariffs  by 
about  20  percent.  It  also  reached  bilateral 
understandings  with  major  suppliers  provid- 
ing for  improved  access  to  the  EEC  market. 
Noting  that  it  already  accorded  liberal  access 
for  imports  from  Hong  Kong,  India,  and  other 
Commonwealth  sources,  the  United  Kingdom 
made  token  cotton  textile  tariff  reductions 
toward  other  suppliers. 

The  United  States  agreed  to  a  weighted  aver- 
age tariff  reduction  of  15  percent  on  imports  of 
manmade-fiber  textiles,  excluding  fibers.  Man- 
made-fiber  apparel  duties  were  reduced  by  an 
average  of  approximately  6  percent ;  fabrics,  by 
18  percent;  yarn,  by  37  percent.  Other  coun- 
tries made  significant  reductions  on  these 

The  United  States  agreed  to  tariff  reductions 
on  very  few  wool  textiles.  The  weighted  aver- 
age duty  reduction  on  wool  fabric  was  about  1 
percent;  on  wool  apparel,  about  2  percent.  On 
total  wool  textile  imports  the  average  duty 
reduction  was  2  jaercent.  Other  coimtries  made 
considerably  greater  reductions  on  wool 

Paper,  Pulp,  and  Lumber 

Multilateral  sector  negotiations  were 
planned  for  paper  and  pulp,  largely  in  an  effort 
to  get  the  EEC  to  make  meaningful  tariff 
reductions  of  interest  to'the  Nordic  countries 
and  Canada  as  well  as  the  United  States. 
Although  some  multilateral  discussions  were 
held,  negotiations  were  essentially  bilateral.  A 
long  series  of  discussions  resulted  in  EEC  cuts 
of  50  percent  on  pulp  and  about  25  percent  on 
paper.  Canada  and  the  EFTA  countries  also 
made  significant  concessions  on  pa.per  products 

exjDorted  by  the  United  States.  In  return,  the 
United  States  made  comparable  concessions. 

NontarifF  Barriers 

Antidwm/ping  Code 

A  major  accomplishment  in  the  field  of  non- 
tariff  barriers  was  the  negotiation  of  an  anti- 
dumping code.  In  addition  to  the  United  States, 
the  major  participants  in  this  negotiation  were 
the  United  Kingdom,  the  European  Economic 
Community,  Japan,  Canada,  and  the  Scandi- 
navian countries. 

Negotiation  of  the  antidumping  code  cen- 
tered on  the  consideration  of  international 
standards.  Although  U.S.  legislation  is  consist- 
ent with  the  GATT,  foreign  complaints  wei-e 
directed  against  U.S.  procedures.  These  con- 
cerned, particularly,  the  frequent  withholding 
of  appraisement  during  antidumping  investi- 
gations and  the  length  of  time  taken  in 
investigations.  (Withholding  of  appraisement 
postpones  the  final  determination  of  customs 
duties  until  an  antidumping  investigation  is 
completed.  However,  imports  may  be  released 
under  bond  from  customs  custody  after 
appraisement  is  withheld.) 

The  antidumping  code  supplements  the  pro- 
visions of  article  VI  of  the  GATT  with  rules 
and  procedures  to  be  followed  in  antidumping 
actions.  U.S.  legislation  and  administrative 
reg-ulations  contain  detailed  provisions  relating 
to  the  determination  of  sales  at  less  than  fair 
value  and  injury,  but  most  countries'  proce- 
dures lack  such  specificity. 

The  principal  advantages  of  the  antidumping 
code  to  the  United  States  will  be  the  adoption 
by  other  countries  of  fair  and  open  procedures 
along  the  lines  of  present  U.S.  practices.  The 
code  will  provide  both  an  opportunity  and  a 
basis  for  U.S.  exporters  to  defend  their  interests 
in  foreign  antidumping  actions.  In  particular, 
the  new  common  antidumping  regulations  that 
are  being  developed  by  the  European  Economic 
Community  will  conform  with  the  code. 

Of  special  benefit  to  the  LTnited  States  will  be 
the  adoption  by  Canada  of  an  injury  require- 
ment in  its  antidumping  legislation.  The  lack  of 
such  a  requirement  has  impeded  U.S.  exports 
for  many  years. 

Because  the  antidumping  code  is  consistent 
with  existing  U.S.  law,  no  legislative  changes 
are  required.  However,  the  Treasury  Depart- 

JTJLT    24,    1967 

ment  will  revise  its  regulations  to  conform  with 
the  code.  The  principal  change  in  present  proce- 
dures will  concern  limiting  the  time  period  dur- 
ing which  appraisement  is  withheld  to  a  maxi- 
mum of  90  days  m  most  cases.  Both  foreign  ex- 
porters and  domestic  importers  and  j^roducers 
favor  a  reduction  of  the  time  taken  in  antidump- 
ing cases.  Also,  invest)  gations  will  not  be  initi- 
ated unless  there  is  evidence  of  injury. 

Other  Nontarif  Barriers 

In  addition  to  the  negotiation  of  an  anti- 
dumping code,  the  principal  nontariff  accom- 
plishment is  the  agreement  to  take  action  on  the 
nontariff  barriers  included  in  the  conditional 
chemical  package;  that  is,  the  elimination  for 
certain  chemicals  of  the  American  Selling  Price 
system  of  valuation  by  the  United  States,  the 
elimination  of  the  discriminatory  aspects  of 
automobile  road-use  taxes  in  France,  Italy,  and 
Belgium,  and  the  modification  by  Switzerland 
of  regulations  on  canned  fruit,  as  well  as  a  re- 
duction by  the  United  Kingdom  m  the  margin 
of  preference  on  unmanufactured  tobacco. 

There  were  also  a  few  other  nontariff  achieve- 
ments as  a  result  of  bilateral  discussions.  In  the 
negotiations  Austria  agi-eed  to  eliminate  the 
discriminatory  effect  of  automobile  road-use 
taxes  on  larger  engined  U.S.  automobiles. 
Canada  eliminated  a  restriction  prohibiting  im- 
ports of  fresh  fruits  and  vegetables  in  s^-bushel 
baskets.  Canada  also  ceased  applying  the  Cana- 
dian sales  tax  to  the  full  value  of  aircraft  en- 
gines repaired  in  the  United  States.  The  11  per- 
cent sales  tax  is  now  applied  only  to  the  value  of 
the  repairs.  In  addition,  Canada  modified  re- 
strictive standards  applying  to  aircraft  engines 
repaired  abroad. 

Although  not  a  subject  for  negotiation,  quan- 
titative restrictions  were  eliminated  or  modified 
by  several  countries.  Of  particular  importance 
to  the  United  States  are  the  elimination  of  re- 
strictions in  the  United  Kingdom  on  fresh 
grapefruit  and  in  Denmark  and  Finland  on 
many  agricultural  products.  Japan  agreed  to 
liberalize  quota  restrictions  on  some  products. 

Several  developing  countries  specified  action 
on  various  nontariff  measures  as  part  of  their 
contributions  to  the  negotiations.  These  included 
the  introtluction  of  certain  tariff  reforms,  the 
liberalization  of  licensing  systems  and  foreign 
exchange  controls,  and  the  elimination  or  reduc- 
tion of  prior-deposit  requirements  and  tariff 


The  United  States  originally  set  as  a  goal  in 
the  agricultural  negotiations  the  same  broad 
trade  coverage  and  depth  of  tariff  cuts  as 
achieved  for  industrial  products.  This  did  not 
prove  negotiable,  however.  The  European  Eco- 
nomic Community,  when  the  negotiations  got 
miderway,  was  still  in  the  process  of  developing 
its  Common  Agi'icultural  Policy.  It  was  reluc- 
tant to  make  substantial  cuts  in  the  level  of  pro- 
tection at  the  same  time  it  was  formulating  a 
Common  Agricultural  Policy  among  the  six 
members.  The  results  of  the  agricultural  nego- 
tiations with  the  Community  are  therefore  con- 
siderably moi'e  modest  than  the  results  achieved 
in  industry.  Nevertheless,  progress  was  made  in 
the  negotiations  in  reducing  barriers  to  agri- 
cultural trade. 

The  United  States  was  able  to  obtain  signif- 
icant agricultural  concessions  from  Japan, 
Canada,  and  the  U.K.,  the  Nordic  countries,  and 
Switzerland.  The  EEC  made  tariff  cuts  on 
agricultural  items  of  trade  value  to  the  United 
States  of  over  $200  million. 

No  progress  was  made  in  negotiating  down 
the  trade  restrictive  effects  of  the  variable-levy 
system  of  the  EEC.  Offers  made  by  the  Com- 
munity on  the  basis  of  this  system  were  not 

The  agricultural  negotiations  were  divided 
into  so-called  commodity  groups  and  nongroup 
or  tariff  items.  The  commodity  groups  included 
meats,  dairy  products,  and  grains.  Of  the  com- 
modity groups  only  grams  yielded  positive 


A  new  grains  arrangement  was  negotiated 
that  establishes  a  minimum  price  for  U.S.  No. 
2  hard  red  winter  ordinary  wheat  f.o.b.  Gulf 
ports  at  $1.73  per  bushel.  Tliis  represents  an 
increase  of  about  21.5  cents  per  bushel  over  the 
equivalent  minimum  price  for  U.S.  hard  red 
winter  ordinai-y  under  the  present  International 
Wheat  Agreement.^  There  will  be  a  comparable 
increase  in  the  minimum  price  of  other  grades 
and  qualities  of  wheat  under  the  new 

Market  prices  are  currently  above  the  mini- 
mum prices  of  the  new  arrangement,  but  the  new 
minimum  prices  should  establish  an  effective 
floor  under  U.S.  wheat  exports  for  the  3  years 

» TIAS  5240,  605T. 



of  the  arrangement.  Adequate  provision  is  made 
for  adjusting  differentials  for  various  grades 
and  qualities  of  wheat  as  required  if  trading 
prices  should  fall  to  the  minimum.  There  is 
nothing  in  the  arrangement  that  will  prevent 
U.S.  wheat  from  being  priced  competitively  as 

Participating  countries  have  agreed  to  con- 
tribute 4I/2  million  tons  of  cereals  to  a  multi- 
lateral food  aid  program.  The  U.S.  share  of 
this  program  will  be  42  percent  of  the  total,  or 
slightly  less  than  2  million  tons.  Importing 
countries  as  a  whole  will  contribute  about  2 
million  tons  of  the  total.  The  grains  arrange- 
ment thus  represents  further  progress  toward 
one  of  the  United  States'  key  objectives  of 
foreign  aid,  the  multilateral  sharing  of  the  food 

Meat  and  Dairy  Products 

During  most  of  the  Kennedy  Round,  the 
countries  principally  involved  in  world  trade 
in  fresh,  chilled,  and  frozen  beef  and  veal,  and 
in  butter,  cheese,  and  dry  milk,  sought  to 
negotiate  general  international  arrangements 
for  these  products.  The  purpose  of  these  negoti- 
ations was  to  provide  for  acceptable  conditions 
of  access  to  world  markets  in  furtherance  of  a 
significant  development  and  expansion  of  world 
trade  in  agricultural  products,  consistent  with 
tlie  principle  agreed  by  the  GATT  ministers  at 
the  outset  of  the  negotiations.  Although  these 
negotiations  continued  until  late  in  the  Ken- 
nedy Round,  it  was  not  possible  to  work  out  an 
acceptable  multilateral  arrangement.  Countries 
then  shifted  to  bilateral  negotiations,  through 
which  they  were  able  in  some  cases  to  negotiate 
improved  access  to  important  markets. 

The  United  States  made  no  offers  on  fresh, 
chilled,  or  frozen  beef  or  veal.  The  duty  on 
canned  ham  was  bound  but  no  reduction  made. 
We  did  not  reduce  the  duty  on  domestic  types  of 
raw  wool.  No  offers  were  made  on  any  products 
subject  to  quotas,  including  butter,  dry  milk, 
and  certain  types  of  cheese.  On  certain  nonquota 
cheese,  cuts  averaging  13  percent  were  made. 

Agricultural  Tariff  Items 

Tlie  United  States  achieved  a  wide  range  of 
concessions  from  its  principal  negotiating 
partners,  which  should  improve  the  export  op- 
portunities for  such  products  as  soybeans, 
tallow,  tobacco,  poultry,  and  horticultural 
products,  including  citrus  and  camied  fruit. 

In  particular,  the  United  States  and  Canada 
negotiated  a  balance  of  agricultural  concessions 
covering  a  substantial  range  of  products. 

The  Developing  Countries 

The  United  States  negotiated  with  the  de- 
veloping countries  on  the  basis  of  the  plan 
adopted  by  the  Trade  Negotiations  Committee, 
the  steering  committee  of  the  Sixth  Round. 
One  of  the  objectives  of  the  negotiations,  that 
of  reducing  barriers  to  exports  of  developing 
countries  to  the  maximum  extent  possible,  was 
taken  into  account  in  the  plan.  The  plan  also 
took  into  accoimt  the  ministerial  decisions  to 
the  effect  that  developed  countries  could  not 
expect  to  receive  full  reciprocity  from  the 
developing  countries  in  trade  negotiations  and 
that  the  contributions  of  developing  countries 
should  be  considered  in  the  light  of  the  develop- 
ment, trade,  and  fuiancial  needs  of  those 

Accordingly,  the  United  States  made  conces- 
sions of  benefit  to  developing  coimtries,  includ- 
ing nonparticipants,  which  cover  over  $900 
million  of  their  exjDorts.  Included  in  these  con- 
cessions will  be  the  complete  elimination  of  the 
duty  on  more  than  $325  million  of  imports  from 
these  countries.  Moreover,  the  elimination  of 
duties  on  $45  million  of  these  products  does  not 
need  to  be  staged  over  a  4-year  period  and  thus 
meets  one  of  the  more  important  desiderata  of 
the  developing  countries.  Since  many  of  the  con- 
cessions on  tropical  products  were  negotiated  in 
the  context  of  joint  action  by  industrialized 
countries,  the  total  benefits  which  developing 
countries  will  receive  were  further  increased. 

Ten  developing  countries  made  concessions 
benefiting  the  United  States. 

JTILT    24,    1967 


Institution-Building  and  the  Alliance  for  Progress 

ty  Covey  T.  Oliver 

Assistant  Secretary -designate  for  Inter- American  Affairs  ^ 

I  am  delighted  to  have  this  opportunity  to 
share  with  my  fellow  members  of  the  World 
Affairs  Council  of  Philadelpliia  a  few  thoughts 
on  Latin  American  development  and  the  Al- 
liance for  Progress. 

When  we  think  of  Latin  America  and  the  Al- 
liance, the  characterizing  word  is  "change" — 
urgent,  basic,  needed  change.  The  Alliance  was 
created  to  answer  the  needs  of  swiftly  chang- 
ing times,  and  indeed  the  Alliance  already  has 
been  the  engine  for  vast  and  sweeping  changes 
in  this  hemisphere. 

Sometimes  changes  are  completely  unex- 
pected :  Wlien,  on  May  16,  1967,  I  accepted  the 
invitation  to  talk  here,  I  certainly  did  not  fore- 
see the  rather  substantial  change  that  has  since 
occurred  in  my  own  relationship  with  Latin 
America ! 

The  nature  of  the  change  between  my  former 
professional  responsibilities  and  my  new  official 
ones  recalls  to  my  mind  an  experience  of  more 
than  20  years  ago,  when  I  was  a  member  of  the 
American  delegation  at  the  Paris  Peace  Con- 
ference. During  one  session,  I,  as  a  Govei-nment 
"expert,"  sat  directly  behind  a  distinguished 
congressional  member  of  that  delegation.  Sen- 
ator Arthur  Vandenberg.  The  Soviet  bloc  was 
blocking.  There  were  long  speeches  repeating 
endlessly  the  same  dreary  Marxistese  (we  were 
just  learning  how  dully  repetitive  the  Red  dele- 
gates could  be).  During  most  of  the  long,  bor- 
ing, irritating  session,  Senator  Vandenberg, 
smoking  cigar  after  cigar,  listened  quietly  and 

'  Address  made  before  the  World  Affairs  Council  at 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  on  June  7.  Mr.  Oliver  was  sworn  in 
on  June  30  as  Assistant  Secretary  for  Inter-American 
Affairs  and  U.S.  Coordinator  for  the  Alliance  for 

kept  his  pencil  moving — working  on  an  elabo- 
rate doodle  of  the  Great  Seal  of  the  United 
States  with  fine  draftsmanship  and  beautiful 
shadings.  As  the  session  droned  on,  the  Senator 
finally  pushed  his  chair  back  and,  as  he  rose  to 
leave,  briefly  turned  to  me  and  said,  "Young 
man,  life  was  a  lot  simpler  for  me  when  I  was 
an  isolationist." 

Life  was  simpler  for  me  as  a  professor  speak- 
ing on  what  ought  to  be  done  about  development 
than  ever  it  will  be  as  U.S.  Coordinator  of  the 
Alliance,  trying  actually  to  get  things  done. 

But  I  look  forward  to  these  new  duties  with 
optimism  and  with  sober  awareness  of  our 
country's  interests  and  opportunities  in  helping 
the  New  World  to  become  a  better  place  for  all 
its  people  to  live  in.  It  has  been  my  good  fortune 
to  have  spent  some  memorable  years  in  various 
roles  in  the  Alliance  area  and  to  have  worked 
closely  with  our  good  neighbors  to  the  south.  I 
am  happy  that  so  many  of  these  good  neighbors 
are  also  good  friends,  whose  aspirations  I  be- 
lieve I  understand,  whose  views  I  respect,  whose 
amistad — even  carino — I  cherish. 

Thus,  with  considerable  development-oriented 
field  experience  with  one  of  the  larger  AID 
[Agency  for  International  Development]  pro- 
grams, with  familiarity  with  the  languages  and 
cultures  of  Alliance  coimtries,  with  a  firm  be- 
lief in  the  need  for  development,  I  approach 
with  a  measure  of  confidence  the  big  and  difficult 
job  of  directing  the  United  States  programs  in 
support  of  the  Alliance.  So  while  there  are  ties 
that  will  always  link  me  fraternally  with  this 
city  and  with  the  university,  I  could  not  have 
let  go  by  this  unexpected  opportunity  to  return 
once  again  for  a  while  to  Government  service — 
particularly  at  this  time,  when  a  spirit  of  change 
characterizes  inter-American  affairs. 



Embarking  Upon  "the  Decade  of  Urgency" 

It  is  clear  that  we  are  entering  a  new  era  in 
the  Americas — an  era  of  renewal  of  expecta- 
tions, of  sighting  new  horizons,  of  moving  on 
toward  them.  The  Summit  Meeting  of  the  Presi- 
dents of  America  ^  focused  world  attention  anew 
on  the  Alliance  for  Progress.  It  will  stand  his- 
torically as  a  milestone  in  hemispheric  history. 
It  marks  the  turning  point  between  what  might 
be  called  the  first  phase  of  the  Alliance  and  this 
new,  second  phase  we  have  now  embarked  upon 
in  the  "decade  of  urgency,"  as  President  John- 
son has  called  it. 

Standing  where  we  are  today,  looking  back  to 
where  we  have  been  and  ahead  toward  where 
we  must  go  with  the  development,  I  see  three 
phases  of  the  Alliance  for  Progress. 

First,  there  was  the  organization,  mobiliza- 
tion, and  cori'ection,  or  "feedback,"  phase.  The 
hemisphere  had  to  agree  on  the  nature  of  the 
problems  and  the  goals  of  our  Alliance.  It  had 
to  mobilize  its  efforts — in  money,  manpower, 
and  will.  But  it  also  had  to  deal  with  serious 
distortions  which  impeded  economic  and  social 
growth:  rampant  inflation  that  robbed  middle 
and  lower  income  groups  of  initiative;  heavy 
debt  burdens  that  could  not  be  amortized  with 
current  income ;  currency,  balance-of-payments, 
and  other  difficulties  that  made  economic  and 
social  growth  almost  impossible.  These  prob- 
lems are  still  with  us,  but  Latin  America  has  a 
much  better  grip  on  them,  and  they  now  seem 

The  adjustments  which  Latin  American 
countries  have  made  in  the  early  years  of  the 
Alliance  have  been  painful,  demanding  in  per- 
sonal and  political  courage.  As  I  participated 
in  the  development  and  execution  of  Alliance 
policies  from  1964  to  1966,  I  can  attest  that  the 
task  of  development  is  not  easy  for  them.  But  I 
can  also  attest  that  our  neighbors  truly  want  to 
better  themselves  in  lasting  and  self-reliant 
ways.  They  are  too  much  men  and  women  at- 
tuned to  human  dignity  to  be  satisfied  with  doles 
and  relief.  For  them  and  for  us  the  goals  are 
the  same,  and  we  move  together  along  the  road 
to  them,  helping  each  other  over  the  rough 
places.  As  we  travel  this  road,  we  come  to  places 
from  which,  across  the  valleys  ahead,  we  also 
see  the  peaks  we  would  attain,  glimpsed  sudden- 

'  For  statements  by  President  .Johnson  and  text  of 
the  Declaration  of  the  Presidents  of  America,  see 
Bulletin  of  May  8, 1967,  p.  706. 

ly  in  such  splendor  as  not  to  be  forgotten  as  we 
move  on. 

The  Summit  Meeting  was  such  a  place  on  the 
road.  There  the  hemisphere's  highest  political 
leaders  met,  assessed  our  modest  but  encourag- 
ing progi'ess,  and  gave  direction  for  vigorous 
new  steps  forward. 

Thus — to  leave  my  metaphor — while  we  are 
still  working  in  many  places  on  the  first  phase 
of  the  Alliance,  the  Presidents  clearly  outlined 
both  the  second  and  third  phases :  a  major  effort 
on  institution-building  and  concrete  measures 
to  achieve  a  Common  Market  by  1985. 

Intermediate   Phase  of  the  Alliance 

While  we  should  never  lose  sight  of  the  ulti- 
mate goals  tied  to  hemispheric  unity,  it  is  the 
new,  intermediate  phase  that  I  want  to  discuss 
with  you. 

Latin  America  has  many  dreams  but  probably 
none  that  its  people  more  passionately  seek  to 
fulfill  than  those  of  democratic  growth  and 
social  justice.  We  share  that  dream,  for  nothing 
is  more  precious  to  us  than  human  dignity,  the 
worthwhileness  of  the  individual  person  as  a 
child  of  God ;  free  and  democratic  institutions ; 
and,  as  our  great  Declaration  bravely  given  in 
this  City  of  Brotherly  Love  puts  it,  "the  pur- 
suit of  Happiness." 

We  must,  therefore,  help  create,  strengthen, 
modify,  and  build  institutions  that  provide: 

— the  opportunity  for  all  to  share  equitably 
in  the  cost  of  building  their  country  with  the 
assurance  that  their  contributions  are  used  wise- 
ly and  honestly. 

— the  opportunity  for  the  farmer  to  own  land, 
to  obtain  credit,  and  to  market  his  production  at 
fair  prices. 

— the  opportimity  for  youth  to  obtain  an  edu- 
cation and  to  make  an  intelligent  and  meaning- 
ful contribution  to  society  while  preparing  also 
to  lead  it  witliin  short  years. 

— the  opportunity  for  the  worker  to  get  work 
and  to  be  rewarded  properly  for  his  labor. 

— the  opportunity  for  business  to  invest  im- 
der  just  and  equitable  laws  and  earn  fair 

— the  opportunity  for  all  to  stand  equally  be- 
fore the  law  without  fear  or  favor  and  to  live 
out  their  years  in  peace,  honor,  and  social 

Let  me  be  specific:  Improved  productivity 
and  greater  monetary  stability  alone  are  not 

JTJIiT    24,    1967 


enough;  there  must  be  modernization  of  exist- 
ing institutions  and  the  development  of  new 
ones.  Many  of  these  changes  there,  as  here,  re- 
quire state  action — legishition,  law,  public  ad- 
ministration. There  must  be  changes  in  distri- 
bution, in  the  processes  for  meeting  the  exj^ec- 
tations  of  various  groups  in  the  social  structure. 

As  we  move  into  an  intermediate  stage  of  the 
Alliance,  wherein  human  needs  and  hopes,  in- 
stitution-building, and  modernization  will  be 
principal  themes,  we  note  with  satisfaction  that 
our  Alliance-oriented  operations  in  the  first,  or 
stability-seeking,  phase  have  themselves  had  im- 
portant relationships  to  social  and  politicocul- 
tural  goals.  A  good  example  is  taxation.  The 
development  of  fair,  effective,  and  respected 
systems  of  taxation  is  a  major  objective  of  exist- 
ing development  programs  in  a  number  of 
countries.  From  one  point  of  view,  "technical 
assistance"  is  involved,  as  we  have  made  avail- 
able experts  and  tax  technology.  Technical  as- 
sistance is  an  original  and  still  useful  aspect  of 
development  help — at  one  time  the  only  civilian 
kind  we  offered  to  Latin  America.  The  "tax 
projects"  are  also  related  to  fiscal  stability — a 
short-range,  or  "precondition,"  goal — and  to  a 
number  of  middle-phase  goals,  ranging  from 
distributive  justice  to  more  local  currency  re- 
sources for  social  service  budgets  related  to  ed- 
ucation, health,  and  the  like. 

We  of  the  Alliance  community  have  done  and 
are  doing  well  with  "tax  reform."  Improved 
revenue-raising  is  a  mutually  recognized  devel- 
opment objective.  We  all  talk  to  each  other  (now 
through  our  experts  mainly)  about  tax  matters; 
and  as  to  tax  issues  and  ideas,  we  deal  with  each 
other  in  ways  that  in  a  more  traditional  era 
would  have  been  regarded  as  improper  even  for 
dialog  between  different  nations. 

Land  reform  is  another  example.  Here,  we  of 
North  America  have  had  to  disabuse  ourselves 
of  our  tendency  to  generalize  about  landholding 
conditions  as  if  they  were  the  same  throughout 
the  rest  of  the  hemisphere ;  and  we  have  had  to 
reconsider  some  of  our  simplistic,  though  well- 
intentioned,  notions  about  the  per  se  virtues  of 
small  holdings,  regardless  of  their  relationship 
to  the  subsistence  needs  of  owners  and  to  na- 
tional productivity.  But  here  again  we  have  been 
working  intimately  with  our  neighbors ;  and  as 
part  of  our  programs  to  increase  agricultural 
production  the  landownership,  land-develop- 
ment, colonization  problems  are  getting  intelli- 
gent, frank,  and  continuous  attention. 

Land  utilization,  on  the  other  hand,  is  hardly 
in  the  realm  of  discourse  between  us.  Regard- 
less of  who  owns  them,  what  should  the  good 
lands — those  that  are  capable  of  bountiful  pro- 
duction of  a  wide  range  of  crops — be  used  for  ? 
What  is  the  relationship  of  land  utilization  to 
nutrition  and  dietary  habits;  between  govern- 
mental policies  and  incentives  for  increased  ag- 
ricultural production  ? 

Modernizing  the  Conditions   of  Rural   Life 

The  Presidents  called  at  Punta  del  Este  for 
modernization  of  the  conditions  of  rural  life.  It 
may  be  that  much  that  needs  to  be  done  along 
lines  I  have  just  mentioned  can  be  related  to  this 
Presidential  sujjport  for  further  study  and 
work.  Additionally,  m  most  countries  there  lie 
ahead : 

(a)  The  development  of  food  processing  and 
food  storage ; 

(b)  Improved  physical  facilities  for  urban- 
rural  exchanges  of  goods  and  services, 

(c)  Institutional  changes  in  the  marketing 
process  itself. 

The  first  two  of  these  are  mainly  the  business 
of  private  enterprise,  whose  role  in  development 
is  exceedingly  important  especially  in  this  sec- 
ond stage  of  the  development  process.  The  inter- 
national agencies  and  the  United  States  can 
help  with  ideas,  feasibility-study  financing,  and 
the  supplying  of  marketing  experts  under 
teclinical  assistance.  Much  of  the  capital,  most 
of  the  risk-taking  and  innovating  initiatives 
must  come  from  the  private  sector  in  a  combina- 
tion that  is  suitable  to  the  times  and  the  fair 
needs  of  all  groups  involved.  Also,  the  United 
States  seeks  constructive  opportunities  to  help 
in  the  financing  of  more  cooperatives  for  both 
production  and  marketing,  more  agricultural 
credit  mechanisms,  and  more  private  investment 
funds  which  can  help  agroindustry.  President 
Jolmson  has  stated  he  will  seek  new  funds  to 
help  the  modernization  of  agriculture  in  these 

The  program  of  action  agreed  by  the  Presi- 
dents at  Punta  del  Este  emphasized  the  need 
for  "multinational  infrastructure  projects"  as 
steps  toward  economic  integration  and  the  Com- 
mon Market.  One  essential  for  modernization 
of  the  market  jirocess  in  Latin  America  is 
roads — and  more  roads.  Although  waterway  im- 
provement is  important  in  some  countries,  it 



is  roads,  from  through  highways  to  rural  ac- 
cess routes,  that  are  the  greatest  single  need  for 
increased  velocity  and  efficiency  in  the  exchange 
of  goods  and  services  within  a  country  and,  in- 
deed, for  exi:)ort  and  regional  trade  improve- 
ment as  well.  Intensive  roadbuilding  programs, 
moreover,  give  jobs  to  unskilled  and  semiskilled 
labor  in  countries  where  far  too  few  of  those 
seeking  work  can  find  it. 

The  International  Bank  for  Reconstruction 
and  Development  has  been  doing  laudable  de- 
velopment work  of  this  nature  in  particular 
countries.  At  the  Summit,  the  Presidents  en- 
dorsed the  leading  role  of  the  Inter- American 
Development  Bank  in  studying  and  financing 
multinational  projects  in  such  fields  as  trans- 
portation, telecommunications,  and  hydroelec- 
tric power. 

Changes   in   Marketing   Process 

Institutional  changes  in  the  marketing  pro- 
cess itself  are  parts  of  social  change.  This  means 
that,  first,  attitudes  and,  ultimately,  the  legal 
order  must  guide  the  developing  countries  into 
modem  patterns  of  distribution.  In  the  develop- 
ing countries  there  must  be  more  awareness  of 
free-world  experience  with  the  "mix"  between 
laissez-faire  and  enforced  competition,  counter- 
vailing power  and  public  regulation,  that  char- 
acterizes developed  free  economies — and  so- 
cieties— today. 

No  single,  "all-countries,  all-times,"  mechan- 
ical adjustment  of  public-sector,  private-sector 
relationships  is  possible.  Each  country,  each 
community,  has  to  work  out  its  own  "mix."  But 
for  that  to  happen  in  the  less  developed  world 
there  has  to  be  in  that  world  more  awareness 
and  evaluation  of  these  problems  than  there  has 
been.  Note,  for  example,  that  unlike  the  Treaty 
of  Rome  creating  the  European  Economic  Com- 
munity, neither  the  LAFTA  [Latm  American 
Free  Trade  Association]  nor  the  Central  Amer- 
ican Common  Market  arrangements  deal  with 
monopoly  problems. 

Does  this  mean  that  our  AID  missions  in 
Latin  America  should  become  involved  with 
"antitrust"  in  about  the  same  manner  as  they 
have  been  with  tax  reform  ?  My  tentative  view 
is  that  our  bilateral  involvement  should  be  lim- 
ited to  developing  a  dialog,  giving  information, 
and  sharing  research  techniques,  because  in  this 
field,  unlike  taxation,  there  is  now  such  a  wide 
variety  of  models  in  developed  country  experi- 
ence as  to  encourage  caution  in  putting  forward 

our  own  antitrust  system  as  if  we  thought  it  the 
only  approach  to  coping  with  restrictive  trade 
practices  and  monopolies.  But  Latin  America 
must  assure  competition  in  the  national  market- 
place if  the  area  is  to  develop  and  compete  in 
world  markets. 

And  we  should  consider  more  effective  en- 
couragement for  cooperative  and  community  de- 
velopment movements,  because  these  are  "of  the 
peojile"  programs  that  hold  promise  for  wide 
popular  involvement  in  all  aspects  of  develop- 
ment— social  and  j^olitical  as  well  as  economic. 

Educating  the  "Decisionmakers-To-Be" 

Institution-building  is  now  a  national  process 
and  must  eventually  become  a  community  proc- 
ess. The  dynamism,  the  know-how,  for  social 
change  has  to  come  from  within  the  system. 

This  means,  above  all,  education  of  the  de- 
cisionmakers-to-be.  All  education  is  an  Alliance 
goal,  but  good  university  education  is  an  imme- 
diate, absolute  necessity  for  the  articulate,  dis- 
satisfied young  people  who,  through  their  own 
energies  and  frequently  over  very  great  diffi- 
culties, have  made  their  ways  to  the  public  uni- 
versities of  Latin  America  with  eventual  public 
leadership  in  mind.  These  public  universities 
are,  right  now,  turning  out  the  decisionmakers 
of  tomorrow.  They  are  the  major  civilian  en- 
gines of  social  mobility  in  Latin  America — the 
only  way  a  poor  but  energetic  and  determined 
young  person  can  rise  in  society  without  joining 
the  military  services.  Communists  and  other  ex- 
tremists know  this  quite  well.  The  public  uni- 
versities are  prime  targets  of  the  extremist  ele- 
ments. I  consider  public  university  betterment 
very  urgent. 

The  greatest  substantive  needs  of  the  univer- 
sities as  I  now  see  them  are:  (a)  more  full-time 
teachers,  better  trained  and  with  more  time  to 
give  to  students,  and  (b)  more  extensive  and 
more  modern  social  studies  curricula.  Students 
should  have  opportunities  to  study  and  appraise 
all  the  roads  to  social  justice,  not  just  the  illu- 
sory— and  outdated — Marxist  one.  As  a  result 
of  lack  of  information  as  to  how  societies  really 
work  in  developed  countries,  including  even  the 
U.S.S.R.,  far  too  many  young  Latin  Americans 
tend  to  choose  some  brand  of  Marxism  over  free- 
world  systems,  which  they  mistakenly  assume  to 
be  sometliing  these  systems  never  were — com- 
pletely dominated  by  heartless,  mechanistic  con- 
cepts of  pure  laissez-faire  capitalism.  The  stu- 
dents should  be  led  to  inquiry — factual,  scien- 

JULT    24,    1967 


tific  inquirj'.  The  universities  themselves  should 
be  enabled  to  undertake  sociocultural,  self-dis- 
covery, research  projects,  such  as  "attitude 
studies,"  for  greater  understanding  of  how  total 
development  may  occur. 

Inter-American  studies  need  almost  every- 
where in  Latin  America  to  be  developed,  es- 
pecially now  that  economic  unification  is  specifi- 
cally foreseen.  In  universities  in  the  United 
States,  Latin  American  studies  is  a  standard 
field  for  teaching  and  research,  and  President 
Johnson  promised  his  colleagues  at  Punta  del 
Este  that  he  would  seek  further  enlargement  of 
university  work  here  in  this  sector. 

But  for  the  future  we  all  want,  we  must  make 
sure  that  scholarly  study  and  teaching  of  inter- 
American  relations  is  truly  a  hemispherewide 
matter  and  not  one  confined  to  the  United  States. 

University  development  along  the  lines  that  I 
have  described  should  not  be  delayed  until  the 
country  has  "taken  off"  in  the  economic  sense, 
thus  being  able  to  support  the  improvements 
needed  out  of  increased  social  capital.  Many  of 
these  should  come  sooner  by  additions  to  univer- 
sity operating  budgets  to  support  properly 
planned  changes  in  teaching,  curriculum,  li- 
braries, and  research. 

After  some  years  as  a  universitarian,  I  know 
how  delicate  and  difficult  university  changes  in- 
volving faculty  and  courses  can  be.  They  will  be 
so  in  Latin  America,  in  part  because  in  some 
quarters  there  is  satisfaction  with  present  ways 
of  doing  things.  But  every  day  there  are  more 
intelligent  Latin  Americans  coming  to  see  that 
their  universities  must  be  modernized  as  to  the 
substance  of  what  they  teach  and  how  they  teach 
it.  In  such  a  delicate  area  as  this,  a  bilateral  ap- 
proach is  not  as  promising  as  a  transnational 
one,  provided  that  the  latter  is  vigorous,  scien- 
tific, and  effective.  We  must,  all  of  us,  look 
around  for  the  right  institution  or  institutions 
to  spearhead  the  important  work  of  university 
substantive  modernization ;  and  if  we  do  not  find 
it,  or  them,  among  our  existing  hemispheric 
agencies,  we  must  create  one  adequate  to  the 

Latin  America  cannot  modernize  demo- 
cratically without  modernized  political  leaders, 
administrators,  businessmen.  And  the  mod- 
ernization of  men  should  be  mainly  a  national 
and  regional  process,  not  one  that  relies  too 
heavily  on  sending  the  leaders-to-be  off  to  the 
United  States  or  Europe  to  be  educated,  valu- 
able though  such  experiences  are.  One  danger 

of  the  latter  course  is  that  he  might  not  come 
home — the  "brain  drain"  problem.  Another  is 
that  he  will  not  have  lived  through — grown  up 
intellectually  with — the  change  of  his  own 
counti-j'  and  thus  be  too  remote  from  change 
underway  when  his  generation  assumes  leader- 

Spirit  and   Purpose   of  the  Alliance 

As  President  Johnson  has  pointed  out,  there 
is  no  exact  science  of  development  yet.  All  of  us 
in  the  Americas  are  learning  development  on 
the  job.  We  have  learned  that  hemispheric  de- 
velopment is  not  a  short-term  matter,  and  our 
plans  and  policies  have  now  recognized  that  it 
is  not.  We  know  that  the  Alliance,  although  it 
springs  from  past  development  operations  else- 
where, has  a  highly  differentiated  spirit  and 
purpose — very  special  neighborhood  character- 
istics— of  its  own.  In  this  country,  our  apprecia- 
tion of  the  special  nature  of  the  AlimiBa  is 
visible  m  the  broad,  bipartisan  support  the  pro- 
gram has  always  had  from  Congress.  Again,  a 
welcome  and  significant  development  was  the 
addition  to  the  Foreign  Assistance  Act  of  1966 
of  a  section  known  as  title  IX,  which  directs 
that,  as  to  the  Alliance  for  Progress,  "emphasis 
shall  be  placed  on  assuring  maximum  participa- 
tion in  the  task  of  economic  development  on  the 
part  of  the  people  of  developing  countries.  .  .  ." 

As  we  enter  a  new  phase  of  the  Alliance  for 
Progress,  the  spirit  and  mood  of  inter- American 
affairs  is  encouraging,  exciting,  and  challenging. 
The  Presidents  of  America  at  Punta  del  Este 
laid  out  a  wide-ranging  but  specific  program 
of  action,  based  on  careful  factual  studies  that 
required  many  months  and  high  and  dedicated 

All  of  us  recognize,  especially  following  the 
meeting  of  Presidents,  that  the  burden  of  solv- 
ing these  problems  falls  mainly  upon  the  Latin 
Americans  themselves.  The  helping  hand  that 
we  of  the  United  States  can  and  do  offer  rep- 
resents only  a  small  part  of  the  effort  required 
of  the  hemisphere  if  we  are  to  move  forward  to- 
gether toward  the  ultimate  Alliance  for  Prog- 
ress goal  of  bringmg  a  better  life  to  all  the  peo- 
ples of  the  Americas. 

Throughout  the  Americas  there  is  renewed  ac- 
tivity, new  confidence.  Many  and  difficult  are  the 
tasks  ahead  of  us.  The  war  on  poverty  and  un- 
derdevelopment in  the  neighborhood  is  not  yet 
won.  But  the  strategy  for  victory  has  been  given 



to  us  by  our  Presidents.  The  challenge  of  great 
opportunity  is  before  us.  Let  us  all  give  in  our 
respective  ways  the  best  we  have  to  give. 

As  I  approach  my  new  role  in  a  Great  Em- 
prise, I  recall  great  words  from  a  towering 
American  figure,  Justice  Louis  D.  Brandeis: 
"If  we  would  guide  by  the  light  of  Keason,  we 
must  let  our  minds  be  bold." 

IJC  Issues  Report  on  Improvement 
of  Champlain  Waterway 

Press  release  155  dated  July  7 

The  Department  of  State  announced  on  July 
7  that  the  United  States  Government  is  giving 
active  consideration  to  the  observations  and 
recommendations  contained  in  the  report  on 
"Improvement  of  International  Champlain 
Waterway  for  Commercial  Navigation"  pre- 
pared by  the  International  Joint  Commission, 
United  States-Canada.  The  report  was  released 
by  the  Commission  on  July  7. 

The  report  of  the  Commission  finds  that  the 
construction  of  an  improved  waterway  from 
the  St.  Lawrence  Eiver  in  Canada  through  Lake 
Champlain  to  the  Hudson  River  at  Albany, 
N.Y.,  would  present  no  insurmomitable  engi- 
neering problems. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  Commission  found 
that  the  development  of  such  an  improved 
waterway  for  purposes  of  commercial  naviga- 
tion is  not  economically  feasible. 

Because  of  the  wide  disparity  between  the 
benefits  and  costs  of  improving  the  waterway 
for  commercial  navigation,  the  Commission  be- 
lieves no  further  studies  of  this  project  are 

The  Commission  also  recommended  that  the 
United  States  and  Canadian  Governments  "pur- 
sue policies  designed  to  preserve  and  enhance 
the  natural  beauty,  the  water  quality  and  the 
recreational  potential  of  the  Champlain-Riche- 
lieu  area."  The  Water  Resources  Council,  es- 
tablished under  the  Water  Resources  Planning 
Act  of  1965,  has  underway  an  active  program 
of  comprehensive  water  and  related  land  re- 
sources planning,  including  the  United  States 
portion  of  Lake  Champlain  and  adjacent 
United  States  areas.  This  study  will  undoubt- 
edly address  itself  to  this  reconmaendation. 

The  Commission  noted  that  the  best  route 
for  a  canal  requiring  only  minimum  improve- 
ment would  be  along  the  existing  waterway. 
The  most  practicable  route  for  a  modern  barge 
canal  or  deep-draft  ship  channel  would  be  along 
the  existing  waterway  in  the  United  States,  the 
Richelieu  River  in  Canada  to  the  vicinity  of 
St.  Jean,  and  then  by  a  direct  overland  route 
to  La  Prairie  Basin. 

Copies  of  the  Commission's  report  are  avail- 
able at  the  offices  of  the  United  States  Section 
of  the  International  Joint  Commission,  1711 
New  York  Avenue,  NW.,  Washington,  D.C. 

Congressional  Documents 
Relating  to  Foreign  Policy 

90th   Congress,    1st  Session 

Collective  Defense  Treaties.  Maps,  texts  of  treaties,  a 
chronology,  status  of  forces  agreements,  and  com- 
parative chart.  House  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs. 
April  10, 1967.  523  pp.  [Committee  print.] 

War  or  Peace  in  the  Middle  East?  Report  to  the  Sen- 
ate Committee  on  Foreign  Relations  by  Senator 
Joseph  S.  Clark  on  a  study  mission  to  Greece,  the 
United  Arab  Republic,  Jordan,  and  Israel.  April  10, 
1967.22  pp.  [Committee  print] 

Encouraging  Private  Participation  in  International 
Activities.  Hearings  before  the  Subcommittee  on  In- 
ternational Organizations  and  Movements  of  the 
House  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs  on  H.R.  7484. 
Part  I,  Testimony  of  Members  of  Congress.  April  18 
and  20, 1967.  85  pp. 

The  United  Nations  Peacekeeping  Dilemma.  Report  to 
the  Senate  Committee  on  Foreign  Relations  by  Sen- 
ator Clifford  P.  Case,  member  of  the  U.S.  delegation 
to  the  21st  U.N.  General  Assembly.  April  1967.  37  pp. 
[Committee  print.] 

The  Foreign  Policy  Aspects  of  the  Kennedy  Round. 
Report  of  the  Subcommittee  on  Foreign  Economic 
Policy  of  the  House  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs. 
May  i,  1967.  IS  pp.  [Subcommittee  print] 

Expansion  of  Livestock  Exports.  Report  of  the  Senate 
Select  Committee  on  Small  Business  on  Potentials 
and  Problems  of  Expanding  Trade  in  U.S.  Quality 
Meat  Products  Together  With  Additional  Views.  S. 
Rept  343.  June  12, 1967.  43  pp. 

U.S.  Committee  for  the  International  Human  Rights 
Tear.  Report  to  accompany  S.  990.  S.  Rept  344.  Jtme 
13, 1967.  5  pp. 

Modern  Communications  and  Foreign  Policy.  Report 
No.  5  of  the  Subcommittee  on  International  Orga- 
nizations and  Movements  of  the  House  Committee  on 
Foreign  Affairs,  together  with  hearings  before  the 
subcommittee  February  8-9,  1967,  part  X,  "Winning 
the  Cold  War:  The  U.S.  Ideological  Offensive." 
H.  Rept.  362.  June  13, 1967.  240  pp. 

JULY    24,    19CT 



U.N.  Adopts  Resolutions  on  Aid  to  Refugees  and  Status  of  Jerusalem; 
Rejects  Other  Resolutions  Dealing  With  the  Middle  East  Crisis 

Following  are  statements  made  on  July  3  and 
Jj.  l)y  U.S.  Representative  Arthur  J.  Goldierg 
during  the  fifth  emergency  special  session  of  the 
U.N.  General  Assembly,  together  with  the  texts 
of  resolutio-ns  on  ^^humanitarian  assistance"  and 
'■''measures  taken  hy  Israel  to  change  the  status 
of  the  City  of  Jerusalem"  which  tcere  adopted 
hy  the  Assembly  on  July  }^. 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  117,  Corr.  1 

As  we  approach  a  vote  on  the  pending  resolu- 
tions, this  General  Assembly  can  have  but  one 
overriding  purpose  in  the  spirit  of  our  common 
charter:  a  stable,  enduring,  and  just  peace  in 
the  Middle  East. 

Wliat  must  be  done  to  achieve  this  purpose 
of  peace?  The  essential  steps,  as  my  Govern- 
ment sees  them,  can  be  suimned  up  in  10  points : 

1.  Without  delay,  armed  forces  should  be  dis- 
engaged and  withdrawn  to  their  own  ter- 
ritories; and  without  delay,  any  claims  to  a 
state  of  war  or  belligerency  should  be 

2.  The  right  of  every  member  of  the  United 
Nations  in  the  area  to  maintain  an  independ- 
ent national  state  of  its  own  and  to  live  in  peace 
should  be  respected  by  every  other  member. 

3.  The  territorial  integrity  and  political  in- 
dependence of  all  the  states  in  the  area  should 
be  respected  and  assured  by  appropriate 

4.  Vital  security  interests  of  all  states  in  the 
area  should  be  protected. 

5.  All  states  in  the  area  should  refrain  in 
their  mutual  relations  from  the  threat  or  use 
of  force  in  any  manner  whatsoever. 

6.  The  rights  of  all  nations  to  freedom  of 

navigation  and  of  innocent  passage  through  in- 
ternational waterways  should  be  respected. 

7.  A  just  and  permanent  settlement  of  the 
refugee  problems  should  be  conchided. 

8.  The  development  of  national  economies 
and  the  improvement  of  the  living  standards 
of  the  jieople  should  take  precedence  over  a 
wasteful  arms  race  in  the  area. 

9.  The  safeguarding  of  the  holy  places,  and 
freedom  of  access  to  them  for  all,  should  be  in- 
ternationally guaranteed;  and  the  status  of 
Jerusalem  in  relation  to  them  should  be  decided 
not  unilaterally  but  in  consultation  with  all 

10.  International  arrangements  should  be 
made  to  help  the  parties  achieve  all  these  re- 
sults, including  appropriate  assistance  from  the 
United  Nations  or  other  thii'd  parties. 

U.S.  Position  on  Pending  Resolutions 

It  is  in  the  light  of  these  views  that  we  have 
decided  the  position  of  the  United  States  on 
the  two  major  resolutions  which  are  about  to 
come  to  a  vote.  I  wish  to  state  that  position  ex- 
plicitly and  our  reasons  for  it. 

The  United  States  will  vote  for  the  resolu- 
tion presented  by  the  19  Latin  American 

The  United  States  will  vote  against  the  res- 
olution presented  by  Yugoslavia  and  16  other 

A  basic  diiference  exists  between  these  two 
resolutions — a  difference  which  no  embellish- 
ments or  details  can  obscure. 

The  Yugoslav  text  proposes  to  deal  with  the 
problem  of  peace  and  security  in  the  Middle 
East  by  calling  basically  for  one  fundamental 

'  U.N.  doc.  A/L.  523/Rev.  1. 

"  U.N.  doc.  A/L.  522/Rev.  3/Corr.  1. 



action :  the  witlulruwal  of  Israel's  forces  "to  the 
positions  they  held  prior  to  5  June  1967."  It 
leaves  untouched  the  other  half  of  the  problem 
which  must  be  immediately  addressed  if  the  de- 
mands of  the  charter  are  to  be  satisfied :  namely, 
the  persistent  claim  by  certain  members  of  this 
organization  of  the  right  to  annihilate  another 
member.  This  claim,  which  directly  affronts  the 
charter  and  every  sense  of  fairness,  is  to  be  left 
imimpaired — and  those  who  assert  it  are  to  be 
left  free,  at  a  time  of  their  own  choosing,  to 
make  good  on  it  by  force. 

Indeed,  the  Yugoslav  text  contains  no  clear 
provision  to  deal  with  any  of  the  longstanding 
grievances  and  causes  of  conflict  which  have 
kept  the  Middle  East  in  a  fever  of  tension  for 
20  years. 

Let  me  emphasize  that  the  successive  revi- 
sions of  paragi-aph  6  in  the  Yugoslav  draft  have 
not  cured  the  basic  defects  of  this  resolution. 
Paragraph  1,  concerning  withdrawal,  could  not 
be  more  clear  and  definite.  Paragraph  6,  con- 
cerning "all  aspects  of  the  situation'*  is  vague 
in  the  extreme. 

The  effect  of  this  Yugoslav  text,  as  revised, 
is  obvious.  It  calls  for  withdrawal  now,  and 
every  other  essential  step  is  left  to  the  uncertain 
future.  In  particular  it  makes  no  connection 
whatever  between  withdrawal  and  the  end  of 
claims  of  belligerency — claims  which  are  among 
the  leading  causes  of  all  of  the  troubles  of  the 

The  Latin  American  text,  on  the  other  hand, 
treats  at  one  and  the  same  time  both  of  the  most 
vital  necessities  of  peace.  Its  first  paragraph 
combines,  on  an  equal  basis,  the  withdrawal  of 
Israel's  forces  with  the  ending  of  all  claims  to 
a  state  of  belligerency  and  with  efforts  to  create 
"conditions  of  coexistence  based  on  good  neigh- 
bourliness." It  recognizes  that  we  face  a  situa- 
tion whose  two  aspects  are  interdependent,  that 
neither  aspect  can  be  solved  in  isolation  from 
the  other. 

Certainly  any  fair  and  meaningful  reading 
of  our  charter  must  lead  to  the  same  conclusion. 
If  the  charter  is  to  be  invoked — as  indeed  it 
must — to  require  withdrawal  of  troops  in  the 
name  of  territorial  integrity,  then  surely  it 
must  be  invoked  also — and  equally  and  at  the 
same  time — to  require  an  end  to  claims  of  the 
right  to  wage  war. 

Unless  the  governments  in  the  area  are  pre- 
pared to  refrain  from  these  totally  unfounded 
claims  of  belligerency,  there  obviously  can  be  no 

peace.  Cooperation  to  assure  troop  disengage- 
ment and  withdrawal — and  the  other  essentials 
of  peace — must  by  definition  be  a  two-way 
street.  The  Assembly  can  hardly  endorse  a  for- 
mula in  which  one  side  is  free  to  assert  that 
there  is  a  state  of  war  and  the  other  side  is 
asked  to  behave  as  if  there  were  not. 

A  choice  must  be  made  between  the  claims  of 
war  and  the  claims  of  peace. 

Of  all  the  claims  of  peace,  none  is  more  fun- 
damental, as  every  member  of  this  Assembly 
must  recognize,  than  the  right  of  a  sovereign 
state,  a  member  of  the  United  Nations,  to  have 
its  existence  and  its  independence  respected.  In 
no  other  case  in  the  history  of  the  United  Na- 
tions have  members  of  this  organization  failed 
to  accord  this  elemental  right  to  another 

This  right  has  been  the  subject  of  important 
statements  during  this  debate  from  a  wide 
range  of  speakers.  On  June  19,  in  fact,  in  the 
opening  statement  of  the  debate,  we  heard 
Chairman  Kosygin  of  the  Soviet  Union  de- 
clare, as  "one  of  the  fundamental  principles"  of 
his  country's  policy,  that  "every  people  enjoys 
the  right  to  establish  an  independent  national 
state  of  its  own."  We  do  not  see  this  point  re- 
ferred to  in  the  Yugoslav  resolution. 

Again,  at  our  very  last  meeting  on  Friday, 
we  heard  the  Foreign  Minister  of  Uruguay,  Dr. 
[Hector]  Luisi,  declare  among  the  first  condi- 
tions of  peace  "the  recognition  by  the  parties 
to  this  dispute  of  the  irrevocability  of  their  ex- 
istence as  sovereign  states."  We  do  not  see  this 
point  either  in  the  Yugoslav  resolution. 

In  fact,  we  can  search  the  Yugoslav  text 
from  start  to  finish  without  finding  any  words 
about  respect  for  the  elemental  right  of  national 
existence,  the  absence  of  which  is  the  very  bot- 
tom of  the  trouble  in  the  Middle  East.  Instead, 
we  find  vague  references  to  legal  and  political 
problems  and  charter  principles  to  be  consid- 
ered at  some  time  in  the  future.  And  this  fuzzy 
treatment  stands  in  strong  contrast  to  the  Yu- 
goslav resolution's  clear  and  concrete  call  for 
immediate  withdrawal  of  Israel's  troops  to  the 
positions  held  before  June  5.  That  withdrawal, 
if  it  could  be  brought  about  at  all  under  such 
conditions,  can  scarcely  bring  more  than  a  pause 
between  rounds  in  this  long  and  terrible  conflict. 

In  candor  let  me  say  that  we  of  the  United 
States,  and  no  doubt  many  others,  would  have 
preferred  a  still  clearer  and  more  explicit  state- 
ment on  the  right  of  national  existence  than  that 

JULY    24,    1967 


which  appears  in  the  Latin  American  text.  But 
our  careful  reading  of  that  text  has  led  us  to 
conclude  that  its  urgent  call  for  an  end  to  claims 
of  belligerency,  and  the  other  provisions  of 
paragraph  1  (b),  clearly  comprehend  respect 
for  national  existence  and  constitute  a  major 
step  in  the  right  direction.  This  is  one  of  our 
reasons  for  supporting  the  Latin  American 
draft  and  for  finding  it  infinitely  preferable 
to  the  Yugoslav  draft. 

There  are  other  reasons  also  for  this  prefer- 
ence. Tlie  Latin  American  text  ofl'ers  concrete 
guidelines  for  dealing  with  many  of  the  other 
essentials  of  peace  in  the  Middle  East.  More- 
over, it  deals  with  just  grievances  on  both 
sides — and  there  have  been  just  grievances  on 
both  sides.  Unfortunately,  neither  of  these 
claims  can  be  made  for  the  Yugoslav  draft. 

Reasons  for  U.S.  Preference 

Let  me  specify  our  grounds  for  this 
evaluation : 

— On  the  refugee  problem,  the  Latin  Ameri- 
can text  calls  unambiguously  for  "an  appro- 
priate and  full  solution  of  the  problem  of  the 
refugees."  My  Government  has  taken  the  view 
that  a  fair  and  lasting  solution  of  the  refugee 
question  is  vitally  necessary.  Indeed,  it  has  been 
made  all  the  more  urgent  by  the  events  of  recent 
weeks.  Yet  the  sole  allusion  to  this  problem  in 
the  Yugoslav  text  is  in  the  single  abstract  word 

— On  international  maritime  rights,  the 
Latm  American  text  calls  for  a  guarantee  of 
"freedom  of  transit  on  the  international  water- 
ways in  the  region."  This  problem  is  not  men- 
tioned in  the  Yugoslav  text.  And  yet  it  was  this 
veiy  problem  that  provided  the  spark  which 
led  directly  to  the  explosion  of  Jime  5.  Mr. 
President,  wliy  do  the  sponsors  of  this  resolu- 
tion glide  over  this  vital  issue  with  vague, 
evasive  words  and  with  corridor  hints  about  a 
possible  willingness  to  deal  with  the  matter? 
On  this  crucial  issue,  involving  not  only  the 
states  immediately  concerned  but  also  vital 
international  rights,  the  Yugoslav  text  is 
altogether  deficient. 

■ — On  the  question  of  Jerusalem,  again  the 
Latin  American  text  contains  explicit  lan- 
guage whereas  the  Yugoslav  text  is  silent.  Tlie 
United  States  view  on  this  subject  has  been 
stated  at  the  highest  levels  of  our  Government 
in  the  past  few  days  '  and  is  reflected  in  the  10 

points  which  I  listed  at  the  outset  of  this  state- 
ment. In  particular,  the  United  States  does  not 
recognize  the  recent  administrative  action 
taken  by  Israel  as  determining  the  future  of 
the  holy  places  or  the  status  of  Jerusalem  in 
relation  to  them.  We  do  not  recognize  unilateral 
actions  in  this  connection.  With  regard  to  the 
provision  on  Jerusalem  in  the  Latin  American 
text,  our  support  is  against  the  background  of 
tliis  policy. 

— On  security  arrangements,  the  Latin 
American  text  calls  for  measui-es  to  guarantee 
the  territorial  integrity  and  political  inde- 
pendence of  the  states  of  the  region.  Among 
these  measures,  it  specifies  the  establisliment  of 
demilitarized  zones  and  aai  appropriate  United 
Nations  presence.  But  the  Yugoslav  text  con- 
tains nothing  more  on  this  subject  than  a  refer- 
ence to  the  existing  UNTSO  [United  Nations 
Truce  Supervision  Organization]  machineiy. 
UNTSO  has  performed,  and  is  still  perform- 
ing, a  valiant  service.  But  surely  we  all  recog- 
nize, and  the  Secretary- General  himself  has 
reported,  that  the  removal  of  a  still  more  sub- 
stantial United  Nations  presence — the  United 
Nations  Emergency  Force — created,  in  the 
Secretary-General's  words,  "a  new  situation." 
The  situation  was  altered  still  further  by  the 
recent  hostilities.  It  is  a  situation  which 
UNTSO  with  its  present  resources  and  struc- 
ture carmot  adequately  manage. 

Finally,  on  the  tasks  of  the  Security  Coun- 
cil, the  Latin  American  draft  makes  concrete 
recommendations  concerning  all  of  the  points 
I  have  mentioned.  But  the  Yugoslav  text  con- 
fines its  recommendations  to  the  broadest 

Arms  Limitation  a  Major  Issue 

Although,  for  all  these  reasons,  we  find  the 
Latin  American  text  acceptable  and  the  Yugo- 
slav text  unacceptable,  I  must  express  regret 
that  neither  of  these  resolutions  touches  on  the 
major  issue  of  arms  limitations  in  the  Middle 
East.  This  issue  has  been  discussed  during  this 
debate  by  a  number  of  speakers,  including  those 
of  the  Soviet  Union  and  the  United  States.  On 
June  19  we  listened  with  interest  to  Chairman 
Kosygin  when  he  warned  that  nations  of  the 
Middle  East,  "in  order  to  enhance  their  secu- 

°  For  statements  released  on  June  28  by  the  White 
House  and  the  Department  of  State,  see  Bulletin  of 
July  17, 1967,  p.  64. 



rity  .  .  .  may  embark  on  the  jjath  of  an  arms 
buildup  and  increase  their  military  budg- 
ets. .  .  .  Those  who  cherish  peace  cannot  and 
must  not  allow  events  to  take  this  course." 

This  statement  was  very  much  in  our  minds 
when  my  Government  stated  here  the  next  day, 
June  20,*  that  "peace  in  the  Middle  East  re- 
quires steps  to  avert  the  dangers  inherent  in  a 
renewed  arms  race.  .  .  .  The  responsibility  for 
such  steps  rests  not  only  on  those  in  the  area 
but  also  upon  the  larger  states  outside  the  area." 
And  we  proposed  in  our  own  draft  resolution,^ 
as  a  first  step  in  discharging  this  responsibility, 
a  system  of  "registration  and  limitation  of  arms 
shipments  into  the  area." 

We  i-emain  very  much  interested  in  exploring 
this  concept,  not  in  order  to  crystallize  any 
military  imbalance  in  the  area  but  rather  to 
maintain  a  balance  at  the  lowest  possible  se- 
curity level.  Our  aim  is  twofold:  that  this 
source  of  danger  shall  be  controlled  and  that 
scarce  resources  shall  be  devoted  to  a  better 
cause  than  armaments — the  technical  and  eco- 
nomic progress  of  the  peoples  of  the  Middle 

The   Refugee   Problem 

Mr.  President,  I  now  wish  to  cormnent  briefly 
on  one  specific  aspect  of  the  situation  in  the 
Middle  East :  We  have  before  us,  in  addition  to 
the  draft  resolutions  I  have  discussed,  another 
draft  resolution  ®  submitted  by  Sweden  and 
several  cosponsors  dealing  with  the  refugee 
problem.  Indeed,  no  task  is  more  urgent  than 
to  bind  up  the  wounds  of  war,  to  find  shelter  for 
the  homeless,  food  for  the  hungry,  and  medicine 
for  the  sick. 

To  this  end  the  United  States  supported  in 
the  Security  Comicil  the  resolution  put  f  orwa,rd 
by  Argentina,  Brazil,  and  Ethiopia,  which  the 
Council  unanimously  adopted  on  June  14.^  To 
the  same  end  we  now  strongly  support  the  draft 
resolution  presented  by  Sweden  and  other  mem- 
bers, which  is  now  before  the  Assembly. 

Last  week  the  United  States  Government  al- 
located $5  million  to  help  meet  the  urgent  needs 
of  this  situation,  and  from  tliis  siun  we  are 
making   a   special   contribution   to   UNRWA 

*  Ibid.,  July  10, 1967,  p.  49. 

Tor  text  of  the  U.S.   draft  resolution    (U.N.  doc. 
A/L.  .520),  see  tfiirf.,  p.  51. 
°  U.N.  doc.  A/L.  .526  and  Add.  1-3. 
'  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  July  3,  1967,  p.  11. 

[United  Nations  Eelief  and  Works  Agency  for 
Palestine  Refugees  in  the  Near  East]  to  help 
finance  its  operations  in  the  immediate  future.* 
There  have  been  reports  of  the  movement  of 
civilians  from  their  homes — many  of  them  refu- 
gees from  earlier  conflicts.  We  have  heard  these 
reports  with  much  concern.  All  civilians  in  the 
area  affected  should  be  assured  of  their  safety, 
welfare,  and  security  in  the  same  locations  in 
which  they  resided  before  hostilities  began.  We 
welcome  the  assurances  recently  given  and  hope 
that  they  will  be  implemented  with  regard  to 
the  population  of  the  West  Bank  of  Jordan  and 
that  they  be  encouraged  to  remain  in  their 
homes  or  return  to  them.  We  welcome  the  news 
that  a  representative  of  the  Secretary-General 
is  now  to  go  to  the  area,  and  we  urge  all  con- 
cerned, particularly  the  Goverament  of  Israel, 
to  give  him  the  fullest  cooperation. 

The  Key  Question  Before  the  United  Nations 

In  conclusion,  Mr.  President,  I  return  to  the 
major  choice  which  faces  this  Assembly.  It  is 
the  key  question  before  us.  It  is  a  choice  between 
a  tragic  past  and  a  better  future.  In  the  Yugo- 
slav resolution  we  are  asked  to  return  the  situa- 
tion to  where  it  stood  on  the  eve  of  conflict ;  and 
only  in  some  indefinite  future  would  we  try 
again  to  cope  with  underlying  causes,  including 
the  claimed  right  to  do  away  with  a  sovereign 
state  by  armed  foi'ce.  This  proposal  cannot  lead 
toward  peace  but  only  toward  more  trouble  and 
danger.  It  is  unconstructive,  and  it  should  be 

In  the  Latin  American  resolution  we  are 
asked  to  deal  forthrightly  with  the  great  ob- 
stacles to  peace :  above  all  and  first  of  all,  with 
the  withdrawal  of  Israel's  forces  and  with  the 
need  for  all  states  in  the  area,  all  members  of 
the  United  Nations,  to  respect  each  other's  right 
to  live  in  peace. 

The  Latin  American  text  treats  at  one  and  the 
same  time  both  of  the  most  vital  necessities  of 
peace.  Its  first  paragraph  combines  on  an  equal 
basis  the  withdrawal  of  Israel's  forces  with  the 
ending  of  all  claims  to  a  state  of  belligerency 
and  with  efforts  to  create  conditions  of  coexist- 
ence based  on  good  neighborliness.  It  recognizes 
that  we  face  a  situation  whose  two  aspects  are 
interdependent  and  that  neither  aspect  can  be 
solved  in  isolation  from  the  other. 

'  For  background,  see  ibid.,  July  17, 1967,  p.  64. 

JULY    24,    1967 


Peace  is  worth  sacrifices,  and  all  must  sacri- 
fice for  it.  In  the  wake  of  conflict  there  must  be 
readiness  on  both  sides  to  acknowledge  the 
rights  and  feelings  of  others.  There  must  be  a 
willingness  to  refrain  from  pressing  temporary 
advantages  and  to  take  a  long-range  view. 
There  must  be  an  end  to  malice,  to  bitter 
thoughts  of  revenge,  to  vain  threats  to  end  the 
life  of  other  nations.  There  must  be,  on  every 
side,  a  willingness  to  accept  at  long  last,  and 
act  upon,  the  admonition  in  our  common  char- 
ter :  "to  practice  tolerance  and  live  together  in 
peace  with  one  another  as  good  neighbors." 

Thousands  of  years  ago  it  was  written: 
""VVliere  there  is  no  vision,  the  people  perish." 
Let  us  in  this  Assembly,  in  what  we  decide  here, 
offer  to  the  suffering  peoples  of  the  Middle  East 
a  new  vision  of  peace,  a  vision  by  which  all  can 
live  in  peace  and  security.^ 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  118 

The  United  States  abstained  on  the  six-power 
resolution  dealing  with  the  city  of  Jerusalem 
contained  in  document  A/L.527/Eev.  1. 

Insofar  as  the  six-power  resolution  expresses 

"  The  Assembly  had  before  it  five  draft  resolutions 
submitted  by  the  United  States,  the  U.S.S.R.,  Albania, 
Yugoslavia,  and  a  group  of  Latin  American  nations. 
The  United  States  did  not  press  its  draft  resolution 
(A/L.520)  to  a  vote,  having  decided  to  support  the 
Latin  American  draft  resolution.  On  July  4  the  As- 
sembly voted  on  the  remaining  four  resolutions,  as  fol- 
lows : 

The  U.S.S.R.  draft  resolution  (A/L.519),  which 
called  for  condemnation  of  "Israel's  aggressive  ac- 
tivities" and  for  withdrawal  of  Israeli  forces  "to  posi- 
tions behind  the  armistice  demarcation  lines,"  was  put 
to  a  vote  paragraph  by  paragraph,  and  all  parts  were 

The  Albanian  draft  resolution  (A/L.521),  which 
called  for  condemnation  of  Israel  for  "its  armed  ag- 
gression" and  for  condemnation  of  the  United  States 
and  the  United  Kingdom  for  "their  incitement,  aid  and 
direct  participation  in  this  aggression,"  was  rejected 
by  a  vote  of  71  (U.S.)  to  22,  with  27  abstentions. 

The  Yugoslav  draft  resolution  ( A/L.522/Rev.3/Corr. 
1)  obtained  53  votes  to  46  (U.S.),  with  20  abstentions, 
and  was  not  adopted,  having  failed  to  obtain  the  re- 
quired two-thirds  majority. 

The  Latin  American  draft  resolution  ( A/L.523/Rev. 
1)  obtained  57  votes  (U.S.)  to  43,  with  20  abstentions, 
and  was  not  adopted,  having  failed  to  obtain  the  re- 
quired two-thirds  majority. 

the  sense  of  the  General  Assembly  that  no  uni- 
lateral action  should  be  taken  that  might  preju- 
dice the  future  of  Jerusalem,  the  United  States 
is  in  agreement.  We  were  prepared  to  support  a 
resolution  to  this  effect.  Some,  if  not  all,  of  the 
sponsors  were  aware  that  tlie  United  States 
made  a  serious  effort  to  get  such  a  change  in- 
corporated in  the  resolution  in  the  hope  that  we 
would  be  able  to  vote  affirmatively.  Regrettably, 
our  suggested  change  was  not  accej)ted. 

The  views  of  the  United  States  on  the  situa- 
tion involving  Jerusalem  are  contained  in  three 
recent  statements.  On  June  28,  in  a  statement 
issued  by  the  White  House  on  behalf  of  the 
President,  the  United  States  expressed  the  view 
that  there  "must  be  adequate  recognition  of  the 
special  interest  of  three  great  religions  in  the 
holy  places  of  Jerusalem."  On  the  same  day  the 
Department  of  State  said  the  following:  "The 
United  States  has  never  recognized  .  .  .  unilat- 
eral actions  by  any  of  the  states  in  the  area  as 
governing  the  international  status  of  Jerusa- 
lem." I  reiterated  in  the  Greneral  Assembly  yes- 
terday: that  the  "safeguarding  of  the  holy 
places  and  freedom  of  access  to  them  for  all 
should  be  internationally  guaranteed;  and  the 
status  of  Jerusalem  in  relation  to  them  should 
be  decided  not  imilaterally  but  in  consultation 
with  all  concerned." 

These  statements  reflect  the  considered  views 
and  serious  concern  of  the  United  States  Gov- 
ernment about  the  situation  in  Jerusalem. 


Humanitarian  assistance 

The  General  Assembly, 

Considering  the  urgent  need  to  alleviate  the  suffering 
inflicted  on  civilians  and  on  prisoners  of  war  as  a  re- 
sult of  the  recent  hostilities  in  the  Middle  East, 

1.  Welcomes  with  great  satisfaction  Security  Coun- 
cil resolution  237  (1967)  of  14  June  1967,  whereby 
the  Council : 

(a)  Considered  the  urgent  need  to  spare  the  civil 
populations  and  the  prisoners  of  war  in  the  area 
of  conflict  in  the  Middle  East  additional  .sufferings ; 

(6)  Con.sidered  that  essential  and  inalienable  human 
rights  should  be  respected  even  during  the  vicissitudes 
of  war ; 

(c)  Considered  that  all  the  obligations  of  the  Geneva 
Convention  relative  to  the  Treatment  of  Prisoners  of 

"°  U.N.  doc.  A/RES/2252  ( ES-V )  /Corr.l  ( A/L.526  and 
Add.  1-3)  ;  adopted  on  July  4  by  a  vote  of  116  (U.S.)  to 
0,  with  2  abstentions. 



War  of  12  August  1949  should  be  complied  with  by  the 
parties  involved  in  the  conflict ; 

(d)  Called  upon  the  Government  of  Israel  to  ensure 
the  safety,  welfare  and  security  of  the  inhabitants  of 
the  areas  where  military  operations  had  taken  place 
and  to  facilitate  the  return  of  those  inhabitants  who 
had  fled  the  areas  since  the  outbreak  of  hostilities ; 

( c)  Recommended  to  the  Governments  concerned  the 
scrupulous  respect  of  the  humanitarian  principles  gov- 
erning the  treatment  of  prisoners  of  war  and  the  pro- 
tection of  civilian  persons  in  time  of  war,  contained  in 
the  Geneva  Conventions  of  12  August  1949  ; 

(/)  Requested  the  Secretary-General  to  follow  the 
effective  implementation  of  the  resolution  and  to  report 
to  the  Security  Council ; 

2.  Notes  with  gratitude  and  satisfaction  and  en- 
dorses the  appeal  made  by  the  President  of  the  Gen- 
eral Assembly  on  26  June  1967 ; 

3.  Notes  tcith  gratification  the  work  undertaken  by 
the  International  Committee  of  the  Red  Cross,  the 
League  of  Red  Cross  Societies  and  other  voluntary  or- 
ganizations to  provide  humanitarian  assistance  to 
civilians ; 

4.  Notes  further  with  gratification  the  assistance 
which  the  United  Nations  Children's  Fund  is  providing 
to  women  and  children  in  the  area ; 

5.  Commends  the  Commissioner-General  of  the  United 
Nations  Relief  and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine 
Refugees  in  the  Near  East  for  his  efforts  to  continue 
the  activities  of  the  Agency  in  the  present  situation 
with  respect  to  all  persons  coming  within  his  mandate ; 

6.  Endorses,  bearing  in  mind  the  objectives  of  the 
above-mentioned  Security  Council  resolution,  the  ef- 
forts of  the  Commissioner-General  of  the  United  Na- 
tions Relief  and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine  Refugees 
in  the  Near  East  to  provide  humanitarian  assistance, 
as  far  as  practicable,  on  an  emergency  basis  and  as  a 
temporary  measure,  to  other  persons  in  the  area  who 
are  at  present  displaced  and  are  in  serious  need  of 
immediate  assistance  as  a  result  of  the  recent  hostili- 

7.  Welcomes  the  close  co-operation  of  the  United 
Nations  Relief  and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine 
Refugees  in  the  Near  East  and  the  other  organiza- 
tions concerned  for  the  purpose  of  co-ordinating 
assistance ; 

8.  Calls  upon  all  the  Member  States  concerned  to 
facilitate  the  transport  of  supplies  to  all  areas  in 
which  assistance  is  being  rendered ; 

9.  Appeals  to  all  Governments,  as  well  as  organiza- 
tions and  individuals,  to  make  .special  contributions 
for  the  above  purposes  to  the  United  Nations  Relief 
and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine  Refugees  in  the  Near 
East,  as  well  as  to  the  other  inter-governmental  and 
non-governmental  organizations   concerned ; 

10.  Requests  the  Secretary -General,  in  consultation 
with  the  Commissioner-General  of  the  United  Nations 
Relief  and  Works  Agency  for  Palestine  Refugees  in 
the  Near  East,  to  report  urgently  to  the  General  As- 
sembly on  the  needs  arising  under  paragraphs  5  and 
6  above ; 

11.  Further  requests  the  Secretary-General  to  fol- 
low the  effective  implementation  of  the  present  resolu- 
tion and  to  report  thereon  to  the  General  Assembly. 


Measures  taken  hy  Israel  to  change  the  status  of  the 
City  of  Jerusalem 

The  General  AssemMy, 

Deeply  concerned  at  the  situation  prevailing  in 
.lerusalem  as  a  result  of  the  measures  taken  by  Israel 
to  change  the  status  of  the  City, 

1.  Considers  that  these  measures  are  invalid ; 

2.  Calls  upon  Israel  to  rescind  all  measures  already 
taken  and  to  desist  forthwith  from  taking  any  action 
which  would  alter  the  status  of  Jerusalem ; 

3.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  report  to  the 
General  Assembly  and  the  Security  Council  on  the 
situation  and  on  the  implementation  of  the  present 
resolution  not  later  than  one  week  from  its  adoption. 

Current  U.N.   Documents: 
A  Selected  Bibliography 

Mimeographed  or  processed  documents  (such  as  those 
listed  below)  may  he  consulted  at  depository  libraries 
in  the  United  States.  U.N.  printed  publications  may  be 
purchased  from  the  Sales  Section  of  the  United  Na- 
tions, United  Nations  Plaza,  N.Y. 

Security  Council 

Letter  dated  April  4  from  the  representative  of  the 
U.S.S.R.  transmitting  a  memorandum  of  the  U.S.S.R. 
Government  concerning  "United  Nations  Operations 
for  the  Maintenance  of  International  Peace  and  Se- 
curity." S/7841.  April  5,  1967.  9  pp. 

Reports  by  the  Secretary-General  on  the  situation  in 
the  Near  East.  S/7S96 ;  May  19,  1967 ;  6  pp.  S/7906 ; 
May  26,  1967 ;  6  pp. 

Supplemental  information  received  by  the  Secretary- 
General  concerning  the  Near  East  and  the  status  of 
the  United  Nations  Emergency  Force.  S/7930.  June 
5,  1967.  6  pp. 

General  Assembly 

Committee  on  the  Peaceful  Uses  of  Outer  Space. 

Information  furnished  by  the  United  States  on  ob- 
jects launched  into  orbit  or  beyond.  A/AC.lOo/INF. 
1.52-154,  March  31,  1967;  A/AC.lO.o/INF.1.55-159, 
April    3,    1967;    A/AC.105/INF.162-163,   May   29, 
Information  furnished  by  the  U.S.S.R.   on   objects 
launched  into  orbit  or  beyond.  A/AC.105/INF.160. 
April  12, 1967. 
Budget  Performance  of  the  United  Nations  for  the  Fi- 
nancial Year  1966.  Report  of  the  Secretary-General. 
A/6666.  April  7,  1967.  39  pp. 
Special  Report  of  the  Secretary-General  on  the  United 
Nations   Emergency   Force.   A/6669.   May   18,   1967. 
10  pp. 

"U.N.  doc.  A/RES/2253  (ES-V)  (A/L.527/Rev.  1)  ; 
adopted  on  July  4  by  a  vote  of  99  to  0,  with  20  absten- 
tions (U.S.). 




Pakistan  to  the  United  States  effected  by  an  ex- 
change of  notes  dated  November  21, 19C6. 1  con- 

U.S.  and  Pakistan  Conclude 
New  Cotton  Textile  Agreement 


Tlie  Department  of  State  amiounced  on  July 
3  (press  release  153)  that  diplomatic  notes  were 
exchanged  at  Washington  on  that  day  consti- 
tuting a  new  bilateral  cotton  textile  agreement 
between  Pakistan  and  the  United  States.  The 
agreement  replaces  the  cotton  textile  agreement 
signed  at  Rawalpindi  on  November  21, 1966.^  It 
is  based  on  the  undei'standing  that  the  protocol 
extending  the  Long-Term  Arrangement  ^  on  in- 
ternational trade  in  cotton  textiles  through 
September  30,  1970,  will  enter  into  force  be- 
tween Pakistan  and  the  United  States  on  Octo- 
ber 1, 1967. 

Most  of  the  provisions  of  the  new  agreement, 
except  for  the  levels,  are  identical  to  those  in 
the  1966  agreement  it  replaces.  A  new  provision 
concerning  the  identification  of  cotton  textiles 
is  added,  and  a  provision  allowing  5  percent 
carryover  of  shortfalls  is  also  included. 

TEXT  OF   U.S.   NOTE' 

JuLT  3,  1967 
Excellency:  I  have  the  honor  to  refer  to 
the  decision  of  the  Cotton  Textiles  Committee 
of  the  General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade 
approving  a  Protocol  to  extend  through  Sep- 
tember 30,  1970,  the  Long-Term  Arrangement 
Regarding  International  Trade  in  Cotton  Tex- 
tiles, done  in  Geneva  on  February  9, 1962  (here- 
inafter referred  to  as  "the  Long-Term  Arrange- 
ment"). I  also  refer  to  recent  discussions  be- 
tween representatives  of  our  two  Governments 
and  to  the  agreements  between  our  two  Govern- 
ments concerning  exports  of  cotton  textiles  from 

'  Treaties  and  Other  International  Acts  Series  6153 ; 
for  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Dec.  19,  1966,  p.  938. 

'  For  text  of  the  Long-Term  Arrangement,  see  ibid., 
Mar.  12, 1062,  p.  431. 

'Annexes  A  and  B  to  the  U.S.  note  are  not  printed 
here;  for  texts,  see  press  release  153  dated  July  3. 

firm  on  behalf  of  my  Government,  the  under- 
standing that  the  1966  agreement  is  replaced 
with  the  following  agreement.  This  agreement 
is  based  on  our  understanding  that  the  above- 
mentioned  Protocol  will  enter  into  force  for 
our  two  Goverimients  on  October  1, 1967. 

1.  The  term  of  this  agreement  shall  be  from 
July  1, 1966  through  June  30,  1970.  During  the 
term  of  this  agreement,  annual  exports  of  cot- 
ton textiles  from  Pakistan  to  the  United  States 
shall  be  limited  to  aggregate,  group  and  specific 
limits  at  the  levels  specified  in  the  following 
paragraphs.  It  is  noted  that  these  levels  reflect 
a  special  adjustment  for  the  first  agreement 
year.  The  levels  set  forth  in  paragraphs  2,  3 
and  4  for  the  second  agreement  year  are  5% 
higher  than  the  limits  for  the  preceding  year 
without  this  special  adjustment;  thus  the 
growth  factor  provided  for  in  paragraph  6  has 
already  been  applied  m  arriving  at  these  levels 
for  the  second  agreement  year. 

2.  For  the  first  agreement  year,  constituting 
the  12-month  period  beginning  July  1,  1966, 
the  aggregate  limit  shall  be  57.5  million  square 
yards  equivalent.  For  the  second  agreement 
year,  the  aggregate  limit  shall  be  68.25  million 
square  yards  equivalent. 

3.  Within  the  aggregate  limit,  the  foUowmg 
group  limits  shall  apply  for  the  first  and  second 
agreement  years,  respectively : 


I   (Categories  1-27) 
II   (Categories  28-64) 

First  Agreement      Second  Agree' 
Year  merU  Year 

(i7i  5yds.  equivalent) 

50,  225,  000     59,  74,5,  000 
7,  275,  000       S,  505,  000 

4.  Within  the  aggregate  limit  and  the  appli- 
cable group  limits,  the  following  specific  limits 
shall  apply  for  the  first  and  second  agreement 
years : 

Group  I 


Category  9  (Sheeting, 

Category  15  (Poplin  & 

broadcloth,  carded) 
Print  Cloth  (Categories 

18,  19  and  parts  of 

Category  26)* 
Category  22  (Twill 

and  Sateen) 
Barkcloth  Type 

Fabrics  (Parts  of 

Category  26)* 
Duck  (Parts  of 

Category  26) 

First  Second 

Agreement  Agreement 

Year  Year 

{in  syds.  equivalent) 

24,  375,  000  29,  925,  000 

2,  125,  000  2,  625,  000 

10,  000,  000  10,  500,  000 

2,  350,  000 

3,  125,  000 

6,  250,  000 
2,  000,  000 

3,  570,  000 
3,  675,  000 

7,  350,  000 
2,  100,  000 



Group  II 


First  Agreement  Year 


Square  Yards 

Shop  Towels  (Part  of 

Cfategory  31) 
T  Shirts  (Categories 

41  and  42) 

3,  900,  000  pes. 
270,  735  doz. 

1,  357,  200 
1,  958,  497 
3,  959,  303 

Sectmd  Agreement  Year 


Square  Yards 

Shop  Towels  (Part  of 

Category  31) 
T  Shirts  (Categories 

41  and  42) 

4,  095,  000  pes. 
349,  589  doz. 

1,  425,  060 

2,  528,  926 
4,  551,  014 

5.  Within  the  aggregate  limit,  the  limit  for 
Group  I  may  be  exceeded  by  not  more  than  10 
percent  and  the  limit  for  Group  II  may  be  ex- 
ceeded by  not  more  than  5  percent.  Within  the 
applicable  group  limit,  as  it  may  be  adjusted 
under  this  provision,  specific  limits  may  be  ex- 
ceeded by  not  more  than  5  percent. 

6.  In  succeeding  12-month  periods  for  which 
any  limitation  is  in  force  under  this  agreement, 
the  level  of  exports  permitted  under  such  limi- 
tation shall  be  increased  by  5  pei'cent  of  the  cor- 
responding level  for  the  preceding  12-month 
period,  the  latter  level  not  to  include  any  ad- 
justments under  paragraphs  5  or  14. 

7.  In  the  event  of  undue  concentration  in  ex- 
ports from  Pakistan  to  the  United  States  of 
cotton  textiles  in  any  category  not  given  a  spe- 
cific limit,  the  Government  of  the  United  States 
of  America  may  request  consultation  with  the 
Government  of  Pakistan  to  determine  an  ap- 
propriate course  of  action.  Until  a  mutually  sat- 
isfactory solution  is  reached,  exports  in  the 
category  in  question  from  Pakistan  to  the 
United  States  starting  with  the  12-montli  pe- 
riod beginning  on  the  date  of  the  request  for 
consultation  shall  be  limited.  The  limit  shall  be 
105  percent  of  the  exports  of  such  products  from 
Pakistan  to  the  United  States  durmg  the  most 
recent  12-month  period  pi'eceding  the  request 
for  consultation  and  for  which  statistics  are 
available  to  our  two  Governments. 

8.  The  Govenmient  of  Pakistan  shall  use  its 
best  efforts  to  space  exports  from  Pakistan  to 
the  United  States  within  each  category  evenly 
throughout  the  agreement  year,  taking  into  con- 
sideration normal  seasonal  factors. 

*Print  Cloth  and  Bark  Cloth  type  fabrics  are  further 
described  in  Annex  A.  [Footnote  in  original.] 

**These  "other"  categories  are  not  subject  to  specific 
limits.  Hence,  within  the  aggregate  and  the  applicable 
group  limits,  as  they  may  be  adjusted  under  paragraph 
5,  the  square  yard  equivalent  of  shortfalls  in  exports  in 
categories  with  specific  limits  may  be  used  in  these 
"other"  categories  subject  to  the  provisions  of  para- 
graph 7.  [Footnote  in  original.] 

9.  The  two  Governments  recognize  that  the 
successful  implementation  of  this  agreement 
depends  in  large  part  upon  mutual  cooperation 
on  statistical  questions.  The  Government  of  the 
United  States  of  America  shall  promptly  sup- 
ply the  Government  of  Pakistan  with  data  on 
montlily  imports  of  cotton  textiles  from  Paki- 
stan. The  Government  of  Pakistan  shall 
promptly  supply  the  Government  of  the  United 
States  of  America  with  data  on  montlily  ex- 
ports of  cotton  textiles  to  the  United  States. 
Each  government  agrees  to  supply  promptly 
any  other  available  relevant  statistical  data  re- 
quested by  the  other  government. 

10.  In  the  implementation  of  tliis  agreement, 
the  system  of  categories  and  the  rates  of  con- 
version into  square  yard  equivalents  listed  in 
Annex  B  hereto  shall  apply.  In  any  situation 
where  the  determination  of  an  article  to  be  a 
cotton  textile  would  be  affected  by  whether  the 
criterion  provided  for  in  Article  9  of  the  Long- 
Term  Arrangement  is  used  or  the  criterion  pro- 
vided for  in  paragraph  2  of  Amiex  E  of  the 
Long-Term  Arrangement  is  used,  the  chief 
value  criterion  used  by  the  Government  of  the 
United  States  of  America  in  accordance  with 
paragraph  2  of  Annex  E  shall  apply. 

11.  The  Government  of  the  United  States  of 
America  and  the  Government  of  Pakistan  agree 
to  consult  on  any  question  arising  in  the  imple- 
mentation of  the  agi'eement. 

12.  Mutually  satisfactory  administrative  ar- 
rangements or  adjustments  may  be  made  to  re- 
solve minor  problems  arising  m  the  implemen- 
tation of  this  agi-eement  including  differences 
in  points  of  procedure  or  operation. 

13.  If  the  Government  of  Pakistan  considers 
that  as  a  result  of  limitations  specified  in  this 
agreement,  Pakistan  is  being  placed  in  an  in- 
equitable position  vis-a-vis  a  third  comitry,  the 
Govenunent  of  Pakistan  may  request  consulta- 
tion with  the  Government  of  the  United  States 
of  America  with  the  view  to  taking  appropriate 
remedial  action  such  as  a  reasonable  modifica- 
tion of  this  agreement. 

14.  (a)  For  any  agreement  year  immediately 
following  a  year  of  a  shortfall  (i.e.,  a  year  in 
wliich  cotton  textile  exports  fi-om  Pakistan  to 
the  United  States  were  below  the  aggi-egate 
limit  and  any  group  and  specific  limits  appli- 
cable to  the  category  concerned)  the  Govern- 
ment of  Pakistan  may  permit  exports  to  exceed 
these  limits  by  carryover  in  the  following 
amounts  and  maimer: 

(i)  The    carryover    shall    not    exceed    the 

JTJLT    24,    1967 


amount  of  the  shortfall  in  either  the  aggregate 
limit  or  any  applicable  group  or  specific  limit 
and  shall  not  exceed  either  5%  of  the  aggregate 
limit  or  5%  of  the  applicable  group  limit  in  the 
year  of  the  shortfall,  and 

(ii)  In  the  case  of  shortfalls  in  the  categories 
subject  to  specific  limits  tlie  cari-yover  shall 
not  exceed  5%  of  the  specific  limit  in  the  year 
of  the  shortfall,  and  shall  be  used  in  the  same 
category  in  which  the  shortfall  occurred,  and 

(iii)  In  the  case  of  shortfalls  not  attribut- 
able to  categories  subject  to  specific  limits,  the 
carryover  shall  be  used  in  the  same  group  in 
which  the  shortfall  occurred,  shall  not  be  used 
to  exceed  any  applicable  specific  limit  except  in 
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  paragraph  5, 
and  shall  not  be  used  to  exceed  the  limits  in 
paragraph  7  of  the  agreement. 

(b)  The  limits  referred  to  in  subparagraph 
(a)  of  this  paragraph  are  without  any  adjust- 
ments under  this  paragi'aph  or  paragraph  5. 

(c)  The  canyover  shall  be  in  addition  to  the 
exports  pennitted  in  paragraph  5. 

15.  During  the  term  of  this  agreement,  the 
Government  of  the  United  States  of  America 
will  not  request  r&straint  on  the  export  of  cotton 
textiles  from  Pakistan  to  the  United  States 
mider  the  procedures  of  Article  3  of  the  Long- 
Term  Arrangement.  The  applicability  of  the 
Long-Term  Arrangement  to  trade  in  cotton 
textiles  between  Pakistan  and  the  United  States 
shall  otherwise  be  unaffected  by  this  agree- 

16.  The  Government  of  the  United  States 
of  America  may  assist  the  Government  of 
Pakistan  in  implementing  the  limitation  pro- 
visions of  this  agreement  by  controlling  the 
imports  of  cotton  textiles  covered  by  the  agree- 
ment initil  agreement  is  reached  that  Pakistan 
will  control  these  exports  in  accordance  with 
the  limitations  of  the  agreement. 

17.  Either  government  may  terminate  this 
agreement  effective  at  the  end  of  an  agreement 
year  by  written  notice  to  the  other  government 
to  be  given  at  least  90  days  prior  to  the  end  of 
such  agreement  year.  Either  government  may 
at  any  time  propose  revisions  in  the  terms  of 
this  agreement. 

If  the  above  conforms  with  the  understand- 
ing of  your  Government,  this  note  and  your 
Excellency's  note  of  confirmation  *  on  behalf 
of  the  Government  of  Pakistan  shall  constitute 

an  Agreement  between  our  Governments.  Ac- 
cept, Excellency,  the  renewed  assurance  of  my 
highest  consideration. 

For  the  Secretary  of  State: 
Anthoxt  M.  Solomon 

His  Excellency 
Agiia  Hilalt, 
Ambassador  of  Pakistan. 

United   States  and   Turkey  Extend 
Cotton  Textile  Agreement 

Press  rele:ise  151  dated  July  3 

The  United  States  and  Turkey  exchanged 
notes  at  Washington  on  June  30,  extending 
without  change  the  bilateral  cotton  textile 
agreement  between  the  two  countries  signed  at 
Washington  on  July  17,  1961^}  The  extension 
takes  ejfect  on  July  1, 1967,  and  is  valid  through 
June  30,  1970.  Following  is  the  text  of  the 
United  States  note. 

June  30, 1967 

Excellency  :  I  have  the  honor  to  refer  to  the 
cotton  textile  agreement  between  our  two  Gov- 
ernments effected  by  an  exchange  of  notes  dated 
July  17,  1964,  and  to  recent  discussions  in 
Washington  between  representatives  of  our  two 
Governments  concerning  exports  of  cotton  tex- 
tiles from  Turkey  to  the  United  States. 

As  a  result  of  these  discussions  I  propose  that 
the  agreement  be  amended  by  changing  "1967" 
in  paragraph  7  to  "1970". 

If  this  proposal  is  acceptable  to  the  Govern- 
ment of  the  Republic  of  Turkey,  this  note  and 
your  Excellency's  note  of  acceptance  -  on  behalf 
of  the  Govenmient  of  the  Republic  of  Turkey 
shall  constitute  an  amendment  to  the  agreement 
between  our  Governments. 

Accept,  Excellency,  the  renewed  assurances 
of  my  highest  consideration. 

For  the  Secretary  of  State : 
Anthony  M.  Solomon 

His  Excellency 

Meliii  Esenbel 

Ambassador  of  the  Republic  of  Turkey 

'  Not  printed  here. 

'Treaties  and  Other  International  Acts  Series  5619; 
for  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Aug.  24,  1964,  p.  293. 
'  Not  printetl  here. 



Current  Actions 



Convention  on  offenses  and  certain   otlier  acts  com- 
mitted on  board  aircraft.  Done  at  Toljyo  September 
14,  1963.' 
Signature:  Netherlands,  June  9,  1967. 


International  coffee  agreement,  1962,  with  annexes. 
Open  for  signature  at  United  Nations  Headquarters, 
New  York,  September  28  through  November  30,  1962. 
Entered  into  force  December  27,  1963.  TIAS  5505. 
Notification  that  it  does  not  consider  itself  hound: 
Barbados,  May  25,  1967. 


Amendment  to  article  7  of  the   Constitution   of  the 
World    Health    Organization,    as    amended    (TIAS 
1808,  4613).  Adopted  at  Geneva  May  20,  1965.' 
Acceptance  deposited:  Costa  Rica,  June  15,  1967. 

Racial  Discrimination 

International   convention    on    the   elimination   of   all 
forms    of    racial    discrimination.    Adopted    by    the 
United    Nations    General    Assembly    December    21, 
Signature:  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  June  9,  1967. 

Safety  at  Sea 

Amendments  to  chapter  II  of  the  international  conven- 
tion for  the  safety  of  life  at  sea,  1960  (TIAS  5780). 
Adopted  by  the  IMCO  Assembly  at  London  Novem- 
ber 30,  1966.' 

Acceptances  deposited:  France,  June  6,  1967 ;  Ice- 
land, May  15,  1967. 

United  Nations 

Amendment  to  article  109  of  the  Charter  of  the  United 
Nations.  Adopted  by  the  General  Assembly  at  United 
Nations    Headquarters,    New    York,    December  20, 
Ratification  deposited:  Nigeria,  June  15,  1967. 


1967  Protocol  for  the  further  extension  of  the  Interna- 
tional Wheat  Agreement,  1962  (TIAS  5115).  Open 
for  signature  at  Washington  May  15  through  June  1, 
1967,  inclusive.' 

Notification  of  undertaking  to  seek  ratification  de- 
posited: Belgium    (for  Belgian-Luxembourg  Eco- 
nomic Union),  June  26,  1967. 
Ratification  deposited:  Korea,  July  6,  1967. 



Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  commodities,  sup- 
plementary to  the  agreement  of  February  20,  1967 
(TIAS  6221),  under  title  I  of  the  Agricultural  Trade 
Development  and  Assistance  Act  of  1954,  as  amended 
(68  Stat.  454,  as  amended;  7  U.S.C.  1691-1736D), 
with  annex.  Signed  at  New  Delhi  June  24,  1967.  En- 
tered into  force  June  24,  1967. 

New  Zealand 

Agreement  relating  to  the  reciprocal  granting  of  au- 
thorizations to  permit  licensed  amateur  radio  op- 
erators of  either  country  to  operate  their  stations  in 
the  territory  of  the  other.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Wellington  June  21,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
June  21,  1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  the  Special  Fund  for  Education 
Textbook  Production  Project  1967-1968.  Effected  by 
exchange  of  notes  at  Manila  June  26,  1967.  Entered 
into  force  June  26,  1967. 

Agreement  on  the  settlement  of  claims  for  pay  and 
allowances  of  recognized  Philippine  guerrillas  not 
previously  paid  in  full  and  for  erroneous  deductions 
of  advanced  salary  from  the  backpay  of  eligible 
Philippine  veterans.  Signed  at  Manila  June  29,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  June  29,  1967. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  July  17,  1964 
(TIAS  5619),  concerning  trade  in  cotton  textiles. 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Washington  June 
30,  1967.  Entered  into  force  June  30,  1967. 


'Not  in  force. 

Recent  Releases 

For  sale  hy  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S. 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  B.C.,  S0402. 
Address  requests  direct  to  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents.  A  25-percent  discount  is  made  on  orders 
for  100  or  more  copies  of  any  one  publication  mailed 
to  the  same  address.  Remittances,  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  must  accompany  orders. 

Foreign  Consular  Offices  in  the  United  States,  1967 
(revised).  Complete  and  official  listing  of  foreign  con- 
sular offices  in  the  United  States,  together  with  their 
jurisdictions  and  recognized  personnel.  Pub.  7846.  De- 
partment and  Foreign  Service  Series  128.  88  pp.  35<i'. 

A  Career  in  the  Foreign  Service  of  the  United  States 
(revised).  Booklet  for  the  information  of  men  and 
women  who  wish  to  enter  the  Officer  Corps  of  the  For- 
eign Service  of  the  United  States.  Pub.  7924.  Depart- 
ment and  Foreign  Service  Series  132.  27  pp.,  illus.  35^. 

The  Country  Team:  An  Illustrated  Profile  of  Our 
American  Missions  Abroad.  A  comprehensive  descrii> 
tion  of  the  work  of  American  diplomatic  and  consular 
missions,  including  the  activities  of  the  Agency  for  In- 
ternational Development,  the  United  States  Informa- 
tion Agency,  the  Department  of  Defense,  and  other 
U.S.  agencies  operating  overseas.  Includes  many  exam- 
ples of  the  recent  experiences  of  Foreign  Service  per- 
sonnel. Pub.  8193.  Department  and  Foreign  Service 
Series  136.  80  pp.,  illus.  $1.00. 

Social  Usage  Abroad:  A  Guide  for  American  Officials 
and  Their  Families.  This  publication  is  intended  pri- 
marily to  provide  for  members  of  the  Foreign  Service 
an  understanding  of  the  rules  of  protocol  and  official 
conduct.  Pub.  8219.  Department  and  Foreign  Service 
Series  138.  23  pp.  25^. 

JULY    24,    1967 


Commitment  for  Progress:  The  Americas  Plan  for  a 
Decade  of  Urgency.  Illustrated  pamptilet  on  the  meet- 
ing of  the  Chiefs  of  State  of  the  OAS  nations  at  Punta 
del  Bste,  which  includes  the  Declaration  of  the  Presi- 
dents of  America,  statements  made  by  President  John- 
son during  the  conference,  and  his  Pan  American  Day 
proclamation.  Pub.  8237.  Inter-American  Series  93.  40 
pp.,  illus.  30<!. 

Trade  in  Cotton  Textiles.  Agreement  with  Israel.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Signed  at  Washington  January  27, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  January  27,  1967.  Effective  Oc- 
tober 1,  1966.  TIAS  6214.  12  pp.  10<f. 

Cultural  Relations.  Agreement  with  Morocco — Signed 
at  Washington  February  10.  1967.  Entered  into  force 
February  10,  1967.  TIAS  6215.  6  pp.  5<J. 

Maritime  Matters — Liability  During  Private  Opera- 
tion of  N.S.  Savannah.  Agreement  with  Greece.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Dated  at  Athens  November  22,  1966, 
and  January  12,  1967.  Entered  into  force  January  12, 
1967.  TIAS  6216.  3  pp.  5<t. 

Fisheries — King  Crab.  Agreement  with  the  Union  of 
Soviet  Socialist  Republics,  extending  the  agreement  of 
February  5,  1965 — Signed  at  Washington  February  13, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  February  13,  1967.  With  ex- 
change of  letters.  TIAS  6217.  7  pp.  10<f. 

Atomic  Energy — Cooperation  for  Civil  Uses.  Agree- 
ment with  Iran,  amending  the  agreement  of  March  5, 
1957 — Signed  at  Washington  June  8,  1964.  Entered  into 
force  January  26,  1967.  TIAS  6219.  6  pp.  5«S. 

Geodetic  Satellite  Observation  Station.  Agreement 
with  Mexico.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Mexico  and 
Tlatelolco  January  27  and  28,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
January  28, 1967.  TIAS  6220.  6  pp.  5(^. 

Agricultural  Commodities.  Agreement  with  India — 
Signed  at  New  Delhi  February  20,  1967.  Entered  into 
force  February  20,  1967.  TIAS  6221.  14  pp.  10<f. 

Investment  Guaranties.  Agreement  with  Ghana,  sup- 
plementing the  agreement  of  September  30,  1958.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Signed  at  Accra  and  Osn  March  3, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  March  3,  1967.  TIAS  6222.  3 
pp.  5<t. 

Education — Financing  of  Exchange  Programs.  Addi- 
tional agreement  with  the  Netherlands.  Exchange  of 
notes— Signed  at  The  Hague  June  22,  1966.  Entered 
into  force  February  28, 1967.  Effective  January  1,  1965. 
TIAS  6223.  6  pp.  5«!. 

General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade.  Procfes- 
Verbal  extending  the  declaration  of  November  18.  1962, 
as  extended,  on  the  provisional  accession  of  the  United 
Arab  Republic  to  the  General  Agreement.  Done  at 
Geneva  November  17,  1966.  Entered  into  force  January 
18,  1967.  TIAS  6225.  4  pp.  5(J. 

Status  of  the  Korean  Service  Corps.  Agreement  with 
the  Republic  of  Korea — Signed  at  Seoul  February  23, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  March  10,  1967.  With  agreed 
understandings.  TIAS  6226.  24  pp.  15^. 

Investment  Guaranties.  Agreement  with  Lesotho^ 
Signed  at  Maseru  February  24, 1967.  Entered  into  force 
March  7,  1967.  TIAS  6227.  3  pp.  5f 

Trade  in  Cotton  Textiles.  Agreement  with  Poland.. 
Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Washington  March  15, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  March  15,  1967.  Effective 
March  1,  1967.  TIAS  6228.  9  pp.  10<!. 


The  Editor  of  the  Bttlletin  wishes  to  call 
attention  to  a  printer's  error  in  the  IssTie  of  June 
12,  1967,  p.  889.  The  first  sentence  in  the  para- 
graph beginning  at  the  bottom  of  the  first  column 
should  read : 

"The  greatest  disservice  to  that  resolution,  and 
to  its  effective  implementation,  would  be  for  us 
to  create  an  impression  in  South  Africa  and  in 
the  world  that  the  U.N.  is  fundamentally  divided 
on  how  these  principles  are  to  be  achieved." 



INDEX     Jvly  2^,  1967    Vol.  LVII,  No.  11^5 

Canada.  IJC  Issues  Report  on  Improvement  of 
Champlain  Waterway 107 

Congress.  Congressional  Documents  Relating  to 
Foreign  Policy 107 

Economic  AEFairs 

IJC  Issues  Report  on  Improvement  of  Cham- 
plain  Waterway 107 

Institution-Building  and  the  Alliance  for  Prog- 
ress  (Oliver) 102 

Kennedy  Round  Agreements  Signed  at  Geneva    .        95 

U.S.  and  Pakistan  Conclude  New  Cotton  Textile 
Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note) 114 

United  States  and  Turkey  Extend  Cotton  Textile 
Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note) 116 

Europe.  The  Road  to  a  Lasting  Peace  (Rusk)     .        87 

Foreign  Aid.  Institution-Building  and  the  Alli- 
ance for  Progress  (Oliver) 102 

Latin  America.  Institution-Building  and  the  Alli- 
ance for  Progress  (Oliver) 102 

Near  East 

The  Road  to  a  Lasting  Peace  (Rusk)     ....        87 
U.N.  Adopts  Resolutions  on  Aid  to  Refugees  and 
Status  of  Jerusalem ;  Rejects  Other  Resolu- 
tions Dealing  With  the  Middle  East  Crisis 
(Goldberg,  texts  of  resolutions) 108 

Pakistan.  U.S.  and  Pakistan  Conclude  New  Cot- 
ton Textile  Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note)     .    .      114 

Publications.  Recent  Releases 117 

Sweden.  Secretary  Rusk  Replies  to  Questions  on 
Viet-Nam  for  Swedish  Newspaper  (tran- 
script)            91 

Trade.  Kennedy  Round  Agreements  Signed  at 
Geneva       95 

Treaty  Information 

Current  Actions 117 

Kennedy  Round  Agreements  Signed  at  Geneva  .  95 
U.S.  and  Pakistan  Conclude  New  Cotton  Textile 

Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note) 114 

United  States  and  Turkey  Extend  Cotton  Textile 

Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note) 116 

Turkey.  United  States  and  Turkey  Extend  Cotton 

Textile  Agreement  (text  of  U.S.  note)     .    .    .      116 

U.S.S.R.  The  Road  to  a  Lasting  Peace  (Rusk)     .        87 

United  Nations 

Current    U.N.    Documents 113 

U.N.  Adopts  Resolutions  on  Aid  to  Refugees  and 
Status  of  Jerusalem;  Rejects  Other  Resolu- 
tions Dealing  With  the  Middle  East  Crisis 
(Goldberg,  texts  of  resolutions) 108 


The  Road  to  a  Lasting  Peace  (Rusk)     ....        87 
Secretary  Rusk  Replies  to  Questions  on  Viet- 
Nam  for  Swedish  Newspaper  (transcript)   .    .        91 

Name  Index 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J 108 

Oliver,  Covey  T 102 

Rusk,  Secretary 87,91 

Check  List  of  Department  of  State 
Press  Releases:  July  3-9 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the  OflBce 
of  News,  Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

Release  Issued  prior  to  July  3  which  appears  in 
this  issue  of  the  Buixetin  is  No.  152  of  July  1. 

No.     Date 




7/3    U.S.-Turkey  cotton  textile  agreement. 

7/3  U.S.-PaMstan  cotton  textile  agree- 
ment (rewrite). 

7/5    Rusk :  Lions  International,  Chicago. 

7/7  International  Joint  Commission  re- 
port on  Improvement  of  Champlain 


Superintendent  of  Documents 
U.S.  government  printing  office 










Of  r,    ^O- 









Vol.  LVII,  No.  1466 

Jvly  31, 1967 

Jyy  WUUa/m  M.  Roth,  Specie^  Representative  for  Trade  Negotiations     1S3 

hy  Secretary  of  Com/merce  Alexander  B.  Trowbridge     127 


hy  Secretary  of  Agriculture  OrvUle  L.  Freeman     132 

iy  Under  Secretary  of  Labor  James  J.  Reynolds     137 

For  index  see  inside  bach  cover 



Vol.  LVII,  No.  1466  Publication  8267 
July  31, 1967 

For  sale  by  tbe  Saperlotendent  of  Documents 

U.S.  Oavenimeat  Printing  Office 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


£2  Issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $15.00 
Single  copy  30  cents 

Use  of  funds  for  printing  of  this  publication 
approved  by  the  Director  of  the  Bureau  of 
the  Budget  (January  11,  1966). 

Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
copyrighted  and  items  contained  herein  may  be 
reprinted.  Citation  of  the  DEPARTMENT  OF 
STATE  BULLETIN  as  the  source  will  be 
appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  Is  indexed  in 
the  Readers'  Qulde  to  Periodical  Literature. 

The  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  weekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
with  information  on  developments  in 
the  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  the  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service, 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy,  issued 
by  the  White  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  officers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department.  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  which  the  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  party 
and  treaties  of  general  international 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative material  in  the  field  of  inter- 
national relations  are  listed  currently. 

The  Kennedy  Round:  Proud  Chapter  in  the  History 
of  International  Commerce 

The  multilateral  agreements  negotiated  in  the  Sixth  Round  of 
Trade  Negotiations  {the  Kennedy  Round)  under  the  auspices  of  the 
General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade  were  signed  at  Geneva  on 
June  30.  President  Johnson,  in  his  message  to  the  signing  ceremony, 
hailed  the  negotiations  as  a  '■'■'proud  chapter  in  the  history  of  inter- 
national comvfierceP 

A  national  conference  on  the  Kennedy  Round,  held  at  Washington 
July  7  and  sponsored  hy  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  of  the  United 
States,  provided  the  first  occasion  for  a  formal  and  informal  ex- 
change of  views  between  Government  officials  and  representatives  of 
the  business  community  on  the  outcome  of  the  negotiatio-m.  Follow- 
ing are  addresses  made  during  the  formal  sessions  by  William  M. 
Roth,  Special  Representative  for  Trade  Negotiations,  the  chief  U.S. 
negotiator;  Secretary  of  Commerce  Alexander  B.  Trowbridge,  Sec- 
retary of  Agriculture  Orville  B.  Freeman;  and  Under  Secretary  of 
Commerce  James  J.  Reynolds. 


Address   by  Ambassador   Roth 

I  must  say  this  Friday  morning  was  an  easier 
one  for  me  than  last  Friday  morning.  Then — 
it  was  June  30th — I  was  in  the  office  at  3:30 
a.m.  talking  to  my  deputy,  Ambassador  Mike 
Blumenthal,  in  Geneva,  where  it  was  8 :30  a.m. 
The  hour  of  signing  the  Kennedy  Round  agree- 
ment was  2  hours  away.  Even  at  that  time  we 
were  apprehensive  that  a  last-minute  crisis 
would  intervene — as  they  had  with  agonizing 
regularity  in  the  preceding  2  weeks.  Now — fi- 
nally—  the  last  crises  appeared  to  be  under  con- 
trol. It  was  not  imtil  that  early  hour  in  still-dark 
Washington  that  we  were  entirely  certain  that 
an  agreement  would  be  signed. 

It  \oas  signed  on  schedule.  At  an  enormous 
expense  in  time,  energy,  and  emotion,  roe — the 
more  than  50  participating  nations — wrot«  what 
President  Jolmson  has  hailed  as  "a  proud 
chapter  in  the  history  of  international  com- 

The  President's  message  to  the  signing  cere- 
mony went  on  to  say : 

It  will  open  important  new  trading  opportunities  to 
each  nation,  and  contribute  to  the  prosi>erity  of  all.  I 
salute  .  .  .  the  architects  of  this  historic  landmark 
in  cooperation  among  nations. 

The  GATT  [General  Agreement  on  Tariffs 
and  Trade]  Secretariat  has  made  preliminary 
estimates  that  the  agreement  covers  more  than 
$40  billion  in  world  trade,  that  70  percent  of 
dutiable  imports  of  the  major  particii^ants  is 
affected,  that  two-thirds  of  the  tariff  reductions 
were  50  jDercent  or  more,  and  that  the  nations 
making  concessions  account  for  75  percent  of 
world  trade.  This  is  an  accomplishment  of  far 
greater  magnitude  than  that  of  any  previous 
trade  negotiation  in  history. 

Perhaps  I  should  at  this  point  go  back  in 
time  to  give  you  a  brief  history  of  this  endeavor. 

In  1962  the  87th  Congress  passed  the  Trade 
Expansion  Act  in  response  to  President  Ken- 
nedy's request  for  bargaining  power  to  launch 
a  major  assault  on  barriers  to  international 
commerce.  He  was  authorized  to  cut  our  tariffs 
by  half  in  exchange  for  equally  advantageous 
benefits  from  our  trading  partners. 

The  legislation  also  created  the  position  of 
Special  Representative  for  Trade  Negotiations, 
an  iimovation  placing  resijonsibility   for  the 

JULY    31,    1907 


conduct  of  such  negotiations  in  the  Executive 
Office  of  the  President.  To  this  new  post  Presi- 
dent Kennedy  appointed  the  distinguished 
former  Secretary  of  State  Christian  A.  Herter, 
who  directed  the  Kennedy  Eound  with  great 
spirit  and  wisdom  until  his  death  6  montlis  ago. 

Armed  with  the  new  negotiating  authority, 
the  United  States  encouraged  the  convening  of 
an  international  negotiating  conference.  An  ini- 
tial ministerial-level  meeting  was  held  in  Ge- 
neva in  May  1963.  Negotiations  formally  began 
a  year  later. 

Most  of  the  major  participants  agreed  to  pro- 
ceed on  the  basis  of  a  50  percent  linear — that  is, 
across-the-board — cut  in  tariff  levels  on  nonag- 
ricultural  products.  Exceptions,  or  those  items 
not  to  be  subjected  to  the  full  cut,  were  to  be 
limited  to  those  required  by  reasons  of  over- 
riding national  interest.  Exceptions  lists  on  non- 
agricultural  products  were  exchanged  on 
November  16,  1964.  There  followed  a  period  of 
intensive  exammation  of  exceptions  both  on  a 
multilateral  and  bilateral  basis — each  country 
making  known  its  interest  in  the  proposals  of 
the  other  participants.  Negotiators  appeared  to 
be  horror-stricken  at  the  protectionism  of  their 
trading  partners. 

In  a  few  industrial  areas  of  particular  im- 
portance and  complexity — chemicals,  textiles, 
steel,  aluminum,  pulp  and  paper — negotiations 
took  place  on  a  sector  basis. 

The  importance  of  agriculture  in  the  Sixth 
Round  was  emphasized  by  the  United  States 
from  the  outset.  We  repeatedly  insisted  that  the 
objective  of  the  agricultural  negotiations  should 
be  effective  trade  liberalization.  The  European 
Economic  Community,  however,  sought  a  more 
limited  negotiation  essentially  aimed  at  the 
freezing  of  present  agricultural  support  levels 
on  an  item-by-item  basis. 

An  early  attempt  to  get  agreement  on  rules 
to  govern  agricultural  negotiations  proved 
futile.  For  this  reason,  and  because  the  Euro- 
pean Economic  Community's  offers  were  not  yet 
prepared,  agricultural  offers  were  not  tabled  at 
the  same  time  as  industrial  offers.  The  EEC  took 
the  position  it  could  not  make  agricultural  offers 
in  the  Kennedy  Round  until  its  major  Common 
Agricultural  Policy  regulations  were  agreed 
upon,  and  this  work  was  not  yet  completed. 

On  grains,  however,  the  GATT  ministers  had 
decided  that  the  Cereals  Group  should  under- 
take the  negotiation  of  an  international  grains 
arrangement.  Accordingly,  in  May  1966  major 

cereals  trading  nations  exchanged  proposals  for 
an  international  cereals  arrangement. 

Nontariff  Barriers  Attacked 

Bilateral  and  multilateral  discussions  cen- 
tered on  such  nontariff  barriers  as  discrimina- 
tory taxation,  customs  valuation  practices,  and 
quantitative  import  restrictions.  Notable  prog- 
ress was  achieved  in  two  areas,  antidumping 
and  the  American  Selling  Price  system  of  cus- 
toms valuation  as  it  applies  to  imports  of  ben- 
zenoid  chemicals. 

The  negotiations  on  antidumping  were 
directed  at  elaborating  and  refining  existing 
international  rules  on  the  procedural  and  sub- 
stantive aspects  of  levying  antidumping  duties 
on  goods  which  are  dumped  and  thereby  cause 
material  injury  to  a  domestic  industry.  Our 
exporters  complained  of  some  countries'  pro- 
cedures that  seriously  deterred  imports  which 
could  in  no  real  sense  be  considered  as  "inju- 
rious dumping."  In  other  countries,  the  prin- 
cipal difficulty  was  the  lack  of  any  well-defined 
procedure  or  legal  recourse.  The  principal  com- 
plaint against  the  United  States  was  that  its 
procedures  were  excessively  prolonged.  Finally, 
a  very  satisfactory  agreement  was  concluded, 
which  I  will  describe  later. 

The  American  Selling  Price  system  of  cus- 
toms valuation  concerning  benzenoid  chemicals 
came  under  attack  from  our  trading  partners 
early  in  the  Keimedy  Round.  These  countries 
considered  this  procedure  an  unjustified  anom- 
aly in  our  tariff  structure.  They  cited  the  fact 
that  this  valuation  system  was  first  imposed  in 
1922  to  protect  our  then  infant  chemical  indus- 
try and  that  the  considerations  of  the  twenties 
are  hardly  applicable  today.  They  pointed  out 
that  this  system  results  in  the  imposition  of 
very  high  or  prohibitive  actual  rates  of  duty 
on  many  benzenoid  chemicals,  even  though  the 
duty  rates  listed  in  our  tariff  schedules  may 
appear  moderate.  They  also  stressed  the  con- 
siderable uncertainty  beforehand  as  to  the 
amount  of  duty  that  will  be  assessed. 

Accordingly,  the  principal  producers  of 
benzenoid  chemicals — the  Common  Market 
countries,  the  United  Kingdom,  and  Switzer- 
land— heatedly  demanded  the  abolition  of 
ASP.  We  responded  that  any  conversion  to  the 
normal  valuation  system  would  require  special 
counterconcessions  and  that  Congress  would 
have  to  approve  such  a  conversion.  We  would 



enter  into  negotiations  concerning  ASP  only 
on  the  condition  that  other  participants  agree 
tliat  there  be  substantial  chemical  concessions 
by  all  principal  trading  nations  in  the  context 
of  the  Kennedy  Round  agreement  and  a  special 
package  of  concessions,  including  abolition  of 
ASP,  in  a  separate  agreement. 

It  was  only  in  the  final  hours  of  the  May 
showdown  that  our  conditions  were  accepted 
and  a  separate  ASP  agreement  was  negotiated. 

Let  me  return  and  conclude  my  brief  his- 
torical account. 

Negotiations  Reach  Crisis 

A  breach  among  the  six  members  of  the 
European  Economic  Community  in  mid-1965 
resulted  in  an  almost  complete  suspension  of 
the  Geneva  negotiations  lasting  until  the  late 
spring  of  1966. 

The  major  decisions  necessary  to  permit  the 
Community  to  resume  its  Kennedy  Round 
participation — particularly  the  adoption  of  the 
basis  of  a  Common  Agricultural  Policy — were 
taken  by  mid-July  1966  enabling  the  tabling 
of  the  EEC  agricultural  offer  in  early  August. 
This  step  set  the  stage  for  the  beginning  of 
concentrated  multilateral  and  bilateral  activity 
in  Geneva  beginning  in  September  1966. 

Talks  proceeded  through  the  fall,  progress 
was  laboriously  made,  but  at  the  end  of  the 
year  all  of  the  toughest  problems  remained.  In 
fact,  by  mid-March  we  had  still  not  begun  the 
intensive  bargaining  needed  to  resolve  the 
central  problems  of  the  Kennedy  Round. 

After  almost  3  years  of  effort,  the  prospects 
of  success  began  to  dim.  A  March  30  deadline 
gave  way  to  an  April  30  deadline.  I  began  com- 
muting to  Geneva. 

As  late  as  mid-April,  the  urgency  of  the  situa- 
tion was  not  fully  recognized  by  other  major 
participants,  particularly  the  European  Eco- 
nomic Community.  Our  deadline  was  not  taken 
seriously.  The  Community  negotiators  were  still 
without  sufficient  authorization  to  participate 
effectively.  Many  knowledgeable  observers  be- 
lieved it  would  be  impossible  to  conclude  the 
Kennedy  Round  before  midnight  on  June  30. 
Others,  however,  were  certain  that  the  political 
will  was  there. 

April  led  into  May  with  the  discussions  gen- 
erating increasing  heat  but  little  light.  A  series 
of  major  crises  erupted.  By  the  weekend  of 
May  13  we  were  meeting  around-the-clock  m  an 

atmosphere  of  very  high  tension.  On  Monday, 
May  15,  in  the  early  evening,  Commissioner 
[Jean]  Rey  and  I  found  the  basis  for  overall 
agreement  in  a  compromise  proposal  put  for- 
ward by  Eric  Wyndliam  White,  the  extraordi- 
nary Director  General  of  the  GATT.  Other 
pieces  fell  rapidly  into  place,  and  by  the  end 
of  the  evenuig  the  Director  General  could  an- 
nounce that  a  Kennedy  Round  agreement  was 

We  soon  learned,  however,  that  between  as- 
surance of  agreement  and  signature  of  that 
agreement  lay  formidable  obstacles.  Unex- 
pected hitches  developed  to  threaten  seriously 
the  successful  conclusion  of  the  negotiation.  To 
the  final  hour,  there  were  uncertainties. 

This  last-minute  bargaining  was  extremely 
difficult.  Positions  became  hardened.  Negotiat- 
ing flexibility  had  been  largely  exhausted  in  the 
mid-May  showdown  that  produced  the  main 
outlines  of  the  agreement. 

Delegations  were  tired,  t«nse,  and  some- 
times querulous,  yet  dealing  with  a  mass  of 
numbers  and  detail  and  of  varied  and  often 
conflicting  considerations  that  were  almost 

Inevitably  there  were  misunderstandings 
about  what  had  been  agreed  to.  There  were 
errors  made  that  had  to  be  corrected.  Negotia- 
tors hopefully  or  imwittingly  exceeded  their 
authority ;  in  some  cases  they  failed  to  get  ap- 
proval back  home  and  later  had  to  adjust  their 

As  each  coimtry  made  necessary  modifica- 
tions, the  multilateral  balances  changed  and  re- 
newed negotiations  became  necessary.  I  had  to 
make  a  hurried  return  to  Geneva  only  2  weeks 
before  the  signing  date. 

On  the  29th  of  June,  with  my  outer  office 
crowded  with  reporters  waiting  for  our  advance 
release  on  the  details  of  the  agreement,  I  was 
on  the  telephone  to  Geneva  and  several  capitals 
trying  to  resolve  not  one  but  several  crises  that 
had  the  potential  of  blowing  up  the  whole 

Let  me  now  turn  to  the  nature  of  this  agree- 
ment itself. 

Of  course,  uppermost  in  your  minds  is 
whether  this  agreement  is  a  good  deal  for  the 
United  States.  This  was  the  question  the  Presi- 
dent had  to  decide,  based  on  the  advice  of  those 
responsible  for  United  States  participation. 

On  March  10  of  this  year,  I  told  tlie  Senate 
Finance    Committee   that   the   United    States 

JULY    31,    19G; 


would  accept  no  Kennedy  Round  agreement 
unless  it  was  a  balanced  package  which  included 
an  exchange  of  both  industrial  and  agricultural 
concessions.  During  this  appearance,  I  was 
questioned  as  to  my  willingness  to  quit  the  nego- 
tiating table  if  the  stakes  weren't  fair  and  I 
answered,  "In  a  negotiation  you  have  to  be  will- 
ing and  ready  to  walk  away  from  the  table  if 
you  don't  feel  that  what  you  are  getting  is  a 
balanced  deal." 

Basing  my  judgment  on  the  hard-nosed 
appraisal  of  my  Government  colleagues  and 
their  expert  staffs,  I  am  con\-inced  that  we  have 
received  commitments  equal  in  value  to  those 
we  have  made.  Moreover,  I  believe  that  this 
balance  of  mutual  exchanges  of  trading 
opportunities  should  stimulate  appreciably 
larger  volumes  of  international  trade.  Eco- 
nomic growth  at  home  should  result. 

Throughout  this  negotiation,  we  have  had 
designated  members  of  the  Congress  and  rep- 
resentatives of  the  public  drawn  from  industry, 
labor,  farmers,  and  consumers  acting  as  mem- 
bers of  their  officially  accredited  delegation. 
Through  this  means,  we  have  taken  to  the  bar- 
gaining tables  an  acute  sense  of  the  need  for 
a  fair  and  balanced  deal  promoting  growth  in 
all  segments  of  the  American  economy. 

Our  Washington  organization,  in  developing 
basic  policy  and  strategy  jDositions,  has  made 
a  conscientious  effort  to  seek  expert  guidance 
from  business,  labor,  and  farm  leaders  in  the 
formulation  of  negotiating  policy.  The  Presi- 
dent appointed  a  45-member  public  advisory 
committee  to  the  Special  Representative  for 
Trade  Negotiations.  This  group  has  met  regu- 
larly with  the  Special  Representative,  and 
many  of  its  members  have  traveled  to  Geneva 
to  take  a  firsthand  look  at  the  negotiations.  A 
roster  of  300  technical  specialists  has  served  as 
a  constantly  available  source  of  advice  and 
assistance  on  day-to-day  technical  problems. 

Six  Members  of  Congress  are  regular  con- 
gressional delegates.  Almost  all  have  been  to 
Geneva  for  important  meetings  at  least  once, 
and  all  meet  with  the  Special  Representative 
on  a  regular  basis. 

Consideration  of  public  views  did  not  cease 
with  the  original  hearings  on  proposed  U.S. 
Kennedy  Round  offers.  We  continued  to  accept 
from  any  interested  party  oral  and  written 
testimony  concerning  any  matter  relevant  to 
the  negotiations.  This  included  updating  and 
revision  of  previous  testimony,  testimony  from 
interests  not  previously  heard,  and  new  infor- 

mation relating  to  foreign  import  restrictions. 
Indeed,  moi-e  time  and  effort  than  ever  before 
have  gone  into  the  calculation  of  the  value  and 
probable  effect  of  the  concessions  we  have  of- 
fered and  received. 

Principal  Accomplishments 

The  substance  of  the  Kemiedy  Round  agree- 
ment will,  of  course,  be  the  subject  of  our  dis- 
cussions throughout  the  day.  I  will  only 
summarize  what  I  regard  as  the  principal 

Tariff'  cuts  on  industrial  products  will  be  of 
a  magnitude  far  greater  than  any  previously 
negotiated.  While  concessions  offered  to  us  have 
not  justified  full  use  of  the  authority  of  the 
Trade  Expansion  Act,  we  have  exchanged  with 
major  tradmg  partners  a  very  significant  num- 
ber of  tariff  reductions  of  50  percent  and  many 
more  in  the  30  to  50  percent  range. 

We  have  succeeded  in  securing  concessions 
on  a  wide  variety  of  farm  products.  Of  greatest 
significance  is  the  successful  negotiation  of  a 
world  grains  agreement  guaranteeing  higher 
minimum  world  trading  prices  as  well  as  estab- 
lishmg  a  program  under  which  other  nations 
will  share  with  us  in  the  task  of  supplying  food 
aid  to  the  undernourished  people  in  the  less 
developed  countries. 

A  major  accomplishment  was  the  negotiation 
of  the  antidumping  code  committing  other 
countries  to  fair  and  open  procedures  along 
the  lines  of  present  United  States  practices. 
The  new  common  antidumping  regulations  that 
are  being  developed  by  the  European  Economic 
Community  will  conform  with  the  code.  Of 
special  benefit  to  the  United  States  will  be  the 
adoption  by  Canada  of  an  injury  requirement 
in  its  antidumping  legislation.  The  lack  of  such 
a  requirement  has  impeded  United  States  ex- 
ports for  many  years. 

For  our  part,  we  agreed  to  certain  viseful  re- 
finements of  the  concepts  we  presently  use  in 
our  antidumping  investigation  and  to  speedier 
completion  of  such  investigations  once  prelimi- 
nary measures  are  taken  against  allegedly 
dumped  imports.  I  would  emphasize — con- 
trary to  what  you  may  have  read  in  the  news- 
papers lately — that  all  our  obligations  in  the 
agreement  are  consistent  with  existing  law  and, 
in  particular,  that  we  have  not  agreed  to  a  si- 
multaneous consideration  of  price  discrimina- 
tion and  injury. 

In  addition  to  the  negotiation  of  an  anti- 



dumping  code,  an  agreement  was  concluded 
providing  for  the  elimination  of  the  American 
Selling  Price  system  for  benzenoid  chemicals 
and  the  liberalization  of  other  countries'  trade 
barriers.  For  the  domestic  benzenoid  chemical 
industry — a  strong  and  efficient  industry  which 
has  long  demonstrated  its  international  competi- 
tive strength — we  are  confident  that  the  new 
rates  of  duty  in  the  agreement  will  provide  a 
sufficient  level  of  tariff  protection — one,  by  the 
way,  well  above  that  of  the  other  major  chem- 
ical producing  countries.  For  this  and  the  other 
sectors  of  the  overall  chemical  industry  in  this 
country,  which  has  an  export  surplus  of  about 
$1.7  billion,  the  agreement  affords  very  sig- 
nificant new  export  opportunities  into  rapidly 
expanding  markets  in  Europe. 

Moreo^'er,  the  ASP  agreement  provides  for 
the  elimination  of  discriminatory  automobile 
road-use  taxes  in  France,  Italy,  and  Belgium, 
which  have  long  hampered  exports  of  the  larger 
U.S.  cars  to  those  countries.  Finally,  under  the 
agreement  the  United  Kingdom  midertakes  to 
make  a  significant  reduction  in  the  margin  of 
tariff  preference  on  inimanufactured  tobacco, 
which  should  be  of  real  assistance  to  one  of  our 
biggest  export  industries.  I  would  only  add  that 
we  fully  exi^ect,  and  indeed  welcome,  the  most 
careful  examination  of  the  merits  of  the  agree- 
ment. I  do  hope,  however,  that  such  an  exami- 
nation will  be  made  objectively  by  all  concei'ned 
and  not  in  the  heat  of  what  has  all  too  often  been 
purely  an  emotional  issue. 

Regarding  the  particularly  sensitive  sectors 
other  than  chemicals,  useful  if  limited  progress 
was  made  on  the  complex  problems  in  steel, 
aluminum,  pulp  and  paper,  and  textiles,  includ- 
ing a  .3-year  extension  of  the  Long-Term  Cotton 
Textile  Arrangement. 

Finally,  the  Kennedy  Round  agreement  has 
given  significant  assistance  to  the  less  developed 
countries  through  having  permitted  their  par- 
ticipation in  the  negotiations  without  requiring 
reciprocal  contributions  from  them,  through 
special  concessions  on  products  of  particular  in- 
terest to  them,  and  through  the  food  aid  pro- 
visions of  the  grains  arrangement. 

And  now,  in  conclusion,  where  do  we  go 
from  here  ?  The  President  has  asked  me  to  un- 
dertake a  comprehensive  study  of  trade  policy 
to  determine  what  the  next  steps  should  be. 
The  problems  are  many.  What  further  should 
be  done  about  nontariff  barriers  ?  What  are  the 
possibilities  for  further  tariff  reductions?  "Wliat 
can  be  done  to  lunit  the  proliferation  of  discrim- 

inatory trading  arrangements  among  small 
groups  of  countries,  which  threatens  the  basic 
most-favored-nation  principle  mider  which  so 
much  progi'ess  in  tariff  reductions  has  been 
made?  How  should  policy  on  international 
financial  flows  be  related  to  U.S.  trade  policies? 

Another  set  of  problems  of  extreme  impor- 
tance in  the  next  few  years  relates  to  what  the 
policies  of  highly  industrialized  countries  ought 
to  be  toward  the  developing  countries.  The 
developing  countries  have  been  pressing  for 
special  trade  policies  tailored  to  their  specific 
needs.  Some  of  them  have  been  receiving  spe- 
cial benefits  from  certain  mdustrialized  coun- 
tries, in  some  cases  in  exchange  for  special  ac- 
cess provisions  for  their  industrialized  partners. 
The  specialized  limited  arrangements  threaten 
the  interests  of  nonparticipants.  As  the  Presi- 
dent noted  in  his  speech  at  Punta  del  Este,^ 
we  are  now  exploring  with  other  countries  the 
possibilities  of  a  common  approach  to  develop- 
ing-country  trade  policies  which  could  subsume 
these  specialized  narrow  arrangements. 

In  looking  to  the  future,  we  shall  be  lean- 
ing heavily  on  advice  from  industry.  Your  own 
work  in  the  U.S.  Chamber  of  Commerce  on 
future  trade  policy  will  be  extremely  valuable 
to  us  in  making  plans  for  new  departures  in 
the  trade  field. 


Address   by  Secretary  Trowbridge 

I  think  the  first  and  most  important  thing 
we  all  kiaow  about  the  Kennedy  Round  is  that 
the  end  of  the  negotiations  is  not  the  end  at 
all ;  it  is  really  only  the  beginning.  Many  years 
of  extraordinary  labor  lie  behind  us,  but  dec- 
ades of  even  hai'der  work  lie  ahead  if  we  are 
to  fulfill  the  promise  that  this  great  trade 
liberalization  effort  holds  for  the  entire  fi-ee 

It  goes  without  saying,  of  course,  that  the 
same  high  degree  of  cooperation  between  Amer- 
ican industry  and  government  that  produced 
the  Kennedy  Round  will  be  required  to  reap 
its  benefits.  But  the  major  burden  of  responsi- 
bility for  seizing  the  opportunity  offered  must 
be  shouldered  by  our  matchless  system  of  free 
enterprise.     The     individual     initiative     and 

'  BuLMTiN  of  May  8,  1967,  p.  708. 

JULY    31,    1967 


energy  that  this  system  and  its  rewards  release 
are  what,  in  the  end,  are  the  wellspring  of  all 
our  achievement.  In  this  instance,  only  business 
and  labor,  working  together,  can  produce  and 
sell  the  goods  abroad  that  mean  more  profits, 
more  jobs,  and  the  rising  standard  of  living 
that  is  the  hallmark  of  our  dynamic  economy. 

One  tiling  I'm  sure  is  fully  understood :  The 
name  of  the  game  is  "A  Good  Offense."  Defen- 
sive driving  may  be  the  safest  technique  for  to- 
day's motorist,  but  for  the  trader  in  the  post- 
Kennedy  Round  age  of  trade  the  only  safe 
course  is  to  sell  abroad  with  the  same  aggressive 
skill  that  is  applied  to  the  domestic  market.  I 
think  single-minded  efforts  to  defend  a  position 
in  the  home  market,  with  concomitant  failure 
to  take  advantage  of  sales  opportunities  abroad, 
can  only  lead  to  trouble. 

For  the  Kennedy  Round,  to  a  greater  degree 
than  anything  that  has  ever  gone  before  prob- 
ably in  the  entire  history  of  trade,  represents 
a  very  large  step  toward  the  thing  we've  heard 
so  much  about  in  the  postwar  years :  the  truly 
one- world  market. 

And  more  than  anything  else,  we  in  the 
United  States  must  luiderstand  and  appreciate 
in  all  its  ramifications  the  full  meaning  of  the 
global  market  concept. 

It  means,  for  one  thing,  that  the  American 
domestic  market — the  greatest  and  most  lucra- 
tive market  in  the  world — is  no  longer  the  pri- 
vate preserve  of  the  American  businessman.  We 
are  but  one  corner,  one  segment,  of  that  market. 

We  are,  however,  the  most  competitive  part 
of  that  market.  And  as  a  general  rule,  if  you  can 
meet  the  competition  here  you  can  meet  it  in 
many  other  countries  of  the  world.  And  we  must 
sell  there,  we  must  make  the  effort  now,  if  we 
are  to  get  in  on  the  ground  floor  of  what  hope- 
fully will  be  the  greatest  surge  in  international 
trade  in  our  history,  as  a  result  of  the  Kennedy 
Round  negotiations.  To  fail  to  do  so  can  hurt 
both  a  company  and  the  Nation. 

Certainly  our  American  businessmen  have  the 
tools  to  do  the  job — an  unequaled  bag  of  tools 
that  can  unlock  the  doors  to  burgeoning  mar- 
kets everywhere.  You  have  the  managerial  skills, 
the  capital  resources,  the  advanced  technology, 
the  sales  and  marketing  ability,  the  skilled 
workmen,  the  higher  productivity,  the  econo- 
mies of  scale,  a  more  intense  utilization  of  cap- 
ital stock,  and  the  greatest  array  of  scientific 
talent  the  world  has  ever  seen.  If  these  aren't  the 

elements  that  make  for  success  in  selling  in  the 
world  market,  I'd  like  to  know  why  not. 

But  the  Kennedy  Round  results  should  be 
the  signal  to  maximize  the  use  of  those  tools. 
And  my  task  today  is  to  give  you  an  overall 
view  of  the  flashing  green  lights  in  the  indus- 
trial area. 

Gains  for  U.S.  Exporters 

Probably  the  uppermost  question  in  your 
minds  is,  Just  what  did  American  business  get 
out  of  the  Kennedy  Round  and  what  did  we  pay 
for  it  ?  I  would  like  to  talk  at  some  length  about 
this,  but  as  you  can  appreciate,  I  cannot  talk 
about  the  thousands  of  individual  items  that  are 
affected  by  the  final  agreement. 

First,  what  did  we  get  ?  On  the  basis  of  trade 
coverage,  the  United  States  received  tariff  con- 
cessions of  mostly  50  percent  reductions  on  about 
$7  billion  of  our  exports.  Close  to  another  $1 
billion  were  bound  in  a  duty-free  status,  so  that 
the  total  package  runs  close  to  $8  billion. 

These  concessions  are  spread  proportionately 
among  our  major  export  markets.  Over  $5  bil- 
lion of  our  exports  are  subject  to  concessions  in 
the  European  Economic  Community,  the  EFTA 
[European  Free  Trade  Association]  countries, 
and  Japan.  Another  $1..3  billion  will  benefit  by 
concessions  made  by  Canada,  with  the  remain- 
der spread  out  among  a  number  of  smaller 

To  assess  the  meaning  of  these  concessions, 
let  me  take  you  back  about  5  or  6  years  to  when 
the  foreign  traders  of  this  country  were  alarmed 
at  the  prospects  for  their  markets  once  internal 
tariffs  were  eliminated  in  the  EEC  and  EFTA. 
To  many  U.S.  businessmen  the  choice  seemed 
to  be  between  getting  into  one  or  both  of  these 
blocs  with  plant  and  sales  organizations  or  run- 
ning the  risk  of  being  excluded  from  the  vast 
European  market  by  external  tariff  barriers. 
Passage  of  the  Trade  Expansion  Act  gave  them 
some  hope  that  the  two  blocs  might  be  per- 
suaded, if  the  other  large  trading  nations  joined 
in,  to  move  toward  freer  trade  rather  than 
adopt  an  inward-looking  attitude.  At  the  time, 
you  will  recall,  the  schedule  for  eliminating  the 
internal  tariffs  between  countries  of  the  two 
blocs  was  being  accelerated  so  that  the  element 
of  time  was  very  important.  The  facts  are  that 
the  EFTA  countries  eliminated  internal  duties 
completely  on  industrial  goods  at  the  beginning 



of  this  year,  while  the  EEC  will  complete  its 
customs  union  and  remove  internal  tariffs  com- 
pletely in  July  1968. 

Now,  these  tariff  walls  are  to  come  down 
sharply.  For  the  EEC  it  will  be  a  reduction  by 
35  percent  in  all  major  trade  categories.  Most 
of  the  duties  of  the  EEC's  common  external 
tariff,  which  is  effective  next  July,  are  in  the 
medium-low-range  rate,  that  is,  10  to  15  percent. 
Next  July  they  will  start  to  come  down.  In  the 
EFTA  countries  the  national  tariffs  apply  to 
goods  outside  of  the  free  trade  area.  For  most 
countries  in  the  EFTA,  duties  were  already 
low.  with  the  United  Kingdom  having  the  high- 
est rates.  These  are  also  coming  down,  with  the 
high  U.K.  rates,  generally  33  percent,  being 
reduced  by  50  percent. 

I  believe  that  in  this  context  the  United  States 
has  been  able  to  reconcile  its  political  and  eco- 
nomic objectives  in  Western  Europe.  At  times 
it  seemed  that  we  were  supporting  political  in- 
tegration at  the  expense  of  our  economic  well- 
being.  The  Kennedy  Round,  I  feel,  has  reduced 
any  fear  that  we  are  sacrificing  American  eco- 
nomic interest  for  a  political  objective.  In  fact, 
I  think  that  the  gains  for  our  exporters  in  the 
Western  European  markets  as  a  result  of  the 
Kennedy  Round  surpass  anything  that  was 
realistically  hoped  for  when  this  problem  was 
before  the  Nation  in  1962. 

Approximately  one-quarter  to  one-third  of 
our  exports  move  to  Western  Europe,  so  that 
it  is  fairly  obvious  what  the  implications  for 
U.S.  exporters  might  be  without  the  Kennedy 
Round  now  that  the  internal  barriers  of  the 
European  countries  are  in  the  final  stage  of 
elimination.  Now  that  the  Kennedy  Round  is 
over,  the  challenge  passes  to  you  men  of  busi- 
ness to  take  advantage  of  the  new  opportimities 
which  will  be  opening  up  over  the  next  few 

Canadian  Tariff  Reductions 

Let  me  now  speak  of  Canada,  which  is  our 
largest  single  trading  partner.  Our  trade  with 
Canada  continues  to  rise  to  the  mutual  benefit 
of  both  countries,  and  our  agreement  with 
Canada  in  the  Kennedy  Round  is  a  sweeping 
reduction  of  tariff  barriers.  Duties  were  elimi- 
nated on  a  number  of  categories  of  goods,  most 
significant  of  which  are  softwood  lumber,  some 
hardwood  lumber,  wood  flooring  except  oak. 

most  fresh  or  frozen  fish,  and  a  variety  of  other 
products.  Canada  eliminated  her  duty  on  coal, 
and  the  United  States  eliminated  its  duty  on 

In  the  field  of  manufactures  the  United 
States  was  able  to  obtain  a  reduction  in  the 
protective  level  of  the  Canadian  tariff  by  about 
one-fourth.  Protective  duties  generally  rim  to 
20  to  25  percent  in  Canada's  tariff ;  and  Canada, 
which  at  the  outset  of  the  negotiations  said  that 
it  could  not  join  in  a  50  percent  linear  tariff  cut 
because  of  her  relatively  lower  industrial  status 
as  compared  with  the  advanced  countries,  has 
reduced  this  level  to  about  15  to  I7i/^  percent. 
This  is  a  major  contribution  by  Canada, 
which  heretofore  has  not  found  it  politically 
or  economically  feasible  to  make  significant 
reductions  in  its  protective  tariff  rates. 

One  of  the  most  important  Canadian  conces- 
sions to  the  United  States,  which  will  affect 
hundreds  of  American  exporters,  is  the  reduc- 
tion in  the  Canadian  tariff  on  production  ma- 
chinery from  22%  percent  to  15  percent.  For 
machinery  which  is  "not  made  in  Canada"  the 
current  duty  of  7^2  percent  will  be  eliminated. 
When  these  concessions  are  implemented,  all 
machinery  which  is  not  available  in  Canada 
will  benefit  from  duty-free  treatment.  In  this 
one  sector,  namely,  production  machinery,  the 
Canadians  have  told  us  that  their  import  entries 
number  over  2-10,000  per  year ;  so  from  this  one 
concession,  duty  reductions  will  most  signifi- 
cantly assist  a  broad  range  of  U.S.  exporters. 

There  are  many  more  concessions  from  Can- 
ada which  will  benefit  American  exporters 
which  I  cannot  cover  in  detail  here  today.  How- 
ever, a  wide  variety  of  goods  is  affected,  and 
duty  eliminations  were  numerous.  I  should  also 
mention  that  in  our  negotiations  with  Canada 
we  were  able  to  negotiate  away  a  number  of 
relatively  small  but  irritating  problems  which 
have  resulted  from  differential  treatment  by 
the  two  countries  on  items  which  are  traded 
both  north  and  south. 

Japan's  willingness  to  participate  substan- 
tially and  actively  in  the  Kennedy  Roiuid  was 
a  welcome  surprise  to  us.  since  many  felt  that 
Japan's  rationale  would  be  that  since  she  was 
doing  well  with  the  present  setup,  why  join  in 
a  tariff-cutting  exercise?  I  think  the  answer 
probably  is  that  Japan's  export  boom  has  led 
it  to  the  conclusion  that  its  economic  prosperity 
covdd  increase  enormously  if  it  could  develop 

JULY    31, 


the  markets  for  its  products  in  countries  other 
than  the  United  States. 

Japan  did  join  in  and  agree  to  mostly  50  per- 
cent reductions  in  her  tariffs.  It  is  our  hope  that 
these  reductions  by  the  Japanese  will  open  up 
areas  for  our  products  which  have  heretofore 
been  closed  to  us  because  of  high  duties.  We 
sometimes  hear  it  said  by  United  States  manu- 
factui-ers  that  they  camiot  sell  in  Japan  because 
of  low-price  competition.  The  fact  is  that  we 
do  sell  large  volumes  of  manufactured  goods 
in  Japan,  and  Japan's  increasing  prosperity, 
which  should  gi-ow  with  the  Kennedy  Round 
settlement,  creates  a  demand  for  more  Amer- 
ican products.  We  hope  U.S.  exporters  will 
redouble  their  efforts  to  introduce  new  products 
to  Japan  and  take  another  healthy  look  at  the 
market  for  their  current  products. 

A  Reciprocal   Bargain 

All  of  these  benefits  carried  a  price  tag,  and 
I  am  not  going  to  stand  before  yovi  and  say  that 
our  negotiators  gave  the  otliers  a  good  shellack- 
ing. This  is  rarely  the  case  for  any  country's 
negotiators,  but  in  the  Kennedy  Round  I  think 
the  United  States  negotiators  did  a  very  good 
job  indeed.  The  Kennedy  Round  package  is 
balanced.  We  came  out  with  a  reciprocal  bar- 
gain, which  was  our  goal.  If  the  fuial  agreement 
had  not  included  benefits  of  roughly  equal 
value  for  all  concerned,  it  just  wouldn't  have 
been  completed. 

I  would  like  to  take  you  back  to  the  begin- 
ning of  the  negotiations.  The  President's 
authority  was  to  reduce  all  United  States  tariffs 
by  50  percent.  This  was  the  prospect  for  almost 
every  U.S.  business  that  must  compete  with 
imports.  The  result,  however,  is  that  we  reduced 
all  our  tariffs  by  an  average  of  about  35  percent. 
Other  countries'  average  tariff  reductions  are 
in  this  same  area. 

The  items  excluded  from  our  tariff  cuts  are 
basically  those  which  are  experiencing  severe 
import  competition  and  those  which  in  our 
judgment  woidd  be  likely  to  suffer  adversely  if 
they  were  subject  to  a  50  percent  reduction.  So 
the  United  States  removed  a  large  number  of 
articles  from  negotiation  or  made  less  than  50 
percent  cuts  when  it  judged  such  a  reduction 
was  called  for  in  light  of  import  sensitivity. 

I  have  been  troubled  in  the  last  few  days  to 
I'ead  some  very  critical  statements  coming  from 
some  of  our  major  industries.  These  statements 
have  characterized  the  Kennedy  Round  as  "one- 
sided" and  have  declared  that  actions  taken  on 

cutting  U.S.  tariffs  will  be  "ruinous"  in  certain 
areas.  I  think  we  have  to  evaluate  the  results  in 
Geneva  as  to  what  coidd  have  happened,  what 
did  happen,  why  the  actions  were  taken,  and 
what  will  be  the  impact.  Let's  look  at  three 
major  sectors. 

In  steel,  the  weighted  average  reduction  in 
United  States  tariffs  coming  out  of  the  Kennedy 
Round  was  7.5  percent  on  dutiable  imports  in 
1964.  A  total  of  54  percent  of  our  steel  imports 
was  not  subject  to  any  duty  reduction ;  only  1 
percent  of  our  steel  imports  was  subject  to  a  50 
percent  reduction.  This  small  reduction  will 
bring  our  average  tariff  level  down  from  a  7.4 
percent  weighted  average  to  about  6  percent. 

The  reductions  in  tariff's  were  part  of  an 
attempt  to  harmonize  tariffs  on  steel  hj  produc- 
ing countries.  While  we  reduced  by  7  percent, 
the  EEC  and  the  United  Kingdom  reduced  by 
about  20  percent  and  Japan  by  nearly  50  per- 
cent. As  you  are  aware,  steel  has  a  large  dollar 
volume,  with  two-way  trade  totaling  almost 
$1.4  billion  in  1964.  It  was  not  an  element  which 
could  be  excluded  from  the  negotiations,  but  the 
actual  settlement  was  of  minimal  impact  on  our 

Wliat  we  have  done  is  to  try  to  make  steel 
import  duties  a  common  factor  in  international 
trade.  Prior  to  the  Kennedy  Round  the  United 
States  had  the  lowest  rates.  Now  the  rates  of  the 
major  countries  are  approximately  even, 
averaging  between  6  and  8  percent.  Perhaps 
more  important  than  the  duty  reductions  is  that 
for  the  first  time  the  steel  tariff's  of  all  major 
producing  countries  will  be  bomid  against  in- 
crease. I  am  not  claiming  that  all  problems  in 
steel  have  been  negotiated  away.  On  the  con- 
trary, many  remain;  but  the  Kennedy  Round 
agreement  has  come  a  good  way  toward  remov- 
ing unequal  competitive  conditions  for  trade 
in  st«el. 

Textiles  is  similarly  a  very  large  sector  of  our 
international  trade,  and  the  gi-owth  of  textile 
imports  has  been  particularly  strong  in  recent 
years.  In  return  for  a  3-year  extension  of  the 
Long-Term  Arrangement  for  cotton  textiles  on 
the  part  of  the  exporting  countries,  the  coun- 
tries importing  textiles  agreed  to  reductions  of 
about  15  to  20  percent  and  certain  adjustments 
in  import  quota  levels.  Extension  of  the  Long- 
Term  Arrangement  has  been  one  of  our  chief 
goals  in  the  negotiation,  and  we  are  very 
pleased  with  this  settlement,  as  are  the  leaders 
of  our  cotton  textile  industry. 

In  manmade-fiber  textiles  our  overall  reduc- 



tion  was  about  14  to  15  percent.  Our  reduction 
varied  by  sensitivity,  with  yarn  reduced  by  37 
percent,  fabric  by  18  percent,  and  apparel  by  6 

Our  reductions  on  wool  textiles  averaged  2 
percent.  Virtually  every  major  sensitive  item 
was  excepted  from  negotiations.  Items  on  which 
tariffs  were  reduced  were  mostly  low-trade, 
nonsensitive  items. 

So  we  can  again  say  that  in  a  trade  area  of 
large  dollar  value,  with  heavy  pressure  from 
many  sources  for  expanded  entry  into  our  huge 
market,  we  came  to  a  level  of  agreement  in 
which  all  parties  found  benefit,  and  our  nego- 
tiators were  responsive  to  the  serious  problems 
faced  by  this  key  industry. 

Probably  the  most  publicized  and  perhaps  the 
most  controversial  part  of  the  Kennedy  Round 
agreement  is  in  the  chemical  sector.  This  agree- 
ment is  in  two  parts,  the  first  of  which  stands 
by  itself  as  an  integral  part  of  the  Kennedy 
Round  package.  Within  the  Kennedy  Round 
package,  the  United  States  agreed  to  reduce  its 
duties  on  chemicals  by  an  average  of  43  percent. 
The  EEC  is  reducing  by  an  average  of  about  20 
percent,  the  U.K.  by  about  23  percent,  Japan 
44  percent,  and  Switzerland  49  percent.  United 
States  exports  of  chemicals  benefiting  by  these 
concessions  amounted  to  about  $900  million  in 
1964,  while  our  dutiable  imports  from  those 
countries  in  1964  amounted  to  about  $325  mil- 
lion. The  favorable  trade  balance  here  is  nearly 
3  to  1,  while  the  depth  of  tariff  reduction,  with 
the  exception  of  the  U.K.  and  EEC,  is  about 
equal  to  ours. 

The  second  part  of  the  chemicals  agreement 
involves  the  American  Selling  Price — a  system 
where  the  duty  rate  is  levied  not  against  the 
foreign  invoice  value  of  the  imported  product 
but  against  the  U.S.  selling  price  of  the  com- 
petitively produced  domestic  product.  In  this 
part  the  United  States,  provided  the  Congi'ess 
enacts  the  necessary  legislation,  will  eliminate 
the  American  Selling  Price  on  benzenoid  chemi- 
cals and  reduce  all  rates  in  its  chemical  tariff 
above  20  percent  down  to  that  level  with  certain 
exceptions.  These  are  dyes,  pigments,  and 
azoics,  which  the  United  States  would  reduce 
to  30  percent,  and  sulfa  drugs,  which  the 
United  States  would  reduce  only  to  about  25 
percent.  The  EEC  and  the  U.K.  will  then 
place  into  effect  the  remaining  portion  of 
their  reductions  so  that  the  EEC  total  reduc- 
tion on  chemicals  will  equal  about  46  percent 
and  the  U.K.  50  percent.  Some  U.K.  rates  will 

be  reduced  by  as  much  as  62  percent.  The  end 
result  will  be  that  virtually  all  chemical  rates 
in  the  EEC  and  U.K.  will  be  at  121^^  percent  or 
below,  whereas  the  United  States  will  have 
many  rates,  as  noted  above,  at  considerably 
higher  levels. 

As  a  further  element  of  the  second  part  of  the 
chemicals  agi-eement,  Belgium,  France,  and 
Italy  will  liberalize  the  discriminatory  aspects 
of  their  road-tax  system,  Switzerland  will 
modify  its  regulation  limiting  imports  of  camied 
fruit  preserved  in  corn  syrup,  and  the  U.K. 
will  reduce  its  margin  of  preference  on  imports 
of  tobacco.  Action  on  these  nontariff  barriers 
will  be  taken  as  reciprocity  for  the  United 
States  elimination  of  ASP. 

The  chemicals  negotiation  was  the  most  diffi- 
cult to  conclude,  but  at  the  same  time  it  was  one 
of  the  most  successful.  We  believe  the  United 
States  has  an  excellent  bargain  in  both  pack- 
ages, and  we  are  prepared  to  present  the  second 
package  to  Congress  for  approval  as  soon  as 
time  and  conditions  permit.  The  Kennedy 
Round  chemical  package  is  self-contained  and 
will  in  no  way  be  affected  by  congressional  ac- 
tion, which  bears  only  on  the  second  part.  The 
benzenoid  chemical  industi-y  is  a  strong  and  effi- 
cient industry  which,  in  our  judgment,  will  be 
adequately  protected  by  the  rates  provided  for 
in  the  ASP  agreement. 

Antidumping   Rules 

I  might  conclude  by  mentioning  our  attempts 
at  removing  nontariff  barriers.  Here  we  have 
not  achieved  everything  we  wanted,  but  on  the 
other  hand  we  certainly  did  not  give  others  all 
they  wanted.  Our  biggest  accomplishment,  of 
course,  was  the  negotiation  of  international 
rules  for  dumping.  These  spell  out  article  VI  of 
the  GATT  [General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  and 
Trade],  which  covers  this  subject,  and  our  ac- 
complishment here  is  twofold.  First,  we  have 
negotiated  rules  which  do  not  require  changes 
in  our  legislation  and  very  little  change  in  our 
administrative  regulations  on  dumping.  Sec- 
ondly, we  have  achieved  international  agree- 
ment for  fair  and  open  procedures  for  United 
States  exporters  who  are  charged  with  dump- 
ing abroad.  Canada  probably  made  the  biggest 
contribution  in  this  area  by  agreeing  to  require 
an  injury  fuiding  before  dumping  duties  are 

We  must  recognize  that  beyond  the  ASP 
package  and  the  antidumping  code  relatively 
little  was  accomplished  toward  reduction  of 

JULT    31,    1967 


nontariff  barriers,  though  what  was  done 
amounts  to  a  substantial  beginning.  The  whole 
problem  of  nontariff  barriers  will  be  a  major 
portion  of  future  GATT  agendas,  and  we  will 
be  persistent  in  seeking  effective  solutions  to 
problems  we  know  trouble  many  American 

These,  then,  are  the  broad  outlines  of  the  re- 
sults in  the  industrial  sector  of  the  historic 
Geneva  negotiations  so  skillfully  handled  by 
Bill  Roth,  the  late  Christian  Herter,  and  their 
able  associates. 

Thousands  of  individual  barriers  have  been 
cleared  from  the  avenues  of  world  trade.  But 
only  you — the  dynamic  business  leadei'S  of 
America — can  take  advantage,  for  your  com- 
panies and  the  whole  Nation,  of  the  opportunity 
offered.  I  was  delighted  to  see  a  full-page  adver- 
tisement by  a  major  U.S.  airfreight  carrier  an- 
nouncing some  forthcoming  reductions  on  air 
cargo  rates  which  are  described  as  comple- 
mentary to  the  tariff  reductions  in  Europe.  It  is 
this  kind  of  aggressive  marketing  that  will  lead 
more  American  companies  to  take  advantage  of 
increased  trade  opportunities  abroad.  The  name 
of  the  game  is  "A  Good  Offense,"  and  I  know 
that  American  business  will  be  even  more  skilled 
as  they  play  it  on  a  field  which  has  fewer  bar- 
riers as  a  result  of  the  Geneva  agreements. 


Address  by  Secretary  Freeman 

I'm  happy  to  be  reporting  to  you  today,  be- 
cause I  have  a  strong  personal  interest  in  the 
subject  we  are  talking  about.  For  almost  7  years 
now,  I  have  worked  hard  to  expand  our  coun- 
try's foreign  agriculture  trade.  And  it  has  been 
gratifying  work.  I  have  had  the  satisfaction  of 
seeing  our  country's  agricultural  exports  grow 
from  $4.5  billion  in  fiscal  year  1960,  the  year 
before  I  took  office,  to  a  new  record  of  $6.8  bil- 
lion in  the  1967  fiscal  year  that  ended  June  30. 
Exports  for  dollars  climbed  from  $3.2  billion  to 
$5.4  billion  in  the  same  period. 

The  other  day  I  was  talking  to  my  Cabinet 
colleague  Joe  Fowler.  Secretary  [of  the  Treas- 
ury Henry  H.]  Fowler,  as  you  know,  fights  hard 
and  effectively  to  strengthen  the  balance-of- 
payments  position  of  the  United  States.  Our 
country  has  many  tough  economic  problems,  but 
none  is  tougher  than  the  balance-of -payments 

problem — and  it  affects  all  the  others.  It  is  com- 
plicated by  the  fact  that  what  other  countries 
and  international  bankers  do  affects  us  strongly 
yet  is  largely  beyond  our  control. 

Secretai'y  Fowler  said  to  me,  'T  don't  know 
what  we  would  do  today  if  the  annual  agricul- 
tural exports  for  dollars  hadn't  increased  $2.2 
billion  since  1960."  He  went  on  to  say  that  we 
would  long  since  have  faced  a  national  economic 
crisis  of  grave  proportions,  that  the  value  of  the 
dollar  would  have  been  seriously  undermined, 
were  it  not  for  the  substantial  flow  of  dollars 
into  the  Treasury  from  agricultural  exports. 

Wliat  he  said  is  certainly  true.  Had  dollar 
exports  of  farm  products  not  continued  to  climb 
during  these  1960's,  we  would  not  have  had  $7.3 
billion  in  cumulative  dollar  earnings  that  have 
been  added  to  our  balance  of  payments. 

All  this  means  that  I  approach  this  matter 
of  trade  negotiations  and  trade  expansion  with 
a  deep  personal  sense  of  participation  and 

American  agriculture  came  to  the  Kennedy 
Round  in  a  spirit  of  expectation.  We  sought  a 
general  lowering  of  agricultural  trade  barriers 
which  would  give  efficient  farmers,  ours  and  in 
other  countries,  a  greater  opportunity  to  sell 
competitively  in  the  world's  expanding  mar- 
kets. We  looked  on  the  Kennedy  Round  as  a 
means  of  helping  world  trade  in  general  and 
our  own  export  drive  in  particular. 

To  some  extent  our  expectations  were 
realized.  Considering  the  problems  encovm- 
tered,  we  emerged  with  far  better  results  than 
we  thought  possible  during  some  of  the  darkest 
days  when  negotiations  almost  broke  off. 

We  also  saw  fii-sthand  why  agricultural  trade 
negotiations  are  so  difficult.  We  learned  that 
when  our  trading  partners  resisted  lowering 
their  trade  barriers  on  agricultural  products, 
in  most  instances  they  were  pressed  bj'  the  need 
to  protect  the  income  of  their  farmers. 

The  Kennedy  Round  experience  confirmed 
my  conviction  that  the  difficulty  of  agricultural 
trade  negotiations  lies  first  and  foremost  in  the 
universal  farm-income  problem.  As  a  rule  of 
thumb,  around  the  world  a  farmer  gets  only 
about  one-half  as  much  income  for  his  labor 
and  investment  as  the  nonfarm  sectors  of  the 
respective  countries  enjoy. 

Governments,  of  course,  are  responsive  to  this 
discriminatory  situation.  The  lowering  of  agri- 
cultural trade  barriers  will  continue  to  be 
exceptionally  difficult  as  long  as  fann  incomes 
lag  so  far  behind  other  incomes.  This  farm- 



income  problem  is  not  peculiar  to  foreign  coun- 
tries. It  is  our  problem,  too.  In  many  cases  it 
determines  our  own  trade  positions. 

The  last  2  months  the  Secretary  of  Agricxd- 
ture  and  senior  members  of  the  Department  of 
Agriculture  have  been  holding  shirtsleeve  ses- 
sions with  American  farmers  all  around  the 
country,  discussing  the  farmer's  position  in  our 
economy  and  how  to  reinforce  it.  It  was  obvious 
at  these  meetmgs  that  farmers  across  the  nation 
are  deeply  and  understandably  concerned  that 
they  are  not  getting  a  fair  share  in  our  Ameri- 
can prosperity. 

Our  farm  prices  today  are  lower  than  they 
were  20  years  ago.  Yet  the  cost  of  what  the 
farmer  buys  has  gone  up  35  percent.  Only  by 
increasing  his  labor  productivity  6  percent  an- 
nually, more  than  twice  the  improvement  made 
by  American  industry,  has  the  American  farmer 
managed  to  survive.  It  is  true  that  Government 
payments  have  helped  some,  but  even  so  our 
per  capita  farm  income  is  only  two-thirds  of  our 
nonf  arm  income. 

And  it  would  be  ever  so  much  worse  if  our 
agricultural  exports  had  not  been  steadily 
climbing  to  a  point  where  today  they  absorb 
the  production  from  one  acre  out  of  every  four 
of  his  cropland  and  make  a  substantial  contri- 
bution to  his  total  receipts.  Agricultural  exports 
are  of  vital  importance  to  every  American 

Tangible  Benefits  for  U.S.  Farmers 

I  would  like  to  turn  now  to  what  we  actually 
got  out  of  the  agricultural  phase  of  the  Ken- 
nedy Round. 

"We  benefited  in  two  ways : 

First,  we  obtained  from  it  some  modest  trade 
liberalization.  The  Kennedy  Round  will  give 
us  better  access  to  some  important  foreign  agri- 
cultural markets.  Concessions  won  at  Geneva 
will  mean  larger  export  sales  in  the  years  ahead 
for  many  of  our  farm  products. 

Second,  the  Kennedy  Roimd  made  us  aware 
of  the  problems  we  still  face  in  bringing  more 
order  into  world  agricultural  trade.  It  pin- 
pointed the  problems.  To  me,  this  is  a  very  im- 
portant result — and  I  would  like  to  return  to  it 

As  to  tangible  benefits  from  the  Kennedy 
Round,  we  gained  considerably  in  our  trade 
in  fruits  and  vegetables,  oilseeds,  tobacco,  va- 
riety meats,  tallow,  and  a  number  of  other 

products.  The  concessions  granted  by  other 
countries  covered  more  than  $900  million  in 
their  imports  of  such  products  from  the  United 
States,  1964  basis.  On  agricultural  products  ac- 
coimting  for  over  $700  million — in  which  we 
have  an  important  export  interest — they  cut 
their  duties  an  average  of  more  than  40 

The  Kennedy  Round  also  is  giving  us  a  new 
grains  arrangement  which  will  provide  ad- 
ditional price  insurance  to  U.S.  wheat  pro- 
ducers. This  arrangement  contains  significant 
food  aid  provisions  completely  unprecedented 
in  any  multilateral  accord  of  which  I  am  aware. 
Apart  from  their  intrinsic  humanitarian 
worth — and  this  in  itself  is  adequate  justifica- 
tion for  them— these  provisions  should  open 
new  commercial  outlets  for  wheat  and,  to  some 
extent,  feed  grains. 

Reciprocally,  the  United  States  cut  its  duties 
on  some  agricultural  products,  and  imports  of 
such  items  can  be  expected  to  increase  mod- 
erately. Duties  covering  around  $500  million  of 
the  products  we  import  were  cut  by  an  average 
of  39  percent.  The  existing  duty  or  duty-free 
status  of  an  additional  $290  million  worth  of 
import  products  was  bound  against  upward 
change.  Man}'  of  our  concessions  relate  to  tropi- 
cal products  which  we  do  not  produce  and  were 
granted  for  the  benefit  of  the  developing 

While  bargaining  is  never  without  its  "give" 
as  well  as  "take,"  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge 
no  American  agricultural  producer  will  be  ex- 
posed to  serious  economic  injury  as  a  result  of 
the  Kemiedy  Round.  American  farmers  as  a 
whole,  because  of  their  comparative  efficiency, 
will  be  better  off  than  they  would  have  been  had 
the  Kennedy  Round  not  taken  place. 

Concessions  won  at  Geneva  will  mean  in- 
creased foreign  markets  for  a  niunber  of  our 
farm  commodities.  Our  agricultural  exports 
are  inevitably  on  an  upward  trend  and  would 
increase  had  there  been  no  Kennedy  Round.  But 
the  rate  of  increase  unquestionably  will  be 
faster  because  of  our  negotiation  successes. 

Now  I  would  like  to  return  to  my  second 
point:  our  awareness  of  the  problems  we  still 
face  in  further  reducing  world  trade  barriers. 

The  Kennedy  Round  has  shown  the  trouble 
in  trying  to  buy,  with  reductions  in  duties,  re- 
moval of  the  major  barriers  still  standing  in  the 
way  of  international  agricultural  trade. 

The  Kennedy  Round  has  also  shown  that  a 

JULY    31,    196T 


massive  multilateral  trade  negotiation  involving 
all  countries  and  all  products  may  not  be  the 
best  way  to  get  at  the  root  of  agricultural  trade 
problems.  It  i:)rovidos  too  much  opportunity  for 
sidestepping  the  real  busmess  at  hand. 

It  has  shown  with  startling  clarity  the  com- 
plex and  exasperating  nature  of  the  trade  bar- 
riers in  agricultiu-e,  and  most  disturbing  of  all, 
it  has  shown  a  fundamental  difference  among 
the  major  trading  partners  as  to  international 
trade  philosophy.  Let  me  explain  this. 

A  concept  of  orderly  trade  is  basic  to  a  nego- 
tiation. Unless  parties  can  agree  on  objectives, 
they  rarely  accomplish  anything.  There  must 
be  a  mutuality  of  interest.  There  must  be  com- 
mon ground  in  agricultural  negotiations. 

During  this  negotiation,  all  parties  said  they 
were  trying  to  bring  about  more  orderly  agri- 
cultural trade,  but  I  detected  at  least  three  dif- 
ferent ideas  of  what  "more  orderly"  meant. 
Each  idea  was  put  forward  by  a  negotiating 
bloc  powerful  enough  to  prevent  consensus. 

The  first  said :  Let  those  who  can,  produce — 
whether  the  production  is  efficient  or  not.  The 
only  test  is :  Are  we  physically  capable  of  turn- 
ing out  the  product  and  are  we  able  and  willing 
to  bear  the  cost  ? 

The  second  said :  Let  those  who  can  produce 
efficiently,  produce.  The  test  ought  to  be  based 
upon  who  can  produce  abundantly,  inexpen- 
sively, and  well,  and  not  upon  who  has  physical 
capacity  and  strength  of  treasury. 

The  third  said :  Let  those  produce  who  must 
produce  to  exist.  Whether  inefficient  or  not,  if 
we  can  only  produce  a  few  products,  let  us  pro- 
duce them  and  sell  them  because  we  must.  This 
last  view,  of  course,  is  put  forward  with  increas- 
ing intensity  by  the  less  developed  countries, 
which,  in  many  cases,  have  neither  the  resources 
to  produce  cheaply  and  well  nor  the  financial 
capacity  to  subsidize  heavily. 

Given  these  three  major  conflicting  views,  is 
it  any  wonder  that  we  were  unable  to  make  in 
this  negotiation  all  the  changes  we  desired? 

The  Kennedy  Round  was  primarily  a  tariff 
negotiation.  Tariffs  I'emain  an  important  means 
of  protecting  producers  in  many  parts  of  the 
world.  But  in  agriculture,  particularly,  other 
barriers  are  numerous  and  complex.  Negotiators 
met  with  only  limited  success  in  removing  or 
lowering  them — and  on  the  really  hard-core 
products  had  no  success  at  all. 

Overall,  as  I  said  earlier,  the  problem  of  liber- 
alizing trade  st«ms  from  the  almost  general 

disparity  in  income  between  farm  and  nonfarm 
people.  That  disparity  jooses  an  obligation  on 
evei-y  govermnent  to  protect  the  incomes  of  its 
farmers  and  still  make  sure  that  all  the  people 
have  enough  food  and  fiber  and  other  products 
of  agriculture.  It  is  an  obligation  that  has  called 
forth  price  and  income  programs  in  every 
country  in  the  world.  These  take  many  different 
forms  and  they  all  affect  world  trade  in  one 
way  or  another. 

Different  Systems  of  Farm-Income  Support 

The  European  Economic  Community  at- 
tempts to  keep  domestic  agricultural  prices 
high  for  most  products  through  a  variable-levy 
system.  The  EEC  sets  the  prices,  and  the  vari- 
able levies  remove  the  effect  of  outside  compe- 
tition. This  is  truly  a  fonnidable  barrier  to 

The  United  Kingdom  favors  the  deficiency- 
payment  support  system.  Internal  consumer 
prices  ai"e  allowed  to  seek  their  own  level.  But 
producer  returns  are  kept  at  government-set 
levels  through  producer  payments.  The  impact 
of  this  system  on  exporters  is  more  obscure,  but 
severe  nevertheless. 

We  have  our  support  programs  in  the  United 
States,  also.  In  some  cases — in  cotton  and 
wool — the  program  is  a  combination  of  defi- 
ciency payments  and  tariffs  or  quotas.  In  dairy, 
it  is  a  combination  of  a  support  price  and  quotas 
and  tariff's.  In  grains,  we  use  a  certificate  pro- 
gram. Our  system  is  different  from  others  in 
that  in  many  cases  we  tie  payments  to  acreage 
reduction.  In  this  manner  we  prevent  price- 
depressing  surpluses.  The  United  States  is  the 
only  country  in  the  world  that  has  taken  on  the 
exceedingly  difficult,  politically  hazardous,  yet 
im]:)ortant  task  of  limiting  production.  If  we 
didn't  do  so,  there  would  be  a  growing  world 
surplus  in  the  grains,  cotton,  and  tobacco,  with 
resultant  international  trade  chaos.  Yet  this 
major  contribution  to  orderly  world  trade  goes 
largely  unnoticed. 

Government  support  programs  oft«n  lead  not 
only  to  import  control  but  also  to  export  assist- 
ance. The  EEC  has  such  export  assistance. 
Denmark  uses  a  two-price  system  in  which 
prices  for  products  marketed  at  home  are  held 
at  one  level,  while  exports  are  marketed  well 
below  that.  Other  countries  use  marketing 
boards  that  have  great  flexibility  in  price 



Because  of  such  programs,  just  the  other  clay 
I  had  to  make  the  very  difficuU  decision  to 
recommend  sharp  restrictions  on  imports  of 
dairy  products  into  tlie  United  States."  This 
was  not  a  pleasant  decision.  A  country  which 
exports  as  much  as  we  do  must  be  prepared  to 
import  as  well. 

But  the  dairy  trade  had  become  sick.  Under 
the  EEC  system  of  high  dairy  support  prices 
protected  by  variable  levies,  production  has 
increased  to  the  point  tliat  heavy  surpluses  of 
butter  and  cheese  are  a  glut  on  the  EEC  market. 
Under  such  circumstances,  an  EEC  export  pro- 
gram operates  almost  automatically  to  move 
these  suri^luses  out  of  the  EEC,  regardless  of 
their  impact  on  the  trade  of  more  efficient  sup- 
pliers or  on  the  economies  of  importing  coun- 
tries. EEC  butter,  produced  at  a  price  of  60  to 
65  cents  per  pound,  was  being  sold  in  the 
United  States  for  around  22  cents  per  pound. 
It  was  entering  the  United  States  as  a  butter- 
fat/sugar  mixture  in  circumvention  of  existing 
U.S.  import  controls  on  butter  and  in  quantities 
that  were  interfering  with  the  operation  of  our 
own  support  program. 

You  will  recall  that  not  too  many  years  ago 
the  United  States  also  had  burdensome  sur- 
pluses of  dairy  products.  But  we  didn't  dump 
ours  indiscriminately  into  the  international 
market.  We  stored  them  and  used  them  at  home 
in  school  lunch  programs  and  to  feed  our 
needy.  We  moved  them  abroad  only  when 
demand  was  such  that  they  did  not  disturb  the 
international  market.  It  is  a  pity  that  other 
major  producers  have  not  practiced  similar 

Orienting  Trade  to  Production  Efficiency 

It  can  be  seen,  then,  that  even  if  countries 
were  agreed  on  the  kind  of  order  they  wanted 
to  put  into  the  international  trading  system, 
the  task  of  reshaping  its  numerous  and  compli- 
cated systems  and  barriers  would  be  a  formid- 
able one.  Even  to  catalog  and  understand  them 
is  difficult.  To  deal  with  them  all  at  one  time 
in  a  comprehensive  way  is  virtually  impossible. 
This  also  we  learned  from  the  Kennedy  Round. 

How  then  can  we  deal  with  these  barriers? 
What  kind  of  plan  can  be  used?  What  should 
our  agricultural  trade  policy  be?  Ambassador 
Roth   has  mentioned   the  trade  policy  study 

"  For  text  of  Presidential  proclamation  3790  amend- 
ing the  import  restrictions  on  certain  dairy  products, 
see  32  Fed.  Reg.  9808. 

which  he  will  undertake  next  year.  This  will 
help  us  decide.  I  cannot,  of  course,  anticipate 
it.  I  can  suggest,  however,  that  he  explore  care- 
fully the  following  princijales,  which  I  think 
are  essential. 

The  underlying  objective  in  U.S.  agricultural 
trade  policy  must  continue  to  be  one  of  orient- 
ing agricultural  trade  to  production  efficiency. 
In  other  words,  those  who  can  produce  abun- 
dantly, inexpensively,  and  well  should  produce 
and  should  be  leaders  in  trade. 

There  will  be  exceptions,  of  course.  If  some 
countries  insist  on  f)roducing  at  heavy  cost 
simply  because  they  are  so  inclined  and  have  the 
money,  we  can't  prevent  them.  But  we  can 
try  in  every  way  we  laiow  to  show  them  that 
they  are  wrong  and  where  they  are  wrong  and 
try  to  get  them  to  move  toward  the  pi'inciple 
of  comparative  advantage. 

We  should  start  by  focusing  our  attention 
on  individual  products  or,  at  most,  product 
groups,  and  we  should  seek  to  deal  in  depth 
with  the  barriers  affecting  them.  I  think  we 
should  start  such  explorations  among  key  coun- 
tries in  the  very  near  future. 

Helping  the  Less  Developed  Countries 

In  the  work  that  lies  ahead  we  need  also  to 
recognize  that  the  Kennedy  Round  had  more 
significance  for  the  industrialized  nations  than 
it  had  for  the  developing  countries. 

The  United  States  tried  hard  to  make  the 
Kennedy  Round  meaningful  for  the  less  de- 
veloped countries.  In  agriculture  we  cut,  and 
in  many  cases  eliminated,  duties  on  tropical 
products  valued  at  almost  $120  million — prod- 
ucts such  as  Indian  cashew  nuts,  Brazil  nuts, 
Philippine  desiccated  coconut,  and  so  on.  We 
committed  ourselves  not  to  put  duties  on  fresh 
bananas  and  other  products  now  duty  free  to 
the  amount  of  another  $140  million.  And  we 
cut  duties  on  some  temperate  products  in  which 
the  developing  countries  have  a  trade  interest 
approaching  $70  million.  I  know  of  no  other 
area  of  the  world  that  did  as  much  in  this  way 
as  the  United  States. 

And  much  more  needs  to  be  done  along  these 
lines  by  all  tradmg  partners.  President  Jolmson 
said  last  April  at  Punta  del  Este : 

We  are  ready  to  explore  with  other  industrialized 
countries — and  with  our  own  people — the  possibility 
of  temporary  preferential  tariff  advantages  for  all 
developing  countries  in  the  markets  of  all  the  indus- 
trialized countries. 

JULY    31,    1967 


In  other  words,  there  may  need  to  be  special 
trade  pi'ograms  in  addition  to  the  special  aid 
programs  through  which  we  have  been  ex- 
tending tecluiical,  food,  and  other  forms  of 
assistance  for  a  number  of  years. 

This  is  not  something  that  will  come  about 
quickly.  But  as  part  of  the  complex  problem 
of  helping  the  less  developed  countries  to 
emerge,  we  do  need  to  be  openminded  about 
their  obvious  need  for  remunerative  markets 
for  what  they  produce.  Only  by  having  such 
markets  can  they  ever  hope  to  pay  their  own 

It  is  in  our  own  interest  that  these  nations 
grow  to  a  trade  basis.  We  are  spending  millions 
upon  millions  of  dollars  today  in  carrying  out 
our  worldwide  teclinical,  economic,  and  food  aid 
programs.  Our  objective  must  be  to  turn  this 
one-way  flow  into  a  two-way  trade  flow- — and 
the  only  way  this  can  happen  is  for  the  less  de- 
veloped countries  to  become  stronger  trading 

The  largest  potential  market  in  the  world 
lies  in  the  less  developed  countries,  with  their 
large  populations  and  largely  undeveloped  re- 
sources. We  see  evidence  of  this  market's  awak- 
ening. There  needs  to  be — and  can  be — a  general 
springing  to  life  in  country  after  country. 
Modem  man  is  an  economic  being.  There  is  no 
tonic  more  powerful  in  bringing  about  this  ac- 
tion than  available  markets  for  what  the  less 
developed  countries  have  to  sell — which,  in  turn, 
will  make  it  possible  for  them  to  buy  the  things 
they  need  from  us. 

Growing  Influence  of  American  Agriculture 

In  this  trading  world  of  the  future — which 
the  Kennedy  Round  and  its  lessons  will  help 
to  shape — I  see  American  agriculture  playing 
an  even  more  extensive  role  in  feeding  and 
clothing  the  world  than  it  is  playing  today.  And 
I  see  this  role  carried  out  increasingly  through 
commercial,  dollar-earning  export  trade. 

As  I  said  earlier,  during  the  fiscal  year  just 
ended  we  exported  a  new  record  value  of  $6.8 
billion  worth  of  agricultural  products.  A  record 
$5.4  billion  of  this  was  in  dollar-earning 
commercial  sales. 

A  total  of  $8  billion  in  U.S.  agricultural  ex- 
ports by  1970  is  a  target  we  expect  to  reach. 
And  we  will  go  on  from  there,  I  predict,  with 
$10  billion  in  U.S.  agricultural  exports  by  1980. 

Further,  I  look  for  the  big  increases  to  take 
place  in  the  dollar-earning  type  of  exports 

which,  as  my  friend  Secretary  Fowler  has  said, 
are  givi:ig  timely  and  strategic  assistance  to  our 
nation's  balance  of  payments. 

Part  of  this  continuing  advance  in  our  agri- 
cultural exports  will  come  about  through  con- 
tinued lowering  of  trade  barriers  throughout 
the  world.  Our  products  are  competitive  and 
they  are  needed.  In  many  countries  the  continu- 
ing pressure  for  supplies  will  override  pressures 
for  self-sufficiency. 

And  as  trade  barriers  are  eased,  we  will  con- 
tinue— as  we  are  doing — to  follow  up  with  ag- 
gressive market  development  actions.  The  De- 
partment of  Agi'iculture  is  teamed  today  with 
U.S.  trade  and  agricutural  groups  to  promote 
sales  of  our  farm  products  in  more  than  70 
countries.  This  work  is  effective  and  is  one  of 
the  strong  reasons  for  my  optimistic  predictions. 

As  an  example  of  this  export  promotion,  I 
am  announcing  today  that  the  Department  of 
Agriculture  and  our  many  trade  and  agricul- 
tural cooperators  will  present  a  major  agricul- 
tural trade  exhibit  in  Tokyo  next  spring — 
April  5  to  21,  1968.  This  will  be  one  of  our 
largest  overseas  promotion  events  in  our  largest 
export  market.  Japan,  as  you  may  know,  now 
buys  nearly  $1  billion  worth  of  our  farm  prod- 
ucts annually.  From  this  exhibition  we  will 
strengthen  further  Japan's  obvious  good  will 
toward  U.S.  food  and  agricultural  products. 
And,  more  tangibly,  we  hope  to  see  Japan  con- 
tinue to  increase  its  purchases  fi'om  us,  with  $1 
billion  only  an  interim  milestone. 

American  agriculture  has  immense  and  grow- 
ing influence  in  world  affairs  today.  This  influ- 
ence will  grow  as  world  population  and  incomes 
rise  and  demand  is  strengtliened  for  the  food 
and  fiber  we  can  produce  with  such  efficiency. 

But  trade,  ultimately,  is  the  conduit  through 
which  the  bounty  we  produce  can  reach  foreign 
consumers.  Fundamental  to  that  trade  is  the 
extent  to  which  the  world  allows  comparative 
advantage  to  function. 

The  Kennedy  Round  resolved  only  some  of 
agriculture's  trade  problems.  Many  remain.  But 
I  think  the  Kennedy  Round  did  help  to  clarify 
the  thinking  of  our  own  participants  and  of 
our  trading  partners.  It  gave  us  new  insight 
and  perspective  as  we  try  again. 

And  we  must  try  again  and  keep  trying.  Only 
as  trade  in  food  and  agricultural  products  is 
allowed  to  flow  in  a  relatively  unrestricted  man- 
ner will  the  world's  people  sliare,  as  they  should 
and  must,  in  all  the  good  things  that  modern 
science  and  technology  can  make  available. 




Address   by  Under  Secretary   Reynolds 

Our  business  in  the  Labor  Department  is  em- 
ployment— and  every  billion  dollars  of  goods 
we  export  supports  close  to  100,000  jobs.  We 
are  encouraged  with  the  outcome  of  the  Ken- 
nedy Round.  "We  believe  that  the  substantial 
tariff  reductions  which  will  become  effective 
over  the  next  5  years  will  encourage  expansion 
of  U.S.  exports  and  enable  us  to  preserve  and 
expand  export-related  employment  opportuni- 
ties in  the  United  States. 

In  total,  we  do  not  anticipate  any  unmanage- 
able situations  of  labor  dislocation  resulting 
from  the  stimulus  of  increased  imports,  al- 
though it  could  be  that  particular  firms  and 
groups  of  workers  may  be  adversely  affected. 
The  combination  of  gi-adual  implementation  of 
tariff  reductions  over  a  5-year  period  and  rap- 
idly expanding  manpower  programs,  in  addi- 
tion to  adjustment  assistance,  will  enable  work- 
ers and  firms  to  adjust  to  increased  imports  with 
minimum  personal  and  corporate  losses. 

Our  current  balance-of-payments  difficulty  is 
not  the  only  reason  for  U.S.  industry  to  make 
special  efforts  to  increase  U.S.  exports. 

Another  reality  with  significant  implications 
for  domestic  employment  lies  in  the  fact  that 
over  the  years,  as  U.S.  productivity  and  effi- 
ciency improve,  the  American  manufacturer 
uses  less  and  less  labor  per  unit  of  manufacture. 
Consequently,  we  have  to  accelerate  output  in 
manufacturing  just  to  maintain  employment 
growth  in  manufacturing.  For  example,  be- 
tween 1960  and  196.5  output  in  manufacturing 
increased  by  about  34  percent.  However,  during 
the  same  period  employment  in  manufacturing 
only  increased  by  about  7  percent. 

We  are  not  complaining,  mind  you !  We  are 
aware  that  employment  patterns  are  constantly 
undergoing  change.  During  that  same  period, 
while  the  U.S.  labor  force  was  increasing  by 
about  .5  million  workers,  the  number  of  unem- 
ployed dropped  almost  one-half  million  and 
the  unemployment  rate  declined  a  full  per- 
centage point  to  an  average  of  4.5  percent  in 
1965.  We  did  considerably  better  in  1966,  when 
the  unemployment  rate  dropped  to  3.8  per- 
cent— the  first  time  it  has  averaged  below  4 
percent  for  a  year  since  1953.  And  we  hope  to 
improve  upon  that  in  the  future. 

The  efficiency  of  American  labor  and  industry 
showed  vip  closer  to  home,  also.  Productivity 

improvements  in  the  1960-65  period  permitted 
U.S.  workers  to  realize  most  of  their  increased 
earnings  in  increased  real  income,  since  price 
levels  remained  relatively  stable  while  gross 
weekly  earnings  increased  considerably. 

The  efficiency  of  American  labor  and  industry 
shows  up  in  another  critical  measure,  particu- 
larly in  reference  to  our  ability  to  benefit  from 
the  reciprocal  elimination  of  trade  barriers.  Be- 
tween 1960  and  1965,  unit  labor  costs  in  manu- 
facturing declined  by  about  2  percent  in  the 
United  States.  Only  Canada  showed  signs  of 
matching  that  performance.  For  our  other  ma- 
jor trading  partners,  we  note  that  unit  labor 
cost  increased  about  16  percent  for  the  United 
Kingdom,  about  8  percent  for  Sweden,  20  per- 
cent for  Japan,  and  between  25  and  37  percent 
for  France,  Germany,  and  the  Netherlands. 

But  the  considerable  economic  gi-owth  and  in- 
tegration achieved  by  the  countries  of  the 
European  Economic  Community  and  the  Euro- 
pean Free  Trade  Association  suggest  that  they 
will  also  achieve  the  ability  to  improve  their 
cost  perfonnance  in  the  future. 

We  are  confident,  however,  that  we  can  con- 
tinue to  improve  our  relative  competitive  posi- 
tion in  world  markets  under  our  free  economic 
and  political  institutions. 

Developments  in  the  Common  Market  and 
the  European  Free  Trade  Association  made  it 
increasingly  imperative  to  successfully  conclude 
the  Kennedy  Round  negotiations.  Both  trading 
blocs  have  made  considerable  progress  in  the 
elimination  of  internal  barriers  to  trade.  EFTA 
has  no  tariffs  between  member  countries,  and 
the  Common  Market  is  scheduled  to  eliminate 
all  internal  tariff  barriers  on  July  1,  1968.  In 
1966,  the  combined  GNP  of  both  of  these  re- 
gional trading  blocs  exceeded  $500  billion. 
Their  internal  markets  are  expanding  and,  like 
the  United  States  market,  offer  tremendous  op- 
portunities for  manufacturers  to  increase  out- 
put at  lower  costs. 

Both  of  the  trading  blocs  maintain  tariff  and 
nontariff  barriers  against  U.S.  exports  which, 
in  conjunction  with  productivity  impovements 
to  be  expected  from  economic  development  and 
integration,  could  have  serious  implications  for 
the  expansion  of  U.S.  exports  and  the  degree 
and  nature  of  import  competition  in  U.S. 

It  seems  reasonable  to  assume  that  the  tariff 
and  nontariff  barrier  reductions  negotiated  in 
the  Kennedy  Round,  and  the  dynamic  impetus 
created  for  the  elimination  of  remaining  tariff 

JULY    31,    1967 


and  nontariff  barriers  in  the  future,  will  prevent 
both  export  restriction  and  trade  diversion  fi'oin 

We  are  trying  here  to  identify  labor's  stake 
in  the  Kennedy  Round  witliin  a  dynamic  world 
of  changing  political  and  economic  conditions. 

We  cannot  afford  to  be  complacent  in  such 
a  changing  world.  In  fact,  we  stand  to  benefit 
considerably  by  participating  in  and  shaping 
the  changes  that  take  place.  I  say  again  that 
we  expect  the  benefits  of  the  Kennedy  Eomid 
to  outweigh  the  cost  of  such  temporary  dis- 
locations as  may  occur  when  competition 
increases.  Our  present  stake  in  foreign  trade  is 

Export-Related  Employment  in  Manufacturing 

In  1965,  about  2.4  million  jobs  in  manufac- 
turing were  attributable  to  U.S.  exports  of 
merchandise  and  another  half  million  at- 
tributable to  exports  of  services.  Nearly  7 
percent  of  total  manufacturing  employment 
was  related  to  the  export  of  goods  and  services. 
In  the  manufacturing  sector,  about  10  percent 
of  the  machinery  industries'  employment  is 
export  related — for  the  engine  and  turbine  seg- 
ment the  ratio  is  20  percent.  About  10  percent 
of  industry  employment  was  export  related  in 
the  lumber  and  paper  industries;  9  percent  for 
scientific  and  measuring  instrinnents  industry; 
10  percent  for  aircraft;  and  14  and  16  percent, 
respectively,  for  the  chemical  and  synthetic 
materials  industries. 

We  emphasize  manufacturing  employment 
because  it  is  generally  high-wage  employ- 
ment compared  to  other  industry  employment 
and  because  it  constitutes  about  30  percent 
of  total  nonagricultural  employment. 

In  1966,  gross  weekly  earnings  in  manu- 
facturing averaged  about  $112,  compared  to 
an  average  of  $61  and  $79,  respectively,  for 
employment  in  personal  service  occupations 
and  wholesale  and  retail  trade,  which  together 
constituted  about  36  percent  of  total  nonagri- 
cultural employment. 

Further,  wages  in  our  chief  export  indus- 
tries, such  as  the  chemicals,  aircraft,  and 
machinery  industries,  are  about  10  to  30  percent 
higher  than  the  average  weekly  earnings  for 
manufacturing  as  a  whole. 

So  if  the  past  and  the  present  are  any 
guide    to    the    future,    the    stake    we    have 

in  the  Kennedy  Round  is  high-wage  and 
high-quality  employment  opportunities  and 
everything  that  implies  for  a  better  standard 
of  life  for  all  Americans. 

The  role  of  imports  is  another  area  which 
we  want  to  discuss  frankly  and  constructively. 

We  sometimes  hear  the  viewpoint  expressed 
that  if  we  cut  off  or  sharply  reduce  imports  of 
a  competitive  product,  employment  and  output 
in  the  domestic  industry  concerned  would  auto- 
matically increase.  By  implication,  this  argu- 
ment could  be  read  to  suggest  an  increase  in 
overall  employment  as  well. 

A  complex  and  dynamic  economy  such  as  ours 
does  not  operate  quite  that  simply.  There  may 
be  particular  cases  where  such  a  simple  rela- 
tionship might  hold,  but  in  an  environment  in 
which  national  policies  are  geared  to  achieve 
and  maintain  full  employment  and  economic  sta- 
bility, such  generalizations  cannot  be  sustained. 

Trade  flows  fi'om  countiy  to  country  in  the 
free  world  are  reciprocal  in  nature.  A  restric- 
tive act  taken  by  one  country  tends  to  be 
matched  by  a  restrictive  response  by  other  coun- 
tries. The  net  effect  of  such  acts  is  most  often 
a  contraction  in  world  trade. 

The  economic  effects  of  such  a  contraction 
would  ultimately  be  a  reduction,  relative  or  ac- 
tual, in  exports  from  the  United  States,  the 
country  with  the  world's  largest  trade  volume. 

Foreign  countries  generally  pay  for  goods  in 
dollars  which  they  acquire  directly  or  indirectly 
from  the  United  States  as  a  result  of  foreign 
goods  being  sold  to  the  United  States.  By  re- 
stricting foreign  access  to  U.S.  markets,  we 
would  limit  the  dollars  that  are  available  to 
buyers  who  are  potential  customers  of  U.S.  busi- 
ness. The  effects  could  also  extend  to  the  loss  of 
overseas  markets  where  U.S.  businessmen  are 
now  facing  more  aggressive  competition  from 
third  countries  and  from  domestic  industry  in 
the  countries  involved. 

In  this  era  of  close  and  complex  interna- 
tional trade  and  economic  relationships,  conse- 
quences of  measures  which  restrict  imports  are 
most  likely  to  have  a  detrimental  impact  on 
U.S.  exports  and,  by  extension,  on  employment 
in  export  industries,  where  wages  tend  to  be 

My  point  is  that  consideration  of  proposals 
to  restrict  imports  for  the  benefit  of  a  single 
industry  must  be  examined  in  the  perepective 



of  the  total  national  interest  as  it  relates  to 
emploj'ment,  prices,  and  output. 

We  must  always  be  alert  to  situations  which 
migfht  culminate  in  widespread  and  umnanage- 
able  unemployment.  Fortunately,  our  experience 
suggests  that  serious  employment  dislocation 
which  can  be  attributed  to  import  competition 
is  relatively  rare  and  can  be  accommodated  by 
the  present  national  and  international  trade 

Imports  play  a  critical  role  in  our  complex 
economy.  Not  long  ago  layoffs  were  reported 
in  the  copper  and  brass  products  industry  be- 
cause of  tight  supplies  of  copper.  Considerable 
price  pressures  were  reported  to  exist  in  the 
stainless  steel  industry  because  of  nickel  short- 
ages. We  note  also  a  tendency  for  imports  to 
increase  when  there  is  a  possibility  of  an  inter- 
ruption to  output  arising  from  collective  bar- 
gaining negotiations  or  other  causes. 

Therefore,  we  find  it  difficult  to  accept  the 
simple  relationship  that  is  implied  in  a  state- 
ment tliat  total  employment  can  be  increased 
if  we  produce  domestically  what  we  now  import 
in  considerable  quantities,  even  if  we  do  have 
the  capability  of  making  the  product. 

Benefits  to  Labor  and  Nation  as  a  Whole 

Import  competition,  like  any  competition, 
stimulates  change.  Such  change  may  cause  dis- 
placement of  labor  which  will  vary  in  duration 
depending  on  the  speed  of  the  change,  the 
adaptability  of  the  displaced  worker,  and 
the  availability  of  alternative  emisloyment 

While  we  think  it  reasonable  to  assume  that 
imports,  as  a  competitive  factor,  may  contribute 
toward  displacements  of  labor  and  capital,  the 
analytical  arts  have  not  advanced  sufficiently 
to  permit  us  to  measure  with  any  precision  the 
impact  of  imports.  In  a  sense  Congress  recog- 
nized this  when  it  included  the  adjustment 
assistance  provisions  in  the  Trade  Expansion 
Act.  These  provisions  are  based  on  the  premise 
that  no  single  group  should  bear  the  burden 
of  injury  that  might  result  from  an  interna- 
tional policy  that  benefits  the  nation  as  a  whole 
and  that  the  determination  of  possible  injury 
due  to  imports  can  best  be  made  after  close 
examination  of  particular  cases. 

Aside  from  the  employment  opportunities 
which  are  related  to  the  international  exchange 

of  goods  and  services,  there  are  the  benefits  that 
accrue  to  consumers  with  respect  to  the  variety 
of  products  available  in  the  marketplace  and  the 
less  obvious  benefits  which  accrue  f  i-om  the  stim- 
ulus of  worldwide  competition  on  the  basis  of 
price,  quality,  and  technology. 

The  conclusion  we  reach  is  that  the  benefits 
which  accrue  to  labor  and  the  Nation  as  a  whole 
as  a  consequence  of  our  foreign  trade  are  such 
that  we  look  to  future  trade  expansion  resulting 
from  the  Kennedy  Round  agreements  with  op- 
timism that  the  net  result  will  be  more  employ- 
ment at  higher  wages  than  would  otherwise  have 
been  the  case  had  the  agreement  been  anything 
less  than  it  is. 

Programs  To  Assist  Vulnerable   Industries 

Before  closing,  I  want  to  remind  you  of  two 
programs  which  we  think  equitably  protect  and 
assist  the  legitimate  interests  of  industries  most 
viilnerable  to  import  competition  and  which  fa- 
cilitate the  expansion  of  world  trade. 

The  first  and  more  active  program  is  that 
required  as  a  result  of  our  participation  in 
the  Long-Term  Cotton  Textile  Arrangement 
(LTA).  A  3-year  extension  of  the  LTA  was 
negotiated  within  the  framework  of  the  Ken- 
nedy Round.  The  Arrangement,  over  the  years, 
has  permitted  a  limited  and  gradual  growth  of 
imports  in  a  mamier  which  avoided  disruption 
in  the  domestic  market.  The  LTA  has  been  an 
important  factor  in  stabilizing  emplojanent 
conditions  in  the  industr}'  and  in  encouraging 
considerable  imi^rovements  in  teclmology  and 
capital  investment  to  be  reflected  in  improved 
productivity  and  wages  of  workers  in  the  in- 

The  second  program  I  would  note  is  the  ad- 
justment assistance  program  for  firms  and 
groups  of  workers,  one  of  the  major  innovations 
of  the  Trade  Expansion  Act. 

The  adjustment  assistance  concept  is  that  it 
makes  more  sense  to  try  to  improve  the  pro- 
ductivity of  resources  displaced  or  subject  to 
displacement  as  a  consequence  of  import  com- 
petition than  to  restrict  imports  by  means  of 
higher  tariffs  or  quotas — since  under  the  latter 
there  is  no  assurance  that  the  necessary  improve- 
ments will  be  made  to  allow  the  firm  or  indus- 
try and  associated  workers  to  compete  with  im- 
ports or  other  domestic  competition. 

Adjustment  assistance  for  woi'kers  consists  of 
a  combination  of  monetary  payments  called 

JULY    31,    1967 


trade  readjustment  allowances,  which  are  based 
on  the  worker's  past  earning  experience  and 
limited  to  a  maximum  of  65  jjercent  of  tlie  aver- 
age weekly  wage  in  manufacturing  employ- 
ment; training  and  retraining  opportunities; 
and  relocation  allowances  to  assist  heads  of 
houseliolds  to  move  to  new  locations  where  there 
is  certainty  of  employment. 

Tlie  desire  to  encourage  improved  produc- 
tivity is  illustrated  by  the  emphasis  Congress 
placed  on  training.  Under  the  act,  if  a  worker 
refuses  to  avail  himself  of  suitable  available 
training  opportmiities,  he  can  be  denied  other 
adjustment  assistance.  The  emphasis  on  train- 
ing is  well  placed.  We  all  know  from  experience 
that  the  worker  who  is  able  to  adapt  to,  and 
take  advantage  of,  change  has  the  best  chance 
to  enjoy  a  lifetime  of  rising  income  and  stable 
employment.  This  program  benefits  all  of  us  in 
the  long  run  since  by  improving  skills  and 
worker  productivity  we  increase  our  ability  to 
expand  the  national  product  and  thus  make  pos- 
sible liigher  living  standards  for  us  all. 

Under  the  Trade  Expansion  Act,  the  Tariff 
Commission  is  responsible  for  making  the  in- 
itial decisions  which  determine  whether  firms 
or  workers  might  be  eligible  to  receive  adjust- 
ment assistance.  Only  five  worker  groups  and 
five  firms  attempted  to  obtain  adjustment  as- 
sistance under  the  Trade  Expansion  Act,  and 
none  of  these  groups  or  firms  were  found  by 
the  Tariff  Commission  to  meet  the  criteria  for 
eligibility  for  adjustment  assistance  presently 
in  the  act.  This  experience  has  made  both  the 
administration  and  the  Congress  aware  of  the 
need  to  modify  the  criteria  so  that  the  objective 
of  the  program  relating  to  workers  and  firms 
can  be  more  fully  achieved. 

We  have  had  experience  with  the  adjustment 
assistance  program  under  the  Automotive  Prod- 
ucts Trade  Act  which  implements  the  U.S.- 
Canadian auto  agreement.  In  18  months  of  op- 
eration of  the  program,  about  2,000  individual 
workers  filed  for  benefits,  of  whom  about  1,100 
were  found  to  satisfy  the  eligibility  require- 
ments and  subsequently  received  adjustment 
assistance  benefits. 

The  adjustment  assistance  benefits  available 
to  workers  under  the  auto  act  are  identical  to 
those  provided  in  the  Trade  Expansion  Act, 
although  the  procedures  for  gaining  access  to 
the  program  and  the  criteria  for  determining 
worker  and  firm  eligibility  are  substantially  dif- 
ferent. Under  the  auto  act,  the  Tariff'  Commis- 
sion conducts  an  investigation  as  to  the  facts  of 
the  situation.  The  Automotive  Adjustment  As- 
sistance Board,  made  up  of  the  Secretaries  of 
Labor,  Commerce,  and  Treasury,  makes  the  de- 
terminations of  eligibility  for  groujas  of  work- 
ers and  firms. 

We  believe  that  adjustment  assistance  is  an 
effective  way  to  assist  workers  and  firms  to 
adapt  to  changing  economic  conditions.  It  is  in 
this  spirit  that  the  administration  will  be  ask- 
ing the  Congress  to  amend  the  Trade  Expan- 
sion Act  to  insure  that  the  intent  and  promise 
of  the  adjustment  assistance  program  can  be 
realized  by  workers  and  firms  who  have  been 
displaced  because  of  import  competition. 

To  conclude,  I  would  like  to  leave  you  with 
this  brief  summary  of  our  stake  in  the  Kennedy 
Round :  job  opportunities ;  higher  wages ;  stable 
and  rising  incomes;  and  in  the  case  of  disloca- 
tions resulting  from  import  competition,  the 
opportunity  to  improve  the  skills  and  earnings 
potential  of  displaced  workers. 



".  .  .  NATO  is  not  only  moving,  tag  and  haggage,  from  the 
Porte  Dauphine  in  Paris  to  the  old  Evere  airfield  in  Brussels; 
NATO  is  also  moving  from,  peaceJeeeping  to  peacemaking,  from 
the  mMnageTTient  of  a  cold  war  to  the  management  of  detente!''' 

The  Golden  Rule  of  Consultation 

hy  Ilarlan  Cleveland 

U.S.  Permanent  Representative  on  the  NATO  Council'^ 

In  the  Paris  suburb  of  Versailles  a  few 
months  ago,  a  touring  company  put  on  Peter 
Ustinov's  aging  allegorical  play  The  Love  of 
Four  Colonels.  You  may  recall  that  m  this  play 
four  officers — French,  British,  Ajnerican,  and 
Soviet  colonels — vie  for  a  lady's  hand ;  the  lady 
is  perfection.  Each  fails,  because  perfection  is 
unattainable;  and  Dr.  Diabolikov,  who  is 
Ustinov's  version  of  the  Devil,  offers  them  a 
new  proposition.  They  can,  he  says,  go  to  sleep 
for  a  hundred  years  and  awaken  with  perfec- 
tion in  their  grasp. 

As  they  debate  the  issue,  the  Soviet  officer 
says  he  is  a  pragmatist;  he  is  intei'ested  not  in 
horizons  but  in  breathing.  The  American  is 
attracted  to  oblivion;  he  is  disgusted  with  his 
wife  and,  anyway,  he  needs  the  rest.  Yet  as  he 
considers  the  choice,  he  thinks  of  one  good  rea- 
son to  stay  alive  in  the  world  of  today. 
""V^Tierever  you  have  a  Russian,"  he  says,  "it's  a 
good  idea  to  have  an  American." 

In  the  Versailles  production  this  line  was 
greeted  with  spontaneous  and  sustained  ap- 
plause. A  member  of  the  road-show  company 
said  afterward  that  it  invariably  evokes  a  cheer 
from  French  audiences,  even  in  cities  where  the 
Communist  vote  is  strong. 

There  is  a  little  mystery  about  this  applause 
line  in  the  French  version  of  The  Love  of  Four 
Colonels.  It  is  not  in  the  published  play  and  was 
apparently  added  somewhere  along  the  line — 
perhaps  with  the  object  of  stirring  up  the  audi- 

'  Made  before  the  American  Business  Men's  Club  at 
Bonn  on  June  20. 

ence  and  making  a  political  point.  But  what- 
ever its  origin,  its  anonymous  a.uthor  captured 
in  a  short,  simple  sentence  what  most  Euro- 
peans and  most  Americans  know  has  been  the 
practical  basis  for  peace  in  our  time :  "Wherever 
you  have  a  Eussian,  it's  a  good  idea  to  have  an 

This  sure-fire  applause  line  is  still,  regret- 
tably, as  relevant  as  ever.  As  long  as  the  Rus- 
sians continue  to  invest  an  impressive  propor- 
tion of  their  whole  budget  in  the  most  modern 
machinery  of  war,  Americans  are  obliged  to  as- 
sume that  the  only  sure  restraint  on  Soviet 
leaders  is  their  continuing  to  feel  that  recourse 
to  force  or  the  threat  of  force  risks  setting  in 
motion  an  escalator  beyond  their  control  and 
leading  to  military  retaliation  against  the  So- 
viet Union  itself. 

Wliat  makes  it  possible  for  Americans  to  stay 
in  Europe  and  work  with  Europeans  for  Euro- 
pean security  is  a  complex  of  transatlantic  rela- 
tionships called  NATO.  You  all  know  about 
NATO — or  don't  you  ?  I  find  that  almost  every- 
body I  know  has  touched  NATO  at  one  time  or 
another  and  come  away  with  some  image  in  his 
mind  about  the  Atlantic  alliance. 

But  most  of  these  images  date  from  5  or  10 
or  15  years  ago.  There  are  "experts"  who  have 
written  sensibly  about  NATO  but  who  are  writ- 
ing nonsense  these  days  because  they  haven't 
bothered  to  glance  recently  at  the  enormous 
changes  which  time  and  circumstances  and  At- 
lantic politics  have  wrought  in  the  past  2  years. 
How  often  have  I  read  the  words  of  a  lazy  com- 
mentator, who  has  not  been  near  the  NATO 
building  for  years,  telling  the  alliance  not  to  be 

JTJLT    31,    1967 


so  lazy  ?  How  often  have  we  heard  some  critic, 
cherishing  his  archaic  notion  of  what  NATO  is, 
filling  his  allotted  space  in  the  newspaper  with 
exhortations  to  bring  the  Atlantic  alliance  up 
to  date  ? 

Nobody  seems  to  doubt  that  NATO  has  bril- 
liantly succeeded  in  its  tirst  task,  which  was  to 
persuade  the  Soviets  that  military  militancy 
would  not  pay  oif  in  Europe.  Not  long  ago  the 
President  of  the  United  States  called  NATO  the 
world's  greatest  peacekeeping  force.  Yet  now 
some  people  of  the  Atlantic  world,  especially 
yoimg  people,  it  is  said,  are  bored  by  the  mili- 
tary security  of  Europe;  they  don't  remember 
the  last  war,  and  they  are  repelled  by  the  cold 
war.  What  has  this  antique  alliance  done  for 
us  lately?  they  ask.  NATO  is  somehow  con- 
demned by  the  18-year-olds  because  it  is  18 
years  old. 

Must  NATO  die  so  young  in  the  hearts  of  the 
young?  Surely  one  should  ask  first  what  it  is 
about  our  Nortli  Atlantic  alliance  that  remains 
relevant  to  this  final  third  of  the  20th  century — 
who  would  perform  its  peacekeeping  function 
if  it  were  to  disappear — and  what  new  tasks  this 
group  of  European  and  North  American  allies 
are  already  beginning  to  tackle  in  its  new  and 
unfamiliar  environment  of  cUtente. 

For  NATO  is  not  only  moving,  bag  and  bag- 
gage, fi-om  the  Porte  Dauphine  in  Paris  to  the 
old  Evere  airfield  in  Brassels;  NATO  is  also 
moving  from  peacekeeping  to  peacemaking, 
from  the  management  of  a  cold  war  to  the 
management  of  detente. 

The   Deterrent   Force  of  NATO 

To  those  who  feel  that  peace  is  already  as- 
sured by  Soviet  statements  and  current  Soviet 
behavior,  I  can  only  recommend  they  lay  off  the 
tranquilizers  and  take  a  wake-vip  pill  instead. 
Once  the  eyes  are  fully  opened,  I  suggest  a  close 
look  at  the  raw  facts  of  Soviet  military  power 
and  the  rising  Soviet  investments  in  the  sophis- 
ticated machinery  of  war.  The  U.S.S.R.  today 
has  more  strategic  missiles,  in  better  hardened 
sites,  than  ever  before.  It  has  more  firepower 
in  Eastern  Europe,  including  Eastern  Germany, 
than  it  has  ever  had  there  before.  It  has  a  bigger 
naval  presence  in  the  Mediterranean  this  week 
than  it  has  e^er  had  there  before.  All  in  all,  a 
sober  appraisal  of  what  the  Soviets  could  do  to 
us  is  quite  enough  to  justify  maintaining  and 

modernizing  the  deterrent  that  dissuades  tliem       i 
from  doing  it. 

NATO  was  built  because  the  Soviet  leaders  of 
two  decades  ago  plainly  respected  nothing  but 
force  in  the  realm  of  international  affairs.  The 
story  goes  that  Stalin,  when  he  w.xs  informed 
of  the  interest  of  the  Vatican  in  a  certain  matter, 
abruptly  stopped  the  conversation  by  posing  a 
question :  How  many  divisions  has  the  Pope  ? 
The  story  may  be  apocryphal,  but  it  accurately 
describes  the  reigning  opinion  in  the  ruling 
circles  of  the  Kremlin  in  quite  recent  times.  This 
illusory  notion  that  force  is  everything  was 
tested,  and  found  wanting,  by  a  whole  genera- 
tion of  Soviet  leaders  in  a  whole  series  of  crises 
from  Berlin  to  Korea  to  Cuba  to  Berlin  again. 

Tlie  critical  reason  these  tests  failed  was 
NATO.  Allied  policy  and  integrated  readiness 
proved  several  times  over  to  Soviet  leaders  that 
military  militancy  does  not  pay  off  in  Europe. 
They  tested  our  force — three  times  in  Berlin 
alone — and  found  there  was  enough  of  it  to 
make  armed  adventure  too  dangerous  a  course 
to  suit  men  of  power  who  are  also  men  of  pru- 
dence. They  tested  our  will,  too — to  see  if  we 
could  hold  together  under  pressure — and  found 
that  we  could  and  would. 

As  a  result  of  these  cold-war  experiences — 
and  in  response  to  moderating  trends  witliin  So- 
viet society — the  Russian  leaders  of  today  are 
noticeably  more  restrained  and  less  interested 
in  working  themselves  into  dangerous  con- 
frontations. And  so,  without  speculating  on 
what  else  the  current  Soviet  leaders  may  have 
come  to  respect,  we  can  stress  that  the  experience 
of  i-ecent  years  confirms  that  the  Soviet  Union 
does,  in  fact,  respect  force  and  beliaves  accord- 

As  long  as  we  maintain  a  credible  peacekeep- 
ing force,  we  may  reasonably  expect  the  Soviet 
Union  to  maintain  a  policy  of  prudent  restraint 
in  the  conduct  of  its  European  policy.  And  with 
a  decent  restraint  prevailing  on  both  sides,  we 
have  reason  to  liope  that  agreements  are  possible 
for  making  the  present  stalemate  of  forces  in- 
creasingly stable,  more  tightly  controlled;  in 
time,  perhaps,  tlie  stalemate  can  be  maintained 
by  agreement  or  example  at  lower  levels  of 
ready  armed  force,  and  thus  at  lower  cost.  And 
as  this  goes  on  we  may  reach  a  state  of  political 
detente  in  which,  for  the  first  time  since  before 
those  impatient  18-year-olds  were  born,  we  may 
be  able  to  tackle  and  resolve  the  fundamental 



political  issues  which  still  divide  Europe  and 
threaten  the  general  peace. 

Thus  the  respect  which  Soviet  leaders  accord 
to  the  force  represented  by  NATO  becomes  a 
startinij  point  for  defining  the  changing  tasks  of 
the  alliance  in  the  years  ahead. 

From   Military   Deterrent  to   Political   Detente 

As  we  set  about  to  parlay  our  credible  military 
deterrent  to  a  credible  political  detente,  the  first 
requirement  is  therefore  to  maintain  the  deter- 
rent itself  during  the  period  of  detente.  We  will 
need  our  ready  armed  strength  to  persuade  the 
Soviets  to  talk  sense.  We  will  need  it  to  keep 
them  talking  when  the  going  gets  rough.  And  we 
will  need  it  to  keep  honest  whatever  bargains 
can  be  struck  for  a  durable  peace  in  Europe. 

The  first  signs  of  detente — brought  about  by 
NATO  and  Conmiunist  evolution — are  welcome 
indeed,  if  not  yet  very  impressive.  So  far,  the 
change  in  East-AVest  relations  is  mostly  atmos- 
pheric, compounded  of  one  part  Commiuiist  cos- 
metics and  two  parts  Western  wish-thinking. 
In  the  North  Atlantic  Council  the  other  day,  we 
took  the  pulse  of  this  detente  and  concluded  that 
it  is  not  a  marriage  nor  an  engagement,  or  even 
a  liaison,  but  a  kind  of  flirtation,  with  the  West 
taking  most  of  the  initiative. 

It  is  always  dangerous,  of  course,  to  act  in  the 
present  as  if  the  desired  future  had  already 
arrived.  Our  desire  for  permanent  peace  in 
Europe  is  so  strong  in  the  West  that  we  tend  to 
overreact  to  what  our  would-be  Eastern  friends 
say  and  do  from  month  to  month.  If  they  smile, 
we  are  elated.  If  they  frown,  we  are  depressed. 
A  year  ago,  the  prevailing  opinion  in  Europe 
was  that  instant  detente  was  just  aroiuid  the 
corner;  nothing  very  exciting  had  happened 
yet,  but  it  did  seem  that  the  Soviets  and  Eastern 
Europeans  wei'e  less  belligerent  and  more  ready 
to  talk  sense  than  they  had  been  at  any  time 
since  the  Second  World  War. 

But  then  the  willingness  in  the  West  was 
blunted  by  a  series  of  Communist  counter- 
measures — the  East  German  and  Soviet  re- 
action to  the  resumption  of  relations  Ijetween 
Romania  and  the  Federal  Republic,  the  bog- 
ging-down  of  proposals  for  a  code  of  conduct  on 
East -West  relations,  the  lack  of  Soviet  response 
so  far  to  our  efforts  to  engage  them  in  talks  on 
antiballistic  missiles,  and  the  hard  line  of 
Brezhnev's  [Leonid  I.  Brezhnev,  General  Sec- 

retary of  the  Communist  Party  of  the  U.S.S.R.] 
speech  at  the  Karlovy  Vary  Conference  toward 
the  end  of  April. 

It  was  in  that  speech,  you  recall,  that  Brezh- 
nev asked  us  to  dissolve  NATO  and  said  they 
would  in  turn  dissolve  the  Warsaw  Pact.  The 
Soviets  may  well  close  down  the  Wai-saw  Pact 
anyway ;  it  has  never  been  anything  but  a  cover 
for  Soviet  military  domination  of  its  neighbors, 
and  it  has  no  political  role.  I  can  well  under- 
stand why  Mr.  Brezhnev  would  want  us  to 
abolish  NATO;  it's  the  same  reason  that  per- 
suades us  to  maintain  it:  that  in  the  face  of 
Soviet  military  power  a  durable  East-West 
detente  can  be  built  only  on  a  durable  Western 

These  disappointments  in  Europe  are  now 
compounded  by  Soviet  involvement  in  the  Mid- 
dle East  crisis.  While  the  two  main  subjects  of 
international  attention  were  a  limited  war  in 
Viet-Nam  and  a  limited  peace  in  Europe,  it  was 
just  barely  possible  to  believe  in  a  Soviet  Union 
that  relaxes  tensions  in  Europe  while  helping 
to  maintain  them  in  the  Far  East.  But  with 
Soviet  involvement  in  two  crises  outside  the 
NATO  area,  plus  all  the  signs  of  a  hardening 
line  on  Europe  and  nuclear  issues,  the  optimists 
who  heralded  detente  last  year  have  become 
the  pessimists  who  now  fear  that  detente  is  indi- 
visible after  all. 

I  suggest  that  the  earlier  elation  and  the  cur- 
rent depression  are  equally  overdrawn.  We 
were  not  as  close  to  enduring  peace  with  the 
Soviets  as  many  people  thought  we  were  a  year 
ago.  And  we  are  not  as  far  from  peace  with  the 
Soviets  today  as  this  season's  events  would  make 
it  appear.  It  is  futile  to  take  the  temperature  of 
Eastern  intentions  every  hour  on  the  hour  and 
keep  adjusting  our  Western  moods  and  actions 
accoi'dingly.  Onr  problem  is  to  move  steadily 
along  the  rough  and  erratic  road  toward  East- 
West  conciliation  and  a  lasting  European  set- 
tlement. The  zigzag  course  of  Soviet  behavior 
is  not  all  the  Machiavellian  tactics  of  leaders 
who  know  exactly  wha.t  they  are  doing.  Some  of 
it  is  sunply  a  reflection  of  how  very  hard  it  is  for 
totalitarian  leaders  to  relax  and  normalize  their 
international  relations.  On  the  whole,  friendly 
relations  with  one's  neighbors  come  more 
naturally  to  us  in  the  West ;  but  for  the  Com- 
munists, friendly  relations  with  the  West  re- 
quire a  radical  wrench  from  the  progrannnatic 

JULY    31,    1967 


hostility  whicli  has  been  for  so  long  a  way  of 
life  in  Eastern  Europe. 

In  spite  of  zigs  and  zags,  we  all  feel  in  our 
bones  that  it  makes  sense  to  work  toward  a  Euix)- 
pean  security  system  which  rests  on  something 
better  than  military  standoff.  And  it  is  not  too 
soon  to  ask  what  NATO,  while  it  maintains  and 
modernizes  our  military  deterrent,  can  do  about 
Mtente.  The  answer  is  simple,  and  has  already 
been  given  in  actions  by  the  North  Atlantic 
Council  during  the  past  few  months:  for  the 
Atlantic  alliance  is  the  natural  Western  agency 
for  managing  our  side  of  the  detente. 

The   Management  of  Detente 

Hubert  Humphrey,  who  visited  Europe  and 
this  city  just  2  months  ago,  has  been  talking 
about  substituting  an  Open  Door  for  the  Iron 
Curtain  in  Europe.  The  North  Atlantic  Council 
is  already  deep  in  the  business  of  directing 
traffic  through  the  rusty,  creaky,  slowly  opening 
door  of  East-West  relations. 

It  is  none  to  soon. 

For  each  ally  has  its  own  ideas  about  how  to 
relax  with  the  Soviets.  The  British  have  been 
talking  in  Moscow  about  a  friendship  treaty; 
the  Germans  are  trying  to  arrange  diplomatic 
relations  with  the  Eastern  Europeans;  the 
French  are  negotiating  scientific  and  military 
cooperation  with  the  Soviets ;  the  Poles  are  woo- 
ing the  Belgians;  the  Yugoslavs  are  promoting 
East-West  relations  in  their  own  specialized 
way;  the  Romanians  are  reminding  the  Italians 
of  their  common  Latin  culture.  And  the  Amer- 
icans are  talking  directly  with  the  Soviets  about 
antiballistic  missiles  and  the  nonproliferation 
of  nuclear  weapons — among  other  things. 

These  various,  mostly  bilateral,  discussions 
do  not  have  to  be  contradictory  or  at  cross- 
purposes.  Detente  managers  can  do  several 
things  at  once ;  indeed,  we  shall  have  to  work  for 
a  better  climate  of  relations  through  cultural, 
technical,  commercial,  and  economic  arrange- 
ments even  as  we  begin  to  talk  seriously  about 
the  underlying  political  and  secui-ity  issues. 

But  each  of  these  new  East-West  relation- 
ships soon  touches  the  vital  interests  not  only  of 
the  two  nations  doing  the  talking  but  of  their 
allies  as  well.  We  should  certainly  try  to  get  to 
each  stage  of  agreement  together.  That  is  why 
each  of  these  relationships  needs  to  be — and 
most  of  them  have  been — discussed  in  the  North 
Atlantic  Council. 

The  management  of  detente  will  test  the  ca- 
pacity of  the  best  minds  and  the  largest  spirits 
in  all  the  Allied  nations.  Already  this  year  the 
North  Atlantic  Council  has  recruited  a  number 
of  scholars  and  statesmen  to  make  a  wholesale 
review  of  the  future  tasks  of  the  alliance.  They 
are  finding  it  not  easy  to  mold  a  common  policy 
out  of  elements  which  until  now  have  been  con- 
sidered as  almost  unrelated  to  each  other:  the 
unity  of  Western  Europe  and  the  reunification 
of  Gei-many,  the  relationship  of  Europe  to 
America  and  the  relationship  of  Europe  with 
Russia,  the  impact  of  massive  and  dramatic 
events  outside  the  NATO  defense  perimeter  on 
relationships  within  the  NATO  circle.  To  bring 
into  a  single  framework  all  the  different  kinds 
of  peace  and  relaxation  we  have  all  been  saying 
we  favor  is  as  challenging  a  political  puzzle  as 
any  of  us  could  want  to  tackle. 

It  was  quite  to  be  expected  that  the  first  re- 
sults of  detente  should  have  been  a  rise  in  ten- 
sions among  allies.  As  long  as  the  nonprolifera- 
tion treaty  seemed  an  academic  matter,  because 
the  Soviets  were  not  really  interested  in  it,  we 
could  all  afford  to  be  loudly  in  favor  of  it.  As 
soon  as  the  Soviets  showed  signs  of  interest, 
every  political  leader  in  the  West  had  to  ask 
himself  hard  questions  about  his  real  attitude 
toward  a  real  treaty  banning  the  further  spread 
of  nuclear  weapons.  There  were  3  years  of 
desultory  NATO  consultation  before  the  treaty 
looked  real ;  but  starting  last  winter,  3  months 
of  very  intensive  consultation  were  required  to 
make  sure  that  the  treaty  would  appeal  to  each 
ally  as  protecting  its  vital  interests.  This  com- 
plex and  interesting  negotiation  in  the  North 
Atlantic  Council  and  with  the  Soviets  still 
goes  on. 

NATO  consultation  on  the  nonproliferation 
treaty,  which  has  given  rise  to  so  much  comment 
in  Germany  and  elsewhere  in  Europe,  is  a  good 
example  of  the  organization's  role  and  of  its 
enhanced  value  in  a  period  of  xa'A.'^h^-dHente. 
The  fact  that  the  United  States  has  signed  the 
North  Atlantic  Treaty  and  sits  on  the  North 
Atlantic  Council  is  our  guarantee,  aaid  Europe's 
assurance,  that  we  are  not  going  to  make  deals 
with  the  Soviet  Union  behind  the  backs  or 
against  the  interests  of  our  allies.  And  the  con- 
verse is  a.lso  true :  That  is  why  the  German  For- 
eign Minister  explained  at  the  NATO  meeting 
in  Luxembourg  last  week  just  what  the  Federal 
Republic  is  trying  to  do  to  increase  contacts  be- 



tween  both  parts  of  Germany — and  drew  a 
unanimous  endorsement  from  his  14  colleagues 
tha.t  "this  internal  German  process  was  to  be 
considered  an  important  contribution  to  the 
search  for  a  detente  in  Europe."  ^  And  it  was  in 
this  spirit  of  moving  together  toward  detente^ 
and  not  letting  the  Soviets  use  steps  toward 
detente  as  another  way  of  discriminating 
against  the  Federal  Eepublic,  that  the  North 
Atlantic  Council  last  week  "recorded  its  view 
that  tlie  detente  should  be  extended  for  the  ben- 
efit of  all  members  of  the  Alliance." 

In  short,  membership  in  the  North  Atlantic 
Council  is  every  ally's  assurance  that  he  will  not 
have  to  deal  with  the  Soviet  Union  aJone.  If 
NATO  did  not  exist,  there  would  indeed  be 
danger  of  separate  negotiations  enabling  the 
Soviets  to  play  one  Western  ally  off  against  the 
others — to  use  detente  as  a  device  for  discrimi- 
nation. If  NATO  did  not  exist,  Europeans 
might  have  some  reason  to  be  alarmed  by  the 
prospect  that  the  two  superpowers  might  some- 
how divide  the  world  between  them.  But  NATO 
does  exist  and  is  available  to  manage  the  detente 
as  it  has  so  successfully  managed  the  deterrent 
for  all  these  years. 

The  political  phase  of  NATO  has  thus  begim. 
We  are  ready  to  consult  intimately  with  our 
partners  at  every  stage  of  this  new  and  fascinat- 
ing game.  We  ask  in  return  only  a  reasonably 
strict  application  of  the  Golden  Rule — that  our 
NATO  partners  consult  us  as  early,  as  frankly, 
and  as  often  as  they  would  themselves  wish  to 
be  consulted.  In  this  respect  detente,  like  deter- 
rence, is  indivisible. 

NATO's  Global  Agenda  of  Consultation 

What  about  NATO  consultation  outside  the 
so-called  "NATO  area"?  The  crisis  in  the  Mid- 
dle East  has  brought  the  question  sharply  to 
center  stage. 

NATO's  integrated  defense  sj^stem,  of  course, 
is  limited  by  its  political  geography ;  the  Allies 
have  accepted  the  common  obligation  to  defend 
together  a  perimeter  that  includes  the  territory 
of  every  NATO  member  and  necessarily  the 
Mediterranean  and  Baltic  seas  and  the  North 
Atlantic  Ocean  as  well.  But  when  it  comes  to 
political  consultation,  the  agenda  of  the  North 

'  For  text  of  a  communique  issued  at  the  close  of  the 
North  Atlantic  Coiuicil  meeting  on  June  14,  see  Bul- 
letin of  July  3, 1967,  p.  14. 

Atlantic  Council  is  global — which  is  just  an- 
other way  of  saying  that  the  world  is  round. 
Thus  at  the  NATO  ministerial  meeting  in 
Luxembourg  last  week,  a  prime  topic  of  consul- 
tation was,  of  course,  the  breakdown  of  the 
always  precarious  peace  in  the  Middle  East. 
That  did  not  mean  the  alliance  itself  can  or 
should  operate  in  the  Middle  East;  but  it  did 
reflect  the  reality  that  turbulence  next  door  to 
NATO  afi'ects  the  interests  and  could  affect  the 
treaty  obligations  of  every  member  of  the  alli- 
ance. The  distinction  is  between  the  arena  for 
international  action,  which  is  the  United  Na- 
tions, and  the  place  where  allies  consult  about 
their  broadest  interests  among  themselves, 
which  is  the  North  Atlantic  Council. 

Americans'   Stake   in   NATO   Endeavors 

As  we  measure  the  fluctuating  chances  of  de- 
tente against  the  risks  of  Western  disarray,  I 
think  we  have  to  say  that  this  past  year  has  been 
good  for  the  alliance. 

— We  have  stopped  asking  ourselves  whether 
we  need  a  NATO  defense  system  and  have  set 
about  to  modernize  it. 

This  spring  we  approved  the  first  new  agreed 
NATO  strategy  in  11  years;  and  this  month  we 
are  starting  to  send  messages  through  the  new 
NATO  communications  satellite  system. 

— We  have  stopped  talking  about  1969  and  are 
planning  actively  for  the  1970's. 

We  have  begun  in  earnest  this  year  to  share 
among  NATO  govermnents  the  responsibility 
for  the  nuclear  portion  of  our  common  deter- 
rent. The  force  plans  we  are  now  working  on 
this  summer  extend  to  1973 ;  and  the  studies  of 
political  settlement  in  Europe  may  extend  even 
farther  into  the  future. 

— We  have  stopped  wishing  for  detente  and 
have  set  about  to  seek  it  actively.  Our  problem 
is  to  stay  steady  on  our  peacemaking  course, 
keeping  everlastingly  at  it  desipte  the  tactical 
zigs  and  zags  of  Soviet  diplomacy. 

In  all  these  endeavors  we  Americans  have  a 
stake ;  and  so  we  have  a  contribution  to  make,  a 
voice  to  raise,  a  lead  to  take. 

To  those  who  doubt  that  we  will  stay  the 
course,  I  can  only  cite  our  record  for  fidelity  to 
what  we  have  said  we  would  do — which  leads 
us,  indeed,  to  make  good  on  our  commitments 
farther  from  home,  for  a  longer  time,  at  a 

JTJLT    31.    196'; 


greater  cost,  tlian  some  of  our  friends  think 

To  those  who  thinli  that  because  of  these  far- 
away commitments  we  have  lost  interest  in  the 
future  of  Europe,  I  suggest  the  simplest  pos- 
sible test:  Ask  yourself  whether  there  is  any 
matter  of  vital  interest  to  Europeans  in  which 
Americans  and  their  Government  are  not  deeply 
enough  involved. 

And  to  tliose — back  home  as  well  as  in 
Europe — who  find  the  frustrations  of  peace- 
making too  uncertain  and  the  burdens  of  peace- 
keeping too  great,  I  can  only  prescribe  a  daily 
reading  of  one  short  passage  from  the  philo- 
sophical memoirs  of  Dag  Hammarskjold: 

''You  have  not  done  enough,  you  have  never 
done  enough,  so  long  as  it  is  still  possible  that 
you  have  something  of  value  to  contribute.  This 
is  the  answer  when  you  are  groaning  under  what 
you  consider  a  burden  and  an  uncertainty.  .  .  ." 

U.S.-Argentine  Trade  Committee 
Holds  Second  Meeting 

Following  is  the  text  of  a  joint  com/munique 
rohicli  was  released  at  Buenos  Aires  on.  July  5 
at  the  close  of  a  3-day  meeting  of  the  Joint  U.S.- 
Argentine Trade  and  Economic  Coinmittee. 

The  Joint  Argentine-United  States  Trade 
and  Economic  Committee  held  its  second  meet- 
ing in  Buenos  Aires  from  July  3  to  July  5, 1967. 
The  first  meeting  was  held  in  Washington  in 
May  1966.1 

The  Delegation  of  Argentina  was  headed  by 
Sr.  Enrique  Gaston  Valente,  Undersecretary  of 
Foreign  Commerce,  and  the  American  Delega- 
tion by  Mr.  Edward  E.  Fried,  Deputy  Assist- 
ant Secretary  of  State  for  International  Re- 
sources and  Food  Policy. 

The  meeting  was  opened  by  the  Minister  of 
Foreign  Aifairs  and  Worship,  Dr.  Nicanor 
Costa  Mendez  and  was  conducted  in  an  atmos- 
phere of  complete  cordiality.  The  two  Delega- 
tions noted  that  these  talks  reflected  the  spirit 
of  Chapter  III  of  the  Declaration  of  the  Presi- 
dents of  America  signed  in  Punta  del  Este  in 
April  1967.=  The  Delegations  agreed  that  every 

'  Bulletin  of  June  13, 1966,  p.  944. 
'  For  text,  see  ihid.,  May  8, 1967,  p.  712. 

opportunity  should  be  taken  to  increase  mutu- 
ally beneficial  trade  in  both  directions. 

The  Argentine  Delegation  expressed  concern 
over  legislation  pending  in  the  United  States 
Congress  which,  if  enacted,  could  provide  for 
certain  restrictions  on  meat  imports  into  the 
United  States.  It  was  pointed  out  that  the  Ar- 
gentine packing  industry  has  made  substantial 
investments  with  a  view  to  developing  export 
markets  for  prepared  meats  such  as  cooked  and 
frozen.  The  United  States  Delegation  expressed 
its  understanding  of  the  importance  of  the  meat 
trade  to  the  Argentine  economy  and  gave  assur- 
ances tliat  the  views  expressed  by  the  Argentine 
Delegation  would  be  given  full  consideration. 
It  was  noted  with  satisfaction  that  market  con- 
ditions for  beef  were  improving. 

In  response  to  the  concern  ex])ressed  by  the 
Argentine  Delegation  about  additional  restric- 
tions on  dairy  imports  into  the  United  States, 
the  United  States  Delegation  noted  that  the 
Presidential  Proclamation  concerning  imports 
of  dairy  products,  issued  on  June  30,=*  did  not 
affect  United  States  imports  of  Argentine 

The  Argentine  Delegation  was  pleased  to 
note  that  the  United  States  had  recently  sus- 
pended its  export  subsidies  on  flaxseed  and  lin- 
seed oil.  The  Delegations  exchanged  views  on 
current  problems  confronting  the  tung  oil 
market  and  explored  possible  ways  of  improv- 
ing the  situation. 

The  Argentine  Delegation  advised  that  the 
Argentine  Government  had  accepted  the  invita- 
tion of  the  United  States  Government  to  send  a 
delegation  to  Washington  to  discuss  an  agree- 
ment for  the  avoidance  of  double  taxation. 

The  Argentine  Delegation  informed  the 
United  States  Delegation  of  its  interest  in  ex- 
panding cotton  textile  exports  to  the  United 
States.  The  United  States  Delegation  explained 
the  provisions  of  the  Intergovernmental  Long- 
Term  Cotton  Textile  Arrangement,^  which  aims 
at  providing  growth  for  the  cotton  textile  ex- 
ports of  developing  countries  so  long  as  such 
exports  do  not  disrupt  the  markets  of  the  im- 
porting countries.  This  matter  will  be  explored 
further  before  the  next  meeting  of  the  Joint 

The  Argentine  Delegation  offered  to  consider 
the  possibilities  of   simplifying  the  consular 

'  Proclamation  3790 ;  for  text,  see  32  Fed.  Reg.  9803. 
*  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Mar.  12,  1962,  p.  431. 



legalization  procedure  applicable  to  commer- 
cial invoices  covering  United  States  exports  to 
Argentina,  The  discussions  also  covered  some 
aspects  of  import  regulations  of  Argentina, 
such  as  the  system  of  prior  deposits  and  the 
customs  clearance  procedure. 

Argentina's  interest  in  improving  the  possi- 
bilities of  diversifying  its  exports  to  the  United 
States  was  also  discussed.  The  Delegations  con- 
sidered various  ways  in  which  the  United  States 
might  assist  toward  this  end.  The  discussions 
a,lso  covered  problems  relating  to  the  Argentine 
motion  picture  and  television  industries.  It  was 
agreed  to  facilitate  Argentine  contacts  with  the 
appropriate  United  States  industries. 

The  two  Delegations  reviewed  the  continuing 
cooperation  of  both  coimtries  toward  the  nego- 
tiating of  an  International  Grains  Agreement. 
They  noted  with  satisfaction  the  agreement  on 
wheat  prices  and  food  aid  reached  in  Geneva  in 
the  context  of  the  Kennedy  Eound  and  dis- 
cussed some  of  the  problems  before  the  negoti- 
ating conference  called  by  the  International 
Wlieat  Council  for  July  12  of  tliis  year. 

U.S.,  Mexico  Conclude  Agreement 
on  Flood  Control  Project 

Statement  hy  President  Johnson 

White  House  press  release  (San  Antonio,  Tex.)   dated  July  6 

The  Governments  of  the  United  States  and 
Mexico  have  concluded  an  agreement  for  the 
construction,  operation,  and  maintenance  of  an 
international  flood  control  project  for  the  Ti- 
juana River  in  California  and  in  Baja  Califor- 
nia, Alexico.  Agreement  was  reached  through 
the  International  Boundary  and  "Water  Com- 
mission, United  States  and  Mexico,  which  will 
now  proceed  to  supervise  joint  design  and  con- 
struction of  the  project. 

Once  again  we  join  with  our  sister  Republic 
of  Mexico  for  the  solution  of  a  border  problem. 
The  normally  small  Tijuana  River,  flowing 
through  the  Mexican  city  of  Tijuana  and  the 
cities  of  San  Diego  and  Imperial  Beach  to  the 
Pacific  Ocean,  is  subject  to  severe  floods.  By 
channelizing  the  river,  the  two  countries  can 
confine  its  floodwaters  in  those  cities  to  a  nar- 
row, concrete-lined  waterway.  These  cities  will 
be  able  to  develop  the  river's  flood  plains  with- 

out a  continual  threat  to  lives,  homes,  and  busi- 
nesses. Since  tlie  new  river  channel  in  the  United 
States  will  be  moved  southward  to  a  location 
just  north  and  generally  parallel  to  the  interna- 
tional boundary,  the  United  States  cities  will 
not  have  to  contend  with  this  river  running 
through  their  developed  areas. 

Each  counti-y  will  pay  for  that  part  of  the 
project  within  its  own  territory,  thus  sharing 
costs  proportionally  in  accordance  with  the 
benefits  received.  It  is  estimated  that  the  United 
States  portion  will  cost  $15,400,000  on  the  basis 
of  current  prices.  Of  this  amount,  the  local  bene- 
ficiaries w^ould  pay  $4,500,000  and  the  Federal 
Government  would  pay  $10,900,000.  This  ar- 
rangement for  local  participation  is  the  same 
as  though  the  project  were  domestic  instead  of 

I  want  to  thank  the  many  Members  of  Con- 
gress who  supported  the  legislation  last  year  to 
authorize  this  project,  and  particularly  Senator 
[Thomas  H.]  Kucliel  and  Representative 
[Lionel]  Van  Deerlin  for  their  valuable 

At  three  widely  separated  points  along  our 
almost  2,000-mile  boundary  with  Mexico,  in  the 
lower  Rio  Grande  Valley,  at  El  Paso,  and  now 
in  California,  we  have  new  projects  underway 
designed  to  improve  the  border  region  where  so 
many  of  the  citizens  of  both  countries  live  and 
share  common  aspirations. 

Congressional  Documents 
Relating  to  Foreign  Policy 

90th   Congress,   1st  Session 

Special  Report  of  the  National  Advisory  Council  on 
International  Monetary  and  Financial  Policies.  Let- 
ter from  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  Chairman  of 
the  Council,  transmitting  the  Council's  Special  Re- 
port on  U.S.  Participation  in  a  Proposed  Increase  in 
the  Resources  of  the  Fund  for  Special  Operations 
of  the  Inter-American  Development  Bank,  and  on  a 
Proposed  Modification  of  Provisions  for  the  Election 
of  the  Bank's  Executive  Directors.  H.  Doc.  117. 
May  3, 196T.  67  pp. 

The  Techniques  of  Soviet  Propaganda.  A  study  pre- 
sented by  the  Subcommittee  on  Internal  Security  of 
the  Senate  Committee  on  the  Judiciary.  Revised 
1967.  S.  Doc.  34.  June  12,  1967.  63  pp. 

Seventeenth  Annual  Report  of  the  Senate  Select  Com- 
mittee on  Small  Business,  together  with  minority 
views.  S.  Rept.  345.  June  14.  1967.  51  pp. 

JULY    31.    1967 



U.S.  Abstains  on  U.N.  Resolution  on  Jerusalem;  Urges 
Steps  Toward   Durable   Peace   in   Near  East 

Following  is  a  sfateinent  made  on  July  I4  iy 
U.S.  Representative  Arthur  J.  Goldherg  in  the 
fifth  emergency  special  session  of  the  U.N.  Gen- 
eral Assembly.,  together  with  the  text  of  a  reso- 
lution adopted  hy  the  Assembly  that  day. 


U.S./tJ.N.  press  release  124 

Mr.  President,  the  goal  of  the  United  States 
in  the  Middle  East,  one  we  believe  shared  by 
the  great  preponderance  of  the  world  commu- 
nity, is  a  durable  peace  and  enduring  settle- 
ment. We  conceive  of  this  goal  as  requiring 
throughout  the  area  far  more  than  a  return  to 
the  temporary  and  fragile  truce  which  erupted 
into  tragic  conflict  on  June  5. 

We  are  convinced,  both  by  logic  and  the  un- 
forgettable experience  of  a  tragic  history,  that 
there  can  be  progress  toward  the  durable  peace 
in  the  entire  area  only  if  certain  essential  steps 
are  taken.  One  immediate,  obvious,  and  impera- 
tive step  is  the  disengagement  of  all  forces  and 
the  withdrawal  of  Israeli  forces  to  their  own 
territory.  A  second  and  equally  immediate,  ob- 
vious, and  imperative  step  is  the  termination 
of  any  claims  to  a  state  of  war  or  belligerency 
on  the  part  of  Arab  states  in  the  area. 

These  two  steps  are  essential  to  progress  to- 
ward a  durable  peace.  They  are  equally  essential 
if  there  is  to  be  substance  and  concrete  mean- 
ing to  the  basic  charter  right  of  every  state  in 
the  area,  a  right  to  which  the  United  States  re- 
mains firmly  committed:  the  right  to  have  its 
territorial  integrity  and  political  independence 
respected  by  all  and  free  from  the  threat  or  use 
of  force  by  all. 

The  United  States  stands  ready  to  give  its 
full  support  to  practical  measures  to  help  bring 

about  these  steps — withdrawal  of  forces  and 
the  termination  of  belligerent  acts  or  claims  as 
soon  as  possible. 

But  if  our  goal  is  a  durable  peace,  it  is  imper- 
ative that  there  be  greater  vision  both  from  this 
organization  and  from  the  parties  themselves. 
It  is  imperative  that  all  look  beyond  the  imme- 
diate causes  and  effects  of  the  recent  conflict. 
Attention  must  also  be  focused,  and  urgently : 

— on  reaching  a  just  and  permanent  settle- 
ment of  the  refugee  problem,  which  has  been 
accentuated  by  recent  events; 

• — on  means  to  insure  respect  for  the  right  of 
every  member  of  the  United  Nations  in  the  area 
to  live  in  peace  and  security  as  an  independent 
national  state; 

- — on  arrangements  so  that  respect  for  the  ter- 
ritorial integrity  and  political  independence  of 
all  states  in  the  area  is  assured ; 

— on  measures  to  insure  respect  for  the  rights 
of  all  nations  to  freedom  of  navigation  and 
of  innocent  passage  through  international 
waterways ; 

— on  reaching  agreement,  both  among  those 
in  the  area  and  tliose  outside,  that  economic  de- 
velopment and  the  improvement  of  living  stand- 
ards should  be  given  precedence  over  a  wasteful 
arms  race  in  the  area. 

In  each  and  every  one  of  the  separate  but  re- 
lated imperatives  of  peace,  we  recognize  fully 
that  agreement  cannot  be  imposed  upon  the 
parties  from  outside.  At  the  same  time,  we  also 
believe  that  the  machinery,  experience,  and  re- 
sources of  the  United  Nations  can  be  of  im- 
measurable help  in  implementing  agreements 
acceptable  to  the  parties. 

The  offer  of  such  assistance  by  this  organiza- 
tion is  dictated  not  only  by  the  roots  of  United 
Nations  responsibility  and  involvement  in  the 



Middle  East,  which  have  grown  deep  and  strong 
over  two  decades;  it  is  also  dictated  by  our  com- 
mon determination,  even  dnty,  under  the  charter 
to  save  succeeding  generations  in  tlie  Middle 
East  from  the  scourge  of  another  war. 

It  is  against  the  background  of  this  overall 
I)olicy  that  my  Government  has  developed  its 
attitudes  toward  the  question  of  Jerusalem,  and 
I  wish  to  mal%:e  that  attitude  very  explicit.  The 
views  of  my  Government  on  Jerusalem  have 
been  expressed  by  the  President  of  the  United 
States  and  other  high-level  officials. 

On  June  28,  the  White  House  released  the  fol- 
lowing statement :  ^ 

The  President  said  on  June  19  tliat  in  our  view  "tliere 
.  .  .  must  be  adequate  recognition  of  the  special  interest 
of  three  great  religions  in  the  holy  places  of  Jerusalem."  ^ 
On  this  principle  he  assumes  that  before  any  unilateral 
action  is  taken  on  the  status  of  Jerusalem  there  will  be 
appropriate  consultation  with  religious  leaders  and 
others  who  are  deeply  concerned.  Jerusalem  is  holy  to 
Christians,  to  Jews,  and  to  Moslems.  It  is  one  of  the 
great  continuing  tragedies  of  history  that  a  city  which 
is  so  much  the  center  of  man's  highest  values  has  also 
been,  over  and  over,  a  center  of  conflict.  Repeatedly 
the  passionate  beliefs  of  one  element  have  led  to  ex- 
clusion or  unfairness  for  others.  It  has  been  so,  un- 
fortunately, in  the  last  20  years.  Men  of  all  religions 
will  agree  that  we  must  now  do  better.  The  world  must 
find  an  answer  that  is  fair  and  recognized  to  be 
fair.  .  .  . 

The  second  statement,  released  on  the  same 
day  by  the  Department  of  State,  read :  ^ 

The  hasty  administrative  action  taken  today  can- 
not be  regarded  as  determining  the  future  of  the  holy 
places  or  the  status  of  Jerusalem  in  relation  to  them. 

The  United  States  has  never  recognized  such  uni- 
lateral actions  by  any  of  the  states  in  the  area  as 
governing  the  international  status  of  Jerusalem.  .  .  . 

During  my  own  statement  to  the  General 
Assembly  on  July  3,*  I  said  that  the  "safe- 
guarding of  the  holy  places,  and  freedom  of 
access  to  them  for  all,  should  be  internation- 
ally guaranteed;  and  the  status  of  Jerusalem 
in  relation  to  them  should  be  decided  not  uni- 
laterally but  in  consultation  with  all  concerned." 
These  statements  represent  the  considered  and 
continuing  policy  of  the  United  States  Govern- 

With  regard  to  the  specific  measures  taken 
by  the  Government  of  Israel  on  June  28, 1  wish 

United  States  Repeats  Concern 
for  Future  of  Jerusalem 

statement  by  Secretary  Rusk 

Press  release  163  dated  July  14 

The  United  States  has  abstained  today  on  a 
General  Assembly  resolution  concerning  Jeru- 
salem. As  Ambassador  Goldberg  indicated  in 
his  statement  earlier  today,  this  abstention  was 
necessary  because  in  our  view  the  resolution  as 
presented  did  not  fully  reflect  either  the  existing 
situation  or  the  best  means  of  dealing  with  it. 
But  it  would  be  wrong  for  any  people  or  gov- 
ernment to  assume  that  this  abstention  indicates 
that  the  United  States  is  indifferent  to  the  fu- 
ture of  Jerusalem. 

The  United  States  deeply  regrets  the  adminis- 
trative actions  on  Jeru.salem  which  have  been 
taken  by  the  Government  of  Israel  in  recent 
weeks.  As  we  said  on  June  28'  these  adminis- 
trative decisions  cannot  be  regarded  as  deter- 
mining the  future  of  the  holy  places  or  the  status 
of  Jerusalem  in  relation  to  them.  We  have  made 
this  position  clear  to  the  Government  of  Israel 
both  before  and  after  these  decisions  were  taken. 
We  understand  the  deep  emotional  concerns 
which  move  the  people  and  Government  of  Israel 
on  this  matter,  but  we  are  bound  to  point  out 
the  need  for  understanding  of  the  equal  con- 
cerns of  others. 

As  we  have  observed  before,  Jerusalem  is  holy 
to  Christians,  Jews,  and  Moslems,  and  it  is  gen- 
uinely tragic  that  this  city  of  the  highest  spirit- 
ual meaning  has  so  often  been  a  cause  of  conflict 
in  the  past.  Surely  the  lesson  from  this  experi- 
ence is  that  we  must  all  do  better  now. 

The  United  States  Government  continues  to 
hope  that  a  generous  and  fair-sighted  view  will 
prevail  among  all  concerned,  and  its  own  influ- 
ence will  be  directed  to  that  end.  It  is  our  belief 
that  means  of  reason  and  of  persuasion  are  most 
likely  to  be  successful  in  this  purpose. 

'  For  a  Department  statement  of  June  28,  see 
Bulletin  of  July  17,  1967,  p.  60. 

'  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  July  17, 1967,  p.  60. 

"  Ibid..  July  10,  1967,  p.  31. 

'  For  text,  see  iWd.,  July  17, 1967,  p.  60. 

•  For  text,  see  Hid.,  July  24,  1967,  p.  108. 

to  make  it  clear  that  the  United  States  does  not 
accept  or  recognize  these  measures  as  altering 
the  status  of  Jerusalem.  My  Government  does 
not  recognize  that  the  administrative  measures 
taken  by  the  Government  of  Israel  on  June  28 
can  be  regarded  as  the  last  word  on  the  matter, 
and  we  regret  that  they  were  taken.  We  in- 
sist that  the  measures  "taken  cannot  be  con- 
sidered other  than  interim  and  provisional,  and 
not  prejudging  the  final  and  permanent  status 
of  Jerusalem.  Unfortunately  and  regrettably, 

JTJLT    31,    1967 


the  statements  of  the  Government  of  Israel  on 
this  matter  have  thus  far,  in  our  view,  not  ade- 
quately dealt  with  this  situation. 

Many  delegations  are  aware  that  we  were 
prepared  to  vote  for  a  separate  resolution  on 
Jerusalem  which  would  declare  that  the  Assem- 
bly would  not  accept  any  unilateral  action  as 
determining  the  status  of  Jerusalem  and  calling 
on  the  Govenmient  of  Israel  to  desist  from  any 
action  purporting  to  define  permanently  the 
status  of  Jei'usalem.  However,  the  sponsors 
made  clear  then,  as  was  their  right,  that  they 
preferred  to  proceed  with  their  own  text  in 
document  A/2253,=  and  now  with  their  resolu- 
tion in  A/L.  528/Rev.  2. 

The  latter  draft  does  include  changes  which 
we  consider  represent  a  marked  improvement 
over  the  original  version,  particularly  in  that 
it  no  longer  tends  to  prejudge  action  in  the 
Security  Council.  Nevertheless,  since  the  resolu- 
tion just  adopted  ex])ressly  builds  on  Resolution 
2253  on  whicli  we  abstained  for  reasons  which 
we  stated  publicly,  consistent  with  that  vote 
we  also  abstained  today. 

Even  as  revised,  the  resolution  does  not  fully 
correspond  to  our  views,  particularly  since  it 
appears  to  accept  by  its  call  for  recision  of 
measures  that  the  administrative  measures 
which  were  taken  constitute  annexation  of  Jer- 
usalem by  Israel,  and  because  we  do  not  believe 
the  problem  of  Jerusalem  can  realistically  be 
solved  apart  from  the  other  related  aspects  of 
Jerusalem  and  of  the  Middle  Eastern  situa- 
tion. Therefore,  the  United  States  abstained. 

We  have,  of  course,  recMitly  expressed  our- 
selves in  a  more  formal  sense  by  voting  for  a 
resolution  dealing  with  the  question  of  Jeru- 
salem. This  was  the  Latin  American  resolution 
contained  in  document  A/L.  523/Rev.  l,'^  which 
dealt  with  Jerusalem  as  one  of  the  elements 
involved  in  a  peaceful  settlement  in  the  Middle 

It  is  in  the  treatmeiit  of  one  aspect  of  the 
jiroblem  of  Jerusalem  as  an  isolated  issixe,  sep- 
arate from  the  other  elements  of  Jerusalem  and 
of  a  peaceful  settlement  in  the  Middle  East, 
that  we  were  unable  to  support  Resolution  2253. 
Certainly,  Jerusalem,  as  has  been  pointed  out 

^  For  a  .statement  made  by  Ambassador  Goldberg 
on  .Tilly  4  in  explanation  of  the  U.S.  abstention  on 
A/RES/225.'?(ES-V)  and  text  of  the  resolution,  see 
f6!rf..pp.  112andll3. 

°  For  background,  see  i1)id.,  p.  108. 

miiversally,  I  think,  by  every  speaker,  is  an 
important  issue  and,  in  our  opinion,  one  which  ' 
must  necessarily  be  considered  in  the  context 
of  a  settlement  of  all  problems  arising  out  of 
the  recent  conflict.  In  Jerusalem  there  are  tran- 
scendent spiritual  interests.  But  there  are  also 
other  important  issues.  And  we  believe  that  the 
most  fruitful  approach  to  a  discussion  of  tlie 
future  of  Jerusalem  lies  in  dealing  with  the  en- 
tire problem  as  one  aspect  of  the  broader  ar- 
rangements that  must  be  made  to  restore  a  just 
and  durable  peace  in  the  area.  And  we  believe, 
consistent  with  the  resolution  we  were  ready  to 
sponsor,  that  this  Assembly  should  have  dealt 
with  the  problem  by  declaring  itself  against 
any  imilateral  change  in  the  status  of  Jerusalem. 

Mr.  President,  since  we  are  approaching  the 
end  of  this  session  on  this  important  subject, 
in  which  remarks  were  made  not  relating  spe- 
cifically to  Jerusalem  but  ranging  very  broadly 
on  other  subjects,  I  cannot  let  this  occasion  pass 
without  reference  to  some  of  tlie  allegations 
made  regarding  my  Government's  role  in  the 
recent  conflict  in  the  INIiddle  East.  The  charges 
that  the  United  States  instigated,  encouraged, 
or  in  any  way  participated  in  this  tragic  strug- 
gle are  too  unfoundecl  to  dignify  by  individual 
comment.  I  dealt  with  many  of  these  falsehoods 
explicitly  in  the  Security  Council  and  will  not 
take  the  time  of  the  Assembly  to  go  over  the 
same  ground  here.  I  reaffirm  what  I  said  to  the 
Security  Council  with  respect  to  each  and  every 
one  of  these  charges.' 

I  will  merely  say  that  one  positive  note  in 
this  session  has  been  the  abandonment  of  the 
most  vicious  falsehood  of  all — which  could  have 
been  productive  of  the  most  disastrous  conse- 
quences— that  United  States  planes  and  mili- 
tary personnel  participated  in  the  war  on  the 
side  of  Israel.  Before  the  war  broke  out,  we 
sought  to  prevent  it  by  all  means  at  our  com- 
mand. And  once  it  began,  we  did  everything  in 
our  power  to  bring  it  to  an  early  end.  The  rec- 
ord of  our  diplomacy  is  very  clear  in  this  mat- 
ter, despite  comments  which  have  been  read 
from  newspapers  which  scarcely  characterize 
that  diplomacy.  And  the  record  of  the  Security 
Council  is  plain  and  clear  for  everyone  to  read 
as  to  the  actions  we  took,  supported,  and  initi- 
ated in  the  Security  Council  to  bring  the  con- 
flict to  an  end. 

'  For  background,  see  ibid..  June  19,  19fi7,  p.  920 ; 
June  26,  1967,  p.  934;  and  July  3,  1967,  p.  3. 



There  is  one  charge  about  our  position  to 
which  I  believe  no  nation  in  tlus  liall  faithful 
to  the  charter  would  feel  any  necessity  to  plead. 
That  is  the  charge  that  we  support  the  right 
of  every  sovereign  state  member  of  the  United 
Nations  to  an  independent  national  existence, 
its  right  to  live  in  a  spirit  of  peaceful  coexist- 
ence and  good  neighborliness  with  all  in  the 
area.  That  is  a  charge  which  the  Charter  of  the 
United  Xations  places  on  us  all  and  which  we 
should  all  readily  accept  and  acknowledge. 

Our  view  has  remained  steadfast — before, 
during,  and  now  after  the  conflict.  We  extend 
the  hand  of  friendship  to  all  states  in  the  I\Iid- 
dle  East  and  express  the  fervent  hope  that  as 
time  heals  the  scars  of  war,  we  can  soon  again 
join  our  common  efforts  in  helping  build  a  bet- 
ter, more  enduring  order  in  every  state  and 
throughout  the  area,  with  peace,  justice,  secu- 
rity, and  liberty  for  all. 

Mr.  President,  so  much  vituperation  has 
taken  place  in  tliis  Assembly,  so  unseemly  in  a 
world  forum,  that  I  could  not  help  recalling 
today  a  statement  made  by  my  distinguished 
predecessor,  who  died  2  years  ago  today  in  the 
cause  of  peace.  Adlai  Stevenson.  Adlai  Steven- 
son, talking  about  our  bolo\'ed  Eleanor  Roose- 
velt, said,  ''She  would  rather  light  candles  than 
curse  the  darkness.''  And  I  share  that  spirit.  I 
do  not  see  that  anything  is  gained  in  the  cause 
of  peace  in  the  Middle  East  by  the  ^atuperation 
which  has  taken  place,  vituperation  not  only 
against  my  country  but  against  other,  small 
countries,  vituperation  which  has  no  place  in 
this  foinun. 

The  time  has  come — indeed,  the  time  is  long 
overdue — for  \dtuperation  and  bitterness  to  be 
tempered  by  sober  realization  of  the  difficulties 
ahead  and  the  willingiiess  to  face  them  squarely 
and  to  do  something  about  them. 

"Wliat  is  needed  is  the  wisdom  and  statesman- 
ship of  all  those  directly  concerned  and  the 
members  of  the  United  Nations  so  that  condi- 
tions of  hate,  too  much  ventilated  in  this  hall, 
can  be  eventually  replaced  by  conditions  of  good 

'\Aniat  is  needed,  above  all,  in  the  area  is  a 
spirit  of  reconciliation  which  will  someday 
hopefully  make  possible  a  peace  of  reconcilia- 
tion. I  fervently  hope  that  all  in  the  area  and 
all  in  this  hall  wiD  approach  the  days  ahead 
in  this  spirit. 


Measures  taken  by  Israel  to  chaitgc  the  status  of  the 
City  of  Jerusalem 

The  General  Assembly, 

Recalling  its  resolution  22.53  (ES-V)  of  4  July  1967, 

Having  received  the  report  submitted  by  the  Sec- 

Taking  note  icith  the  deepest  regret  and  concern  of 
the  non-compliance  by  Israel  with  resolution  2253 

1.  Deplores  the  failure  of  Israel  to  implement  Gen- 
eral Assembly  resolution  2253  (ES-V) ; 

2.  Reiterates  its  call  to  Israel  in  that  resolution  to 
rescind  all  measures  already  taken  and  to  desist 
forthwith  from  taking  any  action  which  would  alter 
the  status  of  Jerusalem ; 

3.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  report  to  the 
Security  Council  and  the  General  Assembly  on  the 
situation  and  on  the  implementation  of  the  present 

U.N.  Security  Council  Condemns 
Recruitment  of   Mercenaries 

The  V.N.  Security  Council  met  on  July  6  and 
10  to  con-^ider  a  complaint  ^  from,  the  Demo- 
cratic Republic  of  the  Congo.  FoUoioing  are 
statements  made  in  the  Council  on  July  6  and 
10  hy  UjS.  Deputy  Representative  William  B. 
Buffum,  together  with  the  text  of  a  resolution 
adopted  iy  Council  on  July  10. 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  119 

We  readily  agreed  this  afternoon  to  an  urgent 
meeting  of  the  Security  Council  to  consider  the 
complaint  from  the  Government  of  the  Demo- 
cratic Rejiublic  of  the  Congo  charging  that 
forces  from  outside  its  own  country  have  fo- 
mented disturbances  in  the  eastern  jaortion  of 
the  Congo  and,  with  the  cooperation  of  dis- 
sident local  military  elements,  apparently 
gained  control  of  several  important  cities.  The 
charges  are  indeed  serious  ones,  and  they  deserve 

*A/RES/22.>i  (ES-V)  (A/L.  52S/Rev.  2)  :  adopted 
by  the  Assembly  on  July  14  by  a  vote  of  100  to  0,  with 
18 abstentions  (U.S.). 

'  U.X.  docs.  A/67o3  and  S/8052. 

'  U.N.  doc.  S/8031. 

JULY    31,    1967 


our  most  careful  consideration.  Certainly  the 
type  of  action  that  has  been  alleged  would  con- 
travene not  only  the  spirit  but  also  the  letter  of 
the  United  Nations  Charter. 

The  strong  opposition  of  the  United  States 
Government  to  intervention  by  one  state  in  the 
internal  affairs  of  another  has  been  demon- 
strated repeatedly.  Such  interference,  whether 
it  be  with  armed  forces  or  throvigh  subversion  or 
other  less  obvious  means,  cannot  be  counte- 
nanced. If  any  foreign  government  is  in  fact 
aiding  and  abetting  those  in  the  Congo  who  are 
seeking  by  force  to  wrest  control  of  certain  areas 
from  the  legitimate  authorities,  such  action 
would  violate  the  charter  and  accepted  princi- 
ples of  internntional  law.  All  U.X.  member 
states,  in  our  judgment,  should  refrain  from  any 
such  activities  and  should  take  appropriate 
measures  to  discourage  their  nationals  from  par- 
ticipation in  them. 

Inasmuch  as  these  charges  are  serious  ones, 
the  Council  will  naturally  wish  to  be  fully  in- 
formed of  the  facts  of  the  situation.  We  trust 
that  the  Government  of  the  Congo  will  make 
every  effort  to  ascertain  the  full  facts  and  keep 
us  informed  of  developments  as  they  occur.  In 
the  meantime  the  United  States  believes  it  is 
incumbent  on  all  of  us  to  do  nothing  that  will 
further  exacerbate  the  situation  there. 

Since  the  day  when  the  Congo  became  inde- 
pendent the  United  States  has  been  prominent 
among  those  that  have  supported  and  assisted 
the  government  of  that  nation  to  develop 
strength  and  stability  in  order  to  insure  the  se- 
curity and  well-being  of  the  Congolese  people. 
We  have  made  these  efforts  both  through  the 
United  Nations  and  through  mutually  agreed 
bilateral  arrangements.  This  record,  if  I  may 
say  in  all  humility,  Mr.  President,  is  one  of 
which  my  Government  is  proud. 

And  it  is  for  this  reason,  as  well,  that  we  are 
deeply  disturbed  over  any  threats  to  the  steady 
progress  which  has  been  made  in  the  Congo  and 
we  firmly  support  the  efforts  of  the  Central  Gov- 
ernment in  the  Congo  to  restore  order  and  to 
exercise  its  legitimate  authority  throughout  the 
country.  We  deplore  any  attempts  by  outside 
forces  to  interfere  with  those  efforts.  I  am  sure 
that  this  will  also  prove  to  be  the  attitude 
of  other  members  of  this  Council  and  feel  con- 
fident that  within  a  short  time  it  will  again  be 
possible  for  all  of  the  people  in  the  Congo  to  live 
in  peace  and  free  from  fear,  as  they  so  richly 


U.S. /U.N.  press  release  122 

Mr.  President,  although  the  drnft  resolution  ^ 
which  has  just  been  introduced  by  the  distin- 
guished representative  of  Nigeria  does  not  co- 
incide with  our  preferences  in  every  respect,  the 
United  States  will  vote  affirmatively.  We  will 
do  so  because  we  fully  support  the  efforts  of  the 
Democratic  Kepublic  of  the  Congo  to  exercise 
its  legitimate  authority  throughout  the  country 
and  to  restore  order  wherever  order  is  disrupted. 

Mr.  President,  in  our  view,  if  any  foreign  gov- 
ernment aids  or  abets  any  elements  in  the 
Congo,  whether  these  be  mercenaries  or  irregu- 
lar forces  seeking  to  overthrow  the  Government 
or  to  gain  control  of  any  part  of  the  country, 
such  action  would  be  in  clear  violation  of  the 
United  Nations  Charter  and  deserving  of  our 
condemnation.  This  was  our  policy,  sir,  3  years 
ago  when  secessionist  elements  in  the  eastern 
Congo  were  engaged  in  large-scale  conflict,  with 
substantial  support  from  the  Chinese  Com- 
munists, to  wrest  control  from  the  Central  Gov- 
ernment ;  and  this  remains  our  policy  today. 

We  will  vote  for  the  resolution  this  evening 
because  we  support  the  principle  of  noninter- 
ference in  the  internal  affairs  of  the  Congo.  In 
doing  so,  we  do  not  consider  that  by  this  reso- 
lution the  Council  is  making  any  specific  finding 
with  regard  to  any  specific  government. 

Mr.  President,  the  United  States  has  not  been 
content  to  give  merely  moral  support  to  the 
principles  endorsed  in  this  resolution  this 
evening.  On  the  contrary,  we  have  sought  to 
provide  the  Government  of  the  Congo  with  some 
of  the  tools  which  it  needs  to  do  the  job  in 
protecting  its  integrity  and  its  political 

It  was  in  this  connection  that  over  the  past 
weekend  the  United  States,  in  response  to  a 
request  from  President  Mobutu  and  consistent 
with  previous  United  Nations  resolutions  deal- 
ing with  the  Congo  problem  and  calling  foi' 
assistance  in  helping  that  government  to  main- 
tain its  independence  and  territorial  integrity, 
dispatched  three  C-130  transport  aircraft  and 
crews  to  Kinshasa.  These  are  aircraft,  I  should 
like  to  make  clear  to  the  Council,  which  are 
designed  to  provide  long-range  logistic  support 
for  the  Congolese  Government  in  meeting  the 

'  U.N.  doc.  S/8050. 



mercenarj'-led  rebellion.  They  will  be  there  in 
a  noncombatant  status. 

This  action  reflects  our  longstanding  policy 
of  supporting  the  Central  Government  and  the 
unity  of  the  Congo,  and  it  is  in  this  spirit  that 
we  will  support  the  resolution  sponsored  by 
Ethiopia,  Nigeria,  Mali,  and  India. 


Current  Actions 


The  Security  Council, 

Saving  taken  cognizance  of  the  mefsage  of  the 
Congolese  Government  contained  in  document  S/S031, 

Eaving  discusxed  the  serious  developments  in  the 
Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo, 

Concerned  by  the  threat  posed  by  foreign  interfer- 
ence to  the  independence  and  territorial  integrity  of 
the  Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo, 

1.  Reaffirms  in  particular  paragraph  2  of  Security 
Council  resolution  226  (1960)   of  14  October  1966;' 

2.  Condemns  any  State  which  persists  in  permitting 
or  tolerating  the  recruitment  of  mercenaries,  and  the 
provision  of  facilities  to  them,  with  the  objective  of 
overthrowing  the  Governments  of  States  Members  of 
the  United  Nations ; 

3.  Calls  upon  Governments  to  ensure  that  their  ter- 
ritory and  other  territories  under  their  control,  as 
well  as  their  nationals,  are  not  used  for  the  planning 
of  subversion,  and  the  recruitment,  training  and 
transit  of  mercenaries  designed  to  overthrow  the  Gov- 
ernment of  the  Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo ; 

4.  Decides  that  the  Security  Council  shall  remain 
seized  of  the  question  ; 

5.  Requests  the  Secretary-General  to  follow  closely 
the  implementation  of  the  present  resolution. 

Current  U.N.  Documents: 
A  Selected  Bibliography 

Mimeographed  or  processed  documents  {such  as  those 
listed  helow)  may  he  consulted  at  depository  libraries 
in  the  United  States.  V.N.  printed  publications  may  be 
purchased  from  the  Sales  Section  of  the  United  Nations, 
United  Nations  Plaza,  N.Y. 

Security  Council 

Report  by  the  Secretary-General  on  the  United  Nations 
Operation  in  Cyprus  for  the  period  December  6, 
1966,  to  June  12,  1967.  S/7969.  June  13,  1967.  74  pp. 

Report  by  the  Secretary-General  to  the  Security  Coun- 
cil in  pursuance  of  operative  paragraph  3  of  the 
Council's  resolution  of  June  14  (S/RES/237  (1967) ) 
concerning  the  civil  population  and  prisoners  of  war 
in  the  area  of  conflict  in  the  Middle  East.  S/8021. 
June  29, 1967.  6  pp. 


Atomic  Energy 

Statute  of  the  International  Atomic  Energy  Agency,  as 

amended    (TIAS   3873,   5284).   Done  at   New   York 

October  20,  1956.  Entered  into  force  July  29,  1957. 

Notification  of  icithdrawal:  Honduras,  effective  June 

19,  1967. 

Narcotic  Drugs 

Single  convention  on  narcotic  drugs,  1961.  Done  at  New 
York  March  30,  1961.  Entered  into  force  December 
13,  1964 ;  for  the  United  States  June  24,  1967. 
Proclaimed  by  the  President:  July  12,  1967. 

Nuclear  Test  Ban 

Treaty  banning  nuclear  weapon  tests  in  the  atmosphere, 
in  outer  space  and  under  water.  Done  at  Moscow 
August  5,  1963.  Entered  Into  force  October  10,  1963. 
TIAS  5433. 
Ratification  deposited:  Costa  Rica,  July  10,  1967. 

Oil  Pollution 

International  convention  for  the  prevention  of  pollution 
of  the  sea  by  oil,  with  annexes,  as  amended  (TIAS 
4900,  6109).  Done  at  London  May  12,  1954.  Entered 
into  force  for  the  United  States  December  8,  1961. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Lebanon,  May  31,  1967. 


Treaty  on  principles  governing  the  activities  of  states 
in  the  exploration  and  use  of  outer  space,  including 
the  moon  and  other  celestial  bodies.  Opened  for  signa- 
ture at  Washington,  London,  and  Moscow  January 
27,  1967.1 
Ratification  deposited:  Finland,  July  12, 1967. 


1967  Protocol  for  the  further  extension  of  the  Inter- 
national Wheat  Agreement.  1962  (TIAS  5115).  Open 
for  signature  at  Washington  May  15  through  June 
1,  1967,  inclusive.' 
Acceptances    deposited:   Australia,    July   12,    1967; 

Canada,  July  14,  1967. 
Accessions  deposited:  Japan,  July  10,  1967;  Saudi 

Arabia,  July  13,  1967 ;  Austria,  July  14,  1967. 
Notification   of   undertaking   to   seek   approval  de- 
posited: Switzerland,  July  6.  1967. 
Notifications  of  undertaking  to  seek  ratification  de- 
posited: Federal  Republic  of  Germany,  July  12, 
1967;   Guatemala,  July  7,  1967;   Israel,  July  13, 
Notifications  of  undertaking  to  seek  accession  de- 
posited: Italy,  July  14,  1967;  Libya,  July  10,  1967. 

'S/RES/239  (1967)   (S/8050)  ;  adopted  unanimously 
on  July  10. 

*  For  text,  see  Bulletin  of  Nov.  14,  1966,  p.  760. 

'  Not  in  force. 

JTJLT    31,    1967 




Agreement  relating  to  the  establishment  of  a  Peace 
Corps  program  in  Dahomey.  Effected  by  exchange 
of  notes  at  Cotonou  June  30  and  July  3,  1907.  En- 
tered into  force  July  3, 1967. 


Agreement  relating  to  trade  in  cotton  textiles,  with 
annex.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Washing- 
ton July  13,  1967.  Entered  into  force  July  13,  1967. 


Agreement  amending  the  agricultural  commodities 
agreement  of  May  26,  1966,  as  amended  (TIAS 
6052,  6074,  612.5,  6194).  Effected  by  an  exchange  of 
notes  at  Rawalpindi  and  Islamabad  June  28,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  June  28, 1967. 

Agreement  relating  to  trade  in  cotton  textiles,  with 
annexes.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Wash- 
ington July  3,  1967.  Entered  into  force  July  3,  1967. 


Recent  Releases 

For  sale  hj/  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S. 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20^02. 
Address  requests  direct  to  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents.  A  25-percent  discount  is  made  on  orders 
for  100  or  more  copies  of  any  one  publication  mailed 
to  the  same  address.  Remittances,  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  must  accompany  orders. 

Mutual  Defense  Assistance.  Agreement  with  Belgium, 
amending  Annex  B  to  the  agreement  of  January  27, 
1950.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Brussels  February 
2  and  22,  1967.  Entered  into  force  February  22,  1967. 
TIAS  6229.  3  pp.  5(S. 

Geodetic  Satellite  Observation  Station.  Agreement 
with  Japan,  amending  the  agreement  of  September  12 
and  19,  1966.  Exchange  of  notes — Dated  at  Tokyo 
February  21  and  March  14,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
March  14,  1967.  TIAS  6230.  4  pp.  5«i. 

Investment    Guaranties.   Agreement   with   Cameroon. 

Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Washington  March  7, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  March  7,  1967.  TIAS  6231.  5 

pp.  5<f. 

Educational  Commission.  Agreement  with  the  United 
Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Northern  Ireland, 
amending  the  agreement  of  May  10,  1965.  Exchange  of 
notes — Signed  at  London  February  16,  1967.  Entered 
into  force  February  16,  1967.  TIAS  6232.  2  pp.  5<f. 

Cultural  Relations.  Agreement  with  Romania.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Signed  at  Bucharest  February  18, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  February  18,  1967.  TIAS  6233. 
8  pp.  10<S. 

Education — Commission  for  Educational  and  Cultural 
Exchange    and    Financing    of    Exchange    Programs. 

Agreement  with  the  United  Arab  Republic.  Exchange 
of  notes — Signed  at  Cairo  January  5  and  February  21, 
1967.  Entered  into  force  February  21,  1967.  TIAS  6234. 
11  pp.  io«;. 

Mutual  Defense  Assistance.  Agreement  with  Luxem- 
bourg, amending  Annex  B  to  the  agreement  of  Janu- 
ary 27,  1950.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed  at  Luxem- 
bourg March  1  and  14,  1967.  Entered  into  force  March 
14,  1967.  TIAS  6235.  3  pp.  5<#. 

Saint  Lawrence  Seaway — Tolls  for  the  Montreal/Lake 
Ontario  Section  Lockage  Fee  on  the  Welland  Canal. 

Agreement  with  Canada,  amending  the  agreement  of 
March  9,  1959,  as  amended.  Exchange  of  notes — Signed 
at  Ottawa  March  31,  1967.  Entered  into  force  March  31, 
1967.  TIAS  6236.  3  pp.  54. 

Defense — C-47  Aircraft.  Agreement  with  Mali.  Ex- 
change of  notes — Signed  at  Bamako  January  5,  1967. 
Entered  into  force  January  5,  1967.  TIAS  6238.  4  pp. 

Education — Educational  Foundation  and  Financing  of 
Exchange  Programs.  Agreement  with  Israel,  amending 
the  agreement  of  June  18  and  22,  1962.  Exchange  of 
notes — Signed  at  Tel  Aviv  and  Jerusalem  March  21 
and  23,  1967.  Entered  into  force  March  23,  1967.  TIAS 
6240.  4  pp.  5(f. 

Extradition — Correction  of  Text  of  the  Convention  of 
December  10,  1962.  Agreement  with  Israel.  Exchange 
of  notes — Dated  at  Jeru.salem  and  Tel  Aviv  April  4  and 
11,  1967.  Entered  into  force  April  11,  1967.  TIAS  6246. 
2  pp.  54. 



INDEX      'luMl  31,  1967      Vol.  LVH,  No.  U66 

Agriculture.  The  Kennedy  Round :  Proud  Chap- 
ter in  the  History  of  International  Commerce 
(Freeman,  Reynolds,  Roth,  Trowbridge)     .     .       123 

Argentina.  U.S.-Argentine  Trade  Committee 
Holds  iiecond  Meeting  (communique)     .     .     .       146 

Congo  (Kinshasa).  U.N.  Security  Council  Con- 
demns Recruitment  of  Mercenaries  (BufEum, 
text  of  resolution) 1-51 

Congress.  Congressional  Documents  Relating  to 

Foreign    Policy 147 

Developing  Countries.  The  Kennedy  Round : 
Proud  Chapter  in  the  History  of  International 
Commerce  (Freeman,  Reynolds,  Roth,  Trow- 
bridge)        12.3 

Economic  Affairs 

The  Kennedy  Round :  Proud  Chapter  in  the  His- 
tory of  International  Commerce  (Freeman, 
Reynolds,  Roth,  Trowbridge) 123 

U.S.-Argentine  Trade  Committee  Holds  Second 
Meeting    (communique) 146 

U.S.,  Mexico  Conclude  Agreement  on  Flood  Con- 
trol   Project    (Johnson) 147 

Europe.  The  Golden  Rule  of  Consultation  (Cleve- 
land)      141 

Labor.  The  Kennedy  Round :  Proud  Chapter  in 
the  History  of  International  Commerce  ( Free- 
man, Reynolds,  Roth,  Trowbridge)     ....      123 

Mexico.  U.S.,  Mexico  Conclude  Agreement  on 
Flood  Control  Project  (Johnson) 147 

Near  East 

U.S.  Abstains  on  U.N.  Resolution  on  Jerusalem ; 
Urges  Steps  Toward  Durable  Peace  in  Near 
East  (Goldberg,  text  of  resolution)     ....       148 

United  States  Repeats  Concern  for  Future  of 
Jerusalem    (Rusk) 149 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization.  The  Golden 

Rule  of  Consultation    (Cleveland)     ....       141 

Presidential  Documents.  U.S.,  Mexico  Conclude 
Agreement  on  Flood  Control  Project    .     .     .       147 

Publications.  Recent  Releases 154 


The  Kennedy  Round :  Proud  Chapter  in  the  His- 
tory of  International  Commerce  (Freeman, 
Reynolds,  Roth,  Trowbridge) 123 

U.S.-Argentine  Trade  Committee  Holds  Second 

Meeting    (communique) 146 

Treaty  Information 

Current  Actions 153 

The  Kennedy  Round :  Proud  Chapter  in  the  His- 
tory of  International   Commerce    (Freeman, 

Reynolds,  Roth,  Trowbridge) 123 

U.S.,  Mexico  Conclude  Agreement  on  Flood  Con- 
trol  Project    (Johnson) 147 

U.S.S.R.    The    Golden    Rule    of    Consultation 

(Cleveland)       141 

United  Nations 

Current  U.N.  Documents 153 

U.N.  Security  Council  Condemns  Recruitment  of 

Mercenaries    (BufCum,   text   of  resolution)    .  151 

U.S.  Abstains  on  U.N.  Resolutions  on  Jerusalem ; 
Urges  Steps  Toward  Durable  Peace  in  Near 

East  (Goldberg,  text  of  resolution)     ....  148 

Name  Index 

BufEuni,  William  B 1.51 

Cleveland,   Harlan 141 

Freeman,  Orville  L 123 

Goldberg,  Arthur  J 148 

Johnson,  President 147 

Reynolds,  James  J 123 

Roth.    William    M 123 

Rusk,  Secretary 149 

Trowbridge,   Alexander   B 123 

Check  List  of  Department  of  State 
Press  Releases:  July  10-16 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the  Office 
of  News,  Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

No.     Date  Subject 

tl56  7/10  Restrictions  on  travel  to  Lebanon 

*157  7/11  Hernandez  sworn  in  as  Ambassador 
to  Paraguay  (biographic  details). 

tl58  7/13  U.S.-Israel  Cotton  Textile  Agree- 

tl59  7/i:;!  U.S.- Japan  Cooperative  Medical 
Science  Committee. 

*160  7/14  Pollack  appointed  Director  of  Inter- 
national Scientific  and  Techno- 
logical Affairs;  Joyce,  Deputy 
Director  (biographic  details). 

*161  7/14  Program  for  visit  of  President 
Asgeir  Asgeirsson  of  Iceland 

tl62    7/15     U.S.    note    to    U.S.S.R.    concerning 
incident  in  the  port  of  Haiphong 
on  June  29. 
163     7/14     Rusk  :  U.N.  resolution  on  Jerusalem. 

*Not  printed. 

tHeld  for  a  later  issue  of  the  Bdli.etin. 


Superintendent  of  Documents 
U.S.  government  printing  office 










Vol.  LVII,  No.  1467 

August  7,  1967 


Statement  hy  William  M.  Roth     173 


Statement  1>y  Assistant  Secretary  Solomon     180 

For  index  see  inside  back  cover 



Vol.  LVII,  No.  1467  Publication  8273 
August  7,  1967 

Fot  sale  by  tbe  Superintendent  of  Documents 

U.S.  Oovemment  Printing  Office 

Washington,  D.C.  20402 


62  Issues,  domestic  $10.00,  foreign  $15.00 
Single  copy  30  cents 

TJse  of  funds  for  printing  of  this  publication 
approved  by  tbe  Director  of  the  Bureau  of 
the  Budget  (January  U,  1966). 

Note:  Contents  of  this  publication  are  not 
<!opyrighted  and  items  contained  herein  may  be 
reprinted.  Citation  of  the  DEPARTMENT  OF 
STATE  BULLETIN  es  the  source  will  be 
appreciated.  The  BULLETIN  is  indexed  in 
tbe  Readers'  Oulde  to  Periodical  Literature. 

The  Department  of  State  BULLETIN, 
a  weekly  publication  issued  by  the 
Office  of  Media  Services,  Bureau  of 
Public  Affairs,  provides  the  public  and 
interested  agencies  of  the  Government 
with  information  on  developments  in 
the  field  of  foreign  relations  and  on 
the  work  of  the  Department  of  State 
and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  BULLETIN  includes  selected 
press  releases  on  foreign  policy,  issued 
by  the  White  House  and  the  Depart- 
ment, and  statements  and  addresses 
made  by  the  President  and  by  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  other  officers 
of  the  Department,  as  well  as  special 
articles  on  various  phases  of  interna- 
tional affairs  and  the  functions  of  the 
Department.  Information  is  included 
concerning  treaties  and  international 
agreements  to  which  the  United 
States  is  or  may  become  a  parly 
and  treaties  of  general  interruitional 

Publications  of  the  Department, 
United  Nations  documents,  and  leg- 
islative material  in  the  field  of  inter- 
national relations  are  listed  currently. 

Secretary  Rusk's  News  Conference  of  July  19 

Press  release  164  dated  July  19 

I'd  like  to  welcome  to  the  conference  today 
a  group  of  college  interns  who  are  working  with 
us  in  the  Department  this  summer.  We  always 
greatly  value  the  contribution  which  they  make, 
and  we  hope  that  their  experience  here  will  in- 
fect some  of  them  with  the  desire  to  take  on 
careers  in  the  field  of  foreign  affairs. 

I  would  like  to  express  our  very  great  dis- 
tress at  the  death  of  former  President  Castello 
Branco  of  Brazil  in  an  airplane  accident.  I 
think  when  the  history  of  Brazil  is  written  for 
this  period,  historians  will  find  that  he  made 
a  very  substantial  contribution  to  his  country 
and  to  the  hemisphere,  not  only  in  pulling 
Brazil  away  from  the  slippery  slope  into  un- 
controlled and  disastrous  inflation  but  also  in 
maintaining  the  options  for  Brazil  in  moving 
toward  a  sound  constitutional  system.  We  very 
greatly  regret  his  death  in  an  airplane  accident 

Also,  I've  sent  condolences  to  the  Govern- 
ment of  the  Malagasy  Republic  because  of  the 
death  of  my  distinguished  colleague  the  For- 
eign Minister,  Mr.  Albert  Sjdla  who  has  been 
Foreign  Minister  since  1960,  who  also  was  lost 
in  an  airplane  accident  yesterday. 

And  I'm  ready  for  your  questions. 

Q.  Mr.  Secretary^!  how  do  you  assess  the  state 
of  U.S. -Soviet  relations  in  the  light  of  the 
Glassioro  conference  ^  and  Soviet  arvfis  ship- 
ments to  the  Aral)  states  in  the  continuing 
Middle  East  crisis? 

A.  There's  been  no  dramatic  change  in  our 
relations  with  the  Soviet  Union  in  recent  weeks. 
I  think  the  Glassboro  talks  were  highly  useful. 
They  were  hard-working  talks.  The  President 
and  Chairman  Kosygin  had  a  chance,  over  a 

'  For  background,  see  Bulletin  of  July   10,  1967, 
p.  35. 

period  of  9  or  10  hours,  to  go  over  the  world 
situation  in  considerable  detail. 

I  think  that  the  fact  that  they  did  meet  was 
a  plus.  There  would  have  been  general  dis- 
aiDpointment  throughout  the  world  and  in  this 
country  had  they  not  found  it  possible  to  meet. 
The  fact  that  they  were  able  to  expose  to  each 
other  their  points  of  view  in  considerable  de- 
tail at  least  made  it  possible  for  each  side  to 
understand  somewhat  more  clearly  the  respec- 
tive views  of  the  two  Governments. 

We  did  not  expect  miracles  to  emerge  from 
the  Glassboro  talks.  The  net  effect  of  those  talks 
will  be  manifested  in  the  weeks  and  months  to 
come  as  we  try  to  find  agreement  on  particular 

As  far  as  we're  concerned,  we  are  prepared 
to  try  to  find  points  of  agreement  with  the 
Soviet  Union — on  small  points  such  as  cultural 
exchanges  and  on  large  points  such  as  Viet-Nam 
or  the  Middle  East. 

But  there  are  obvious  differences  which  are 
far  reaching  between  our  two  countries.  The 
basic  objectives  of  the  Soviet  Union  continue 
to  be  to  support  the  world  revolution.  The  ques- 
tion of  means  is  important.  We  hope  that  the 
Soviet  Union  will  understand  the  importance 
of  prudence  in  a  world  situation  in  which  frail 
human  beings  have  weapons  of  mass  destruc- 
tion at  their  disposal.  So  we  do  not  approach 
our  relations  with  the  Soviet  Union  on  the  basis 
of  total  hostility  on  the  one  side  or  any  illusions 
about  the  depth  and  the  importance  of  the  ques- 
tions which  separate  us. 

Now,  this  is  a  matter  which  requires  continual 
work  day  after  day,  week  after  week